Terima Kasih Atas Kesempatan Yang Diberikan Kepada Saya - Id.en

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Thank you for the opportunity given to me

My name is Siti Musdalifah, I can be called Iffah

I am an alumnus of the 2021 master's degree in nursing students. Thank God, I finished in
December 2022. The title of my thesis is the effect of fitness exercise for the elderly on
insomnia and physical fitness in the elderly.
I have worked as an executive nurse at Unhas Hospital for 6 years now.

My motivation to study at Unhas is because:

1. I am a graduate of S1 Ners Unhas
2. College and work places are close by
3. The Unhas Hospital where I work provides financial assistance with a 50% discount in
school fees, so it really helps me with college funding.
4. The Unhas master's program has been accredited A
5. I have fellow Unhas Hospital employees who are registering to continue their
Masters education, so I'm not alone
6. I happen to be an Unhas alumni, so I really know that the lecturers at Unhas Nursing
are very professional in teaching

At first I didn't know that the Unhas nursing master's curriculum at that time, namely in
2021, was accelerated in the sense that the education system at that time was being pushed
so that students could complete their education more quickly. I was shocked and surprised
because we were still in the first semester of preparation for compiling a thesis report,
creating a title, and consulting with the thesis supervisor. However, this method is very
effective in making nursing master's graduates increase every year and teaches students to
think quickly and critically. Apart from that, with a short curriculum, working students can
also more easily complete their education. Actually, it depends on each individual how they
manage their study time well and balance their time between studying and working.

I work and study at the same time to save time. Coincidentally, at that time I was working as
a nurse at Unhas Hospital, and coincidentally, about 80% of my lectures were done online or
via Zoom rather than face to face, so I could arrange my working hours or shifts with the
lecture time that would take place. This does not interfere with my work at the hospital and I
can attend all lectures on time. Sometimes if I have assignments on campus I can do them in
free time during the night shift or if there are few patients. Thank God, during this process I
was able to handle it very well. I also happen to be single so other things don't bother me at
college or my job at the hospital.

Lectures also help me upgrade my nursing knowledge directly to managed patients, or vice
versa, I can gain a lot of knowledge from managed patients which can be used as case
reports during college.
I am also an exchange student from the Yokohama University Japan program in 2021 from
November to February 2022 or for 3 months, but lectures are only conducted online or
Zoom, because in 2021 Japan is still very much anticipating Covid 19. However, there are
many valuable experiences from the program:
1. I can make many friends in various countries, such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan,
Thailand and the Philippines
2. The YUSS program helps provide input and ideas regarding the research that I will
carry out by inviting professional nurses in the field that I am interested in to share
knowledge with each other.
3. We also discussed several development goal issues, such as health issues and
empowerment of the elderly

If you ask me about how I feel about working while studying, to be honest it is very tiring,
sometimes I don't get enough sleep because of that, but from this process I was able to
learn how to be efficient with my time, so that I was able to finish my studies on time,
namely 1 year and 3 months. Not only that, I also become a motivation for other colleagues
that working does not stop us from learning to seek knowledge, if we want to try, God
willing, we will definitely be able to. School is not just about seeking knowledge but can be a
benefit for our careers in the future.

After studying for a master's degree, Alhamdulillah, I was able to work in service as a
primary nurse at Unhas Hospital and also in education as a lecturer at a nursing institute.

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