FB EG Standard NE Answer

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(本冊 p.


Exercise 1
解 答
1 1)My brother often (runs) around the lake. every morning.
2)The library (closes) at six on Sundays. 4)a)People enjoy karaoke in many
3)I (stayed) in London last month. countries.
4)My baby (slept) well last night. 4 1)The first train (starts[leaves]) (at) 5:20
2 1)[Mr. Nakano is a teacher] at our school. every morning.
2)[Ken is very kind] to everyone. 2)The flowers in the garden (smell) (sweet).
3)[Your idea sounds interesting]. 3)She (keeps) a (diary) in English.
3 1)b)He studied English for an hour last Challenge!

night. 1)Mr.Yamada often runs with his son.

2)d)They built this bridge five years ago. 2)She looked[seemed / appeared] very angry.
3) c )My grandmother reads the newspaper

1 1)私の兄[弟]はよく湖の周りを走ります。 3 1)彼は昨夜, 1 時間英語の勉強をしました。
2)図書館は日曜日は 6 時に閉館します。 2)彼らはこの橋を 5 年前に建設しました。
3)私は先月ロンドンに滞在しました。 3)祖母は毎朝新聞を読みます。
4)私の赤ちゃんは昨夜よく眠りました。 4)多くの国で人びとはカラオケを楽しみます。

1 1)② 3 1)⑥⑦
2)② 2)⑥⑦
3)② 3)⑥⑦
4)② 4)⑥⑦
2 1)③ 4 1)②
2)④ 2)⑤
3)⑤ 3)⑥⑦

(本冊 p.15)

Exercise 2
解 答
1 1)[Mr. Sato teaches us math]. break.
2)[She made me coffee]. 2)(Raise) your hand if you have any
3)[I bought him a tie]. questions.
2 1)Please show the photos of your trip to 3)I (waited for) Yuka for an hour yesterday.
me. 4)Tom (resembles) his father.
2)My brother got a Christmas present for 5)He is going to (marry) Lisa next month.
me. Challenge!

3 1)[I consider her polite]. 1)My friend(s) baked me a cake for my

2)[You’ll find the novel exciting]. birthday.
3)[She made us happy] with her nice smile. 2)We named the puppy Kuro.
4 1)I (lay) on the grass during the lunch

2 1)あなたの旅行の写真を私に見せてください。 3)私は昨日ユカを 1 時間待ちました。
2)兄[弟]は私にクリスマスプレゼントを買って 4)トムは父親に似ています。
くれました。 5)彼は来月リサと結婚する予定です。
4 1)私は昼休みに芝生の上で横になりました。

1 1)① 3)⑤
2)② 4 1)⑦
3)② 2)⑦
2 1)③ A ヒント 3)⑨
2)③ A ヒント 4)⑧
3 1)⑤ 5)⑧

(本冊 p.17)

Exercise Plus 文型

1 1)(Close) your eyes. 2)(What) a cute dog this is!

2)(Be) kind to old people. 3)(How) lucky he is!
3)(Don’t) (be) afraid. 4)(What) beautiful pictures they painted!
4)(Let’s) take a rest here. 4 1)[Open the book to page 24].
2 1)[There are some restaurants in] this 2)[There will be no class] tomorrow.
building. 3)[How difficult this question is]!
2)[There was a public bath in front of] my 4)[What a cold day it is] today!
house when I was a boy. Challenge!

3)[Is there a bank near] the station? 1)Don’t play baseball here.
4)[There weren’t any letters for you]. 2)There is a big[tall] cherry tree in
3 1)(How) heavy your bag is! our[the] schoolyard.

2 1)このビルの中にレストランがいくつかありま 3)駅の近くに銀行がありますか。
す。 4)あなたへの手紙はありませんでした。

1 1)① 3 1)⑧
2)② 2)⑦
3)④ 3)⑧
4)⑤ 4)⑦
2 1)⑥ 4 1)①
2)⑥ 2)⑥
3)⑥ 3)⑧
4)⑥ 4)⑦

(本冊 p.19)

Exercise 3
解 答
1 1)Tom (takes) a shower and goes to work game on TV now.
every morning. 3)Yuka often wears red, but she (is
2)She (likes) their songs and listens to wearing) a blue dress today.
them every day. 4)This digital camera (belongs) to me.
3)Water generally (freezes) at 0 °
C. 5 1)My sister usually (goes) to school by
2 1)We will start the game when he (comes). bicycle, but today she (walked) to school.
2)If someone (visits) me, tell him or her 2)I (bought) a new English dictionary last
I’m out shopping. week.
3)We don’t know if Jane (will join) our 3)(Is) he (listening) to music now?
dance club. 4)If (it) (is) nice tomorrow, we will go for a
3 1)We (lived) in London five years ago. drive.
2)My husband often (made[cooked]) Challenge!

breakfast for me before. 1)We have five English classes[lessons]

4 1)We (have) a PE class in the first period (in) a week.
every Monday. 2)When Jane called[rang / phoned] me, I
2)My father (is watching) the baseball was cooking[making] dinner.

1 1)トムは毎朝シャワーを浴びて,仕事に行きま 4 1)私たちは毎週月曜日の 1 時限目に体育の授業
す。 があります。
2)彼女は彼らの歌が好きで,毎日聞きます。 2)父は今,テレビで野球の試合を見ています。
3)水は一般に摂氏 0 度で凍ります。 3)ユカはよく赤い服を着ますが,今日は青い服
2 1)彼が来たら私たちは試合を始めるつもりです。 を着ています。
2)誰かが私を訪ねてきたら,買い物に出かけて 4)このデジタルカメラは私のものです。

1 1)④ 2)② 3)③ 4 1)C 注 意 2)⑦
2 1)A 注 意 2)A 注 意 3)⑦
3)A 注 意 4)C 注 意
3 1)⑤ 5 1)④⑤ 2)⑤
2)⑥ 3)⑦ 4)A 注 意

(本冊 p.21)

Exercise 4
解 答
1 1)My sister (will) (be) a high school student the bed.
next year. 3 1)The first term (ends) on July 20.
2)My aunt (is) (going) (to) visit China this 2)Our flight (leaves[is leaving]) in ten
summer. minutes. Hurry up!
3)I (will) (talk) to her tomorrow. 3)I (am going) to Hawaii with my family
4)I’m (not) (going) (to) ask him for help. next week.
5)(Are) you (going) (to) (see[watch]) the 4)When I arrive at the stadium, they (will
movie? be playing) the game.
2 1)“ The phone is ringing. ” “ I (will) answer Challenge!

it. ” 1)I’m going to travel alone[by myself]

2)There are no clouds in the sky. It (is during my[the] summer vacation
going to) be a lovely day. [holidays].
3)Perhaps we (will) meet again some day. 2)We will be taking an exam[a test] (at)
4)Look out! The baby (is going to) fall off this time tomorrow.

1 1)① 3)①
2)④ 4)③
3)② 3 1)⑥⑦
4)④ 2)⑤
5)④ 3)⑤
2 1)② 4)⑧

(本冊 p.23)

Exercise 5
解 答
1 1)I (have met) him twice. This is the third 4)“ (Have) you (ever) (used) this machine? ”
time. “ No, I (haven’t). ”
2)They are good friends. They (have 4 1)I (helped) my brother with his
known) each other for five years. homework yesterday.
2 1)Ms. Brown (has) (lived[been]) in Japan 2)The bus (has already left). I have to
(for) two years. take a taxi.
2)Mike (has) (gone) to Canada. 3)When (did you go) to Germany?
3)I (have) (never) (been) to Okinawa. 4)(Have you taken) a shower yet?
4)Tom has just (been[returned]) (to[from]) 5)She (wanted) to be a soccer player when
the bookstore. she was a child.
3 1)I (have) (already) (seen[watched]) the Challenge!

movie. 1)I have never been abroad[overseas / to a

2)The plane (has) (not) (taken) off (yet). foreign country].
3)Kaori (has) (never) (eaten[had]) an olive. 2)Tom has been sick[ill] for two weeks.

1 1)私は彼に 2 回会ったことがあります。これで 私は一度も沖縄に行ったことがありません。
3 回目です。 4)トムは書店に行き,そして今ちょうど帰って
2)彼らは親友です。知り合ってから 5 年になり きました。
ます。 トムは書店に行ってきたところです。
2 1)ブラウンさんは 2 年前に日本に来ました。彼 4 1)私は昨日,弟[兄]の宿題を手伝いました。
女はまだ日本に住んでいます。 2)バスはもう出てしまいました。私はタクシー
ブラウンさんは 2 年間日本に住んでいます。 に乗らなければなりません。
2)マイクはカナダに行きました。彼は今ここに 3)いつドイツに行ったのですか。
はいません。 4)もうシャワーを浴びましたか。
マイクはカナダに行ってしまいました。 5)彼女は,子どものときサッカー選手になりた
3)これは私にとって初めての沖縄への訪問にな いと思っていました。

1 1)① 3)⑤
2)① 4)⑤
2 1)⑥ 4 1)B ヒント
2)⑦ 2)④
3)⑤ 3)B ヒント
4)④ 4)④
3 1)④ 5)B ヒント

(本冊 p.25)

Exercise 6
解 答
1 1)The store (had already closed) when I hour when it began to rain.
got there. 4)It (has been raining) on and off since
2)Kate (had belonged) to the tennis club yesterday.
for two years before I met her. 4 1)When he went back to the office, the
3)I (had never heard) the song before you meeting (had) (already) (started[begun]).
sang it. 2)I (had) (been) (sleeping) for two hours
4)We heard on the radio that they (had when you called me.
reached) the top of Mt. Everest the day 3)This snow (will) (have) (stopped) by
before. tomorrow morning.
2 1)I (will have already eaten) breakfast by 5 1)I had been looking for my purse for
the time you get up. thirty minutes before I found it.
2)He (will have seen) the movie five times 2)Japan will have changed a lot by the
if he sees it again. time these children grow up.
3)We (will have lived) together for one 3)She thought she had seen the lady
year next month. somewhere before.
3 1)We (had been talking) on the phone for Challenge!

two hours when the clock struck 1)We had lived in Sendai before we moved
midnight. to Tokyo.
2)He (has been working) in the garden 2)My father has been washing his[the]
since this morning. car since this morning.
3)I (had been walking) for more than an

1 1)私がそこに着いたときには,その店はすでに す。
閉まっていました。 3 1)私たちは,時計が深夜の 0 時を告げたとき,
2)私がケイトに会う前,彼女は 2 年間テニスク 電話で 2 時間話をしていました。
ラブに所属していました。 2)彼は今朝からずっと庭で作業をしています。
3)あなたがそれを歌うまで,私はその歌を聞い 3)雨が降り出したときには,私は 1 時間以上歩
たことがありませんでした。 いていました。
4)彼らが前日にエベレストの山頂に到達したと 4)昨日から雨が降ったりやんだりしています。
いうことを,私たちはラジオで聞きました。 5 1)財布が見つかるまで30分間探していました。
2 1)あなたが起きるまでに,私は朝食をすでに食 2)この子たちが大人になるころには,日本は大
べ終えているでしょう。 きく変わっているでしょう。
2)その映画をもう一度見れば,彼は 5 回見たこ 3)彼女は以前にどこかでその女性に会ったこと
とになります。 があると思いました。
3)私たちは来月で一緒に暮らして 1 年になりま

1 1)① 3)C※
2)③ 4)⑥
3)② 4 1)①
4)④ 2)C※
2 1)⑤ 3)⑤
2)⑤ 5 1)C※
3)⑤ 2)⑤
3 1)C※ 3)④

(本冊 p.27)

Exercise 7
解 答
1 1)“ I forgot my homework. ” “ OK. But you 3)帰宅したらすぐに,あなたに電話します。
(must) hand it in tomorrow morning. ” 4)吠える犬はめったにかまない。
2)“ (May[Can]) I have your name? ” 3 1)Tom (had) (to) run to be in time for
“ Sure. My name is Ito Yoko. ” class.
3)You (must[can]) not park your car here. 2)My son (won’t) (listen) to me.
This is a priority parking. 3)My father has just come home from a
4)He is coughing. He (must[may]) have a business trip. He (must) (be) very tired.
cold. 4)She (may[will]) (well[probably]) change
5)You have a lot of time. You (don’t) (have) her mind sooner or later.
to decide now. 5)The station is not far from here, so we
6)“ We will have a new baby next month. ” (may[might]) (as) (well) walk there.
“ Congratulations! You (must) be very Challenge!

happy. ” 1)It may snow tomorrow morning.

2 1)明日は暑くなるでしょう。 2)I will study abroad in the future.

1 1)「宿題を忘れてしまいました」「わかりました。 4)彼はせきをしています。かぜをひいているに
でも,明日の朝に提出しなければいけませ ちがいあり[のかもしれ]ません。
ん」 5)時間は十分にあります。今決める必要はあり
「お名前を伺ってよろしいでしょうか」「はい。 ません。
私の名前はイトウヨウコです」 6)
3)ここに駐車してはいけません[することはで ざいます。すごくうれしいでしょうね」

1 1)① 3)⑨
2)④ 4)⑦
3)② 3 1)①
4)③(⑤) 2)⑨
5)② 3)③
6)③ 4)B 注 意 ,⑥
2 1)⑥ 5)B 注 意

(本冊 p.29)

Exercise 8
解 答
1 1)Mika (can) (play) the violin. few minutes.
2)I was (able) (to) (swim) across this river. 3)We (need) (not) (wait) for him.
3)She (couldn’t) (eat) carrots when she 4 1)I (cannot[can’t]) exercise (too) (much).
was small. 2)I (could) (not) help crying when I saw
4)He (will) (be) (able) (to) (walk) soon. the film.
2 1)You (can) (use) my bike anytime. 3)Where (shall) (we) meet?
2)(Can) his story (be) true? Challenge!

3)Anybody (can) (make) a mistake. 1)I can make friends with many[a lot of /
4)She (cannot[can’t]) (be) at home. lots of] people.
3 1)I think children (should) (not) watch TV 2)Shall I carry[give you a hand with] this
till late at night. suitcase?
2)Ms. White (should) (be[come]) here in a

1 1)ミカはバイオリンを弾くことができます。 できませんでした。
2)私はこの川を泳いで渡ることができました。 4)彼はまもなく歩けるようになるでしょう。

1 1)① 4)④
2)① 3 1)⑤
3)① 2)⑥
4)① 3)B※
2 1)② 4 1)A 注 意
2)④ 2)A 注 意
3)③ 3)⑧

(本冊 p.31)

Exercise 9
解 答
1 1)There (used) (to) be a small shop at the 3)Masaru is in Kyoto now. You (can’t
corner. [cannot / couldn’t]) (have) (seen) him
2)It is raining hard outside. We (had) last night.
(better) wait here for a while. 4)I caught a cold in the rain. I (should)
3)We (had) (better) (not) tell her the truth. (have) (stayed) home.
2 1)ひょっとすると彼の話は本当かもしれません 4 1)[Our school used to be only] for girls.
が,私は信じません。 2)I sent a letter to you a week ago. [You
2)彼女は 2 時間前に家を出ました。今ごろはオ should have received it] by now.
フィスに着いているでしょう。 Challenge!

3 1)Kenji (may [might]) (have) (found) the 1)Could[Would] you turn down the
answer to the question. (volume of) music?
2)Those boys (must) (have) (broken) this 2)I should not[shouldn’t] have eaten[had]
window. so much cake[many pieces of cake].

1 1)②,A 注 意 2)⑦
2)① 3)⑨
3)① 4)⑩(b)
2 1)③ 4 1)②
2)③ 2)⑩(a)
3 1)⑥

(本冊 pp.32∼33)

Output Training 1
解 答
【指定ルール】 2) Ben is carrying a heavy box[heavy
1 1) My mother watches the TV drama boxes].
every morning. 3) This picture was painted[drawn] by my
2) I played tennis with my brother last aunt.
week. 2 1) She named the dog Shiro.
3) She has been to the U.S.A.[USA / 2) I heard someone call my name.
United States of America / America] 3) She made her son clean his (own) room.
three times. 4) Our coach often tells us to practice
4) My sister has been studying since this every day.
morning. Grammar in Context

2 1) You must[have to] finish (writing) the A: What are you doing?
report by tomorrow. B: I ’m l o o k i n g [ s e a r c h i n g ] f o r m y
2) It will snow tomorrow. headphones. I may[might] have lost
3) I can see the sea[ocean] from my room. them.
4) Mike should eat more vegetables. A: I saw Peter listening to music with
3 1) My mother doesn’t know the famous them.
singer. B: Oh, really? I have been looking
2) I can’t[cannot] play the piano well. [searching] for them since this morning.
1 1) This problem[question] is very

(本冊 p.35)

E x e r c i s e 10
解 答
1 1)His books (are) (read) by many people. 2)How long (have) you (been) (married)?
2)This castle (was) (built) in the 16th 3)The restaurant (was) (closed) yesterday.
century. 4 1)[Where was this photo taken]?
3)Many kinds of chocolates (are) (sold) at 2)The book [has not been translated into
this store. Japanese] yet.
2 1)His new album (will be released) next 3)This elevator [is being checked because
month. of some trouble].
2)Her songs (have been sung) since we 4)My wife [was born and raised in Brazil].
were children. Challenge!

3)A new stadium (is being built) for the 1)Our school festival is held in September
sports event now. every year.
4)This machine (can be used) by anybody. 2)The train was delayed due to[because
3 1)The flights for Okinawa (are) (delayed) of] an accident.
because of the typhoon.

2 1)彼の新しいアルバムは来月発売されます。 4 1)この写真はどこで撮影されたのですか。
2)彼女の歌は私たちが子どものときから歌われ 2)その本はまだ日本語に翻訳されていません。
ています。 3)このエレベーターは故障のため点検中です。
3)新しいスタジアムが今,スポーツイベントの 4)私の妻はブラジルで生まれ育ちました。

1 1)① 3 1)⑨
2)② 2)⑨
3)② 3)⑨
2 1)⑤ 4 1)⑦
2)③ 2)③
3)④ 3)④
4)⑤ 4)⑨

(本冊 p.37)

E x e r c i s e 11
解 答
1 1)Bonsai (is) (known) (to) many people all train. ”
over the world. 3 1)This camera (was) (given) (to) my
2)I (am) (satisfied[pleased]) (with) my brother by our uncle.
report card. 2)These cakes (were) (made) (for) the
3)The climbers (were) (caught) (in) a children by their mother.
sudden thunderstorm. 3)He (is) (called) the (king) of soccer.
4)No one (was) (injured[hurt]) (in) that 4 1)The flowers are (taken) (care) (of) by
accident. Maki.
2 1)b)I was sent these vegetables by my 2)She (is) (said) (to) be the oldest woman
aunt. in the world.
c )These vegetables were sent to me by Challenge!

my aunt. 1)I am interested in cooking.

2)This necklace was bought for my sister 2)I was spoken to by a foreigner at the
by him. station.
3)The Shinkansen is called the “ bullet

2 1)a)私のおばは私にこれらの野菜を送りまし 3)a)私たちは新幹線を bullet train
た。 車)
b)私はおばからこれらの野菜を送られまし b)新幹線は bullet train(弾丸列車)と呼ば
た。 れています。
c )これらの野菜はおばから私に送られたも 4 1)a)マキはその花の世話をしています。
のです。 b)それらの花はマキに世話をされています。
2)a)彼は姉[妹]にこのネックレスを買いまし 2)a)彼女は,世界でもっとも高齢の女性だと
た。 言われています。
b)このネックレスは彼が姉[妹]に買ってく b)彼女は,世界でもっとも高齢の女性だと
れたものです。 言われています。

1 1)① 注 意 3 1)③
2)② 2)③ 注 意
3)① 3)④
4)① 4 1)⑤
2 1)③ 2)⑥
2)③ 注 意

(本冊 p.39)

E x e r c i s e 12
解 答
1 1)(To) (learn[study]) about other cultures 3)Who was the first man to walk on the
is very important. moon?
2)My advice to you is (to) (start[begin]) 4)My mother made a promise to buy me a
early. camera for my birthday.
3)(It) is dangerous (for) young children (to) 5)There are a lot of things to talk about at
(play) on this street. the meeting.
4)How long does it (take) (to) (go) to New 4 1)There wasn’t anything (to) (eat) in the
Zealand by air? refrigerator.
2 1)Yuka has decided (to) (be[become]) a 2)I’m looking for someone (to) (help) my
kindergarten teacher in the future. grandmother.
2)Our family is planning (to) (travel) in Challenge!

Hokkaido by car this summer. 1)I decided[have decided / made up my

3)I found (it) difficult (to) (win) the game mind / have made up my mind] to go on
against them. a diet.
3 1)It’s very hot here. I’d like something 2)She had a lot of[much] work to do last
cold to drink. week.
2)This is my first time to visit Okinawa.

3 1)ここはとても暑い。何か冷たい飲み物が欲し 5)会議では話し合うことがたくさんあります。
いのですが。 4 1)冷蔵庫には食べる物が何もありませんでした。
2)沖縄を訪れるのはこれが初めてです。 2)私は祖母を手助けしてくれる人を探していま
3)月面を最初に歩いた人は誰ですか。 す。

1 1)① 2)⑨
2)③ 3)⑥
3)④ 注 意 4)⑨
4)④ 5)⑧
2 1)② 4 1)⑦
2)② 2)⑥
3 1)⑦

(本冊 p.41)

E x e r c i s e 13
解 答
1 1)She is studying English hard (to) (be 3 1)He promised [not to be late for] school
[become]) an interpreter in the future. again.
2)I was very glad (to) (hear) about their 2)I [felt someone touch my shoulder].
victory. 3)I [woke up to find it was] snowing
3)The boy grew up (to) (be[become]) a outside that morning.
scientist. 4)It is [wrong of him to say such a thing].
4)(It) was careless (of) you to sit on your 5)She sometimes [gets her brother to help
glasses. with her homework].
2 1)I (saw) a man (get[come]) out of the Challenge!

building last night. 1)My brother is saving money to travel

2)I (heard) someone (call) my name in the overseas[abroad].
crowd. 2)My mother made[had] me do my
3)My parents (let) me (get) a driver’s license. homework before I went out.
4)You should (have) a doctor (check
[examine]) your neck right away.
1 1)彼女は将来通訳になるために一生懸命英語を 2)誰かが肩に触れるのを感じました。
勉強しています。 3)その朝私が目を覚ますと,外は雪が降ってい
2)彼らの勝利を聞いてとてもうれしかった。 ました。
3)その少年は大人になって科学者になりました。 4)そんなことを言うなんて,彼は間違っていま
4)眼鏡の上に座るなんて,君は不注意でした。 す。
3 1)彼は二度と学校に遅れないことを約束しまし 5)彼女はときどき兄
た。 います。

1 1)① 4)⑦
2)② 3 1)⑤
3)③ 2)⑥
4)④ ※ 3)③
2 1)⑥ 4)④※
2)⑥ 5)⑦

(本冊 p.43)

E x e r c i s e 14
解 答
1 1)I [want you to come with me]. 3 1)She seems (to) (have) (visited) us while
2)I [asked her to help me] with the we were out.
gardening. 2)There appears (to) (have) (been) an
3)You can’t [expect young children to sit accident here.
still] for a long time. 3)I’m sorry (to) (have) (lost) the pen you
2 1)The couple (seem[appear]) (to) (love) lent me.
each other deeply. Challenge!

2)My parents (got[came]) (to) (know) each 1)I want my sister to clean (up) her (own)
other in high school. room.
3)The man (turned) out (to) be innocent. 2)Ms.[Mr.] Yamada told us to bring our
4)The conference (is) (to) (be[get]) held in (own) dictionaries[dictionary] to
Japan next month. (her[his]) class.
5)You are (to) (be) (quiet) in the library.

3 1)私たちが外出中に,彼女が私たちを訪れたよ 3)あなたが貸してくれたペンをなくしてしまい,
うです。 申し訳ありません。

1 1)② 4)④
2)① 5)③
3)② 3 1)⑦
2 1)⑥ 2)⑦
2)⑤ 3)⑧

(本冊 p.45)

Exercise Plus 不定詞

解 答
1 1)I’ll ask the station staff [where to buy 3 1)(To) (begin) (with), I’d like to ask you a
the ticket]. few questions.
2)She asked her mother [what to cook for 2)(To) (tell) you (the) (truth), I don’t like
dinner]. fish.
3)Do you know [how to use this microwave 3)It’s very cold. (To) (make) (matters)
oven]? (worse), it has begun to rain.
2 1)Our team is (likely) (to) (win) the game. 4)(Needless) (to) (say), your health is the
2)His handwriting is not easy (to) (read). most important thing.
3)He was always (ready) (to) (help) people Challenge!

in trouble. 1)I don’t have enough time to go

4)She is (old) (enough) (to) help her shopping.
mother. 2)To be honest, the movie was boring for
5)This book is (too) difficult for me (to) [to] me.

1 1)① 4)⑤
2)① 5)⑥
3)① 3 1)⑦
2 1)② 2)⑦
2)③ 3)⑦
3)④ 4)⑦

(本冊 p.47)

E x e r c i s e 15
解 答
1 1)(Buying) things online is easy and fast. the future.
2)My father’s job is (helping) sick people. 6)Would you mind (waiting) here a minute?
3)She doesn’t like (speaking) in public. 4 1)a)I tried (to open) the window, but it
4)My brother goes to work without (eating) wouldn’t open. b)I tried (drinking)
breakfast every morning. the coffee, and found it was delicious.
2 1)I don’t like (my) (father(’s)) (singing) 2)a)It’s going to be hot today. Don’t
songs in the bathroom. forget (to wear) a cap. b)I’ll never
2)We are sure of (his[him]) (winning) the forget (going) to the amusement park
game. with my parents.
3)She is against (her) (daughter(’s)) 3)a)I remember (having) a date with
(wearing) such a short skirt. him before. b)Remember (to call) Mr.
3 1)I haven’t finished (writing) the report Brown tomorrow afternoon.
yet. 4)a)I regret (to tell) you that she can’t
2)He refused (to answer) any questions. come today. b)I regret (missing) the
3)Ms. Yamada enjoys (playing) with her chance to meet her.
children on weekends. Challenge!

4)They are planning (to visit) Kyoto 1)I’m good at baking cookies.
tomorrow. 2)Ken gave up getting a ticket for[of] the
5)The girl hopes (to become) a singer in concert.

1 1)ネットで買い物をするのは簡単ではやい。 6)ここで少し待っていただけませんか。
2)父の仕事は病気の人たちを助けることです。 4 1)a) 窓を開けようとしましたが,どうしても
3)彼女は人前で話すことが好きではありません。 開きませんでした。 b) 試しにそのコー
4)兄[弟]は毎朝,朝食を食べないで仕事に行き ヒーを飲んでみたら,おいしかったです。
ます。 2)a) 今日は暑くなりそうです。忘れずに帽子
3 1)私はそのレポートをまだ書き終えていません。 をかぶりなさい。 b) 両親と遊園地に行っ
2)彼はどんな質問にも答えることを拒否しまし たことを決して忘れないでしょう。
た。 3)a) 以前に彼とデートしたことを覚えていま
3)山田さんは週末に子どもたちと遊んで楽しみ す。 b) 明日の午後,忘れずにブラウンさ
ます。 んに電話をしなさい。
4)彼らは明日,京都を訪れることを計画してい 4)a) 残念なお知らせですが,彼女は今日来る
ます。 ことができません。 b) 彼女に会う機会を
5)その少女は将来歌手になることを希望してい 逃してしまって残念です。

1 1)① 3)⑦
2)③ 4)⑥
3)② 5)⑥
4)④ 6)⑦
2 1)⑤ 4 1)⑧
2)⑤ 2)⑧
3)⑤ 3)⑧
3 1)⑦ 4)⑧

(本冊 p.49)

E x e r c i s e 16
解 答
1 1)She dislikes (being) (called) by her (driving) on the left.
nickname. 3)Heavy snow (prevented[stopped / kept])
2)I was surprised at (being) (spoken) to by me (from) leaving home.
a person from another country. 4 1)There is (no) (telling) when an
3)I can’t imagine (not) (having) books to earthquake will happen.
read in my life. 2)I don’t feel (like) (eating) anything at all.
4)He is disappointed at (not) (getting) the 3)(How[What]) (about) swimming in the
job. sea?
2 1)I’m ashamed of (having) (been) (rude) to Challenge!

him. 1)She is proud of having been a nurse

2)I’m sure of (having) (locked) the door when she was young.
before I left the house. 2)I’m looking forward to seeing[meeting]
3 1)The museum (is) (worth) (visiting) again. my sister’s boyfriend.
2)They (are) not (used[accustomed]) (to)

2 1)彼に失礼なことをしたことを恥ずかしく思い 4 1)地震がいつ起こるかを言う[知る]ことはでき
ます。 ません。
2)私は家を出る前に確かにドアの鍵を閉めまし 2)私は何も食べたくありません。
た。 3)海で泳ぐのはどうですか。

1 1)③ 3 1)⑪
2)③ 2)⑤
3)① 3)⑫
4)① 4 1)⑧
2 1)② 2)⑨
2)② 3)⑩

(本冊 p.51)

E x e r c i s e 17
解 答
1 1)The (road) (leading[heading / going]) to in the café.
the park is full of cars on weekends. 4)He heard his name (called) from behind.
2)We need to clean up the (fallen) (leaves) 4 1)I (want) this work (finished[done]) by
every day at this time of the year. tomorrow.
3)The (car) (used) was probably stolen. 2)Did you (have[got]) your computer
4)The (man) (taken[carried]) to the (repaired[fixed]) by your father?
hospital yesterday is my neighbor. 3)I (had[got]) my bag (caught) in the train
2 1)The phone kept (ringing) while I was doors this morning.
taking a shower. 4)She can (make) herself (understood) in
2)She looked (satisfied) with my answer. three languages.
3)The man kept (standing) in the rain. Challenge!

4)I feel (relaxed) when I take a hot bath. 1)I like her new song (which was / that
3 1)I saw a balloon (floating) over my town. was) released last week.
2)I looked up and saw the sky (covered) 2)They kept[left] the window closed for a
with dark clouds. long time.
3)We heard some girls (talking) happily

2 1)私がシャワーを浴びている間,電話が鳴り続 ました。
けていました。 2)見上げると空が黒い雲でおおわれているのが
2)彼女は私の返事に満足しているように見えま 見えました。
した。 3)私たちは女の子たちがカフェで楽しく話をし
3)その男の人は雨の中を立ち続けていました。 ているのを聞きました。
4)温かい風呂に入ると,リラックスした気分に 4)彼は自分の名前が後ろから呼ばれるのを聞き
なります。 ました。
3 1)私の町の上空に風船が浮かんでいるのが見え

1 1)① 3 1)⑤(a)
2)② 2)⑤(b)
3)② 3)⑤(a)
4)② 4)⑤(b)
2 1)③(a) 4 1)④(b)
2)③(b) 2)⑥
3)③(a) 3)⑥
4)③(b) 4)⑦

(本冊 p.53)

E x e r c i s e 18
解 答
3)(Shopping) in the department store
1 1)The dog came (running) with his owner. yesterday, I ran into an old friend.
2)We sat (playing) cards and (drinking) 4)(Written) in simple English, it was not
cola. so hard for me to read the book.
3)The teacher stood (surrounded) by many 4 1)[Seen from the tower], the cars look like
children. toys.
2 1)I [spent Sunday afternoon buying 2)My brother went out, [saying he would
Christmas presents] for my family. be back] in an hour.
2)My sister [is busy cooking dinner] now. 3)[Walking home in the rain], I got wet to
3)The old woman [walked supported by the skin.
her grandchild]. Challenge!

3 1)She entered her room, (turning) on the 1)I’m busy planning his birthday party.
TV. 2)Asked by our teacher suddenly, I
2)(Feeling) very tired, I went to bed early couldn’t[wasn’t able to] answer the[his /
last night. her] question.

3 1)彼女は自分の部屋に入ると,テレビをつけま した。
した。 4 1)塔から見ると,車はおもちゃのように見えま
2)とても疲れていたので,昨晩は早く寝ました。 す。
3)昨日デパートで買い物をしていたとき,旧友 2)兄[弟]は 1 時間後に戻ると言って出て行きま
に偶然会いました。 した。
4)簡単な英語で書かれていたので,その本を読 3)雨の中を歩いて帰って,びしょぬれになりま
むことは私にはそれほど難しくありませんで した。

1 1)③ 2)⑧
2)③ 3)⑧
3)④ 4)⑨
2 1)① 4 1)⑨
2)② 2)⑤
3)④ 3)⑥⑧
3 1)⑦

(本冊 p.55)

Exercise Plus 分詞

解 答
1 1)(Not) (having) much money, I couldn’t 2)(Considering) his age, my grandfather
buy the book. is strong.
2)(Not) (having) (eaten[had]) breakfast, I 3)(Judging) (from) the look of the sky, it’s
ate lunch before noon. going to rain soon.
3)(Having) (left) home early, I got to the 4)(Compared) (to[with]) last winter, this
Osaka Station in the morning. winter is very cold.
2 1)[It being hot today], I took a shower 5)The boy looked at the big Christmas
twice. tree (with) his eyes (shining).
2)[All things considered], you should 6)Listen to me (with) your textbooks (closed).
accept his offer. Challenge!

3)[There being no buses], we had to walk 1)Having stayed up late last night, I’m
to the station. very sleepy now.
3 1)(Generally) (speaking), women live longer 2)Frankly speaking, I don’t like our school
than men. uniform.

1 1)① 3 1)⑤
2)①② 2)⑤
3)② 3)⑤
2 1)③ 4)⑥
2)③ 5)④(a)
3)③ 注 意 6)④(b)

(本冊 p.56~57)

Output Training 2
解 答
【指定ルール】 care of].
1 1)Lisa was[got] relieved not to fail the 2)She didn’t have (enough) time to meet
exam[test]. [see] her friend(s).
2)He got up early in order not to be late 3 1)I called the hotel to reserve[book] a room.
for school. 2)Mark was[got] disappointed to hear the
2 1)Not having[eating] breakfast is not news.
good[bad] for your health. 3)You were lucky to get the[that] ticket.
2)I’m proud of not having lied[told a lie] Grammar in Context

at that time. A: I have to[must] go home early today to

3 1)Not knowing what to do, I kept finish my homework.
[remained / stayed] silent. B: You seem busy. You (will) have no[don’t
2)Not having been satisfied with the have] time to play online games with
result, Ken decided[made up his mind] me tonight.
to study more[harder]. A: I need to find information for my
【説明ルール】 homework on the Internet tonight.
1 1)It is fun [interesting] to study English. B: Take care. Not getting[having] enough
2)It is very [really / so] difficult for me to sleep[Not sleeping enough] is bad[not
bake cakes[a cake]. good] for your health.
2 1)I have three children to look after[take

(本冊 p.59)

E x e r c i s e 19
解 答
1 1)Ms. Okada, our English teacher, is (as) 2)My sister plays tennis (better) (than) me.
(old) (as) my sister. 3)This dress is (more) (expensive) (than)
2)Every morning, I get up (as) (early) (as) that one.
my mother. 4 1)Our classroom teacher is (two) (years)
3)English is (not) (as[so]) difficult (as) (younger) (than) Mr. Matsumoto.
mathematics for him. 2)This house is (much[far]) (larger[bigger])
2 1)I ate [as many sandwiches as] my (than) mine.
brother. 3)This morning I left home (a) (little[bit])
2)This tower is [three times as tall as] (earlier) than usual.
that building. Challenge!

3)A horse is [as useful an animal as] a cow. 1)She is almost as tall as her sister.
3 1)Tokyo is (hotter) (than) London in 2)I got a better[higher] score on the last
August. test[exam] than my brother.

2 1)私は兄[弟]と同じくらいの数のサンドイッチ 2)この塔はあのビルの 3 倍の高さがあります。
を食べました。 3)馬は牛と同じくらい役に立つ動物です。

1 1)① 3 1)⑧
2)② 2)⑧
3)③ 3)⑧
2 1)⑤ 4 1)⑩
2)④ 2)⑨
3)⑤ 注 意 3)⑨

(本冊 p.61)

E x e r c i s e 20
解 答
1 1)He is (the) (fastest) runner in the world. has ever produced].
2)Every day I practice (the) (hardest) in 4 1)a)No other lake in Japan is (as) (clear)
our team. as Lake Mashu. b)No other lake in
3)She bought the (most) (expensive) coat Japan is (clearer) than Lake Mashu.
of the three. c )Lake Mashu is (clearer) (than) any
4)Yesterday was (the) (worst) birthday other lake in Japan.
ever. 2)a)(Nothing) is (as) important to me as
2 1)He is (one) of the (most) (famous) soccer my cat. b)(Nothing) is (more)
players in Europe. (important) to me than my cat. c )My
2)This is (by) (far) the (most) (popular) cat is (more) (important) to me (than)
place to visit in Kyoto. anything else.
3)That was (the) (very) (best) film of 2021. Challenge!

3 1)This is the [most exciting game that 1)This is the best song of 2020 for[to] me.
I’ve ever seen]. 2)The Amazon is the second longest river
2)He is the [greatest writer that the world in the world.

1 1)彼は世界でもっとも速いランナーです。 はありません。 b) 日本のほかのどの湖も
2)毎日,私はチームの中でもっとも熱心に練習 摩周湖よりも透明ではありません。 c)摩
します。 周湖は,日本のほかのどの湖よりも透明です。
3)彼女は 3 つの中でもっとも値段が高いコート 2)私にとって私の猫はもっとも大切です。
を買いました。 a) 私にとって私の猫ほど大切なものはあり
4)昨日は今までの中で最悪の誕生日でした。 ません。b)私にとって私の猫より大切なも
4 1)摩 周 湖 は 日 本 で もっと も 透 明 な 湖 で す。 のはありません。 c ) 私にとって私の猫はほ
a) 日本のほかのどの湖も摩周湖ほど透明で かの何よりも大切です。

1 1)① 3)④
2)② 3 1)⑦
3)③(b) 2)⑦
4)① 4 1)a)⑧ b)⑨ c )⑩
2 1)⑥ 2)a)⑧ b)⑨ c )⑩

(本冊 p.63)

Exercise Plus 比較

解 答
1 1)You should treat old people [as kindly 3 1)Soccer is no (more) popular than
as you can]. baseball is in this country.
2)[As many as one hundred people] 2)The sumo wrestler weighs not (less)
attended the lecture. than 200 kilograms.
3)She is [not so much a writer as] a poet. 3)There were no (more) than five students
2 1)Soccer and tennis are both popular in the classroom.
sports here, but soccer is the (more) Challenge!

(popular) (of) the (two). 1)I’ll call[phone] you as soon as possible[I

2)(The) (higher) we climbed, (the) (colder) can] when I get[arrive / reach] there. /
it became. When I get[arrive / reach] there, I’ll call
3)The world is getting (smaller) (and) you as soon as possible[I can].
(smaller) every day. 2)The[That] app[application] is getting
4)These new computers are by far [becoming] more and more popular
(superior) to the old ones. among young people.
5)My car is (less) expensive (than) yours.

1 1)② 4)⑤
2)① 5)⑧
3)③ 3 1)⑪
2 1)④ 2)⑩
2)⑦ 3)⑨

(本冊 p.65)

E x e r c i s e 21
解 答
1 1)The (train) (which) leaves at nine is 2)Jessica chose the doll (whose) (hair) was
about 10 minutes late. red.
2)I know the (boy) (who) is playing the 4 1)I don’t know [anyone whose brother or
violin on the stage. sister is] a college student.
3)The (girl) (who) is reading a book under 2)The food hasn’t reached [those who
the tree is my friend’s sister. really need it].
2 1)This is the (picture) (which) Ken gave 3)He wrote a lot of songs [which touched
me for my birthday. people around the world].
2)The man (who) I showed the way to Challenge!

school this morning was our new 1)I have a son who is[work as] a police
teacher. officer.
3)Jim still uses a (computer) (which) he 2)I like the handkerchief which my sister
bought five years ago. bought (for) me.
3 1)He is a musician (whose) (songs) are
very popular in the world.

1 1)② 3 1)⑤
2)① 2)⑤
3)① 4 1)⑤
2 1)④ 2)①
2)③ 3)②

(本冊 p.67)

E x e r c i s e 22
解 答
1 1)This is the restaurant (in[at]) (which) I 3 1)[The singer I like very much] will come
met my wife. to our town next month.
2)I’ll go to the doctor (about[of]) (whom) 2)Is this [the letter she wrote to you]?
you were talking the other day. 3)She [is the doctor many people respect
3)That is the man (who[whom]) John (is) in] the village.
(afraid) (of). 4)[The train I take every morning] is full
2 1)That was [the day that changed my life]. of students and office workers.
2)This is the [most interesting book that] Challenge!

I have ever read. 1)That is the woman (who[whom]) I get

3)The [only tie that I have] is a black one. along with.
4)What is the [first thing that I should 2)He is the only person[one] that[who]
do] tomorrow? knows the truth.

3 1)私が大好きな歌手が来月,私たちの町にやっ 3)彼女は村の多くの人が尊敬している医者です。
て来ます。 4)私が毎朝乗る電車は学生や会社員で満員です。

1 1)① 4)④
2)① 注 意 3 1)⑤
3)① 注 意 2)⑥
2 1)② 3)⑤
2)④ 4)⑤

(本冊 p.69)

E x e r c i s e 23
解 答
1 1)Do you know the (reason) (why) Naoko university, which delighted us. He must
is absent today? have studied very hard.
2)I’ll never forget the (day) (when) I went 2)a)We tried to persuade him to join our
to her concert for the first time. soccer team, which was not so easy. He
3)This is the (park) (where) I used to play was interested in baseball.
when I was small. 3) c )The weather reports said that it
4)We met and talked a lot at the party. would be a nice day today, which was
That was (how) we became friends. wrong. The picnic was canceled because
2 1)b)The man had two daughters, who of the rain.
became teachers. Challenge!

2)a)I read his new book, which was not 1)A lot of[Many] young people came to
as interesting as the last one. the hall where his concert was held.
3)b)Takako went to France, where she 2)Bob, who is[works as] an English teacher,
studied French cooking. lives in Japan.
3 1)b)He passed the entrance exam for the

2 1)b) その男の人には 2 人の娘がいて, 2 人と 懸命勉強したにちがいありません。
も教師になりました。 2)私たちは,私たちのサッカーチームに入るよ
2)a) 私は彼の新しい本を読みましたが,前作 うに彼を説得しようとしましたが,そんなに
ほどおもしろくありませんでした。 簡単ではありませんでした。彼は野球に関心
3)b) タカコはフランスに行き,そこでフラン があったのです。
ス料理を学びました。 3)天気予報は,今日はよい天気になると言いま
3 1)彼はその大学の入学試験に合格し,そのこと したが,それは誤りでした。雨のためにピク
は私たちを喜ばせました。きっととても一生 ニックは中止になりました。

1 1)③ 2)⑥
2)② 3)⑦
3)① 3 1)⑧
4)④ 2)⑧
2 1)⑤ 3)⑧

(本冊 p.71)

E x e r c i s e 24
解 答
1 1)We couldn’t believe [what he told us]. 5)Please visit us (whenever) you are in
2)There was [some truth in what he said]. the neighborhood.
3)She speaks five languages. She is [what 3 1)We’ll support (whoever) (needs) (help).
is called a genius] at languages. 2)Bob was welcomed by everyone
4)Sophia looked [different from what she (wherever) (he) (went).
used to be]. Challenge!

2 1)You can choose (whichever) you like. 1)What is necessary for you[What you
2)(Whoever) knows Jimmy will say that need] is to get[have] some rest[take a
he is a nice boy. rest].
3)You should do (whatever) you become 2)Whenever I[you / we] visit the shop, it
interested in. is crowded with[full of] young people.
4)He carries his smartphone (wherever)
he goes.

3 1)私たちは助けを必要としている人はだれでも 2)ボブはどこへ行っても,みんなから歓迎され
支援します。 ました。

1 1)① 3)⑥
2)① 4)⑧
3)② 5)⑨
4)③ 3 1)B その他
2 1)⑦ 2)⑧
2)B その他

(本冊 p.73)

E x e r c i s e 25
解 答
1 1)(No) (matter) (what) she wears, she 2)[Whether she can do it or not] is not
always looks beautiful. certain.
2)(No) (matter) (when) I call the number, 3)[Wherever you are], I’ll be thinking
the line is busy. about you.
3)(No) (matter) (how) busy he is, he will 4)[Whoever calls me during the meeting],
make time for you. tell them I’ll call back later.
2 1)(Whether) he will come to the party is 5)[However hard you try], you can’t finish
uncertain. the work in a day.
2)Let’s ask Mike (whether[if]) he can play Challenge!

the piano. 1)Whatever you say, I’ll accept it[that].

3 1)I [don’t know if I can get to the station] 2)It depends on whether[if] you like your
by 5 o’clock. job[work] (or not).

1 1)彼女は何を着ても,いつも美しく見えます。 3)どんなに忙しくても,彼はあなたのために時
2)いつその番号に電話しても,通話中です。 間をつくってくれるでしょう。

1 1)② 3 1)⑤
2)A その他 2)④
3)③ 3)A その他
2 1)④ 4)①
2)⑤ 5)③

(本冊 pp.74∼75)

Output Training 3
解 答
1 1)It was a very[really] exciting game. sister.
2)The police found[discovered] the stolen 3 1)That is the woman who taught me
bicycle[bike]. English[taught English to me].
2 1)This T-shirt is as cheap as that one. 2)Is this the watch (which) you talked
2)Our new office is twice as large[big] as [were talking] about yesterday?
the old one. 3)This is all[everything] (that) I know.
3)Takumi runs much[a lot / far] faster 4)Kobe is the city where I lived 5 years
than Ren. ago.
4)Ken is two years older than me. Grammar in Context

1 1)The man taking pictures[photos] is my A: Do you know the girl talking with our
father. ALT in English?
2)I couldn’t read the memo[note] written B: Yes, Her name is Jasmin. She is an
by my brother. exchange student who comes[is] from
2 1)I was busy making[preparing (for)] the Philippines.
dinner. A: The Philippines is the country where
2)Lucy came to[into] my room excited. English is spoken as an official
3)She read her favorite book, listening to language, isn’t it?
music. B: That’s right. She speaks English as
4)I broke the chair, playing with my well[fluently] as her native language.

(本冊 p.77)

E x e r c i s e 26
解 答
1 1)If I (were) you, I (would) (buy) the 3)I wish I (had asked) her name.
backpack. 4 1)If I (were[was]) (not) busy, I (would) (go)
2)If Bill (were[was]) here, he (might) (give) to the party tonight.
us some advice. 2)If we (had) (followed) his advice, we
3)If you (had) one hundred million yen, (could) (have) (won) the game.
what (would) you (do) with it? 3)He wishes he (had) (not) (driven) over
2 1)If you (had gotten[got]) up earlier, you the speed limit.
(could have caught) the flight. Challenge!

2)If I (had read) the book before, I (could 1)If Ted had studied harder, he wouldn’t
have answered) the question easily. [would not] have been scolded by his
3)If I (had eaten) breakfast this morning, father.
I (would not be) so hungry now. 2)I wish I had enough money to buy the
3 1)I wish I (were[was]) 5 centimeters taller. latest[newest] (model of) smartphone.
2)I wish I (had) a bigger room.

4 1)忙しくなければ,私は今夜のパーティーに行 合に勝てたでしょう。
くでしょう。 3)彼は速度制限を超えて運転しなければよかっ
2)彼のアドバイスに従っていたら,私たちは試 たのにと思っています。

1 1)② 3 1)⑤(b)
2)②,A 注意 2)⑤(a)
3)① 3)⑥
2 1)③ 4 1)②
2)③ 2)③
3)④ 3)⑥

(本冊 p.79)

E x e r c i s e 27
解 答
1 1)(Without) water, no living things could 4)If it (were) not (for) you, I would not be
live. happy.
2)I had a bad headache yesterday. 5)If it (had) not (been) (for) the map, we
(Otherwise), I would have gone to see a would have gotten lost.
movie. 4 1)If you [should happen to meet Mr.
3)(But) (for) her help, I would have failed Brown], please give him my best regards.
the exam. 2)If you [were to study abroad], where
2 1)賢明な人だったら,そんな愚かなことはしな would you like to go?
いでしょう。 Challenge!

2)明日は伺うことはできないと思いますが,明 1)With more attention[care], he wouldn’t

後日なら伺うことができるでしょう。 have had[gotten into / met with] the
3 1)If (only) I (could) go on a date with her. accident.
2)My sister talks to me (as) (if) she (were 2)My mother talks[speaks] as if she were
[was]) my mother. [was] a friend of the singer.
3)It’s (time) you (lived) on your own.

4 1)万一ブラウンさんに会ったら,よろしく伝え 2)留学するとしたら,どこへ行きたいですか。

1 1)① 3)⑦
2)③ 4)⑥
3)② 5)⑥
2 1)A その他 4 1)⑨
2)A その他 2)⑧
3 1)④

(本冊 p.81)

Exercise Option ①
解 答
1 1)It’s (not) (mine). advice.
2)This latest digital camera (isn’t) (for) 4)I [never see this picture without thinking
everyone. of] my childhood.
3)Be careful (not) (to) be late for the 4 1)You have an electronic dictionary, (don’t)
meeting (you)?
2 1)彼は政治にそれほど興味[関心]がありません。 2)These are your shoes, (aren’t) (they)?
2)彼らはいつも残業するわけではありません。 3)You’ve been to Okinawa, (haven’t) (you)?
3 1)[It won’t be long before it] snows. Challenge!

2)Eat [not only meat but also] vegetables. I’m not always busy.
3)She [didn’t scold me but gave me] good

4 1)あなたは電子辞書を持っていますよね?

1 1)① 2)⑤
2)② 3)⑥
3)② 4)⑦
2 1)③ 4 1)⑩
2)③ 2)⑩
3 1)④ 3)⑩

(本冊 p.83)

Exercise Option ②
解 答
1 1)This T-shirt will (make) you (look) wants me to be a doctor.
younger. 3 1)(So can I).
2)The (newspaper[paper]) (says) there 2)(Neither have I).
was a big earthquake in Bali. 3)(Never have I) read such a long novel !
3)This bus (takes[leads / brings]) you (to) 4)No (sooner had he) seen us than he ran
Nagoya Castle. away.
2 1)I [did build this robot by myself]. 5)There is a (good chance that) she will
2)[How on earth did you take] this win the election.
picture? Challenge!

3)This old clock [does not work at all]. It is Mayumi that[who] gave me this bag[gave
4)[It isn’t my father but my mother that] this bag to me].

1 1)① 4)⑧
2)② 3 1)⑨
3)③ 2)⑨
2 1)④ 3)⑩
2)⑤ 4)⑩
3)⑥ 5)⑪

(本冊 p.85)

Exercise Option ③
解 答
1 1)Tom said (it) (was) cloudy. was very busy then
2)She said (it) (was) going to rain. 2)Can you play the piano / asked me if
3)He said Mary (would) (come) to the [whether] I could play the piano
party. 3)Where did you buy this bag / asked her
4)Ann said there (had) (been) a car where she had bought that bag
accident in front of the station. 4)Clean your room / told me to clean my
2 1)(that) he would give my sister that CD room
2)(that) he wanted to see me the next Challenge!

[following] day I asked him when he had come to Japan

3)(that) they always played baseball there [arrived in Japan].
3 1)I’m very busy now / told me (that) she

1 1) a)トムは「曇っているね」と言いました。 2 1)(設問)彼 は「こ の CD を あ な た の お 姉[妹]
b)トムは曇っていると言いました。 さんにあげる」と言いました。
2) a)彼女は「雨が降りそうね」と言いました。 (解答)彼はその CD を私の姉[妹]にくれる
b)彼女は雨が降りそうだと言いました。 と言いました。
3) a)彼 は「メ ア リーは パーティーに 来 る よ」 2)
と言いました。 と言いました。
b)彼はメアリーはパーティーに来るだろう (解答)おじは電話で,翌日私に会いたいと言
と言いました。 いました。
4) a)アンは「駅前で自動車事故があったわ」 3)
と言いました。 こで野球をします」と言いました。
b)アンは駅前で自動車事故があったと言い (解答)その子どもたちは,(自分たちは)いつ
ました。 もそこで野球をすると言いました。

1 1)① 3)⑤
2)① 3 1)⑥
3)② 2)⑦
4)③ 3)⑧
2 1)④ 4)⑨

(本冊 p.87)

Exercise Option ④
解 答
1 1)(Some) people (don’t) eat breakfast. 4)You can use (either pen).
2)Do you have (any) (brothers) or (sisters)? 5)He has four cats. One is white and (the
3)We can make (any) (size) of coat you others) are black.
wish. 3 1)[These shoes are too big] for me.
4)There are (not) (any) (bookstores) in my 2)The prices here [are higher than those
town. in] Japan.
2 1)All the (town was) talking about the 3)I dislike [those who do such silly
President’s visit. things].
2)(Every classmate) took part in the Challenge!

volunteer activity. Would you like[have] another cup of coffee?

3)There (is) a row of trees on each (side)
of the street.

1 1)① 3)⑥
2)② 4)⑦
3)② 5)⑦ その他
4)② その他 3 1)⑧
2 1)④ 2)⑨
2)⑤ 3)⑨ その他

(本冊 p.89)

Exercise Option ⑤
解 答
1 1)There are about ten thousand people in 3)I’ve finished reading this book, so I’ll
(our) town. lend (it) to you.
2)I’ve been waiting for (her) for more than 4)I’ve broken my glasses, so I have to buy
an hour. a pair of new (ones).
3)Your bike looks much newer than (his). 3 1)[What do they sell at] that shop?
4)Taking photos of birds is a hobby of 2)[How long does it take from] here to the
(mine). stadium?
5)K a z u o c o u l d n ’t m a k e ( h i m s e l f ) 3)[It began to rain heavily as] soon as I
understood in English. got home.
6)You look very tired. You should take 4)[The one wearing a white sweater].
care of (yourself). Challenge!

2 1)I hope you’ll like (it). 1)It is cool in August in Australia.

2)Will you lend me a ballpoint pen if you 2)It is about[around] 500 meters from my
have (one)? house to the station.

1 1)私たちの町には約1万人がいます。 4)鳥の写真を撮ることが私の趣味です。
2)私は彼女を1時間以上待っています。 5)カズオの英語は通じませんでした。
3)あなたの自転車は彼のよりずっと新しく見え 6)とても疲れているようですね。体を大切にし
ます。 なければいけませんよ。

1 1)② 2)⑧
2)③ 3)⑥
3)④ 4)⑧
4)④ 3 1)①
5)⑤ 2)⑦
6)⑤ 3)⑦
2 1)⑥ 4)⑧

(本冊 p.91)

Exercise Option ⑥
解 答
1 1)Turn right (at) the next corner, and 4)I have a dream (of) becoming a pro
you’ll see the building. baseball player.
2)The speech contest was held (on) 5)My parents have been married (for)
November 5th. thirty years.
3)My grandfather often reads a book late 6)Who do you want to spend Christmas
(at) night. Eve (with)?
4)The concert will start at one thirty (in) 3 1)School begins [at eight thirty in the
the afternoon. morning].
5)There was a photo of her family (on) the 2)We [left Tokyo for Osaka at three].
wall. 3)Have you ever [seen shoes made of
2 1)Will you be at home (about[around]) wood]?
this time tomorrow? Challenge!

2)Let’s go (by) taxi, shall we? I did my homework until[till] eleven (o’clock)
3)This is a pencil (for) drawing pictures. last night.

1 1)次の角を右に曲がりなさい,そうすればその 3)祖父はしばしば深夜に本を読みます。
建物が見えますよ。 4)そのコンサートは午後1時30分に始まります。
2)スピーチコンテストは11月5日に行われまし 5)壁に彼女の家族の写真がありました。

1 1)① 3)⑥
2)③ 4)⑧
3)① 5)⑥
4)② 6)⑨
5)③ 3 1)①②
2 1)④ 2)①⑥
2)⑤ 3)⑧

(本冊 p.93)

Exercise Option ⑦

解 答
1 1)Shall I call you, (or) will you call me? 6)(As) time went by, the girl became more
2)Ted was busy, (so) he couldn’t go to the and more beautiful.
Christmas party. 3 1)I bought the T-shirt (because[since / as])
3)I always eat bread (and) fruits for it (was) so cheap.
breakfast. 2)We were very surprised (when[because /
4)I told my mother I would help her, (but) as / since]) we (saw) the big shark.
I didn’t. 3)(While[When]) he was (staying) in
2 1)She asked me (if[whether]) I (had) Paris, he often visited the museum.
(broken) the window. 4)I always go to bed (after) I (brush) my
2)You’ll be late for school (unless) you (get) teeth.
up now. 5)Aki had no time to eat lunch (even)
3)(Though[Although]) my grandmother is (though) she was hungry.
ninety, she enjoys walking every Challenge!

morning. If it rains[If it is rainy] tomorrow, we are

4)(Even) if she is sad, she never cries. going to play table tennis in the gym. / We are
5)Please be quiet (while) the baby is going to play table tennis in the gym if it
sleeping. rains[if it is rainy] tomorrow.

1 1)私があなたに電話しましょうか,それともあ b)私たちはその大きなサメを見たとき[見た
なたが私に電話してくれますか。 ので]とても驚きました。
2)テッドは忙しかったので,クリスマスパー 3) a)パリ滞在中に,彼はその博物館をよく訪
ティーに行けませんでした。 れました。
3)私は朝食にいつもパンと果物の両方を食べま b)パリに滞在していた間[とき]に,彼はそ
す。 の博物館をよく訪れました。
4)私は母に手伝ってあげると言いましたが,し 4) a)私はいつも寝る前に歯を磨きます。
ませんでした。 b)私はいつも歯を磨いた後で寝ます。
3 1)その T シャツはとても安かったので,私は 5) a)アキは空腹でしたが,昼食を食べる時間
それを買いました。 がありませんでした。
2)a)私たちはその大きなサメを見てとても驚 b)空腹だったにもかかわらず,アキには昼
きました。 食を食べる時間がありませんでした。

1 1)④ 5)⑩ その他
2)② 6)⑩ その他
3)① 3 1)⑧
4)③ 2)⑩
2 1)⑥ 3)⑩ その他
2)⑤ その他 4)⑩ その他
3)⑨ 5)⑨ その他
4)⑨ その他


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