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Reachon at supports 3 A Lk atte a, ye Duy DIZ? dy Let @= relahon Us heritental Ve Ver ool EO? hirge ae — RA @=l = Meo 7 aN Yi t => Raz? iy Vezo=> Ry: 2 7 : ae} , 28th sae +A\ ud asAnts a1 chet a ae - a . Swe tl, cussuy eos see yw king 4 Wt Asa —s Fa 8 se Mo J ra yO c 8 : 1 1 < (1 3 y e on e RADA soe Lv os dal BIL ee De - : ele, ESN JEL OF ts JE or Ss et LS SU EN Ss oe Ay ons Bi A eee EE @? Fixed @®=so-sH-2 S Uz 0 =>Re= 2 NF O=5 ey=2 Sreky\ Gs 2; Bale al Je, a) ECS ay 2 ee te aS L sees Soo YX a a ROM aa Tapes of supports 8 oO Smooth Surface s- NY ch) Ms 0), Joe @_Retter 2 J ef a > ’ tee pl, a deo, se 5 @ Hinge , pin ee he ef f (2) 4s Joo Ry Sus <—_ Ri Ry ye iF t ead t Rs Ry a Re x +" a , R CD feo, Ry 4 (> Chie es | Shine 3. 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Unslable structure The struck rs said be be unstable if an one +f He Fetter Pour condiMeas 5 encountered @- when; Number ef unknewns < Tolal no. of e¢u. efustons @)- when; Au veachions are Gncuvrent Ci-ey meeting at one point). ° DX iF fi 4 unstable CENo =o) Nolice Had Ry Re and Rs meef at point Co). & bs Re @)- athena af veactons are Parallel - | | : | Pry Ra Ra Rs Ra unstabee C 3 40) 3 Noho Hat By Re, Rs amd 4 are Paratlel. @- oihon Fle shueluve iz Jeamebically unstable 2&xO t- Three higes in one span makes @ mechanism 2 Cun stable) SA ously AYA ves ae. 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