Teks Report Chika K.K & Karunia P.A

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1. Chika Kheysa Kiranie (10)

2. Karunia Putri Afandi (21)

Rhinoceros is a four-legged bulky herbivorous mammals with one or two horns located right
above its nose. We may know them by the short version of their name “Rhino”. They are
considered to be one of endangered animal by the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN). In Indonesia, we can find them in Sumatera and Java, especially in Ujung
Kulon National Park.

Rhinoceros have a large and muscular body with four short legs. They have a big head and a
very short neck. The position of their head is lower than their back which makes the head
seems like facing downward all the time. There is one or two horns on their head located on
their nose which became their unique feature. It is made of keratin, the same substance that
build up hair and fingernails. Their body is covered with a thick layers of collagen.

The pregnancy period of a Rhinoceros is different from one species to another, but mostly it
took up to 18 months for the baby to be born. A full grown Rhinoceros can reach the height
of 1,8 m with approximate weight of 2.300 kg. They can run at the speed of 50 to 55 km/h.
They can live up to 50 years. They have a short range sight but they have a good hearing and

1. Rhinoceros horns are made of...

A. collagen
B. fat
C. keratin
D. bone
E. vory

2. The rhino's body is covered by...

A. scales
B. fur
C. thorns
D. shell
E. collagen

3. What is the condition of a rhino's vision?

A. blind
B. close range
C. sharp
D. far
E. normal
4. Most rhino gestation periods take...
A. 20 months
B. 10 months
C. 30 months
D. 18 months
E. 17 months

5. A fully grown rhino can reach a height of...

A. 1.8 meters
B. 2 meters
C. 1.7 meters
D. 1.9 meters
E. 1,5 meters

A mangrove is a tropical maritime tree or shrub of the genus Rhizophora. Mangroves have
special aerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots that enable them to thrive in brackish water
(brackish water is salty, but not as salty as seawater).

There are several species of mangrove trees found all over the world. Some prefer more
salinity, while others like to be very close to a large fresh water source (such as a river).
Some prefer areas that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with
sea water every day during high tide. Others are more sensitive to salinity, and grow closer to
the shore. Other species grow on dry land, but are still part of the ecosystem.

Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leaves above the water line. Yet they also need to be
firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves.

There are three types of mangrove roots that help in this process. The first is mangrove
supports roots which directly pierce the soil. The next is mangrove level-growing roots which
twist upward and downwards, with the upward twists emerging on the water surface, and the
last is mangrove level-growing roots whose downward twists (sub-roots) appear on the water

Any part of a root that appears above the water line channels oxygen to the plant below the
water line. Over time as soil begins to build up, these roots produce additional roots that
become embedded in the soil.

1. How many types of roots can help mangrove trees stay attached to the ground?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 6
D. 3
E. 4

2. What genus do mangrove come from?

A. Acomys
B. Rhizophus
C. Rhizophora
D. Pongo
E. Felis
3. How do mangrove trees distribute oxygen?
A. using leaves
B. using root
C. using rods
D. using fruit
E. using flowers

4. Mangroves are...
A. tropical maritime tree
B. subtropical maritime tree
C. rhizopus
D. marine plants
E. Coral rreefs

5. The roots that allow mangroves to grow in brackish water are...

A. board roots and aerial roots
B. tap root and knee root
C. breath roots and plank roots
D. knee roots and aerial roots
E. tap roots and aerial roots

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