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As indicated by Denzin and Lincoln (2005), qualitative researchers use more than one method of data

collection in the same study and compare the results obtained through these multiple methods. This
process is known as triangulation, which adds thoroughness, richness, and depth of understanding to
the study. Some argue that triangulation increases validity of a qualitative study.

Triangulation ini juga kemudian digunakan untuk melihat konsistensi kejadian pada analisis dokumen,
observasi dan wawancara.

According to Sutopo, data validity is a guarantee for the consistency of meaning

interpretations and conclusions drawn from research. The validity of research data can be

developed in a number of ways that are typically selected. Techniques for triangulation data

validity are used in this study. Data triangulation, according to Sugiyono (2015:83), is a

method of data collection that incorporates several sources and types of currently available

data. Triangulation is, in essence, a multi-perspective phenomenological mindset approach.

This implies that a variety of viewpoints are required in order to get a valid conclusion. A

method of verifying data from several sources in multiple ways and at multiple times is called

data triangulation, according to Wijaya (2018:120–121). In other words, there is triangulation

of time, triangulation of sources, and triangulation of data gathering methods.

1. Source Triangulation

Data gathered from a variety of data sources, including interviews, archives, and other

documents, are checked as part of the source triangulation process to ensure the accuracy of

the data.

2. Technique Triangulation

When employing triangulation techniques to assess the validity of data, data that has been

collected from the same source is verified using a variety of methodologies. For instance,

information gleaned from observations is subsequently verified through interviews.

3. Time Triangulation
Credibility of data might change over time. When interview techniques are used early in the

morning, when the source is still fresh, the data acquired will typically yield information that

is more accurate. In order to gather trustworthy data, it is necessary to verify the validity of

the data through observation, interviews, and documentation in a variety of settings and at

different periods.

To examine similar data, triangulation employs a variety of data sources. As a result,

information gathered from one source can be verified by contrasting it with comparable

information gathered from other, distinct sources.Denzin and Lincoln (2005) have

demonstrated that qualitative researchers employ various data collection strategies in a single

study and compare the outcomes of these methods. The triangulation employed in this study

is the triangulation of data sources and techniques, which guides the researcher to use a range

of pre-existing data when gathering data.

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