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Childhood Separation Anxiety and the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Adult


Article in American Journal of Psychiatry · October 2013

DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13060781 · Source: PubMed


94 3,269

8 authors, including:

Barbara Milrod John C Markowitz

Albert Einstein College of Medicine Columbia University


Andrew James Gerber Margaret Altemus

Silver Hill Hospital Yale University


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Reviews and Overviews

Mechanisms of Psychiatric Illness

Childhood Separation Anxiety and the

Pathogenesis and Treatment of Adult Anxiety
Barbara Milrod, M.D. Clinically significant separation anxiety neuroimaging, and genetic studies. A role
disorder in childhood leads to adult panic of oxytocin is postulated. Adults, inured to
disorder and other anxiety disorders. The their anxiety, often do not identify separa-
John C. Markowitz, M.D.
prevailing pathophysiological model of tion anxiety as problematic, but those who
anxiety disorders, which emphasizes ex- develop anxiety and mood disorders re-
Andrew J. Gerber, M.D., Ph.D. tinction deficits of fear-conditioned re- spond more poorly to both pharmacolog-
sponses, does not fully consider the role ical and psychotherapeutic interventions.
Jill Cyranowski, Ph.D. of separation anxiety. Pathological early This poorer response may reflect patients’
childhood attachments have far-reaching difficulty in forming and maintaining at-
Margaret Altemus, M.D. consequences for the later adult ability to tachments, including therapeutic rela-
experience and internalize positive rela- tionships. Psychotherapies that focus on
Theodore Shapiro, M.D. tionships in order to develop mental relationships and separation anxiety may
capacities for self-soothing, anxiety toler- benefit patients with separation anxiety by
ance, affect modulation, and individua- using the dyadic therapist-patient relation-
Myron Hofer, M.D.
tion. Initially identified in attachment ship to recapture and better understand
research, the phenomenon of separation important elements of earlier pathological
Charles Glatt, M.D. anxiety is supported by animal model, parent-child relationships.

Am J Psychiatry Milrod et al.; AiA:1–10

T he fear extinction model of anxiety, a unifying con-

struct in the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) of the Na-
in systems underlying social representation and cognition
(12, 13). While the fear conditioning paradigm illuminates
tional Institute of Mental Health, focuses on biological anxiety resulting from trauma, it sheds less light on the
underpinnings and plasticity of a critical behavioral re- developmental pathway of chronic anxiety of more in-
sponse. Despite its many empirical strengths, it provides sidious onset. The following case illustrates this point.
an incomplete model of anxiety (1, 2). Separation anxiety “Lena,” a 25-year-old graduate student, had multiple
and attachment models hold promise for translational daily severe, terrifying panic attacks wherein she felt she
research, address aspects of anxiety complementary to could not breathe and was dying. She described severe
fear conditioning, and may warrant consideration in work- agoraphobia, inability to travel anywhere alone (includ-
ing theoretical models of anxiety. ing to her doctor’s office), terror of being any distance
from her home, a new inability to drive because of panic,
Anxiety induced by separation from close attachment
and frantic clinging to her girlfriend, “Jane,” toward
figures is normal and adaptive in early childhood (3–5). Yet whom she had mixed feelings. She sought treatment
if this prominent emotional state persists into later after being forced to take leave from her graduate
childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, separation anxi- program because she could not drive alone in her car
ety becomes linked to increasingly pathological self- to commute to school. Her DSM-IV diagnoses on the
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV (14) at
perceptions and inadequate homeostatic regulation of
intake were panic disorder (with a score of 7 out of
internal object relations. An individual with separation a possible 8, indicating severe symptoms), agoraphobia (7
anxiety feels unable to function in the absence of the of 8, severe), and generalized anxiety disorder (3 of 8,
mother or her surrogate (4, 5). Separation anxiety is often indicating trait-level symptoms not meeting the full DSM
comorbid with mood, anxiety, and personality disorders criteria). Lena’s anxiety had increased to panic propor-
tions several months before, when she began to contem-
(6). Its developmental role in panic disorder has long been
plate breaking up with her previous girlfriend. Careful
considered formative (7–11). From the perspective of history revealed that anxiety had dominated Lena since
neural systems underlying fear and reward, separation earliest childhood.
anxiety may indicate excessive activation of fear circuits Terrified and highly anxious throughout childhood,
in response to separation and overactivation of reward Lena experienced severe anxiety daily when her mother
left for work. She reported crying throughout the day,
circuits with reunion. However, it seems possible, even
even when her father or grandmother was present.
likely, that observed functional differences in fear and Throughout childhood she could sleep only when sharing
reward circuitry in individuals with separation anxiety do her mother’s bed, a situation that contributed to her
not cause but, rather, result from abnormalities or deficits parents’ divorce. At age 9, when her mother expelled her

AJP in Advance 1


from her bed, Lena began sleeping with her younger thresholds); others may be phenocopies due to anxious
sister. She remained frightened of being alone, especially or anxiety-provoking caretaking (anxious children have
at night. At college, she immediately began sharing her
anxious mothers [19]); still others may represent an in-
roommate’s bed. When she sought treatment at age 25,
she had never spent a single night alone in a bed, having teraction of genes and environment. Anxiety about sep-
frantically juggled family, friends, and lovers to avoid this arations in 1–3-year-olds is a normative sign of healthy
terrifying experience, which she described as “being relationships (19), but its pathological persistence impairs
alone in the void.” children’s comfort in independent exploration and au-
Lena’s parents had sent her repeatedly to psychiatrists
tonomy, and it complicates age-normative developmen-
and therapists through childhood and adolescence. Al-
though she had sometimes found it helpful to discuss tal tasks, such as sleeping without a parent or attending
aspects of her life, she never mentioned her terror of school, thus interfering with age and stage adaptation (10).
separation to any therapist, knowing it was “definitely Patients with separation anxiety disorder have greater
unusual and really embarrassing.” She considered it an disability, more severe depression and anxiety symptoms,
accepted, nearly imperceptible, if highly embarrassing
and larger stress responses than do other anxiety disorder
backdrop to other aspects of her chaotic life.
patients routinely treated in anxiety disorder clinics (17).
In cross-sectional findings, 75% of adults with anxiety
Importance of Separation Anxiety disorders seeking treatment at anxiety disorders clinics
report having had separation anxiety disorder in child-
Across Anxiety Disorders hood (20). A recent longitudinal twin study suggests that
Central attachment relationships form the core of human a common genetic diathesis underlies childhood separa-
emotional development. The formation and qualities of tion anxiety disorder and adult panic attacks (21). A meta-
the dyadic bond between the mother (primary caretaker) analysis of case-control, retrospective, and cohort studies
and infant create the nexus of an “internal working model” associated childhood separation anxiety disorder with
of the mind/brain (4, 5). Bowlby described this internal panic disorder and other anxiety disorders in adulthood
working model as the safe base from which the toddler can (10). Nonetheless, the developmental perspective that
explore the surrounding world. This model in turn often informs such studies—specifically, links between separa-
affects patterns in future adult relationships. We describe tion anxiety and the course of other anxiety and mood
this model as a separation-sensitive social schema. disorders—has lacked sufficient articulation (20).
The inherent dependency of the human infant makes Table 1 contrasts summary findings on separation anx-
anxiety normal for young children (like other mammals) iety with findings on fear extinction in anxiety disorders.
when separated from caregivers. In contrast, separation
anxiety disorder in childhood and adulthood describes Genetic and Epigenetic Animal Models
a nonnormative, pervasive anxiety state accentuated by
of Separation Anxiety
separations from close attachment figures at develop-
mental junctures where the need for proximity to attach- Separation anxiety has deep evolutionary roots. The
ment figures is no longer adaptive. DSM-IV identified larger literature on primate and subprimate mammals is
separation anxiety disorder solely as a childhood anxiety selectively sampled below.
syndrome—indeed, as the only anxiety disorder listed As juveniles, rats bred for high levels of infant calling
under “Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, responses upon separation from mothers showed major
Childhood, or Adolescence” (15). DSM-5 groups it more changes in autonomic responses when isolated. These
broadly among the anxiety disorders. The National Co- animals engaged in significantly less social play behavior
morbidity Survey Replication epidemiological survey docu- than control rats. As adults, they emerged significantly
mented a 6.6% lifetime prevalence of separation anxiety more slowly from familiar enclosed spaces into open areas
disorder in adults across a large national general popula- and showed the distinctively passive, “helpless” behavioral
tion sample (16). Prevalence ranges between 12% and 40% pattern in a swim test, validated for detecting vulnerability
in adult psychiatric clinic settings (17, 18). (The studies by to depression and anxiety in laboratory rats (28, 29).
Silove et al. [17] and Pini et al. [18] had two of the largest Mother bonnet macaques showed rejection behavior
clinical samples used to investigate adult separation anxiety toward their infants (30) when exposed to a variable
disorder. Silove et al. [17] found a consistently higher degree feeding delivery schedule, a laboratory-induced environ-
of symptom severity and impairment associated with sep- mental stress (31). The stressed mothers’ distant behavior
aration anxiety than with other adult anxiety disorders. Pini toward their babies led to infants’ fearfulness and clinging
et al. [18] found delineation between the onset ages for to their mothers, difficulties in both leaving mothers and
patients with childhood separation anxiety only and those interacting socially, and lifelong “timidity” accompanied
who had the disorder in both childhood and adulthood.) by high stress responses. The investigators (32) identified
Separation anxiety has both heritable (genetic) and a specific genetic-environmental interaction constitut-
social (experiential/epigenetic) origins. Some patients pre- ing a risk for developing this abnormal mother-infant
sumably have an inborn anxious propensity (i.e., lower relationship that produced chronic anxiety later in life.

2 AJP in Advance


TABLE 1. Comparison of Fear Extinction and Potential Separation/Attachment Models of Anxiety

Domain Fear Extinction Model Separation/Attachment Model
Paradigmatic disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder Panic with or without agoraphobia
Psychosocial treatment Exposure Psychodynamic or interpersonal therapy
Animal model Fear conditioning Disrupted maternal care producing greater
hypothalamic/pituitary responsivity to stress
Neuroimaging findings Heightened activity in the amygdala and dorsal Circuitry underlying separation-sensitive social schemas
anterior cingulate cortex (fear expression), and attachment: subcortical areas (amygdala,
diminished activity in the ventromedial hippocampus, striatum) and cortical limbic areas
prefrontal cortex (insula, cingulate); may imply predisposing
endophenotypes from circuitry involved in attention,
learning, and executive control (medial prefrontal
cortex, superior temporal sulcus, and temporoparietal
junction) (22)
Genetics Potential systems: FK506-binding protein 5 Potential systems: oxytocin receptor (25), vasopressin 1A
(FKBP5, 6), brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor (26), D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2, 27)
(BDNF, 23), serotonin transporter (24)

High levels of maternal “anxiety” or stress appeared to associated childhood separation anxiety with develop-
mediate these changes, impairing the mothers’ ability to ment of complicated grief (odds ratio: 3.2, 95% confidence
form normal attachments with their infants. interval [CI]: 1.2–8.9).
Diorio and Meaney (33) found that changes in rat post- High levels of anxiety generally (39), high levels of sep-
natal maternal behavior in response to environmental aration anxiety, and high rates of panic spectrum symp-
stress during pregnancy yielded increased fear behaviors toms, which include measures of separation anxiety, are
and adrenocortical responses in their adult offspring. The common among patients with bipolar I disorder (50%
investigators traced these transgenerational effects to epi- prevalence of high separation anxiety level in bipolar I
genetic changes in brain gene expression patterns through- disorder [40, 41]), complicating course and treatment re-
out the offspring’s development. While possibly adaptive in sponse. Patients with bipolar disorder and high levels of
the setting of acute stressors in adulthood, under normal panic spectrum symptoms report worse depression after
conditions these changes placed the offspring at risk for short-term treatment, higher rates of suicidal ideation
multiple pathologies and lifelong heightened stress re- (49% in patients with high levels of panic spectrum
sponses. These early nurture differences generated long- symptoms versus 19% in those with low panic symptom
term changes in gene expression levels throughout life levels), and a 6-month delay in response to short-term
(28, 34). treatment relative to bipolar I patients with low panic
symptom levels (44 weeks versus 17 weeks) (40). Child-
hood and adult separation anxiety are associated with
Adult Separation Anxiety: Prevalence mood instability and development of bipolar II disorder or
in Anxiety and Mood Disorder Patients cyclothymia in adulthood (42–44). Both childhood sepa-
The traits of separation sensitivity, excessive depen- ration anxiety and adult separation anxiety disorder were
dence on close attachment figures, and anxiety surround- common in patients with cluster B personality disorders
ing separations (the standard threshold is a score of 35 or (29% in patients with cluster B disorders versus 10% in
higher on the Panic-Agoraphobic Spectrum Self-Report those without cluster B disorders, p,0.01) and patients
[35]) have been linked to development of complicated grief with cluster C disorders (55% in patients with cluster C
(36) following loss. A study comparing 53 subjects with disorders versus 26% in those without, p,0.01) in a study
complicated grief to 50 healthy bereaved comparison of 397 adult outpatients with primary anxiety disorders (45).
subjects found levels of adult separation anxiety signifi-
cantly higher (p,0.001) in the group with complicated Negative Effect of Separation Anxiety
grief than in the comparison subjects. In both groups
on Treatment Outcome
a higher level of separation anxiety was associated with
higher depressive and manic symptom levels on the self- Through still unknown mechanisms, separation anxiety
report version of the Structured Clinical Interview for is associated with poor response to treatments of adult
Mood Spectrum (MOODS-SR) (37), and in both groups anxiety and mood disorders, potentially through disrup-
mood variations appeared dimensionally related to sepa- tions in the therapeutic relationship (40, 46–49). In adults,
ration anxiety (38). Greater depressive, bipolar, and anxi- co-occurring separation anxiety, as well as anxiety gener-
ety disorder comorbidity in the group with complicated ally (49), negatively moderates treatment response in
grief, however, makes it difficult to interpret these obser- major depression, worsening symptom chronicity and
vations. A separate study of 283 subjects (36) significantly quality of life (46, 49). Among 226 treated patients with

AJP in Advance 3


major depression, separation anxiety accounted for 24% of limit exploration of the environment and the child’s sense
the variance associated with impaired quality of life (46). of safety.
High levels of panic spectrum symptoms inhibited the Normal, secure attachments arise from children’s mat-
benefits of interpersonal psychotherapy (50), both alone urational ability to use their mothers as “a secure base
and in combination with selective serotonin reuptake from which to confidently explore the environment” (4, p.
inhibitors (SSRIs). Panic-related symptoms decreased the 13). When mothers reassure and encourage exploratory
rate of response to interpersonal therapy alone from 68.4% behavior within the child’s mastery, children develop a
to 43.5% and prolonged the time to response after the secure sense of competence in their (social) environments.
addition of an SSRI to interpersonal therapy from 10.3 Anxious, ambivalent, depressed, withdrawn, or neglectful
weeks to 18.1 weeks (47). caretakers may foster insecure attachment, generating
The only published study of which we are aware that inhibition and anxious avoidance (5).
investigated the moderating effect of adult separation Toddlers manifest a range of attachment types as they
anxiety on the response to cognitive-behavioral therapy develop the physical capacity for locomotion (61). Child-
(CBT) for patients with panic disorder similarly found that ren’s security in exploring the environment beyond the
separation anxiety lessened CBT response. Among 256 mother’s or caretaker’s presence relates inversely to the
patients with primary panic disorder with or without degree of separation anxiety. Secure attachment describes
agoraphobia who were given 11 weeks of CBT, the overall Mahler’s separation-individuation paradigm: a toddler’s
response rate for the intent-to-treat group was 44.1% and comfort in exploring the environment, briefly checking
the rate for completers was 65.6%; the odds ratio for back with the mother or caretaker for security (“refuel-
nonresponse among patients with separation anxiety was ing”), then setting out on new adventures away from the
3.74 (95% CI, 1.8–7.8) (51). Separation anxiety predicted mother or caretaker (61). The mother’s calm encourage-
medication nonresponse in an open-label trial (SSRIs ment of the toddler’s exploration fosters development of
and tricyclic antidepressants, alone or combined, by algo- secure attachments. In insecure attachments, however,
rithm) in 57 subjects with panic disorder with agoraphobia some toddlers become anxious and inhibited, manifesting
(p=0.001) (48). fear and various stress response patterns, including freez-
ing, becoming mute, weeping, or crumpling when sepa-
rated from their mothers (19).
Family Context Although anxious, inhibited early attachment styles
Childhood separation anxiety often arises in the context have been linked to development of childhood anxiety
of anxious parenting (52–57). A parental sense of incom- disorders (54), a meta-analysis connecting inhibited at-
petence in facing children’s anxiety (54, 58) can aggravate tachment with internalizing disorders (62) found this link
anxiety symptoms, even in the absence of parental anxiety “small” (Cohen’s d=0.15). Nevertheless, many observa-
disorders per se. tions show that mother-child attachment relationships,
Because separation anxiety clusters in families, it may which form the core of the separation-sensitive social
not emerge as a treatment focus in adults, who normalize schema, powerfully influence the development of anxiety
living with profound, life-limiting restrictions that are con- disorders. Parenting style, the level of parental anxiety,
sonant with family worries and accepted frameworks. Yet especially surrounding separations, and parents’ ability to
these predispositions may later erupt into overwhelming tolerate their child’s distress without urgently intervening
anxiety and mood disorders (7, 20). Children’s anxiety sur- all affect the onset of anxiety disorders in childhood,
rounding separations can echo the often imperceptible, irrespective of whether the parents have anxiety disorders
background-noise quality of separation anxiety in adults, (54, 55, 63, 64). Humans, like other mammals (28, 30–32),
so parents may not notice the children’s separation anxiety; display a complex relationship of genetic predisposition,
this situation offers a sense of typical patterns in such early experiences (the first 3 years of human life), and
families (59, 60). development of anxiety in later life (65). Whatever the
Bowlby’s work on attachment, and the literature his environmental contributions to this anxiety may be, de-
findings have engendered, elucidate the centrality of the veloping insecure central attachments does not require
infant-caretaker relationship to subsequent lifelong pat- trauma-level criteria, such as DSM posttraumatic stress
terns of attachment quality, quality of relationships, and disorder criterion A (e.g., child abuse). Attachment style
mental health. Bowlby highlighted the developmental likely depends on far more subtle parent-child interac-
premise that small children’s mothers buffer and exter- tions, responses to children’s distress and anxiety, and the
nally modulate overwhelming external stimuli that the available capacity to moderate stimuli (52, 58).
biologically immature infant cannot integrate. Bowlby con-
trasted normal development, in which anxiety levels do not
Social Support
limit the child’s capacity to explore age-appropriate devel-
opmental challenges, with the development of anxiety-laden, Secure attachment styles and supportive social relation-
insecure attachments that underlie separation anxiety and ships putatively buffer the negative emotional and physical

4 AJP in Advance


impacts of acute, overwhelming stress, protecting against work presumably increases patients’ reflective function
PTSD and other disorders (53, 66, 67). Thus, separation (74). A putative mediator of affect-focused psychotherapies,
anxiety emerged as a specific risk factor for PTSD in reflective function measures emotional understanding of
burned children (68). Degree of maternal stress as well as one’s formative relationships and one’s own and others’
physical separation from mothers correlated directly with attachments and emotions (75). Reflective function studies
children’s anxiety responses to Scud missile attacks (66). may be useful in delineating mechanisms of change oc-
Anxious attachment style and high separation anxiety curring in psychiatric symptoms through modulation of at-
likely compromise the ability to modulate stress with social tachment and reflection (74–76).
supports for several reasons: people with separation anxiety
develop fewer social supports, they approach them more Affect-Focused Psychotherapies Targeting Separation
cautiously, and the social supports they have are more Anxiety
emotionally fraught, less “supportive” (66, 69). The negative impact of separation anxiety and panic
spectrum symptoms on the outcomes of treatment for
Treatment Implications mood and anxiety disorders suggests that research should
evaluate psychotherapy interventions targeting relation-
Relative Ego-Syntonicity of Separation Anxiety ships, attachment, and associated affects. Indeed, the
Patients with separation anxiety have profound sensi- potency of separation anxiety argues for developing better-
tivity to transitions and losses, including those experi- tailored treatments across disorders (49, 77). We highlight
enced in therapeutic relationships (7). Often normalized, two small pilot psychotherapy trials in which some of us
so that patients and clinicians may hardly recognize its were involved.
presence or potency, separation anxiety fuels chronic Cyranowski et al. (77) treated 18 subjects with primary
anxiety and a global sense of inadequacy and incompe- major depression and high levels of lifetime panic spec-
tence that can undermine psychiatric treatments of any trum symptoms (35) in an open trial of interpersonal
modality (7). To enable change, the psychotherapist must psychotherapy adapted to focus on depression, anxiety,
consistently focus on separation anxiety and the distor- and anxious avoidance. Fourteen (78%) subjects met remis-
tions it evokes to facilitate its verbal articulation. It is sion criteria after 12 weeks, with improvements (p,0.0001)
interesting that contemporary communication devices across all measured domains: depression, anxiety, and psy-
(e.g., mobile phones) may cloak a pathological need for chosocial functioning. A randomized trial comparing this
immediate contact, making careful clinical evaluation treatment with supportive therapy is further evaluating
even more important. this approach.
In another study, 49 adults with primary panic disorder
Psychosocial Interventions with or without agoraphobia were randomly assigned to
The dyadic nature of psychotherapy leads us to predict panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy (78) or to
that attachment styles can affect psychotherapy effective- applied relaxation training (unpublished manual of J.A.
ness. Conversely, attachment styles can change: several Cerny et al., 1984), an efficacious non-separation-anxiety-
studies have shown that psychotherapy can render at- focused intervention for panic disorder (79). The princi-
tachment style more secure (70–72). Indeed, attachment ples of panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy
can differ among various dyads for the same individual, emphasize free association, centrality of the transference,
although formative early dyadic models strongly influence and unconscious thoughts underlying physical sensa-
later central attachments. tions of panic and difficulty with separation and auton-
Key active ingredients of psychotherapy include the omy. The therapist focuses on these processes as they
capacities to trust, to share, and to feel soothed by the relate to panic symptoms. Common themes of difficulty
therapist (71). Psychotherapies differ in their degree of with separations and unconscious rage inform interpre-
focus on attachment and separation-sensitive social sche- tive interventions. Panic-focused psychodynamic psycho-
mata. Behavioral therapies for anxiety tend to focus on the therapy, as an affect-focused psychotherapy, specifically
fear extinction paradigm (73) rather than attachment per se. targets separation anxiety as a core component of un-
In contrast, psychodynamic and interpersonal psycho- derstanding panic; patients’ high separation anxiety levels
therapies for anxiety focus on relationships and associated constitute a central organizing element in their self-view as
affects. These therapies actively address improving patients’ incompetent and unable to manage developmentally nor-
capacity for reflection and helping them to recognize and mative tasks without the presence of their central at-
tolerate emotional responses and perceived dangers sur- tachment figures. The inevitable repetition of this dyadic
rounding attachment (69). Therapists attuned to patients’ pattern with the therapist within a time-limited 24-session,
separation fears may detect them in the transference or in 12-week format heightens the opportunity to work with
outside relationships and can use dynamic or interpersonal separation anxiety and permits the reexperiencing and
approaches to articulate and help patients to better un- better understanding in verbal form of this affectively
derstand them, thereby decreasing their intensity. This charged paradigm (7, 78).

AJP in Advance 5


Eleven of 23 patients receiving applied relaxation sadness of the loss without becoming overwhelmingly
training (48%) and 15 of 26 in panic-focused psychody- anxious and frantic to replace the therapist with new
“emergency” relationships. Despite tremendous antici-
namic psychotherapy (58%) had high baseline levels of
patory anxiety, Lena felt calmer and more comfortable:
current separation anxiety and panic spectrum symptoms, traveling, working, and attending school without anxiety
i.e., a score of 35 or higher on the Panic-Agoraphobic Spec- at termination. She had ended her relationship with the
trum Self-Report (37). A significant interaction between new girlfriend after session 17 and despite feeling “lonely
treatment and baseline score predicted panic symptom and unusual,” had very uncharacteristically not rushed
into a new relationship and was adopting a “wait and
improvement at treatment end (b=211.0, t=23.68, df=44,
see” approach to dating. At termination, the Anxiety Dis-
p,0.001), indicating that baseline severity of separation orders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV indicated a score of
anxiety moderated the effect of panic-focused psychody- 3 out of 8 for panic disorder (subsyndromal), 3 out of 8
namic psychotherapy on panic symptoms. Panic-focused for agoraphobia, and a score of 0 for generalized anxiety
therapy had significantly greater efficacy than relaxation disorder.
training among patients with high levels of separation These two small adult studies demonstrate preliminary
anxiety. Thus, patients with primary panic disorder with but promising outcomes of psychotherapies for patients
higher baseline separation anxiety levels responded with prominent separation anxiety symptoms amid dif-
particularly robustly to panic-focused psychodynamic ferent DSM disorders. Better tracking of separation anxiety
psychotherapy, but not to applied relaxation training. throughout treatment course and the development of in-
When Lena began panic-focused psychodynamic psy- terventions to relieve its global effects might help in spe-
chotherapy, she needed a friend to accompany her from cifically targeting interventions for individual patients.
a distant suburb because of her terror of traveling alone.
The therapist first explored Lena’s worst panic attacks,
which had occurred in cars when she was in the midst of Separation Anxiety as a Research
deciding to break up with her last serious girlfriend. Model for Developing and Treating
During panic attacks, she felt terrified and completely
isolated, as if her car were a “tomb” and “as though I’ll Anxiety Disorders
never see anyone I love again.”
The therapist helped Lena to begin to trace an emotional Neuroendocrine Markers
line between her fury at her abusive ex-girlfriend and her Close relationships can profoundly reassure patients
plan to leave her, her subsequent physical sensations of
with anxiety disorders and depression. Biological mecha-
overwhelming anxiety, her sense of loss of executive
control as highlighted by her relatively new inability to nisms and neural circuitry underlie this phenomenon. We
drive, and her central fantasy of her car as a tomb, sep- note two interrelated systems that might serve as potential
arating her forever from the people she loved, especially biomarkers of anxiety surrounding separation and attach-
from her mother. In carefully delving into the compli- ment: respiratory sinus arrhythmia, a marker for parasym-
cated, ambivalent, yet intense and dependent relation-
pathetic nervous system activation, and oxytocin. Lower
ships she tended to form, the therapist explored an
emerging core fantasy Lena had about herself that fueled resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia levels are associated
much of the intensity of her relationships: that she was with impairment of adaptive reactivity to stressors (80, 81).
incompetent and unable to manage situations that might Reductions have been noted across anxiety disorders (82),
arise (on the train to appointments with her therapist, for depression (83), and borderline personality disorder (84).
Low respiratory sinus arrhythmia correlates with ineffec-
Lena relinquished her travel companion and began
traveling and attending sessions alone by session 5. She tive, inflexible coping responses and insecure attachment
rapidly resumed driving and no longer felt so isolated (85, 86). Important hypotheses to test are whether low
in her car or as though she would panic. The therapist respiratory sinus arrhythmia is associated with separation
continued to pursue Lena’s core fantasy that she was anxiety and whether improving separation anxiety in-
incompetent like a small child and terrified to be apart
creases respiratory sinus arrhythmia.
from her mother, as she had been when she was very
young, and that therefore she was unable to handle Oxytocin is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that across
matters that might arise at night if she were to sleep species suppresses endocrine and behavioral stress re-
alone without her new girlfriend. After session 11, Lena sponses, relieves pain, and facilitates prosocial behaviors,
slept alone for the first time in her life. including maternal behavior and affiliative contact seek-
The therapist helped Lena to verbally articulate how
ing (87). For individuals with an anxious attachment style
her strength and newfound independence were associ-
ated with her relationship with the therapist, something (88) or borderline personality disorder, intranasal oxyto-
she would have to relinquish soon because of the (24- cin aggravates negative reactions to social stimuli (89).
session) study time limit. Lena actively mourned the loss Resting plasma oxytocin levels bear a complex, still
of her therapist, experiencing “jumpy nerves” on the sketchily mapped relationship to interpersonal empathy,
train when coming to see her, resisting a “pull” to “pick closeness, and trust (25, 90, 91) and to anxiety (25, 92),
up women to make it better,” and later expressing anger
and sadness that the therapy could not continue. She said interpersonal difficulties, and romantic attachment anxi-
that she had never said goodbye as she was now in ety and distress (93, 94). Higher plasma oxytocin levels
parting with the therapist, permitting herself to feel the are associated with greater anxiety and relationship

6 AJP in Advance


dissatisfaction in separation anxiety disorder (95). Grow-

ing evidence supports peripheral oxytocin levels and the Received June 14, 2013; accepted Aug. 26, 2013 (doi: 10.1176/appi.
ajp.2013.13060781). From the Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell
oxytocin receptor polymorphism rs53576 as potential Medical College, New York; New York State Psychiatric Institute, New
biomarkers of social responsivity and capacity for attach- York; and the Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School
ment (25, 96). of Medicine. Address correspondence to Dr. Milrod (bmilrod@med.
Dr. Milrod receives royalties from Taylor & Francis for an academic
Neuroimaging book. Dr. Markowitz receives research funding support from NIMH
Neuroimaging research has focused on brain regions and salary support from New York State Psychiatric Institute; minor
book royalties from American Psychiatric Publishing, Basic Books,
and circuits whose activity appears abnormal at a single and Oxford University Press; and an editorial stipend from Elsevier
time point in individuals with anxiety and separation Press; none of these constitutes a conflict of interest with the current
anxiety from close attachments. Biomarkers of underlying article. Dr. Altemus has received payment for consultation from
Ironwood Pharmaceuticals and Corcept Pharmaceuticals; she has
vulnerability related to attentional and memory systems also received research support from Fisher-Wallace Corporation. The
that predispose to separation anxiety, but are not them- other authors report no financial relationships with commercial
selves anxiety circuitry in the usual sense, may merit interests.
Supported in part by a fund in the New York Community Trust
exploration. established by DeWitt Wallace (Dr. Milrod), by NIMH grants R01
As social interaction is central to separation anxiety, we MH70918-01A2 (Dr. Milrod) and R01 MH-079078 (Dr. Markowitz), by
must identify neural circuitry involved in “separation- the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (Dr. Milrod), and New
York State Psychiatric Institute (Dr. Markowitz).
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