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this house believe that it's better to be good at academics than to be good at sport.

Enter an era where the values of education and athletic achievement often collide. As a country
committed to all-round human development, we believe that focusing on academic achievement
is better than emphasizing success in sports. The following statement further explores why
investing in education has a greater and more sustainable impact on individuals and society as a

1. Long-Term Success: Academic achievements often translate into long-term success

in various fields, including career opportunities, intellectual development, and
personal growth, whereas success in sports might be more short-lived and limited in
its applicability.

2. Intellectual Stimulation: Excelling in academics requires critical thinking, problem-

solving skills, and intellectual stimulation, which contribute to a well-rounded
development of an individual’s mind. These skills are essential for navigating
complex real-world challenges beyond the realm of sports.

3. Versatility: Academic skills are versatile and can be applied to a wide range of
professions and situations, whereas sports proficiency may be limited to specific
athletic endeavors

4. Healthier Lifestyle: While sports promote physical health, academic pursuits often
lead to a healthier lifestyle in terms of mental well-being, stress management, and
overall balance.

5. Broader Impact: Academic excellence can have a broader impact on society through
research, innovation, and contributions to various fields, whereas success in sports
primarily benefits the individual or a specific team.

Based on sources, according to data from various education research institutions such as
UNESCO and the World Bank, investment in education has a higher long-term return
than investment in sports. Students who have good academic skills tend to have better
career opportunities and higher earnings in the future. Careers based on academic
achievement tend to provide greater financial stability in the long run.

According to Global Education Trends, showcasing data from the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), countries with strong education tend
to have lower unemployment rates, lower poverty rates, and higher economic growth.
This confirms the importance of focusin on quality education to advance society as a

For example, a country with a high level of education is Finland. Finland is often
considered a successful example in the global education system because it has a strong
education and manages to produce high academic results among its students. Finland
pays special attention to early childhood education, recognizing the importance of a good
start in building the foundation for future academic success. Although the Finnish
education system places great value on a holistic approach and a diverse curriculum,
students there are still equipped with strong academic skills. When told to study hard
academically, Finnish students tend to take a serious and responsible approach to their
Whereas, children in Indonesia tend to underestimate the importance of academics, even
though it is the initial & important knowledge for the future.

Excellence in academics has a greater and more sustainable impact than excellence in
sports. By focusing on academic achievement, individuals can open doors to a wider
range of career opportunities, achieve financial independence, develop in-depth skills,
and make positive contributions to the overall progress of society. Therefore, we
confidently support the statement that being good at academics is better than being good
at sports.

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