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COMANDO DA AERONÁUTICA 03 - Mark the opt ion that completes the sentence correctly.


ACADEMIA DA FORÇA AÉREA The doctor advised the reporter about not
a) don’t worry c) not worry
b) not to worry d) to not worry
04 - The title of the text means in its context that
03 de setembro de 2005
a) many people are oft en trying desperately to sleep.
Transcreva este dado para o seu cartão de respostas. b) the lack of sleep causes other health problems.
c) millions of people can’t sleep because of being tossing and
CÓDIGO DA PROVA: 11 turning.
d) sleep disorders are defined by the medicine as tossing and
05 - Joshua has some problems with his uniform and he’s very worried
about causing a bad impression on his first day in the new Air
Read the text and answer questions 1 to 4 according to it. Force base. He sent an e-mail to his mother asking for some advice.

Tossing and Turning Dear Mom,

I’m really worried about my uniform. It’s dirty – problem that
Can’t sleep? You’ re not alone. Millions of people are up I can resolve eas ily. But it has also a stain. Do you think it can
tossing and turning instead of getting their zzzz’s. Dr. Ray Thorpe, be removed? In addition, it’s a bit loose as I’ve lost some
Director of the Sleep Disorders Clinic, says, “Don’t think that loss of weight recently. And I think it’s just too old. Please, help me.
sleep is just a minor inconvenience.” During an interview he told me to What should I do?
thi nk about what can happen if people drive when they’re tired. Every Love,
year up to 200,000 car accidents are caused by drowsy drivers. Then he Josh
asked me to think about a recent industrial disaster. Chances are that it
was caused at least in part by sleep deprivation. Now read his mother’s response.
Being an insomniac myself, I asked Dr. Thorpe for some
suggestions. He told me to stop drinking coffee. He said to have a warm
Dear Josh,
glass of milk instead. “A lot of old-fashioned remedies work. Have a
Don’t worry about such easy trouble. I think you should just
high- carbohydrate snack like a banana before you go to bed,” he said.
(1) ______________ in a very good laundromat. Then,
But he advises patients not to eat a heavy meal before turning in for the
(2) ______________and (3) ______________. About how old
night. What about exercise? “Regular exercise helps, but don’t exercise
and loose it looks, I have a suggestion – you may
too close to bedtime”, he suggested. Finally, he told me not to despair.
(4) ______________ in a specialized place. Remember, you
“Don’t worry about not sleeping. It’s the worst thing to do,” he said. I
(5) ______________ before and it really works.
don’t know. After thinking about those industrial accidents, I doubt I’ll
be able to sleep at all!
(Taken from Grammar Express, Longman)
Complete the mother’s e-mail with the appropriate passive
causative sentences in the correct sequence. There are two extra
01 - Classify the statements as correct or not, according to the text. ones.

I- Being an insomniac is a problem which affects great part of a - it’ll be cleaned

the population. b - have your uniform dry cleaned
II - Lack of sleep is one of the causes of car accidents. c - have it ironed
III - The interviewed doctor believes just in well-known d - have it dyed and also tightened
medication from drugstores. e - you’ll have a new uniform made
IV - The more you worry about sleeping the worse. f - had it done
g - it’ll get the stain removed
a) Only II and III are correct.
b) Only I and II are correct. a) 1d / 2g / 3a / 4 c / 5 f c) 1b / 2a / 3g / 4 d / 5 f
c) Only I, II and IV are correct. b) 1c / 2e / 3g / 4 f / 5 b d) 1f / 2g/ 3e / 4 c / 5 b
d) Only III and IV are correct.

02 - The underlined sentence in the direct speech is “The doctor told

me: ...”

a) You should to think about what can happen if people drive

when they’re tired.
b) Think about what can happen if people drive when they’re
c) You should think about what could happen if people drove
when they’re tired.
d) Think about what could happen if people drive when they’re
Read the paragraph below and answer questions 6 to 8 about it. 09 - In the sentences "It's been a long winter, ______________?" and
"You'd like to eat this kite, ______________?", which pair of
Telling the truth ______________ be a virtue, but is it not question tags complete the passage?
more important to know how to tell lies? Obviously, modern
civilized society couldn’t exist if everybody lied all the time. a) isn't it / hadn't you
But at the same time, would it not be equally disastrous if b) doesn't it / wouldn't you
everybody always told the truth? So it seems to me that lying c) wasn't it / hadn't you
is an essential skill, and that schools are quite right to teach d) hasn't it / wouldn't you
children how to do it.

(Taken from Advanced Writing with English in Use, Oxford) Read the text below and answer questions 10 to 13 according to it.

The number of English- speakers in Asia roughly equals

06 - Mark the alternative with the correct modal to complete the gap in total in America, Canada and Britain.
the text, considering what it expresses in the context. To achieve fluency, non-native speakers are learning at
ever-younger age.
a) must (suggestion) c) may (possibility) Why such enthusiasm? In a word, jobs. A generation ago,
b) might (certainty) d) had better (prediction) only elites like diplomats and CFOs needed English for work. The
ante and what’s needed is going up year by year. Throughout
organizations, more people need more English. In China The
07 - Read the conditional sentences from I to IV and check if they have Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympics is publishing
a similar meaning to the underlined ones in the text. English among staff, guides, taxi drivers and ordinary citizens. For
lower- middle classes in India, English can mean a ticket to a prized
I- Unless everybody always told the truth, the result would be call- center job. With call centers, no longer is speaking English one
disastrous. of the important skills to get a good job.
II - Whether everybody lied all the time, modern civilized society (Adapted from Newsweek – March 27/2005)
couldn’t exist.
III - The result would be disastrous if nobody told lies.
IV - Modern civilized society could exist, unless everybody didn’t 10 - What’s clear in the text?
lie all the time.
a) Nowadays the learning of English is not only an advantage of
a) All the sentences are correct. leading circles.
b) Only sentences II, III, IV are correct. b) Enterprising people are learning English because of their jobs.
c) Only sentences I and II are incorrect. c) Undeveloped countries became English more useful because of
d) Only sentences I and IV are incorrect. clerical workers.
d) More and more non-natives are searching a rowdy way to get
employment opportunities.
08 - In the author’s opinion, schools develop

a) a useful ability in their students. 11 - Which sentence(s) is (are) correct according to the grammatical use
b) a disastrous skill to the society. of the relative pronouns and modal verbs?
c) the truth as a virtue to students keep during their lives.
d) a skill children should forget. I- In China, even people who have common jobs should learn
English because of an important sport event in few years.
II - Ordinary Chinese, which work in simple jobs, ought to learn
Read the dialog between Charlie Brown and the tree and answer the English language in order to become fluent until the
question 9 according to it. Olympics games.
III - In India, the one whose English is good must get a better job,
WELL! HELLO YOU as it is an important ability there.
DIRTY KITE -EATING IV - Companie s in India offer a job to the one whom speaks
TREE! IT’S BEEN A English because they have to consider it as an important skill.
______? YOU LOOK
KIND OF HUNGRY ... a) Only I and III are correct.
b) Only II and IV are correct.
c) Only I is correct.
d) Only II is correct.

12 - “Throughout organizations, more people need more English.”

The boldfaced word can be replaced by ______________ in the

_______? a) across c) whereas
b) in every part of d) beyond
13 - Mark the wrong question for the affirmative below. 17 - We finally deduce after reading the last extract above that it

“To achieve fluency, non-native speakers are learning at ever- a) tries to make a suggestion to the readers.
younger age.” b) emphasizes the failure of a country not keeping its words.
c) shows the solution to the evident problem.
a) How old are people from other countries trying to speak d) insists on demonstrating optimism about the end of poverty in
English ? some countries.
b) How do non -native speakers have looked for being fluent in
c) In what age are mutual speakers achieving the learning of a Read the paragraph below and answer questions 18 and 19
language? according to it.
d) When do people from different countries learn English?
“During the Trojan War, the Greeks hid inside a big wooden horse
to trick their enemies into letting ______________ inside the city
Read some fragments of an exclusive extract from Jeffrey Achs’s of Troy. The trick was successful and once the horse was inside the
new book, explaining how we can change the conditions that city gates, ______________ jumped out and caught the Trojans by
consign 1 billion people to poverty and then answer questions 14 to surprise.”
17 according to each paragraph. (by Longman Dictionary of Culture)
(Extracted and adapted from Time - March 14, 2005)

18 - According to the paragraph above, mark the option which contains

14 - This paragraph shows us that the appropriate words that complete the gaps and whom they are
referring to respectively.
“The World Bank estimates that 1.1 billion people live in
extreme poverty. Asia leads in numbers, but Africa has the a) them / they (the soldiers)
largest proportion: nearly half its population.” b) they / themselves (the Greeks)
c) they / they (the Wooden Horse)
a) Asia is less miserable in leadership than Africa. d) them / he (the Trojans)
b) The rate of poor Asian in numbers is not as large as the rate of
c) In a numerical calculation Asia has the control of poverty. On 19 - The text says that
the other hand, Africa guides the calamity.
d) In Asia, the quantity of poor people is huge and in Africa the a) inside the city there was a horse which caught the soldiers by
proportion is larger. surprise.
b) the Greeks hid themselves inside the horse in order to catch
their enemies by surprise.
15 - Considering the correct use of the words a few and much, choose c) the Trojans were caught by surprise because the Wooden Horse
the item in which one of them is wrongly applied. was hidden inside the city.
d) surprisingly, the trick was successful because the Trojans were
“A few generations ago, almost everybody was poor. The caught during the war by the hidden Wooden Horse.
Industrial Revolution led to new riches, but much of the world
was left behind.”
20 - Taking the sentences:
a) She's staying at the cottage for a few days. / Much work
remains to be done. I- When the police arrived at the accident they had already lain
b) I met a few of the other employees at my interview. / It would the injured man on the grass after realizing he was passing
take much effort to tidy my bedroom.
c) A few people have had the same problem. / There's much II- At the moment the athletes were lying the coach ordered
choice. them to concentrate and do their best to be champions.
d) I only know a few about my grandparents. / He has much III- He was lying when he told us he hasn’t seen the thief.
chance of winning. IV- Sarah laid a plan to get at the meeting earlier so that she
could finish her report first.

16 - One of the options is the correct explanation for the use of the Which option bears the correct infinitive forms of the underlined
underlined verbal tenses. Mark it. verbs ? Mark it.

a) lay / lie / lie / lay c) lie / lie / lie / lay

“ The U.S has promised repeatedly to give a larger share
of its annual output to help poor countries. But year after b) lay / lie / lay / lie d) lie / lay / lie / lie
year, America has failed to follow through. With some
nudging from activists, European politicians try to make
good on pledges to Africa, at least.”

a) An action which is completed before a time in the past.

b) An ongoing action which began in the past and is still
c) A single completed action in the past.
d) An action on progress at a point of time in the past.
Read the fragment of a song and answer question 21 according to 25 - Mark the alternative that contains an inappropriate use of pronouns.
a) The doctor herself talked to the patient about that serious
“Não tenho nada com isso nem vem falar disease.
eu não consigo entender sua lógica b) As nobody helped me, I prepared the food by myself.
minha palavra cantada pode espantar c) We are annoyed with ourselves after such an embarrassing
e a seus ouvidos parecer exótica” situation.
(Caetano Veloso, Muito Romântico) d) As he couldn’t think of any solution to the problem, he himself
committed suicide.

21 - Only one option, containing appropriate words, can translate into

English the main idea of the paragraph above. Mark it. Read the comment of “The Art of War” and answer questions 26 to
29 according to it.
a) The author says he’s nothing to do with that because he can’t
understand his logic and that his words can startle someone’s The Art of War
b) He affirms not to have anything at all with it but he also The Art of War, from The Chinese philosopher warrior,
couldn’t get in mind how his singing words may be exotic. Sun Tzu, was written approximately in century III before Christ. It
c) The man doesn’t have nothing to say because his words may be is one of the wisest military strategy agreements.
logical and frighten someone’s ears. Its text is applied to the competition and to the general
d) He has no way to make someone understand his logical and conflict in all levels of life. Its aim is victory without combat.
singing words because they are exotic and could scare Their strategic basis are: win without fighting, avoid
someone’s ears. strength to attack weakness and before winning the others, win
The Art of War has been used, as a metaphor, in the
22 - Mark the alternative that suits the paragraph below. battles that has become the competitions among the companies.
Sun Tzu’s book became a best seller and nowadays, the
Alice always _________ home from work at 6:30 in the evening. greatest presidents of corporations, political leaders and successful
She _________ at home at 5 o’clock – she _________ from work. businessmen are using it as a marketing manual.

a) gets / won’t be / won’t have arrived (Adapted from The Art of War – Sun Tzu)
b) will get / isn’t / will arrive
c) get / hasn’t been / wouldn’t arrive
d) is going to get / will be / will be arrived 26 - Change the first paragraph into the Active Voice.

a) About three centuries Before Christ, Sun Tzu, a Chinese

After reading the poem, answer questions 23 and 24 according to it. philosopher warrior wrote The Art of War.
b) Sun Tzu, who was a Chinese philosopher warrior, about three
Fire and Ice centuries BC, had written The Art of War.
c) The book Art of War which has been written by Sun Tzu, a
Some say the world will end in fire Chinese philosoph er warrior, has just three centuries before
Some say in ice Christ.
From what I’ve tasted of desire d) Three centuries B.C, the Chinese Sun Tzu, who had been a
I hold with those who favor fire philosopher warrior wrote the Art of War.
But if it had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction 27 - According to the text above, The Art of War
Ice is also great
And would suffice a) teaches strictly military strategies used in battles by different
(Robert Frost) kinds of leaders.
b) is compiled in a manual and can be used in different situations
of our lives.
23 - By observing the boldfaced statement the author of this poem c) though it’s very old, it is still used as an aim and all leaders
means that he make use of it to win some battles.
d) shows technical competitions and special way s of dealing with
a) holds those who want to set the world on fire. conflicts and chaos.
b) would prefer ice because it satisfies him more.
c) agrees with people who prefer fire.
d) thinks that the destruction of the world by ice would be enough. 28 - “Some of its strategic basis are: win without fighting, avoid
strength to attack weakness and before winning the others, win
24 - The underlined lines in the poem mean that the author
The underlined word is _____________ and refers to
a) wishes the world ended once more to suffice both the author ______________.
and others.
b) preferred the world perished twice for those who favored ice. a) a possessive adjective / the content of the book.
c) also favored fire instead of ice because it would be greater and b) a possessive pronoun / the art of war.
suffice both. c) an objective pronoun / the competitions and general conflict in
d) supposes that perishing the world twice would give him more all levels of life.
than one way to understand it. d) a subject pronoun / the military strategies.
29 - The third paragraph has a metaphorical meaning and we can
summarize it in few words. Which option shows the right

a) The knowledge of oneself.

b) The power of inner battle.
c) The triumph of strength.
d) How to avoid the fear of living .

30 - Read the paragraph below, based on a text about obesity. Complete

it with the appropriate relative pronoun or conjunction, in the
correct sequence. There are four extra ones.

USA is a country (1) ______________ people are getting

fatter. It will be a complete disaster (2) ______________ it
spreads to the South Sea Islands. It’s due to the fact that
Americans are people (3) ______________ alimentary habits
are incorrect. The industry of fast food,
(4) ______________ offers a lot of calories in a single portion,
is also responsible for the growing obesity. And, to make
matters worse, Americans are changing the thin stereotype to a
fat one.
(Adapted from Speak up – Set. 2003)
a - which
b - who
c - where
d - when
e - whose
f - if
g - whether
h - unless

a) 1e / 2h / 3a / 4 a c) 1c / 2g / 3e / 4 a
b) 1a / 2f / 3e / 4 b d) 1d / 2f / 3a / 4 c
35 - O conjunto solução S de P(x) = 0, possui 3 elementos.
1 i 3 n
31 - Considere o número complexo z = − e calcule z . No 6 4 3
Sabendo-se que P(x) = x – mx + 16x , onde m i þ,
2 2
assinale a alternativa INCORRETA .
conjunto formado pelos quatro menores valores naturais de
n para os quais z é um número real, a) O número m é múltiplo de 3
b) Os elementos de S formam uma progressão aritmética.
a) existem números que estão em progressão aritmética de c) S é constituído só de números pares.
razão igual a 4 d) R(x), resto da divisão de P(x) por (x – 1), é um polinômio
b) há elementos cuja soma é igual a 30 de grau zero.
c) existe um único número ímpar.
d) existe apenas um elemento que é número primo.
36 - Com base no conhecimento sobre análise combinatória, é
correto afirmar que
32 - Analise as afirmativas abaixo referentes aos números
3 i (01) existem 2160 possibilidades de 8 pessoas ocuparem
complexos z = + ew=1 – i um veículo com 3 lu gares voltados para trás e
2 2
5 lugares voltados para frente, sendo que 2 das
pessoas preferem bancos voltados para trás, 3 delas
(01) z . w10 é um número imaginário puro. preferem bancos voltados para frente e as demais não
têm preferência.
–1  1 1
(02) O afixo de w é o ponto  ,  (04) com os algarismos 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5, pode-se formar
 2 2 525 números ímpares com 4 algarismos e que não
11π 11π tenham zeros consecutivos.
(04) A forma trigonométrica de z = cos + i sen (08) podem ser formados 330 paralelogramos a partir de
6 6
(08) As raízes quartas de w são vértices de um quadrado 7 retas paralelas entre si, interceptadas por outras
4 retas paralelas entre si.
inscrito numa circunferência de centro na origem e raio
r = 42 A soma das alternativas corretas é

Somando-se os números associados às afirmativas a) 05 c) 12

verdadeiras obtém-se um total t, tal que b) 09 d) 13

a) t i [1, 4] c) t i [9, 12]

b) t i [5, 8] d) t i [13, 15] 37 - Os três primeiros coeficientes do desenvolvimento de
 2 1 
x +  segundo as potências decrescentes de x estão
33 - São dadas uma progressão aritmética e uma progressão  2x 
geométrica alternante com primeiro termo igual a 1. em progressão aritmética. O valor de n é um número
Multiplicando-se os termos correspondentes das duas
seqüências obtém-se a seqüência (–1, 1, 3, ...). A soma dos a) primo.
5 primeiros termos desta seqüência é b) quadrado perfeito.
c) cubo perfeito.
a) 61 c) 103 d) maior que 9 e menor que 15
b) 97 d) 111

38 - Numa caixa existem 6 canetas pretas, 4 azuis e

34 - Analise as proposições abaixo classificando- as em 3 vermelhas. Se 3 canetas são retiradas ao acaso, e sem
(V) verdadeira(s) ou (F) falsa(s). reposição, a probabilidade de que pelo menos duas tenham
2n 2n+1
cores distintas é
( ) O resto da divisão de P(x) = 5x – 4x – 2 (n i û)
por x + 1 varia de acordo com o valor de n 261 C 6, 3
( )
Se P(x) + xP(3 – x) = x + 1, então P(3) = 13 a) c)
3 2
286 C13,3
( ) Se 1 + i é raiz de P(x) = x + bx + cx + d, sendo
1 C6,3
{b, c, d} ⊂ þ, então uma das raízes tem forma b) d) 1−
 3π 3π  9 C13,3
trigonométrica igual a 2  cos + i sen 
 4 4 

Tem-se que

a) todas são falsas.

b) apenas duas são falsas.
c) apenas uma é falsa.
d) todas são verdadeiras.
39 - Analise as sentenças abaixo: 43 - Um cursinho tem representado na figura abaixo o seu
logotipo que é contornado por um triângulo equilátero ABC,
  2i  3
   se i = j cujo baricentro é o ponto P( 0, ) . No interior desse
I) Seja a matriz A = (aij) 3x3 definida por   j  3
 triângulo há o quadrado DEFG inscrito na circunferência λ1
( i + 2 j ) se i ≠ j
O elemento da terceira linha e segunda coluna da e, ao mesmo tempo, circunscrito à circunferência λ2.
matriz transposta de A é 8 Considerando os dados acima, classifique as alternativas
t t
Seja a matriz B = A – A (A é transposta de A), onde A abaixo em (V) verdadeira(s) ou (F) falsa(s).
é uma matriz quadrada de ordem n. Então, a diagonal
principal de B é nula.
 1 sen è 
III) A matriz A =   é inversível se
 sen è 1 
è≠ + k π, k ∈ ü .
 z 2x + 2 log( 2z − 4 ) 

IV) Se a matriz M = 4  x
x ( z + 1)!  é simétrica,
 
 log y y! y 
  2 3
então o produto dos elementos de sua diagonal ( ) A equação geral de λ1 é x 2 + y 2 − y=0
principal é igual a 36.
( ) A coroa circular sombreada na figura pode ser
representada pelo conjunto de pontos Q (x, y), tais que
É(são) FALSA(S) apenas
 2 3 2 1
x + ( y − ) ≥
a) I e III. c) IV.  3 3
b) II e IV. d) I e II. 
 2 3 2 1
 x + ( y − 3 ) ≤ 6

12 18 9 32 60 14 ( ) A reta suporte que contém o segmento BC pode ser

40 - Sendo x = 21 17 15 e y = 63 51 45 , então representada por y = − 3 x + 3
32 60 14 12 18 9
A seqüência correta é

a) x = 3y c) y = –3x a) V - V - V c) F - V - V
b) x = –27y d) y = 27x b) V - F - V d) V - V - F

 8x − y − 2 z = 0 44 - Considere o sistema cartesiano ortogonal e as opções

41 - (x, y, z) são as soluções do sistema  abaixo. Marque a FALSA.
 7x + y − 3 z = 0
Se x, y e z formam, nesta ordem, uma progressão aritmética, a) A medida de um dos eixos da elipse de equação
então a razão dessa progressão aritmética é igual a 2 2
x + 4y = 1 é a quarta parte da medida do outro.
b) As retas de equação y = mx representam as assíntotas
a) c) x x2 y2 5
3 da curva − = 1 se, e somente se, sms =
3 x+y+z 16 25 4
b) d) 2 2 2 2
c) As circunferências x + y – 2x = 0 e x + y + 4x = 0 são
2 3
tangentes exteriormente.
d) A equação x – y = 0 representa uma parábola cuja reta
42 - Considerando no plano cartesiano ortogonal as retas r, s e t, diretriz não tem coeficiente angular definido.
x = 2v + 3
tais que ( r )  , (s) mx + y + m = 0 e (t) x = 0, analise
y = 3v − 2
as proposições abaixo, classificando- as em (V) verdadeira(s)
ou (F) falsa(s).

( ) jm i þ s r = s
( ) jm i þ s s ⊥ t
( ) Se m = 0, as retas r, s e t determinam um triângulo
( ) As retas r e s poderão ser retas suportes de lados
opostos de um paralelogramo se m = –1,5

A seqüência correta é

a) F – V – F – F c) V – F – F – V
b) V – V – V – F d) F – V – V – V
45 - Sabe-se que 100 g de soja seca contém 39 g de proteínas e x
que 100 g de lentilha seca contém 26 g de proteínas. 47 - Dada a função real f definida por f ( x ) = , se
x−4 + 8−x
Homens de estatura média, vivendo em clima moderado,
D = [a, b] é o domínio de f e Im = [c, d] é o conjunto imagem
necessitam de 65 g de proteínas em sua alimentação diária.
Suponha que um homem queira nutrir-se com esses 65 g de de f, então, pode-se dizer que
proteínas alimentando-se de soja e/ou lentilha. Seja x a
quantidade diária de soja e y a quantidade diária de lentilha, a) se Im – D = [m, n), então m – n = –2
x e y positivos e medidos em porções de 100 g. b) se D – Im = ]p, q], então p + q = 10
c) c+d=2
d) ab = 36
É INCORRETO afirmar que

a) a relação estabelecida entre x e y é 3x + 2y = 5

48 - Dadas as funções reais f e g definidas por
b) se um homem deseja adquirir pelo menos 65 g de
2 x
proteínas, tem-se que y S –1,5x + 2,5 f ( x) = x − 5 x + 6 e g( x ) = , sabendo-se que existe
c) o esboço do gráfico que melhor
representa o consumo mínimo (gof)(x), pode-se afirmar que o domínio de gof é
de soja e/ou lentilha que um
homem precisa é a) þ – ]2, 3[ c) þ – {2, 3}
b) þ – [2, 3] d) þ* – [2, 3]

49 - Dois irmãos, Pedro e Paulo, sem nenhuma renda, ganharam

uma bolsa de estudos por 1 ano, sendo que cada um
receberá x reais por mês. Fizeram, então, uma previsão de
despesas e Pedro concluiu que pode economizar
d) o esboço do gráfico que 2
mensalmente do valor de sua bolsa. Já Paulo, que
representa as possíveis 7
combinações de tais alimentos gastará por mês R$ 300,00 a mais que Pedro, acumulará
para fornecer pelo menos a uma dívida de R$ 1680,00 ao fim do ano. Pedro, então,
quantidade de proteínas propõe ao irmão ajudá-lo todo mês com metade do que
requerida é economizaria mensalmente. Baseado nisso, é correto
afirmar que

a) o valor de x não chega a R$ 500,00 por mês.

b) Paulo gasta por mês exatamente 120% do valor de sua
c) contando apenas com a ajuda de Pedro, Paulo não
conseguirá pagar todas as suas despesas.
46 - Com relação às funções reais f, g e h, cujos gráficos estão d) Pedro pretende guardar, ao final dos 12 meses,
representados abaixo, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA. R$ 980,00, mesmo ajudando o irmão.

50 - Considere no sistema cartesiano ortogonal o triângulo de

vértices A(0, 3), B(0, –2) e C(3, 0). Neste triângulo ABC
estão inscritos diversos retângulos com base no eixo das
ordenadas. Em relação ao retângulo de maior área, é
INCORRET O afirmar que o mesmo possui

a) altura e base proporcionais a 3 e 5

b) perímetro representado por um número inteiro.
c) área maior que 4
d) área correspondente a 50% da área do triângulo ABC.

1 x
51 - Seja f : þ → B a função definida por f ( x ) = − a −1
(a i þ e a > 1). Analise as afirmativas abaixo,
classificando-as em (V) verdadeira(s) ou (F) falsa(s).
a) Se x é tal que 3 R x R 5, então f(x) R g(x) R h(x)
1 ( ) f(p + q) = f(p) – f(q), ∀ p,q i þ
b) Se x é tal que –1 R x R , então g(x) S h(x) S f(x)
2 ( ) f é crescente ∀ x i þ
1 3
c) Se x é tal que R x R 3, então g(x) R f(x) R h(x) ( ) Se x i ] – ∞, 0[, então y i ] − , − 1[
2 2
5 ( ) Se B = ] – ∞, –1[, então f é bijetora.
d) Se x é tal que − R x R 4, então f(x).g(x).h(x) S 0
A seqüência correta é

a) F - F - V - V c) V - F - F - F
b) F - V - F - V d) F - V - V - V
52 - Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA. 56 - Identifique as alternativas FALSAS, assinalando, a seguir, a
alternativa que corresponde à soma dos números a elas
a) O conjunto solução da inequação ( 2 − 3 ) > −1 é þ

b) O número real que satisfaz a sentença (3 x −2 )2 = 52− x sen 3 ex cos 3e x

é div isor de 1024 (01) A função f ( x) = − , para qualquer
x sen ex cos e x
c) A função exponencial definida por f(x) = –(a – 4) é que seja x pertencente ao seu domínio, tem imagem 2
decrescente se 4 < a < 5
d) Se y = 10 é um número entre 10.000 e 100.000, então x (02) sen x + cos x S 1 para todo x i [0, π]
está entre 4 e 6
5  π 5
(04) Se sec x = , então cossec  x −  = −
4  2 4
53 - Assinale a alternativa correta.
 x −1
(08) O domínio da função f ( x ) = arc sen   é o
1  6 
a) log 2 3 > log 1
intervalo ] –7, 7]
4 9
2 (16) O período da função f(x) = s(sen x)(cos x)s é π
b) Se x = log3 14 . log 2 3 . log 4 , então 1 < x < 2
1 a) 26 c) 15
c) Se m = , então, um possível valor real de x tal que b) 23 d) 07
log 3 x
xm . log 3 x < 1 é x =
3 57 - Um balão sobrevoa certa cidade a uma altura de 750 m em
1 relação ao solo, na horizontal. Deste balão avistam-se
log3 x 1 pontos luminosos A, B e C, conforme a figura abaixo. O valor
d) Se x < (0 < x < 1), então, um possível valor da tg α é igual a
log 3 x
de x é 2

54 - Considere as funç ões reais f e g definidas por f(x) = log 3 x e

–1 –1
g(x) = f(x +1). Sabendo-se que existem f e g , é correto
afirmar que o conjunto solução da equação
–1 –1
g (x) + f (x) = 2 é

a) {1} c) {log 3 2 − 1}
b) ∅ d) {1 − log 3 2}

55 - Num certo dia, a temperatura ambiente era de 40 °C. A água

que fervia em uma panela, cinco minutos depois de apagado
o fogo tinha a temperatura de 70 °C. Pela lei de resfriamento
de Newton, a diferença de temperatura D entre um objeto e 7 3
– αt a) c)
o meio que o contém é dada por D(t) = D0 . e , em que D0 3 2
é a diferença de temperatura no instante t = 0 e D(t) a 9 1
diferença num instante t qualquer. Sabendo-se que a b) d)
8 3
temperatura de ebulição da água é de 100 °C, l n 2 = 0,7 e
ln 5 = 1,6, pode-se dizer que a água atingirá a temperatura
de 46 °C 58 - Considere as afirmativas abaixo:
a) 10 minutos após o fogo ter sido apagado. I) Se αe β são planos interceptando-se na reta r e a reta
b) entre 18 e 20 minutos após o fogo ter sido apagado. s é paralela a α e a β, então s também é paralela a r.
c) exatamente 30 minutos após o fogo ter sido apagado.
II) Se uma reta intercepta um plano α, existe um plano β
d) aproximadamente 16 minutos após apagado o fogo.
paralelo a α que não é interceptado pela reta.
III) Se dois planos são paralelos, toda reta contida em um
deles é paralela ao outro plano.
IV) Dois planos perpendiculares a um terceiro plano são
sempre paralelos entre si.
V) Se três retas têm um ponto comum, elas são

O número de afirmativas verdadeiras é

a) 1 c) 3
b) 2 d) 4
59 - Um reservatório de forma cilíndrica (cilindro circular reto) de
altura 30 cm e raio da base 10 cm está cheio de água. São
feitos, simultaneamente, dois furos no reservatório: um no
fundo e outro a 10 cm de altura do fundo. Cada um desses
furos permite uma vazão de 1 litro por minuto. A quantidade

de água restante no reservatório após minutos é, em

a) π c)
3π π
b) d)
4 4

60 - O produto da maior diagonal pela menor diagonal de um

prisma hexagonal regular de área lateral igual a 144 cm e
volume igual a 144 3 cm3 é

a) 10 7 c) 10 21
b) 20 7 d) 20 21


01 C 01 D 01 A
02 B 02 C 02 D
03 B 03 C 03 D
04 A 04 B 04 C
05 C 05 D 05 A
06 C 06 D 06 A
07 B 07 C 07 D
08 A 08 B 08 C
09 D 09 A 09 B
10 A 10 B 10 C
11 C 11 D 11 A
12 B 12 C 12 D
13 C 13 D 13 A
14 D 14 A 14 B
15 D 15 A 15 B
16 B 16 C 16 D
17 B 17 C 17 D
18 A 18 B 18 C
19 B 19 C 19 D
20 C 20 D 20 A
21 A 21 B 21 C
22 A 22 B 22 C
23 C 23 D 23 A
24 D 24 A 24 B
25 D 25 A 25 B
26 A 26 B 26 C
27 B 27 C 27 D
28 A 28 B 28 C
29 A 29 B 29 C
30 C 30 D 30 A
31 D 31 A 31 B
32 B 32 C 32 D
33 D 33 A 33 B
34 A 34 B 34 C
35 B 35 C 35 D
36 A 36 B 36 C
37 C 37 D 37 A
38 A 38 B 38 C
39 C 39 D 39 A
40 C 40 D 40 A
41 C 41 D 41 A
42 D 42 A 42 B
43 B 43 C 43 D
44 A 44 B 44 C
45 D 45 A 45 B
46 B 46 C 46 D
47 A 47 B 47 C
48 B 48 C 48 D
49 C 49 D 49 A
50 C 50 D 50 A
51 A 51 B 51 C
52 C 52 D 52 A
53 B 53 C 53 D
54 D 54 A 54 B
55 D 55 A 55 B
56 A 56 B 56 C
57 B 57 C 57 D
58 B 58 C 58 D
59 C 59 D 59 A
60 D 60 A 60 B

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