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(Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education – New Delhi)


1. In electromagnetic waves the phase difference between electric and magnetic field vectors
(a) zero (b) 𝜋/4 (c) 𝜋/2 (d) π
Ans: (a) Electric and magnetic field vectors always vary in same phase.
2. Which of the following has minimum wavelength?
(a) Blue light (b) γ-rays (c) infrared rays (d) microwave
Ans: (b) γ-rays have maximum frequency so minimum wavelength among em waves.
3. The correct option, if speeds of gamma rays, X-rays and microwave are Vg, Vx an Vm respectively
will be.
(a) Vg > Vx > Vm (b) Vg < Vx < Vm (c) Vg > Vx > Vm (d) Vg = Vx = Vm
Ans: (d) All electromagnetic waves travel with the speed of light in space.
4. Which of the following has maximum penetrating power?
(a) Ultraviolet radiation (b) Microwaves (c) γ-rays (d) Radio waves
Ans: (c) γ-rays have maximum frequency and energy of proton, therefore maximum
penetrating power.
5. Electromagnetic waves travelling in a medium having relative permeability μ r = 1.3 and relative
permittivity Er = 2.14. The speed of electromagnetic waves in medium must be
(a) 1.8 × 108 ms-1 (b) 1.8 × 104ms1 (c) 1.8 × 106ms1 (d) 1.8 × 10² ms-1
Ans: a ) 1.8 × 108 ms-1
6. The quantity √µ0ε0 represents
(a) speed of sound (b) speed of light in vacuum
(c) speed of e.m. waves (d) inverse of speed of light in vacuum
Ans: d) inverse of speed of light in vacuum
7. In electromagnetic wave if ue and um are mean electric and magnetic energy densities
respectively, then

Ans:(a) Energy is equally distributed among electric field and magnetic field
8. Which of the following is called heat radiation?
(a) X-rays (b) γ-rays (c) Infrared radiation (d) Microwave ANS: C
9. From Maxwell’s hypothesis, a charging electric field gives rise to
(a) an electric field. (b) an induced emf. (c) a magnetic field. (d) a magnetic dipole.
Ans:(c) A charging electric field gives rise to a magnetic field.
10. The ultra high frequency band of radio waves in electromagnetic wave is used as in
(a) television waves (b) cellular phone communication
(c) commercial FM radio (d) both (a) and (c) Ans: B
11. Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature is evident by
(a) polarisation. (b) interference, (c) reflection. (d) diffraction.
Ans:(a) Only transverse waves can be polarised.
12. Which of the following are not electromagnetic waves?
(a) Cosmic rays (b) γ-rays (c) β-rays (d) X-rays
Ans:(c) β-rays consists of electrons which are not electromagnetic nature.
13. 10 cm is a wavelength corresponding to the spectrum of
(a) infrared rays (b) ultraviolet rays (c) microwaves (d) X-rays
Ans:(c) Microwaves have wavelength around 10 cm.
14. If 𝐸⃗ and 𝐵⃗ represent electric and magnetic field vector of the electromagnetic waves then the
direction of propagation of the em wave is that of

Ans: (c) 𝐸⃗ ×𝐵⃗

15. The structure of solids is investigated by using
(a) cosmic rays (b) X-rays (c) γ-rays (d) infrared rays
Ans: (b) X-rays are used to investigate structure of solids.
16. The condition under which a microwave over heats up a food item containing water molecules
most efficiently is
(a) The frequency of the microwaves must match the resonant frequency of the water
(b) The frequency of the microwaves has no relation with natural frequency of the water
(c) Microwaves are heat waves, so always produce heating.
(d) Infrared waves produce heating in a microwave oven.
Ans:(a) When frequency of microwave matches with frequency of water molecules i.e.,
resonant condition. Maximum energy is transferred to water molecules as their
K.E. energy.
17. Which radiations are used in treatment of muscle ache?
(a) Infrared (b) Ultraviolet (c) Microwave (d) X-rays
Ans:(a) Infrared radiations are used in the treatment of muscle ache.
18. Waves in decreasing order of their wavelength are
(a) X-rays, infrared rays, visible rays, radio waves
(b) radio waves, visible rays, infrared rays, X-rays.
(c) radio waves, infrared rays, visible rays, X-rays.
(d) radio waves, ultraviolet rays, visible rays, X-rays. Ans: c
19. The electric field associated with an e.m wave in vacuum is given by
𝐸⃗ =40 cos (kz – 6 × 108t) 𝑖⃗ , where E, Z and t are in volt/m, metre and seconds
respectively. The value of wave vector K is
(a) 2 m-1 (b) 0.5 m-1 (c) 6 m-1 (d) 3 m-1
Ans:(a) Wave vector, 𝑘=𝑊𝐶=6×108/3×108=2 m−1
20. Electromagnetic waves with wavelength λ are used by a FM radio station for broadcasting. Here λ
belongs to
(a) radio waves (b) VHF radio waves (c) UHF radio waves (d) microwaves Ans: (b)
21. The oscillating magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given as
By = (8 × 10-6) sin [2 × 1011t+ 300πx] T, wavelength of the em wave is
(a) 0.80 cm (b) 1 × 103m (c) 2 × 10-2cm (d) 0.67 cm
Ans: (d) wavelength 𝜆=2𝜋300𝜋=1150m = 0.67 cm
22. Maxwell in his famous equations of electromagnetism introduced the concept of
(a) ac current (b) displacement current (c) impedance (d) reactance Ans: (b)
23. The conduction current is same as displacement current when source is
(a) ac only (b) dc only (c) either ac or dc (d) neither dc nor ac Ans: (c)
24. If a variable frequency ac source is connected to a capacitor then with decrease in
frequency the displacement current will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) remains constant (d) first decrease then increase Ans: (b)
25. An electromagnetic wave can be produced, when charge is
(a) moving with a constant velocity (b) moving in a circular orbit
(c) falling in an electric field (d) both (b) and (c) Ans: (d)
26. Which of the following statement is false for the properties of electromagnetic waves?
(a) Both electric and magnetic field vectors attain the maxima and minima at the same
place and same time.
(b) The energy in electromagnetic waves is divided equally between electric and magnetic
field vectors.
(c) Both electric and magnetic field vectors are parallel to each other and perpendicular
to the direction of propagation of wave.
(d) These waves do not require any material medium for propagation. Ans: (c)
27. Which of the following has/have zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave?
(a) Both magnetic and electric fields (b) Electric field only (c) Magnetic field only (d) None Ans: (a)
28. A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 109 Hz. The
frequency of electromagnetic waves produced by the oscillator is
(a) 106 Hz (b) 107 Hz (c) 108 Hz (d) 109 Hz Ans: (d)
29. If E and B denote electric and magnetic fields respectively, which of the following is

Ans: (a)
30. The waves used by artificial satellites for communication is
(a) microwaves (b) infrared waves (c) radio waves (d) X-rays Ans: (a)
31. Which of the following electromagnetic waves is used in medicine to destroy cancer cells?
(a) IR-rays (b) Visible rays (c) Gamma rays (d) Ultraviolet rays Ans: (c)
32. A linearly polarized electromagnetic wave given as E = E0 𝑖̂ cos (kz – ωt) is incident normally on a
perfectly reflecting infinite wall at z = a. Assuming that the material of the wall is optically
inactive, the reflected wave will be given as
(a) Er = -E0 𝑖̂ cos (kz – ωt). (b) Er = E0 𝑖̂ cos (kz + ωt).
(c) Er = -E0 𝑖̂ cos (kz + ωt). (d) Er = E0 𝑖̂ sin (kz – ωt). Ans:(b)
33. Light with an energy flux of 20 W/cm falls on a non-reflecting surface at normal incidence. If the

surface has an area of 30 cm2, the total momentum delivered (for complete absorption) during 30
minutes is
(a) 36 × 10-5 kg m/s. (b) 36 × 10 -4 kg m/s.
(c) 108 × 104 kgm/s. (d) 1.08 × 10 7 kg m/s. Ans:(b)
34. The electric field intensity produced by the radiations coming from 100 W bulb at a 3 m distance
is E. The electric field intensity produced by the radiations coming from 50 W bulb at the same
distance is

35. If E and B represent electric and magnetic field vectors of the electromagnetic wave, the direction
of propagation of electromagnetic wave is along
(a) E. (b) B. (c) B × E. (d) E × B. Ans:(d)
36. Which of the following statement is false for the properties of em waves?
(a) The energy of em wave is divided equally between electric and magnetic fields.
(b) Both electric and magnetic field vectors are parallel to each and perpendicular to the
direction of propagation of wave.
(c) These waves do not require any material medium for propagation.

(d) Both electric and magnetic field vectors attain the maximum and minimum at the
same place and same time.
Ans: (b) Electric and magnetic field vectors are mutually perpendicular to each other
directed along the propagation of wave.
37. An EM wave radiates outwards from a dipole antenna, with E0 as the amplitude of its electric field
vector. The electric field E0 which transports significant energy from the


38. An electromagnetic wave travelling along z-axis is given as-E=E0 cos (kz – 𝜔t). Choose the incorrect
option from the following;
(a) The associated magnetic field is given as B = 1𝑐𝑘̂ × E = 1𝜔(𝑘̂ × E)
(b) The electromagnetic field can be written in terms of the associated magnetic field as
E = c(B × 𝑘̂ )
(c) 𝑘̂ .E = 0, 𝑘̂ .B =0. (d) 𝑘̂ × E = 0, k𝑘̂ × B = 0. Ans:(d)
39. A plane electromagnetic wave propagating along x direction can have the following pairs of
E and B
(a) Ex,By. (b) Ey, Bz. (c) Bx, Ey. (d) None of these Ans: (b)
40. A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 109 Hz. For
producing electromagnetic waves which one is not true?
(a) They will have frequency of 10 9 Hz. (b) They will have frequency of 2 × 10 9 Hz.
(c) They will have a wavelength of 0.3 m. (d) They fall in the region of radio waves. Ans:(b)

41. The source of electromagnetic waves can be a charge

(a) moving with a constant velocity. (b) moving in a circular orbit.
(c) at rest. (d) falling in a magnetic field. Ans: (b)
42. One requires 11 eV of energy to dissociate a carbon monoxide molecule into carbon and oxygen
atoms. The minimum frequency of the appropriate electromagnetic radiation to achieve the
dissociation lies in
(a) visible region. (b) infrared region. (c) ultraviolet region. (d) microwave region. Ans:(c)
43. The ratio of contributions made by the electric field and magnetic field components to the
intensity of an EM wave is
(a) c : 1 (b) c² : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) √c : 1 Ans: (c)
44. An electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along z direction: E = (E1i + E2j) cos(kz – 𝜔t). Choose
the correct options from the following:

(c) The given electromagnetic field is circularly polarised.

(d) The given electromagnetic wave is unpolarised. Ans:(a)
45. Speed of electromagnetic wave related to electric field and magnetic field vector in vacuum.

Ans: (a)
46. An EM wave of intensity I falls on a surface kept in vacuum and exerts radiation pressure p on it.
Which of the following is not true?
(a) Radiation pressure is I/c if the wave is totally absorbed.
(b) Radiation pressure is I/c if the wave is totally reflected.
(c) Radiation pressure is 2I/c if the wave is totally reflected.
(d) Radiation pressure is in the range I/c < p < 2I/c for real surfaces. Ans:(b)
47. In electromagnetic spectrum, the frequencies γ-rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays are denoted by
n1, n2 and n3 respectively then
(a) n1 > n2 > n3 (b) n1 < n2 < n3 (c) n1 > n2 < n3 (d) n1 < n2 > n3
Ans: (a) From electromagnetic spectrum, frequencies of γ-rays is greater than frequency of
X-rays. Frequency of Xrays is greater than frequency of ultraviolet rays.
48. Which one of the following has the shortest wavelength?
(a) Infrared rays (b) Ultraviolet rays (c) Microwaves (d) Gamma rays Ans:(d)
49. When electromagnetic waves enter the ionised layer of ionosphere, then the relative permittivity
i.e. dielectric constant of the ionised layer
(a) does not change (b) appears to increase
(c) appears to decrease (d) sometimes appears to increase and sometimes to decrease Ans:(c)
50. Ultraviolet rays coming from sun are absorbed by
(a) troposphere (b) ionosphere (c) stratosphere (d) mesosphere Ans:(b)
51. The EM waves when travel into different media gets
(a) refracted (b) transmitted (c) reflected (d) emitted Ans: (c)
52. The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere depends upon
(a) their velocities (b) their frequencies (c) their distance from the transmitter (d) None Ans: (a)
53. The velocity of all radio waves in free space is 3 × 10 8 m/s. The frequency of a radio wave
of wavelength 150m is
(a) 20 kHz (b) 2 kHz (c) 2 MHz (d) 1 MHz Ans: (c)
54. The polarisation of electromagnetic wave is in
(a) the directions of electric and magnetic field (b) the directions of electric field
(c) the direction of magnetic field (d) can not be polarized Ans: (b)
55. If the frequency of EM radiations is halved then the energy of EM radiation will become
(a) double (b) remains unchanged (c) becomes half (d) becomes one fourth Ans: (c)
56. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequency in the range of
(a) Micro hertz (b) Giga hertz (c) Mega hertz (d) Hertz Ans:(b)
57. For television broadcasting the frequency employed is normally
(a) 30-300 MHz (b) 30-300 GHz (c) 30-300 kHz (d) 30-300 Hz Ans: (a)
58. Electromagnetic waves of frequency …. are reflected from ionosphere.
(a) 100 MHz (b) 2 MHz to 80 MHz (c) upto 1.5 MHz (d) less than 1.5 MHz Ans:(b)
59. When an electromagnetic wave enters an ionised layer of earth’s atmosphere present in
(a) the electron cloud will not oscillate in the electric field of the wave
(b) the electron cloud will oscillate in the electric field of wave in the phase of sinusoidal
electromagnetic wave
(c) the electron cloud will oscillate in the electric field of wave in the opposite phase of
sinusoidal electromagnetic wave
(d) the electron cloud will oscillate in the electric field of wave with a phase retardation of
90° for a sinusoidal electromagnetic wave. Ans:(d)
60. An electron oscillating with a frequency of 3 × 10 Hz, would generate

(a) X-rays (b) ultraviolet rays (c) radio waves (d) microwaves Ans: (c)
61. Ultraviolet spectrum can be studied by using a
(a) flint glass prism (b) direct vision prism (c) nicol prism (d) quartz prism Ans: (d)
62. The cellular mobile radio frequency band is
(a) 88 – 108 MHz (b) 54 – 72 MHz (c) 540 – 1600 KHz (d) 840 – 935 MHz Ans:(d)
63. Select the wrong statement. EM waves
(a) are transverse in nature. (b) travel in free space at a speed of light.
(c) are produced by accelerating charges. (d) travel in all media with same speed. Ans: (d)
64. The ozone layer in the atmosphere absorbs
(a) only the radiowaves (b) only the visible light
(c) only the γ-rays (d) X-rays and ultraviolet rays Ans: (d)
65. The waves which are electromagnetic in nature are
(a) sound waves and light waves (b) water waves and radio waves
(c) light waves and X-rays (d) sound waves and water waves
Ans: (c) Light waves and X-rays are electromagnetic waves.
66. Which one of the following has the maximum energy?
(a) Radio waves (b) Infrared rays (c) Ultraviolet rays (d) Micro waves Ans: (c)
67. Ozone layer above earth’s atmosphere will not
(a) prevent infrared radiations from sun reaching earth.
(b) prevent infra red radiations originated from earth from escaping earth’s atmosphere.
(c) prevent ultraviolet rays from sun. (d) reflect back radio waves.
Ans: (d) Ozone layer will absorb ultraviolet rays; reflect the infrared radiation and does not
reflect back radiowaves.
68. Which of the following is/are true for electromagnetic waves?
I. They transport energy.
II. They have momentum.
III. They travel at different speeds in air depending on their frequency.
(a) I and III (b) II only (c) I, II and III (d) I and II Ans:(c)
69. The amplitude of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum is doubled with no other changes made to
the wave. As a result of this doubling of the amplitude, which of the following statements are
I. The speed of wave propagation chages only
II. The frequency of the wave changes only
III. The wavelength of the wave changes only
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I, II and III Ans: (d)
70. Select the correct statement(s) from the following.
I. Wavelength of microwaves is greater than that of ultraviolet rays.
II. The wavelength of infrared rays is lesser than that of ultraviolet rays.
III. The wavelength of microwaves is lesser than that of infrared rays
IV. Gamma ray has shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) III and IV (d) I and IV Ans: (d)
71. Which of the following has a minimum wavelength?
a) Gamma rays b) Blue light c) Infrared rays d)microwave Answer: (a) Gamma rays
72. Which among the following has the maximum penetrating power?
a) Radio waves b) Microwaves c) Ultraviolet radiation d) Gamma rays Answer: (d) Gamma rays
73. Which of the following is called heat radiation?
a) X-rays b) Gamma rays c) Microwave d) Infrared radiation Ans: (d) Infrared radiation
74. Which of the following are not electromagnetic waves?
a) Cosmic rays b) Gamma rays c) β rays d) X rays Ans: (c) β rays
75. 10 cm is the wavelength corresponding to the spectrum of
a) Infrared rays b) Ultraviolet rays c) Microwaves d) X-rays Ans (c) Microwaves
76. The structure of solids is investigated by using
a) Microwaves b) Gamma rays c) X-rays d) Infrared rays Ans: (c) X-rays
77. Which radiations are used in the treatment of muscle ache?
a) Infrared b) Ultraviolet c) Microwave d) X-rays Ans: (a) Infrared
78. The ultra-high frequency band of radio waves in the electromagnetic wave is used as in
a) Television b) Cellular phone communication c) Commercial FM radio d) Both a and b
Ans: (b) Cellular phone communication
79. The waves used by artificial satellites for communication is
a) Microwaves b) Infrared waves c) Radio waves d) X rays Ans: (a) Microwaves
80. Which of the following electromagnetic waves is used in medicine to destroy cancer cells?
a) IR-rays b) Visible rays c) Gamma rays d) Ultraviolet rays Ans: (c) Gamma rays
81. Which of the following waves is used in modern EDM?
a) Visible rays b) Thermal IR c) Modulated IR d) Radio waves Answer: (c) Modulated IR
82. Which characteristic of an electromagnetic wave is affected by the medium through
which it travels?
a) Time period b) Velocity c) Wavelength d) Frequency Answer: (b) velocity
83. How do EDMs measure distance?
a) Frequency b) Wave length c) Phase difference d) Amplitude Ans: C
84. Which of the waves is used by the tellurometer, a type of EDM?
a) Microwaves b) Infrared waves c) Radio waves d) Visible rays Answer: (c) Radio waves
85. Which of the given formats is used to represent electromagnetic waves?
a) Longitudinal waves b) Transverse waves c) Sinusoidal waves d) Surface waves Answer: (c)
86. State true or false) High frequency propagation is utilized to improve accuracy.
a) True b) False Answer: (a) true
87. Which of the given formats can be used to express phase difference?
a) Meter per second b) Meter c) Cycles d) Seconds Answer: (c) Cycles.
88. Which of the following is the correct sequence for EDM propagation’s foundation?
a) Propagation, generation, reflection and reception
b) Generation, reception, reflection and propagation
c) Generation, propagation, reception and reflection
d) Generation, propagation, reflection and reception
Answer: (d) Generation, propagation, reflection and reception.
89. Electromagnetic waves are generated by
a) Stationary charge b) Accelerated charge c) Charge in motion
d) Electrically charged particles Answer: (b) Accelerated charge)
90. Which of the following statements regarding electromagnetic waves is false?
a) In an electromagnetic wave, the energy is split evenly between the electric and
magnetic vectors.
b) The vectors of the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the wave’s
propagation direction and parallel to each other.
c) The propagation of these waves is not dependent on any physical medium.
d) The peaks and minima of both the electric and magnetic field vectors occur at the
same location and time Answer: (b)
91. Which of the mentioned waves are responsible for telecommunication?
a) UV rays b) IR c) Microwaves d) Visible light Answer: (c) Microwaves
92. The root mean square value of the electric field in a free space electromagnetic wave is
6 V/m. The magnetic field’s maximum value is
a) 2.83×10-8 T b) 1.51×10-8 T c) 0.80×10-8 T d) 4×10-8 T Answer: (a)2.83×10-8 T.
93. If the energy of an EM wave is on the order of 15 keV, which section of the spectrum does
it belong to?
a) X- rays b) Infrared rays c) Ultraviolet rays d) Gamma rays Answer: (a) X- rays.
94. For electromagnetic wave propagation in a vacuum, the ratio of the amplitude of the
magnetic field to the amplitude of the electric field is equal to
a) 1 b) 3 x 108 m/s c) 1/ 3 x 108 m/s
d) Ratio of magnetic permeability to electrically susceptibility in vacuum Ans: C
95. When there is a charge ____, an electromagnetic wave could be created.
a) Moving in circular orbits b) Falling in electric field c) Moving with constant velocity
d) Both a and b Answer: (d) both a and b.
96. The conductions current is same as displacement current when source is
a) a.c. only b) d.c. only c) both a.c and d.c d) neither for d.c nor for a.c Ans: C
97. Which of the following is used to produce waves of constant amplitude
a) Oscillator b) LED c) Rectifier d) Amplidier Ans: A
98. Electromagnetic waves transport
a) Charge and momentum b) frequency and wavelength
c) energy and momentum d) wavelength and energy Ans: C
99. Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are identified by their
a) Colour b) speed c) use d) frequency/wavelength Ans: D
100. The correct option, if speeds of gamma rays, x rays, and micro waves are v g, vx and vm
respectively, will be
a) Vg > v x > v m b) vg < vx < vm c) vg >vx>vm d) vg = vx = vm Ans: D
Directions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and Reason. While
answering these questions, you are required to choose any one of the following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
(e) If the Assertion is incorrect and Reason is correct

1. Assertion: Electromagnetic waves do not require medium for their propagation.

Reason: They can’t travel in a medium. Ans: B
2. Assertion: Environmental damage has increased amount of Ozone in atmosphere.
Reason: Increase of ozone increases amount of ultraviolet radiation on earth.
Ans: C
3. Assertion: Electromagnetic web does not require any medium to travel.
Reason: Electromagnetic waves cannot travel through any medium. Ans: B
4. Assertion: The frequencies of incident, reflected and refracted beam of
monochromatic light incident from one medium to another are
Reason: The incident, reflected and refracted rays are coplanar. Ans: A
5. Assertion: Infrared waves are often called heat waves.
Reason: Infrared waves vibrate not only the electrons, but entire atoms or
molecules of a substance which increases the internal energy and
temperature of the substance. Ans: A
6. Assertion: In an EM wave the magnitude of the electric field vector is
more than the magnitude of the magnetic field vector.
Reason: Energy of the EM wave is shared equally between the electric and
magnetic fields. Ans: B
7. Assertion: In an electromagnetic wave, magnitude of magnetic field
vector B is much smaller than the magnitude of vector E .
Reason: This is because in an electromagnetic wave E/B = c = 3x108. Ans: A
8. Assertion: An electromagnetic wave exerts pressure on the surface on which it is
Reason: The oscillations in electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave
are in same phase. Ans: A
9. Assertion: Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature.
Reason: The electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave are
perpendicular to each other and also perpendicular to the direction
of wave propagation. Ans: A
10. Assertion :Electromagnetic wave are transverse in nature.
Reason : The electric and magnetic fields in electromagnetic waves are perpendicular to each
other and the direction of propagation. Ans: A

11. Assertion : Electromagnetic waves interact with matter and set up oscillations.
Reason : Interaction is independent of the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave. Ans: C
12. Assertion : Electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum.
Reason : Electromagnetic waves can be polarised. Ans: B
13. Assertion : Electromagnetic waves exert radiation pressure.
Reason : Electromagnetic waves carry energy. Ans: A
14. Assertion : The electromagnetic wave is transverse in nature.
Reason : Electromagnetic wave propagates parallel to the direction of electric and magnetic
fields. Ans: C
15. Assertion : The velocity of electromagnetic waves depends on electric and magnetic properties of
the medium.
Reason : Velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space is constant. Ans: B
16. Assertion : The basic difference between various types of electromagnetic waves lies
in their wavelength or frequencies.
Reason : Electromagnetic waves travel through vacuum with the same speed. Ans: A
17. Assertion : Microwaves are better carrier of signals than optical waves.
Reason : Microwaves move faster than optical waves. Ans: D
18. Assertion : Infrared radiation plays an important role in maintaining the average temperature
of earth.
Reason : Infrared radiations are sometimes referred to as heat waves Ans: B
19. Assertion: Radio waves can be polarized.
Reason: Sound waves in air are longitudinal in nature. Ans: B
20. Assertion: Electromagnetic radiations exert pressure.
Reason: Electromagnetic waves cary both momentum and energy.

Very Short Answer type questions:

1. What is displacement current due to?

2. Is the steady electric current the only source of magnetic field? Justify your answer.
3. If you find closed loops of B in a region in space, does it necessarily mean that actual charges are
flowing across the area bounded by the loops?
4. Why is the quantity ε0 dφE/dt called the displacement current?
5. State the principle of production of em waves. What is the value of the velocity of these waves?
6. What does an electromagnetic waves consist of? On what factors does it velocity in vacuum
7. What oscillates in electromagnetic waves? Are these waves transverse or longitudinal?
8. What evidence is there that sound is not electromagnetic in nature?
9. What is the ratio of speed of infrared and ultraviolet rays in vacuum?
10. What is the main difference between characteristic X rays and gamma rays?
11. Is the ratio of frequencies of ultra-violet rays and infra-red rays in glass more than, less than or
equal to 1? Why?
12. Let the wavelengths of the electromagnetic waves used quite often for (i) killing germs in house
hold water purifiers (ii) remote sensing (iii) treatment of cancer be labeled as λ1, λ2, λ3. Arrange
λ1, λ2, λ3,in increasing order.
13. How are radio waves are produced?
14. How are x-rays produced?
15. How are micro waves produced?
16. What is the role of ozone in the atmosphere?
17. What caused nuclear winter?
18. Name the most harmful radiation entering the atmosphere from outer space. What stops this
radiation from coming down on the earth?
19. Name em waves which are suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation. Write the range
of frequency of these waves.
20. How does radar help in determining the distance of a distant object? Or
State the principle of a radar?
21. Why are microwaves considered suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation? Or
State the reason why microwaves are best suited for long distance transmission of signals.
22. Which of the following, if any can act as a source of em waves?
(i) A charge moving with constant velocity. (ii) A charge moving in a circular orbit
(iii) A charge at rest
23. Give reason the part of the em spectrum, to which waves of frequency (i) 10 20 Hz (ii) 109 Hz
24. Write the differences between Radiowaves and gamma rays.
25. Name the constituent radiation of electromagnetic spectrum which
(a) is used in satellite communication
(b) is used for studying crystal structure
(c) is similar to the radiations emitted during decay of radioactive nuclei
(d) has a wavelength range between 390 nm and 770 nm.
(e) is absorbed from sunlight by ozone layer
(f)produces intense heating effect
26. Identify the part of electromagnetic spectrum which is
a) suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation
b) adjacent to the low frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum
c) produced in nuclear reactions
d) produced by bombarding a metal target by high speed electrons
27. Which constituent radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum is used
a) In radar b) in photograph internal parts of the human body and c) for taking photographs of
the sky during night and foggy conditions? Give reason in each case.
28. Name the electromagnetic waves used for the following and arrange them in increasing order of
their penetrating power:
a) Water purification b) Remote sensing c) Treatment of cancer
29. Name the waves that are often referred as ‘heat waves’. Name the radiations which are new to
these radiations in electromagnetic spectrum having (i) shorter wavelength (ii) longer wavelength
30. Which of the following belong to the electromagnetic spectrum: α rays, β rays, cathode rays, X-
rays, ultraviolet rays, microwaves, ultrasonic waves, radiowaves, infrared rays? Arrange them in
the order of increasing frequency.
31. State one use and one method of detecting the rays beyond the visible red end of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
32. Find the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves of frequency 5 x 1010 Hz. Give its two
33. Find the wavelength of electromagnetic spectrum of frequency 4 x 10 9 Hz in free space. Give its
two applications.
34. Write the order of the frequency range and one of each of the following electromagnetic
radiations: (i) Microwaves (ii) Ultra-violet rays (iii) Gamma rays
35. Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in order of their increasing wavelength:
a) Γ rays b) Microwaves c) X-rays d) Radiowaves
How are infrared waves produced? What role does infra-red radiation play in (i) maintaining the
Earth’s warmth (ii) physical therapy?
36. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which
a) Suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation
b) Used to treat muscular strain
c) Used as a diagnostic tool in medicine write in brief, how these waves can be produced?
37. Name the types of e.m radiations which a) are used in destroying cancer cells b) cause tanning of
the skin c) maintain the earth’s warmth
38. Identify the type of e.m waves, whose method of prediction is associated with
a) A klystron valve b) vibrations of atom and molecules c) decay of atomic nuclei
39. Electromagnetic waves with wavelength
a) λ1 are used to treat muscular system
b) λ2 are used by a FM radio station for broadcasting
c) λ3 are used to detect fracture in bones
d) λ4 are absorbed by the ozone layer of the atmosphere
40. Electromagnetic radiations with wavelength:
a) λ1 are used in kill germs in water purifiers
b) λ2 are used in TV communications systems
c) λ3 play an important role in maintaining the earth’s warmth
Name the electromagnetic spectrum to which these radiations belong. Arrange these wavelength
in increasing order of their magnitude.
41. In an electromagnetic wave propagating along the x- direction, the magnetic field oscillates at a
frequency of 3x1010 Hz and has an amplitude of 10 -7 tesla, acting along the y-direction.
(i) what is the wavelength of the wave? B) Write the expression representing the corresponding
oscillating electric field.
42. The oscillating magnetic field in a phase electromagnetic wave is given by
By = (8x10-6) sin [2x1011 t + 300 πx] T ; (i) Calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave
(ii) Write down the expression for the oscillating electric field
43. The oscillating electric field in a phase electromagnetic wave is given by
Ey = 30 sin [2x1011 t + 300 πx] Vm-1 ; a) Obtain the value of the wavelength of the
electromagnetic wave b) Write down expression for the oscillating magnetic field.
44. Arrange the following in descending order of wavelength: X-rays, Radio waves, Blue light,
Infrared light
45. Which of the following has the shortest wavelength? Microwaves, Ultra-violet rays and X-rays.
46. Arrange the following in the descending order of wavelengths: γ rays, infrared rays, microwaves,
yellow light, radio waves
47. Arrange the following e.m. radiations in the increasing order of frequency: X-rays, radiowaves,
Ultraviolet light, blue light, red light and infrared light.
48. From the following identify the electromagnetic waves having the (i) Maximum (ii) Minimum
frequency (i) Radio waves (ii) Gamma rays (iii) Visible light iv) Microwaves v) Ultraviolet rays
and vi) infrared rays
49. The frequency values n1 and n2 for two spectral lines of the e.m. spectrum, are found to be
5 x 1020 Hz and 2.5 x 1011 Hz respectively. Find the ratio of their wavelengths.
50. Write the following radiations in ascending order in respect of their frequencies: X-rays,
microwaves, UV rays and radio waves

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