CXT MYP Community Project Proposal For Action 2024

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WIS MYP Community Project Proposal

This proposal will enable you to be clear on what you want to achieve for your Community Project. You will hand in this Proposal for Action
before you take action.

Your Community Project should be:

➔ Something you can realistically achieve (in around 15 hours!)

➔ Something you really want to do
➔ Something that is personally challenging

Each group must complete the Proposal for Action document and have it signed before taking action.

Deciding whether a project is realistic or unrealistic will be based on discussions between your group members and your supervisor. Your
supervisor will decide on the acceptance or redraft of your proposal.

1. Bob 2. Amy 3. Bernice

Group members:

Identify your goal to address a need in the community, based on personal interests:

The community we will help is Y13 & Y11 students who are Personal interests:
taking the IB and IGCSE exams at West Island School - Mental Health
- Stress

The need we want to address is…

Students’ stress and anxiety during exams

The response we are thinking of is…

to change behaviours / to raise awareness / to inform / to create/innovate / to advocate for the rights

The type of action will be… Direct / Indirect / Advocacy / Research

Goal statement:
We will organise a visit from a therapy dog to support the problem of mental health for WIS students during examinations

What action will you take?.

How are you going to achieve this goal? How will you make a contribution towards addressing the need in the community that you have
stated in your goal?

We will contact the organisers of a non-profit organisation called HKSEDS (Hong Kong Seeing Eye Dog Services). We will ask for permission
to hire a therapy dog, as seen on their website: When we get permission, we will get the
dogs ourselves, and we will send another email to Mr Rentoy for permission to use the room inside the wellbeing room during the date the
dog will be brought in. When we get permission for that, we will send a form to people taking the IGCSE exams, and ask if they want to
interact with a dog in the wellbeing room. Otherwise, we can do it in another location, like the sports hall. After that, depending on what day
we get permission, we will bring the dog in at lunchtime and let the people who submitted our form interact with the dog we brought into the
wellbeing room.

How will you determine if your service action is successful?

Success for our project means we manage to bring the dog in at lunchtime before the IB and IGCSE exams, and let at least 15 people
interact with the dog in the wellbeing room.

Proposal accepted / not-accepted (please highlight accordingly)

Supervisor’s signature: Date: 6/5/2024

Clare Tansill

Please note any unsuccessful proposals will need to be re-drafted.

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