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Trabajo Ingles

Integrantes: Maximiliano Mery y Máximo Reyes

Cerro Santa Lucia

Located in the metropolitan región,in the center of Santiago, this
is a historical and cultural icon.In the past , the mapuches called it
cerro huelen and it was used as a viewpoint because from its top
you could see a panoramic view of their territory.After the arrival
of the Spanish,it was baptizedagain as Santa Lucia ,inaugurated by
Pedro De Valdivia and he founded the city of Santiago on February
12, 1541.During the colonial period it maintained its nature ,until
during the period of the reconquest , the governor , Casimiro
Marco Del Pont , converter this hill into a royalist defense fortress
, building two batteries : La Marca (later Castillo Gonzales) and La
Santa Lucia (Idalgo Castle).Then, at the beggining of the 19th
century , Mayor Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna began a project of
urban improvements that were applied to Santiago on the ocasión
of the celebration of the centenary of the republic . In this year ,
1872 , a plan for the modernization and remodeling of Cerro Santa
Lucia was intiated.Lucia Project included the construction of a
Gothic-Style chapel at the top , various squares, gardens, and
wáter fountains , as well as the reforestation of the place witch
various plant species .Then in 1971 Fernando Daza created a
ceramic mural in honor of Gabriela Mistral ,one of the great
attractions of the hill.And in 1983 it was declared a national
monument , being one of the most interesting public walks in the
capital .

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