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Principles of Marketing (MGT301)

Fall, 2022 Assignment No. 2

Due Date: Dec 09, 2022.
Total Marks: 10
Weightage: 03
Topic: Theme No.1 | Marketing Philosophies
Student Name: Muhammad Danish
Student Id: BC220211877

Learning Objective:

The core objective of this activity is to familiarize students with the marketing philosophies,
advantages, and disadvantages of marketing philosophies.

Learning Outcomes:

After attempting this case, students will be able to identify the marketing philosophy and
implementation of specific marketing philosophy. They will be able to distinguish between
marketing philosophies based on advantages and disadvantages.

The Case:

D&F sneakers is a sneaker manufacturing company. Recently they have introduced a wide
range of sneakers made from recycled plastic waste, especially from ocean plastic. For that
purpose, they made a contract of raw material with an organization working on stopping
plastic waste on beaches. They are focused on environment protection, saving ocean wildlife
and building good brand image.

Q1: Which marketing concept/philosophy is used by D&F sneakers? Justify your answer with
valid arguments. (5 marks)

D&F Sneakers Company used the Societal Marketing Concept. The concept of
social marketing is one of the newest of marketing philosophies. In this, the social concept
requires marketers to keep three things equal in their order: the interest of the society, what the
customer wants and the profit of the company. In this concept, the company makes all its
marketing decisions based on the interests of consumers and the long-term benefits of society.
It considers the welfare of the society and tries to fulfill the needs of the consumers in a
profitable manner.
Q2: Write down the benefits of marketing philosophy used by D&F Sneakers. (5 marks)

Solution: D&F Sneakers Company used the Societal Marketing Concept. Benefits of Societal
Marketing Concept:

 It helps in creating a better image of the company.

 It helps in long-term relationship with customers and customer retention.
 This increases the demand for the product and also increases the sales.
 When sales increase, you will have the opportunity to further expand your company.
 Increase social well-being.
 Economic planning becomes more important for the society.
 A competitive edge over competitors will be your eco-friendly style.

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