Third B.H.M.S. Examination December - 2020 Homoeopathic Materia Medica

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* R A N - 3 9 7 4 *

Third B.H.M.S. Examination
December - 2020
Homoeopathic Materia Medica

[ Total Marks: 100

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 Third B.H.M.S.
Name of the Subject :
 Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Subject Code No.: 3 9 7 4 Student’s Signature

Section - 1

Q-1. What is Materia Medica Pura? Write different sources of Homoeopathic

Materia Medica. (15)
Q-l. What is concordance or remedy relationships? Explain its utility with
examples in practice. (15)

Q-2. Write NATRUM MUR under following headings:

(a) Constitution (b) Ailments from (c) Guiding symptoms (15)
Q-2. Write
(a) Keynotes of Hepar Sulph. (07)
(b) Generalities of Pulsatilla. (08)

Q-3. Short notes (Any three): (15)

a) Nux Vomica - Causations.
b) Thuja - Eye affections.
c) Arsenic Alb - Mind.
d) Baptisia - Typhoid fever.
e) Apis Mel - Urinary complaints.

RAN-3974 ] [1] [ P.T.O. ]

Q.4. Name the remedy: (05)
a) Eneuresis after cathaterisation.
b) Thirstlessness in anasarca.
c) Tendency to faint after eating.
d) Hydrocephalus; deathly coldness in forearms of children.
e) Pick lips until they bleed.

Section - 2

Q-l. Define constitution. Write SEPIA or PHOSPHORUS under the following

headings : (a) Constitution (b) Ailments from (c) Physical general
(d) Female genital organs. (15)

Q-2. Discuss group symptoms of Spiders. Describe 5 characteristics of

Tarentula cubensis skin and compare it with Ars alb. (15)
Q-2. (a) Describe five characteristic symptoms of Mind and Skin of NITRIC
ACID. (08)
(b) Describe five characteristic Mental & Female symptoms of NAT.
CARB. (07)

Q.3. Write 5 characteristics symptoms of Any three: (15)

(a) Digitalis and Cactus - Heart.
(b) Baryta carb & Bufo - Mental.
(c) Theridion & Conium - Vertigo.
(d) Caladium & Selenium - Sexual symptoms.
(e) Belladonna & Stramonium - Mental.

Q-4. Give name of indicated medicine. (05)

a) All symptoms attended with painlessness.
b) Fear of his own impulses the sight of knives aggravates.
c) Rectum feels plugged, cannot evacuate even a soft stool.
d) Mouth is so dry that saliva seems like cotton and the tongue adheres to the
roof of mouth.
e) Name of remedy where cold start in larynx & go upward.

RAN-3974 ] [2] [ 410 ]

Third Year B.H.M.S. Examination
January - 2022
Homoeopathic Materia Medica 123456
Time :2 Hours] [Total Marks 100
Instruction :

Third Year B.H.M.S.

Homoeopathic Materia Medica




1 Define Homeopathic materia Medica. What is its 15

importance in todays context. Illustate giving few examples.
1 Describe the drug picture of Silicea in detail under
15 the
following headings.
(1) Introduction
(2) Mental
(3) Guiding Symptoms
(4) Head
(5) Skin
(6) Modalities

2 Describe in detail Drug picture of Dulcamara. 15

2 Describe in detail Drug picture of Natrum Muriaticum.

3 Write short notes (any 3) 15

(A) Write down female of Alumina.
(B) Compare and contrast Aconite & Arg Nit Mind.
(C) Compare contrast G.I.T symptoms of Thuja & Antim
(D) Compare and contrast injuries of Hypericum & Ledum Pal.
(E) Compare and contrast Respiratory symptoms of Drosera
& Antim tart.
ND-2107000103030001] 1 [Contd....
4 Short answer - Name of Remedy. 5
(1) Has the power to liquefy albuminous and fibrinous
deposits. ________
(2) Used after surgery. Tendency to adhesions is reduced.
(3) Complaints worse from melting snow. ______
(4) Too lazy to ROUSE himslef, too unhappy to live. _____
(5) Has marked antiseptic qualities, antidotal to cholera
germs. ______.


5 Describe spider group in detail.

5 Describe the ophida group in detail. 15

6 Describe Alumina as below : 15

(1) Mind (2) Modality (3) GIT
6 Describe in detail a Drug picture of SYPYLLINUM. 15

7 Write short notes. (Any 3) 15

(1) Rectum of Acid nit.
(2) General of opium
(3) Compare skin of graphites and Petroleum
(4) Moschus - Female
(5) Helleborus - child

8 Short answer 5
(1) Lascivious though with abject despair, uncompromising
(2) Distance noise, cocks, crowning keeps him awake.
(3) Loss of personal delicacy, disregard for surrounding
(4) Tongue, dry red, sore, shining, burning tip with
prominent papillae.
(5) Headache if obliged to pass dinner hour.

ND-2107000103030001] 2 [400]

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