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Nama: Miqdad Alfaruq

Kelas: 4C
NPM: 22001066
Tugas Kodifikasi
1) Spontaneous abortion
 Leadterm abortion O03.9
- spontaneous O03.9
2) Persalinan kembar dua
 Leadterm delivery
- multiple O84.9
3) Cardiomyopathy in puerperium
 Puerperium
- Cardiomyopathy O90.3
4) Fetal distress affecting labour and delivery
 Leadterm distress
- fetal
- - affecting
- - - labor and delivery O68.9
5) Premature separation of the placenta
 Leadterm Premature
separation, prasenta (partial) (see also abruptio placentae) O45.9
6) Bumil 7 bulan, teserang demam tifoid, sembuh, pulang belum melahirkan.
 Leadterm pregnency
- complicated by
- - infectious or parasitic disease NEC O98.9
7) Placenta previa totalis dengan perdarahan, seksio sesarean emergenci pada masa
gestasi 32 minggu, berat badan bayi 2 kg, hidup, cyanosis.
 Leadtrem Placenta
Previa (central) (complete) (marginal) (partial) (total) (with hemmorage)
 Section
- cesarean O82.9
- delivery by emergency caesarian section O82.1
 Leadterm Premature
infant NEC P07.3 28 completed weeks or more but less than 37 completed
weeks of gestation
 Berat badan bayi 2 kg
Other low birth weight 1000-2499 g P07.1
 Leadterm cyanosis
Cyanotic attacks of new born P28.2
8) Hamil pertama, diketahui ada myoma uteri.
 Leadterm Pregnency
- supervision
- - Normal NEC Z34.9
- - - first Z34.0
 Leadterm myoma see also leimyoma
- uterus D25.9
9) Partus lama, lahir forsep rendah karena inertia uteri
 Partus lama O63.0 (Partus lama, tidak spesifik)
 Lahir forsep rendah O81.0 (Ekstraksi forsep)
 Inertia uteri O62.0 (Inertia uteri primer)
10) Abses puting susu akibat menyusui bayi
 Abses puting susu N61.1 (Abses payudara)
 Akibat menyusui O91.2 (Abses payudara pada masa laktasi)

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