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Clinical case studies in heart failure management

Robert J. MacFadyen,1,2 Paul Shiels1 & Allan D. Struthers1

1 2
Departments of Clinical Pharmacology and Cardiology, University of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY,
United Kingdom

Keywords: aetiologies, case studies, clinical cardiac failure, diagnosis, diastolic failure,
dysrhythmia, management issues, optimal treatment, systolic failure, trial evidence

unremarkable. Echocardiography showed a dilated heart

Therapeutic aspects of heart failure management
(left ventricular end diastolic distension (LVEDD)
The outlook for patients with cardiac failure has improved 650 mm) with anterior and septal hypokinesis and apical
substantially in the last 15 years. This is largely due to dilatation compatible with previous anterior infarction.
the application of the results of multicentre clinical trials The posterior wall was contracting vigorously. A high
of new and older drugs and a better understanding of velocity jet (4.7 m s−1 ) of mitral regurgitation was noted
outcomes for individual patients. Interest has focused on but the left atrial size was normal.
systolic dysfunction in both symptomatic and asympto-
matic patients. Less is known about the definition and
management of diastolic dysfunction.
The following case studies have been chosen to This is a common clinical presentation of progressive
illustrate the basis for therapeutic management of systolic systolic dysfunction after unheralded myocardial infarc-
heart failure and outline the remaining gaps in knowledge, tion. A number of therapeutic and general management
of which there are several. The issues apply across the steps should be considered for all such patients. Whereas
spectrum of patients seen in clinical practice. in stable patients clinical identification or grading of the
severity of heart failure is unreliable [1], recent studies
suggest that in acute heart failure clinical diagnosis is
Acute stabilization and chronic management of
much more secure [2]. Any abnormality of the ECG in
systolic failure
a breathless patient is supportive evidence for a cardiac
Case history cause of dyspnoea. A normal ECG usually suggests
another diagnosis [3]. Radiological cardiomegaly is also
A 74-year-old female patient was admitted from home
supportive of a diagnosis of heart failure [4]. This is not
with progressive increase in breathlessness, orthopnoea
the case for more subtle radiological signs, even in the
and ankle oedema over the previous 3 weeks. Her general
hands of experienced radiological staff [5] where the
practitioner had prescribed oral coamoxiclav and coamilo-
clinical context can significantly affect the interpretation.
fruse (substituting the latter for bendrofluazide). She had
Radiological cardiomegaly most often represents either
suffered from dyspepsia, increasing over recent weeks,
significant ventricular dilatation or hypertrophy ( provided
and the general practitioner had noted a new murmur.
−1 that there is no suspicion of pericardial fluid). This, in
She was apyrexial yet tachypnoeic (25 beats min );
conjunction with an abnormal ECG, almost rules out a
with a low volume pulse. Sitting blood pressure was
noncardiac cause of breathlessness.
110/70 mm Hg. The apex beat was in the anterior
Echocardiography provides definitive diagnosis.
axillary line and a parasternal lift was prominent. A
Although a lack of quantitative images is a frequent
pansystolic murmur was audible and late inspiratory
practical problem, this may not be of importance to
crackles were heard throughout both lung fields. There
clinical management [6].
was sacral oedema.
The ECG confirmed sinus tachycardia (110
beats min−1 ) with antero-lateral Q waves of previous Immediate therapeutic strategies
infarction and the chest X-ray confirmed cardiomegaly
+ While there is a lack of controlled clinical trial evidence
and interstitial oedema. Routine chemistry showed Na
−1 + −1 −1 to support the use of diuretics as initial therapy, effective
128 mmol l ; K 5.8 mmol l ; urea 9 mmol l ;
−1 diuresis and consequent adjustment of the loading
creatinine 155 mmol l . A creatine kinase series was
conditions of the failing heart is generally regarded as
Correspondence: Dr Robert J. MacFadyen, Cardiac Unit (7th floor), Raigmore
essential [7]. Immediate empirical management is with
Hospital, Inverness IV2 3UJ. supplementary oxygen, opiates and diuretics. Vaso-
Received 14 April 1998, accepted 23 April 1998. dilatation appears to be an important effect of intravenous

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R. J. MacFadyen et al.

diuretics although clear evidence for this is scant. Despite 20 years of study the minimum effective dose
However, relief of symptoms appears to precede diuresis of an ACE inhibitor to treat heart failure remains
and natriuresis. unknown [17]. It is possible that the symptomatic and
Intravenous nitrate infusion provides balanced arterio- mortality benefits occur at different doses and are achieved
venous dilatation and is widely employed, supported by through a combination of haemodynamic, hormonal or
beneficial central haemodynamic changes in small studies structural effects on the heart and/or the kidneys. One
[8], although little is known about its effects on either large but short-duration study of enalapril (NETWORK)
morbidity or mortality [9]. Intravenous ACE inhibitors [18] has suggested that high dosages may be unnecessary
also produce beneficial haemodynamic effects [10]. These to reduce mortality. The results of a larger study with
drugs are not used routinely intravenously due to lisinopril (ATLAS) [19] suggest high doses may provide
difficulties with appropriate dosage regimens, unpredict- additional benefits.
able and protracted hypotensive effects and concerns over The need for long-term loop diuretic treatment in
an adverse effect on survival in haemodynamically stable patients taking an ACE inhibitor is unclear and has
unstable patients in the early stages after myocardial received little attention. Few studies address the effects
infarction [11]. More recent data suggest that there may of ACE inhibition alone compared with those of an ACE
yet be a role for intravenous administration of ACE inhibitor plus diuretic, either in the short or long-term.
inhibitors in unstable patients [12]. Patients treated with and without a loop diuretic after
myocardial infarction in the SAVE study appeared to
benefit from captopril [20]. Those requiring a loop
Long-term therapeutic issues
diuretic might have more significant impairment of left
ACE inhibitors It is now clear that patients with either ventricular systolic function but this is by no means
symptomatic or asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction always the case. Although the left ventricular ejection
benefit from ACE inhibitor drugs. Morbidity is reduced fraction is an accurate predictor of mortality, it is poorly
with symptomatic improvement, improved exercise dur- correlated with exercise capacity. Discontinuation of
ation and improved quality of life indices. Mortality is frusemide in patients with stable heart failure appears to
reduced at all stages of the illness with greater absolute be feasible in a minority of patients, usually those with
benefit the greater the degree of left ventricular impair- lesser degrees of impairment of left ventricular function
ment. Treatment is effective regardless of age, gender or [21]. In practice this is rarely attempted and chronic
aetiology of cardiac impairment. Further coronary events diuretic therapy is usual for patients who have had one
are also reduced in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopa- episode of overt heart failure requiring hospital admission.
thy [13] although the reasons for this are obscure.
Research now focuses on the reasons why ACE
Newer agents to suppress the renin angiotensin aldosterone
inhibitors remain under used in the management of heart
failure [14]. They are cost-effective in comparison with
other cardiovascular treatments [15] (e.g. lipid lowering Other agents that block the tissue and circulating RAS
in patients with ischaemic heart disease; control of mild have been widely studied. Inhibitors of renin have been
hypertension) even when used for treatment of mild available for many years but there are few published data
(NYHA Grade I/II) heart failure. The reasons why from controlled trials [22]. Low oral bioavailability has
individual patients do not receive an ACE inhibitor need seriously compromised the value of this drug class
to be clearly defined but may relate to unfounded although they are undoubtedly active biochemically and
concerns about side effects. The implications for such haemodynamically after intravenous administration [23].
patients are a significantly worse prognosis for symptom More promising are the selective orally active non-
control, repeated hospitalization and survival. peptide antagonists of the angiotensin II AT1 re-
The degree of neurohormonal suppression by the ACE ceptor (ARAs) of which there are now several [24].
inhibitor is linked to survival in individual patients [16]. Haemodynamic activity is predictable and all produce
Some patients taking long-term ACE inhibitor therapy prolonged hormone suppression. These drugs have a
still have normal or elevated levels of the key mediator significant advantage for some patients, since they do not
hormones aldosterone and angiotensin II. The reasons for produce the dry cough which results from potentiation
this are unclear. It may be due to the secondary rise in of kinins during treatment with an ACE inhibitor [25].
active renin in response to treatment, failure of com- A recent trial has shown a useful improvement in
pliance, the use of short-acting agents (although these are short-term survival with the AT1 ARA losartan compared
undoubtedly better than placebo) or to alternative control with thrice daily captopril in elderly patients with grade
pathways for generating angiotensin II (the tissue chymase II/III heart failure [26]. This study was designed to
system) and aldosterone (K or ACTH). examine the safety of losartan with respect to renal

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Heart failure management

function. The reasons for reduced mortality in the group daily, aspirin 150 mg once daily, isosorbide mononitrate
receiving losartan are unclear. The large body of SR 60 mg once daily and amlodipine 10 mg once daily.
experimental work suggesting that potentiation of the On examination he had dependent oedema to the mid
effects of kinins by ACE inhibitors has an important thigh and basal fine crepitations. He had a resting
adjuvant role in the therapeutic effects of ACE inhibitors tachycardia of 105 beats min in sinus rhythm. Mitral
in heart failure [27] now appears to be in doubt. Before and tricuspid regurgitation were evident and the supine
the use of ARAs can be recommended in preference to blood pressure was low at 95/48 mmHg. Laboratory
ACE inhibitors for the management of heart failure, this investigation revealed a reduced serum sodium
result must be confirmed in outcome trials. At present, (125 mmol l ) with impaired renal function (urea
−1 −1
ARAs are a useful alternative for patients intolerant of 12.8 mmol l ; creatinine 189 mmol l ). The chest
ACE inhibitors. radiograph showed minimal interstitial oedema, a right
sided pleural effusion and marked cardiomegaly. A 24-h
Other therapeutic options in systolic heart failure Combination ECG shows repetitive but nonsustained ventricular
high dose oral nitrate and hydralazine therapy was shown tachycardia (4 episodes of 10–20 beats with rate >150
in the mid 1980s to be effective in relieving symptoms beats min ) and multifocal ventricular ectopy (>15 000
of heart failure [28] although the impact on survival was aberrant beats/24 h). Repeat echocardiography revealed
less than that achieved by an ACE inhibitor [29]. The poor left ventricular contractility with global impairment,
efficacy of nitrates or hydralazine alone has not been marked dilatation (LVEDD 750 mm) and functional
tested. The combination should be considered when an mitral regurgitation. Radionuclide scintigraphy indicated
ACE inhibitor is contraindicated, e.g. in bilateral reno- a left ventricular ejection fraction of 11%.
vascular stenosis. The main limitation to this therapy is
intolerable vasodilator side-effects in a substantial pro- Comments
portion of patients. Nitrate tolerance must be avoided by
ensuring an 8 h wash-out phase overnight. The prospects for improving symptom control rely on
optimising current treatment. Multiple drug therapy
involves the risk of patient confusion over the medicines
Management and course of the illustrative case and a failure of compliance. This is a neglected area in
The patient was symptomatically improved by initial the care of patients with heart failure [30] yet well known
intravenous diuretics and supplemental oxygen correction to be associated with poor clinical outcome in cardiac
of the fluid imbalance (1.5 l fluid restriction; oral patients [31]. Most decompensated patients require
coamilofruse twice daily) resulted in a weight loss of hospital admission for assessment and observation although
4.5 kg over 5 days. Although supine blood pressure community based care is increasingly being studied to
remained low (#100 mmHg ), an ACE inhibitor ( perin- reduce costs (see below).
dopril 2 mg daily) was introduced without difficulty and Isolated dependent oedema may be drug-related.
she experienced no postural symptoms. Renal function Although amlodipine does not appear to cause deterior-
improved in response to the changes in therapy. No ation in heart failure [32] unlike some calcium antagonists
other therapy was required long-term and diuretic dose [33], marked oedema can occur in some patients. Unless
was subsequently reduced to coamilofruse one daily). active myocardial ischaemia is present and there are no
While remaining functionally limited at discharge, she other management options, withdrawal should be
was able to live independently. Having remained well considered.
during out-patient review and with no further cardiac
admissions, she died suddenly at home some 18 months Diuretic resistance and optimising diuretic therapy
after presentation.
Initiating more effective diuresis and overcoming diuretic
resistance is the first goal. Increasing the dosage or
Optimization of therapy in established cardiac frequency of dosing with an oral loop diuretic has limited
failure value for diuretic resistance. Improved efficacy can be
achieved by a variety of means [34]. Oral combination
Case history
diuretic therapy with the addition of a thiazide drug such
A 53-year-old man who had sustained previous inferior as bendrofluazide is one option. Although metolazone is
and anterior myocardial infarctions presented with gradu- often used, it offers no greater benefit and may cause a
ally increasing fatigue and oedema despite increasing greater incidence of adverse effects [35]. The combination
diuretic therapy. He was being treated with frusemide of a loop diuretic with a potassium sparing diuretic is
80 mg three times daily, captopril 50 mg three times another possibility. If the patient is taking an ACE

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inhibitor, such an approach is not generally advised but an ACE inhibitor and in addition by providing receptor
can be used with success given careful control (see blockade, levels of bioactive angiotensin II are markedly
below). Combination diuretic treatment requires close reduced [43]. This strategy is currently under investigation
monitoring. Once a diuresis is established, it may be using enalapril and valsartan in a multicentre outcome
possible to stop the additional drug. Long-term combi- study (ValHeFT).
nation therapy has not been shown to be beneficial and As aldosterone has control systems independent of the
the risks of electrolyte depletion and induction of renin-angiotensin axis and since it may be independently
dysrhythmia (although this remains controversial) raises detrimental in heart failure, the use of additional
concerns. If a combination of diuretics is continued, aldosterone blockade may have a role. Spironolactone
regular biochemical monitoring is desirable. has a variety of beneficial effects on surrogate markers of
Another method to overcome resistance to loop prognosis in heart failure [44]. Whether this can be
diuretic therapy is intravenous administration either by translated to an improved outcome will be demonstrated
bolus dosing or by continuous infusion [36]. The latter by the multicentre RALES study [45]. Preliminary reports
is particularly effective as it delivers a constant efficient of this study suggest that mortality is significantly reduced
concentration of frusemide at the tubular lumen. Careful by this combination. The combination of loop diuretic,
monitoring of renal function and the extent of the ACE inhibitor and spironolactone increases the risk of
diuresis are desirable. renal dysfunction and significant electrolyte imbalance,
Diuresis can also be enhanced by the addition of low- particularly potassium retention. In small trials it is not
dose dopamine infusion to facilitate renal vasodilatation possible to assess the frequency of such potential adverse
[37]. This may be used in combination with intravenous events in routine clinical practice, since treatment and
or oral loop diuretic. Oral dopamine agonist drugs have biochemical changes are closely monitored.
not been demonstrated to be useful [38].
Additional therapies
Improving neurohormonal blockade of aldosterone and
Digoxin The role of digoxin in patients with heart failure
angiotensin II
already treated with an ACE inhibitor and diuretics and
Failure to suppress plasma angiotensin II and/or aldos- who are in sinus rhythm has been a matter of controversy
terone concentrations may be associated with an adverse for many years. However, digoxin withdrawal was
outcome in heart failure [39]. Patients who have demonstrated to be detrimental in the PROVED trial
increasing symptoms may therefore benefit from increased [46]. Recent studies have confirmed that there is no
hormone suppression. adverse effect on mortality in heart failure [47] when
The short-acting agent captopril provides incomplete digoxin is added to patients on diuretics and ACE
hormone suppression over 24 h unless used in multiple inhibitors. However, there were useful reductions in
daily doses. Nevertheless, it is widely used in heart failure. recurrent hospitalization after the addition of digoxin.
The case for using a longer-acting ACE inhibitor in Digoxin should be considered in patients with persistent
preference is poorly documented. Comparative studies of symptoms despite optimal dosage of a diuretic and an
long and short-acting ACE inhibitors are few and do not ACE inhibitor. Care should be exercised when there is
address improvement in symptoms or mortality. Short- impairment of renal function and/or suspicion of impaired
acting drugs are sometimes used on the pretext of a AV conduction or sinus node disease, in view of the
lower risk of producing significant biochemical renal effects of digoxin on cardiac conduction.
dysfunction [40]. However, adverse renal effects induced
by the combination of loop diuretic and ACE inhibitor b-adrenoceptor blockade More recently considerable interest
are generally predictable, minor and are probably unre- has arisen in the use of b-adrenoceptor blockade in heart
lated to the duration of action of the ACE inhibitor failure. Importantly these studies have been conducted in
selected [41]. Increased dosage or increased dose frequency patients who were already receiving an ACE inhibitor
of the ACE inhibitor might be useful for some patients, and diuretic. The combination of data from several
although the optimal dose of ACE inhibitor remains studies using carvedilol, a non selective b-adrenoceptor
uncertain. antagonist with additional a1-adrenoceptor blocking
Due to the strength of the evidence suggesting that effects, show its efficacy in unselected patients with heart
neurohormonal activation in heart failure is integral both failure. Carvedilol improves survival in patients already
to the progression of symptoms and pathology [42] the receiving an ACE inhibitor and diuretic [48]. Worsening
combination of ACE inhibitor and ARA is being heart failure was not more frequent in the b-adrenoceptor
examined as an option. By blocking the negative feedback blocker treated patients and benefits only emerge over
loop promoting renin release following treatment with weeks, with a vaguely defined period of increased

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Heart failure management

symptoms during the early phase of treatment. Balanced vasodilator therapy The use of diuretics can be
Cardioselective (b1 )-adrenoceptor blockade has been guided by clinical assessment and body weight. For other
studied for some years in the management of idiopathic treatments, the use of invasive pressure measurements can
dilated cardiomyopathy. Recently preliminary data from be valuable. Optimal use of vasodilator/vasoconstrictor
a multicentre trial of bisoprolol in unselected heart failure agents and inotropic drugs in conjunction with diuretics
have shown unequivocal evidence of further reductions can sometimes be guided by readings from a central
in mortality. Although the overall mortality reductions haemodynamic monitoring catheter. This is particularly
appear small, significant reductions in symptomatic helpful for patients who have uncontrolled breathlessness
decompensation were evident [49]. A retrospective and oedema or as a prelude to cardiac transplantation
(though nonrandomised) analysis of the SAVE study [55]. This approach can be effective in restoring a
database [50] suggested that in patients with asymptomatic compensated state to an otherwise decompensated and
left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction deteriorating patient. Most patients who develop major
there is a 30% reduction in cardiovascular death and haemodynamic and symptomatic decline despite an ACE
a 21% reduction in the development of heart failure inhibitor and effective diuresis are in an almost intractable
with the addition of any b-adrenoceptor blocker to position. Intensive intravenous therapy, more commonly
captopril. employed in North America and in younger patients, is
Small scale studies suggest greater improvements not widely used in Europe. Its use is normally dependent
in central haemodynamics and a more significant on transplantation or a ventricular assist device being a
impact on cardiac adrenergic tone with carvedilol in viable option.
comparison with metoprolol [51]. Overall the
impact of b-adrenoceptor blockade on exercise capacity Anti-arrhythmic therapy Control of dysrhythmia in heart
is variable, positive in some studies but negative or failure remains a major concern. Many patients die
insubstantial in others dependent on the method of suddenly, usually attributed to some form of dysrhythmia
testing [52]. (both tachydysrhythmias and bradydysrhythmias are
If b-adrenoceptor blockade is to be widely accepted as common). The numbers who die in this way may be
a treatment for heart failure, significant practical issues increasing with the increasing use of therapies that reduce
remain to be addressed. There is no clear definition of uncontrolled pump failure as the mode of death.
those patients who stand to benefit most. The treatment The use of antiarrhythmic therapy in left ventricular
appears to be well tolerated in small studies (7–8% dysfunction is restricted following the results from the
intolerance for cardioselective and/or vasodilating b- CAST studies which demonstrated increased mortality
adrenoceptor blockers; [53]) but many patients in routine with some treatments in patients with coexistent left
clinical practice will have occult peripheral vascular ventricular (LV) dysfunction [56]. A particular concern
disease or airways obstruction related to smoking which reflects the use of potent drugs with the potential for
may complicate the use of these drugs. pro-arrhythmic effects in patients who had minimal
The best methods for initiation of treatment is levels of electrical instability. Amiodarone appears to
uncertain. Large doses of a b-adrenoceptor bocker can be an exception. Although results from four major trials
induce hypotension, bradycardia and shock due to the have not shown consistent improvement in survival
withdrawal of myocardial adrenergic support. As the in established LV dysfunction [57, 58], amiodarone
benefits of b-adrenoceptor blockade appear to emerge is the best available drug for overt dysrhythmia
gradually during chronic therapy [54] slow dosage titration in the face of impaired LV function. In general it can
is desirable. In most instances weekly medical reviews be used without preliminary electrophysiological testing
including daily weight records and regular blood pressure [59].
and renal function assessment are recommended for safe Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) is common
treatment [53]. A substantial minority of patients have in symptomatic heart failure and is an independent marker
problems arising from low blood pressure. As with the of increased risk of sudden death in severe heart failure
ACE inhibitors the optimal dose of b-adrenoceptor [60]. Whether amiodarone should be prescribed in all
blockers is unknown and titration to the ‘maximum patients with heart failure who have non sustained and
tolerated’ dose is currently recommended. asymptomatic VT is not yet clear.
The mechanism of action of b-adrenoceptor blockers The role of drug therapy in comparison with electrical
in heart failure is unclear. As many patients have overt devices allowing sophisticated pacing detection and
or covert coronary disease they may simply reduce the including the implantable cardioverter/defibrillator
impact of ischaemia in otherwise stable cardiac failure. remains an important area for study [61]. At present these
An antiarrhythmic effect, although controversial (see devices are generally restricted to patients with docu-
below), cannot be ruled out. mented syncopal dysrhythmia or resuscitated arrest.

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Patients who survive arrhythmogenic cardiac arrest Surgical management Surgical treatment need not be
generally have significant pre-existent heart failure and considered as a final line of therapy. Increasingly important
structurally abnormal hearts. In Europe the application of is the application of surgical revascularization for occult
such technology remains relatively limited and adequate or overt ischaemia in patients with heart failure. This is
trials comparing this therapy with drug treatments, often the best way to improve contractility although
although underway, are not yet available for guidance. the operative management may be complicated and
These devices may play a significant role in heart failure associated with increased perioperative mortality. Less
in the management of selected patients. well demonstrated are the benefits of scar reduction;
cardiomyoplasty or the most recent and most dramatic
Pulsed inotropic therapy and inotropic-vasodilator drugs The innovation of ventricular reduction/ventriculotomy.
use of inotropic agents in heart failure has encountered As yet these procedures are limited in their application
many problems. In the 1980s and early 1990s many to a few selected patients and with generally no agreed
agents were developed with effects on the heart and role.
vascular tree combining a central inotropic stimulus with Cardiac transplantation is a proven therapy but restric-
peripheral arterial vasodilatation. These have been uni- ted by organ availability and delay prior to intervention.
formly unsuccessful during chronic dosing and often Assessment is usually based on the severity of cardiac
result in increased mortality [62–64] (e.g. flosequinan; impairment on objective testing during treatment with
ibopamine) As a result, the development of new drugs in maximal therapies. It is increasingly recognized that many
this class has been all but halted. The major problems patients with very poor left ventricular function can
have been selection of appropriate patients and the narrow survive for many years without transplant. Functional
therapeutic index for such treatments. However, these exercise capacity is seen as the main delineator of those
drugs may have a role in the short term to relieve patients who should be entered onto an urgent trans-
symptoms without the increase in mortality that occurs plantation waiting list or those who can safely remain
during protracted use [65]. on drug therapy [71, 72]. The long-term problems
In a different approach to inotropic therapy, of rejection and accelerated atherosclerosis and their
Adamopoulos and colleagues employed intermittent effects on survival after transplantation will not be
dobutamine infusion in 20 patients with severe heart considered here. The outlook for the transplanted patient
failure in an attempt to up-regulate myocardial b1- is dramatically better than those who await transplantation.
adrenoceptors [66]. In the short term, there were no
clinical complications of treatment, but also no increase
Management and course of the illustrative case
in diuresis. Exercise capacity and sub maximal heart rate
rise improved with therapy and lymphocyte adrenoceptor Following emergency admission, initiation of diuresis
numbers increased. This result is in contrast to the adverse required bolus doses of intravenous frusemide combined
effects of chronic inotropic therapy [64]. A fine balance with continuous intravenous infusion of dopamine and
may have be struck to improve adrenoreceptor responsive- fluid and sodium restriction. Although he was considered
ness but to avoid excessive stimulation or adrenoceptor a good candidate for invasive pulmonary pressure moni-
down-regulation. toring, this proved unnecessary. Following temporary
withdrawal of captopril during stabilisation of renal
Multidisciplinary care and hospitalization Despite high function and diuresis, an ACE inhibitor was subsequently
annual mortality rates a substantial proportion of patients reintroduced without difficulty (lisinopril 10 mg daily).
with heart failure face an uncertain yet chronic illness. Renal function improved and blood pressure stabilised.
Many patients are elderly and need repeated hospital Following discharge he remained symptomatic. Oral
admission. These admissions are both psychologically and digoxin was introduced with only modest benefit. Repeat
financially taxing. In common with many chronic outpatient ambulatory ECG recording confirmed persist-
diseases, management of these patients can be improved ent episodes of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. He
by contact with many varied health professionals con- was treated with prophylactic oral amiodarone despite his
cerned not only with cardiac care but social circumstances; lack of symptoms. Outpatient stress perfusion scintigraphy
promotion of drug compliance and psychological support confirmed perfusion defects consistent with known
[67, 68]. Non-pharmacological approaches such as infarctions, but with no reversible ischaemia. Maximal
increased exercise and training within limits has important cardiopulmonary exercise testing confirmed severe func-
and demonstrable physical [69] as well as psychological tional incapacity and very poor maximal oxygen consump-
effects [70]. There are few instances where a supervised tion at peak exertion (13 ml kg−1 min−1 ). He was
increase in physical exercise is not of benefit to the therefore referred for consideration of orthotopic cardiac
patient with heart failure. transplantation.

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Heart failure management

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