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Obtaining Mathematical Models to Predict the Behaviour

of the Extraction Stage of the Raw Sugar Production Process
Jonathan Serrano1 · Jesús Luis Orozco1 ·
Julio Dueñas2 · Héctor Ramírez3

Received: 17 February 2022 / Accepted: 25 November 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Society for Sugar Research & Promotion 2022

Abstract Mathematical models are powerful tools for the temperature between 40 and 80°C, an imbibition rate on
operational control of the extraction stage of the raw sugar fibre between 80 and 290%, a primary juice brix between
manufacturing process. There are no simple mathematical 17.6 and 23.0°Bx, and a primary juice pol between 15.1
models to quickly and accurately predict the output variables and 19.2%. The mathematical models are also validated
of the extraction stage. Most of the mathematical models with experimental data obtained at the industrial level in
developed in this regard have adequate robustness and a high another sugar mill, showing adequate predictive capability.
level of description but includes variables that are not well These mathematical models have the advantage and the nov-
known or difficult to determine. In this work, new math- elty compared to those referred to by other authors of only
ematical models are developed and validated through mul- involving variables that are easy to determine and of consid-
tiple linear regression, using data obtained through rigorous ering the effect of the temperature of the imbibition water.
experimentation. Applying these mathematical models, the
brix and pol of the mixed juice and the moisture, pol, and Keywords Mathematical modelling · Maceration ·
brix of bagasse can be predicted. Through “hidden extrapo- Imbibition · Extraction · Sugar mill
lation” analysis, the application intervals of the models are
defined. This analysis technique is of great importance and
is not often referred to in works on mathematical modelling Introduction
applied to industrial processes. All mathematical models are
applicable for the following conditions: an imbibition water Modelling of the raw sugar manufacturing process is applied
using different techniques to understand and improve the
performance of the unit operations (Thaval and Kent 2013).
* Jonathan Serrano
Mathematical models are only valid for describing the pro-; cess if they are adequately complete and accurate over the
required range of variables to be considered (Mann et al.
Jesús Luis Orozco 2015). Furthermore, modelling of the extraction stage is per-
formed with two main objectives: to analyse the operational
Julio Dueñas performance of the process and to predict the result of modi-
fying the parameters in the milling train (Kent 1997). The
Héctor Ramírez mathematical modelling of a milling train can be developed
1 using black-box models or phenomenological models. This
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
University of Matanzas, Carretera a Varadero km 3.5, second variant is the most widespread.
CP 44 740 Matanzas, Cuba In this regard, the MILSIM model presented by Rus-
Scuola Superiore Meridioale, University of Naples Federico sell in 1968 was the first milling train simulation model
II, Naples, Italy to be widely used in Australia (Thaval and Kent 2012a).
Faculty of Agronomy, University of Matanzas, Matanzas, It involves two parameters to model a milling unit: the
Cuba reabsorption factor and the imbibition coefficient. This

Sugar Tech

modelling did not consider the fibre composition of the the model equations can impede immediate operational deci-
juice. According to Thaval and Kent (2012a), this assump- sions if the software is not used.
tion was “convenient but incorrect”. In contrast, black-box models for the extraction stage do
Wienese (1990) proposed a model to predict the extrac- not have this level of detailed description and do not predict
tion behaviour in which the consideration of separation the internal performance of the milling units. However, they
efficiency was relevant. Kent (2001) developed a model are advantageously more practical. These models are poten-
that predicts fibre flow rate in a milling train. This work tially useful in process control to make quick and accurate
was a significant contribution to the mathematical model- operational decisions. Black-box models are also attractive
ling of the extraction stage, although it was limited to this to some of the technical staff in the factory since they are
component (fibre). Thaval and Kent (2012a) made a sig- more practical and less mathematically complex. Generally,
nificant advance in this type of modelling using improved black-box models require information that is much better
definitions, constituting an extension of the MILSIM known and easier to determine than phenomenological mod-
model. Through this model, fibre, brix, and moisture of els. The choice between one and the other type of math-
all tandem streams can be predicted. This model was ematical model depends mainly on the following aspects:
extended by Thaval and Kent (2012b), where impurities, the purpose of its use, the level of detail and accuracy of the
pol, and other components were novelly considered in prediction required and the process information available.
the mathematical modelling. Subsequently, Thaval and This work aims to obtain predictive mathematical mod-
Kent (2015) developed a new empirical relationship to els for the extraction stage. The use of these models will
estimate the parameters involved in the MILEX model. In facilitate real-time technological control and operational
this work, the imbibition coefficient was replaced by the decisions related to imbibition based on easily measurable
crushing factor and the mixing efficiency. Chantasiriwan operational variables. The descriptive scope of these math-
(2013) proposed a model to simulate a milling train, which ematical models is the prediction of the output streams of the
included the effect of inhomogeneous mixing between extraction stage from the milling and imbibition conditions.
bagasse and imbibition water. The mathematical model also novelly includes the effect of
The research of Rein (1975) and Wienese (1995) was imbibition water temperature on the extraction performance.
relevant concerning the use of black-box models for the Furthermore, this work provides a statistical modelling
extraction stage. Rein (1975) developed modelling based methodology useful for sugar technologists in developing
on multiple linear regression analysis to identify the effect mathematical tools for process analysis.
of sugarcane quality on extraction performance. This study
derived an expression for calculating the correct reduced
extraction that was less dependent of the cane quality. Materials
Moreover, Wienese (1995) proposed a model to predict
the behaviour of the extraction stage, considering only the Collection of Experimental Data for Developing
inputs and outputs of the stage and ignoring the internal the Mathematical Models
performance of the milling units. In this work, balances were
performed to predict the fibre, brix, and water content of The collection of experimental data for developing the mod-
the different streams at the outlet of the milling train. The els was performed in the extraction stage of a sugar mill
extraction results were very similar to those obtained from in the province of Matanzas during the 2020–2021 harvest
the corrected reduced extraction (CRE) equation used in season. This process has a milling train of five mills (milling
South Africa. This paper contributed to showing the prac- units) with a crushing capacity of 150 t/h, where compound
tical application of black-box models in the mathematical imbibition is applied at the inlet of the fifth mill (Fig. 1). In
modelling of the milling train. some observations, the imbibition rate and imbibition water
Phenomenological models of the extraction stage are very temperature in the process were modified to obtain a suitable
robust and unquestionably powerful tools for predicting the range of these variables.
milling train performance. These mathematical models have Figure 1 shows the flow diagram of a milling train with
a more significant connotation when it is necessary to know compound imbibition at the inlet of the last milling unit (fifth
the internal performance of the milling units. However, these milling unit). In this imbibition system, the water is added to
mathematical models often require specific information from the bagasse at the inlet of the last milling unit. The expressed
the milling train. This information needs extensive experi- juice from the last milling unit is used as imbibition juice for
mentation to be determined. the penultimate milling unit. This juice is used as imbibition
Additionally, some variables are not well known to the juice for the third milling unit. The expressed juice from the
technical staff in the factories and are not fully extrapolated third milling unit is used as imbibition juice for the second
from one system to another. The mathematical solution of milling unit. The expressed juice from the second milling unit

Sugar Tech

Fig. 1  Flow diagram of the

milling train of the sugar mills

(diluted juice) is mixed with the expressed juice from the first In the experiments, the influential parameters on response
milling unit (primary juice) to form the mixed juice. variables, which were not considered independent variables
in the mathematical modelling, were kept constant at typi-
Development of Mathematical Modelling cal operating values. These included the extraneous matter
composition of the sugarcane (in the order of 5%), sugarcane
The mathematical fitting of the experimental data was per- preparation index (in the order of 85%), working pressures
formed in RStudio software (version 1.3.959) using multiple of the milling units (in the order of 21.38 MPa), and mill
linear regression. The dependent variables were the brix and speeds (in the order of 3.10 rpm). The sugar mill ensured
pol of mixed juice and the brix, pol, and moisture of bagasse stable conditions for these parameters with its technology.
(“brix” is the soluble solids content while “pol” is the sucrose These parameters were within the typical operating values
content). The independent variables considered were imbibi- of the conventional raw sugar production process.
tion water temperature and imbibition rate on fibre. The root mean square error (RMSE), Akaike information
The imbibition rate (𝜆) is one of the most significant param- criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
eters of the extraction stage (Kent 2019). The consideration of were considered to select the best mathematical model for
the amount of imbibition water and the sugarcane flow rate in each case. The “performance” package was used to deter-
the term “𝜆” makes mathematical models applicable to other mine each indicator (Lüdecke et al. 2021).
sugar mills with different crushing capacities.
In the mathematical models to predict the mixed juice brix Testing Linear Regression Assumptions
and the bagasse brix, the primary juice brix was also consid-
ered as an independent variable. Similarly, the primary juice The assumption of a linear relationship between the pre-
pol was included in the mathematical models for predicting dictors and the dependent variable was verified by Fisher’s
the mixed juice pol and the bagasse pol. These primary juice significance test resulting from the ANOVA in the regression
variables directly depend on the brix and pol of the cane. (Montgomery et al. 2021). Compliance with the assumption
Therefore: of normal distribution of the residuals was analysed using
the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test with Lilliefors modification
( )
JMBX = f 𝜆, T, JPBX (6" Gross and Ligges 2015). For the same purpose, as a
complementary analysis, the kurtosis and skewness coef-
(2) ficients of the residuals were analysed (Rezaei ) using the
( )
“parameters” package (Lüdecke et al. 2020).
The assumption of homoscedasticity in t) using the
BgW = f (𝜆, T) (3) “parameters” package (Lüdecke et al. 2020).
The assumption of homoscedasticity in the residuals
(4) (constant variance) was verified by the Breusch–Pagan test
( )
BgBX = f 𝜆, T, JPBX
(Fox and Sanford 2019; Ohno and Suzumura 2021) through
the “lmtest” package (Kuznetsova et al. 2017). The lack of
( )
BgPOL = f 𝜆, T, JPPOL
residuals correlation was tested using the Durbin–Watson
where JMBX : Mixed juice brix (°Bx), 𝜆: Imbibition rate on test (Rumánková et al. 2019) with the “car” package (Fox
fibre (%), T∶ Imbibition water temperature (°C), JPBX : Pri- and Sanford 2019). The nonexistence of highly influential
mary juice brix (°Bx), JMPOL : Mixed juice pol (%), JPPOL : values was analysed using Cook’s distance (Montgomery
Primary juice pol (%), BgW : Bagasse moisture (%), BgBX : et al. 2021). The nonexistence of multicollinearity among
Bagasse brix (%), BgPOL : Bagasse pol (%). predictors was analysed based on the variance inflation value
(VIF) using the “car” package.

Sugar Tech

Analysis of Goodness of Fit of Regression Models regression assumptions in section "Testing Linear Regres-
sion Assumptions".
Fisher’s test was used to determine the goodness of fit of
regression models (Montgomery et al. 2021). A comparison
Sensitivity Analysis of Mathematical Models
of the range of the fitted values with the average standard
error was performed as a complementary analysis (Mont-
Sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the predic-
gomery et al. 2021).
tion of the dependent variables according to the variation of
the independent terms in the mathematical models. For this
Definition of the Application Interval purpose, a central point was established. The central point
of the Mathematical Models was defined by an imbibition rate of 200% on fibre, an imbi-
bition water temperature of 60°C, and a primary juice with
The maximum and minimum values of the independent vari- 19°Bx and 16% of pol. Changes in the dependent variables
ables restrict the application interval of regression models, were evaluated for deviations in the independent variables
but only in the first instance. For this reason, it is necessary of 5, 10, and 15% from this central point.
to determine whether, within such intervals, there is suffi-
cient information to analyse the effects among the different
Analysis of Extraction Behaviour from Regression
levels of the independent variables. Otherwise, it is possible
to obtain erroneous predictions by hidden extrapolation.
For this purpose, a mesh was established from the combi-
A case study was defined for extraction analysis in which
nation of the independent variables involved in each model.
imbibition rate and imbibition water temperature were the
The maximum and minimum values of the independent vari-
independent variables. The dependent variables were brix
ables defined the boundaries of the mesh. Then, the possible
and pol extraction, which were determined as follows:
inclusion of the mesh points within the enveloping region or
regressor variable hull (RVH) was analysed (Montgomery JMBX ⋅ JM
et al. 2021) according to the following expression:
EBX = ⋅ 100% (7)
x−1 X � X x ≤ hmax (6)
EPOL = ⋅ 100% (8)
where X : Predictor matrix used in the development of the CMPOL ⋅ CM
regression model, x : Point constituted for the new prediction
where EBX : Brix extraction (%), JM: Mixed juice flow rate
with coordinates 1,x1 , x2 , … xk (k is the number of independ-
(t/h), CMBX : Sugarcane brix (%), CM: Sugarcane flow rate
ent variables in the model) according to their order in the
(t/h), EPOL : Pol extraction (%), CMPOL : Sugarcane pol (%).
matrix X , hmax : Max value of the elements of the diagonal
The variables involved in the above expressions were
of the hat matrix.
determined using the mathematical models of regression
and mass balances according to the conditions established
Validation of Models in Another Sugar Mill for the case study.

The predictive capability of the mathematical models was

tested in another sugar mill. This validation was performed
based on the information collected during the 2020–2021 Results
harvest season in another sugar mill. This sugar mill has
technological characteristics compatible with the sugar mill Collection of Experimental Data
from which the experimental data for developing the math-
ematical models were obtained, such as crushing capac- A total of 106 observations of the process variables were
ity (150 t/h), the same design and operational parameters used to develop the mathematical models. In the experimen-
of the milling units, and the same sugarcane preparation tal data, there were observations with four replicates for the
equipment. internal estimation of the variance of the experimental error
The same goodness-of-fit criteria presented in sec- in Fisher’s goodness-of-fit test. During the experiments, the
tion "Analysis of Goodness of Fit of Regression Mod- imbibition rate varied from 57 to 329% on fibre with a vari-
els" were used for the mathematical validation. Com- ation coefficient (CV) of 36.86%. The imbibition water tem-
pliance with Fisher’s goodness-of-fit assumptions was perature varied from 32 to 86°C (CV: 22.91%), the primary
analysed following the same methodology used for the linear juice brix varied from 17.6 to 23.5°Bx (CV: 6.58%), and the
primary juice pol varied from 15.01 to 20.30% (CV: 6.61%).

Sugar Tech

The sample size was adequate to perform the linear Therefore, the results shown in Table 1 are considered final
regression because it presented a ratio of the number of in these cases.
observations per number of predictors much higher than that In the brix and pol of bagasse models, the nonlinear trend
referred to by several authors as a general criterion (Meyers was observed among these variables and the imbibition
et al. 2016; Harrell 2015). This ratio for the bagasse moisture water rate. Therefore, the linear regression was performed
model was 53.5, while for the other mathematical models, through linearised mathematical structures. The model with
it was 35.7. the lowest RMSE, AIC, and BIC was selected as the best
mathematical model in each case.
Development of Mathematical Modelling A low RMSE value indicates a better fit in the math-
ematical models (Gharekhani et al. 2021; Montgomery et al.
The dispersion of mixed juice brix with the imbibition rate 2021). The Akaike information criterion and the Bayesian
showed a linear dependence between them. Similar trends information criterion analyse the prediction in function of
appeared for the mixed juice pol and bagasse moisture. the complexity of the mathematical model (principle of par-
There were no specific trends in these dependent variables simony). These indicators penalise the increase of param-
with the rest of the independent variables. From these trends, eters in linear regression models (Mullor et al. 2019). It is
linear regression was performed using the following math- desirable that the model has a low value of AIC (Suresh and
ematical structures: Priya 2011) and BIC (Ali et al. 2018). According to these
criteria, the following mathematical structures were the most
JMBX = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ⋅ JPBX + 𝛽2 ⋅ 𝜆 + 𝛽3 ⋅ T (9) appropriate:

( )
JMPOL = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ⋅ JPPOL + 𝛽2 ⋅ 𝜆 + 𝛽3 ⋅ T (10) ln BgBX = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ⋅ 𝜆 + 𝛽2 ⋅ T + 𝛽3 ⋅ JPBX

BgW = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ⋅ 𝜆 + 𝛽2 ⋅ T (11) (13)

( )
ln BgPOL = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ⋅ ln (𝜆) + 𝛽2 ⋅ T + 𝛽3 ⋅ JPPOL
where 𝛽0 , 𝛽1 , 𝛽2 , 𝛽3: Regression coefficients. The results of these regression analyses are shown in
The results of these regression analyses are shown in Table 2. The independent terms and the linear regression
Table 1. The independent variables are significant in all are significant since the P-value is less than 0.05 at a 95%
cases since the P-value of each of them is lower than the confidence level in each case. The determination coefficients
significance level at a 95% confidence level. The multiple indicate that more than 80% of the observed variability is
linear regression is significant (P-value less than 0.05), indi- explained. Furthermore, in the linear regression analysis, the
cating a linear dependence of each dependent variable with inclusion of the effect between imbibition water temperature
the independent variables of the mathematical models. The and imbibition rate as an independent variable was not sig-
determination coefficients indicate that more than 80% of the nificant. Then, the mathematical models resulting from the
observed variability is explained in each case. linear regression were:
The effect of including the interaction between imbibition
water temperature and imbibition water rate as an independ- JMBX = 0.858 ⋅ JPBX − 0.01872 ⋅ 𝜆 + 0.014 ⋅ T + 0.876
ent variable in the mathematical modelling was analysed. (14)
From this analysis, it turned out that this inclusion was not JMPOL = 0.843 ⋅ JPPOL − 0.01744 ⋅ 𝜆 + 0.011 ⋅ T + 1.592
significant for the mathematical fit of the experimental data. (15)

Table 1  ANOVA for the mathematical models of the mixed juice brix, mixed juice pol, and bagasse moisture
Equation (9) Equation (10) Equation (11)
(Mixed juice brix) (Mixed juice pol ) (Bagasse moisture)
Coefficient Estimated P-value Coefficient Estimated P-value Coefficient Estimated P-value

Intercept 0.876 0.222 Intercept 1.592 0.128 Intercept 48.156 < 2e−16
T 0.014 9.84e−06 T 0.011 0.01 T −0.010 8.82e−05
𝜆 −0.01872 < 2e−16 λ −0.01744 < 2e−16 λ 0.01043 < 2e−16
JPBX 0.858 < 2e−16 JPPOL 0.843 < 2e−16
P-value < 2e−16 P-value < 2.2e−16 P-value < 2.2e−16
R2 adjusted 0.9455 R2adjusted 0.872 R2adjusted 0.8014

where T Imbibition water temperature (°C), 𝜆 Imbition rate on fibre(%), JPBX Primary juice brix (°Bx), JPPOL Primary juice pol (%)

Sugar Tech

Table 2  ANOVA for the Equation (12) Equation (13)

mathematical models of the (Bagasse brix) (Bagasse pol)
bagasse brix and bagasse pol
Coefficient Estimated P-value Coefficient Estimated P-value

Intercept 1.620 1.310e − 07 Intercept 3.8363 0.006

𝜆 − 0.00425 < 2e − 16 T − 0.002 0.024
JPBX 0.040 0.000 ln(𝜆) − 0.683 < 2.2e − 16
T − 0.002 0.0255 JPPOL 0.039 0.005
P-value < 2.2e − 16 P-value < 2.2e − 16
R2 adjusted 0.822 R2 adjusted 0.8015

where T Imbibition water temperature (°C), 𝜆 Imbition rate on fibre (%), JPBX Primary juice brix (°Bx),
JPPOL Primary juice pol (%)

than the level of significance (0.05), indicating that the resid-

BgW = 48.156 + 0.01043 ⋅ 𝜆 − 0.010 ⋅ T (16)
uals follow a normal distribution (Priego and Palmer 2018).
( ) This result also corresponds to the kurtosis and skewness
BgBX = EXP 1.620 − 0.00425 ⋅ 𝜆 − 0.002 ⋅ T + 0.040 ⋅ JPBX coefficients, which are between − 2 and 2 (Sejati et al. 2019).
(17) The assumption of homoscedasticity is validated since the
P-value of the Breusch–Pagan test for each case is greater
( )
BgPOL = EXP 3.8363 − 0.683 ⋅ ln𝜆 − 0.002 ⋅ T + 0.039 ⋅ JPPOL
(18) than the significance level (Hernández-Chover et al. 2019).
An important result obtained from the linear regression is The residuals are not autocorrelated since the P-value of the
the significance of imbibition water temperature as an inde- Durbin–Watson test is greater than 0.05 in all cases. This
pendent variable. The ANOVA of linear regression (Tables 1 result indicates that the influential parameters on the depend-
and 2) indicates that the imbibition water temperature influ- ent variables were kept under control or considered in the
ences the dependent variables. This result provides new sta- mathematical modelling.
tistical evidence to better understand the operational effect In all cases, the VIF is less than 5, demonstrating the
of imbibition water temperature. absence of multicollinearity among the predictors (Mont-
Few researchers analyse the influence of imbibition water gomery and Runger 2018). This result ensures that the
temperature on the operational variables of a milling train predictors are independent of each other. No outliers are
from statistical tests. Among these, one of the most impor- detected in any case because Cook’s distance of the most
tant is the work of Kent (2011). As this author refers, the influential observations is less than one (Liu and Smith
effect of imbibition water temperature on extraction has been 2020; Maindonald and Braun 2010).
difficult to determine, and there is still much to research.
Analysis of the Goodness of Fit of Mathematical Models

Analysis of Compliance with the Assumptions Table 3 shows the results of the goodness-of-fit tests. Since
of the Linear Regression the calculated Fisher statistic is lower than the tabulated
value, it is established that there is no loss of goodness of
The assumption of linearity is satisfied from the Fisher sta- fit due to prediction errors. This result indicates that there
tistic of significance tests since the P-value of the multiple are no significant differences between the experimental
linear regression in each case is less than 0.05 (Tables 1 and error estimates and the loss-of-fit error estimates. In turn,
2). The P-value of the Lilliefors test for all models is greater the range of fitted values is larger than the average standard

Table 3  Results of goodness- Mathematical model F-calculated (Fo) F-tabulated (Ft) Range Average Ratio (%)
of-fit tests in the development of standard error
mathematical models
Mixed juice brix 0.965 4.405 8.213 0.161 5 103.093
Mixed juice pol 0.533 4.405 7.620 0.310 2 457.008
Bagasse moisture 0.711 4.405 2.915 0.119 2 452.410
Bagasse brix 0.270 4.405 1.288 0.091 1 415.455
Bagasse pol 1.683 4.405 1.278 0.043 2 956.322

Sugar Tech

error. The previous results indicate that the mathematical Furthermore, the range of fitted values is large relative to
models present adequate goodness of fit (Montgomery et al. their average estimated standard error (Montgomery et al.
2021). 2021). The assumptions of Fisher’s goodness-of-fit test
were validated by the same tests used in section "Analy-
Definition of the Range of Application of Mathematical sis of Compliance with the Assumptions of the Linear
Models Regression".
The previous results demonstrate the predictive power of
Hidden extrapolation was detected in the mesh bounded by mathematical models in a different process than the one used
the max and min values of the independent variables since for their development.
expression 6 was not satisfied. For this reason, the mesh was
further bounded until the expression 6 was satisfied. The
result was the intervals in whose domain each model can be Sensitivity Analysis of Mathematical Models
applied without incurring hidden extrapolation (Table 4).
Sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the influ-
Validation of the Mathematical Models in Another ence of each independent variable on the prediction of the
Sugar Mill dependent variable. Figure 2 shows the sensitivity plot for
the mixed juice brix and bagasse brix.
A total of 45 observations of the operational variables were Graph A in Fig. 2 shows that an increase in the imbibition
obtained for the mathematical model validation in another rate decreases the mixed juice brix. This trend is valid and
sugar mill. In the experimental data, there were observations justifies the mathematical sign of the regression coefficient
with five replicates for the internal estimation of the variance of the imbibition rate (Eq. 14). Similar is the effect of vary-
of the experimental error in Fisher’s goodness-of-fit test. ing the imbibition water temperature but less significant. The
During the experiments, the imbibition rate varied between trend shown for the effect of varying the primary juice brix
148 and 247% on fibre (CV: 11.50%). The imbibition water is correct and validates the positive sign of its regression
temperature varied from 38 to 82°C (CV: 16.46%). The pri- coefficient (Eq. 14). A higher primary juice brix leads to a
mary juice brix varied between 21.70 and 17.80°Bx (CV: higher mixed juice brix at the same imbibition rate. Also,
5.26%). The primary juice pol varied from 18.23 to 5.16% graph A (Fig. 2) shows that the variation of primary juice
(CV: 4.36%). brix has the greatest influence on the response. The mixed
Table 5 shows the results of the goodness-of-fit criteria juice is composed of primary and diluted juice. The primary
of the validation analysis. The calculated Fisher statistic is juice has much more flow rate and brix, which implies that
lower than the tabulated Fisher statistic in all cases, indicat- this juice has a bigger influence on the brix of the mixed
ing adequate goodness of fit (Montgomery et al. 2021). juice than the diluted juice due to the effect of mixing.

Table 4  Application range of Mathematical model Imbibition water Imbibition rate Primary juice Primary juice pol (%)
the mathematical models temperature (°C) on fibre (%) brix (°Bx)

Mixed juice brix 32–86 57–300 17.6–23.0 –

Mixed juice pol 40–80 57–290 – 15.01–19.50
Bagasse brix 32–86 57–300 17.6–23.0 –
Bagasse pol 40–80 80–290 – 15.10–19.24
Bagasse moisture 40–86 80–290 – –
All mathematical models 40–80 80–290 17.6–23.0 15.10–19.24

Table 5  Results of the Mathematical model F-calculated F-tabulate (Ft) Range Average stand- Ratio (%)
goodness-of-fit tests in the (Fo) ard error
validation of the mathematical
models Mixed juice brix 1.81 4.47 3.784 0.460 821.929
Mixed juice pol 0.79 4.47 3.173 0.700 453.053
Bagasse moisture 0.63 4.47 1.252 0.486 258.171
Bagasse brix 0.63 4.47 0.608 0.061 698.779
Bagasse pol 1.33 4.47 0.427 0.027 1592.887

Sugar Tech

Fig. 2  Effect of variation of

independent terms on the mixed
juice brix (A) and the bagasse
brix (B)

In the case of bagasse brix, it is shown in graph B (Fig. 2) the positive sign of the regression coefficient of the imbibi-
that an increase in primary juice brix causes a significant tion rate in Eq. (16).
increase in this variable. This behaviour is correct because
a higher brix of the cane juice leads to a higher brix in the
residual juice of bagasse (at the same imbibition rate). The Analysis of Extraction Behaviour Under Different
positive sign of the regression coefficient of the primary Operational Conditions of Imbibition
juice brix is validated by this behaviour (Eq. 17).
The effect of the imbibition rate has a bigger influence Figure 5 shows the extraction behaviour under differ-
than the brix of the primary juice, although it is in the oppo- ent operational conditions of imbibition in the case study
site direction. This behaviour is because a higher imbibition according to the prediction of the mathematical models. Brix
rate dilutes the bagasse juice more and causes its brix to be extraction refers to the soluble solids in the cane juice that
lower. This effect is more influential for the brix of bagasse are transferred to the mixed juice. This value is always lower
than for the brix of the mixed juice. The behaviour shown than the pol (sucrose) extraction because a part of the non-
in Fig. 3 for the case of mixed juice pol and bagasse pol is sucrose is more difficult to extract than sucrose (Rein 2007).
analogous to the one explained above for brix in Fig. 2. These variables are parameters of industrial performance for
Figure 4 shows the effect of the imbibition water tem- the extraction stage.
perature and imbibition rate on the bagasse moisture. This The first graph shows an almost linear trend of brix
graph shows that increasing the imbibition water tempera- extraction for an imbibition rate of 100–200% on fibre.
ture decreases the bagasse moisture. For this reason, the Above these values, the extraction rate decreases signifi-
regression coefficient of the imbibition water temperature cantly, showing a trend that deviates slightly from linear
has a negative sign (Eq. 16). This behaviour is because a behaviour. This behaviour corresponds to that reported
higher imbibition water temperature increases the evapora- by several authors. According to Hugot (2014), extraction
tion of the water contained in the bagasse, which decreases increases very rapidly when the imbibition rate varies from
the bagasse moisture (Kent 2011). Lloyd et al. (2010) report 0 to 100% on fibre, still quite rapidly from 100 to 200% on
that the use of cold water can increase bagasse moisture by fibre and more slowly above 200% on fibre, while no extrac-
5% more than with hot water. tion advantage is obtained above 300% on fibre. Rein (2007)
Figure 4 shows that the imbibition rate influences bagasse states that extraction continues to increase rapidly as the
moisture more than the temperature of the imbibition water. imbibition rate increases to 250–280% on fibre. Above these
This figure also shows that a higher imbibition rate leads to values, the sucrose extraction rate slows down, although sig-
higher bagasse moisture. This trend is correct and validates nificant gains in extraction can be obtained up to 350% on

Sugar Tech

Fig. 3  Effect of variation of

independent terms on the mixed
juice pol (A) and the bagasse
pol (B)

Fig. 5. Hugot (2014) refers that in practice, a slight increase

in the extraction is verified at high imbibition water tem-
peratures, which is sometimes difficult to quantify and often
The results provided by the case study also validate the
correct prediction of the mathematical models obtained.
This case study also demonstrates that it is possible to define
all outflows from the extraction stage using mathematical
models combined with mass balances.


According to the Fisher’s goodness-of-fit test, the mathemat-

ical models fit the experimental data adequately. They can
be used as mathematical models in the operational decisions
Fig. 4  Effect of imbibition water temperature and imbibition rate on of the extraction stage, which gives them a great practical
the bagasse moisture utility in the control of this process. Mathematical models
favourably involve variables commonly used in the techno-
fibre (Rein 2007). Kulkarni (1996) indicates that the extrac- logical process. A novel feature of the mathematical models
tion rate decreases from 200 to 250% on fibre. is considering the effect of the imbibition water temperature
The trend shown in the first graph of Fig. 5 is similar to on extraction stage variables. All mathematical models are
that obtained by Wienese (1990) through his mathematical applicable for the following conditions: an imbibition water
models. The second graph in Fig. 5 shows that the imbibi- temperature between 40 and 80°C, an imbibition rate on
tion water temperature has little effect on brix and sucrose fibre between 80 and 290%, a primary juice brix between
extraction, although it influences brix extraction more than 17.6 and 23.0°Bx, and a primary juice pol between 15.1
sucrose extraction. Christodoulou (2003) reports that an and 19.2%. Moreover, the mathematical models showed
increase in temperature from 75 to 80°C improves extrac- adequate goodness of fit with experimental data obtained in
tion by 0.2%, which also validates the behaviour described in another sugar mill, which validates their predictive power.

Sugar Tech

Fig. 5  Behaviour of brix and

sucrose extraction in function of
the imbibition rate (A) and the
imbibition water temperature

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