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Grazing impacts on gully dynamics indicate approaches for gully erosion

control in northeast Australia

Scott N. Wilkinson1, Anne E. Kinsey-Henderson2, Aaron A. Hawdon2, Peter B.

Hairsine3, Rebecca Bartley4, Brett Baker2.

CSIRO Land and Water, GPO Box 1700 Canberra, ACT

2601, Australia. Tel: +61 2 6246 5582.

CSIRO Land and Water, Townsville QLD 4814, Australia.

ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society, ACT 2601, Australia.

CSIRO Land and Water, GPO Box 2583, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia


Drainage network extension in semi-arid rangelands has contributed to a large

increase in the amount of fine sediment delivered to the coastal lagoon of the Great

Barrier Reef, but gully erosion rates and dynamics are poorly understood. This study

monitored annual erosion, deposition and vegetation cover in 6 gullies for 13 years,

in granite-derived soils of the tropical Burdekin River basin. We also monitored a

further 11 gullies in three nearby catchments for four years to investigate the effects

of grazing intensity. The long-term fine sediment yield from the planform area of

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doi: 10.1002/esp.4339

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gullies under livestock grazing was 6.1 t ha-1 yr-1. This was 7.3 times the catchment

sediment yield, indicating that gullies were erosion hotspots within the catchment. It

was estimated that gully erosion supplied between 29 and 44% of catchment

sediment yield from 4.5% of catchment area, of which 85% was derived from gully

wall erosion. Under long-term livestock exclusion gully sediment yields were 77%

lower than those of grazed gullies due to smaller gully extent, and lower erosion

rates especially on gully walls. Gully wall erosion will continue to be a major

landscape sediment source that is sensitive to grazing pressure, long after gully

depth and length have stabilised. Wall erosion was generally lower at higher levels of

wall vegetation cover, suggesting that yield could be reduced by increasing cover.

Annual variations in gully head erosion and net sediment yield were strongly

dependent on annual rainfall and runoff, suggesting that sediment yield would also

be reduced if surface runoff could be reduced. Deposition occurred in the

downstream valley segments of most gullies. This study concludes that reducing

livestock grazing pressure within and around gullies in hillslope drainage lines is a

primary method of gully erosion control, which could deliver substantial reductions in

sediment yield.


Semi-arid; Great Barrier Reef; savannah; non-point source pollution; Land-use


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Gully erosion is a widespread response to landuse change especially in semi-arid

environments (Valentin et al., 2005), including in Australia where catchments

draining to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) lagoon contain more than 80,000 km of

gullies (Thorburn and Wilkinson, 2013). Gully erosion can also be a large source of

catchment sediment yield (Poesen et al., 2003). In the 130,000 km2 Burdekin River

basin draining to the GBR, fine sediment yield is derived predominantly from sub-

surface soil (Wilkinson et al., 2013, Wilkinson et al., 2015), and is impairing the

condition of downstream aquatic ecosystems, including those in the GBR lagoon

(De'ath and Fabricius, 2010). The Burdekin River basin is the largest single source of

fine sediment to the GBR lagoon (Kroon et al., 2012). However, there has been little

previous research into the rates, processes and drivers of gully erosion in the

Burdekin basin, or into their sensitivity to land management.

The initiation of gully incision is caused principally by degradation of vegetation

including removing woody vegetation (Prosser and Slade, 1994). However, once an

incised channel exists, the rate of gully head retreat can also be heavily influenced

by runoff volume (Oostwoud Wijdenes and Bryan, 2001). The rate of gully extension

decays over time as the catchment area upslope of the headcut, and the runoff

volume delivered from that declines (Graf, 1977). A threshold of catchment slope

and area exists below which gully heads are unlikely to extend at a given point in

time (Montgomery and Dietrich, 1989). That this threshold is to some degree

dependent on vegetation cover (Torri and Poesen, 2014) suggests that vegetation

affects the erosion resistance and the surface runoff volume driving gully erosion.

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It is well-established that major land management changes can be effective in

achieving large reductions in gully sediment yields, such as excluding grazing

combined with gully bed level control (e.g., Heede, 1979), or reafforestation of gullied

catchments (e.g., Gomez et al., 2003, Chen and Cai, 2006). However, gully erosion

processes and drivers can vary considerably with terrain, soil and climate conditions.

Site-specific process knowledge can help to inform targeted gully erosion control

(Prosser and Winchester, 1996), possibly within a context of maintaining primary

production or other land uses. For example, if sediment generation derives from

headcut migration driven by surface or sub-surface runoff then land management

should address the hydrologic functioning of the landscape and its vegetation. The

dominant headcut erosion process may be scour (Prosser and Soufi, 1998) or mass

failure (Chen et al., 2015). If the gully floor is degrading then engineered check dams

may be necessary for reducing gully sediment yield. If sediment yield derives from

rainsplash erosion of gully walls then revegetating gully walls is appropriate.

Alternatively if wall erosion occurs through channel floor widening and mass failure

then revegetation may not be effective on its own and reducing runoff may be a

higher priority (Martínez-Casasnovas et al., 2009).

Sediment source tracing studies indicate that 87–96% of fine sediment delivered to

the GBR lagoon is derived from the small proportion of the landscape where

processes eroding sub-surface soil occur such as deep rilling, gully erosion and

streambank erosion (Hughes et al., 2009, Olley et al., 2013, Wilkinson et al., 2013,

Wilkinson et al., 2015). Gully walls and floors together contribute ~40% of fine

sediment (Hancock et al., 2014). The Australian and Queensland State

Governments have set targets to change land management by 2025 such that

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sediment loads to the lagoon will be reduced by 50% in the long term

(Commonwealth of Australia, 2015). Therefore, there is an urgent need to

understand the causes and treatment options for gullies in GBR catchments.

This study investigated the erosion dynamics and driving factors affecting gullies in

drainage lines within the Burdekin River basin in the semi-arid tropics of northeast

Australia. These gullies are understood to have developed following the introduction

of cattle grazing in the 1860s. We monitored gully erosion and surface runoff at

selected sites in four catchments for up to 13 years. The research addressed four

questions; (i) the significance of gully erosion as a catchment sediment source, (ii)

whether there are specific spatial elements or processes dominating gully erosion

which may help to inform those undertaking erosion control activities, (iii) how gully

erosion varies over time and the factors influencing that variation, and (iv) the extent

to which grazing pressure in particular influences gully sediment yields.


Study area

The four study catchments are located within the Upper Burdekin catchment of the

130,000 km2 Burdekin River basin (Figure 1). The study area has Granodiorite

lithology (Isbell, 1996, Bartley et al., 2010a), being within the Ravenswood Batholith

which was intruded in the early–middle Ordovician (Hutton et al., 1993). The

predominant soil classification is Red Chromosol, known locally as red goldfields

soil, which is a duplex textured sandy clay loam. These soils occur predominantly on

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the northeast side of the river basin, which is the area making the highest per

hectare contributions of fine sediment to the GBR (McKergow et al., 2005, Bartley et

al., 2015, Furuichi et al., 2016). Gully erosion is more prevalent in Chromosols than

in other soil orders in the Burdekin basin; while they cover 12% of the Burdekin

basin, 25% of the area mapped as having medium or high gully density has

Chromosol soils (Gilad et al., 2012). Chromosol soils are similarly important across

the GBR basins as a whole.

The study catchments have mean-annual rainfall (1900–2012) ranging between 609

mm a-1 and 782 mm a-1 (Table 1). Rainfall intensities are large in this highly seasonal

tropical environment, with more than 70% of annual rainfall occurring within the three

summer months. Annual rainfall and catchment runoff have coefficients of variation

of 40% and ~100%, respectively, which is highly variable in world terms, but typical

for northern Australia (Petheram et al., 2008).

The terrain is dissected by many drainage lines, although total relief is low and

median gradients of the four catchments are all in the range 2.2—2.6%. The soil is

weakly dispersive on some areas of lower slopes, although more commonly it is

weakly slaking. Rapidly-weathering bedrock is occasionally exposed at 2–3 m depth

along some of the deeper hillslope gully features (Figure 2).

The gullies are branching linear features which typically follow drainage lines and

have a wedge shaped planform with width increasing downstream (Heine, 2002).

While the gully features are individually not large, due to the dissected terrain the

linear density of linear gully features is high, being estimated at 4.5 km km-2 in the

Weany Creek catchment (Heine, 2002). Larger gullies with more variable cross

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sections occur elsewhere in northern Australia where there is less lateral

confinement, such as in alluvium and other deeper soils, although these are

predominant only within particular valleys (e.g., Shepherd, 2010, Shellberg et al.,

2016). Historical air photos indicate that all the monitored gullies were well-

established by 1945.

The four study catchments represent gully erosion under a range of contemporary

grazing pressures. Cattle grazing commenced in the area after 1850 and numbers

increased slowly until the 1940s or later. Reliance on natural surface water would

have initially concentrated grazing pressure and vegetation disturbance close to

streams (Abbott and McAllister, 2004), elevating the risk of gully incision. Following

the introduction of Bos inducus breeds and a slump in beef prices in the late 1960s

cattle numbers in Weany and Wheel Creek catchments increased sharply to the mid-

1970s (McKeon et al., 1990). Stocking rates in the Wheel Creek catchment were

approximately 40 head per km2 prior to 2001, and 25 head per km2 since. Stocking

rates in the Weany Creek catchment were approximately 25 head per km 2 prior to

2001 and 5–20 head per km2 since, when pasture resting in alternate summer wet

seasons and forage budgeting were introduced (Bartley et al., 2010a, Bartley et al.,


By contrast, the Main and Thorton Creek catchments were acquired by the

Department of Defence in 1989. Stocking rates there remained generally much

lower, except during agistment in several drought years in the 1990s, and since 2000

they have been under long-term exclusion, with relatively very low stocking rates

associated with cattle incursions (Table 1).

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All catchments have open woodland tree cover 5–10 m in height, mainly narrow-

leafed ironbark (Eucalyptus creba) and red bloodwood (Eucalyptus papuana). In

Weany and Wheel Creek, ground vegetation is predominantly Indian Couch

(Bothriochloa pertusa) which replaced native perennial tussock grasses after drought

and grazing pressure in the 1980s (Bartley et al., 2010a). Indian Couch is a

stoloniferous grass which in this environment spreads rapidly after rain but produces

less biomass and is more prone to drought. The ground vegetation in Main and

Thorton Creek today has a biomass several times that in Weany and Wheel Creek,

and remains dominated by native perennial grasses including Black Spear grass

(Heteropogon contortus), Desert Blue grass (Bothriochloa ewartiana) and Golden

Beard Grass (Chrysopogon fallax), with patches of exotic woody legumes

(Stylosanthes spp.) and exotic grasses.

Gully soil and sediment properties

The particle size distribution and dry bulk density was determined for the soil profile

being eroded by gullies by collecting 5 samples between zero and 1.2 m depth from

each of 5 soil cores collected in the Weany Creek and Wheel Creek catchments

(locations shown in Figure 1), and also by prior sampling of gully walls with a hand

shovel (Bartley et al., 2007). Fluvially-deposited sediment on gully floors was

sampled and the proportion of silt and clay (<63 µm) in each sample was determined

by dry sieving. This size fraction, herein termed the fine fraction, impacts

downstream ecosystems by reducing water clarity and delivering particulate nitrogen

and phosphorus (Fabricius et al., 2014). Bulk density was determined for a total of

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20 sediment deposit samples collected across all gullies and measured by the

gravimetric method, and by prior sampling (Bartley et al., 2007).

Gully geometry and annual erosion

Gully erosion rates were monitored annually in a total of 17 gullies across the four

catchments (Figure 1; Table 1). In the Weany Creek catchment, gully erosion was

monitored for 13 water years 2005–2017, allowing long-term patterns in erosion to

be studied. In the other catchments, which had different grazing intensities, the

monitoring period was 4 water years (2014–2017). Measurements were made in the

winter dry season (April—October), and annual erosion was reported for water years

defined as ending on 30th September of the stated year (commencing on 1st of

October in the preceding calendar year).

Gullies were subdivided according to Crouch (1987) into three source areas;

headcut, walls and floor. The linear retreat of the headcut(s) at the upslope end of

each gully was measured with a large set square in the early years, from the surface

break of slope back to steel pin reference markers which were inserted vertically into

the soil surface prior to each wet season, at 30 cm upslope of the headcut. The

reference markers were spaced at 0.5 m intervals around the headcut, and between

10 and 20 markers were used depending on gully width. From 2009/10 headcut

erosion was monitored with annual surveys using a total station theodolite or Real

Time Kinematic GPS, at a precision of approximately 15 mm. Planimetric areas of

annual headcut retreat were then calculated. Some gully head segments had forked

heads which were monitored together as compound headcuts. Some gullies in the

Weany Creek catchment had additional side branches with headcuts which were not

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monitored. The gully longitudinal thalweg profile were surveyed to determine gully

depth immediately below the headcuts, and also gully length. Cross sections were

surveyed to determine gully widths.

Annual wall erosion and deposition in each gully was monitored at three cross

sections, each selected to be representative of a gully segment based on field

observations; (i) several metres downslope of the headcut in a head segment in

which net erosion was visually evident, (ii) in a middle segment in which neither

erosion nor deposition were obviously dominant, and (iii) in a valley segment in

which net deposition was predominant (Heine, 2002), down to where the gully met

the stream network. Erosion or deposition at each cross section was quantified using

steel erosion pins of diameter 6 mm and length 300 mm inserted perpendicular to

the local surface at 500 mm spacing. This technique is suited to the small rates of

wall erosion that were expected based on gully size and age (Lawler, 1993). The

pins covered the actively-eroding walls of each cross section excluding the gully

floor. Between 4 and 16 pins (average of 8) were used depending on the cross

section width. A total of 449 pins were installed across the four catchments (Table 1).

In each catchment, each segment type typically had 20–40 pins, depending on the

number of gullies monitored (more in Weany Creek).

At each monitoring date the exposed length of erosion pin was measured from a

steel washer placed on the soil surface (see Chaplot, 2013), using digital callipers

with 0.01 mm precision. The mean of measurements taken on opposite sides of the

pin was used. The repeatability of pin measurement was determined by three repeat

measurements of 28 pins by two operators on a single day. Pins that were affected

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by fluvial erosion and deposition of the channel bed (including any with movements

exceeding 100 mm in any one year) were labelled as channel pins to allow for

differentiation from gully walls with respect to bulk density and the proportion of <63

µm material. Erosion pins missing or damaged by cattle were excluded from

measurement. Total vegetation cover was estimated as a percentage over a 0.5 m

quadrat centred on each pin.

Scour chains were inserted vertically in the sand bed adjacent to valley cross

sections to measure net changes in gully floor level over each measurement period.

Lengthening of the horizontal portion of the chain over the wet season indicated

erosion (scour), and burial of the chain indicated deposition (Gordon et al., 1992).

The individual magnitudes of scour and deposition also indicated relative differences

in sediment transport between gullies. The chains were reset to floor surface level

each year.

The erosion monitoring protocol was adapted in several gullies: (i) One gully (VP0)

had five head segments, each being a branch of the gully, of which the mean erosion

rates were reported; (ii) Two gullies shared a common valley segment (THB and

THC); (iii) one gully (VPXG5) did not have a scour chain until the final two years of

monitoring, so floor scour is not reported; (iv) In the valley segment of two Wheel

Creek gullies, additional 1 m2 arrays of 20 erosion pins were placed on denuded

patches of valley walls. In addition, as part of the grazing management in Weany

Creek, from 2011 the head and middle segments of two gullies (VPXG2 and VPXG5)

had livestock excluded by fencing, and several low porous check dams were

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installed on the gully floors. The monitoring reported here was only marginally

affected by these activities.

As well as reporting erosion, deposition and yield from each monitored gully element

the whole-of-gully net annual sediment yields were calculated. Gully annual fine

sediment yield (<63 µm), M , was calculated by Equation 1, as the sum of yield

from the headcut, from the three erosion pin cross sections, and from the valley floor

based on the scour chain. In Equation 1 p was the proportion of parent soil with

<63 µm particle size,  was the soil dry bulk density, Ahc was the planimetric area

of headcut retreat, Dhc was the mean gully depth at the head cut approximated as

0.667 of the surveyed maximum depth of the headcut (assuming a parabolic cross

section), H , M ,V were the head, middle and valley cross sections respectively, Li

was the gully segment length represented by cross section i , Dij was the erosion or

deposition depth for cross section pin j (10 pins assumed), wij was the cross

section width it represented (0.5 m), pij was the proportion of fine material (<63 µm

particle size) assigned based on whether each cross section pin was deemed to

represent parent soil p or deposited sediment pd ,  ij was the dry bulk density of

either parent soil  or deposited sediment  d , and Ds was the net erosion of

sediment from the gully floor in the valley segment as measured by the scour chain

(negative values corresponded with net deposition).

M  pAhc Dhc  Li   pij  ij wij Dij  pd  d LV wV Ds

j 1 Equation 1
i  H , M ,V

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The gully total sediment yield was also determined using Equation 1 by applying p ,

pij and pd =1.0, which removed proportion fine from the equation.

Specific fine sediment yields were calculated by dividing by gully planform area

(Equation 2):

2 wH  wV LH  LM  LV  Equation 2

This metric is appropriate for estimating yield from gully networks across catchments

and for comparison with yields from other landscape elements and scales.

Specific fine sediment yields were also calculated by dividing by the upslope

contributing area draining to the downstream end of each gully ( UCA ; Equation 3):

SSYUCA  Equation 3

This metric is suited to assessing the effect on catchment fine sediment yield of

differences in both gully extent and erosion rate between the four monitored

catchments. DEMs derived from airborne LiDAR were used to determine UCA .

Rainfall, runoff and catchment sediment yield

Rainfall was measured using tipping bucket rain gauges at multiple locations in each

catchment (Figure 1), and the mean value for each catchment was reported. Surface

runoff in the Weany Creek catchment was monitored using a Parshall flume draining

a 1 ha hillslope (Flume 1 of Bartley et al., 2010a). Catchment runoff was monitored

at the outlets of Weany Creek and Main Creek catchments using regressions of

discharge against 10 minute depth measurements that were fitted to discharge

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estimates based on multi-cell acoustic Doppler velocity meters mounted in the centre

of surveyed creek cross sections. At those two catchment outlets Total Suspended

Solids (TSS) yield was also estimated using automatic water samplers (Bartley et al.,

2010b). Laboratory measurements of TSS concentration in water samples were

paired with coincident site turbidity measurements to fit regressions such that

concentration could be estimated from turbidity measurements made at 10 minute

intervals during runoff events. The particle size distribution of stream suspended

sediment was measured by laser diffraction using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000.


Soil and sediment

The soil cores representing gully wall soil had an average of 30.9% silt and clay

(n=25 samples from 5 soil cores). The clay content increased rapidly with depth

below the surface, peaking at 60% at 30 cm depth, declining to 20% at 60 cm and

below. Cores from depositional locations at the bottom of hillslopes had a more

uniform depth profile of 30–40% silt and clay (see Supplementary Figure S1). Gully

channel sediment was 1% silt and clay (n=19 samples). Valley segment deposition in

Wheel Creek also resembled gully channel sediment. The dry bulk density of soil

was 1.54 t m-3, and of gully floor deposits was 1.38 t m-3. The total organic carbon

content of soil cores was very low, being 1.3% within 0–20 cm depth, and 0.5% for

20–100 cm depth.

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Gully geometry

The mean length of all monitored gullies was 300 m. Gully geometry was more

similar between grazed catchments (Weany and Wheel Creek) and between grazing

exclosure catchments (Main and Thorton Creek) than it was between these land use

groups. For example, mean gully length in Main and Thorton Creek catchments was

approximately half that in Weany and Wheel Creek catchments (Table 1). The

catchment area upslope of gully heads tended to be smaller in catchments with

longer gullies, in absolute terms and as a proportion of the area upslope of the

downstream gully ends (Table 1). Individual gully headcuts in the grazed Weany and

Wheel Creek catchments tended to have either smaller contributing catchment area

or lower surface gradients than those in Main and Thorton Creek catchments (Figure

3). Catchment vegetation cover was considerably higher in Main and Thorton Creek,

where livestock grazing was excluded or occurred at low levels (Table 1).

The mean percentage of each gully length represented by the head, middle and

valley segments in Weany Creek was 23%, 38% and 39%, respectively (Heine,

2002, Bartley et al., 2007). Gully widths and depths in head segments were similar

between catchments (Table 1), and much smaller than those in some other studied

regions with deeper and finer or less textured soil (e.g., Oostwoud Wijdenes and

Bryan, 2001, Marzolff et al., 2011, Saxton et al., 2012, Shellberg et al., 2016). Depth

was reasonably consistent along each gully, as observed previously in terrain with

convex hillslope profiles (c.f. Rengers and Tucker, 2014). The longitudinal gradient of

gullies in valley segments was relatively consistent across the catchments, typically

within the range 1.5–2%, and gradient tended to slightly decrease downstream within

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each gully. The mean slope of the walls in the head, middle and valley segments of

Weany Creek gullies were ∼55°, ∼36°, and 15°, respectively (Bartley et al., 2007).

The dimensions of individual gullies are provided as supplementary data (Table S1).

Gully headcuts were typically vertical or slightly over-hanging in the upper part of the

incision profile, down to approximately 0.5–1 m, while the lower part of the headcut

face was typically a concave ‘scoop’ shape exposed to the overflow of surface


Rainfall and runoff

The mean measured rainfall in Weany Creek over the 13 year monitoring period was

8% below the long-term mean (Table 1; Table 2) noting the difference in methods

between these estimates. Runoff at the Weany Creek catchment outlet was 13% of

mean rainfall over this period (Table 2). The four-year period during which gully

erosion was monitored across the four catchments was drier than the 13 years as a

whole, being 54–78% of the long-term mean depending on catchment (Table 3).

Patterns in erosion and deposition within Weany Creek grazed gullies

The long-term spatial and temporal patterns in gully erosion and sediment yield are

reported first for Weany Creek gullies in this and the following subsections, based on

the 13 years monitoring there. The grazing impacts on gully erosion are presented

subsequently by comparing between gullies in different catchments over the four

year common monitoring period.

Weany Creek gully headcuts eroded at 30–160 mm yr-1 over 13 years (Figure 4a).

Over the sample of gullies, the linear retreat (headcut erosion) rate, was not

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dependent on headcut catchment area, on the product of headcut catchment area

and surface slope, or on headcut depth (R2 values < 0.1, reported in Supplementary

Table S2). The product of headcut catchment area and surface slope was used

because surface runoff tends to increase with both variables, and the product has

been used in prior studies (e.g., Saxton et al., 2012). We included each of the 5 head

cuts monitored in gully VP0 separately in this analysis.

Gully wall erosion was typically 1–7 mm yr-1, being generally largest at head cross

sections and smaller at middle cross sections (Figure 4b; Table 2). At valley cross

sections the gully walls experienced net deposition in 5 of the 6 Weany Creek

gullies, consistent with their definitions as deposition zones. This deposition occurred

on the walls either side of the active channel, and was more significant in drier years

suggesting it was partly sourced from erosion elsewhere on the valley walls. Fluvial

deposition of sediment from further upstream along the gully would have contributed

to wall deposition also.

The repeatability of individual erosion pin measurements, estimated as the mean

absolute deviation between measurements by different operators on the same day,

was 0.35 mm, which compared favourably with that in previous studies (Boardman et

al., 2015). With each gully segment in each catchment being represented by 20–40

pins, the precision in annual wall erosion for each segment in each catchment was

therefore 0.06–0.08 mm (e.g., 0.35/√20=0.08). This is a small proportion of the

measured rates and their standard errors based on variability between gullies

(Figure 4b; Table 2).

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The elevation of gully floors in valley segments changed by <21 mm yr-1 in all Weany

Creek gullies (Figure 4c). Gullies with the largest changes were VP0 which aggraded

by 255 mm over the 13 years, and VPXG2 which degraded by 270 mm; the latter

possibly influenced by an approaching secondary channel incision downstream of

the monitored gully, or by low check dams in that gully whose effects are the subject

of further investigation. Considerable sediment transport was evident in all gullies,

with the scour chains typically detecting about 35 mm of fluvial scour and a similar

depth of sediment deposition in each year. Annual changes in the valley floor

elevation of each gully are plotted in Supplementary Figure S2.

Sediment yields of Weany Creek gullies relative to catchment yields

Every monitored Weany Creek gully had a positive net sediment yield over the 13

years of monitoring, averaging 11.9 t yr-1 per gully, of which 3.27 t yr-1 was fine

sediment (silt and clay; Table 2). Relative to gully planform area, the mean specific

sediment yield ( SSYGA ; Equation 2) was 22.1 t ha-1 y-1 for total sediment, of which 6.1

t ha-1 yr-1 was fine sediment. While the largest erosion rates occurred at gully head

cuts (Figure 4), wall erosion in the gully head and middle segments made larger

contributions to gully erosion volume and consequently sediment yield, due to the

area over which wall erosion occurred being much larger than the head cut faces

(Figure 4d). The rankings of individual gullies differed between erosion rates and

yields due to differences in gully segment length, width and head depth (reported in

Table S1). For example VPXG2 had the largest head wall erosion rate but the third

largest head wall sediment yield (Figure 4).

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Of the fine sediment eroded from Weany Creek gully elements, most was

contributed from walls in the head and middle segments (total of 85%), secondly

from headcut extension (15%) and almost none from gully floor erosion (Table 2).

Deposition on gully walls in valley segments reduced the net gully fine sediment yield

to 66% of the total amount of fine sediment eroded elsewhere in the gully (from 9.3

to 6.1 t ha-1 yr-1; Table 2). The mean sediment yield of valley wall segments was

negative accounting for the erosion rate and segment length and width of each gully,

although the arithmetic mean erosion rate across the six valley wall segments was

slightly positive (Table 2).

Variables which best (although not strongly) explained variations in total sediment

yield (t y-1) between Weany Creek gullies were the longitudinal gradient of the valley

segment (R2=0.44), the catchment area upslope of each gully head cut (R2=0.20),

and the product of that catchment area and slope (R2=0.39); see Supplementary

Table S2. Variations in wall erosion rates between gullies were inversely correlated

with wall vegetation cover (R2=0.43, 0.97 and 0.92 for head, middle and valley

segments, respectively). However, grazing pressure was similar across all Weany

gullies, leaving the possibility that differences in erosion rate caused the differences

in cover, rather than the other way about.

The Weany Creek catchment specific fine sediment yield for the monitoring period,

calculated from stream discharge and TSS concentration monitoring, was 0.84 t ha-1

yr-1. The specific fine sediment yield from the gully area (6.1 t ha-1 yr-1) was 7.3 times

the catchment yield, indicating that gullies are erosion ‘hotspots’ within the

catchment (Table 2). Multiplying gully specific yield by the total area of gullies across

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the catchment, total gully fine sediment yield was 362 t yr-1, or 29% of catchment fine

sediment yield during the study period (1,260 t yr-1). Total gully area was estimated

at 59 ha, based on the product of gully density (4.5 km km-2; Heine, 2002),

catchment area (13 km2) and the mean width of monitored gullies (10 m). A second

estimate was also made by multiplying the mean-annual average erosion rate per

monitored gully headcut and head segment combined (2.5 t yr-1) by the 220 gully

headcuts mapped across the Weany Creek catchment (Heine, 2002, Bartley et al.,

2007), giving an estimate of 550 t yr-1 or 44% of the Weany Creek catchment yield.

An alternative assessment of gully sediment yield was also explored, the net fine

specific sediment yield of monitored gullies relative to the area of the gullies and their

contributing catchments ( SSYUCA ). This was estimated at 0.22 ± 0.17 t ha-1 yr-1, or 27

± 20% of the catchment specific yield. This included an estimated 0.06 t ha-1 yr-1

sediment yield from 8 additional unmonitored side branch headcuts across the

monitored gullies. The uncertainty in SSYUCA was the standard error based on

variation between gullies. That gully SSYUCA is smaller than catchment sediment yield

suggests that most of the monitored gullies may be relatively mature, and that the

mean SSYUCA of monitored gullies may under-estimate that of all gullies in the

catchment as a whole.

Annual dynamics of Weany Creek gully and catchment sediment yield

Annual erosion from the headcuts and head segment walls across the six Weany

Creek gullies was dependent on annual runoff, and to a lesser extent on annual

rainfall (see R2 values in Figure 5). Variable annual deposition in the valley sections

resulted in net gully sediment yield being less dependent on runoff and rainfall.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Previous studies elsewhere have similarly found that headcut rates are more

strongly dependent on rainfall than are sidewall erosion rates (Marzolff et al., 2011).

A wide range of annual rainfall totals were experienced during the 13 years (range

319–1224 mm), with 8 years being below the long-term mean and 5 years being

above the mean of 686 mm yr-1 (Table 1). Net gully sediment yields were negative in

three years. However, headcut and headwall erosion was positive in all years (Figure

5a), with temporary storage on gully floors being visually apparent in dry years.

The sequence of annual variations in the mean fine sediment yield estimated from

erosion pin monitoring across the monitored Weany Creek gullies was mimicked by

the annual variation in catchment fine sediment yield (Supplementary Figure S3).

Weany Creek TSS comprised 70% clay, 20% silt and 10% sand. The sand

component was removed when calculating catchment fine sediment yields.

Grazing impacts on gully erosion and sediment yield

Over the shorter 4-year monitoring period common across the four catchments, the

mean rates of gully headcut linear extension in Main Creek were much lower than in

the grazed Weany and Wheel Creek gullies (Table 3; Figure 6a). The Thorton Creek

mean headcut erosion rate was similar to or slightly higher than that in grazed

catchments, despite its mean headcut upslope contributing area being larger (Table

1; Table 3), which suggested that the exclusion of grazing supressed headcut

erosion rates there also, relative to what they might have been under grazing. One

outlier annual headcut linear extension in a Main Creek gully was removed from the

analysis as it was caused by local human disturbance (729 mm).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

In all segments, the largest wall erosion rates occurred in the grazed Weany or

Wheel Creek gullies, while the grazing exclosure Main and Thorton gullies had small

magnitudes of net deposition in middle and valley segments on average (Figure 6b).

Net deposition was also measured on the two Wheel Creek valley segment wall

cross sections, but these were found to poorly represent valley wall erosion in that

catchment. Valley floor deposition was found to extend across much of these pin

cross sections due to wall slopes being very small. Arrays of erosion pins further

from the centre of these segments measured mean-annual erosion of 2.6 mm yr-1

(MV1) and 0.22 mm yr-1 (MV2). Substantial historical wall erosion in Wheel Creek

gullies is also indicated by the widths of these gullies being almost twice those in

Weany Creek (Table 3), and by the low vegetation cover (Table 3), especially during

drought periods (Figure 7a). Therefore, the reported valley segment sediment yield

for those gullies (Table 3, Figure 6d) was determined as the average of yields

calculated from the cross sections and the pin arrays. The deposited material on

Wheel Creek valley cross sections was coarse sand delivered from upstream, which

did not affect gully fine sediment yields.

Differences in wall erosion rates between catchments were inversely correlated with

vegetation cover in the head and middle segments, which is consistent with

established sheetwash and rill erosion behaviour (Renard et al., 1997). The

dependency was weaker in valley segments, which typically had higher levels of

vegetation cover than head or middle segments (Figure 8; Table 3). This is not

surprising given that erosion is less sensitive to cover at higher cover levels. The

positive correlation in valley segments was associated with the deposition measured

in Wheel Creek valley segment cross sections, which was not representative as

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

described above. Two Weany Creek gullies (VPXG2 and VPXG5) were excluded

from this analysis, since parts of them were subject to temporary grazing exclosures.

Our interest in comparing gully fine sediment yields between catchments was in off-

site water quality impacts at catchment scale, which are influenced by the area of

gullies as well as their erosion rate. Therefore, we compared specific gully fine

sediment yields relative to the area draining to the downstream end of each gully

( SSYUCA ; Equation 3), rather than relative to gully planform area. The total, and

specific, fine sediment yield of gullies ( SSYUCA ) in either grazing exclosure catchment

(Main and Thorton) was less than half that of gullies in either of the grazed (Weany

and Wheel) catchments (Figure 6d; Table 3). The mean gully fine specific sediment

yield across the two grazing exclosure catchments ( SSYUCA =0.071 t ha-1 yr-1) was

77% lower than that across the grazed catchments over the 4 year period

( SSYUCA =0.31 t ha-1 yr-1). These are weighted means accounting for the respective

gully sediment yields (Table 3) and areas (Table 1) in each catchment. The large

difference in measured gully sediment yields between grazed and grazing exclosure

catchments was similar to the difference in longer term catchment specific sediment

yields, which were 62% lower in Main Creek than in Weany Creek over 13 years

(Table 3).

Sediment yields from headcut erosion over the 4 year gully monitoring period were

comparable across all catchments independent of land use, but wall erosion rates

and fine sediment yields were much lower in grazing exclosure catchments (Figure

6). Wall erosion contributed more than 70% of gully fine sediment yield in both

grazed catchments (weighted mean of 86%), which was similar to the 85%

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

measured in Weany Creek gullies over 13 years. In contrast, wall erosion contributed

less than 30% of sediment yield in both grazing exclosure catchments (mean of



The significance of gully erosion as a sediment source

The results have confirmed that more than 150 years after the introduction of

livestock grazing in northeast Australia, mature gully networks in drainage lines

continue to be erosion hotspots that make large contributions to catchment fine

sediment yield in the study area. The density of the hillslope gullies studied here

makes them important sediment sources at river basin scale. There are about

13,000 km of gullies in the 40,000 km2 Upper Burdekin River catchment (Gilad et al.,

2012), and more than 80,000 km of gullies across the 423,000 km 2 of the GBR

catchments (Thorburn and Wilkinson, 2013). Gully erosion also induces additional

soil surface erosion from persistently denuded areas (scalds) upslope of some gully

heads, by removing the down-slope hydraulic control on surface runoff. These

persistently denuded areas are known to yield sediment at 3.9 t ha-1 yr-1 (Bartley et

al., 2010a). The concentration of surface runoff by gully erosion is likely to also

increase erosion within the channel network downstream of gullies, including through

channel incision (DiBiase and Whipple, 2011). The significance of gully erosion

found here is supported by previous studies in the Weany Creek catchment which

indicated (based on fewer years data) that the major sources of fine sediment were

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

gully erosion (Bartley et al., 2007), and denuded hillslope patches (Bartley et al.,


The supply of fine sediment from concentrated hotspots of severe erosion such as

gullies is supported by sediment source tracing studies in the Burdekin basin

(Wilkinson et al., 2013, Hancock et al., 2014, Wilkinson et al., 2015), which indicate

that approximately 90% of fine sediment yield is derived from sub-surface soil

sources, and that gully erosion is the largest contributor to that. Other GBR basins

are similarly dominated by sub-surface soil sources (Hughes et al., 2009, Olley et al.,

2013). Thus, the introduction of livestock grazing appears to have impacted on

erosion processes and sediment yields in northeast Australia in a similar way to the

impacts documented in southeast Australia (Prosser and Winchester, 1996, Wasson

et al., 1998, Rustomji and Pietsch, 2007).

The mean-annual rates of gully head retreat in Weany Creek over 13 years were

small relative to a global median of 0.89 m yr-1 (Vanmaercke et al., 2016). Larger and

deeper gullies often have larger rates of expansion and sediment yields than those

at our study sites, including those in deep alluvium in northeast Australia (Shellberg

et al., 2016). However, the gully erosion rates reported here may not be atypical

globally assuming that studies tend to focus on more rapidly-eroding gullies.

The observed sensitivity of gully erosion to annual rainfall and surface runoff means

that it will remain a chronic source in this landscape in coming decades. Our finding

that the annual sediment yield of hillslope drainage line gullies depends on annual

rainfall (Figure 5) extends understanding of gully dynamics described in previous

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

studies for gullies in much deeper soils, including alluvium (Oostwoud Wijdenes and

Bryan, 2001, Marzolff et al., 2011, Shellberg et al., 2013).

Gully erosion processes

We found that gully wall erosion was the largest sediment source in gullies under

grazing landuse, which extends similar findings from gully studies in the grazing

lands of southeast Australia (e.g., Blong et al., 1982, Crouch, 1987). That the widths

of Wheel Creek gullies were larger than those of Weany Creek gullies, where

stocking rates were historically somewhat lower (Table 1), suggests that gully wall

erosion is influenced by the intensity of grazing pressure, as well as by its presence.

The relative contribution of gully wall erosion to sediment yield tends to increase over

time as gullies become longer and larger in area (Blong et al., 1982), and as the rate

of gully linear extension decays in line with the decline in contributing area above

gully headcuts (Graf, 1977, Torri and Poesen, 2014).

Sloping gully walls are obviously exposed to direct rainfall impact and rill erosion in

grazed catchments (Figure 2; Figure 7). Larger wall erosion rates occurred at lower

proportions of vegetation cover, particularly at the lower cover levels of head and

middle segments (Figure 8). This is consistent with studies of sheetwash and rill

erosion in GBR catchments and elsewhere (Renard et al., 1997, Silburn et al., 2011).

The prevalence of sloping gully walls also indicates that the coarse-textured soil

undergoes self-armouring and size-selective transport during the erosion process

(Kirkby and Bull, 2000). The species composition of vegetation is likely to also be

important in determining its effect on wall and floor erosion. Under current conditions,

vegetation in Weany and Wheel gullies was comprised of Indian Couch

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

(Bothriochloa pertusa) which is known to commonly produce comparable or higher

foliar cover in wetter years, but less persistent ground cover than native perennials

which can be a more important driver of rangeland erosion (Hernandez et al., 2017).

The smaller yields of gullies under grazing exclosure (Figure 6d) are associated with

generally shorter gully lengths, as well as generally lower rates of wall erosion (net

deposition in middle and valley segments). The differences in gully lengths between

catchments can be attributed to the large differences in contributing area vegetation

cover (Table 1) and function (Roth, 2004), which is consistent with previous studies

of the gully head slope-area threshold (Torri and Poesen, 2014). Presumably

vegetation cover controls headcut erosion rates through its effect on surface runoff

volumes, which we have shown do influence headcut retreat rates at annual

timescales (Figure 5b). Within the grazed Weany Creek catchment, headcut retreat

rates were not obviously related to the headcut catchment area, slope or headcut

depth (Table S2), which is in contrast to several prior studies (Burkard and

Kostaschuk, 1997, Vandekerckhove et al., 2003, Marzolff et al., 2011, Saxton et al.,

2012). However, the differences in these attributes between Weany Creek gullies

were minor relative to the differences between study catchments, and other variables

such as soil properties and terrain convergence also influence headcut erosion.

The concave ‘scoop’ profile of the lower portion of some gully heads indicates that

scour is an important process in this part of the headcut (Rengers and Tucker,

2015), which undercuts the upper portion of the gully heads. It can be expected that

the clay-rich layer 30 cm below the soil surface inhibits infiltration in this and other

duplex soils, increasing the frequency and duration of soil saturation and runoff. As

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

well as increasing scour erosion via runoff, increased soil saturation would reduce

the mass stability of gully headcuts to enhance sapping.

The erosion monitoring methods transpired to be generally sufficient and effective,

with the exception of valley segment wall erosion in Wheel Creek gullies. It was

important to monitor multiple gullies, given the variability in erosion rates between

individual gullies. The observed importance of gully wall erosion as a sediment

source also reinforces the importance of monitoring headcut, gully wall and floor

erosion to define gully erosion processes and contemporary yield, rather than

headcut erosion only.

Although erosion pins are an established method to monitor channel wall erosion

(Lawler, 1993), the reliance on erosion pins could be regarded as a weakness of this

study. However, reported wall erosion rates are averages in each type of segment

across several gullies in each catchment and over several years, which improves the

representativeness. Spatial variability in wall erosion appears to have been

represented adequately, with generally higher rates in head segments than middle

segments, and net deposition in most valley segments (Figure 4, Figure 6),

consistent with expected patterns. The main source of uncertainty in mean wall

erosion is therefore the number of gullies monitored and variability between them

(standard errors of 2–4 mm yr-1; Figure 4b), rather than measurement precision. We

acknowledge that a larger number of erosion pins would be required to monitor wall

erosion in gullies of more variable cross section shape. Photogrammetry (e.g.,

Marzolff and Poesen, 2009; Koci et al., 2017) and terrestrial laser scanning can

today monitor wall erosion with more comprehensive sampling. However, while such

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

DEM-based methods may be considered for future studies, they were not widely

available at the commencement of this study, and erosion pins measured the small

magnitudes of annual erosion in the study area more precisely than would have

been possible with most field scanning technologies.

The dependence of gully sediment yield on gully extent and gully vegetation cover

found in this study identifies these as important variables for modelling spatial

patterns in gully yield across river basins. While gully extent is included in the

Dynamic SedNet model currently used in northeast Australia (Wilkinson et al.,

2014a), gully vegetation cover is not. Investigating methods to incorporate gully

vegetation cover in models of gully sediment yield using remote sensing or field

measurement datasets is a priority coming from this study, including for representing

the effect of gully remediation projects.

The longer-term historical development of hillslope gully systems in northeast

Australia also merits further investigation, such as through historical air photographs.

A key question is whether gully extent continues to expand linearly over time since

gully networks were initiated (e.g., Saxton et al., 2012, Shellberg et al., 2016), or

whether it is now stabilising (Prosser and Winchester, 1996).

Implications for gully erosion control

Given the importance of wall erosion to gully sediment yields in grazing land,

increasing vegetation cover within gully features would be an effective approach for

reducing river sediment loads and their associated impacts on freshwater and

marine ecosystems in northeast Australia. Gully vegetation cover can be improved

by either excluding livestock from individual gully features, or by more carefully

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

managing access to gullied landscapes as a whole where that is more practical.

Physical revegetation activities such as sowing seed may accelerate the recovery

that is enabled by reductions in grazing pressure.

Increasing vegetation cover on gully floors can also help to reduce gully sediment

transport capacity and enhance deposition (Zierholz et al., 2001), even though the

general stability of most gully floor levels in the study catchments indicates that

controlling bed level is not critical for stabilising gullies. Combined with reducing

grazing pressure, small check dams in strategic locations can deliver large

reductions in sediment yield at the scale of individual gullies and small catchments

(Heede, 1979). Active revegetation of gully walls and floors can also be effective

(Ayele et al., 2016). Further study of gully revegetation is warranted in northeast

Australia, to identify locally effective methods and recovery timescales. Within-gully

vegetation cover could also be monitored as an early indicator of grazing impacts on

erosion. In contrast, installing grade control structures in primary gully heads will

address only a small proportion of gully sediment yield in grazed landscapes of the

study area.

Reducing runoff volumes by improving soil hydrologic function is another means to

manage gully erosion, given the dependence of gully headcut retreat and head

segment erosion on annual runoff (Figure 5). Any form of vegetative cover in the

gully catchment reduces surface runoff by obstructing flow and reducing the sealing

of the soil surface by rain drop impact (Bridge et al., 1983). High soil infiltration

capacity (and hence lower runoff) in the Burdekin basin has been associated with

soil biological activity, particularly presence of worm castings and absence of crusts

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

(Roth, 2004), which tend to be associated with vegetation cover levels >75%, and

with high biomass of perennial native grasses such as those present in Thorton and

Main Creek catchments. At the hillslope scale, a grazing exclosure with these

features had just 40% of the runoff of an adjacent grazed hillslope dominated by the

exotic stoloniferous runner grass Indian Couch (Bothriochloa pertusa) (Hawdon et

al., 2008). In contrast, gully sediment yield may increase if more intensive land uses

such as cropping are introduced (Frankl et al., 2012). Reducing landscape runoff will

also reduce the progression of channel incision and widening downstream of the

primary gully network.

In the long term lower grazing pressure can benefit forage production (Wilkinson et

al., 2014b) and thus farm profitability (O'Reagain et al., 2011), in addition to

moderating gully sediment yields. Sustaining forage composition and productivity

requires constraining the forage consumed each year to within 25% of the amount

grown, or periodically resting pastures during the wetter growing season (Ash et al.,

2011). Accounting for climate variability, and in particular runs of wet and dry years,

is challenging but is critical for the long-term sustainability of grazing (Stafford Smith

et al., 2007).

However, reducing surface runoff through vegetation management is a long-term

prospect in degraded landscapes. Ten years of reduced grazing pressure and

pasture resting in Weany Creek had no apparent effect on annual hillslope runoff

volumes (Bartley et al., 2014). Gradual increases in the perennial composition and

biomass of forage during that study indicates that long-term recovery of hydrologic

function is possible, but may take up to several decades following land use change

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

(Wilcox et al., 2008). Therefore, increasing vegetation cover within gullies is likely to

have more rapid effect on gully sediment yields than increasing cover in the

contributing catchment areas.

Water quality within the GBR lagoon is responsive to annual variations in fine

sediment inputs (Fabricius et al., 2014). Considering that gully sediment yields are

sensitive to annual rainfall, and that they are well-connected to streams in the

Burdekin River basin (Wilkinson et al., 2013), it could be expected that coastal water

quality would improve within years if gully sediment yields could be reduced across

the basin.


This study has monitored the annual erosion and sediment yield of mature drainage

line gullies in granite-derived soil in northeast Australia. We conclude that more than

150 years after the introduction of livestock grazing, gully networks continue to be a

large sediment source at landscape scale in this area, contributing an estimated 29–

44% of catchment fine sediment yield. We also conclude that wall erosion is the

largest source of fine sediment within gullies in grazed rangeland . Annual gully

sediment yields are strongly dependent on annual rainfall and runoff. The

downstream (valley) segments of many gullies are deposition zones, particularly if

grazing pressure is moderate or excluded. Gully sediment yields under livestock

exclusion (very low stocking rates) were less than half those under grazing.

Where gully extension is well-advanced, we conclude that increasing vegetation

cover within gully networks is the most effective approach to reducing gully sediment

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

yield in future decades. Revegetation can be achieved by fencing around gullies to

restrict livestock access or by reducing stocking rates in paddocks containing gullies.

Physical interventions and planting willbe required in some areas. Broad application

of this approach has the potential to substantially reduce catchment fine sediment

yields in northeast Australia.


We are grateful to the landholders who hosted this research on their properties,

being Rob and Sue Benetto, John Ramsay and family, and the Department of

Defence. This research was funded by the CSIRO in collaboration with the

Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy (NESP-TWQ-2.1.4

and Paddock to Reef Program), by Meat and Livestock Australia (B.NBP.0546), and

by Department of Defence (Main Creek and Thorton Creek). Support was provided

by NQ Dry Tropics and The State of Queensland. Soil survey data were provided by

Nev Christianos (Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines). The

LiDAR DEM of Weany Creek was provided by Dan Tindall (Queensland Department

of Science, Information Technology and Innovation). Technical assistance with field

monitoring was provided by Rex Keen (CSIRO). John Gallant, Alexey Sidorchuk and

an anonymous reviewer made constructive comments which greatly improved the

manuscript. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Table 1. Characteristics of each study catchment and the monitored gullies. Values in bracket
are standard errors based on variability between gullies in each catchment.

Attribute Weany Wheel Main Thorton

Latitude, longitude -19.9027, -19.8311, -19.5139, -19.5807,
146.5162 146.5895 146.2719 146.1899
Catchment area (km ) 13 11 11 81
Median catchment gradient (%) 2.3 2.2 2.6 2.3
Chromosol soil area (%) (monitored gullies within this) 100 100 100 6
-1 b
Long term mean rainfall 1900–2012 (mm yr ) 686 738 782 609
Livestock density during study period (mean; cattle km ) 13 25 0.5 0.5
Dry season vegetation cover (mean; 1987–2011) 76 73 88 88
Predominant ground vegetation during the study period Indian couch Indian couch Native Native
(Bothriochloa (Bothriochloa perennial perennial
pertusa), with pertusa) grasses, grasses,
a small patches of patches of
proportion of exotic exotic
native legumes legumes
perennials and grasses and grasses
Gully monitoring duration (water years, ending in 2017) 13 4 4 4
Number of gullies monitored 6 2 4 5
Number of gully headcuts monitored 10 2 4 5
Number of gully wall erosion pins 186 61 108 94
Planform area of monitored gullies (mean; ha) 0.35 1.62 0.13 0.31
Length of monitored gullies (mean; m) 425 (94) 409 (104) 236 (70) 151 (42)
Width of head cross sections (mean; m) 7.1 (1.5) 6.0 (0.4) 5.7 (1.2) 9.7 (3.4)
Width of valley cross sections (mean; m) 8.5 (1.5) 18 (0.6) 22 (4.4) 11 (4.8)
Maximum depth of head cross sections (mean; m) 1.9 (0.1) 1.8 (0.2) 1.6 (0.2) 1.9 (0.3)
Surface gradient for the 10 m upslope of gully head (mean;
-1 0.035 0.028 0.035 0.023
mm )
Catchment area upstream of gully headcuts (mean; ha) 0.74 (0.23) 1.3 (1.2) 2.3 (0.88) 6.8 (2.1)
Catchment area upstream of gully downstream ends 13.2 (4.3) 9.6 (3.4) 6.8 (1.5) 10.9 (2.1)
(mean; ha)
For the area with Chromosol soils, which contained the monitored gullies
Estimated using the AWAP gridded monthly rainfall dataset for Australia (Jones et al., 2009)
Based on analysis of Landsat fractional vegetation cover imagery provided by the Queensland Government DSITI
Some of these headcuts were monitored as compound headcuts in Weany and Wheel gullies.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Table 2. Erosion, deposition and sediment yield for gullies in the Weany Creek catchment over
the 2005 to 2017 water years.

Attribute Fine Total

sediment sediment
a a
yield yield
Measured rainfall (mean; mm yr ) 635
Runoff at the catchment outlet (mean; mm yr ) 85
-1 -1
Catchment fine sediment yield (mean; t ha yr ) 0.84
Gully headcut horizontal linear extension erosion rate (mean; mm yr ) 93.1
Gully head segment wall erosion rate (mean; mm yr ) 7.0
Gully middle segment wall erosion rate (mean; mm yr ) 2.5
Gully valley segment wall erosion rate (mean; mm yr ) 0.5
Gully valley segment floor erosion rate (mean; mm yr ) 3.2
-1 a
Gully headcut extension sediment yield (mean; t yr ) 0.50 (15%) 1.6 (14%)
-1 a
Gully head segment wall sediment yield (mean; t yr ) 1.99 (61%) 6.5 (56%)
-1 a
Gully middle segment wall sediment yield (mean; t yr ) 0.78 (24%) 2.5 (21%)
-1 a
Gully valley segment floor sediment yield (mean; t yr ) 0.01(0.3%) 1.3 (9%)
Gully total erosion (sum of above; t yr ) 3.27 11.9
Gully valley segment wall sediment yield (mean; t yr ) -1.12 -3.9
Gully net sediment yield (mean; t yr ) 2.15 7.8
-1 -1 b
Gully net sediment yield relative to gully planform area (mean; t ha yr ) 6.1 22.1
-1 -1 c
Gully net sediment yield relative to gully contributing area (mean; t ha yr ) 0.22 NA
Values in bracket are percentages of gully total erosion summed over all elements excluding valley segment walls.
b SSYGA ; the sum of sediment yield across all monitored gullies, divided by the total gully planform area (Equation 2).
SSYUCA ; the sum of sediment yield from all gullies divided by the total contributing area draining to the downstream end
of each gully (Equation 3).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Table 3. Erosion, deposition and sediment yield of monitored gullies in the four catchments for
the 2014 to 2017 water years. Values in brackets are percentages of net fine sediment yield.

Attribute Weany Wheel Main Thorton

Creek Creek Creek Creek
Rainfall measured 2014–2017 (mm yr ) 471 439 424 473
Rainfall measured 2014–2017 as percentage of long-term mean 69 59 54 78
Headcut linear extension (mean, mm yr ) 60.0 70.8 73.1 79.3
Wall erosion rate in head segments (mean, mm yr ) 7.3 3.5 1.3 2.7
Wall erosion rate in middle segments (mean, mm yr ) 2.2 4.0 -0.4 -0.2
Wall erosion rate in valley segments (mean, mm yr ) 3.7 -3.4 -0.4 -1.4
Wall vegetation cover in head segments (mean, percent) 18 33 50 21
Wall vegetation cover in middle segments (mean, percent) 37 33 49 43
Wall vegetation cover in valley segments (mean, percent) 65 48 77 56
Gully headcut extension fine sediment yield (mean; t yr ) 0.52 0.69 0.25 0.60
(13%) (22%) (97%) (74%)
Gully wall fine sediment yield in the head segments (mean; t yr ) 2.24 0.20 0.05 0.28
(55%) (7%) (19%) (34%)
Gully wall fine sediment yield in the middle segments (mean; t yr 1.17 1.05 -0.04 0.01
) (29%) (34%) (-16%) (1%)
Gully wall fine sediment yield in the valley segments (mean; t yr ) 0.16 1.2 (39%) 0.01 -0.08
(4%) (3%) (-8%)
Gully floor fine sediment yield in the valley segments (mean; t yr ) -0.05 -0.08 -0.01 0.00
(-1%) (-2%) (-3%) (0%)
Gully net fine sediment yield (mean; t yr ) 4.04 3.07 0.25 0.81
-1 -1 b
Gully net specific fine sediment yield (t ha yr gully area) 11.50 1.89 1.94 2.65
-1 -1 c
Gully net specific fine sediment yield (t ha yr catchment area) 0.307 0.320 0.038 0.092
-1 -1
Whole catchment fine sediment yield 2005–2017 (t ha yr ) 0.84 NA 0.36 NA
Long term mean rainfalls are in Table 1
Based on gully planform area; SSYGA
Based on the catchment area draining to the downstream end of each gully; SSYUCA

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Figure 1. Hillslope gully monitoring locations in the Upper Burdekin catchment,

relative to the extent of Chromosol soils in the Burdekin basin. The gully probability

mapping is reproduced with permission from Gilad et al. (2012). One soil core

location in Weany Creek is obscured due to its close proximity to another.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Figure 2. Monitored elements of Weany Creek gully VP0 in July 2010 after three

years of above-average rainfall; (a) One of the five headcuts; (b) the head cross

section, note the grey bedrock exposure; (c) middle cross section looking

downstream; (d) valley cross section.

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Figure 3. Surface gradients upslope of gully headcuts, relative to headcut

contributing areas.

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Figure 4. Spatial patterns of erosion and sediment yield in Weany Creek gullies for

water years 2005–2017: (a) Mean-annual headcut linear retreat (measured by

survey), (b) mean-annual gully wall erosion by segment (measured by erosion pins);

(c) mean-annual valley segment floor erosion (measured by scour chains); (d) mean

annual yield of total sediment (clay, silt and sand) by gully element, and the net total.

Negative values indicate net deposition. Error bars show the standard error on the

mean considering variation between gullies.

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Figure 5. Relationships between annual specific fine sediment yield across Weany

Creek gullies relative to annual rainfall, and runoff measured at the catchment outlet.

Sediment yield is reported relative to the total planform area of monitored gullies.

Parts (a) and (b) show annual yields from headcuts and head segments only. Parts

(c) and (d) show annual net gully yields.

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Figure 6. Spatial patterns of erosion and fine sediment yield within gullies across the

four catchments with different grazing pressure, for water years 2014–2017: (a)

Mean-annual headcut linear retreat erosion (measured by survey); (b) mean-annual

wall erosion by gully segment (measured by erosion pins); (c) mean-annual valley

segment floor erosion (measured by scour chains); (d) mean-annual fine sediment

yields of gully elements, and the net total. Negative values indicate deposition. Error

bars show the standard error on the mean considering variation between gullies in

each catchment. In (b) the open circle is erosion measured by additional arrays of

erosion pins (described in the text).

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Figure 7. (a) Looking obliquely downstream across the valley segment of Wheel

Creek gully MV2, showing very low vegetation cover under heavy cattle grazing and

in the foreground a rilled side branch and; (b) looking obliquely upstream across the

valley segment of Main Creek gully MC3, showing perennial grass cover under

livestock exclusion. Photos were taken in May 2015 after three years of below-

average rainfall.

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Figure 8. Differences in gully wall erosion rates between the four catchments relative

to vegetation cover, by gully segment (negative erosion values denote deposition).

Data points are mean values over four years (2014–2017). Error bars show the

standard error on the mean considering variation between gullies in each catchment.

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