Exam Definitions 2024 Chemistry

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Definitions 2024 ( For the Faculty of Chemistry)

1.Controversial ---------- causing disagreement or discussion (mübahisəli)

2.Evidence ------------facts giving reason to believe (dəlil, sübut)
3.Hypothesis --------- an idea based on known facts but not yet proved (fərziyyə)
4.Theory ------------a set of ideas that explains facts (nəzəriyyə)
5.Phenomenon ---------a fact or an event in nature or society (hadisə (təbiətdə,cəmiyyətdə)
6.Undergo --------- to experience a change (məruz qalmaq)
7.Conversion----------the act of changing something to another (çevrilmə)
8.Alter ---------------- to make something different (dəyişmək)
9.Solubility ----------- the quality of being able to be dissolved (həllolma)
10.Density ----------the degree of compactness of a substance( sıxlıq)
11.Heterogeneous ------------ consisting of things of different types (müxtəlifcinsli)
12.Homogeneous--------- consisting of things being of the same type (eynicinsli)
13.Enzyme ---------------catalysts that accelerate reactions (ferment)
14.Diversity --------a range of many different people or things (müxtəliflik)
15.Deposition-----a process in which a gas changes to a solid without becoming a liquid
16.Alchemy------- a form of chemistry studied in the Middle Ages (kimyagərlik)
17.Decay ----------being destroyed by natural chemical process (çürüntü)
18.Withstand------------- to be strong enough, not to be damaged (davamlı olmaq, tab gətirmək)
19.Charcoal-------- a hard , black substance used as a fuel or for drawing (kömür)
20.Alkali------a substance that dissolves in water and reacts with acids to form a salt (qələvi)
21.Lubricant ---------an oily substance used in the working parts of mechanism (sürtgü
22.Refine ------- to make a substance pure by removing impurities (təmizləmək, emal etmək)
23.Group----------- a vertical column in the periodic table (dövri cədvəldə qrup)
24.Period-------- a horizontal row of the periodic table (dövri cədvəldə dövr)
25.Hypothetical-----imagined but not necessarily real or true (ehtimal olunan)
26.Unrevealed-------not made known or shown (aşkarlanmamış)
27.Rare-earth elements----------chemical elements which occur in nature (nadir torpaq elem.)
28.Inert gas --------any of a group of gases that do not react with other chemicals (təsirsiz
29.Inhale--------- to take air into your lungs (nəfəsi içəri çəkmək)
30.Detergent---------a liquid or powder for removing dirt (yuyucu vasitə)
31.Sensitive-------------easily influenced, damaged by a particular thing (kövrək)
32.Irritation ------------a painful or sore feeling in a part of the body (qıcıqlanma)
33.Smash-------------to break something into many pieces noisily (əzmək)
34.Drain------------ to remove liquid from smth. by pouring it away (axıtmaq )
35.Dilute---------- to make a liquid weaker by adding water (durulaşdırmaq)
36.Insecticide------a chemical used for killing insects (həşəratları məhv etmək üçün kim.maddə)
37.Moisture---------very small drops of water on a surface or in the air (rütubət)
38.Yeast--------- a fungus used to make bread ,wine, beer (maya)
39.Indicator---- any substance that gives a visible sign, usually by a color change (indicator)
40.Organic-------produced by or derived from living organisms (üzvi)
41.Base-----------a chemical that combines with an acid to create a salt (əsaslar)
42.Condensation------- the conversion of a vapour or gas to a liquid (kondensasiya)
43.Erosion-------gradual destruction of smth. by physical or chemical action (eroziya)
44.Additive----------a chemical that is added to a substance to improve it (qatqı)
45.Determination ----------the process of finding smth. out (müəyyən etmə, təyin etmə)
46.Analysis -------- the identification or separation of ingredients of a substance (analiz)
47.Synthesis-----the process of producing a compound by a chemical reaction (sintez)
48.Inorganic ------ not having the structure or characteristics of living organisms
49.Acid-------- a chemical that gives off hydrogen ions in water and forms salts (turşu)
50.Corrosion--------a process by which metals deteriorate through oxidation (korroziya)
51.Interaction--------a process by which two or more things affect each other (qarşılıqlı əlaqə)
52.Identification------the act of recognizing and naming smb. or smth.(müəyyən etmə,
53.Beaker------a cylindrical container with a flat bottom for measuring liquids (sınaq şüşəsi)
54.Crucible -----------a pot in which metals are melted (metal əritmək üşün qab)
55.Device---------- a machine that has been designed to do a particular job (cihaz, qurğu )
56.Flammable--------------able to catch fire easily (tez alovlanan)
57.Funnel----------------an object used for pouring liquids ((qıf )
58.Goggles---------a pair of glasses which protect the eyes from chemicals, wind, etc (qoruyucu
59.Flask--------------a bottle with a narrow top for mixing or storing chemicals (kolba)
60.Emission------------the act of sending gas, heat, light, etc. out into the air (ayrılma,sorulma)
61.Explode --------------break apart violently, causing damage (partlamaq)
62.Evaporation------------the process of a liquid changing to a gas (buxarlanma)
63.Physical change----------a type of change where the physical properties of matter change
(fiziki dəyişiklik)
64.Chemical change-----------the change in which the composition of a substance is changed
(kimyəvi dəyişiklik)
65.Occur----------to happen, to take place , to come around ( baş vermək)
66.Electric current -----------the movement of electrons through the wire (elektrik
67.Conductivity-------the ability of allowing heat or electricity to go through smth.(keçiricilik)
68.Derivative----------being developed from smth. else (törəmə, əmələgəlmə)
69.Catalyst --------a substance that makes a reaction happen faster (katalizator)
70.Fuel---------- a material used to produce heat or power by burning (yanacaq)
71.Solution --------a liquid in which other substances have been mixed and dissolved
72.Combustion------------ the process of burning (yanma)
73.Distillation------------ the process of purifying a liquid (distillə)
74.Precipitation------------the formation of a solid in a solution during a chemical reaction
75.Transparent---------------a material which allows you to see through it (şəffaf)
76.Qualitative analysis-------- the determination of the chemical composition of a sample
(vəsfi analiz)
77.Quantitative analysis------determining the amount of a chemical in a sample (miqdari analiz)
78.Distinguish------------to recognize the difference between two people or things (ayırd etmək)
79.Artificial-------------- made or produced by people, not happening naturally (süni)
80.Marine ---------- relating to the sea; existing in or produced by the sea (dənizə aid olan)
81.Fibre-------a thin thread of natural or artificial material that can be used to make cloth, paper,
82.Fertilizer -----------a chemical substance added to soil to make plants grow better
83.Durability-------------- the quality of being able to last a long time (davamlılıq)
84.Petroleum----------a dark thick oil obtained from under the ground (neft )
85.Crude oil -----------oil in a natural state that has not yet been treated (xam neft)
86.Impact ------------ the force of impression of one thing on another (təsir)
87.Concentration---------- the amount of substance in a specified space (qatılıq)
88.Contamination----------the process of making something dirty or poisonous (çirklənmə)
89.Renewable-----------relating to forms of energy that are produced using the sun, wind, etc.
(bərpa olunan )
90.Bleach----------- to become white or pale by a chemical process ( ağartmaq)
91.Composition---------------- the parts, substances, etc. that something is made of ( tərkib)
92. Matter-------physical part of the universe composed (materiya)
93. Structure----------- the arrangement or organization of parts in a system (quruluş)
94. Chemical reaction -------- a chemical change which forms new substances (kim.reaksiya)
95. Compound-------- a pure substance composed of two or more elements (mürəkkəb maddə)
96. Property---------- physical or chemical characteristic of a substance (xassə)
97. Constancy----------the quality of staying the same and not changing (sabitlik)
98. Substance--------- material with particular physical characteristics (maddə)
99. Fluid -------------- a substance that flows and is not solid (maye)
100.Nonrenewable -------a type of energy that cannot be replaced after it has been used
(bərpa olunmayan)
101.Constitute-------------------to be the parts that form something (ibarət olmaq)
102.Dyestuff--------------- usually soluble substance for staining or colouring (boya)
103.Exceed ----------------to be greater than a particular number (artırmaq , çoxaltmaq)
105.Extract -----------to get (a substance) from smth. by the use of a machine or chemicals
(çıxartmaq, hasil etmək)
106.Abundant -------------existing in large quantities ( bol, çoxlu)
107.Suffocating---------- making it difficult to breathe normally (boğucu)
108.Substitution --------- the act of replacing one person or thing with another
109.Merge----------------- to become combined into one, join together (birləşmək)
110.Resistant ----------- not harmed or affected by something (davamlı olan, tab gətirən)
111.Rubber -----elastic substance made from the juice of a tropical tree or produced chemically
( kauçuk)
112.Residue ----------the material remaining after a distillation or an evaporation (qalıq maddə)
113.Purify ---------------to rid something of dirty or harmful substances (təmizləmək)
114. Odour ----------------a smell, especially one that is unpleasant (kəskin qoxu)
115.Pesticide--------------------chemical compounds that are used to kill harmful insects
(həşəratları məhv etmək üçün kim.maddə)
116.Bear----------------to have something as a feature or characteristic ( malik olmaq)
117.Maintain------------to make something continue at the same level (stabil saxlamaq)
118.Solute ------------a solid, liquid, or gas which is dissolved to make a solution (həll olunan)
119.Solvent---------------a liquid capable of dissolving another substance (həlledici)
120.Plasma-------------an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons (plazma)
121.Utilize------------------to use something in an effective way (istifadə etmək)
122.Operate---------------- to work or cause smth. to work, be in action, or have an effect
(işləmək, işlətmək, hərəkətə gətirmək )
123.Deposit------- a layer that has formed under the ground, especially over a long period
(yeraltı yataq)
124.Drill--------to make a hole in a hard substance using a special tool (qazmaq)
125.Fossil fuel---------a fuel such as coal or oil that is obtained from under the ground
(təbii yanacaq)
126.Gravity-------the universal force of attraction acting between all matter (cazibə)
127.Crucial------------extremely important or necessary (çox vacib )
128.Saline----------containing or consisting of salt (duzlu)
129.Capacity----------the ability to hold or contain people or things (həcm, tütum)
130.Submit------- to present or propose to another for review, consideration, or decision
(təqdim etmək)
131. Prediction--------a statement about what will happen or might happen in the future
(proqnoz, fikir )
132.Decomposition--------the action of decaying, or causing something to decay (parçalanma)
133.Extricate----------to remove, release smb. or smth. from a difficult condition (çıxartmaq)
134.Output--------to produce and send out (smth. such as information) ( buraxmaq, göndərmək)
135.Explosive-----------a substance that can be made to burst violently( partlayıcı maddə)
136.Justify-----------to show to be right by providing justification or proof (sübut etmək)
137.Fusion-----------an occasion when two or more things join or are combined (birləşmə)
138.Chemical bond------- --the association of atoms or ions to form molecules, crystals, etc.
(kimyəvi əlaqə)
139.Assess-------------to make a judgement of value (dəyərləndirmək, qiymətləndirmək)
140.Estimate-------to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of smth.(hesablamaq)
141.Yield------ the amount of product resulting from a chemical reaction (məhsul)
142.Frequency---- the number of times something happens within a particular period (tezlik)
143.Noble gas---------any of the chemically inert gaseous elements of the helium group in the
periodic table (nəcib qaz, təsirsiz qaz)
144.Reagent------------ a substance used to create a chemical reaction (reagent)
145.Outline---------- to give the main facts about something (xarakterizə etmək)
146.Equation----a mathematical statement showing that two amounts or values are equal
147.Hydrate--------- any of a class of compounds containing chemically combined water(hidrat)
148.Behave -------to show particular behaviour in a particular situation (hərəkət etmək)
149.Accuracy------------the condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact (dəqiqlik)
150.Electron shell--------regions surrounding the atomic nucleus containing a specific number
of electrons (electron təbəqəsi)

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