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Arabic 401 (ARB 401) Assignment (Spring 2024)


Write in the Arabic language on one of the following two topics after reading the
important notes below:

‫اكتب باللغة العربية الُف صحى يف واحٍد فقط من املوضوعني التاليني‬

‫ حبث حنوّي عن األدوات الشرطية‬- 1


‫ – دراسة حنوية عن اجلزم املضارع يف جواب الطلب يف القرآن الكرمي‬2

You can use the Arabic keyboard here:

Word limit: 500 - 700 words

Very important notes

Use original sources and proper academic works for your research instead of random
internet sites. Avoid cutting and pasting from websites, as this will lead to plagiarism, and the
student will fail in the assignment.

So you must do the following

-You must use the PDF sources (You can do that by downloading these sources from the
internet, for example if you research about the book of ‫ ُم عجم العين للخليل بن أحمد‬you will write in
google ‫ تحميل معجم العين للخليل بن أحمد بي دي إف‬then you will get many results )

- You must use footnotes during your research

- You must refer in the footnotes, the page number and the chapter of the book which you are
referring to – for example : 5/231 ‫ لسان العرب ؛ البن منظور‬The number (5) refers to the chapter and
the number (231) refers to the page)
‫‪You must include the reference list at the end of your assignment. Number of sources you can‬‬
‫‪use is at least four books.‬‬

‫‪You must arrange the sources (reference list) by using a proper referencing style like Chicago‬‬
‫‪or APA, or any other well-known style. You may follow two ways, one is according to the‬‬
‫‪, )In the‬الياء ‪ to the end of the Arabic letters‬همزة ‪alphabetical arrangement from the Arabic letter‬‬
‫‪Arabic sources) and from (A) to (Z) in the English sources. Also you must write in this reference‬‬
‫‪list all information (Name of the book, name of the author, the publisher, the date of publication,‬‬
‫)‪the place of publication, and the edition if one of these are found‬‬

‫‪You can start this reference list with the title of the book as the following :‬‬

‫أدب الكاتب ‪ ،‬البن قتيبة الدينوري – حتقيق الدكتور ‪ /‬حممد حمي الدين عبد احلميد – مطبعة السعادة بالقاهرة (الطبعة الرابعة ‪1382‬هـ‪1963/‬م)‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫ارِتَش اف الَّض َر ب ِم ن لسان العرب ‪ ،‬أليب حيان األندلسي – حتقيق الدكتور ‪ /‬رجب عثمان حممد ‪ -‬مكتبة اخلاجني بالقاهرة (الطبعة األوىل ‪ 1418‬هـ ‪/ .‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫‪ 1998‬م ‪) .‬‬
‫إرشاد الساري لشرح صحيح الُبخاري ‪ ،‬أليب العباس القسطّالين – مطبعة بوالق بالقاهرة (‪1323‬هـ‪).‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫أزاهري الفصحى يف دقائق اللغة ‪ ،‬لألستاذ ‪/‬عباس أبو السعود – دار املعارف بالقاهرة (بدون تاريخ)‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫األزهية يف علم احلروف ‪ ،‬للهروي – حتقيق األستاذ‪/‬عبد املعني امللوحي – مطبوعات جممع اللغة العربية بدمشق (‪1401‬هـ ‪1981/‬م)‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫أساس البالغة ‪ ،‬جلار اهلل الزخمشري – مركز حتقيق الرتاث بدار الكتب املصرية بالقاهرة (الطبعة الثانية ‪1972‬م)‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪Or you can start this index with the last name of the author as the following‬‬

‫األندلسي‪ ،‬أبو حيان‪ ،‬ارتشاف الضرب من لسان العرب‪ ،‬حتقيق الدكتور ‪ /‬رجب عثمان حممد (القاهرة‪ ،‬مكتبة اخلاجني ‪ ،‬الطبعة األوىل ‪ 1418‬هـ ‪/ .‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫‪ 1998‬م ‪) .‬‬
‫الدينوري‪ ،‬ابن ُقتيبة‪ ،‬أدب الكاتب‪ ،‬حتقيق الدكتور‪ /‬حممد حمي الدين عبد احلميد (القاهرة‪ ،‬مطبعة السعادة ‪ ،‬الطبعة الرابعة ‪1382‬هـ‪1963/‬م)‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫الزخمشري‪ ،‬جار اهلل‪ ،‬أساس البالغة (القاهرة‪ ،‬مركز حتقيق الرتاث بدار الكتب املصرية ‪ ،‬الطبعة الثانية ‪1972‬م)‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫أبو السعود‪ ،‬عباس‪ ،‬أزاهري الفصحى يف دقائق اللغة (القاهرة‪ ،‬دار املعارف‪ ،‬بدون تاريخ)‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫القسطالين‪ ،‬أبو العباس‪ ،‬إرشاد الساري لشرح صحيح البخاري (القاهرة‪ ،‬مطبعة بوالق‪1332 ،‬هـ‪).‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫اهلروي‪ ،‬علي بن حممد‪ ،‬األزهية يف علم احلروف‪ ،‬حتقيق األستاذ عبد املعني امللوحي (دمشق‪ ،‬مطبوعات جممع اللغة العربية‪1401 ،‬هـ ‪1981/‬م)‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪ in the beginning of‬أل ‪You must ignore these words during your arrangement of the sources :‬‬
‫أبو ‪ The word‬ابن ‪the words , Ibn‬‬

‫‪You can use these links for downloading the Arabic books‬‬

‫‪ books‬المكتبة الوقفية‬

‫‪1- The literature books‬‬

‫‪2- The linguistics books‬‬

‫‪3- Arabic grammar books‬‬

4- The rhetoric books

Also you can use ‫ مكتبة نور‬in downloading the PDF books

please use the following fonts during writing your assignment

Font: traditional Arabic

Title page 20 Bold (Title of the assignment in the first page)

Main titles 18 Bold Italic lined

Secondary titles, 16 Bold

Normal texts 16

Footnote font (Traditional Arabic) , Size 12

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Plagiarism Policy

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the universe and peace and blessing be upon the last
messenger Muhammad and all those who follow his path with righteousness until the Last Day.

Please read and understand this policy in details before attempting any assignments at IOU.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "He who deceives us is not one of us." (Saheeh

Definition of Plagiarism:

A common form of deception in studies is plagiarism. Plagiarism is sometimes misunderstood to

refer to copying alone; however, plagiarism is much deeper than just copying. It includes
quoting without proper references, collaboration, and stealing other people's ideas while
passing them off as one’s own. Plagiarism is the “failure to acknowledge the ideas or writing of
another” or “presentation of the ideas or writing of another as one’s own” and should be read to
cover intentional and unintentional failure to acknowledge the ideas of others. In this context
“others” means any other person including a student, academic, professional, published author
or other resource such as the Internet. The International Open University believes that failing to
acknowledge the use of ideas of others constitutes an important breach of Islamic and
academic values and conventions of the institution.

IOU Stance on Plagiarism

The International Open University will not tolerate plagiarism in any form, and any student
caught plagiarizing will be penalized. Depending on the severity of the plagiarism, the penalty
could range from reduction of marks to rejection of the paper itself.

With respect to the assignments, the following constitutes plagiarism:

1) Copying someone else's assignment

2) Collaboration and working together on an assignment

3) Copying and Pasting entire articles of the internet

4) Quoting someone else’s work without referencing the author

5) Using someone else’s ideas or words without referencing them

To avoid plagiarism, be sure to:

· Use quotation marks around a quote and cite the source.

· Reference all quotations and citations

· Reword/paraphrase. Don’t write word for word what you have read. Take notes first in
your own words, then write your assignment from your notes (not the text).

For more information on how to avoid plagiarism and how to properly cite a source, visit the
following websites:

You may also test your understanding of plagiarism by using this link:

For the Arabic texts use this website

Similarity Indicator

IOU reserves the right to submit all academic assignments to a plagiarism checker to produce
similarity ratings for each assignment. The similarity indicator provides a rating of how similar
text in the assignment is to resources available on the Internet.

In line with universal academic writing practices, IOU prefers that text be paraphrased in the
words of the student and not quoted directly, with the original author of the knowledge being
duly cited and referenced.

As a University-wide norm, IOU recommends that the similarity indicator does not exceed 20%.

Result of Plagiarism

Assignments that contain a rating higher than or equal to 50% will be automatically rejected and
validated for plagiarism with a manual check by the tutorial assistant or relevant academic. The
student will be given a grade of 0 and there will be no second chances for submitting the

The Tutorial Assistant or relevant academic will use the similarity rating in determining the final
grade of the submission.

Remember that we are Muslims studying Allah’s religion, and so plagiarizing in Islamic Studies
is a sin and can rob your studies of reward.

May Allah bless you all with success with your coursework. Ameen.

IOU Admin.

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