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Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

According to Cint (2021), data processing in research entails compiling and converting a
dataset into insightful and practical knowledge. This crucial process can be carried out
by a researcher, data engineer, or data scientist, who convert raw data into a more
comprehensible format, such as graphs, reports, or charts, either manually or using automated
tools. According to Team and Team (2023), Data processing plays a vital role in enhancing the
quality and reliability of research results. It enables the advancement of knowledge and fosters
significant progress in diverse areas of study.

Discover PhDs (2020) states that there are two types of statistical treatment: descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics focuses on describing the relationship
between variables in a population, while inferential statistics involves testing a hypothesis by
drawing inferences from the collected data. Utilizing statistical techniques to a data set is the
goal of statistical treatment, which turns the data set from a collection of meaningless numbers
into useful output. Additionally, Kalla (n.d.-b) emphasizes that describing the data is an integral
part of statistical treatment, which can be achieved through measures of central tendencies such
as mean, median, and mode. Understanding statistical treatment is crucial for conducting
accurate experiments and drawing appropriate inferences from the obtained data.

The information collected in this consider was classified and prepared utilizing the
factual computer program bundle for social sciences (SPSS). We utilized tables and figures to
display the comes about. Concurring to Donor (2018), SPSS (Factual Bundle for the Social
Sciences), too known as IBM SPSS Measurements, could be a program bundle utilized for
analyzing factual information. In spite of the fact that SPSS was initially created for the social
sciences, its application has extended to other information markets.
To accumulate background information from the members, we utilized a web frame. The
respondents were educating to total the frame by selecting the suitable reactions that coordinated
their individual subtle elements. This strategy guaranteed the collection of precise and
comprehensive foundation information fundamental for our investigate investigation. We
conducted frequency and percentage distribution analyses to completely look at the
characteristics of the respondents. Furthermore, we utilized a Likert scale to survey extra factors
such as data availability, accessibility of distributed divulgence explanations, and the application
of essential and specialized examination strategies. This comprehensive approach permitted us to
pick up a nuanced understanding of different angles significant to our inquire about technique.

Contributor, T. (2018, October 11). SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). WhatIs.



DiscoverPhDs. (2020, September 9). Statistical Treatment of Data - Explained & Example.




Kalla, S. (n.d.-b). Statistical treatment of data.


Team, S. P., & Team, S. P. (2023, June 2). Explore the role of data processing in research.

SurveyPoint -.




What is data processing in research? - Cint. (2021, March 10). CintTM.

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