FRM - Family Resources

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that tne
management, it is clear
our discussions on
TCsolurces of the family are essential for
achieving the 1amily
of decisiOn
goals. Without having resources, the process
a goal to
be achieved,
ng is tneltect ive. Each time you identify
outcome. Each time you
you plan how to reach the desired
and how to use
plan. you essentially identify the resources
tiem. Aithough resources are used on a
continual basis 1n Our
of resour-
daily hfe, we need to decide the optimum allocation
ces in various combinations to achieve what we want.

one has many resources. Snetimes one 1S not aware

of all the resources at our comnand. As a result, We are not
able 1o use some of them at all. Even when we are aware of
the resoUTCes, we may not be using them to the fullest extent.
Resources are defined as those material and human attributes
that satisfy our wants'. They may be tangible or intangible.
They vary for individuals, communities, states and nations.
However all types of resources are used to achieve the family
goals. They are the 'what' of managemeni or the enablers one
use to acliieve the goai. Resources are the supply reservoir
for use in the family's specifie managerial functions.

ypes oi resources
There are various ciassiicans of resources. he most
often used classification in home management refers to human
and nonhuman resources. his lassificati0n of resources is
based on the point of origin. Human resources are less tan-
gible resources which originate internally and they constitute the
personal characteristics and attributcs. These are the resources
which are available to you as a person you have
in terms of education, occupational status, become,
skills, attitude,
personality traits and other personal characteristics. Non-
human or material resourCces are those tangible resources which
are available for use by you, but
they are not of
of the human resources are less t angible thanpart you. Some
others, and this


the less frequently

groupin. tends to highlight r e s o u r c e s

human personality,
Accord to this interest
attainment, individuality.

your educational of your

other aspects and ca
skills, abilities and all tangible in form
resources are sses
or nonhuman
consist of your poss
These r e s o u r c e s
Teadily be determined. material goods
and CO
STOns i k e home, equipment,

munity facilities.

Family Resources

Nonhuman Resources

Hurnan Resnurcr s Examples

Types Examples Types Income,
Information needed Money
Knowiedge Savings,
to purchase a pressure
cooker Material
Abilities Intellectual ability Consumer
Skills Painting. goods

Interest in intcrior
designing. Libraries,
Attitude Willing to do the job Community
to do house- facilities Parks, Clubs,
Enerey Energy
work Enerey Fucls.
Time One hour a day Space House,

Human resources
Thehuman resources re less tangible and cannot be casily
determincd. Some are more tingible than the others. They
are more used for productive purposes. Time and cnergy are
Iwoimportant human resources used 1or achieving work done
in the home. They are limited in quantity. Abilities and inte-
alsoconstitute the hunan resources. If a person can play
t musical instrument effectiveiy or be anle to do gardening
onecan achieve some of the family goals related to self deve-
lopment and effective utilization
of leisure time.
example of human resource is in terms of the attitude of people.
Some are always cheerlul and optimistic about the work
which can be accomplished in the future, while others live
ct for today with a fatalistic attitude. The former
a the group and accomplish many goals contribute
through group work.

included under
Some of the community facilities are also
human resources like educational facilities,
health services and
other counseling agencies.
Although every one has some human resource or o ther,
one may not be aware of them and also when it could be efec-

tively used. A woman who is artistic and make the clothing

Tor the family can do wonderful job in relation to the actuar

clothing requirements of the family. The same is true of

people who has a flair of designing interiors. With their innova
tive ideas they would do a marvellousjob of designing their
interiors with the least money input. A homemaker who 1s

1nterested in gardening and has the necessary space can grow

vegetables which would provide part of the meals on a limited
budget. A homemaker consciously planning meals for the
family will make use of the human resource-"knowledge in
planning nutritive meals for the family to meet the quantitative
and qualitative standards of the nutritional requirements. She
Would also make use of inex pensive sources of the various food
groups if she has to plan all these within a specified budget. A
home-maker who has the skill for making baked dishes can add
variety to her family meals. Similarly one who has the artistic
ability to make flower arrangement can beautify her home
effectively by making use of limited material resources. Some
homemakers are so resourceful that they are able to manage
very effectively with very 1little tangible resources.
Non human resources
Non human resources are casily identifiable. They are
essential for the achievement of most goals. But they are
limitedin their availability. Non human resource s in
arematerial goods, money and community facilities.
the community facilities include the non human resoure, Here.
parks, library, shopping and recreational facilities. Most like
the material goods present a problem ot different
types of
treatment. Materials are changing constantly bringing new
characteristics which one has to study carelully to use
effectively in management situations. Essentially non them
Tesources comprise of your personal possesS1ons, lamily human
S1onsand posses-
also those resources available to you Within

parks and

1.e. t h e
the various re
t:onal centres. is to
management lication,
classif one
in above
The first step them. Using the intern ally
and classify which
one to iden-
can readily identify This
e arlier.
externally. recognized
originate not
and those which was the
has to
additional one
tify various resources, and
the amount
exist to a greater than
Some money
limits of each. have more
not to the same extent. Each has
skill than money.
and some have more
energy or time Some a r e
importance to you.
relative degree of
r e s o u r c e like
money in
others. If you use a
replaced than of purchasing
a house,
a desired goal
entirety, to accomplish for other goals,
have any m o r e money
you might not spend all
etc. Similarly if you spend
children's education, marriage in a
curricuiar activities. you find yourself
your time on exX tra time for curricular
fix' when it comes to allocating enough
all kinds of resources
It is important to recognise and use
the manage-
in the family goals. The success of
achievement of
ment process depends upon your recognition,
order to do this, one should have the
and use of resources. In
of classification and characteristics of re-
basic knowledge
SOurces. Identifying resources according to the classification
enables you to ascertain the speciic resource and assess its
potential use in the management process of planning imple-
evaluative leedback
menting and

Characteristics of resources
have ceriain basic Resources
All resources
Some may be more useful
are similar in that they are useful.
Situation than the others. But
ina particular management
one must have more information
available about
in cach case
the potential of all available tap them
resources to be able to
would be able to conserve and
effectively. Only then, one
which cannot be replaced1
judiciously use some of the resources
which c a n be easily replaced.
easily and use the others
The definition of resource itself is
All resources are usefiul.
have utility
indicative Oi this characteristic. All resources
Unless we identily the us
Wnich means the satisfying power.
not recognised as a resource. According
TOr an item, it is
value of a given eleme
Gross and Crandall, the usefulness or Thus

in relation to a specific goal.

may be recognised only diferent
would vary for
u s e r u l n e s s of a particular resource
be the most valuable
g0als. For example, money may

Tor procuring a house. But to do

well in a test, your
most. Other r e s o u r c e s can support
Tual ability counts
become t n e
to a certain extent. They
management situation OI an
The usefulness
secondary resources in that That 1s
to the problem to be solved.
ODject varies according assOCiated
The reason we always identify the primary
With a particuiar goal in all management

are Scarce, Some

resources are limited. All resources
All abunn-
are 1n
are more scarce than the others. If all resources
The challenge for
dance, management would be unnecessary.

management lies in the scarcity

of r e s o u r c e s and still being
we often
able to achieve the family goals. That is the reason
talk about minimizing the 'inputs in the management prOcess.
The limits of each resource must be assessed in relation to
specific goals. The limitations on resources can both be quan-
titative and qualitative. The quantitative limitations can
ascertained with accuracy in cases where they could be meas-
ured. Time is a limited resource for many since no one can
have more than 24 hours per day. We cannot save the time
from each day for future use. However the demands placed on
time difler among individuals. Energy too is a limited resource,
differing from tine in that the amount of energy available varies
greatly from person to person. We cannot set limits for energy
accurately but all the Same from experience one can assess
whether one is able to do the job within the energy limitations.
Attitude work is just as important as
energy. Attitude of a
person towards an object or idea might be favourable
favourable which gives indication to the limits one can or un-
stretch in
making decisions for completing a task or
Work becomes a pleasure when attitude is implementing
yolunteer to assume and people
responsibilities. Work undertake n

carried oit than

more eltectively
would be
superimposed work. com-
are casily
The limits of money
The amount ol
to any
the demand for this
pared individual and
individual to to
varies from Situation and from tinme
situation to
varies from limited
in that it is
difers from other

time. Money investment of human re-

time through the

and at the same
Money aliso c a n
more of this resource.

can procure
s o u r c e s , one be borrow-
accumulated and if
need arises it could
be saved and Other resources
Other resources if
back in the s a m e kind.
ed and given in most cascS
borrowed can only
be exchanged for money
established nmedium of exchange.
money is the resources.
members are also limited
The abilities of family second
inherent capacity and the
The first limit is set by the
Some people inherit the
imit is set by the training involved.
intellectual ability and with further training,
it could be maxi-
lacks inte!lectual
mized for effective utilization. But if one
effective. The same
ability, any amount of training may not be
situation would re sult when an individual possesses inherent
capacity to learn but not able to avail of the training because
of inadequate financial resources.
The limitations on resources also could be qualitative in
nature. But quality differences cannot be casily neasurable.
The quality differences could be identified in material goods
in terms of various characteristics as well as the diferent
vices available to Communities.

Al Fesources areinterrelated. Managemet in the

deals with the usefulness of individual resources family
but with their
interrelationship. People often have to use a 'resource mix
or comtinations of
resources to achieve the
Resource 1ix for various lamily g0als.
different. When a young management situation would be
home, they use some of their couple
want to decorate their
money, Some of the inherited tangible rescurces in terms of
and gifted furniture as
some of the well as
and creative ability to resources of
ideas innovative
many material goods are
paint and decorate the house.
purchased, they are
fafed to the use of money. Goods like vegetables and fruits
could be produced by the input of time, cnergy and other
materials required for cultivation. Time and energy could be
conserved if proper cquipment is used to save the labour.
erests and abilities not only determine what goods arc
needed to achieve desired g0als but also how effectively other
materials would be used. In management, the interrelated use
of resources in a 'resource mix is more important than the
use of any specific one. It is the integration of all the requir-
ed resources which is 1mportant in determining whether or
not that goal will be reached. Absence of any resource or
too little allocation of one resource may not result in getting
the desired product. Just iike a cake is made with proper
proportion of the ingredients, the family goals are also achiev-
ed with the correct input of resources of various types. How-
ever, alternatives could be worked out for a single resource in
varying limits to be able to substitute for that resource. A
manager has to substitute the replaceable resources for the
very scarce resource in the managment situation.

Managenent process can be applied to ali resources

Families should be aware of their potential of all available
resources within the family. Sometines homemakers fail to
recognise the human resources available in the family which
could be utilized instead of using only the Scarce Tesource of
money or her time and energy. Lack of resources can make
usfeel uncomfortable and poor. Sometimes we set our expec-
tations too high. Thus a resource gap is felt when we visua-
lizewhere we want to be and where we actually are. In mana-
gement we have to narrow this gad by:
(a getting more resources,
(b) making your resources more productive and
(c) lowering your standards.
For example, let's assume time is a scarce resource. How do
we fill this need? This gap between the time we actually have
andthe amount of time we would like to have, can be narrowed
down by:-
(1) getting more time,
(2) making time more productive and
(3) lowering standards concerning time.

sending out clother for

The first can be accomplished by
or by purchasing
hiring help for domestic chores
washing, planning.
devices. The second can be done by
labour saving whole scheme of
where time schedule fits into this
Here is is not the
planning when to do everything
management. But, it may be
ansWer. Deciding what
to do and how to do
only the non essential items
from the
Just as important. Eliminating schedule.
than itting everything into the
Iist is Just as important time can be done
based on
LOwering standards concerning
the kind, the amount and the
your judgements. By restricting
the most important
quality of activities one can accomplish
to get more money by
In case of money, one can plan
better by planning and
mother going to Work, or use money to
a budget. You lower standards by not expecting
down festival expenses.
buy all luxury items, or cutting
make our decisions
In planning for material go ods, we often
the quantity and the quality
Tegarding what goods to acqiure,
and the methods of acquiring
them. Choice of good, to be
obtained in this manner is expression of one's values as
to purchase an
standard of living. Having decided
asone s know information such as
equipment, a homemaker needs to
does it incorporate good
what care it needs, how durable it is,
for its kind, is its quality suitable
design, is it good quality
how much storage space it
the use towhich it will be put,
Tequires etc.All these could be controlled effectively through
standards set by Indian
information collected from labels,
consumer must learn to use
Standards Institution etc. But the
the relevance of each of

the available information and judge control

should through
A consumer also
the information. ol goods o n c e
and c a r e
development of judgement in

of gas burners in cooking diffe-

purchased, Proper use and care
the desired product

rentfoods is very essential in getting

well as saving fuel.
materials in the household

Evaluating the management of how

standards. After having had the material goods,
related to to
consider in
well their possessions last is very of life of an article

management of material goods. Length

the selection, use and c a r e or any
anindicator of long.
Very inexpensive items cannot last very
ofthe factors.
An expensive item if nOt cared for or misused
long. The continuing satist may not last
action from using an item and the
variety of purposes for which the item is used
and the
effect of this item on the family members are
to bc considered in evaluation
important factors

Ouality of life is determined by use of resources

In management of resources, the essential thing to consider
is the use ol resourees and not just the acquisition of goods.
In fact when you consider the level of living of people, we
think in terms of the goods acquired as well as the use of the
goods. The quality and quantity of imagination employed in
utilizing the resources is a determining factor in accomplishing

the goals desired. Management and family goals are closely

Telated. Families should gear their management process
and long term goals. Saving
wards achievement of short term
more mcaningtul than saving for
the sake of
for a purpose is

saving. of
the use resources.
Goals can be achieved only through determines
distribution of Tesources
Therefore the optimum
which tamily a is actually striving toward s a
thedegree to the health of the family members
narticular goal. Maintaining
distribution of money according to
could be done by proper
members. Time,
requirements of the family
the nutritional to fulfill these
are necessary
money. eneryy household equipment can lead to
utili7ation oi
o0als. Proper sanitution which
clothing and hOuse
hntter roducts in lood, know ledoe
oi ile. Acquiring
to better quality
aTe contributos one to make decisions for
utilization can heip
and ils oropei
o f hfe.
better quaiity

Guides to Increasing
ot management of is to get

Themain objective order to maximise the

faction from them. In
the her fourfold guide to maxi-
satisfaction, Hoyt* has formulated
mizc satisfactions by:
of resources,
increasing supply
Consumption in Our Society,
New York, McGraw
Elizabeth Hoyt.,
Hill, 1938.

(2) knowing alternate uses,

(3) increasing utility and expanding appreciation and
(4) balancing choices.

Increasing supply of resources

In order for a family to increase its available resources, it
must ascertain its limits and see what is lacking in the total
resource mix. We can identify this resource gap by identifying
where we want to be and where we actually are. Even
families with annual income above Rs. 30,000/- may despe-
rately want more things than they can afford and they feel the
need' for more than they already have. In fact, all of us regard-
less of our income or other resources can have these 'feelings
of need'. In order to get more money resource, a homemaker
might think of employment outside home or of starting some
small scale production at home which will fetch more money.
In case of time, we can increase the supply of time by hiring
paid help, using wash and wear shirts, buying labour saving
devices. In increasing the supply of energy, one can get the
children do more errands, have convenicntly organised kitchen
s othat by saving trips, one can save energy to be utilized for
other purposes. In case of skill or knowledge, additional train-
ing through academic program me would help to increase their
supply in the manage ment process.

Knowing alternate uses of resources

in1dentifying the steps in management of resources, it was
a n essential step to assess the amount of resources involved in
sceking possible alternatives. The alternative use of a given
Fesource has to be identified. The alternative use of time for
various purposes could be idenified and worked out in various
nanagement situations. One should ascertain the returns in
termsofsatisfaction from cach of these alternative use of
Tesource, Similarly bonus money could be used for a number
ofpurposes, for clothes, transportation, recreation or for sav-
ing. Once a particular alternative is followed, that resourceis
nolonger available for other choices. Time spent on movies
1sUsed up and cannot te uscd for studying. The pessibility
of allernative use of 1escui ces cftcn llws the sutstituticn of
One resource for anotber which is scarce. A woman who 1s

employed outside home has very little time for housework and
hence can spend money for hiring hclp. A housewife who has
would be willing to
more time than money at her disposal
housework than money on hired
spend more of her time in

substituting one for an0-

help. Another example of
theris found in a family which recognize the community's
have time and energy
demands upon resources. Those who

volunteer to work for community welfare. If one recognizes

for more satis-
all resources, one is able to free One resource

Long term goals and manage-

fying use by substituting others.
towards that end make one realise the
ment process directed
r e s o u r c e for another to
possibility of substituting
the valuable one for a particular purpose.

Increasing utility and expanding appreciation have

some specitic goods
A resource has alternate uses, but
uses. The selection of such goods increase
many possible
A womanwho opt for a sofa cum bed in her flat wishes
to use it for sitting, sleeping
and even storing. Certain design
make a dining table and a
features have made it possible to
in one. Satisfaction increases
large picture frame all made
combination of uses for things already
ifone finds new uses or tools etc. could be
Owned. The use of multipurpose space,
of great help in increasing utility.
subtle process than
Expanding appreciations is a

in the affective domain

increasingutility. It results in growth
resource. If one visits an
ofan individual using a particular interested in the types of art
art galiery, one would be

for it. To expand appre-

exhibited and increase appreciation
resources is needed one of the intan
ciation, a combination of

or attitude along with m o r e

gible resources such as knowledge
resources like money or time.

Balancing of choices among resources

and the role of
We often talk about the principles of art
Similarly a satistying
balancein the perfection of the art object. elements comprISing
lifemust have a balance of the varying the resulting
it. If one of the necessary elements is lacking,
In management
product or situa tion may not be desirable.
Situation it 1s important to represent the essential resources

in good proportion. But some resource could be substituted

balance among resources.
for other without upsetting the
For all individuals, there should be some balance among
satisfaction. Work alone or
interests, vhich would provide
and satisfying. In
play alone would not make life interesting one must have
achieving balance of choices among alternatives,
individual, family and
representation of interests concerning
proportions. Some
the community, which could be of varying
have time for themselves, while others have time
people only In
none for themselves.
for the family and community and
in the proportions
achieving balance, all should be represented that six
desired by the individual. Hoyt was of the opinion
of goods
basic cultural interests determine one's consumption
and services. They include sensory which covers the physical
the desire for
demands of the individual and the social, i.e.
with the
associating with people, intellectual which deals
creation of ideas, technological which involves carrying
which is
the ideas and which deal with things, the aesthetic,
and lastly
concerned with the importance of beauty in itself
the empathetic which is concerned with the relationship of the
individual to the universe. Each of these particular
individual's life by the way he distri-
will be represented in an
a balanced life, the various
butes his economic resource. In
individual and group interests are represented.

the family goals. They
Resources are esential for achieving
attributes that satisfy our wants.
are thematerial and hurnan
involves knowing the quanti-
The management of resources resources, their
tativeand qualitative aspects, the type of
functions and allocation.
human and non human. T
Resources may be classified as

include money, material goods and

non human resources

are more tangible

and their impor-
communityfacilities. They
that of human resour
tanceis more frequently recognized than
constitute the personal
ces, which are less tangible. They
energy, interests,
characteristics and attributes such as time,
attitudes and personality
education, occupational statu.s, sk ills of their total
and individuals need to be aware
traits, Families
of them Iully.
resources in order to be able to a k e use

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