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Research Article

iMedPub Journals 2021

Journal of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery ISSN 2574-2868 Vol. 5 No. 1: 31

Retrospective Case Control Study of Pet Benjamin Lamglait1,

Andreas Brieger2,3, Marie
Ferrets with Cystine Urolithiasis in Quebec, Pierre Rainville4, Edouard
Canada: Epidemiological and Clinical Features Maccolini1,5, Noémie
Summa1, Isabelle Langlois1,
Jonathan Stockman6 and
Abstract Claire Vergneau Grosset7*
Objective: To describe epidemiological and clinical features of cystine urolithiasis
in pet ferrets.
Department of Zoological Medicine,
University of Montreal, Montreal,
Methods: Retrospective case control study on medical records from four private Canada
clinics and one teaching hospital for pet ferrets diagnosed with cystine urolithiasis
Division of Veterinary, Community
veterinary Clinic, Longueuil, Canada
confirmed by spectrophotometry presented between July 2014 and July 2019 in 3
Division of Animal Care, Montreal
Quebec, Canada; these cases were then compared to a reference population of Veterinary Hospital for Birds & Exotic
210 ferrets (controls) presented at the same facilities over the same timeframe. Animals, Montreal, Canada
Division of Veterinary, Ormière Veterinary
Results: Among the 36 identified cases, most affected ferrets were neutered males Hospital, Quebec, Canada
(32/36, 89%) and the mean age at presentation was 1.8 (± 1.0 standard deviation) 5
Division of Veterinary, Laval Veterinary
year. Grain-free diets of six different brands were offered for at least three weeks Centre, Laval, Canada
prior to the presentation to 34/36 (94%) of the included cases. The ferrets that
Department of Clinical Nutrition, College
of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical
developed cystine urolithiasis were 57.9 times (Odds ratio [OR], 95% Confidence Sciences, Colorado State University,
interval [95% CI]: 11.0, 304.8) more likely to receive a grain-free diet compared to Colorado, Canada
the reference population. No significant difference in the values for the energy, 7
Department of Clinical Sciences, University
protein, cysteine, and methionine contents were detected between the grain- of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
free and the cereal-based diets offered to these pet ferrets. Among ferrets with
uroliths, those with urethral calculi were 4.7 times (OR, 95% CI: 2.1, 10.4) more
likely to develop an acute urinary tract obstruction. *Corresponding author: Grosset CV,
Conclusion: Although a definitive causation could not be drawn solely from these Department of Clinical Sciences, University
clinical cases, this case control study highlights a possible nutritional aetiology in of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
the complex pathogenesis of cystine urolithiasis in ferrets.
Keywords: Cystine; Diet; Ferret, Grain-free; Hematuria; Mustela putorius furo; 
Urinary retention; Urolithiasis

Citation: Lamglait B, Brieger A, Rainville

Received: January 11, 2021; Accepted: January 25, 2021; Published: February 01, MP, Maccolini E, Summa N, et al. (2021)
2021 Retrospective Case Control Study of Pet
Ferrets with Cystine Urolithiasis in Quebec,
Canada: Epidemiological and Clinical
Features. J Vet Med Surg Vol.5 No.1: 31.

Introduction Although no cystine urolithiasis was reported in ferrets in the

Cystinuria in humans and dogs is typically characterized by United Kingdom, 15% of uroliths were composed of cystine in a
impaired renal tubular reabsorption of cysteine [1]. Although a large epidemiological study on North American ferrets from 1981
genetic transmission is suggested in studies in humans and dogs, to 2007 [5,6]. A recent large-scale retrospective study reported
the aetiology of cystine urolithiasis in ferrets remains unknown a higher prevalence of cystine urolithiasis in North American
[2,3]. In a retrospective study of cystine urolithiasis, the mean age ferrets, which accounted for 93% of the 1014 uroliths submitted
at the time of diagnosis in ferrets was approximately four years between 2010 and 2018, while this prevalence was 27% among
[4]. The same authors postulated that an earlier onset of clinical the uroliths submitted from European ferrets [7]. The aims of the
manifestations would have been expected if a genetic disorder present case-control study were to describe the epidemiology
was the only aetiology. Nevertheless, the prevalence of cystine and some clinical features of clinical cystine urolithiasis in North
uroliths varies depending on the ferret population considered. American pet ferrets.

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Journal of Veterinary DE MEDICINA
Medicine & Surgery 2021
ISSN 2574-2868 Vol. 5 No. 1: 31

Materials and Methods with SAS software (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA), and
differences were considered significant at p≤0.05.
Case selection
Medical records of domestic ferrets diagnosed with cystine Results
urolithiasis presented between July 2014 and July 2019 from four Epidemiological overview of the control ferrets
private clinics and one teaching hospital were retrospectively
Neutered males represented 112/210 (53.3%) of this population
reviewed. For inclusion, the type of uroliths had to be confirmed
(Table 1). The mean age of admitted ferrets was 3.4 (± 2.1 Standard
by spectrophotometry. Case files were found through a keyword
deviation [SD]) years. The origin was recorded for 151 controls
search within the species “ferret,” using the keywords “cystine”
(72%) and dominated by Marshall Ferrets (149/151, 99%), the
or “urolith”. The following data were deemed critical for inclusion
remaining ferrets being of Canadian origin. The proportion of
and recorded: age at diagnosis, sex, clinical history, diet, clinical
ferrets fed a grain-free diet was 27.6% (58/210, 95% Confidence
signs at presentation, abdominal radiography, location of the
interval [95% CI]: 21.7, 34.2). Among these grain-free diets, 35/58
urolithiasis, therapeutic management and outcome; when
(60%) ferrets were fed diets marketed for ferrets, 22/58 (38%)
available in the medical files, the following data were also
were fed diets marketed for cats. The duration of exposure to the
recorded: origin, duration of exposure to the diet, and other
current diet was recorded for 49 ferrets (23%), and ranged from
diagnostic tests (ultrasonography, urinalysis, urine culture) and
one to 102 months prior to the presentation (median: 57 months,
their results. Cases with missing inclusion criteria were excluded
IQR: 20, 86).
from the study.
Comparison to the control ferret population Variables Cases Controls p value
Age at presentation 1.8 ± 1.0 [0.4; 3.4 ± 2.1 [0.2; <0.0001
The epidemiological characteristics of the reference ferret (years)1 4.3] 10.0]
population were approximated by randomly selecting ferrets Male:female ratio 1:0.12 (32 males, 1:0.86 (113 males, <0.0001
(‘controls’) admitted in the same veterinary facilities over the 4 females) 97 females)
same time period with any reason for presentation, excluding Neutered animals 36/36 (100%) 207/210 (98.6%) 1
confirmed cystine urolithiasis. To be included as controls, the Marshall origin 29/29 (100%) 149/151 (98.7%) 1
following data had to be available in their medical files: date of Grain-free diet 34/36 (94%) 58/210 (27.6%) <0.0001
consultation, age, sex, and diet. These controls were randomly ferret grain-free diet 17/36 (47%) 35/210 (16.7%) 0.001
selected using a random number generator until a control cat grain-free diet 17/36 (47%) 22/210 (10.5%) <0.0001
population of 210 ferrets (five controls per case) was reached. Cereal-based diet 2/36 (6%) 152/210 (72.4%) <0.0001
When available in the medical files, the following data were also ferret cereal-based diet 2/36 (6%) 130/210 (61.9%) <0.0001
recorded: origin, and duration of exposure to the diet. cat cereal-based diet 0/36 (0%) 21/210 (10.0%) <0.0001
Data collected on diets 1
Presented as mean ± standard deviation [minimum; maximum].

The average analysis and the approximate nutrient composition Table 1: Demographics of and diets fed to ferrets with cystine urolithiasis
of the six main diets fed to affected ferrets and the two main (cases) compared with ferrets from the reference population (controls).
diets fed to ferrets of the reference population were obtained
from the manufacturers. These eight diets represented 94% and Epidemiological overview of the ferrets with cystine urolithiasis
75.7% of the diets distributed to cases and controls, respectively. (‘cases’) and comparison to the control population
Grain-free diets were defined as diets containing no grain A total of 36 cases of confirmed cystine urolithiasis met the
products in the ingredients listed in contrast to cereal-based inclusion criteria. Thirty-two (89%) were neutered males and
diets which contained cereals (mostly wheat and corn). The data this prevalence was significantly higher compared to the controls
collected were: metabolizable energy, crude protein, cystine, and (p<0.0001). The odds of developing cystine urolithiasis increased
methionine concentrations, and the list of ingredients. by a factor of 8.9 (Odds ratio [OR], 95% CI: 2.5, 31.5) among
Statistics neutered males compared to neutered females (p=0.0007) (Table
2). The mean age at diagnosis was 1.8 (± 1.0 SD) year, and ranged
To compare the epidemiological characteristics of the included
from 5 months to 4.3 years; this was significantly lower than the
ferrets with cystine urolithiasis and the control population, a t-test
age at presentation for the controls (p<0.0001). A grain-free diet
for unequal variances (age; normality checked with Anderson-
was offered to 34/36 (94%) of the ferrets with cystine urolithiasis
Darling test) and chi-square tests (year of consultation, sex, diet)
for at least three weeks prior to the presentation. This prevalence
were used. Multivariable logistic regressions were performed to
was significantly higher compared to the controls (p<0.0001).
establish the odd ratios of having uroliths according to different
The ferrets that developed cystine urolithiasis were 57.9 (OR,
independent variables (age, year of consultation, sex, diet), and
95% CI: 11.0, 304.8) times more likely to receive a grain-free diet
to establish the odd ratios of having certain clinical signs (acute
compared to the controls (p<0.0001). Half of the grain-free diets
urinary retention, hematuria) as a function of the location of the
fed to affected ferrets were marketed for ferrets, the other half
uroliths (bladder, urethra). A non-parametric Wilcoxon test was
was marketed for cats. The time to the transition to a grain-free
used to compare the data obtained from the average analysis of
diet was recorded for seven cases (19%), and ranged from one to
each diet according to its type (cereal-based versus grain-free).
six months prior to the presentation (median: 8 weeks, IQR: 5,
All the descriptive analysis and statistical tests were performed

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Journal of Veterinary DE MEDICINA
Medicine & Surgery 2021
ISSN 2574-2868 Vol. 5 No. 1: 31

14). Two ferrets in the same environment presented with cystine of cysteine and methionine on sulfur amino-acids between the
urolithiasis-related urinary signs a few days apart. The odds of grain-free and the cereal-based diets (p>0.11).
having cystine urolithiasis did not vary significantly by year of
Diet Ferrets with cystine Reference ferret
consultation (p=0.290). The origin was recorded for 29 ferrets
urolithiasis population
(80%) with all cases being of Marshall origin; the proportion of
Grain-free diet #11 7/36 (19%) 8/210 (3.8%)
Marshall ferrets in the case and control populations was not
Grain-free diet #22 3/36 (8%) 12/210 (5.7%)
significant different (p=0.335).
Grain-free diet #33 10/36 (28%) 7/210 (3.3%)
Variables Odd ratio (95% p value Grain-free diet #44 6/36 (17%) 6/210 (2.9%)
confidence interval) Grain-free diet #5 5
3/36 (8%) 3/210 (1.4%)
Age at presentation 0.7 (0.5; 1.0) 0.0537 Grain-free diet #66 4/36 (11%) 21/210 (10.0%)
Diet 57.9 (11.0; 304.8) <0.0001 Cereal-based diet #17 0/36 (0%) 51/210 (24.3%)
Sex1 8.9 (2.5; 31.5) 0.0007 Cereal-based diet #28 1/36 (3%) 51/210 (24.3%)
Urolith location 4.7 (2.1; 10.4) 0.0002 1
ZuPreem Grain-free Ferret diet (ZuPreem, Shawnee, Kansas, USA).
Conducted only on neutered ferrets (100% of cases, (98.6% of controls). 2
Orijen Cat and Kitten (Champion Petfoods LP, Edmonton, Alberta,
Table 2: Results of the logistic regression analyses evaluating the age at Canada)
presentation, type of diet (grain-free vs. cereal-based), and sex on the
Nutrience Grain-free dry food (Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Baie d’Urfé, Quebec,
odds ratio of developing clinical cystine urolithiasis in pet ferrets, and Canada)
the location of urolithiasis (urethra vs. bladder only) on the odds ratio of 4
True North Grain-free diet for ferrets (Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Baie d’Urfé,
presenting a urinary obstruction. Quebec, Canada)
Oven-Backed Tradition Grain-free Chicken cat food (Bio Biscuit Inc.,
Analysis of the diets Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada)
Versele-Laga Complete Ferret (Versele-Laga, Deinze, Belgium)
Different commercial extruded grain-free diets were offered to 7
Totally Ferret Active Show & Pet Formula (Performance Foods Inc.,
the ferrets included in the study (Table 3). The six most commonly Broomfield, Colorado, USA)
fed grain-free diets contained either peas and other legumes (5/6 8
Marshall Premium Ferret (Marshall Pet Products, North Rose, New
diets) and potatoes (5/6 diets); these ingredients were not listed York, USA)
in the two most commonly fed cereal-based diets. The protein
and amino-acid contents of these diets are presented (Table 4) Table 3: Distribution of the main diets fed to ferrets with cystine
urolithiasis (cases) compared with ferrets from the reference population
there was no significant difference in the values for the energy,
protein, cysteine, and methionine contents, nor for the ratio

Diet Protein Cysteine Methionine Ratio cysteine/sulfur Ratio methionine/sulfur

(g/1000 kcal) (g/1000 kcal) (g/1000 kcal) amino-acids (%) amino-acid (%)

Grain-free diet #1 88.1 0.95 1.81 34.4 65.6

Grain-free diet #2 106.2 1.04 2.26 31.5 68.5

Grain-free diet #3 95.2 1.14 2 36.4 63.6

Grain-free diet #4 97.7 NA *

NA *
NA *

Grain-free diet #5 96 1.09 2 35.3 64.7

Grain-free diet #6 92.2 1.22 2.3 34.6 65.4

Cereal-based diet #1 81.1 0.99 2.36 29.5 70.5

Cereal-based diet #2 96.7 1.14 3 27.6 72.4

NA not available. The names of the diets are the same as in Table 3.

Table 4: Energy, total protein and sulfur amino acid (cystine, methionine) contents and their proportions of the main grain-free diets fed to domestic
ferrets diagnosed with cystine urolithiasis and cereal-based diets fed to the ferret reference population.

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Journal of Veterinary DE MEDICINA
Medicine & Surgery 2021
ISSN 2574-2868 Vol. 5 No. 1: 31

Clinical presentation, diagnostic tests and management Discussion

Two main clinical presentations were reported in ferrets with Owing to its reduced solubility in acidic urine, urinary cystine
urolithiasis: intermittent hematuria over a few days without in high concentrations in affected individuals precipitates to
urinary retention (15/36, 42%), or acute urinary retention often form crystals and uroliths leading to urinary obstruction [1,2].
preceded by episodes of dysuria or stranguria (21/36, 58%). In Neutered males were overrepresented in the present case
ferrets with the first clinical presentation, uroliths were only series, accounting for the majority of cases. The same trends
detected in the urinary bladder, whereas uroliths were visualized have been reported in a previous study in which male ferrets
in the urethra of 20/21 (95%) of the ferrets with the latter clinical accounted for 77% of the affected individuals and appeared to
presentation. When in the urethra, calculi were always in both be 2.5 times more likely to develop cystine uroliths as females
penile and pelvic portions. The odds of developing an acute [4,8,9]. As no difference in urine pH was found between males
urinary retention increased by a factor of 4.7 (95% CI: 2.1, 10.4) and females, this sex difference may likely be related to the
when calculi were present in the urethra compared to in the anatomy of the urethra of male ferrets that could predispose to
bladder only (p=0.0002). The location of the uroliths as reported partial or total urethral obstruction [4,9,10]. Male ferrets have a
in the radiographic reports are summarized (Table 5). When longer lower urinary tract combined with a tightly angled pelvic
only present in the bladder, uroliths were single large stones urethral flexure, rigid os penis, and narrow urethral diameter
whereas multiple small uroliths were visible when the urethra that may predispose them to urinary blockage [11]. The more
and the ureters were involved. Urine pH measured by dipstick straightforward urethra of female ferrets may allow the passage
at presentation (without treatment received) was recorded in 12 of small stones. Hence, some females may remain asymptomatic
cases, and ranged from 5.0 to 7.0 (median of 6.0, Interquartile while having cystine uroliths in their urinary tract. The mean age
Range [IQR]: 6.0, 6.6). at diagnosis in the present study was 1.8 year with most cases
Location of uroliths Proportion between one and three years of age. This is younger than the
Bladder only 16/36 (44%) mean age of 4.1 years reported in the case series of Nwaokorie
Bladder and urethra* 15/36 (42%) and others (2013), however, in the same study, 51% of the cases
Urethra* only 3/36 (8%) occurred between two and four years old. Our data were also
Bladder, urethra*, and ureter 2/36 (6%) in agreement with a recent study that demonstrated a strong
When in the urethra, calculi were always in both penile and pelvic
association between cystine urolithiasis and younger age of the
portions. ferret [7]. In this large-scale retrospective study from 2010 to
2018, two other features were strongly associated with cystine
Table 5: Location of the cystine uroliths diagnosed in domestic ferrets as urolithiasis: North American origin, and later year of submission.
reported in the radiography reports. The marked difference in prevalence between populations of
different origins and the increase in prevalence in the last few
Most of the recorded cases (28/36, 78%) were managed surgically years may highlight other contributors to the aetiopathogeny of
by cystotomy (26/36, 72%) or by percutaneous cystolithotomy this affection, particularly environmental or genetic factors.
(PCCL; 3/36, 8%), a minimally invasive calculus retrieval technique
described in pet animals [8]. Post-operative complications led The most striking finding of the present case-control study
to the euthanasia of three of the operated individuals. Overall, was a history of consuming a grain-free diet in most affected
euthanasia (at presentation or following surgery) accounted for cases (94%) whereas only 27.6% of the ferrets in the reference
the outcome in 10/36 (28%) of the cases. Of note, all the cases population were fed grain-free diets. The ferrets that developed
euthanized presented with urethral urolithiasis. Overall, 10/21 cystine urolithiasis were also 57.9 times more likely to receive
(48%) ferrets presented with urethral cystine uroliths were a grain-free diet compared to the reference population. The
euthanized. One case was managed medically after urethral popularity of grain-free diets in the pet food industry has
catheterization and supportive care with meloxicam (Metacam; increased in the recent years; the percentage of grain-free cat
Boehringer-Ingelheim, Burlington, Ontario); this ferret was also food purchases has increased from 4% of total cat food purchases
transitioned to a cereal-based diet and survived for three years in 2012 to 9% in 2014, and represented 47% of cat foods in all
after the initial presentation with the stone still present. channels in 2017 in the USA [12,13]. Similar trends may apply
to ferret food although no published data were available; since
A recurrence of cystine urolithiasis was identified in three cases; many ferrets are fed cat food (20.5% in the present control
one case, offered a cereal-based diet, developed another episode population), they may be more likely to be exposed to grain-
nine months after its initial cystotomy. Two other cases, initially free diets. Some anecdotal correlations between an increased
fed a grain-free diet at the time of the first presentation also incidence of cystine urolithiasis in ferret and the introduction
presented with a recurrence of cystine urolithiasis respectively in North America of ferret diets containing legumes, peas and
two and seven months after their initial presentation; no diet lentils as alternative carbohydrate sources have been suggested
transition was performed after their first episodes. No recurrence before [11,14]; this article represents more tangible evidence of
was reported in the other ferrets of the case series. Seven ferrets an association between grain-free diets and the development of
were radiographed five to eleven months following their initial cystine urolithiasis in ferrets.
presentation; none of them showed recurrence of urolithiasis. All
these seven cases were transitioned to a cereal-based diet after The statistical comparison of the nutrient content of the main
their initial presentation. grain-free diets fed to affected ferrets of the present study and the

4 This article is available in:

Journal of Veterinary DE MEDICINA
Medicine & Surgery 2021
ISSN 2574-2868 Vol. 5 No. 1: 31

main cereal-based diets distributed in the reference population study; cystine calculi were identified in all the ferrets with
did not demonstrate significant differences in the protein and confirmed cystine urolithiasis. Double contrast cystography may
sulfur amino-acid contents. However, legumes and peas are high even be more sensitive in detecting small cystine uroliths than
in plant protein that may alter the urinary environment such as survey radiography [20].
pH or urine concentration. The solubility of cystine in urine is pH-
The outcome of the surgical managements (cystotomy or PCCL) in
dependent; it is relatively insoluble at the usual urine pH range
the present study was fair as survival was recorded in most cases
of 5.5 to 7.5 in dogs [1]. The urine pH can vary according to the
(89%). Overall, euthanasia (at initial presentation or following
diet, and the normal pH in ferrets was reported to be 5.0 to 7.5,
surgery) accounted for 28% of all cases which emphasises the
which is consistent with the results of the ferrets in the present
need for implementation of preventative measures to reduce
study; however, the pH was only available for few affected cases
its incidence. Of importance, intermittent hematuria in ferrets
[10,15]. Future studies should investigate whether the protein
should be addressed early before the condition may evolve into
source may induce changes in the assimilation of these amino-
urinary retention, of most guarded prognosis.
acids, or other factors such as urine pH.
Euthanasia of ferrets presenting with cystine urolithiasis may
Two individuals that did continue to be fed grain-free diets
even be more prevalent as this study included only ferrets with
experienced recurrence of cystine urolithiasis two and seven
confirmed cystine urolithiasis by spectrophotometry; some
months after the initial presentation. In contrast, six of the affected
animals presented with similar clinical signs during the same
ferrets that underwent cystotomy and were then offered cereal-
time period and euthanized because of poor prognosis or
based diets did not show evidence of urolithiasis recurrence on
financial restrictions were not included because the presence
radiographs taken five to 11 months after the surgery. However,
and composition of uroliths were not confirmed (at least 25
not all ferrets fed a grain-free diet develop a cystine urolithiasis
euthanized ferrets fed grain-free diets were excluded as the type
and two affected ferrets in the present study were fed cereal-
of uroliths was not confirmed).
based diets. Moreover, only some individuals were reported to
develop cystine urolithiasis in several multi-ferret households As a retrospective case-control study, this paper presents some
that fed all ferrets exclusively grain-free diets [11]. limitations and biases that may influence its conclusions or
reduce its relevance. Firstly, some data recorded in the medical
A possible nutritional origin does not exclude a genetic basis that
files were missing, which led to the exclusion of some records;
may predispose some lineages to produce this type of urolith;
the medical files analysed were also from different veterinary
evidence of little genetic variability among most pet ferrets in
clinics with differences in medical data recording. This study
North America may support a familial predisposition for this
highlights a possible association between grain-free diets and
disease [16]. In humans, dogs and cats, cystinuria is an inherited
the development of cystine urolithiasis in ferrets; nevertheless,
metabolic defect of amino-acid transport causing a failure in
the duration of exposure to a grain-free diet was occasionally
reabsorption of filtered cystine in the proximal tubule [1,2], and has
recorded in the medical files, and further work will be needed to
been documented to be caused by mutations in either the SLC3A1
assess this association.
or SLC7A9 genes [3,17-19]. Excessive inbreeding of domesticated
ferrets in North America could have contributed to an increase in
the prevalence of one or more mutations contributing to faulty Conclusion
amino acid reabsorption in the proximal tubules. This genetic
This case series allowed to evaluate new elements in the
predisposition may also be supported by the two ferrets of the
epidemiology of cystine urolithiasis that showed a marked
present series that developed cystine urolithiasis but were never
increase in incidence in pet ferrets in the last decade. As
fed grain-free diets. A complex aetiopathogenesis involving
already mentioned in several studies, male ferrets and young
genetic and environmental components in the development of
individuals were overrepresented; a strong association with
cystine urolithiasis in pet ferrets may also be emphasised by the
grain-free diets was shown, without causation being established.
low prevalence of this condition in the United Kingdom, where
This study therefore reinforced the possibility of a complex
ferrets more commonly are fed whole-prey or legume-free diets
aetiopathogenesis of cystine urolithiasis in ferrets for which
[5,11]. The impact of the origin of the ferrets included in the
genetic and environmental factors (including diet) are probably
present study could not be evaluated as all animals were of North
involved. Future studies are needed to assess possible genetic
American origin, and most of them of Marshall origin.
mutations, as in humans or other domestic carnivores, or changes
The present study highlights two main clinical presentations linked in urinary environment and amino-aciduria in affected ferrets.
to the location of the calculi: most cases with identified calculi in
the urethra presented with urinary retention, often preceded by References
hematuria. On the other hand, cases with uroliths in the bladder 1 Osborne CA, Sanderson SL, Lulich JP, Bartges JW, Ulrich LK, et al. (1999)
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in ferrets [4]. Abdominal radiography was useful in the detection 434.
of ferrets with suspected urolithiasis in the present retrospective

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Journal of Veterinary DE MEDICINA
Medicine & Surgery 2021
ISSN 2574-2868 Vol. 5 No. 1: 31

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