Introduction To SI

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Introduction to Sensory

Chung-Hui Lin
In OT3 of CSMU
Sensory Integration
What is sensory integration?

1. The ability to organize sensory information for


2. SI is the neurological process that organizes

sensation from one‘s own body and from the
environment and makes is possible to use the
body effectively within the environment (Ayres,
1988); i.e deal with behavior according to
sensation from body and environment.

3. A theory of brain-behavior relationships.

3 components of SI
1. Describes the development and typical
sensory integrative functioning
2. Define sensory integrative dysfunction
3. Intervention (just right challenge)
3 major postulates of SI-1
1. Learning is dependent on the ability to
take in and process sensation from m’t
and the environment and use it to plan
and organize behavior.
3 major postulates of SI-2
2. Individuals who have a decreased
ability to process sensation also may
have difficulty producing appropriate
actions, which, in turn, may interfere
with learning and behavior.
3 major postulates of SI-2
3. Enhanced sensation, as part of
meaningful activity that yields an
adaptive interaction, improves the ability
to process sensation, thereby
enhancing learning and behavior.
3 interrelated elements of
1. The theory itself
2. Evaluation methods (i.e., Sensory
Integration and Praxis Tests- SIPT;
Sensory profile…….)
3. A specific approach to intervention.
Function of SI
A. Promote the development of the brain
B. Stimulate or activate nerve cells
C. Allow for appropriate adaptive behavior
D. Respond successfully to an
environmental demand
E. Contribute to both learning and
emotional tone
*5(4) assumptions of SI theory
1st: The central nervous system is plastic
2nd: Sensory integration develops
3rd: The brain functions as an integrated
4th: Adaptive integrations are critical to
sensory integration
5th: People have an innerdrive to develop
sensorimotor activities
Ayres’s schema of SI theory
SI dysfunction
• Practic dysfunction
• Sensory modulation disorders
感覺調適障礙 中樞神經系統 障礙形式

前庭感覺 姿勢動作
逃避 重力不安全感

易分心 防禦反應 系統 本體感覺 逃避現象

活動度 觸覺
聽覺 感覺區辯
肢體障礙 動作誇張或
觸覺 (前饋-回饋依賴)
退縮 力量不足

感覺 低反應 聽覺

Nosology of sensory processing disorders
Practic dysfunction(1)
• Postural deficits
• Deficits in tactile discrimination
• Deficits in bilateral integration and
• Somatodyspraxia
Practic dysfunction(2)
• Postural deficits
• Extensor m. tone
• Prone extension
• Proximal stability
• Ability to move the neck into flexion against
• Equilibrium
Sensory modulation disorders
• Sensory defensiveness
• Gravitational insecurity
• Aversive responses to movement
• Underresponsiveness
Spiral process of sensory integration

to self-actualization
self, volition (motivation)
-->adaptive interaction

effective occupational behaviors

meaning, satisfaction, confidence,

self-control, a sense of mastery
from participation

control over the task and the


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