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Tekla Structures Online Guided Mastery Program

Taufik Musa

Tekla Structures Online Guided Mastery Program

Session-7-Drawing Mode in Tekla
1/22/2021 Taufik Musa
Get to Know How to;

§ Drawing mode in Tekla Structures

§ Create General arrangement drawings
§ Drawing layout and views
§ Edit & Modify drawing properties
§ Edit & Modify Title Block

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Create GA Drawing – 3D Drawing (Exercise-01)

Create GA Drawing
Overall 3D View

In 3D view- Right Click and Select Create

General Arrangement drawing

Select 3D View and tick Option Open


Drawing will open and created automatically

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Create GA Drawing – Plan & Elevation Drawing (Exercise-02)

Create GA Drawing /
Plan and Elevation

In 3D view- Right Click and Select Create

General Arrangement drawing

Select Grid D & Plan 2nd Floor and tick

Option Open drawing

Drawing will open and created automatically

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Modify Drawing in Each Property Level
1. Drawing Level

2. View Level

3. Objects Level

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Create Section View From Drawing (Exercise-03)
Open Drawing in Exercise-02,

Create Section View Under Views in Grid D Elevation

Specify the 1st and 2nd points of cut plane and 3rd and 4th
click to pick cut box to determine the depth of the
section view, 5th click to place the view inside drawing

Double click the view to open the view properties,

Scale to 10 from Attributes-Scale

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Create Details View From Drawing (Exercise-04)
Open Drawing in Exercise-02,

Create Detail View in specified Area

Specify the 1st and 2nd points of detail area and 3rd click
for Label position, 4th click to place the view inside

Double click the view to open the view properties,


Scale to 10 from Attributes-Scale

Turn ON Hidden Part

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Add selected View From Model (Exercise-05)
Open Drawing in Exercise-02,

Under View List, Open Grid 2 View

Click Area in model view, go to View on Grid 2 and

specify the 1st and 2nd points for selected area.

New view now been added in same drawing

Double click the view to open the view properties,

Change properties accordingly.

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Add Entire View From Model (Exercise-06)
Open Drawing in Exercise-02,

Under View List, Open Grid 2 View

Click Entire model view, go to View on

Grid 2 and Single click within the Work
Area of Grid 2

New view now been added in same


1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Add Part Mark (Exercise-07)
Create GA drawing for Plan
2nd Floor Only

Open Drawing, and open

the GA Drawing Properties

Go to Mark –Part Mark..

Change the default setting

to this following setting

Click Modify add now the

Part Mark will visible in Part

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Add Part Mark (Exercise-07) Cont..

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Add Manual Dimension , Text & Others Annotation (Exercise – 08)

Open GA drawing in Exercise-07

Create dimension for secondary beam in Grid 6.

Use vertical and horizontal dimension and specified
the required dimension

Manual add Park Mark for column by selecting the

column and right click add part mark using applied
mark Properties

Add Text under Annotations command and modify


1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

Customize Title Block (Exercise-09)
Open GA drawing in Exercise-07

Double Click the default Title Block and open in

template Editor

Change Picture Using “Tekla-Powered-by-logo-high.png”

and click ok

Add Text and insert Project Title information

Save the template with same name but under the

Current Model Folder

Reopen the drawing and you will see the Title Bock now
been updated

1/22/2021 Taufik Musa

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