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My Learnings Episode Overview:

Benjamin Bloom cited three (3) domains of knowledge – cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.
Kendall and Marzano also gave three (3) groups of learning- information (declarative knowledge),
metacognitive procedures (procedural knowledge) and psychomotor procedures (motor or physical
skills). This Episode will focus on these domains of knowledge and learning.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to:

 Classify the lesson/s under bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge and Kendall’s and Marzano’s
domain of learning activities.
 Reflect on what lesson is more meaningful and relevant based on the domains of knowledge
and learning activities.

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

a. Quality of my observations and documentation,
b. Completeness and depth of my analysis,
c. Depth and clarity of my classroom observation- based reflection,
d. Completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e. Time of submission of my portfolio.

My learning Essentials

A. Three domains of Knowledge (Kendall and Marzano):

1.Information- Declarative Knowledge, e.g., Facts, concept generalization, principles, laws

2.Mental procedure- procedural Knowledge, e.g. Writings a term paper, reading map algorithms like
computing long division

3. Psychomotor/Physical Procedure/ Motor skills- Skills e.g. Playing basketball, building furniture.

Concrete examples:

1. Vocabulary – isosceles, equilateral right triangle

2. Generalization- All right triangles have one angle 90 degrees.

Mental Procedures- Conducting proofs and figuring the length of the side of a right triangle.
Physical/Psychomotor Procedures/ Motor skills
Constructing a right triangle with a compass and ruler

B. Three Domains of Knowledge/Educational Activity (Bloom, B.)

1. Cognitive- Knowledge – What will students know?

2. Psychomotor – skills- What will students be able to do?
3. Affective- values, attitude- What will students value or care about?

Concrete examples

Cognitive- air pollution

Psychomotor- Researching on the level of air pollution in the locality and on the causes of air
Affective- What to do to reduce the level of air pollution


I will observe three (3) different classes.

I will reflect on the guide questions given below.
To hit my target, I will follow these steps:
Step. Read the Learning Essentials given above.

Observe at least three (3) classes with a learning partner.

I will choose one class from each of the three groups.
Group 1- Language/ Araling Panlipunan/ Science/Math
Group 2 – Physical Education, ICT,TLE
2. Group 3 - Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/Literature.

My Learning Activities

I will make of Observation Sheets, analyze my observation by answering the given questions
then write down my reflections.


(lANGUAGE/Araling panlipunan/Science/Math)

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s signature School:

Grade/Year level Subject Area: Date:

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my observation (What did
your teacher teach? What was the focus of
your Teacher’s lessons?
Teacher Marlin taught the children how to read
1. Cognitive domain- Information and pronounce letters in mother tongue. She
(Declarative Knowledge)- Vocabulary, also taught the pupils the sounds of the letters.
terms, facts ,concepts, principle,
hypothesis, theory

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural) Teacher Marlin tells her pupils to write the
Knowledge)- e.g mental skills such as alphabet to their papers.
writing a paragraph

Domain of Learning

3. Psychomotor-skills As notice in kindergarten pupils that they also

showed their skills in drawing and dancing.

4. Affective-values, attitudes Lastly, the teacher ask them, How importance

to have a good manners to one another?
(Physical Education,ICT,TLE)

Resource Teacher: Marlin May S. Lopez Teacher’s signature:

School: Caridad Elementary School
Grade/Year level: Kindergarten
Subject Area: Date: March 17

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observation (What was
the focus of your Teacher’s lesson?)
1. Cognitive domain- Information Teacher are trying to teach here is how
(declarative Knowledge)-Vocabulary, technology can be aid in the success a class to
terms, facts, concepts, principle, promote learning this is easier and more
hypothesis, theory manageable.
2. Mental Procedures (Procedural Here the teachers uses technology and let the
Knowledge)- e.g. mental skills such as pupils learn with technology by watching a
writing a paragraph nursery songs.

Bloom’s Domain of learning Activities

Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor- skills The pupils participate and the class and give
their idea/ answer.

4. Affective- values, attitude I notice the values that can be attribute here is
more of persistence and diligence.


(Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao / Literature)

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s signature School: Caridad Elementary School

Grade/Year level: Grade 6 Subject Area: Date: March 17

Kendall’s and Marrzano’s domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observation( What was
the focus of your Teacher’s lesson?)
1. Cognitive domain- Information The teacher taught the students what comprises
(Declarative Knowledge)- Vocabulary, a story.
terms, facts ,concepts, principle,
hypothesis, theory

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural Their test of knowledge here is when the teacher
Knowledge)- e.g mental skills such as ask the students about the story and they will
writing a paragraph answer it.

Bloom’s Domain of learning Activities

Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor- skills I can see that the kinder pupils share their
opinions and ideas to the whole class about the
story. And also their listening skills are also

4. Affective- values, attitude The pupils ability to closely follow the

instructions is one value towards a class
success in providing sound learning.
My Analysis

1. Were the lessons focused on information / cognitive domain only or mental

procedures only or psychomotor procedures/physical skills only? Or were the
lessons combinations of two or three? Explain your answer.
 There were different variations and approaches used in a single class setting. I couldn’t stress
it enough how important it is to be as flexible as possible. Not only has it helped with making
your lesson plan wide ranged. But it also gives you more room to interpret what you are
teaching in a more personalized way.

2. Were the lessons focused on cognitive content only or psychomotor content only or
affective content only? Or were the lessons combinations of two or three? Explain
your answer.
 It is a combination of the three of the most part. Usually, when there is only one content
emphasized for the whole duration, the class could either not learn anything or get
information overload.

3. What was the effect on learning when teaching was focused on only one domain?
 From my experience focusing in one domain only can still produce a desired learning
outcome, but it doesn’t unlock all the learning has to offer. True, it is still part of the process
but not in it’s entirely.

4. Is really possible to teach only in one domain like Affective only or cognitive only or
psychomotor only? Or based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s taxonomy, information
only or mental procedures only or psychomotor procedures only? Explain your
 As I mention, it is possible to teach only in one domain, however the desired outcome might
be quite far from expected. However, nothing not achievable even if you only focus on one
5. Do Kendall’s and Marzano’ a knowledge taxonomy and bloom’s taxonomy of
learning activities contradict each other? Explain your answer.
 No, because the two taxonomy’s emphasis is with every domain that a student must augment
for their high-thinking skills.

My Reflection
Based on your observations in class and on your understanding of the domains of
knowledge and learning activities from bloom, Kendall and Marzano, how can you make your
teaching – learning activity more meaningful and more relevant? Is lesson more relevant when
you teach only in the cognitive or when you teach in the cognitive domain combined with the
affective or psychomotor Combined with the affective?


Base on my observations the use of the three domains such as cognitive, affective and
psychomotor will promote the students’ engagement to the subject topic. Some of the learning
approaches that could be integrated in approach can include self-guided learning, mutual learning,
role playing, behavioral practice, peer education and parent connection.

Integrating Theory and practice

Direction: Read the situation then answer the questions.

Teacher Mila taught the parts of a microscope, demonstrated how to focus it under the low power
objective, then asked 3 students to try to focus it with her guidance as the class looked on. She
asked the class if the 3 student did focus the microscope correctly and ended her lesson citing the
“don’is” and explaining the why’s behind the “don’is’’ in focusing the microscope. Before she did
all theses, she asked the class if it is not important for them to learn how to focus the microscope.

1. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy, in what domains was Teacher Mila’s

I. Information (Declarative knowledge)

II. Mental procedures (Procedural knowledge)
III. Psychomotor procedures ( Physical skills)

A. I and II C. II and III

B. II only D. I, II and III

2. Which part of teacher Mila’s lesson consists of mental procedures (procedural knowledge)?

I. Asking the class if the 3 students focused the microscope correctly

II. Explaining the “why’s behind the “don ‘is”
III. Focusing the microscope
A. I only C. II only
B. I,II and III D. I and II

3. Based on bloom’s taxonomy, which part of teacher Mila’s lesson is in the psychomotor

a. The 3 pupils focusing the microscope

b. The pupils listening to the “don ‘is” in focusing the microscope
c. Asking the class if it is important to learn how to focus the microscope
d. Explain the “why’s” behind the don’ is

4. If Teacher Mila’s lesson objective intended learning outcome is ``to focus the
microscope correctly’’, could she have just shown the class how to do it without
explaining the parts of the microscope and their corresponding functions?

a. No
b. Yes,21stCenturystudentslearn skill very fast
c. Yes, but risky
d. No, it is basic for students to know the function of each part. This guides the students on how
to focus the microscope.

5. If explaining and demonstrating are necessary for Teacher Mila to realize her
lesson objective/intended learning outcome, what does this imply on lesson planning
and development for whole and meaningful learning.

a. Integrate the domains in learning activities.

b. You make lesson focus only information.
c. Plan a lesson that is exclusively for skill or for information.
d. Always touch the affective domain of learning.

6. Which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson is the affective domain?

a. Asking the students if learning to focus the microscope is important

b. The``don’is’’in focusing the microscope
c. Teacher Mila demonstrating to the class first how to focus the microscope before asking the
3t focuses the same order to avoid accident.
d. Explaining the why and don’t sin microscope focusing.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 4- HE THREE DOMAINS OF

In this Episode, I must be able to:

 Classify the lesson/s under bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge and Kendall’s and Marzano’s
domain of learning activities.
 Reflect on what lesson is more meaningful and relevant based on the domains of knowledge
and learning activities.

Name of FS Student______________________ Date Submitted: ______

Year & Section: ________________ Course: ___________
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation question/tasks (2) observation observation observation
Sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks questions/tasks not
answered/ not answered/ not answered/ answered/
accomplished. accomplished. accomplished. accomplished
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered were answered not answered observation was not
completely; completely; completely; answered; answers
answers are answers are answers are not connected to
with depth and clearly not clearly theories; more than
are thoroughly connected to connected to four (4)
grounded on theories; theories; one grammatical/spelling
theories; grammar and (1) to three (3) errors.
grammar and spelling are free grammatical
spelling are from errors. spelling errors.
free from error.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear Unclear and shallow;
clear; depth; supported and shallow; rarely supported by
supported by by what were somewhat what were observed
what were observed and supported by and analyzed
observed and analyzed what were
analyzed observed and
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in the
the context of the context of the context of context of the
the learning the learning the learning learning outcomes;
outcomes; outcomes. outcomes. not complete; not
complete, well Complete; well Complete; not organized, not
– organized, organized, very organized. relevant
highly relevant relevant to the Relevant to the
to the learning learning learning
outcome outcome outcome
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a Submitted two (@)
before the the deadline day after the days or more after the
deadline deadline deadline
Over – all Rating:
Score (Based on



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

_______________________________________ ____________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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