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Mohammad Hamdan L.

Dalidig BES 12 (9-12)


Solid waste refers to any non-liquid, gaseous waste material generated from
residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and agricultural activities. It includes items
such as paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, metals, textiles, food waste, yard waste, construction
and demolition debris, electronic waste (E-Waste), and hazardous waste.

There are five methods of treatment/disposal of solid waste. It includes Landfilling,

Incineration, Recycling, Composting, Waste-to-Energy, Hazardous Waste Treatment, Source
Reduction, and Biogas Generation. Untreated solid waste can lead us into an unhealthy
world. It can contaminate the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the wild life. It can
damage the public health.

There are many benefits from correcting the solid waste. Not to mention the safeguards
against environmental hazards, but they also shield us against a range of diseases (e.g.,
respiratory, circulatory, and so on). Furthermore, by properly handling solid waste, we save
not only the environment and ourselves from harm but also the future.

To sum it up, a variety of techniques are used in the treatment and disposal of solid waste
with the goal of reducing their negative effects on the environment and optimizing their use
of resources. Communities may efficiently manage their waste streams while pursuing
sustainability and environmental stewardship by utilizing techniques including landfilling,
recycling, composting, incineration, and waste-to-energy.

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