OBITUARYS Kumarasundaram

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drought in Andhra Pradesh is as gigantic as rehabilitation. Only one revolutionary group cattle feed centre' at each Mandal.

After a
it is in Karnataka or Gujarat there is no com- published a booklet entitled "Prabhutusamu few days, the chief minister announced that
parison between the assistance provided to Shrustinchina Karuvu-Nivarankai Foradandi" the government is going to provide free
these states and Andhra. This is where the (The Drought Created by the Government fodder in the drought-affected districts. But
States are at the mercy of the Centre. The Fight for Relief) in which some measures nothing concrete has been done so far. In
Congress(I) government at New Delhi, while were suggested to save the cattle. The same fact, in most of the drought-affected villages
playing the dirty politics in a calamitous group has organised dharnas in front of the small and marginal farmers have sold out
situation like this, does not seem to realise Ananthapur Collector's office. The Col- their cattle and hence nobody knows how
that it is only playing with the lives of the lector promised to start at least one 'mass they will sow seeds if there are rains this year.
poor masses.
The NTR government on the other hand,
has been merely accusing the Centre for not OBITUARY
providing adequate finances for drought
relief while it has itself failed to use the S Kumarasundaram
limited' resources to tackle the drought pro-
blem. For example, the lakhs and crores of H T Parekh
money spent on the Mahanadu, Film S K U M A R A S U N D A R A M was one member small. The fast-changing financial market
Festival, beautification of city, etc, could of that team, dedicated, brilliant, innova- and the widening nature of new institutions
have been spent on improving drinking water tive, helpful, which made I C I C I a true are providing new opportunities and creating
facilities in the city. Had there been a development financial institution for i n - new challenges for all to show their in-
political will and genuine concern for the dustrial growth. He was an economist in the novativeness and creativity.
drought-affected the government could have Reserve Bank of India for 15 years before After leaving I C I C I Kumarasundaram
easily convinced the Tirupathi Devastana he joined I C I C I in 1963. James Raj knew became Chairman of the Advisory Commit-
Committee to divert the Rs 6 crore spent for him and he recommended him as suitable tee of. the Chartered Bank and he left that
an i m p o r t e d diamond crown to Lord for I C I C I in a senior capacity. In the growth high position to assume Chairmanship and
Venkateswara. But under the NTR govern- and rise to fame of I C I C I , his contribution Chief Executiveship of the Bank of Madura
ment, it appears, gods have priority over was solid and definitive, if somewhat un- where he played a dynamic role.
people. Of course, Rama Rao himself thinks obtrusive. He was a valued colleague, single- Kumarasundaram was a man of low pro-
that he is a representative of god and it is minded in the performance of his duties and file, almost a shy, unpretentious person. He
his right to rule the Telugu people as he likes. widely respected in the organisation as well sought no publicity. He put his soul into
as outside by clients and the business whatever he did. His writings are marked by
The Rs 2 a kilo rice scheme is the only community. His deep allround experience in clarity of thought and expression. His
saving grace. But there are a number of I C I C I shaped him into the role of a profes- genuineness, simplicity and integrity brought
maladies in its implementation. As the state sional business executive. him allround respect and regard. I re-
government realised that the Centre was
He served in various capacities in I C I C I member, as a nominee of I C I C I on the
planning to sabotage the state government
and rose to be Joint Managing Director, the Board of National Rayon during a critical
using its grip over the purse the latter went
number two position. He resigned from period he showed extraordinary courage and
on modifying the scheme in order to save
I C I C I in 1982, after a service of almost 20 determination in dealing with the situation
as much money as possible. Initially NTR
years. I came to know him closely for about and took a firm stand against those who
said that all the families whose annual
12 years but my relationship remained close managed the company.
income does not exceed Rs 6,000 would get
25 kg rice per month. W i t h this yardstick even after my retirement from I C I C I till his
Kumarasundaram was a frequent contri-
the government issued 10 million green cards life ended suddenly and prematurely on
butor to Economic and Political Weekly on
in the state. These cards covered 30 per cent May 11. His involvement in the affairs of
subjects in which he had specialised, viz,
of all families. To cover the 10 million I C I C I was complete and wholehearted. He
balance of payments, economic controls, the
families the government was to procure had to deal increasingly with sick industrial
Indian financial system, equipment leasing,
2,25,500 tons of rice involving an expen- units and industries and he amassed a wealth
corporate take-overs, and related issues.
diture of Rs 400 crore per annum. In order of valuable experience in that complex field.
While some were written under his name, I
to cut the expenditure, after one year, the I C I C I has published several monographs believe he contributed more often. His grasp
government raised the bogey of bogus cards of high quality during its existence of now of economic problems was sound. His
and in an unscrupulous operation of over 30 years. Kumarasundaram wrote, in my writings were excellent in content as well as
officialdom three million green cards were view, one of the best of them under the title style.
cancelled. Even in drought-affected areas "Problem Projects and Their Rehabilitation:
there was no new enrolment. As a result I C I C I Experience". Therein he brought out He took a keen interest in the I M C
several families of marginal and small lucidly ICICI's efforts to rehabilitate sick Economic Research and Training Founda-
farmers whose income then was considered units financed by I C I C I along with other tion and made a valuable contribution to its
to be above Rs 6,000 per annum but became institutions. Though published in 1977, this work. He prepared a keynote paper for a
migrant labourers because of drought have publication deserves attention even today as Seminar in 1982 on "Exchange Control in
no way of obtaining the rice. In fact because it puts in perspective the variety of trouble- India" where he argued for simplification
of increased corruption and black marketing spots in industry and how they react on each of the exchange control system in India. The
about '1/3 of the rice quota does not reach the other and the efforts required to be made paper deserves to be read even today. He
villages at all. While this is the fate of the to rehabilitate such units, some with success had also prepared a paper jointly with
rice scheme, the prices of other essential and some unsuccessfully. Had Kumara- N J Jhaveri of I C I C I entitled "Attracting
commodities have increased 100-120 per cent sundaram been spared to us, I would have Investments to India from the Gulf Coun-
during NTR's rule. Thus, the much publi- liked him to write on industrial sickness tries: Some Issues" for a Colloquium on
cised Rs 2 a kilo rice scheme is no longer keeping in mind the number of subsequent " G u l f Oil Countries and India: Trade and
doing wonders. developments in the financial world with Investments" sponsored jointly by the I M C
which he remained in close touch. The Research Foundation and I C R I E R in
As has been discussed cattle are the most growth of merchant banking, of equipment November 1983.
affected by drought. But the government has leasing, the formation of new finance com- Time takes its own toll but it is sad to
hardly taken up any relief measures. It is also panies and other developments have added think that a promising career has been cut
unfortunate that no parliamentary party has a new dimension to the problems of re- short when it still had so much of its best
come out with any proposal for cattle habilitation of industrial units, large and to contribute.


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