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ue La Salle unlverslLy 2401 1afL Avenue 1004 Manlla hlllpplnes 1el (632) 3244611 Lo 26 lax (632)

1he uocLor of hllosophy ln hllosophy program affords Lhe serlous sLudenLs of phllosophy wlLh
excellenL opporLunlLles Lo wresLle wlLh Lhe
cruclal lssues and develop a speclallzed focus wheLher lL be ln Lhe conLexL of LradlLlon or ln relaLlon Lo
recenL Lrends ln world phllosophy
LclecLlc and creaLlve Lhe program provldes a dlverse currlculum of course offerlngs coverlng a pleLhora
of concerns lrom AnalyLlc
hllosophy Lo LxlsLenLlallsm and henomenology from hllosophy of Sclence Lo hllosophy of 8ellglon
and ollLlcal hllosophy from
Aslan and ComparaLlve hllosophy Lo Lhe newly emerglng llllplno phllosophy Lhe hu program has
someLhlng Lo saLlsfy lndlvldual
1he program offers Lhe deservlng sLudenLs an Aslan and crossculLural comparaLlve orlenLaLlon ln
keeplng up wlLh emerglng Lrends ln world
phllosophy A relaLlve newcomer Lo Lhe fleld crossculLural LasLWesL comparaLlve phllosophy ls only
now becomlng selfconsclous abouL
lLs role and funcLlon ln Lhe larger arena of phllosophy and comparaLlve sLudles AL ue La Salle one flnds
Lhe klnd of phllosophlcal mllleu
needed whereby Loday's new scholars can become lnsLrumenLal ln helplng deflne a speclallzaLlon whlch
ls only beglnnlng Lo unfold ln
lnfluence around Lhe world
8aslc Courses 13 unlLs
LlecLlve Courses 21 unlLs
CognaLe and Language 8equlremenLs 12 unlLs
ulsserLaLlon 12 unlLs
1oLal 60 unlLs
hllosophlcal 8esearch (PL323)
3 unlLs
Learnlng meLhods and Lechnlques ln dolng phllosophlcal research 1hls ls Lo enable Lhe researcher come
Lo grlps wlLh varlous phllosophlcal
LhoughLs vla Lhese meLhods and Lechnlques
hllosophy of LducaLlon (PL633)
3 unlLs
A survey on Lhe varlous Lheorles of educaLlon and Lhelr lmpllcaLlons Lo human llfe for a beLLer
appreclaLlon of llfe ln a globallzlng world
llllplno hllosophy (PL617)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy on llllplno ways of Lhlnklng feellng and acLlng for a beLLer appreclaLlon of llllplno
values and culLure
AnalyLlc/ragmaLlc hllosophy (PL603/PL638)
3 unlLs
A survey on varlous analyLlc as well as pragmaLlc phllosophers and Lhelr lmpacL Lo conLemporary
ConLlnenLal hllosophy (PL612)
3 unlLs
8eadlngs and a deeper undersLandlng of Lhe LradlLlons espoused by conLlnenLal phllosophers and Lhelr
lmpacL Lo worldvlews
LasLern hllosophy
3 unlLs
A survey on Lhe varlous easLern LradlLlons and Lhelr lmpacL Lo easLern people's ways of Lhlnklng feellng
and acLlng
Aslan hllosophy (PL604)
3 unlLs
A survey and lndepLh sLudy on Aslan mlnd for a beLLer appreclaLlon of Lhe conLrlbuLlons of Aslans Lo Lhe
lnLernaLlonal communlLy
Chlnese hllosophy (PL607)
3 unlLs
A survey and an lndepLh sLudy of Lhe maln phllosophlcal ldeas and sysLems of Chlnese LradlLlons for a
beLLer appreclaLlon of Lhe Chlnese
values and culLure ue La Salle unlverslLy 2401 1afL Avenue 1004 Manlla hlllpplnes 1el (632) 324
4611 Lo 26 lax (632) 3219094
lslamlc hllosophy (PL624)
3 unlLs
A survey and an lndepLh sLudy of Lhe phllosophy of Avlccena and oLher lslamlc phllosophers and Lhelr
conLrlbuLlons Lo WesLern LradlLlons
!apanese hllosophy (PL623)
3 unlLs
A survey and an lndepLh sLudy of Lhe varlous !apanese LradlLlons for a beLLer appreclaLlon of !apanese
values and culLure
1aolsm (PL646)
3 unlLs
A survey and an lndepLh sLudy of Lhe maln phllosophlcal ldeas and sysLems of 1aolsm for lLs greaLer
hllosophy of Sclence (PL636)
3 unlLs
8eadlngs and analysls of Lhe varlous Lheorles of sclence for lLs greaLer appreclaLlon ln Lhe world of
hllosophy of Language (PL637)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal analysls of Lhe varlous LeneLs of language and lLs lmpllcaLlons Lo Lhe crafLlng of Lhe human
osLModern hllosophy (PL627)
3 unlLs
An lnLenslve sLudy of Lhe phllosophy of LyoLard and posLmodernlsm
henomenology (PL628)
3 unlLs
An lnLenslve sLudy of Lhe phllosophy of Ldmund Pusserl for a beLLer appreclaLlon of lLs appllcaLlon Lo
oLher dlsclpllnes
LxlsLenLlallsm (PL613)
3 unlLs
8eadlngs and analysls of Lhe wrlLlngs of klerkegaard Peldegger Sane Marcel and !aspers for a beLLer
appreclaLlon of Lhe LruLh of human
ComparaLlve LasLWesL hllosophy (PL609)
3 unlLs
A comparaLlve and dlaloglcal analysls of LasLern and WesLern phllosophlcal currenLs
ConLemporary hllosophy (PL611)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough survey of Lhe ma[or Lrends of LwenLleLhcenLury phllosophy 1he lnLenLlon ls Lo keep
sLudenLs updaLed on Lhe mosL recenL
developmenLs ln phllosophy and Lhe meLhodology of Lhelr own fleld
1hlrd World hllosophy (PL647)
3 unlLs
A survey of phllosophlcal wrlLlngs from Lhe 1hlrd World such as Lhose of lanon lrelre Che Cuevarra eL
Women hllosophers (PL649)
3 unlLs
A sLudy of Lhe phllosophles of women Lhlnkers such as 8eauvolr MoLherslll Slmone Well !ulla krlsLeve
8osa Luxemburg Suzanne
Langer Pannah ArendL lrances ?aLes Ayn 8and eL al
Advanced LplsLemology (PL606)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal lndepLh dlscusslon of Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL Lheorles of knowledge lncludlng boLh Lhe
conLlnenLal pragmaLlc and analyLlc
LradlLlons ue La Salle unlverslLy 2401 1afL Avenue 1004 Manlla hlllpplnes 1el (632) 3244611 Lo 26
lax (632) 3219094
Advanced MeLaphyslcs (PL601)
3 unlLs
A rlgorous and formal analysls of Lhe baslc assumpLlons of classlcal meLaphyslcs and Lhelr expresslons ln
Lhe hlsLory of phllosophy as well
as Lhelr consequences on modern sclence and phllosophy
AesLheLlcs (PL602)
3 unlLs
A course on Lheorles of beauLy and Lhe creaLlve process and Lhe phllosophy of arL
Alfred norLh WhlLehead (PL630)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough analysls of hls phllosophy of educaLlon and meLaphyslcs
ArlsLoLle (PL631)
3 unlLs
An analyLlcal and lndepLh sLudy of Lhe phllosophlcal works of Lhls SLaglrlLe
Ayn 8and (PL632)
3 unlLs
A comprehenslve sLudy of her ob[ecLlvlsL phllosophy
8erLrand 8ussell (PL633)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of Lhe aLomlsLlc phllosophy of 8erLrand 8ussell hls phllosophy of educaLlon and hls
8loeLhlcs (PL603)
3 unlLs
An examlnaLlon of Lhe ma[or eLhlcal lssues of healLh llfe and deaLh ralsed by recenL blomedlcal
LransplanL ln vlLro ferLlllzaLlon human
experlmenLaLlon sperm and zygoLlc banklng and healLh care among oLhers
8uddhlsm (PL606)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough sLudy of Lhe orlgln baslc Leachlngs and varlous branches of 8uddhlsm
Charles elrce (PL634)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of hls pragmaLlc phllosophy
ChrlsLlan LxlsLenLlallsm (PL608)
3 unlLs
locuses on Lhe problem of how a phllosophy of exlsLence does noL need Lo be aLhelsLlc SLarLlng wlLh
Lhe meLaphyslcal and eplsLemologlcal
basls of exlsLenLlallsm Lhe course hopes Lo provlde a profound exposlLlon of Lhe llkes of Soren
klerkegaard MarLln 8uber Cabrlel Marcel
karl !aspers eL al
ComparaLlve 1hanaLology (PL610)
3 unlLs
A crossculLural comparlson of ldeas and experlences of deaLh
Confuclus (PL633)
3 unlLs
An analyLlcal sLudy of Lhe Confuclan AnalecLs and Lhe Slx Classlcs
CrossculLural LsoLerlclsm (PL 613)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal survey of Lhe phllosophy of 8udolf SLelner krlshnamurLl Lhe LheosophlsLs 1lbeLan phllosophy
and oLher Lhlnkers from LasL and
WesL who manlfesL an undersLandlng of Lhe oLher realm of splrlLual belngs
Ldmund Pusserl (PL636)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of hls ma[or works ln phenomenology ue La Salle unlverslLy 2401 1afL Avenue 1004
Manlla hlllpplnes 1el (632) 3244611 Lo 26 lax (632) 3219094
Lmmanuel Levlnas (PL637)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of hls ma[or works
LxlsLenLlal henomenology (PL616)
3 unlLs
An advanced comblned course on exlsLenLlallsm and phenomenology
lreedom and ueLermlnlsm (PL618)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of Lhe baslc lssues ln freedom and deLermlnlsm
lrledrlch nleLzsche (PL638)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of Lhe ma[or works of Lhe ploneer of exlsLenLlallsm as well as posLmodernlsL LhoughL
Cabrlel Marcel (PL639)
3 unlLs
An lnLenslve analysls of Marcel's phllosophy of exlsLence and hls ma[or works
Ceorge SanLayana (PL660)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough sLudy of SanLayana's ma[or concern Lhe Llfe of 8eason ln lLs dlverse spheres of operaLlon ln
common sense ln socleLy ln arL
ln rellglon and ln sclence Lmphasls wlll be placed noL only on hls baslc analysls of Lhe orlgln of
maLerlallsm humanlsm and naLurallsm
buL also on hls analysls of Lhe orlgln and naLure of essences" among oLhers
PermeneuLlcs (PL619)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of hermeneuLlcs as culled from Lhe wrlLlngs of Cadamer 8lcouer uerrlda eL al
lmmanuel kanL (PL663)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough sLudy of kanL's ma[or works parLlcularly Lhe CrlLlque of ure 8eason Lhe CrlLlque of
racLlcal 8eason and Lhe CrlLlque of
lndlan hllosophy (PL623)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of lndlan LhoughL conLalned ln Lhe vedas upanlshads 8amayana and MahabharaLa
and 8uddhlsL wrlLlngs
!acques uerrlda (PL664)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough sLudy of hls ma[or works
!acques MarlLaln (PL663)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of hls ma[or works on neo1homlsL phllosophy
!eanaul SarLre (PL666)
3 unlLs
A sLudy of Lhe phllosophy of SarLre especlally hls book 8elng and noLhlngness
!ohn AusLln (PL667)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough sLudy of hls phllosophy of language and eplsLemology parLlcularly hls 'Pow Lo do Lhlngs wlLh
words' and 'Sense and
!ohn u CapuLo (PL668)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal lndepLh sLudy of hls radlcal hermeneuLlcs ue La Salle unlverslLy 2401 1afL Avenue 1004
Manlla hlllpplnes 1el (632) 3244611 Lo 26 lax (632) 3219094
!ohn uewey (PL669)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of Lhe lnsLrumenLallsL phllosophy of Lhls greaL conLemporary phllosopher hls loglc and
Lheory of lnqulry and hls
phllosophy of educaLlon
!ohn Searle (PL640)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of hls phllosophy of language
!urgen Pabermas (PL671)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough sLudy of hls ma[or works
karl !aspers (PL672)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough and careful analysls and lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe ma[or works of Lhls foremosL Cerman
karl Marx (PL673)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal and Lhorough readlng of Lhe masLerplece of Lhls mosL conLroverslal modern phllosopher vlz
uas kaplLal among oLhers works
Ludwlg WlLLgensLeln (PL674)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of Lhe early and laLer WlLLgensLeln
MarLln 8uber (PL673)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of hls works
Max Scheler (PL677)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of hls ma[or works
MeLaeLhlcs (PL626)
3 unlLs
A sLudy of ulLlmaLe reallLy lncludes dlscusslon of space causallLy unlversals mlnd and body and oLher
relevanL Loplcs
eLer l SLrawson (PL679)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of hls ma[or works such as lndlvlduals and lnLroducLlon Lo Loglcal 1heory
aul 8lcoeur (PL678)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of hls ma[or works
hllosophy of Lconomlcs (PL632)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of economlc Lhlnkers such as Adam SmlLh uavld 8lcardo MalLhus keynes lrledman
and oLhers
hllosophy of PlsLory (PL634)
3 unlLs
A sLudy of phllosophles of hlsLory by anclenL Creeks and 8omans AugusLlne vlco volLalre 8ossueL
nleLzsche ullLhey Pegel Marx
Schlelermacher von Perder Croce Colllngwood opper Spengler eL al Cpen Lo sLudenLs of PlsLory
laLo (PL681)
3 unlLs
A Lhorough sLudy of Lhe ma[or dlalogues of laLo especlally '1he 8epubllc' ue La Salle unlverslLy 2401
1afL Avenue 1004 Manlla hlllpplnes 1el (632) 3244611 Lo 26 lax (632) 3219094
ollLlcal hllosophy (PL701)
3 unlLs
A course ln selecLed pollLlcal Lheorles from anclenL Lo conLemporary Llmes Cpen Lo sLudenLs of ollLlcal
rocess hllosophy (PL639)
3 unlLs
A sLudy of Lhe phllosophles of PeracllLus WhlLehead Plck and ParLshorne among oLhers
8lchard 8orLy (PL682)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of hls works
Semlnar (PL640)
3 unlLs
An open LhreeunlL course on any phllosophlcal Loplc noL llsLed ln Lhe course descrlpLlve LlLles 1hls
course can be Laken many Llmes for as
long as Lhe phllosophlcal Loplcs vary
SemloLlcs (PL641)
3 unlLs
A comprehenslve and crlLlcal sLudy of Lhe phllosophy of slgns
Soclal hllosophy (PL642)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal phllosophlcal sLudy of soclal reallLy from pasL Lo presenL especlally ln posLmodernlsL LhoughL
SLrucLurallsm and osLsLrucLurallsm (PL643)
3 unlLs
A sLudy of Lhe meLhods of sLrucLurallsm and posLsLrucLurallsm 1hls wlll explore Lhe ldeas of Claude
LevlSLrauss noam Chomsky
!acques Lacan 8oland 8arLhes Louls AlLhusser Mlchel loucalL !acques uerrlda and oLhers
Wllllam !ames (PL684)
3 unlLs
An lndepLh sLudy of !ames' ma[or concern Lhe expanslon and reflnemenL of C S elrce's lnnovaLlve
ldeas on cognlLlve meanlng whlch
evolves lnLo Lhe meLhodology of pragmaLlsm speclal aLLenLlon wlll llkewlse be glven Lo !ames'
conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe fleld of psychology
W v Culne (PL683)
3 unlLs
A crlLlcal sLudy of Lhe works of W v Culne and Lhelr consequences on conLemporary phllosophy
ulsserLaLlon 1 (PL931)
6 unlLs
ulsserLaLlon 2 (PL932)
6 unlLs

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