Human Health & Diseases Powernotes by KT

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NCERT Based KT’s PowerNotes

Human Health & Diseases

Typhoid Pneumonia Common cold Amoebiasis Ascariasis Elephantiasis or filariasis
Caused by Salmonella typhi Streptococcus Rhino viruses Entamoeba histolytica Helminth Round Helminth Wuchereria (W.
pneumoniae and worm - Ascaris bancrofti and W. malayi)
Haemophilus influenza
Route Contaminated food droplets/aerosols Droplets from cough or Houseflies – infected contaminated bite by the female mosquito
and water released by an infected sneezes of infected faeces. Contaminated food water, vegetables, vectors
person person water
Site Small intestine (ileum) Alveoli of lungs nose and respiratory Large intestine ( amoebic Intestine lymphatic vessels of the
passage (lungs) dysentery) lower limbs
Symptoms high fever, weakness, fever, chills, cough and Nasal congestion , sore Constipation, abdominal Internal bleeding, Swollen genital organ, lower
stomach pain, headache throat, hoarseness, pain and cramps, stools muscular pain, limbs
constipation, cough, headache, with mucous and blood fever, anaemia and
Complication Intestinal perforation lips and finger nails ------ blockage of the
may turn grey to bluish intestinal passage
Investigation Widal test ---------- ----------

Introduction • Cause of recurrent high fever : rupture of RBC – releasing

• Discovery of blood circulation  by William Harvey • Asexual reproduction : take place in human liver
• Definition of Health: Health does not simply mean ‘absence of • Formation of male and female gametocyte: takes place in rbc
disease’ or ‘physical fitness’. It could be defined as a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being Stages in Mosquito
• Diseases can be broadly grouped into • Infective stage for mosquito: gametocytes
 Infectious disease : transmitted from one person to • Fertilization and development takes place in :
another e.g. HIV Mosquito gut
 Non-infectious disease : Not transmitted from one person • Sporozoites are stored in: Salivary gland of
to another e.g. cancer mosquito

Common diseases in humans Female Anopheles mosquito is the host and

vector (transmitting agent) too.
• Caused by fungi belonging to the genera Microsporum,
Trichophyton and Epidermophyton
Ability of the host to fight the disease-causing organisms,
• Site : groin or between the toes
conferred by the immune system is called immunity.
• dry, scaly lesions on various parts of the body such as skin, nails
and scalp, itching Innate Immunity
• acquired from soil or by using towels, clothes of infected • non-specific , present at the time of birth
individual • This is accomplished by providing different types of barriers to
➢ Diseases transmitted through food and water: Typhoid, the entry of the foreign agents into our body
Amoebiasis and Ascariasis.  Physical barriers : Skin, Mucus coating of the epithelium
➢ Air-borne diseases : pneumonia and common cold lining the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts
➢ Diseases transmitted through insect vectors :  Physiological barriers: Acid in the stomach, saliva in the
 Anopheles mosquito - malaria mouth, tears from eyes.
 Aedes mosquito - dengue and chikungunya  Cellular barriers : PMNL- neutrophils, Monocytes, natural
 Culex Mosquito - filariasis killer cell (a type of lymphocyte), macrophages destroy
➢ Bacterial diseases: Typhoid, Pneumonia, Dysentery, plague, microbes by phagocytosis
diphtheria etc.  Cytokine barriers: Virus-infected cells secrete proteins
➢ Disease completely eradicated with the use of vaccine : called interferon which protect non-infected cells from
Smallpox further viral infection.

Gambusia fish in ponds that feed on mosquito larvae and thus used Acquired Immunity
to control mosquito borne diseases. • Pathogen specific, characterised by memory

Malaria • Primary response of acquired immunity

• Caused by : Protozoan, plasmodium  When body encounters a pathogen for the first time it
• Types of Plasmodium: P. vivax, P. malaria and P. falciparum produces a response called primary response
• Malignant / fatal malaria caused by : Plasmodium falciparum  This is a low intensity response
• Malarial parasite requires two hosts – human and mosquitoes –
to complete its life cycle • Secondary / anamnestic response of acquired immunity
Stages in Human  This is intensified response because of memory of first
• Infectious form: Plasmodium sporozoites encounter
• Vector: female Anopheles mosquito
• Target site: RBC

Biology BOMB
NCERT Based KT’s PowerNotes
Cells involved in acquired immunity Primary lymphoid organs
T Lymphocyte and B Lymphocyte • These are the organs where lymphocyte originate and/or mature
B Lymphocytes • Primary lymphoid organs are bone marrow and thymus
• B-lymphocytes produce antibodies to fight with pathogen • Bone marrow
• Because these antibodies are found in the blood, the response is  Lymphocytes are produced in bone marrow
also called as humoral immune response. • Thymus gland
 Maturation of T lymphocytes occurs in thymus
T lymphocytes Secondary lymphoid organs
• T-cells themselves do not secrete antibodies but help B cells • These are the organs where lymphocytes interact with the
produce them antigen and mature
• This is called as cell-mediated immune response or cell- • Secondary lymphoid organs are spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils,
mediated immunity (CMI) Peyer’s patches of small intestine and appendix.
• Cell-mediated immune response is responsible for the graft • Spleen
rejection in organ transplanted patient  filter the blood by trapping blood-borne micro-organisms.
 Act as a large reservoir of erythrocytes.
• Lymph nodes
 trap the micro-organisms → activates of lymphocytes present
there and cause the immune response.
• Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
 It is located within the lining of the major tracts (respiratory,
digestive and urogenital tracts)
 It constitutes ~50 per cent of lymphoid tissue in human body.
• AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
Antibodies • ‘Syndrome’ means a group of symptoms.
• Antibodies are globular proteins • Caused by : Human Immune deficiency Virus (HIV)
• Secreted by B lymphocytes • HIV Virus
• Antibodies are found in blood ( humoral immune response)  belong to retrovirus group, RNA Virus, Enveloped Virus
• Each antibody molecule has four peptide chains, two small  Have enzyme reverse transcriptase (RNA → DNA)
called light chains and two longer called heavy chains (H2L2) • Transmission of HIV-infection generally occurs by body fluids
• Two chains are held by sulphide bridge  Sexual contact , transfusion of contaminated blood, multiple
• Types : IgA, IgM, IgE, IgG sexual partners, intravenous drug addicts , Children born to
an HIV infected mother
Vaccination and Immunisation • HIV/AIDS is not spread by mere touch or physical contact
Vaccination • The time-lag between the infection and appearance of AIDS
In vaccination, inactivated/weakened pathogen (vaccine) are symptoms is usually 5-10 years
introduced into the body  this generates memory B cell and T • Replication of virus inside host
cell  Quick response is generated on subsequent exposure  HIV virus targets: Macrophages and Helper T cells
But this is a slow response  HIV virus enters macrophages and helper T cell → replicates
Passive immunization to form viral DNA with the help of the enzyme reverse
In cases when quick response is needed as in tetanus or snake bite, transcriptase.  this viral DNA gets incorporated into host
ready-made antibodies are injected, this type of immunisation is cell’s DNA and directs the infected cells to produce virus
called passive immunisation. particles  Infected cell can survive while viruses are being
replicated and released (AIDS has no cure)

• Normal cells show a property called contact inhibition by virtue
of which contact with other cells inhibits their uncontrolled
Auto Immunity • Cancer cells appear to have lost contact inhibition. As a result of
• In this body attacks self cells this, cancerous cells just continue to divide giving rise to masses
• e.g., Rheumatoid arthritis, Myasthenia gravis etc of cells called tumors.
Benign tumours Malignant tumors (Neoplastic Tumor)
Benign tumors normally remain grow very rapidly, invade surrounding
Immune System in the Body confined to their original location normal tissues.
Types of Lymphoid organs: do not spread to other parts of the Can spread to distant sites through blood:
Primary lymphoid organs and secondary lymphoid organ body→ cause little damage Metastasis → cause more damage

Biology BOMB
NCERT Based KT’s PowerNotes
Causes of cancer Adolescence and Drug/Alcohol Abuse
Agents that cause cancer are called carcinogens • Adolescence period: It is a period between 12-18 years
Physical Carcinogen Ionising radiations like X-ray and Gamma rays • Drug abuse: When drugs are taken in amounts/frequency that
Non-ionizing radiations like UV rays impairs one’s physical, physiological or psychological functions
Damages DNA → CANCER • Addiction: Psychological attachment to certain effects –such as
Chemical carcinogens Tobacco smoke : Lung cancer euphoria and a temporary feeling of well-being
Oncogenic viruses Certain viruses possess Viral oncogenes which • Dependence: It is the tendency of the body to manifest nausea,
can activate (c-onc) or proto oncogene in normal vomiting, anxiety etc (withdrawal syndrome) if regular dose of
cell  causes cancer
drugs/alcohol is abruptly discontinued.
Note: UV B rays also causes snow blindness and skin cancer
Diagnosis of cancer Note :
Early detection essential to successfully treat the disease • Intravenous drug abuser prone for infections like AIDS and
Histopathological study Hepatitis B.
Biopsy a piece of the suspected tissue is studied under microscope • Chronic use of Alcohol → Liver cirrhosis
Radiological study • Drugs abuse by sport person: narcotic analgesics, anabolic
CT Scan (Computed CT Scan uses X-rays to generate a three-dimensional image steroids, diuretics
Tomography) of internals of an object (e.g., bone)
MRI (magnetic MRI uses strong magnetic fields and non-ionising radiations
resonance imaging) To detect changes in tissue
The side-effects of the use of anabolic steroids
X ray Done to study internal objects ( e.g. Bone) • In females
Molecular Biology  masculinisation (features like males), aggressiveness,
Antibody detection Antibodies against cancer -specific antigens are used for abnormal menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth on the face
detection of certain cancers. and deepening of voice.
Test positive individuals are advised to avoid exposure to • In males
particular carcinogens
 Acne, depression, reduction of size of the testicles, breast
Treatment of cancer enlargement, premature baldness, stunted growth

Radiotherapy Tumor cells are irradiated lethally, -----------------------------------END---------------------------------

Chemotherapeutic Chemotherapeutic drugs kills cancerous cells.
drugs Side effects :hair loss, anaemia, etc
Immunotherapy α-interferon activates immune system → attack tumour cells

Best approach is to use combination of surgery, radiotherapy and

Drugs and alcohol abuse

Abused by sportspersons
Targets GIT, CNS Cardiovascular system CNS

• Morphine
 sedative and painkiller→ useful in patients undergone surgery
• Heroin (smack)
 Heroin is chemically diacetylmorphine
 It is a white, odourless, bitter powder
 taken by snorting and injection

• Cocaine (Coke /crack)

 It interferes with neuro-transmitter dopamine
 usually snorted
 act on CNS → euphoria and increased energy, hallucination

Hallucinogenic property: Atropa belladonna, Datura, crocacin

• It is smoked, chewed and snuff
• Nicotine in tobacco → act on adrenal gland → release adrenalin
and nor adrenalin → raises blood pressure
• Causes cancers of lung, urinary bladder and throat
• Tobacco also causes bronchitis, emphysema, coronary heart
disease, gastric ulcer, oxygen deficiency in body etc
• Tobacco chewing → cancer of the oral cavity.

Biology BOMB

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