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Diagnostic test

Form 9
I. Match the words with their definitions.
to download, e-mail, to blog, password, blogger, to surf

1. to use the Internet while looking for information

2. a secret word or a phrase that you need to know to be allowed to use a computer
3. to write about your activities and opinions on the net (like keeping an online
diary) so that other people can read and discuss them
4. a way of sending messages and information to other people by means of
computers connected in a network
5. a person who writes an online diary
6. to move information from a larger computer system to a smaller one

II. Fill in the sentences with WHO, WHICH/THAT, WHOSE, WHERE or

1. That’s the shop … sells good sports clothes.
2. I’m the runner … came first in the race.
3. I like to visit places … nobody else goes.
4. I spoke to the woman …daughter I know.
5. Red Cross is a charity organization … gives aid to countries around the world.
6. That was the year... I started playing the guitar.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form («The First Conditional»):
1. If I find your passport, I … ( to phone) you at once.
2. You can use my phone if yours … (not to work).
3. She will be absolutely furious if she …( to hear) about this.
4. If London airport is clear of fog, we…( to land) there.

IV. Open the brackets using gerund form

1. My friend likes (listen) to the music.
2. I am fond of (jump).
3. He wants (read) this book.
4. Taras likes (watch TV) every day.
5. She likes (play) basketball.
6. He enjoys (collect) stamps..
V. Open the brackets using Present or Past Passive

1. The cheese … (to make) in France.

2. The Museum … (to visit) by thousands of tourists.
3. The telephone … (to invent) by Alexander Bell in 1875.
4. The first TV remote controls … (to use) in the 1950s in the USA.
5. Gift … (to distribute) to the child on Christmas by Santa Claus every year.
6. The first communication satellite ... (to launch) in 1962.
VI. Mixed Tenses : Present Simple, Present Continuous ,Present Perfect, Past
Simple , Future Simple, Past Perfect .

1. She ...(do) her morning exercises every day.

а) do b) does c) did
2. Vicky and her family ...(live ) here for along time .
а) have lived b) lived c) had lived
3. They ...( not enjoy) the carate class yesterday.
а) aren`t enjoyed b) hasn`t enjoy c) didn`t enjoy
4. We.. (invite ) some famous artists for this party tomorrow.
а) invite b) will invite c) invited
5. We ...(visit ) our friends tonight.
а) are visiting b) visiting c) visit
6. My sister ... (already/ do) the work before I came.
а) already did b) had already done c) has already done

VII. Read the text and mark the following statements «True» or «False».

Puppies For Sale

Once a small boy was attracted with a sign above the door of the store that read
«Puppies For Sale». «How much are you going to sell the puppies for?» the boy
asked the store-owner. «Anywhere from $30 to $50.» «I have $2.37,» he said. «Can I
please look at them?» The store-owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel
came Lady followed by five tiny balls of fur. One puppy was lagging considerably
behind. The store owner explained that it was ill and it would always limp. The little
boy became excited. «That is the puppy that I want to buy.» «If you really want him,
I’ll just give him to you.» The little boy got quite upset. He said, «I don’t want you to
give him to me. I’ll pay the full price. I’ll give you $2.37 now, and 50 cents a month
until I have him paid for.» The store-owner argued, «But this little dog is never going
to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies.» To his surprise,
the little boy reached down and revealed a badly twisted, crippled left leg supported
by a big metal brace. He looked up at the store-owner and softly replied, «Well, I
don’t run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands!»
1. A small boy wanted to buy a hamster.
2. The money the boy had was not enough to buy a puppy.
3. Lady was the mother of the puppies.
4. The puppies were small and puffy.
5. One puppy couldn’t hear well.
6. The little boy wanted a puppy that limped.
7. The store-owner presented the puppy to the boy.
8. The boy insisted on paying the full price for the puppy.
9. The boy needed a puppy to run and jump and play with him.
10. The boy had a damaged leg so he believed he could become a good friend to the

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