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Semester 1

Chapter 0: The Beginning


 Belajar alfabet, angka, waktu, keluarga anggota, warna, dan instruksi sederhana untuk
digunakan dalam konteks.

Language Features:

 Preposition: in, on with dates

Chapter 1: About Me

Unit 1: Galang from Kalimantan


 Menyapa orang dan ucapkan selamat tinggal

 Memperkenalkan diri dan orang lain

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Vocabulary: name, age, school, address, hobby, and sibling

Unit 2: I Love Fishing


 Memperkenalkan orang lain

 Menggambarkan hobi

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Use pronoun: singular and plural
 Vocabulary: name, hobby, frequency, tools

Unit 3: My Friends and I


 Deskripsikan orang-orang
 Menggambarkan aktivitas sehari-hari

Language Features:

 Verbs:be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Use pronouns: singular and plural
 Introduce the structures of descriptive text
 Vocabulary: name, age, characters, hobby, frequency, physical features, personality
traits, job, place

Chapter 2: Culinary and Me

Unit 1: My Favorite Food


 Deskripsikan makanan favorit seseorang: makanan, minuman, snack, tekstur, rasa

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Use pronoun: singular and plural
 Vocabulary: foods, meals, speeds, eating activities, tastes, and textures

Unit 2: My Favorite Snack


 Deskripsikan belanja bahan makanan: bahan makanan, makanan, topping, ukuran

satuan/berat/volume, tekstur, rasa
 Penggunaan artikel (a/an)

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, interrogative, short answers

 Use pronoun: singular and plural
 Use articles: ‘a, A, an, An’
 Vocabulary: grocery, foods, topping, unit/weight/volume size, texture, taste

Unit 3: A Secret Recipe


 Menginformasikan resep: tujuan, bahan, langkah, peralatan

 Gunakan kalimat imperatif (positif dan negatif)

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Use pronoun: singular and plural
 Introduce the structures of procedure text: Goals, ingredients, and steps
 Use imperative sentence: positive and negative
 Vocabulary: foods, cooking ingredients, utensils, and imperative verbs
Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home

Unit 1: My House


 Menjelaskan ruangan-ruangan dalam sebuah rumah

 Menjelaskan benda-benda dalam sebuah ruangan

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Preposition: in, on, under, next to, behind, behind, in front of, above
 Vocabulary: rooms in a house, things in rooms, and weather

Unit 2: My House Chores


 Menjelaskan kegiatan rumah tangga

 Menjelaskan hal-hal yang digunakan untuk membersihkan
 Menggunakan simple present tense untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Vocabulary: room in a house, household activities, things to use to clean up, and
things in a house

Unit 3: Let’s Clean Up!


 Menjelaskan kegiatan pembersihan

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers, action verbs

 Conjunction: First, second, next, then, etc.
 Use imperative sentences

Semester 2

Chapter 4: My School Activities

Unit 1: My Class Schedule


 Menggambarkan jadwal kelas

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

Unit 2: My Online Class


 Bicara mengenai kelas online

 Gunakan ungkapan: “could you…” dan “can you…”

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Using the expressions “could you …” and “can you …”
 Vocabulary: activities in and features of online learning

Unit 3: My Study Habits


 Bicara tentang kebiasaan belajar

 Menggunakan kata keterangan frekuensi

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Using adverbs of frequency: always, usually, normally/generally, often/frequently,
sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever/rarely, never

Chapter 5: This is My School

Unit 1: School Buildings


 Meminta dan memberi arahan

 Menjelaskan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
 Menggambarkan festival sekolah

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Using preposition of place: beside, between, behind, in front of, or across from
 Vocabulary: rooms in a school, things in a school

Unit 2: Extracurricular Activities

 Menjelaskan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Vocabulary: extracurricular activities, time, and place

Unit 3: School Festival


 Menggambarkan festival sekolah

 Menggambarkan ruangan di sekolah

Language Features:

 Verbs: be affirmative, negative, interrogative, short answers

 Vocabulary: features of the room like the identification, the size, the object, and the

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7 Semester 1-2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Paparannya".

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