Pregatire Pentru Test

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1. Not possible for humans to live in - uninhabitable
2. A way of describing the size, amount, etc. of something - measure
3. Different from what is usual or traditional-alternative
4. Using natural energy and products that don't harm the environment.- sustainable
5. To study one particular subject- specialize
6. Doubting that something is right- sceptical
7. The removal of salt from sea water- desalination
8. Succesful applications to become members of a course, university- enrolment
9. Most difficult for people to bear- Harshest
10. Normal and ordinary- conventional
11. Providing water to grow plants and crops- Irrigation
12. The people who live in a place- Residence
13. That can be replaced naturally- Renewable
14. Protected from direct light- Shaded
15. Made someone decide to do something- prompted

Unit 5::

1. A study in which people are asked for their opinions about something. - poll
2. People that compete with other people to try and win something. - contendors
3. Made known publicly. - proclaimed
4. Traditions, language and customs that exist from the past and have historical importance for a country. - heritage
5. A fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is interesting or unusual. - phenomenen
6. To divide people or things into groups.- categorize
7. A lot of discussion and disagreement about something. - controversy
8. A feeling that something is bad or wrong. - disapproval
9. The practical skills that somebody has in a particular activity. - techniques
10. To collect information from different places and arrange it in a list, report, etc. - compile
11. People who study a particular subject in great detail. - scholars
12. Something that has not been included. - omissione
13. A place where people are protected from harm or danger. - sanctuary
14. Not supporting one person or group in an argument. - impartial
15. An action that is done to get attention. - publicity stunt

Unit 6:

1. Cared for young children until they’re grown up.

2. The qualities or abilities that somebody or something has but that may not be fully developed yet.
3. Completely sure about something.
4. Relating to the brain.
5. Making something stronger.
6. Passed on from parent to child.
7. The power of the mind to think and learn.
8. Showed that a belief or opinion is true, especially with evidence.
9. Followed a particular belief or idea.
10. Given to somebody else after they had been given it.
11. The state of not having something or not having enough of something.
12. The place and conditions that someone lives in.
13. Describing a quality or ability that someone is born with.
14. A mistake which means something is not correct.
15. Information or documents that show that something is true.
Future Simple - To form the future simple tense, use the base form of the verb and add "will" or "shall" before it. For example, "I
will eat dinner tonight." In the case of the third person singular (he, she, it), you add "will" and an "s" to the base verb: "She will
arrive tomorrow."

Future Perfect - We use the future perfect simple (will/won't have + past participle) to talk about something that will be completed before a
specific time in the future. The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then. On 9 October we'll have been married for 50 years.

Future Continuos - The future continuous tense is formed with the words will and be plus the present participle of the actionable verb. Unlike most
other verb tenses, you do not need to conjugate any verbs to match person, number, or gender. She will be speaking in the auditorium this

Past continuos - Past continuous tense formula. The past continuous tense formula involves the past tense of to be (was or were) and the present
participle of the verb, the –ing form. While I was studying, my friends were playing. Keep in mind that you must conjugate to be to match the

present perfect continuos - We form the present perfect continuous with: Subject + have + been + -ing form. studying. In spoken and informal
written English we usually use short forms (I've been studying, he's been studying, etc.)

present perfect - The present perfect of any verb is composed of two elements : the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb to have (present tense),
plus the past participle of the main verb. The past participle of a regular verb is have/ has + base+ed, e.g. played, arrived, looked.

Phrasal verbs : Easily confused words :

a. acceptable for a particular situation - satisfactory
b. not wanting to hear or learn more about something - uninterested
c. that costs less money or uses less energy than usual - economical
d. connected with events and people in the past - historical
e. fair, impartial - disinterested
f. very tiring - exhausting
g. connected with money, business, industry, etc. - economic
h. including everything that is possible - exhaustive
i. famous or important in history - historic
j. giving a feeling of pleasure - satisfying

To infinitive impersonal passives

The subject + passive verb (be+past participle) + to infinitive

1. They claim the terrorist is living abroad

2. It is claimed that the terrorist is living abroad
3. The terrorist is claimed to be living abroad
4. Nominalised: There is a claim that the terrorist is living abroad
5. Nominalised: One / a claim is that the terrorist is living abroad
(PERSONAL PASSIVE) Active: They expect him to arrive soon.
Passive: 3. It is expected (that) he will arrive soon. (impersonal)
It + passive + that-clause
4. He is expected to arrive soon. (personal)
Subject + passive + to-infinitive

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