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Class : K26_QTH1
ID : 26202136243

Da Nang, March 2023


First of all, with the most sincere and deepest feelings, allow me to
express my gratitude to all individuals and organizations who have created conditions
to support and help me throughout the study and research process. this topic. During
the time since I started school until now, I have received a lot of attention and help
from teachers and friends.

To complete this thematic report, I would like to express my deepest

gratitude to my supervisor, Dr.Venus Ricablanca Velasco and Ms. Ho Bach Thu
Nguyen, for their dedicated guidance during the writing of this report.

I would like to thank the teachers at Nam Khue Institute of Management,

Duy Tan University for enthusiastically imparting knowledge throughout my years of
study. The knowledge gained during the study process is not only a research
foundation but also a valuable asset for you to enter life firmly and confidently.

I would like to sincerely thank Khoi Phat Co., Ltd. for allowing and
creating favorable conditions for me to intern at the company.

Finally, I wish the teachers good health and success in their noble
careers. We would like to wish all the ladies, gentlemen, brothers and sisters of Khoi
Phat Co., Ltd. always good health and achieve much success in their work.

During the process of writing the thesis report, I realized that I had tried
my best but due to my limited knowledge, there were many shortcomings. I hope
teachers will add more to make the report more complete.

Sincerely thank!

Best regards !

Da Nang, February 20, 2024


Nguyen Thi Diem Phuc


With the theme “Measuring factors affecting the level of job

satisfaction of employees at Khoi Phat Co., Ltd., I declare that this is my own
research and under the guidance of Dr.Venus Ricablanca Velasco and youHo Bach
Thu Nguyen. The content and research results on this topic are honest. The data in the
analysis, comments, and evaluation tables are clearly stated in the reference section. If
there is any problem, I will be responsible for the content of my graduation topic.

Da Nang, February 20, 2024


Nguyen Thi Diem Phuc

1. Reason for choosing the topic:...................................................................8
2. Research objectives:...................................................................................8
3. Research scope and subject........................................................................8
4. Research Methodology:..............................................................................8
5. Structure of the report:..............................................................................9
1.1. Theory of job satisfaction......................................................................12
1.1.1. Concept:............................................................................................12
1.2. Research factors that create job satisfaction.......................................16
1.2.1. Finance:............................................................................................16
1.2.2. Nonfinancial:....................................................................................17
CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 1...................................................................19
CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION.........................................20
2.1. Overview:................................................................................................20
2.1.1. The process of forming a research model......................................21
2.1.2. Introduce about the company.........................................................24
2.1.3. Organizational structure:...............................................................28
2.1.4. Current situation:............................................................................31
2.1.5. Evaluate performance:....................................................................36
2.2. Current situation:..................................................................................36
2.2.1. Main feature:...................................................................................36
2.2.2. Strengths and weaknesses...............................................................37
2.2.3. Oppotunity and challenge...............................................................38
CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS AND NOMINATIONS:..................................39
3.1. Objectives and orientation:...................................................................39
3.1.1. General objective:............................................................................39
3.1.2. Oriented development:....................................................................39
3.2. Solution...................................................................................................39
3.2.1. Proposed Solutions:.........................................................................39

3.2.2. Strategy and action plan:................................................................44
CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 3...................................................................44
3.3. Limitations and future directions:.......................................................45
3.4. Conclude:................................................................................................45

Table 2. 1. Basic for forming the research model..............................................22
Table 2. 2. Total number of employees in Khoi Phat Company Limited..........27
Table 2. 3. Financial Performance Report..........................................................31
Table 2. 4. Table of business activities 2021-2023............................................34
Table 2. 5. Employee data table for 2021-2023.................................................35


Figure 1. 1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs...........................................................13

Figure 1. 2. Herzberg's two-factor theory..........................................................15
Figure 1. 3. Victor Vroom's expectancy theory..................................................16

Figure 2. 1. Model for researching employee job satisfaction...........................23

Figure 2. 2. Organizational structure chart of Khoi Phat Company Limited....30


1. Reason for choosing the topic:

According to my observations, in 2021-2023, I have witnessed at Khoi Phat

Co., Ltd., the company's resignation rate is increasing compared to previous years. A
high turnover rate is related to the employee's level of satisfaction when working at the
company. Because of that, I decided to choose the topic "Measuring factors affecting
the level of job satisfaction of employees at Khoi Phat Company Limited” to find
out the cause and provide reasonable solutions to overcome the problem. I want to
improve the quality of human resources and enhance recruitment capabilities.

2. Research objectives:

To identify factors that affect employee satisfaction with Khoi Phat Co., Ltd
To propose corrective measures and strategic initiatives to enhance employee
To provide actionable recommendations to reduce absenteeism.
3. Research scope and subject

Research object: Job satisfaction and factors affecting job satisfaction of

employees in Khoi Phat Co., Ltd.

Research period: 2021-2023

Research subjects: Employees of Khoi Phat Co., Ltd

Scope of research: The research was conducted at Khoi Phat Company Limited.

4. Research Methodology:

This study uses qualitative research methods.

Qualitative research: conducted in the early stages to determine the model and
measurement variables to suit the research context.

The method is demonstrated through a theoretical overview, to better
understand the concepts and provide implications and predictions.
Overview of theory and inheritance of results from previous studies.
Discuss, research, adjust and supplement observed variables to build evaluation
criteria and adjust questions to serve the research process to determine employee
satisfaction at Khoi Phat Co., Ltd.
5. Structure of the report:

Chapter 1: Theoretical basis oflevel of job satisfaction

Chapter 2: Analysis and evaluation

Chapter 3: Solution



Along with the trend of integration and economic development, competition in

the market is becoming increasingly fierce. If businesses want to maintain and develop
in the market, they must first create competitive advantages for themselves and assert
their position with those strengths. One of the unique and enduring competitive
advantages that the business world has proven is the human factor. The reason why
human factors are said to be an important part contributing to the advancement of
businesses is because hidden deep within people is a block of intelligence, each person
is different, we need to exploit, develop and maintain them. If you know how to use it
properly, your business will grow more and more.
The competitive factor between businesses is not only products, services or
strategies, but also policies to attract talent. Competence is an important factor for the
success of a business, a resource that brings the best competitive benefits to businesses
because there are experts who say that competitors can copy products. products,
services, competitive strategies, but not specifically for talents, because each person
always has a different mindset. Therefore, the ability to identify and understand the
factors that affect employee satisfaction is a strategic requirement for every business,
people are the "root" to form a business.
Recognizing this importance, we embarked on this research and exploration to
determine the multifaceted factors affecting employee satisfaction with Khoi Phat Co.,
Ltd. As a provider of innovation and employee selection solutions, recognizing the
inherent importance of this satisfaction in our mission of “talent retention,” utilizing
talent in the right way, complete and not wasted.
Definition of employee
Employees are people who work for a unit, organization or agency or business.
Or it can also be understood that employees are intellectual workers, dedicating
themselves to the workplace.

Definition of satisfaction
Satisfied adjective expresses a state of emotional satisfaction, mental comfort,
joy, contentment, expectations have been met, thereby forming satisfaction.
Meaning of employee satisfaction
Once you are satisfied with something, you will certainly perform better,
bringing benefits to the organization and society. Satisfied with their work, employees
will improve themselves and improve their knowledge to help the organization achieve
its goals and help society develop. Although employee satisfaction cannot bring all
success to a business, we cannot deny its important role in the operations of every
business. Workers are both a resource and a cost of the business. It is called a resource
because employees are the intellectual assets of the enterprise; It is called a cost
because this is the investment source of the business. If invested properly, it will be
effective and will not waste these resources. Bringing satisfaction to employees is the
only way for businesses to achieve that goal well.
The relationship between employees, customers, job performance and the
organization has been analyzed by researchers (Heskett, Sasser and Schlesinger, 1997)
and drawn links across the service profit chain.
With Mr. Heskett, an American scholar, he described the links in the chain as
“Profits and growth are stimulated primarily by customer loyalty. Loyalty is a
direct result of customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is greatly influenced by customer
service value. Value is created by employee productivity. Employee loyalty drives
productivity and loyalty is the result of satisfied employees.
Employee job satisfaction is largely created by high-quality leader support and
organizational policies that enable employees to deliver good results for customers.
A very practical example is as follows, a customer comes to use the service, the
staff warmly welcomes and serves, it will leave a deep impression on the customer, the
customer feels happy and comfortable. and feel excited about coming back to use the
service when the opportunity arises. If an employee has just been harshly criticized by
the boss, when serving customers, there will definitely be signs of unhappiness and
lack of enthusiasm, making the customer confused and afraid of coming back a second
time. . A typical and very real example of "employee satisfaction" having an impact on
business revenue.
This research is exploratory in nature, aiming to provide Khoi Phat Co., Ltd.
with a comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect employee satisfaction
with the company. By identifying these factors and their interactions, we aim to
provide actionable insights that can inform strategic “talent retention” initiatives,
ultimately improve training quality; relationships between superiors, colleagues, and
subordinates; Use staff appropriately.

1.1. Theory of job satisfaction

1.1.1. Concept:

Employee job satisfaction is a pretty big definition. However, in a simplified way,

we can understand employee job satisfaction as follows: "Job satisfaction mainly reflects
the degree to which an individual enjoys his or her job."
Many researchers have published many studies on satisfaction and factors
affecting employee satisfaction in the workplace. There are two popular and most
remembered constructs: overall satisfaction and individual satisfaction with work.
Definition of overall job satisfaction
According to Quin and Staines (1979), job satisfaction is a positive response to
According to Spector (1997) job satisfaction is simply how much people enjoy
their jobs and aspects of their jobs. Because it is generally evaluated, it is an attitudinal
The view of Ellickson and Logsdon (2001) is that job satisfaction is defined as the
degree to which employees like their work, which is an attitude based on the employee's
perception (personality). negative or positive) about their job or work environment. To
put it more simply, if the working environment meets the needs, the higher the level of
job satisfaction.
Definition of satisfaction related to job components
According to Smith, Kendal and Huilin (1962), satisfaction with components or
aspects of a job is an employee's attitude that affects and recognizes various aspects of the

job such as the nature of the job, the training and advancement opportunities, leadership,
colleagues, salary.
For Schemerhon (1993), Kreitner and Kinicki (2007) define job satisfaction as the
affective and emotional response to various aspects of the job such as: position,
supervision of superiors, relationships with colleagues, job content, compensation and
sections that often include: promotion, finance, working environment as well as
organizational structure.
With the above two definitions, both are suitable for measuring the level of
employee satisfaction at work. However, managers will know better about the advantages
and disadvantages of running an organization and which activities are most or least
appreciated by employees. Therefore, when researching, it is necessary to combine the
consideration of both the overall satisfaction level and the satisfaction of each part of the
Some theories about job satisfaction as a basis for research:
There are many researchers associated with job satisfaction theories and the
following are some popular and notable theories: Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory (1943):

This is a famous model of human psychological motivation, named after the

person who researched and developed this model (Researcher's name: Abraham Maslow).
Maslow's hierarchy of needs consists of five floors corresponding to five levels of
human needs, which are "Physiological" needs; "Safe"; "Society"; “Respected” and “Self-


Esteem needs


Safety needs

Physiological needs

Figure 1. 1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Herzberg's two-factor theory (1959)

This theory divides factors into two types: motivating factors and maintaining
factors. The group of motivating factors includes achievement; recognition by others;
nature and responsibilities of work; promotion and progress; prospects of development.
The group of maintenance factors includes working conditions; supervision and
management at work; policies and governance regimes in enterprises; salary and bonus
policies; relationships between people in the business.
This theory helps us better understand the factors that affect employee motivation
and satisfaction, thereby creating a better working environment. If the above factors are
met, job dissatisfaction will not occur, on the contrary, it will lead to dissatisfaction. Thus,
Herberg relatively separated these two groups of factors and implied that motivating
factors will bring satisfaction to employees as well as the impact of maintenance factors
in leading to employee dissatisfaction. staff.

Employees are Employees are no Employees are
dissatisfied and longer dissatisfied dissatisfied and
unmotivated but unmotivated unmotivated

Figure 1. 2. Herzberg's two-factor theory

Source: Le Thanh Phuong (2015).Research on employee satisfaction at Khoi Phat
Company Limited(Master of Business Administration thesis) Adams's theory of equity (1963):

Adams' theory suggests that workers in an organization often have a desire to

receive rewards commensurate with the contributions, dedication and effort they have put
in. The content of this theory is a fair comparison, the output and input factors must be
equal, equivalent to the two factors of remuneration and effort spent on the company must
be commensurate with each other. This means that if the ratio of output and input is
equal, employees will feel fair and maintain their work efforts; If the ratio is skewed, such
as compensation not commensurate with the effort put in, workers will reduce their effort,
creating a feeling of boredom and wanting to quit their job; If they see that their
colleagues work less but are paid more, it will cause badmouthing their colleagues to
demand a raise or a tendency to quit. If the remuneration received is higher than the effort
expended, they will motivate themselves to work and improve their work results.

Personal remuneration Remuneration of colleagues

Personal effort Colleague effort Victor Vroom's expectancy theory (1964):

This is an indispensable and important theory in the field of human resource

management. This theory helps explain the question of what motivates people to
complete work. Based on this theory, we understand that our perception of future
expectations determines current behavior and motivation.Vroom Focus not on human
needs but on results.
Vroom's expectancy theory includes three main variables:

● Expectancy: This is the likelihood that an individual perceives that

expending a certain level of effort will result in a certain level of achievement. This
expectation involves belief in the ability to perform the task and achieve the desired

● Tool: This tool refers to assessing the relationship between effort and


● Value: This value affects employee motivation because this is the level

of importance the individual places on the rewards they can achieve.

Vroom believes that employees are only motivated when their perception of all
three concepts or relationships above is positive. When they believe that their efforts
will produce better results, those results will lead to rewarding rewards that are
meaningful and consistent with their personal goals.

Expectation Tools Value

Effort Result Reward Target

Figure 1. 3. Victor Vroom's expectancy theory

1.2. Research factors that create job satisfaction

Factors affecting job satisfaction will be divided into two factors: financial and

1.2.1. Finance:

This financial factor is related to material things such as personal income,

bonuses, and social benefits.

17 Income

The definition of income is the amount of money an individual employee

receives from work, investment, business... But for this study, income means the
remuneration that an employee receives after contributing to their work. a business.

This is about recognizing, praising and honoring those who achieve high
achievements at work. In addition to compliments, businesses also encourage material
benefits for individual employees and the collective. Welfare:

As a part of national income, it is used to satisfy the material and spiritual needs
of people in society, mainly distributed outside of labor.
A worker's social benefits include social costs such as:

● Pension money

● Social insurance benefits

● Medical services, rest and convalescence.

● Development training

1.2.2. Nonfinancial:

This non-financial factor is not related to material things, but it is related to

emotions and spirit. Influence from the surrounding working environment, colleague
relationships, promotion policies, attention from superiors, meeting needs. Work environment:

The concept of the working environment is very simple, it is the surrounding

conditions, including all employee activities. More specifically, the working
environment includes physical conditions such as:
Work space: employees will feel more comfortable when the space is spacious
and airy. For example, in the summer there will be air conditioning to cool, in the
winter there will be a heater to warm up.
Office design: beautiful, neat, clean...
Supporting equipment for work: the company provides essential products, such
as pens, notebooks, computers, printers, etc.
About mental conditions such as: interactions within a company, work culture,
team spirit, good relationships between leaders and employees, showing equality, etc. Promotion policy:

This is about defining the rules and criteria so that employees can progress
further in their careers. When an employee is promoted, they are promoted to a higher
level, with corresponding responsibilities and benefits. Promotion opportunities are not
only a reward for employees' efforts, but also help businesses save recruitment and
training costs, promote development, improve motivation and work productivity, and
increase job satisfaction. employee attachment to the company.
Businesses often build a promotion roadmap as a development-oriented chart to
help employees visualize and try to complete the journey leading to the highest
position. The attention of superiors and meeting needs:

In life, if there is concern between people, the relationship will gradually get
better. The superior's concern for employees is to show listening, create comfortable
working conditions, and regularly meet and discuss with each other to better
understand their needs and desires.
Meeting employee needs are reasonable responses. For example, providing
opportunities for advancement and career development, ensuring reasonable salaries
and benefits, listening to what employees need to meet, respecting and recognizing
employee achievements.


From the theoretical foundations analyzed above, studies related to job

satisfaction have identified factors that affect job satisfaction.
This chapter explained the factors that affect employee satisfaction at work
along with related research, thereby providing a basis for observing and measuring
satisfaction in each employee. factors affecting employee satisfaction.


2.1. Overview:

The market economy is increasingly developing, opening up many job

opportunities for workers with many foreign brands entering Vietnam. Besides, there are
also many challenges in human resources such as: shortage of intermediate and high-level
labor resources, labor quality, competitive pressure on salaries, and increasingly fierce
competition for talent on a large scale. , unable to retain talent long term.

Human resources are an important factor for the success of a business, because
according to research from experts, competitors can "copy" strategies, business methods,
and even products. products and services. However, there is one factor that can never be
copied, which is "talent". In the current context, the economic recession has led to a
decline in revenue and a shrinking market, so many human resource problems have

The rate of brain drain and job hopping increases: job hopping is happening
more and more often. From 2020, the rate will be 15-20%/year.

Productivity and work efficiency decrease:The cause may stem from lack of
confidence in the company's new policies, changes in organizational structure, employees
realizing insecurity in their future, boredom with current benefits...

We cannot directly see employee satisfaction but can only feel it, because it is
related to people's emotions towards their jobs and everything around them.

Satisfaction and work attitude are likened to two parallel lines, they always go
together: A positive attitude and interest in work is considered satisfaction and vice versa.
Job performance is also somewhat affected by satisfaction. High revenue and good work
quality are a result of job satisfaction. Meeting the organization's aspirations, timely
rewards for contributions, and the efforts that employees are making every day to bring
the company forward, help increase the level of employee satisfaction. On the contrary, if
employees are not compensated worthy of their abilities and efforts, it will make them
depressed and have negative behaviors.

2.1.1. The process of forming a research model

Through the process of observing the recruitment channel at the company, this
research article was born. With some theoretical bases and measurement scales for
evaluating the employee satisfaction index for businesses, the author's choice of
research model guides the construction of a research model to measure these
standards. affects the level of job satisfaction of employees at Khoi Phat Co., Ltd.

STT Factor Featured author

Smith, Kendall & Hullin (1969); Hackman

1 Salary & Oldham; Alamdar Hussain Khan; Parvin
(2011); Tran Kim Dung (2005)

Smith, Kendall & Hullin (1969); Weiss

Training and (1967); Hackman & Oldham; Alamdar
advancement Hussain Khan; Parvin (2011); Tran Kim
Dung (2005)

Herzberg (1959); Smith, Kendall & Hulin

3 Superior (1969), Alamdar Hussain Khan; Parvin
(2011); Tran Kim Dung (2005)

Smith, Kendall & Hullin (1969); Hackman

4 Colleague & Oldham; Alamdar Hussain Khan; Parvin
(2011); Tran Kim Dung (2005)

Alamdar Hussain Khan and his

5 Job characteristics
fortifications (2011)

Table 2. 1. Basic for forming the research model

There is a scale model called JDI (Job Descriptive Index) which is the most
widely used measure to evaluate job satisfaction first published by Smith, Kendall and
Hulin in 1969. JDI is a measure aspects of job satisfaction. JDI includes five aspects:
nature of work, training and advancement opportunities, leadership, colleagues and

Figure 2. 1. Model for researching employee job satisfaction
Income :is the amount of remuneration that individuals, organizations, regions,
countries, etc. receive from employment, investment or business. But for this report,
income means the amount of money an employee receives from a business or
organization. This remuneration is the exchange of effort and intellectual labor
devoted to the company by the employee. This income will include basic salary,
allowances or bonuses (if any), commissions (if any) from the main job at the current
company and it does not include income when they do another job (not at the current

Train: is the process of learning and cultivating the knowledge and skills
necessary to perform a job or develop an existing foundation.

Promotion: is considered a promotion roadmap, moving from one position to a

higher position when qualified in a company. In this article, promotion is a reward for

a good employee, whose ability is recognized by others and highly appreciated for the
employee's work efficiency.

Superior: a person in a higher position in a company, organization or group. In

this topic, the superior is the direct manager of subordinate employees.

Superiors are also an important part in determining employee job satisfaction.

Although the meeting time between superiors and subordinates will not be much, if
there is mutual interest, it will help employees sign more contracts (long-term
contracts, etc.).

Colleague: are friends working together at the same level, people with whom
you will regularly discuss and support each other at work.

For the most part, in a company, colleagues will be the closest and most
intimate relationship, spending more time together than superiors. Therefore, this
factor has an impact on job satisfaction. If the relationship with colleagues is good,
employees will have the desire to go to work, and mutual support between colleagues
will promote working spirit and long-term commitment.

Salary: Income and salary are two equivalent definitions. However, salary is a
periodic amount of money that a business will pay to employees one to two times per
month; Income is also money, but this is the income that workers receive from
providing labor including wages, bonuses, allowances, etc.

2.1.2. Introduce about the company General information:


Trading name: KHOA PHAT CO., LTD

Director: Dang Quang Man

Tax code: 0400668112

License issuance date: November 11, 2008

Date of starting operations: November 10, 2008

Address: Helio Center Building No. 01 Street 2/9, Hoa Cuong Bac Ward, Hai
Chau District, Da Nang City, Vietnam

Business location: Tuyen Son Sports Village, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City,
Vietnam; Helio Center complex entertainment center.

Main industry: Construction of other civil engineering works

Website: http://khoiphat.vn History of formation and development:

Khoi Phat Company Limited was established on November 5, 2008, with the
capital contribution of 4 members of the Board of Members, total charter capital is
40,000,000,000 VND (40 billion VND).

By 2013, the company had further developed the sports segment to meet the needs
of football and tennis of young people and many organizations and businesses in Da Nang
city as well as other areas. At any time, competition in business is fierce. At that time, the
company had many competitors but with the advantage of being the leader, along with the
quality of service, infrastructure, and customer care. products, the company always
occupies a dominant position in the hearts of customers. Perhaps the company has
equipped a very unique playground, with modern technical construction, so it has won the
trust and satisfaction of customers. A very practical proof is that the number of stable
customers, increasing sales and the number of customers coming to reserve courts and
participating in competitions have continuously increased in recent years.

On February 11, 2015, the Helio Center complex entertainment center project was
officially put into operation. Helio Center will bring domestic residents as well as
foreigners and tourists the most perfect choice for entertainment, shopping, dining with
friends and family every day. The area of this area is very large, the indoor area is 14,600
square meters and 10,000 square meters outdoors, with a huge capacity of up to 4,000
guests. The entertainment center for pupils and students after tiring hours is a gathering
place for all ages in the evenings. The center employs a workforce of 600 employees and
investment costs reach thousands of billions of dong.

Currently, in the process of developing Khoi Phat, there have been many changes.
Changing in a positive direction, staff increased, the company achieved much success and
had its own position in Da Nang. Vision, mission

Khoi Phat was formed and exists by the mission:“BRING JOY AND HEALTH TO
EVERY HOUSE”. Along with the desired vision: To become the leading provider of
entertainment and sports services in Vietnam, bringing youthfulness and dynamism to the
community. Perspective:

“Starting the orientation to become a leading organization in sports and

entertainment services in the Central region, thereby making every effort to create
spiritual value for society, contributing to creating beautiful life every day for people.” Operating philosophy

Be customer-centric

Take customer efficiency as the operational goal

Business is associated with social responsibility Core values

The company always maintains its core of responsibility, dedication, innovation

and environment.

Responsibility is responsibility to customers, work, and colleagues. Dedication is

dedication and professionalism that always accompanies daily work.

Environment means a transparent, fair and open working environment. Human Resources:

Khoi Phat Co., Ltd. is a young entrepreneurs, established in 2008 and officially in
operation for more than 15 years. The company is operating and doing business very
effectively, on the way to grow stronger, striving to become a typical leading enterprise in
Da Nang City.

The company's success is the result of many factors, of which it is impossible not
to mention the core human resource factor (personnel - capacity) that the company always
believes is the key to success and strives to achieve success. Try to invest in development.

Classified by level Number of workers Density (%)

University 202 29,62%

College 176 25,81%

Intermediate level 118 17,30%

Other 186 27.27%

TOTAL 682 100%

Table 2. 2. Total number of employees in Khoi Phat Company Limited

Source: Human Resources Administration Department, Khoi Phat Company

This is the number of employees at the company, most of those at university level
will work in the Human Resources, Accounting, IT, and Marketing departments. The
company always uses talented people and trains them to serve office work. However,
there are still a small number of university students who become company employees to
serve entertainment services such as children's play areas, gift exchange staff, and food
sales staff. drink,..

Other levels include Masters (a small part), workers who graduated from high
school, and workers who graduated from secondary school. As for the Master level, there
are 4 people, currently Directors. and Deputy Director of the company, is the company's
operating apparatus, helping the company continuously develop. The remaining ranks
will often work in departments such as Housekeeping and Security to help keep the
company clean and beautiful, ensuring safety and security for the company.

2.1.3. Organizational structure:

Board of members: Are shareholders contributing capital in the company,

contributing to building general strategic business plans and ensuring plans are approved
through the Board of Directors, inspection and supervision. all activities and situations in
the company. General manager:

Including the business director and assistant to the Director. This is the
department that directly manages departments and makes operational plans for the

The Director will general manage and be responsible for the entire branch.
Information is transmitted directly from the Director to the departments by internal
company email or periodic meetings during the month. Departments have horizontal
relationships, interact and support each other, depend on each other in their work and
are directly managed by the director.

The company director will have the following rights: appoint and dismiss
positions in the company; Recommend plans to arrange the company's organizational
structure and internal management regulations; Organize and implement the
company's investment plans and plans.

The assistant director will be responsible for organizing meetings, receiving

calls and handling administrative tasks specific to the director position on a daily
basis; support daily activities. Vice president:

Plan, check and implement the company's business plan.

Responsible for establishing and implementing contracts and arising issues serving
the business of providing services to customers. Departments and service departments:

Departments have the function of advising and assisting the Board of Directors,
directly managing professional functions.

a. Marketing room

With the marketing department, marketing staff will do work related to marketing,
communications and advertising, pricing and service development by coming up with
ideas for videos and transmitting them on social networking sites (Facebook Page). ,
tiktok )

b. Accounting department

Regarding the accounting department, the accounting staff will systematically

observe, receive and record economic transactions that arise in accounting documents and
process them to prepare reports and conclude revenue for reporting. to higher level.

c. Human resorce

As for the human resources administration department, this is the department

responsible for managing the company's human resources work. Including recruitment,
making salary tables, evaluating work results, human resource capacity... Besides, also
managing legal records and administrative work of the company.

d. Event Room

With the events department, employees will come up with ideas, design, and
prepare events on holidays to attract customers to use the service. This is a department
that requires high creative skills, because being creative will attract customer curiosity.

e. Phòng IT (Information Technology)

In the IT (Information Technology) Department, employees will do work related to

software and applications. Including tasks such as: storing information, installing
management applications, detecting and fixing errors for the company, and securing all
internal information.

Besides the above offices, the company has the following service departments:

− Metiz (watch movies)

− Play kid (children's play area)

− Exchange gifts

− FO (front office).



Departments Departments

Accounting Human Metiz Play Gift
Marketing Event IT Cinema (Front
Department Resources Kid Exchange

Figure 2. 2. Organizational structure chart of Khoi Phat Company Limited

(Source: Human Resources Administration Department, Khoi Phat Company

2.1.4. Current situation:

DIFFERENCE 2021/2022 DIFFERENCE 2022/2023
TARGET 2021 2022 2023


AND PROVISION OF 149.595.049.498 172.434.582.112 228.657.523.824 22.839.532.614 15,27% 56.222.941.712 24,59%

2. REVENUE DEDUCTION 8.970.801.960 7.983.651.253 7.307.701.596 - 987.150.707 -11,00% - 675.949.657 -9,25%

3. NET REVENUE 140.624.247.538 164.450.930.859 221.349.822.228 23.826.683.321 16,94% 56.898.891.369 25,71%

4. COST OF GOODS SOLD 21.629.011.922 20.799.896.706 21.751.648.501 - 829.115.216 -3,83% 951.751.795 4,38%

5. GROSS PROFIT 118.995.235.616 143.651.034.153 199.598.173.727 24.655.798.537 20,72% 55.947.139.574 28,03%

6. FINANCIAL REVENUE 6.746.443.041 4.717.648.353 34.162.831.361 - 2.028.794.688 -30,07% 29.445.183.008 86,19%

7. FINANCIAL COST 4.978.749.829 5.808.724.974 - 206.438.619 -3,98% 829.975.145 14,29%

8. SALES COST 337.015.226.625 216.970.509.002 287.551.631.418 - 120.044.717.623 -35,62% 70.581.122.416 24,55%

107.522.728.902 105.192.726.981 118.394.329.780 - 2.330.001.921 -2,17% 13.201.602.799 11,15%

10.BUSINESS PROFITS 296.315.077.155 210.589.204.135 262.385.326.909 - 85.725.873.020 -28,93% 51.796.122.774 19,74%

11. OTHER INCOME 449.420.231 465.145.773 414.761.427 15.725.542 3,50% - 50.384.346 -12,15%

12. OTHER COSTS 4.363.996.567 32.002.523 13.329.028 - 4.331.994.044 -99,27% - 18.673.495 -140,10%

13. OTHER PROFITS 400.566.865 433.143.250 401.432.399 32.576.385 8,13% - 31.710.851 -7,90%

14.PROFIT BEFORE TAX 292.400.500.819 211.022.347.385 262.786.759.308 - 81.378.153.434 -27,83% 51.764.411.923 24,53%


62.200.633.375 43.791.999.340 50.857.436.849 - 18.408.634.035 -29,60% 7.065.437.509 13,89%


91.497.426 -135.824.167 -1.270.482.858 - 227.321.593 -248,45% - 1.134.658.691 89,31%

17. PROFIT AFTER TAX 230.108.370.018 167.366.172.212 213.199.805.317 - 62.742.197.806 -27,27% 45.833.633.105 21,50%

Table 2. 3. Financial Performance Report

(Source: Accounting Department, Khoi Phat Company Limited)

2021 2022 2023



Diagram 2.1: Profit aftertax of Khoi Phat Company Limited

Based on this pie chart, we can see the profit in 2021 is the highest, then 2023 and
the lowest is 2022. Next I will analyze these results.

This is the company's business results in the past three years (2021-2023).

About Net revenue,Based on the report, we can see that the company's net revenue
increased significantly from 2021 to 2023 (increased from 140 billion VND to 221 billion
VND). Because sales revenue and service provision increased, net revenue also increased
sharply, showing that the company's business in the past three years has been very stable,
trusted by customers who have used the service regularly over the years. Nam, the
company has continuously strived to develop by strengthening advertising, implementing
many promotion programs, providing healthy services and entertainment at reasonable
prices. Furthermore, the company invests in very rich and open programs for all ages. The
company constantly researches to improve service quality, thus gaining the trust of
service users: safe, fun, entertaining after every tiring working hour, an energetic
environment. disease prevention for children.

Therefore, revenue from sales and service provision increases due to increased
sales volume.

About Other income, in a company, besides revenue from sales activities and
revenue from financial activities, other revenues also account for an important part.
Through the above data, we see that other income fluctuates unstable. In 2022, it will
increase slightly compared to 2021 by more than 15 million, but in 2023 it will decrease
sharply compared to 2022 by more than 50 million, a decrease of 12.15%. The cause of
this fluctuation is that in 2020 and 2021, the epidemic situation is still raging, reducing
cash flow in the economic market in general, greatly affecting other income. Thus, the
decrease in other income has a significant impact on profit generation, the company's
management board needs to make changes in policies to restore profits for the company

About Profit before tax, Profit before tax increases and decreases unevenly over
the years. In 2022, there was a sharp decrease compared to 2021 of more than 81 million
(equivalent to a decrease of 27.83%). Although there was a decrease in 2022, in 2023 it
will increase by 24.53% compared to 2022. The reason for the sharp decrease is because
2021-2022 is considered a year of great difficulties and challenges for the economy. of
many countries, including Vietnam. The world economy is forecast to have the most
serious recession in history, with the growth of major economies falling sharply due to the
strong impact of the epidemic. However, the company has overcome those difficulties, in
2023 profit after tax increased slightly to 262,876 million VND.

About Profit after tax,in 2021 it was 230,108 million VND, but in 2022 it will
decrease sharply by 27.27% to 167,366 million VND. Because pre-tax profits analyzed
above decreased sharply due to economic difficulties during the epidemic season. But in
2023, the period of economic recovery increased slightly by 21.5%.

Target 2020 2021 2022

1.GROSS PROFIT (Unit: VND) 2.547.355.768 2.039.849.665 2.273.338.787

2. REVENUE PROFIT RATIO-ROS 163,63% 101,77% 96,32%

3.PROFIT RATIO ON TOTAL ASSETS-ROA 21,41% 15,10% 18,24%

4. RETURN ON EQUITY RATIO - ROE 0,004 0,003 0,003

Table 2. 4. Table of business activities 2021-2023

(Source: Accounting Department, Khoi Phat Company Limited)
The profit ratios ROA, ROE, ROS are all indicators used to evaluate the level of
efficiency in business operations of an enterprise.

According to table 2.4, ROE gradually decreases over the years from 2021-2023,
this is an alarm for the financial weakness of the enterprise. Business operations are
inefficient and have unstable growth.

ROA gradually decreases from 2021-2022, showing that the business is not using
it well and making less profit from one asset, meaning the business invests a lot of capital
but does not bring much profit. Maybe because this is the year businesses are building,
renovating services, and having many incentives for customers, businesses make less
profit when spending a dollar of assets. In 2023, business increased slightly but still not
equal to 2021, the recovery period was difficult, needing more time to make up profits.

ROE will decrease from 2021-2022, from 0.004 down slightly to 0.003 and
maintain this level in 2023. At this time, businesses need to consider changing appropriate
strategies to increase profits.

202 T
Year 2021 2022
3 otal

Number of applicants 112 96 94 302

37,09 31,79 31,1 100

Percentage of applicants
% % 3% %

Number of layoffs 45 56 40 141

31,91 39,72 28, 100

Percentage of layoffs
% % 37% %

Table 2. 5. Employee data table for 2021-2023

(Source: Human Resources Department, Khoi Phat Company Limited)



31.13% 31.91%
30% 28.37%



Applicants Layoff

2021 2022 2023

Diagram 2.2. Human resource situation of Khoi Phat Co., Ltd. 2021-2023

According to the data table above, we can see the number of candidates
decreasing over the years 2021-2022. The candidate rate in 2021 is 37.09%, but in
2022 it will decrease to 31.79%, and in 2023 it will continue to decrease slightly to
31.13%. This proves that the company has not done a good job recruiting, leading to

very few candidates, or it could also mean that the company has a sufficient number of
employees, with a low turnover rate over the years.
With resignation data, the number of resignations in 2021-2023 fluctuates
unevenly. In 2021, the unemployment rate is 31.91%, in 2022 it will increase slightly
to 39.72%, and in 2023 it will decrease to 28.37%. Perhaps the company is gradually
stabilizing and improving the quality of its personnel, so the number has decreased and
some personnel policies have been revised.
By 2023, the company has increased recruitment because the service is on the
rise, there are more tourists, so recruitment has been increased, so the ratio of
candidates in 2023 compared to 2022 has decreased, but the decrease is not significant.

2.1.5. Evaluate performance:

In general, the company's situation in the past three years has fluctuated
continuously, because the economy is difficult due to the epidemic in 2021-2022 and
needs time to recover. The company has continuously strived to grow, develop and
recover in 2023. Although there have been many hardships, the company has never
stopped trying.

Regarding personnel, although there were fluctuations and difficulties at first, the
company has continuously made efforts to return everything to normal and grow more
and more. A good recovery step after economic difficulties due to the epidemic. The
number of resignations is still quite high, this is probably due to low employee
satisfaction in the company.

The company needs to upgrade new strategies to increase profits and improve
personnel quality.

2.2. Current situation:

2.2.1. Main feature:

Employee satisfaction significantly affects the performance, job motivation, and

retention rate of talented employees. Satisfied employees have more opportunities to
grow, contribute and stay engaged in their jobs, leading to higher productivity, higher job
satisfaction and lower turnover. On the other hand, dissatisfied employees may be fired,

have their pay cut, and may even look for work elsewhere, causing the company to waste
valuable time and resources in the search and training process. create new employees.

2.2.2. Strengths and weaknesses Strengths (S_Strength):

Khoi Phat has strengths in training good employees and the art of retaining
employees working long term at the company.
Many training and promotion opportunities for long-term and capable
Khoi Phat succeeds in attracting tourists and local guests to have fun, eat, and
exercise, meeting the criteria of health, deliciousness, and wholesomeness.
Creating services that attract many classes and ages, dynamic and fun
environments suitable for many ages such as children's play areas, movies, shopping
and dining fairs, music performances, dance festivals unicorn, etc.
Strong Marketing activities, creating attractive content.
Loyal staff, negotiation skills, and career passion.
The business location is a beautiful location, located in the middle of the city
center, built on a large model, with a beautiful interior layout that attracts customers. Weakness:
The recruitment process is still poor, not attracting readers of the job description
(JD_Job Description)
Lack of service staff often results in poor customer service, causing customers
to complain via electronic feedback letters.
The high turnover rate may be because the working conditions and working
environment are not comfortable or suitable for employees.
There are many amusement parks and food streets opening with competitive
prices such as: Son Tra night market, 29/3 park amusement park.

2.2.3. Oppotunity and challenge Opportunity
High market demand, suitable for many segments suitable for using dynamic,
fun services.
Reasonable prices, no holiday pricing or special prices for exceptional
This is the largest entertainment service area in Da Nang, with a large capacity
and beautiful decoration to attract customers' curiosity. Threat
Currently, in the area of Da Nang City, there are many presences with
competitive prices of amusement parks, food streets combined with shopping,
attracting tourists such as: Son Tra Night Market, Asia Park, Saigon Street. Le Duan
The phenomenon of employees quitting their jobs still occurs a lot, causing the
company to waste time recruiting, affecting future recruitment. The company has not
been able to fix the salary paid to employees, and is often compared with rival
Social benefits are not attractive to attract workers, making recruitment


3.1. Objectives and orientation:

3.1.1. General objective:

In the future, Khoi Phat is determined to become the largest entertainment

company in the Central region; Khoi Phat is determined to develop the Human
Resources department, creating a team of good leaders and a team of workers to serve
departments and service departments completely.
Promote service marketing activities in the market, bringing the company's
services and name to the world.
From there, the company will both attract customers and attract external factors
who want to participate in interviews to become employees of the company.

3.1.2. Oriented development:

In the next 5 years, the company will launch many attractive services to attract
more tourists, increase revenue, and become a strong civil engineering construction
company in Asia. Determined to build a vision and affirm its appearance to develop
Khoi Phat Co., Ltd. to reach an international level.
Develop the quality of human resources to improve work efficiency and support
the company's economic growth. Improve standards of internal corporate governance.

3.2. Solution

3.2.1. Proposed Solutions:

"Human resources - the key to success", this sentence is especially true at the
present time and becomes necessary before the door of international economic
integration. Human resources have become the most valuable asset for many years, a
factor that constitutes the success of businesses. This is considered an "intangible
asset" of great value in the organizational structure. The company's human resource
issue has become the "hottest" topic currently.
From a practical perspective, the human resources situation in Khoi Phat Co.,
Ltd. has quite a lot of fluctuations, the problem always lies in recruitment, not
attracting new people. And implementing recruitment strategies in the coming time is

essential. Below are some suggestions to improve employee satisfaction at Khoi Phat
Co., Ltd.

● Improve income and allowances

● Improve training and advancement opportunities

● Improve co-worker issues

● Improve the problem of superiors

● Improve the problem of job characteristics

● Improve welfare issues

● Improve working conditions Improve income and allowances:

a. Basic salary
In order to motivate employees and make them feel secure in working and
staying with the company for a long time, the company's leadership needs to have a
plan to consider increasing salaries for employees. There are factors to consider for
salary increase: position, capacity, level of job completion. Clear salary and reward
regimes, say no to arbitrary rewards and unfair pay lead to dissatisfaction among

To ensure fair income distribution, businesses need to consult, review and

compare their employees' income with other employees in the same industry in other
businesses, properly assessing the employee's position and role. from which to
evaluate the appropriate input level for each employee. The company is doing business
based on intangible products, so businesses cannot evaluate employees based on
productivity, businesses need to build a system of job evaluation criteria (KPI) to
evaluate employees' performance. objectivity as well as correct assessment of ability
and capacity. This evaluation criteria system needs to be based on the job description,
job nature, operational processes of the departments, etc. This evaluation requires
close coordination between leadership and employees. Directly affiliated with
departments, combined with actual surveys to build KPIs more accurately and
standardly for each department and department. Different departments have different
nature of work and functions, so it is necessary to study carefully and come up with
KPIs suitable for each department to avoid causing negative effects and dissatisfaction
between departments. Only then will employees feel that the income they receive is
appropriate to their efforts and paid fairly.

Finally, salaries can be confidential for each person, but rewards must be public
and transparent or be careful to avoid public income incentives for relatives and
relatives in the business because this will partly affects employees' perception of

The purpose of bonuses is to pay income to workers with good productivity to

encourage them to work better, doubling their current energy. Clear reward policy,
employees must achieve a certain achievement at work, such as:

- For the Human Resources department, posting recruitment posts attracts

many diligent employees, develops services, and satisfies tourists to increase sales for
the company.
- For the Marketing department, create attractive articles, attract the
curiosity of readers and viewers, and attract tourists to visit and use the company's

In order for employees to be satisfied with bonuses, businesses must develop a

clear, transparent, and comprehensive bonus policy from the beginning for each
specific achievement. When it comes time to consider bonuses, businesses must rely
on what they have to offer to reward.

Achieved business success will often be the result of the collective, but in
which there are often excellent individuals who contribute the most in the room, in
addition to collective rewards, businesses must also use rewards specifically for
special individuals. exceptionally excellent. This will be both a financial factor and a
factor that boosts employee morale.

Allowances for office workers usually mainly include allowances such as
lunches, travel gas allowances, and phone fees. Depending on the actual situation,
businesses must use these subsidies appropriately because this income not only brings
a portion of income to employees but also helps them feel the business's concern for
their employees. Surname.

b. Colleague:
Colleagues are people who meet regularly. Colleagues are also a factor that has
a strong impact on job satisfaction. Therefore, businesses need to encourage
communication within the organization by doing the following:

- Promote the exchange of information and mutual support between departments

and divisions, create conditions for weekly meetings, and facilitate the completion of
the organization's work.
- Furthermore, businesses need to build a working atmosphere of harmony,
cooperation, mutual respect, willingness to help, share experiences and support each
other when necessary among employees to create a unique culture. connect and
support each other.
- Encourage teamwork, increase discussion and support between departments in
operations while creating an environment of greater harmony and solidarity between
individuals in the company.

c. Superior:
Like colleagues, superiors have a strong influence on job satisfaction. Although
superiors do not meet as many times as colleagues, they are still a strong influencing
factor. If a superior is sympathetic, interested and willing to support employees, this
will make employees more motivated and willing to sign more contracts.
In order for employees to feel the care of their superiors, the superiors first need
to better understand their employees. There are many ways to achieve mutual
understanding between employees and the boss. This can be done during off-hours at
coffee shops or during breaks or free time, where superiors and employees will chat,
discuss frankly, and learn about their interests and strengths. strengths and weaknesses
of employees at work and in life. Only when they can understand their employees well
can superiors show their concern for subordinates appropriately. The mutual interest
and interaction will make employees feel secure when working and appreciate this
position because the Boss still cares and supports his employees.
Not stopping at caring for employees, superiors also need to recognize the
contributions of subordinates when they complete set targets. Compliments and praise
will be a great motivation to encourage employees to work better.
Lower-level employees only truly serve their superiors when their superiors
truly have leadership talent and solid professional knowledge. Therefore, leaders need
to constantly learn and improve both leadership capacity and professional knowledge.

d. Job characteristics:
Each department and each department will do different jobs, suitable to their
capabilities and strengths. Superiors will help them understand their responsibilities
for the work they are doing, show them the importance of the work they are doing, as
well as give them the right to decide on some related tasks. to the field they are
working in and within their capabilities.
To choose employees who are suitable for the job and their strengths, the
recruitment stage always holds the most important function. When posting a job
advertisement, it is necessary to fully and clearly describe the job position, as well as
the necessary skill requirements for that position. During the interview process, you
need to describe clearly and be as detailed as possible. There is a test of ability and
experience that must closely follow the requirements of the position being recruited.
And when accepted, the employee will have a probationary period of one to three
months. If during the probationary period, they feel that they are not suitable for their
current job position, they must boldly refuse and find someone else. another more
suitable position, or you can renegotiate to move to another vacant position (if you feel
that the employee is suitable).
When a new employee takes on a new position, the business needs to spend as
much time as possible to provide guidance on general operations, how to work, and
introduce how this job is related to the job. of other departments to get acquainted and
clearly see the connection and important work. Department heads will convey to their
employees the awareness that each position has a certain importance to the overall
operations of the business.

e. Welfare:
Besides the above aspects, maintaining basic benefits also contributes to
employee satisfaction. Businesses can let employees travel on holidays. On Women's
Days, the company will provide in-kind care such as flowers, gifts, or day trips,
showing care for women. Along with improving the effectiveness of union activities in
enterprises to further protect the interests of workers.

The company can exchange benefits of equal value, with many choices for
employees to feel comfortable. For example, with travel sponsorships, if the employee
does not like it or has busy work, it can be exchanged in cash accordingly. Benefits
that employees can get include: company loan advances, periodic personal health
check-up programs, company-paid health insurance, and buying and selling vacation

f. Working conditions:
Creating a good, comfortable working environment is also important in
satisfying employees. Creating solidarity among employees, closeness between
superiors and subordinates, employees will feel more comfortable if they have good
relationships with colleagues and superiors, they will recognize gain respect and give
your appreciation.

The company not only cares about each employee but also cares more about the
employee's family, organizing parties for family members and the company, helping
them learn more about the company campus, Award an employee's child if he or she
has exceptional academic achievements.

3.2.2. Strategy and action plan:

The company should review and revise strategies appropriate to each issue with
the aim of retaining employees, avoiding waste of training time and loss of talent.

According to studies on employee satisfaction, the above issue is assessed to

influence factors related to training and promotion; rewards and benefits; working
conditions; colleague; superiors, etc. The company organization will make appropriate
and reasonable adjustments to the plan. Balance the company's revenue for rewards
and benefits, consider capacity to have a training and promotion policy.
Regarding working conditions, the company will have a plan to invest in
necessary equipment and repair rooms appropriately, consistent with current
conditions. Build good values and culture for the company to convey to everyone in
the company.

Show respect, appreciation, and recognition of the contributions and benefits

that employees bring in many different forms.


This chapter has clearly analyzed specifically the strengths, weaknesses, and
points that need to be changed to better serve the company. The company needs to
improve work, working environment as well as relationships to create a better, more
comfortable working environment to satisfy the legitimate needs of employees.
Thanks to that, the company will not waste time and will not lose talent.

3.3. Limitations and future directions:

While conducting the study, the researcher noticed several prominent
limitations of this study:

1. Generalizability: The findings may have limited generalizability beyond

Khoi Phat Co., Ltd. Factors that influence customer satisfaction may vary across
industries and organizations.

2. External factors: Employee satisfaction can be affected by external factors,

such as economic conditions, competitor actions, or industry trends, which This may
not be fully accounted for in the study.
3. Focus on one company: The research only focuses on Khoi Phat Company
Limited, limiting opportunities for comparative analysis with other organizations in
the same industry
4. Time frame: The time frame of the study can be limited, capturing a snapshot
of customer satisfaction at a specific point in time. Long-term trends and changes may
not be fully captured.
In the future, I will spend more time doing more extensive research. Currently, I
have only researched Khoi Phat Co., Ltd., I will expand my research to other
competitor companies such as Sao Bien Xanh Entertainment Services Joint Stock
Company. After the elements of this research paper are approved, I will continue to
research based on the approved paper with other affiliates or competitor companies.

3.4. Conclude:
In summary, this exploratory study has provided valuable insights into the
complex context of employee satisfaction with Khoi Phat Co., Ltd.

The research problem of this report is: "Research on employee satisfaction at

Khoi Phat Limited Liability Company". The research was conducted with the aim of
achieving the goal of surveying and evaluating aspects related to employee satisfaction
in the company in order to come up with appropriate solutions. Some key points drawn
from this study:

First, the study emphasizes the multifaceted nature of employee satisfaction. It

is determined by factors such as salary, bonuses, benefits, colleagues, superiors, etc. It
is linked from many different tangible and intangible factors including employee

Second, these findings highlight the importance of the multifaceted nature of

employee satisfaction. It is not only determined by financial types but it is also
determined by non-financial types. By actively seeking and incorporating employee
perspectives, organizations can be flexible, adaptive, adapt and build stronger, more
loyal employee relationships.

Furthermore, the study highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to

enhance employee satisfaction. Factors such as employee engagement, personalization
of services and advancements in the entertainment industry play an important role in
shaping the customer experience, with results that will result in strong customer
engagement. customers, thereby generating revenue as well as employee jobs.

Khoi Phat Co., Ltd. can leverage the insights gained from this research to refine
its strategies, promote HR culture, and drive improvements in line with employee
expectations. . That way, Khoi Phat not only improves employee satisfaction but also
strengthens a strong, durable and loyal human resource barrier. The journey to

achieving the best employee satisfaction continues, and this research represents an
important step forward in that pursuit.


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English document
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