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Animal Cruelty

Submitted by: Maira Sharma

Submitted to: Mr. Aditya Mishra, English coach
Grade: 11A



This certificate is awarded to Maira Sharma of Grade 11A for successful

completion of their English Core Project titled “Animal Cruelty”. The project
report is a result of their efforts and endeavour. It is a bona fide work carried
out and successfully completed under the guidance of their English Coach,
Mr. Aditya Mishra, at Kunskapsskolan, Gurgaon. The report has been found
worthy of acceptance.

Project Guide: ADITYA MISHRA Head of School: INDERBIR THUSSU

A project is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development. We
consider ourselves fortunate and privileged to have such wonderful mentors
guide us through the journey for the completion of the project.
Our sincere thanks to Ms Inderbir Thussu and kunskapsskolan, who despite
being extraordinary busy took time out to address us and guide us
Our heartfelt gratitude to our Project Guide for his patience and belief in us.
His exemplary investment in the complete process, constant encouragement
and insightful feedback helped us achieve our objective/s
We would also like to thank the principal and faculty of Kunskapsskolan for
allowing us to conduct our research amidst them

Lastly, we would like to thank our family members whose support helped us
complete the project within the deadline

Statement of Purpose
This study aims to find out what people think about animal cruelty and welfare.
The objectives of the study are to investigate:
 Reasons as to why animal cruelty happens
 Procedure of treatment of an animal which is injured
 What people think when they hear animal cruelty
 What happens in societies on the topic of pets
 Ways to help animals and decrease animal cruelty
Action Plan
Step 1: After introduction of the project, we were told to choose
between groups of two, three to four or five to six.

Step 2: My team started thinking of a topic, our requirements for finding

a suitable topic was that it should be something which people already
know about, they can easily talk about the topic and that it should be a
topic which is a big problem nowadays.

Step 3: We made the survey and sent it out to approximately 60 people

out of which 55 sent the responses.
Step 4: We finalised the topic “Animal cruelty and welfare” and reached
out to Ms. Alina who works at the NGO for dogs. The interview was
telephonic and conducted.

Step 5: We then worked on transcribing the interview.

Step 6: I then finalised the topic for my essay “Industrial animal farming”
which is also relevant to my topic.

Step 7: After researching and finishing my essay I started putting the

statistical analysis of the survey which was made on a separate google

Step 8: I added the evidence of survey, its responses and the evidence of
the interview in my project report

Evidence of process and progress:

Guntas: Good evening, I am Guntas Kaur Bhatia,

Maira: and I am Maira Sharma. We are the students of Kunskapsskolan

Gurgaon and it's our absolute pleasure to interview you today.

Guntas: Today, we delve into a topic that touches the hearts of many:
animal cruelty. With us we have Ms. Alina Alice Rusu, an expert on
animal welfare. Thank you for joining us, Ms. Alina
Ms. Alina: Thank you for having me.

Guntas: Indeed, animal cruelty is a pressing issue that has gained

widespread attention in recent years. Could you provide us with some
insights into what animal cruelty entails?

Ms. Alina: When we think about animal cruelty, we have to take in

consideration that their rights and our rights are very similar. Even
though we have different species, we exist on the same planet and we
have the right to feel safe, to feel that our stomach is full, and we have
the same rights as everyone. So, cruelty means to prevent a person
from accessing all these things. It is the same thing for an animal to
prevent an animal from having access to food, shelter and to emotional
well-being, preventing an animal from all these things is cruelty.

Maira: Absolutely. The emotional aspect of animal cruelty can certainly

be quite powerful, even for those not directly involved. Have you
personally encountered or witnessed instances of animal cruelty?

Ms. Alina: So unfortunately, everybody can witness them everywhere.

Ofcource from the easiest approach is to all look at a stray dog, and
unfortunately cruelty is something which is very-very difficult to
eliminate from our society. So, it’s not only about homeless
animals, it is not only something which is faced by the dogs but also by
the cows which are ownerless, by the donkey, by the horses and all the
animals. This is something which everybody sees every day, if you just
pay attention and it is not only that they are ownerless and they
experience cruelty but it unfortunately happens with some animals
which are being owned as pets or animals for farming and all they have
owners and the owners should be responsible for their physical and
emotional well-being.

Guntas: It's heartbreaking to hear about the suffering animals endure. In

your opinion, what are the main factors contributing to animal cruelty,
and how can we address them effectively?
Ms. Alina: One of the main factors is lack of empathy and compassion
towards living beings. Once you as an individual and every single person
practices compassion towards another human being or an animal and a
living creature by default, it softens your heart and makes you even more
disposed to practicing compassion on a daily basis. By keeping days in
our consciousness and being aware of the fact that we have to be kind
and to do good. We can slowly change the world around us. It starts with
the person itself.

Maira: Thank you for highlighting those important measures. How do

you feel about the treatment of animals in various industries, such as
factory farming entertainment, or scientific research?

Ms. Alina: I believe all of these are important and cannot eliminate the
use of animals whether they’re in the entertainment industry or farming
or scientific research. So, these things are important for people and for
our well-being on various levels and there is some ethical way of
farming, carrying scientific projects and using animals in the industry
worldwide. There are various laws and various countries have their own
laws which are very strictly imposed or the directives which are given for
the way animals are being treated. So, it is not a general behaviour
everywhere. In some areas animals used for entertainment can be happy
and in some other instances they can be tortured and injured and even
worse they can be killed within specific settings or environment and the
same happens within the farming.

Guntas: That's an important point. Empathy and awareness can drive

positive change. According to you, what measures can the society take to
combat animal cruelty effectively?

Ms. Alina: So, when we think about society as a whole, we tend to

generalize it and it’s easier to think that they will do it, and it's difficult to
think that I can do it. So, the moment when a person thinks of how I can
do and what I can do for an animal and for a person for whatever living
creature it is, Then the society as a whole has higher chances of going in
the right direction. It starts from me. If I can be kind, then maybe my
friends will see and I can encourage them or I can inspire them. But it
has to start from “ME”.

Maira: That's an important point. Empathy and awareness can drive

positive change. Before we wrap up, what are some future goals or
projects you hope to work on to further combat animal cruelty and
promote animal welfare?

Ms. Alina: Well, Initially I promote ideas that have to start with me so
whatever me as a person can do, I will do it and even though it may start
small. It’s all the love you develop for one animal and then it just spreads
around. So as a project, my immediate project or my immediate goal is
to make shelter for the stays in my neighbourhood. It is a small initiative
but I believe that once more of my neighbours get involved, then these
poor animals might have a chance.

Guntas: That’s actually a great initiative! Thank you, Ms. Alina, for
sharing your expertise and insights on this critical issue. We hope this
discussion will inspire us as individuals and the Kunskapsskolan
community to take action and be more compassionate towards animals.

Ms. Alina: Thank you too!

Evidence of process and progress:

Interview link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-
Evidence of process and progress:
 Your name
 Age group
 When considering animal cruelty, please indicate how much
sympathy you feel for the animal
 Do you feel that animals kept on slaughter farms is unfair
 Should hurting animals be a crime
 What do you think animal is
 Is animal testing/abuse ok
 Do you use any products that use animal testing
 “Animals should be abused in zoos and circuses just for our
entertainment” true or false
 Check all that pertains to you
 How often do you participate in animals welfare activities

Evidence of process and progress:

Survey Responses
Evidence of process and progress:
Survey analysis
Statistical Analysis of Survey
Essay: Industrial Animal Farming
Industrial animal farming, also known as factory farming, is a highly
controversial practice that has gained significant attention in recent
years. This method of animal production involves raising large
numbers of animals in confined spaces, with the primary goal of
maximizing efficiency and profit. While industrial animal farming has
become the dominant method of meat production worldwide, it has
raised numerous concerns regarding animal welfare, environmental
impact, and public health.
One of the most significant issues associated with industrial animal
farming is the welfare of the animals involved. In these facilities,
animals are often kept in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions,
with limited access to fresh air, sunlight, and natural behaviours.
They are often subjected to painful procedures such as debeaking,
tail docking, and castration without anaesthesia. These practices
have sparked widespread criticism from animal rights activists and
organizations, who argue that animals should be treated with
compassion and respect.
Furthermore, industrial animal farming has a substantial
environmental impact. The concentration of animals in these
facilities leads to the production of vast amounts of waste, which can
contaminate soil, water, and air. The excessive use of antibiotics and
hormones in animal feed also contributes to the development of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a significant threat to human
health. Additionally, the deforestation and land degradation
associated with the expansion of factory farms further exacerbate
climate change and loss of biodiversity.
From a public health perspective, industrial animal farming has
raised concerns about the spread of zoonotic diseases. The close
proximity of animals in these facilities increases the risk of disease
transmission between animals and humans. Outbreaks of diseases
such as avian influenza and swine flu have been linked to industrial
animal farming practices. The use of antibiotics in animal feed also
contributes to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
making it more challenging to treat infections in humans.
Despite these concerns, industrial animal farming continues to
dominate the global meat industry due to its ability to produce large
quantities of meat at low costs. The demand for cheap meat has
driven the expansion of factory farms, particularly in developing
countries where meat consumption is rapidly increasing. However,
there is a growing movement towards more sustainable and ethical
alternatives, such as organic farming, free-range systems, and plant-
based diets.
In conclusion, industrial animal farming is a complex and contentious
issue that raises significant ethical, environmental, and public health
concerns. While it has allowed for the mass production of meat at
low costs, it comes at the expense of animal welfare, environmental
degradation, and public health risks. As consumers become more
aware of these issues, there is a growing demand for more
sustainable and humane alternatives to industrial animal farming. It
is crucial for policymakers, farmers, and consumers to work together
to promote responsible and ethical practices in the meat industry,
ensuring a healthier and more sustainable future for both animals
and humans.

This whole experience was very informative for me personally. I got
to know a lot of new things, I also got to know what people think
about animal cruelty and welfare which in my opinion is a very
important topic that should be discussed.

Ms. Alina Alice Rusu also helped me understand more about animal
welfare. While interviewing her I got to learn more about how an
interview should be conducted. Since this was my first time doing an
interview, I identified my mistakes and will learn from them for future
I usually run away from doing research or writing a big essay, when I
would have to do it for other subjects, I would always get bored easily
but this time I found it easier for some reason. I enjoyed writing the
essay and doing the research because I was doing it on a topic I relate





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