Keratoconus The Whole Story DrMoataz Wessam

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The whole story

Moataz M. Wessam
First edition, 2021

Moataz M. Wessam
Author & Editor
Cornea and Cataract Consultant.
Lecturer of Ophthalmology – Ain Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt.
Dr. Moataz Wessam

Keratoconus patients are challenging to any cornea specialist, trying to apply his
best experience to get satisfactory results. The aim of any cornea specialist is not
to diagnose an established keratoconus case, but to early detect any suspicious
one during routine screening. Early detection of suspected cases gives an
opportunity for proper counseling and management. In suspect cases visual
acuity is not markedly affected so, it is a golden period to mainatin a functioning

This book will discuss keratoconus in a stepwise approach starting with

classification of ectatic corneal diseases this will be followed by detailed
information about keratoconus epidemiology including its incidence in pediatric
age group, the importance of family history and risk factors as eye rubbing and
atopy. Clinical examination of keratoconus patients may be completely normal
so, this book will discuss the most important clinical examinations that should be
done and signs that may be found either early or late. Patterns of keratoconus are
classified to the most practical classification that helps in better recognition of
keratoconus. It’s important to grade keratoconus patients in order to take the right
decision, you will find in this book most of the clinical gradings written in
literature including the old and up to date ones. Till now no gold standard criteria
present to assess the progression of keratoconus, this book collects the most
clinically accepted criteria including the up to date software available to monitor

keratoconus progression. One of the most important chapters in this book is the
diagnostic tools from routine topography and tomography to studying corneal
epithelium and studying corneal biomechanics with brillouin microscopy and
ending up with artificial intelligence that plays an important role in aiding the
diagnosis not only in ophthalmology but in other medical fields. Nowadays we
are facing multiple armamentarial modalities for treating keratoconus. Corneal
cross linking is one of the main arms in treating keratoconus. This book will get
you deep to better understand cross linking from its evolution till nowadays with
the most recent protocols. Corneal cross linking in pediatric keratoconus is also
discussed with the most acceptable protocols in literature. From my readings in
literature, I found no book that collects intracorneal ring segments with the
discussion of the different nomograms and how to apply it clinically. Luckily this
book included all up to date information about ICRS available in our practice and
how to clinically apply different nomograms. Refractive surgeries in
keratoconus, one of the most debatable treatment between cornea specialists is
discussed thoroughly for better understanding. This book also will spot out
controversies between different treatment modalities. Lastly, we will end with a
step wise approach to a case with keratoconus that sums up how can we deal
with keratoconus patients in our clinic.

Although I chose the name of the book Keratoconus “The Whole Story” to give
an information for the reader that this book collects every detailed and up to date
information about keratoconus yet as a cornea specialist I know that the story
will never end, and I expect that more innovations will appear in the diagnosis
and treatment of keratoconus.

What makes this book different is that it is explained in series of videos on my

YouTube channel in both Arabic and English languages, an option that make the
reader can read and at the same time listen to every detailed information, so, I
advise readers of this book to read as well as to listen to the videos as they are
both complementary. An information that may be vague in the book will be

discussed in detail in the video. Throughout the book you will find following a
subtitle or a paragraph “For an illustrative video see YouTube channel” this
refers to the importance of the video for better understanding. You will find the
link of the YouTube channel at the end of this introduction.

During editing the book, a new protocol in cross linking was released “Sub400
Protocol”, it was added to the book, but it wasn’t discussed in the videos.

This book is intended to ophthalmologists especially beginners who have an

interest in cornea although cornea specialists will find it interesting too.
Optometrists can take advantage of the book to help them suspect keratoconus
patients and their early referral to a cornea specialist, also the part of the book
discussing contact lenses would be of great help.

As an editor to this book with my colleagues, we tried our best to write this book
in a simple and easy memorizing layout with no mistakes. I will be very grateful
to receive your feedback for better improvement in further editions.

Finally, I hope this book will be useful and help you better understand and
practice keratoconus and would like to thank my colleagues and students.
without all of them this book would have never found its way to the world.

Moataz M. Wessam

The link of the YouTube channel


1. Abdelrahman Abdallah Abdelhai, M.Sc. of ophthalmology – Al

Azhar University.

2. Mohamed Nabil Hamza, M.Sc. of ophthalmology - Ain Shams

University, FICO, MRCSed.

3. Front and back cover design by Afnan Abdallah Abdelhai.


ACD Anterior chamber depth

ACT Ablation cone thickness
AGEs Advanced glycation end products
AI Artificial intelligence
ANN Artificial neural networks
ARTmax Ambrosio relational thickness
AS-OCT Anterior segment optical coherence tomography
ATR Against the rule astigmatism
BAC Benzalkonium chloride
BAD Belin Ambrosio display
BCVA Best corrected visual acuity
BFS Best fit sphere
BFTE Best fit toric ellipsoid
BOSS™ Brillouin optical scanner system
BSS Balanced salt solution
CAIRS Corneal allogenic intrastromal ring segments
CBI Corvis biomechanical index
CCT Central corneal thickness
CFM Confocal microscopy
CH Corneal hysteresis
CKI Central keratoconus index
CL Contact lens
CRF Corneal resistance factor
CURV Customized remodeling vision

CXL Corneal cross linking

Da Deviation of ARTmax
DALK Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty
Db Deviation of back elevation difference map
DC Diopter cylinder
Df Deviation of front elevation difference map
DM Diabetes mellitus
Dp Deviation of average pachymetry progression
DS Diopter sphere
Dt Deviation of minimum thickness
ECD Ectatic corneal diseases
EDTA Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid
FDA Food and drug administration
FFKC Forme fruste keratoconus
HOAs High order aberrations
I-S Inferior minus Superior
ICL Implantable collamer lens
ICRS Intracorneal ring segments
IHA Index of height asymmetry
IHD Index of height decentration
IL-6 Interleukin 6
IOL Intraocular lens
IOP Intraocular pressure
ISV Index of surface variance

IVA Index of vertical asymmetry

IVCM In vivo confocal microscopy
KC Keratoconus
KCS Keratoconus suspect
KI Keratoconus index
Km Median keratometry
Kmax Maximum Keratometry
KMI Keratoconus match index
KMP Keratoconus match probability
LASER Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LASIK Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis
MA Manifest astigmatism
MMC Mitomycin C
MMP Matrix metalloproteinases
NIR LASER Near infrared LASER
NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
OA Oblique astigmatism
PACK-CXL Photoactivated chromophore cross linking
PiXL Photorefractive intrastromal cross linking
PK Penetrating keratoplasty
PMD Pellucid marginal degeneration
PMMA Poly (methyl methacrylate)
PPCD Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy
PRK Photorefractive keratectomy

PROSE Prosthetic replacement of ocular surface ecosystem

PTK Phototherapeutic keratectomy
PVA Potential visual acuity
RBF Radial basis function
RF Riboflavin
RGP Rigid gas permeable
ROS Reactive oxygen species
RST Residual stromal thickness
SMILE Small incision lenticule extraction
SRAX Skewed radial axis
Selective transepithelial ablation for regularization of
ectasia with simultaneous cross linking
TA Topographic astigmatism
TBI Tomographic biomechanical index
TL Thinnest location
TNF-α Tumor necrosis factor alpha
UCVA Uncorrected visual acuity
UV Ultraviolet
UV-LED Ultraviolet light emitting devices
VAE Very asymmetrical ectasia
VIPA Virtual image phased array
VKC Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
WTR With the rule astigmatism
WTW White to white diameter
Contents IX

Chapter One, Classification of Ectatic Corneal Diseases ........................................... 1

Chapter Two, Epidemiology of Keratoconus ............................................................. 1

Chapter Three, Clinical Examination and Slit-Lamp Findings .................................. 3

Chapter Four, Patterns and Clinical Grading ............................................................. 5

Morphological Patterns .............................................................................................. 5

Curvature Based Patterns .......................................................................................... 6
1.Symmetrical Shapes....................................................................................... 6
2.Asymmetrical Shapes .................................................................................... 6
3.Skewed Shapes .............................................................................................. 7
4.Irregular Shapes ............................................................................................. 7
Elevation Based Patterns ........................................................................................... 7
1.Best Fit Sphere Mode .................................................................................... 7
2.Best Fit Toric Ellipsoid Mode ....................................................................... 9
Pachymetry Based Patterns........................................................................................ 9
Forme Fruste Keratoconus and Keratoconus Suspect ............................................. 10
Clinical Grading....................................................................................................... 11
1. Amsler – Krumeich Classification.............................................................. 11
2. Alio – Shabayek Classification ................................................................... 11
3. RETICS Classification................................................................................ 11
4. Ishii Classification ...................................................................................... 12
5. Belin ABCD Classification......................................................................... 14

Chapter Five, Progression Criteria in Keratoconus .................................................. 16

Chapter Six, Diagnostic tools in Keratoconus .......................................................... 19

Contents X

Topography and Tomography ................................................................................. 19

Segmental Tomography with Epithelial Thickness ................................................. 20
Biomechanics of Cornea ......................................................................................... 23
A. Ex-Vivo Flap Extensiometry ..................................................................... 23
B. Air Puff Deformation ................................................................................. 24
C. Brillouin Optical Scanner System .............................................................. 26
Wavefront Aberration Analysis ............................................................................... 28
Confocal Microscopy............................................................................................... 29
Spectral Microscopy ................................................................................................ 30
Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks ............................................ 30

Chapter Seven, Treatment Modalities....................................................................... 32

1.Spectacles ............................................................................................................. 32
2.Contact Lenses ...................................................................................................... 32
Terms in Contact Lenses .............................................................................. 33
Soft Toric Contact Lens................................................................................ 33
Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens .............................................................. 34
Piggyback Lens ............................................................................................ 35
Scleral Lens .................................................................................................. 35
Hybrid lens ................................................................................................... 37
3.Corneal Cross Linking .......................................................................................... 39
Evolution of cross linking ............................................................................ 39
Determiners of cross linking ........................................................................ 41
1.Epithelium ............................................................................................. 41
2.Ultravilet radiation with specific intensity, dose and beam profile ...... 41
3.Adequate diffusion of riboflavin in corneal stroma .............................. 42
Contents XI

4.Availability of oxygen .............................................................................. 44

5.Time factor for ultraviolet light and riboflavin soaking time ................... 44
General reaction mechanism .......................................................................... 45
Evidence of action after cross linking ............................................................ 45
Protocols of cross linking ............................................................................... 46
1.Dresden protocol ...................................................................................... 46
2.Accelerated protocols ............................................................................... 46
3.Protocols for thin cornea ........................................................................... 46
Hypo-Osmolar riboflavin solution ............................................................ 46
Transepithelial cross linking with enhancers and femtosecond pockets .. 47
Transepithelial cross linking using iontophoresis..................................... 47
Pachymetry based accelerated cross linking “M Nomogram” ................. 48
Sub400 protocol ........................................................................................ 48
4.Topography guided protocols ................................................................... 49
5.Combined protocols................................................................................... 51
Athens protocol ......................................................................................... 51
Cretan protocol ......................................................................................... 52
LASIK-Xtra .............................................................................................. 52
Indications of cross linking ............................................................................. 53
Complications of cross linking ....................................................................... 53
Cross linking in children ................................................................................. 54
Recent trends in cross linking ......................................................................... 55
Photorefractive intrastromal Cross Linking................................................ 55
Photoactivated Chromophore Cross Linking.............................................. 55
Bullous Keratopathy .................................................................................. 56
Evolution of cross linking devices .................................................................. 56
4.Intracorneal ring segments .................................................................................... 56
Contents XII

Structure of intracorneal ring segments .......................................................... 56

Types of intracorneal ring segments ............................................................... 56
1.Kera ring ............................................................................................... 56
2.Ferrara ring ........................................................................................... 57
3.Intacs ring ............................................................................................. 57
4.Myoring ................................................................................................ 57
5.Visum ring ............................................................................................ 59
6.Corneal Allogenic Intrastromal Ring Segments ................................... 59
Mechanism of action of ICRS ........................................................................ 60
Indications of ICRS ........................................................................................ 62
Types of Keratoconus ..................................................................................... 62
1.Central keratoconus .............................................................................. 62
2.Peripheral Keratoconus ......................................................................... 62
3.Bowtie keratoconus............................................................................... 62
4.Pellucid Like keratoconus ..................................................................... 62
Nomograms of ICRS ...................................................................................... 62
Kera ring nomogram ................................................................................ 64
Asphericity based nomogram .................................................................. 65
Combined procedures ..................................................................................... 68
Improving vision after ICRS .......................................................................... 68
Complications of ICRS ................................................................................... 68
5.Refractive Surgeries in Keratoconus .................................................................... 69
Protocols ......................................................................................................... 69
1.Selective Transepithelial Ablation for Regularization of Ectasia with
simultaneous Cross Linking..................................................................... 69
2.Athens protocol ..................................................................................... 71
3.Cretan protocol ..................................................................................... 71
Contents XIII

Wavefront guided ablation ............................................................................. 72

Phakic intraocular lens .................................................................................... 73
Refractive lens exchange or cataract extraction with Toric PCIOL ............... 74
Approach to refractive surgeries in keratoconus ............................................ 74
6.Surgery in keratoconus ......................................................................................... 74
Penetrating keratoplasty.................................................................................. 75
Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty ................................................................ 75
Bowmans membrane transplantation .............................................................. 75
Stromal lenticule addition keratoplasty .......................................................... 76

Chapter Eight, Approach to Keratoconus Case ........................................................ 77

Bibliography .............................................................................................................. 78

Index........................................................................................................................... 87
1 1. Classification of Ectatic Corneal Diseases

Classification of Ectatic
Corneal Diseases

Corneal ectasia is a chronic bio- protrusion. It is rare and mostly

mechanical failure that leads to congenital.
progressive thinning and protru-
sion. Post LASER refractive correc-
Keratoconus (KC). tion ectasia

Pellucid marginal degeneration Usually seen after laser assisted

(PMD) in situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
and sometimes seen also after
It is a rare bilateral, asymmetrical, both photorefractive keratectomy
non-inflammatory, inferior cor- (PRK) and small incision lenti-
neal thinning, located mostly from cule extraction (SMILE).
4 - 8 o’clock with 1mm free zone
from the limbus. It presents be-
tween second to fifth decades.
Terms as forme fruste kerato-
conus (FFKC) and keratoconus
It is a bilateral, non-inflammatory suspect (KCS) aren’t true ectatic
generalized corneal thinning and corneal diseases (ECD)


Keratoconus Tomographic Definition

It is chronic, bilateral, asymmet- It is abnormal elevation maps es-
rical, non-inflammatory, pro- pecially posterior, abnormal cur-
gressive corneal thinning and vature map with or without ab-
steepening. normal pachymetry map.
2. Epidemiology of Keratoconus 2

Incidence in general population may explain why the majority of

is about 1:2000 with high preva- patients with allergic eye dis-
lence in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Leb- eases doesn’t develop kerato-
anon and New Zealand. conus.
It has an autosomal dominant in- 2. Atopy
heritance with decreased pene-
Studies show that keratoconus is
trance and no sex predilection.
associated with allergic tenden-
Pediatric keratoconus may be as- cies which promotes eye rubbing
sociated with Down syndrome, than other related atopic pro-
Leber’s congenital amaurosis, cesses. This was supported when
mitral valve prolapse and Marfan keratoconus is associated with
syndrome. non-atopic conditions as Leber’s
N.B. congenital amaurosis “Oculo-
Recent studies that examined Digital Sign”.
tears of keratoconus patients
Keratoconus may be associated
showed increased IL-6, MMP
with either atopic eye diseases
and TNF-α which are known
as vernal keratoconjunctivitis
inflammatory mediators.
(VKC) or systemic atopy as
The most important risk factors bronchial asthma or urticaria.
It is important to identify age of
1. Eye Rubbing onset and age of diagnosis, la-
Habitual eye rubbing leads to tency between them is unclear.
stromal remodeling and kerato- Age of Onset
cyte apoptosis.
It can be known from history by
Eye rubbing in keratoconus pa- rapid change in vision and fre-
tients precedes the diagnosis of quent change of glasses.
keratoconus unlike patients with Typical keratoconus starts
allergic eye disease whom eye around puberty and progresses
rubbing is pathognomonic. This till the third decade then it takes
3 3. Clinical Examination and Slit Lamp findings

a stationary course. ectasia passed unnoticed due

Pediatric keratoconus is not un- to mild symptoms or lack of
common, younger onset predicts accurate diagnostic tools.
severity and faster progression.
Age of Diagnosis Studies show that the common
knowledge that keratoconus pro-
Typically, between 20 - 30 years.
gression stops around the third
It’s uncommon after the age decade isn’t precise, so docu-
of 35 years and if diagnosed mented progression is required.
in older groups by chance for
example before “cataract
surgery” it implies that

Clinical Examination and

Slit-Lamp Findings

Don't forget full ophthalmolog- Ask about associated allergic eye

ical examination. diseases as VKC, eye rubbing,
systemic atopy, family history to
The most common complaint is identify FFKC or KCS and don’t
progressive visual blur and dis- forget the medical history.
tortion secondary to myopia and
irregular astigmatism.
B. Visual Acuity

A. History Perform both uncorrected visual

acuity (UCVA) and best cor-
Refractive instability with fre- rected visual acuity (BCVA).
quent changes in glasses pre- For evaluation, documentation,
scription which will identify the follow up and for selecting best
age of onset. treatment modality. In early
3. Clinical Examination and Slit Lamp Findings 4

stages BCVA is minimally af- E. Slit-lamp signs

fected and can be corrected with
glasses, while in late stages
Central or paracentral thinning
BCVA is more affected and can’t and easy visualization of corneal
be corrected with glasses but
may be with contact lenses.
Assessment of potential visual Fleischer ring, a brownish iron
acuity (PVA) for identifying vis- deposits around base of the cone
ual prognosis by best seen with cobalt blue light
1. Rigid contact lens “The best”. (Fig.1).
2. Pin hole, by identifying the dif-
ference between UCVA &
BCVA or improvement of
UCVA only “at least 2 lines”.

C. Scissoring Reflex
For illustrative video see YouTube
Channel Figure 1, upper and lower arrows
show corneal nerves and middle arrow
show fleischer ring.
It is a very early sign which is
seen by retinoscopy. It’s not rou- Vogt’s Striae, are vertical stress
tinely done but has to be checked lines at level of the posterior
in family history of keratoconus stroma, may disappear on gentle
or high astigmatism, so, it re- pressure on the globe (Fig.2).
quires a high index of suspicion.

D. Rizzutti Sign
For illustrative video see YouTube

It is conical reflection on the na-

sal cornea when a penlight is di-
rected from the temporal side. Figure 2, Vogt’s striae.
5 4. Patterns and Clinical Grading

Munson sign which is a protru-

sion of the lower eyelid when
looking downward (Fig. 3).
Corneal scaring following hy-
drops due to breaks or rupture in
the Descemet membrane.

Figure 3, Munson sign.

Patterns and Clinical


Morphological Patterns

Best seen with the tangential

map, which is important also in
contact lens fitting, may be

1. Nipple Cone
Small (≤ 5 mm), cone apex ei- Figure 4, Nipple cone.
ther central or paracentral

2. Oval Cone
Larger (6 - 7 mm), cone apex
mostly displaced inferotem-
poral (Fig.5).

3. Globus Cone
The largest (> 7 mm), may in-
Figure 5, Oval cone.
volve > 75 % of cornea (Fig 6).
4. Patterns and Clinical Grading 6

Curvature Based Patterns

1. Symmetrical Shapes

- Abnormal if Km > 47.2 D in

placido-based topographers or
> 48 D in scheimpflug-based
tomographers, may be
• Rounded which is a hot spot Figure 6, Globus cone.
usually decentered and signi-
fies minimal anterior astigma-
tism (Fig. 7).
• Oval which is a hot spot that is
oval, may be centered or de-
centered and signifies minimal
Figure 7, rounded hot spot.
anterior astigmatism (Fig. 8).
• Symmetrical bowtie either
vertical “WTR”, horizontal
“ATR” or oblique “OA”, so
not every symmetrical bowtie
is normal (Fig. 9 a, b, c).
Figure 8, oval hot spot.

2. Asymmetrical Shapes
For illustrative video see YouTube
- Superior steepening which is a
an isolated hot spot superiorly.
- Asymmetric bowtie superior
steep if S-I > 2.5 D on 2 op- c
posing points in 4 mm zone. c
Figure 9, a; with the rule astigma-
- Inferior steepening which is an tism, b; against the rule astigmatism,
isolated hot spot inferiorly. c; oblique astigmatism.
7 4. Patterns and Clinical Grading

- Asymmetrical bowtie inferior

steep if I-S > 1.5 D on 2 op-
posing points in 4 mm zone.
3. Skewed Shapes
- Symmetrical bowtie with
SRAX > 22˚ (Fig.10).
Figure 10, skewed radial axis > 22 ˚,
- Asymmetric Bowtie with dashed red lines.
SRAX > 22˚.
meridian is above the refer-
- Skewing can be ignored in
ence surface.
1. Topographic astigmatism
- The most important reference
≤ 1D.
surfaces are the best fit sphere
2. Enantiomorphism.
(BFS) and the best fit toric el-
3. Misalignment.
lipsoid (BFTE).
1. Best fit sphere float mode 8
4. Irregular Shapes
mm reference surface
- Always abnormal.
“qualifies the surface”
- As crab claw or kissing birds
- Best to identify cone location
“pellucid like keratoconus”,
a) Central if the apex of the cone
butterfly pattern like crab claw
is within the 3 mm zone (Fig.
but not connected inferiorly,
12 a).
vortex pattern and irregular
b) Paracentral if the apex of the
shape (Fig. 11 a, b, c & d).
cone is within 3 – 5 mm zone
(Fig. 12 b).
Elevation Based Patterns
c) Peripheral if the apex of the
For illustrative video see YouTube cone is outside the 5 mm zone
Channel (Fig. 12 c).
- The normal cornea is toric el- - Used in screening in keratore-
lipsoid. fractive procedures.
- In astigmatism, the steeper - Shapes may be symmetrical
meridian is under the refer- hourglass either vertical
ence surface while the flat “WTR”, horizontal “ATR” or
4. Patterns and Clinical Grading 8

a b

c d

Figure 11, a; crab claw pattern or pellucid like keratoconus, b; butterfly pattern, c; vor-
tex pattern, d; irregular shape.

a b c

Figure 12, a; central cone, b; paracentral cone, c; peripheral cone.

9 4. Patterns and Clinical Grading

skewed “OA” and isolated Pachymetry Based Patterns

central island which signifies
- Normal shape is concentric.
minimal astigmatism.
- Abnormal Shapes may be
- To detect abnormality, look at
1. Oblique displacement of the
the thinnest location on the an-
thinnest location “Dome
terior and posterior elevation
Shape” (Fig. 13).
2. Inferior thinning or Bell sign
1. In myopia, > 8 µm on the an-
“pathognomonic of PMD”
terior elevation map and > 18
(Fig. 14).
µm on the posterior elevation
3. Generalized thinning or kera-
map are abnormal.
toglobus (Fig. 15).
2. In hypermetropia, > 7 µm on
the anterior elevation map and
> 28 µm on the posterior ele-
vation map are abnormal.
For illustrative video see YouTube

2. Best fit toric ellipsoid float

mode 8mm reference surface
“quantifies the surface”
Figure 13, oblique displacement of
- Best to identify true cone ele- thinnest location.
vations and in irregular astig-
- To detect any abnormality,
look inside the 5 mm zone
1. Any point > 12 µm on the an-
terior elevation map is abnor-
2. Any point > 15 µm on the pos-
terior elevation map is abnor-
For illustrative video see YouTube Figure 14, inferior thinning, Bell sign
found in PMD.
4. Patterns and Clinical Grading 10

- Amsler (1961) was the first to

introduce FFKC and described
it as an eye with mild ectasia
and irregular astigmatism
(Placido disc) which was not
progressive and was found
mostly in the other eye of a
unilateral keratoconus or in
families with positive history
of keratoconus.
Figure 15, generalized thinning.

- Holladay (2008) described

Forme Fruste Keratoconus FFKC as when a HOT SPOT
and Keratoconus Suspect coincides between
- The most debatable terms till
now with no widely accepta- 1. Tangential anterior curva-
ble criteria for their classifica- ture map, which is more accu-
tion. rate than the sagittal map.

- The most accepted criteria are 2. Posterior elevation map with

the BFTE as a reference sur-
1. FFKC is an eye with abnor- face.
mal anterior sagittal map with
or without abnormal pachym- 3. Relative Pachymetry Map,
etry map or a normal eye in it’s a map that shows a thick-
which the other eye is kerato- ness of a point in relation to
conus. normal thickness of the same
point in a percentage “normal
2. KCS is an eye with abnormal distribution” e.g. a point with +
anterior sagittal map with or 5 µm means that its thicker than
without abnormal pachymetry normal distribution by 5 so,
map with the other eye is ei- takes 5 % while a point with - 5
ther normal or abnormal. µm takes - 5 %.
11 4. Patterns and Clinical Grading

- Klyce (2009) has described 1. Amsler - Krumeich classifi-

FFKC as the fellow eye in a cation (1998) (Table 1).
unilateral keratoconus which • Most commonly used.
doesn’t show any clinical find- • Not consistent in all cases as
ings except for certain topo- the cornea may be clear in ad-
graphic changes. vanced cases.

- While KCS as patients who 2. Alio - Shabayek classification

(2006) (Table 2).
have no keratoconus in both
eyes but have certain topo- • It added the vertical coma and
graphic findings in one or both other high order aberrations
eyes as (HOAs) due to its prevalence
1. Area of localized steepening in keratoconus.
mainly inferior and may be
central and rarely superior. 3. RETICS Classification Jorge
2. Inferior superior asymmetry L. Alio, (2011), it in-
within 1.4 - 1.9 D. cluded (Table 3)
3. Keratometry values > 47 D. - BCVA due to its functional
4. Oblique astigmatism > 1.5 D. implications and its direct re-
lation to the severity of kerato-
- Recently, objective methods conus.
using artificial intelligence
(AI) have been proposed to di- - Internal astigmatism which
agnose FFKC and KCS e.g. is the difference between
Sirius CSO and Orbscan II. manifest astigmatism “cal-
culated at the corneal
Clinical Grading plane” and anterior corneal
astigmatism. It’s consid-
- Till now, there is no clinically ered as an indirect way to
adequate classification for ker- determine the contribution
atoconus. of the posterior corneal
4. Patterns and Clinical Grading 12

Grade Mean Central Keratometry CCT Spherical Equivalent Cornea

1 < 48 D > 500 µm < -5 D Clear

2 48 D to < 53 D > 400 µm - 500 µm - 5 D to < - 8 D Clear

3 53 D to < 55 D > 300 µm - 400 µm >-8D Clear

4 > 55 D < 300 µm Not Measurable Scar

Table 1, Amsler - Krumeich classification.

Mean Central Keratome- Spherical

Grade CCT Coma RMS Cornea
try Equivalent

1 < 48 D > 500 µm < -5 D 1.5 µm - 2.5 µm Clear

> 400 µm - 500 > 2.5 µm - ≤ 3.5

2 48 D to < 53 D - 5 D to < - 8 D Clear
µm µm

> 3.5 µm - ≤ 4.5

3 53 D to < 55 D 300 µm - 400 µm >-8D Clear

4 > 55 D < 300 µm Not Measurable > 4.5 µm Scar

Table 2, Alio – Shabayek classification.

surface to the ocular 4. Ishii and Associates Classifi-

astigmatism, assuming a cation (2012), it included (Ta-
minimal contribution of ble 4)
the crystalline lens.
- Minimum radius of curvature
- Asphericity or Q-value at 8
on the anterior corneal surface
mm as keratoconus is
known to produce a prolate
or a hyperprolate surface.
13 4. Patterns and Clinical Grading

Grade BCVA Q-Value (8mm) Coma RMS Mean Central K CCT

1.16 µm - 1.52
1 > 0.9 1.59 - 2.14 - 0.05 to -0.22 44.75 D - 45.4 D 495 µm - 510 µm

1.82 µm - 2.31
2 > 0.6 - ≤ 0.9 2.18 - 2.79 - 0.22 to -0.48 46 D - 46.93 D 475 µm - 493 µm

2.65 µm - 3.32
3 > 0.4 - ≤ 0.6 3.04 - 4.17 - 0.58 to -0.95 48.21 D - 49.27 D 451 µm - 470 µm

3.45 µm - 4.42
4 ≤ 0.4 3.68 - 4.58 - 0.83 to -1.21 51.42 D - 53.12 D 433 µm - 454 µm

4 Plus ≤ 0.2 > 5.5 < -1.5 > 5.5 µm > 57 D 360 µm- 420 µm

Table 3, RETICS classification.

- Indices of irregular cornea • Index of Height Decentration

(IHD) which describes the de-
• Index of Surface Variance centration of elevation in ver-
(ISV) which describes corneal tical direction.
surface irregularity.
• Keratoconus Index (KI) which
• Index of Vertical Asymmetry describes the curvature
(IVA), which describes curva- asymmetry “the ratio between
ture asymmetry between supe- the radii of curvatures of the
rior and inferior cornea “as I/S superior and inferior cornea”.
• Central keratoconus Index
• Index of Height Asymmetry (CKI) which describes the se-
(IHA) which describes eleva- verity of central keratoconus.
tion asymmetry between supe-
rior and inferior cornea which - Retinoscopy.
is more sensitive.
4. Patterns and Clinical Grading 14

R-min of
Grade BCVA ISV KI Other 4 Indices ACS Retinoscopy Cornea

1.04 -
Early 1 < 30 Normal 7.8 - 6.7 Normal Clear

30 - 1.07 - Sometimes 1 value Distorted Red Reflex,

1 O.8 - 1 7.5 - 6.5 Clear , Fleisher Ring
55 1.15 abnormal mild SR

55 - 1.10 - Often 1 value Difficult Retinoscopy,

2 0.3 - 1 6.9 - 5.3 May be Clear, FR, VS
90 1.25 abnormal Clear SR

0.16 - 90 - 1.15 - At least 1 value Difficult Retinoscopy May be

3 6.6 - 4.8
0.6 150 1.45 abnormal Clear SR Clear,Thinning, FR,VS

< 0.05 - At least 1 value Difficult Retinoscopy,

4 > 150 > 1.5 < 5.00 Scarred , MS
0.2 abnormal Clear SR

Table 4, Ishii classification.

5. Belin ABCD Classification • Modifier, - “No scaring”, +

(2016) (Table 5). “Scarring not obscuring iris
details”, ++ “Scarring obscur-
- Needs a special software, ing iris details”.
mainly on the oculus pentacam
(Fig. 16), it includes - The goal was to produce a clas-
sification similar to Amsler -
• Anterior radius of curvature Krumeich classification for an-
for a 3 mm zone centered on terior data and at the same time
the thinnest location. solve the deficiencies in previ-
ous staging as
• Back “Posterior” radius of cur-
vature for a 3 mm zone cen- • Lack of posterior corneal data.
tered on the thinnest location.
• Relying on central corneal
• Corneal pachymetry at thin- thickness instead of thinnest
nest location. location.

• Distance best corrected vision. • Different parameters fall into

different stages.
15 4. Patterns and Clinical Grading

• Poor differentiation between

no Clinically
normal andAdequate Classification
abnormal corneas. for
Classification (1998)

20. 7 20/20


Figure 16, Belin ABCD software on ocu-

lus pentacam.

Grade ARC PRC Thinnest Pachymetry BCVA Scaring

> 7.25 mm ≥ 20/20

0 > 5.9 mm > 490 µm -
( <46.5 D ) (≥1)

> 7.05 mm ≤ 20/20

1 > 5.7 mm > 450 µm - , + , ++
( < 48 D ) (≤1)

> 6.35 mm > 5.15 < 20/40

2 > 400 µm - , + , ++
( < 53 D) mm ( < 0.5 )

> 6.15 mm > 4.95 < 20/100

3 > 300 µm - , + , ++
( < 55 D ) mm ( < 0.2 )

< 6.15 mm < 4.95 < 20/400

4 ≤ 300 µm - , + , ++
( > 55 D ) mm ( < 0.05 )

Table 5, Belin ABCD classification.

5. Progression Criteria in Keratoconus 16

Progression Criteria in

- Keratoconus is known to be 3. Genetic factors, as when kera-

progressive, so documenta- toconus is associated with syn-
) of progression is im- dromes or positive family his-
portant -2)order to choose the tory of progressive kerato-
• It Added the Vertical
best treatment modality and Coma & Coma like HOA’s due to its prevalence
in KC
follow up patients before and 4. Hormonal factors as during
after treatment. pregnancy.

- Till now, none of the available - The most accepted parameters

criteria have achieved the re- “of which three of them should
quired level of accuracy and occur concurrently” are
Included BCVAto duebetoconsidered as implications and it
its Functional
Internal Astigmatism
• Standard.
Gold 1. Increased Kmax > 1 D in 1 year.
2. Increased manifest cylinder >
- The main reasons are the dis- 1 D in 1 year.
parity of diagnostic tools and 3. Deterioration of BCVA in 1
the lack of knowledge on the year.
kinetic progression of kerato- 4. Thinning of thinnest location
conus e.g. very asymmetrical ≥ 5 % in 6 - 12 month.
ectasia (VAE). 5. Increased spherical equivalent
≥ 0.5 D in 1 year.
- Identifiable risk factors of pro- 6. Increased Km > 1.5 D in 1 year.
gression are 7. Change in contact lens power
over 2 years.
1. Young age at diagnosis.
2. Mechanical factors as post - Recently Belin ABCD pro-
LASER refractive correction gression display can be used
in undiagnosed cases and with for detecting progression (Fig.
habitual eye rubbing. 17).
17 5. Progression Criteria in Keratoconus

Figure 17, Belin ABCD progression display two.

- The four parameters A, B, C confidence level in which true

and D are displayed side by parameters are present in the
side to easily visually deter- confidence interval.
mine a trend of progression.
- Problems we face in our clinic
- Each individual exam can be are
marked as baseline/reference • In the first visit, most kerato-
“first exam by default” or conus patients do not have
treatment. topographic, tomographic or
refractive data history to sup-
- The red lines are the confi- port keratoconus progression.
dence intervals of keratoconus
patients and green lines are the • Sometimes, if patients have
confidence intervals of normal some topographic and tomo-
population. graphic data, mostly they will
not be comparable as they
- The Confidence Interval is a were done on different topo-
range associated with graphic systems.
5. Progression Criteria in Keratoconus 18

• What complicates the pregnancies and patients

problem more is that the on chronic steroid use.
topography and tomogra-
phy in keratoconus pa- • In low risk group, the expecta-
tients aren’t reproducible tion of rapid progression is
due to intra or inter test low, so, documented progres-
variability. sion is required.

• We start to rely on the his-

tory from patients or fami-
It is not recommended to per-
ly as progressive blurring,
form cross linking during preg-
frequent change in glasses
nancy, although cross linking
prescription and trying to
isn’t contraindicated in preg-
identify the age of onset.

• We must wait for the next

follow up to document
progression, which is
sometimes may not be a
good option, so, patients
should be classified into
high risk or low risk group.

• High risk group has a

greater risk for progres-
sion, rate of progression
isn’t predictable and loss
of functional vision may
affect quality of life as pa-
tients younger than 20
years, females who are ex-
pected to have multiple
19 6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus

Diagnostic tools in Kerato-


- The aim isn’t to diagnose an • Belin Ambrosio display

established case of kerato- (BAD)
conus but to have diagnostic For illustrative video see YouTube
tools with high specificity and Channel
sensitivity to diagnose early • Pachymetry data
cases during screening indi- For illustrative video see YouTube
viduals. Channel
• Numerical values (Fig. 18).
- There are multiple tools that
aid in the diagnosis of early N.B.
cases, but none of them is 100 Belin Ambrosio enhanced ecta-
% diagnostic. sia will not diagnose early
cases with curvature map ab-
- The aim is getting multiple normalities.
characteristic signs from dif-
ferent diagnostic modalities - Progression Index “white is
that can point out suspected normal, yellow is suspicious
and red is abnormal” (Fig 18).
cases early.
For illustrative video see YouTube

Topography & Tomography • Minimum, it’s the meridian

- As discussed before in curva- with the smallest progression
ture, elevation and pachyme- “Green line”.
try based patterns. • Maximum, it’s the meridian
with the largest progression
- Belin Ambrosio enhanced ec- “Blue line”.
tasia software may aid in early • Average, it’s the averaged ra-
detection which includes tio of progression related to
6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus 20

Figure 18, Numerical values in Belin Ambrosio enhanced ectasia.

the normal progression “better • Dp, deviation of the average

to be < 1.2”. pachymetry progression.
• ARTmax “Ambrosio relational • Dt, deviation of the minimum
thickness”, is the ratio be- corneal thickness.
tween thinnest location to pro- • Da, deviation of ARTmax.
gression index maximum. • Final D, total deviation of all
numerical values, normal <
- Deviation Parameters from 1.6 SD, suspicious ≥ 1.6 SD
the standard deviation “White and abnormal ≥ 2.6 SD.
is normal, yellow is suspicious
and red is abnormal” (Fig 18). Segmental Tomography with
• Df, deviation of the front ele- Epithelial Thickness
vation difference map.
• Db, deviation of the back ele- - Using AS-OCT for whole an-
vation difference map. terior chamber tomography.
21 6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus

- Normal epithelial distribu-

tion is approximately 50 -
60 µm (Fig. 19).

- It is thicker inferior than

superior and nasal than
Figure 19, normal distribution of epi-
- This asymmetrical distri- thelial thickness.
bution may be due to
blinking effect, upper eye hypermetropia or localized ef-
lid firm tarsus and outer fects as scar
canthus being slightly ele-
vated than the medial can- - In keratoconus, it takes either
thus. “Focal Thinning” (Fig. 20)
or “Doughnut Pattern”
- The corneal epithelium has which is thinning over the
active remodeling activity cone surrounded by an annu-
to mask any underlying lus of thickened epithelium
stromal irregularities to (Fig. 21).
produce smooth, symmet-
- Either doughnut pattern or
rically optical outer corne-
focal thinning in epitheli-
al surface. Remodeling is
um is suggestive of kerato-
achieved by either
conus but not pathogno-
• Thinning over an elevated or monic.
steep areas e.g. keratoconus
and hypermetropia. - To confirm the diagnosis
of keratoconus, doughnut
• Thickening over flattened are- pattern or focal thinning
as or where tissues are re- must be coinciding with
moved e.g. myopia, an elevation.
6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus 22

- In (Fig. 22), normal an-

terior axial curvature
map with focal epitheli-
al thinning coinciding
with an elevation on the
posterior elevation map.
So, this is a case of ker-
atoconus and epithelial
thinning is a masking Figure 20, focal thinning of epithelium.
effect to the subepithe-
lial cone.

- In (Fig. 23), the anterior

axial curvature map
shows inferior superior
asymmetry > 1.5 D,
epithelial thickening
and normal posterior
elevation map. So, the
localized thickening of
epithelium is the cause Figure 21, doughnut pattern of epi-
thelium in keratoconus.
of inferior steepening.

Figure 22, a case of keratoconus with normal anterior curvature map and focal epithelial
thinning coinciding with posterior elevation.
23 6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus

Figure 23, a case with inferior-superior asymmetry on anterior curvature map and focal epi-
thelial thickening “arrow” with normal posterior elevation map.

Biomechanics of Cornea - Elasticity is the property of

- To increase the accuracy a substance to change its
for early detection of sus- length, volume or shape in
pected cases, we have to response to a force and to
study the cornea beyond its recover its original form
geometry. upon removal of the force.

- Biomechanics is the sci- - Viscosity is the resistance

ence that studies the equi- of a substance to change in
librium and deformation of shape due to internal fric-
tissues submitted to any tion between molecules.
A. Ex-Vivo Flap Extensiometry
- The anterior 40 % of the
cornea has twice the bio-
- It’s the gold standard tech-
mechanical properties of
the posterior part.

- Cornea is viscoelastic in - It’s destructive and can’t

which the collagen fibrils be applied in vivo, it com-
are responsible for the promises the structural in-
elastic component and the tegrity of the cornea in
matrix for the viscous which the collagen fibers
component. are cut.
6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus 24

- A corneal flap is cut from the that act as IOP to simulate the
central cornea and subjected to natural stress (Fig. 24 c).
B. Air Puff Deformation
• One dimensional tensile load
in which the force “stress” is - Can be used in vivo as it’s
increased while the extension fast and non-contact.
“strain” is recorded. It doesn’t
reflect the natural stress distri-
- None of them achieved the
bution as it doesn’t include the
required level of accuracy
whole collagen fibers (Fig. 24
and reliability for being
gold standard.
• Two dimensional tensile loads
in which a circular flap is sub- - Deformation of the cornea
jected to multiple bi-direc- wasn’t related to the bio-
tional loads to include all col- mechanics only but rather
lagen fibers (Fig. 24 b). to corneal thickness and
IOP. In addition, they only
• Three dimensional tensile give information from the
loads in which loads are added central area.

a b c
Figure 24, a; one dimensional tensile load, b; two dimensional tensile loads, c; three di-
mensional tensile loads.
25 6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus

- The Two Available Devices

1. Ocular Response Analyzer ®
For illustrative video see YouTube

• Corneal Hysteresis (CH) is a

physical property in which sub-
stances don’t follow applied Figure 25, show how ocular response
force instantly, it is the differ- analyzer measures CH.
ence between the two applana-
tion pressures and is due to vis-
cous dampening of the cornea, 2. Corvis ST ® “Scheimpflug To-
normal values are 10.8 +/- 1.5 nometer”
mmHg (Fig. 25). For illustrative video see YouTube
• Corneal Resistance Factor
(CRF) is calculated from CH, • It asses the dynamic response
normal values are 11 +/- 1.6 of the cornea by a
mmHg. scheimpflug camera in re-
sponse to air puff.
• Both CH and CRF decrease in
keratoconus but still there is an • Corvis Biomechanical Index
overlap between normal value (CBI) is calculated from sev-
and keratoconus. eral geometrical parameters.

• Studying the deviation of the • Tomographic Biomechanical

waveform from normal made Index (TBI) is calculated
the appearance of keratoconus from both Corvis Biomechan-
match probability (KMP) and ical Index and Belin Ambro-
keratoconus match index sio enhanced ectasia “Final
(KMI). Both still not validated D” which is the deviation of
to be used clinically. all numerical values (Fig. 26).
6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus 26

Figure 26, Corvis Biomechanical Index, BAD-D or Final D and Tomographic Biome-
chanical. Available on oculus pentacam.

C. Brillouin optical scanner • In tissues, there is spontaneous

system (BOSS ™) or brillouin vibrational motion of mole-
microscopy cules known as “thermody-
namic fluctuations”, if a LA-
For illustrative video see YouTube SER source strikes tissues, it
will interact with these me-
- It is a new method for as- chanical “acoustic” fluctua-
sessing the biomechanical tions and will be scattered with
properties of the cornea. characteristic manner “Bril-
louin scatter or Brillouin
- It doesn’t involve any dy- spectrum”. “Léon Nicolas
namic or shape changing pro- Brillouin (1922), Solid State
cess, in addition it’s non-con- Physics”.
tact with high resolution map.
• At each point the LASER hits,
- How does it work (Fig. 27). brillouin spectroscopy detects
27 6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus

the spectral shift between out- 780 nm

going LASER and ingoing


• Brillouin scatter gives infor-

mation on the elastic properties Figure 27, schematic diagram show-
ing the idea of brilloiun scatter.
of the tissue it interacts with in
which you can perform a 3D
map of this tissue. N.B.
BOSS™ is a combination of
• The problem is that brillouin Confocal LASER scanning
scatter is in the gigahertz range microscopy +VIPA +bril-
and has a very faint signal louin spectroscopy.
• Young’s longitudinal elastic
• In 2007, Harvard university modulus reflects biomechani-
made a breakthrough by com- cal properties in solid (Table,
bining brillouin spectroscopy 6).
to virtual image phased array
(VIPA) detector in which in- • Frequency Shift Ω “Brillouin
going frequencies became high Frequency” = 2 x speed of me-
enough with the ability to de- chanical fluctuations / wave-
tect multiple frequencies at the length of near infrared (NIR)
same time. light in tissue, so, velocity of
mechanical “acoustic” fluctu-
• In 2016, it came to clinical use ations is directly proportional
and was named BOSS ™ “In- to frequency Shift Ω.
telon Optics” but still not FDA
approved in USA but has re- • Velocity of mechanical fluctu-
ceived CE mark certification ations is directly proportional
for use in the European union. to longitudinal modulus.
6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus 28

Velocity of Mechanical Frequency Young’s Longitudinal

“Acoustic” Fluctuations Shift Ω Elastic Moduls

Increased Increased Increased

Decreased Decreased Decreased

Table 6, correlation between velocity of mechanical fluctuations, frequency shift Ω and

Young’s longitudinal elastic modulus.

- One of the main advantages of

brillouin microscopy that it
can detect focal weakening.

- Keratoconus now is well rec-

ognized that its due to focal
weakening not generalized
weakening (Fig, 28).
Figure 28, cycle of biomechanical de-
compensation in keratoconus.
- From this cycle we can con-
clude that thinnest location
isn’t the location with high
- Using NIR LASER “780 nm”
stress, but it’s the steep part
made brillouin frequency
ranges from 5.69 to 5.76 GHz,
(Fig 29).
- This cycle of decompensation
also introduced the possibility
that ICRS can delay the pro- Wavefront Aberrations Anal-
gression of keratoconus, but ysis
it’s still debatable.
- Corneal HOAs are increased
- The idea of focal weakening in keratoconus due to irregular
raised up the possibility of astigmatism especially coma
customized treatments. and trefoil.
29 6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus

Figure 29, Brillouin microscopy in a; normal individuals, b; mild keratoconus, c; ad-

vanced keratoconus

- Ocular HOAs may be more ac- cellular level and can also
curate as they include poste- study separate corneal layers.
rior corneal surface.
- Confocal microscopy (CFM)
- Analysis of wavefront HOAs
takes multiple 2D images at
may aid in early diagnosis and
different planes to create 3D
even follow up in keratoconus.

- In advanced keratoconus cases - CFM can be used alone or in

may be helpful in refraction association with brillouin mi-
assessment as it measures the croscopy “Confocal LASER
objective refraction. Scanning Microscopy”.

- In keratoconus (Fig, 30)

Confocal Microscopy
• Decreased epithelial cell den-
- It’s a non-invasive imaging of
sity which is correlated with
a micrograph “which is mag-
the severity of keratoconus.
nified, high resolution images
of a microscope”. Which al- • Prominent thickened sub basal
lows imaging at corneal nerves.
6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus 30

• Decreased stromal keratocytes


• Presence of posterior stromal

folds “Vogt’s stria”.

• In addition, it may identify the

demarcation line depth after
CXL which appears as stromal
keratocyte apoptosis.

Spectral Microscopy

- In early stages, endothelium in

keratoconus appears normal
but when the disease progress
there will be increased pleo-
Figure 30, confocal LASER scanning mi-
croscopy of normal and keratoconus cor-
- Spectral microscopy is useful nea.
also in detection of diseases
occurring simultaneous with
keratoconus as PPCD. algorithm upon the availabil-
ity of data.
Artificial Intelligence and Arti-
ficial Neural Networks - One of the main advantages of
artificial intelligence is their
- Algorithms that through learn- ability to eliminate the gap be-
ing has enabled computers to tween research and clinical ap-
be intelligent. plication by providing a sim-
ple output parameter that can
- Learning is defined as the abil- be directly used as a risk strat-
ity to update parameters of an ification tool.
31 6. Diagnostic Tools in Keratoconus

- Artificial neural networks

“ANN” are a type of artifi-
cial intelligence designed
on the concept of biologi-
cal neurons (Fig. 31).

- ANN are composed of in-

puts that receive external Figure 31, artificial neural networks based
data, circles are different on the concept of biological neurons.
cell bodies that are inter-
connected with arrows
which are connections as
nerve axon (Fig. 32).

- Input neuron receives ex-

ternal data that is delivered
to a neuron of activation
function that acts as a syn- Figure 32, schematic algorithm of ANN.
apsis to modulate data and
lastly deliver it to an out-
put neuron that accomplish 1. Software available in
the final goal. different topographers
and tomographers that
use a variety of indices
- One of the problems of
tested before in clinical
ANN that they require ex-
trials and proved effi-
tremely large clinical da-
ciency in early detec-
tasets for achieving a glob-
tion of keratoconus.
ally accepted performance.
2. Software aiding in the
- Some examples of ANN in nomogram for ICRS
the diagnosis of kerato- implantation e.g. Sirius
conus are CSO.
7. Treatment Modalities, Spectacles and Contact Lens 32

3. The waveform parameters in N.B.

ocular response analyzer that The participation of high-tech
produce the keratoconus companies to provide the compu-
match probability index tational power needed, multi-
(KMP) and the keratoconus centric collaborations to gather
match index (KMI). big datasets along with efficient
data sharing systems to con-
4. Corvis biomechanical index stantly train the models is a vital
(CBI) and tomographic bio- step to improve the accuracy of
mechanical index (TBI). AI models. Don’t rely on them
5. Belin Ambrosio enhanced ec-
tasia, Belin ABCD classifica-
tion and progression display.

Treatment Modalities

1. Spectacles correct the irregular astigma-

- Glasses can be used in early tism that is not corrected by
stages when there is satisfac- glasses.
tory BCVA “minimal astigma-
tism”. - Contact lens can also be used
following any treatment if
- It can be used following any there is satisfactory BCVA.
treatment if there is satisfac-
tory BCVA. - In general, it depends on cor-
neal topography especially
2. Contact Lenses tangential map to detect the lo-
cation and degree of ectasia.
- May be used in mild to moder-
ate and some severe cases to - Soft toric, rigid gas permeable,
33 7. Treatment Modalities, Contact lens

piggyback, scleral and hybrid - Power is determined by con-

contact lenses can be used in tact lens shape.
- Lacrimal lens
Terms in Contact Lenses
For illustrative video see YouTube For illustrative video see YouTube
Channel Channel

- Diameter is the width of con- • It’s an optical lens formed by

tact lens. the tear film layer between the
base curve and the anterior
- Optic zone is the area on the corneal surface, its shape de-
front surface with refracting pends on the base curve and
power. the central curvature of cor-
- Base curve is the central cur-
vature of the posterior surface • If the base curve is steeper
“Rc mm”. than the corneal central curva-
ture, the tear lens will act as a
- Sagittal depth “Vault” is a converging “plus” lens.
measurement from any flat
plane of known diameter to the
• If the base curve is flatter than
highest point on base curve.
the corneal central of curva-
ture, the tear lens will act as a
- Edge Lift is the peripheral lens
diverging “minus” lens.
in relation to the underlying
cornea, it’s determined by the
peripheral curve “documented Soft Toric contact lens
with fluoresceine”.
- Usual soft CL can’t be fitted in
- Dk which describes the oxygen keratoconus as it slips over the
permeability of the lens mate- cornea with failure to create
rial “High Dk > 40, Hyper Dk lacrimal lens to correct irregu-
> 100”. lar astigmatism and HOAs.
7. Treatment Modalities, Contact Lens 34

- Can be used for mild “early” oxygen rich tears exchange

cases. A new design with high under the lens.
modulus is now available
which are relatively stiff that - Push up test, which is manu-
can hold its shape over an ir- ally pushing the contact lens
regular cornea. up with the edge of lower eye-
lid and waiting for the contact
lens to be recited.
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP)
2. Static Fitting
contact lens

- Rigid to fit on irregular cor- - Three-point touch “divided

neas, tears fill on the space be- support”, it’s the best contact
tween the back of lens and the lens fitting, characterized by
anterior irregular surface of gentle central touch at the apex
the cornea forming “lacrimal with surrounding fluoresceine
lens”, this interaction creates pooling, mid peripheral touch
an optically improved surface with pooling at lens edge ap-
correcting the irregular astig- proximately 0.5 - 1 mm (Fig.
matism. 33 a).
For illustrative video see YouTube
Channel - Apical clearance, the apical
“vault” area is clear and the
- The ideal fitting of a RGP is
lens bearing is directed to-
confirmed by
wards the periphery which re-
sults in decreased peripheral
1. Dynamic Fitting tear exchange (Fig 33 b).

- To be well centered and to - Apical bearing is an old type,

move approximately 0.5 - 1 in which the lens mostly bears
mm with blinking and doesn’t on the apex that caused cor-
cross the limbus, to allow for neal scarring (Fig 33 c).
35 7. Treatment Modalities, Contact lens

a b c
Figure 33, dynamic fitting of RGP contact lens using fluoresceine stain, a; three-point
touch, b; apical clearance, c; apical bearing.

- The advantages of RGP are touch at the apex with recur-

• Simple fitting. rent punctate keratitis and ero-
• Easy to insert, remove and sions, so, a disposable silicon
clean. hydrogel with high oxygen
• High oxygen permeability as permeability “high Dk” may
it’s made from high Dk materi- be used under the rigid gas
als. permeable contact lens to in-
• Relatively inexpensive. crease the wear time and de-
crease the discomfort.
- The disadvantages of RGP are
- New designs of piggyback
• Doesn’t fit some cases as in in- lenses have a central cutout
ferior cone where RGP lens depression to accommodate
will center on apex of the cone the rigid gas permeable con-
which will make the visual tact lens over it, prevent it
axis outside the optical zone. from decentration and im-
• Not suitable in dusty environ- proves the comfort because of
ments as dust may enter under minimal interaction with the
the lens through the peripheral lids (Fig. 34).
tear exchange.
Scleral Lens
Piggyback Lens - Are large diameter rigid gas
- Sometimes patient’s epithe- permeable contact lens that
lium can’t tolerate the lens rests completely on the sclera.
7. Treatment Modalities, Contact Lens 36

• Due to its large diameter cen-

tration is good with minimal
lid interaction as the edge is
beyond the palpebral opening.

Figure 34, new design of piggyback con- • Made from high Dk materials.
tact lens with central cutout depression.

- Formed of the vault “optical - Disadvantages are

zone” which is over the cornea
and not touching it, transi- • Fitting problems, if the vault is
tional zone “limbal clearance shallow this will lead to cor-
area” and the edge of the lens neal abrasions and scarring. If
“landing zone” (Fig.35). the edge is tight this will lead
to recurrent conjunctivitis,
- For ideal fitting conjunctival hypertrophy and
• Choose appropriate diameter. corneal neovascularization
• Choose appropriate sagittal from chronic ischemia.
• Adjustment of the landing
• Difficult to insert and remove
zone “edge lift”.
using the suction cup.

- The patient fills the lens with

saline before insertion to pro- • Fogging due to increase in
duce a lacrimal lens approxi- temperature of lacrimal lens or
mately 200 - 250 µm which is from debris that accumulates.
relatively thick. This requires the patient to re-
move the lens and clean it or to
- Advantages of scleral lens are adjust the edge lift.

• Due to presence of a vault can • Not fit for those with glau-
fit to more severe cases. coma drainage device.
37 7. Treatment Modalities, Contact lens

• Difficult insertion and re-


• It can be torn at the junction.

• High cost.

Figure 35, schematic image of scleral - An overview of different con-

lens. tact lens designs used in kera-
toconus (Table, 7).
- Prosthetic Replacement of Oc-
ular Surface Ecosystem - Aspects that must be consid-
(PROSE) is a type of scleral ered when prescribing contact
lens that can be customized to lens in keratoconus are
each patient, but limited centers
fit it worldwide (Fig. 36). • Contact lenses aren’t chosen
based on topography only, but
other important information
Hybrid Lens include occupation, presence
or absence of atopy and ocular
- It’s made from RGP center
surface diseases.
and soft silicon hydrogel skirt
(Fig. 37).
• Patients must know that con-
- Advantages of hybrid Lens tact lenses have no therapeutic

• Excellent centration, fitting and

comfort due to the soft skirt.
• Possible in dusty environment.

- Disadvantages of hybrid lens

• It can’t fit severe cases due to
limited parameters and cus-
tomized design. Figure 36, schematic image of PROSE.
7. Treatment Modalities, Contact Lens 38

effect on keratoconus and

don’t prevent progression.

• They must know that contact

lens fitting requires multiple
lengthy visits.

• Lens power or type may be

changed as keratoconus pro-

• Patients need annual revision

to confirm stability and pre-
Figure 37, schematic image of hybrid
vent complications.

- Use of different contact lens

designs in grades of kerato-
conus (Table 8).

Lens Ease of Care Corneal

Vision Stability Comfort Cost
Design &Handling Health


Scleral C A A A A +++++

PROSE C A A A A ++++

Hybrid C A A A A +++

Piggyback B B B B B ++

Soft Toric A C B A A ++

Table 7, overview of different contact lens designs used in keratoconus, A; excellent, B;

good, C; fair.
39 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

Lens Design Mild KC Moderate KC Severe KC

Soft Toric

Table 8, different contact lens designs and their use in different grades of keratoconus.

3. Cross Linking glyceraldehyde, takes a long

time, so, wasn’t chosen and
Evolution of cross linking
this also explains the low fre-
- Professor Theo Seiler (1993) quency of keratoconus in dia-
in Dresden university made a betes mellites.
large study on corneal biome- • Photo-Oxidative cross linking
chanics and cross linking. with ultraviolet light was cho-
sen because of acceptable bio-
- After reading in literature and mechanics and its prevalence
performing CXL on porcine in the field of dentistry as it
eyes using advanced glycation was known that it hardens the
end products (AGEs) and ul- polymers.
traviolet (UV) light and tested
their efficiency by stress-strain - The problem found in cross
measurements, he found that linking with ultraviolet light
that its effect is weak and to
• Physiological cross linking oc- get a better effect the ultravio-
curs by time with lysyl-oxi- let dose should be increased
dase enzyme which explains which is dangerous, so, the
the decreased incidence of idea of photosensitizer was
keratoconus in old age. born that will increase the ef-
• Cross linking by AGEs from fect without increasing ultravi-
glucose, ribose and olet dose.
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 40

- Several photosensitizers were developed, so, they concluded

found but most of them were that this may decrease irradia-
toxic. The best chosen photo- tion time, Professor Seiler
sensitizer was riboflavin tested 2 mW/cm2 for 45 min
which is vitamin B2 that is not and 3 mW/cm2 for 30 min and
toxic and hydrophilic. found biomechanical effect is
better with the 3 mw/cm2 and
- The next step was to determine named it standard irradiation.
the excitation wavelength of
riboflavin and its concentra- - The best soaking time for ribo-
tion. Two peaks were found flavin 0.1 % was 30 min which
365 nm and 460 nm, 365 nm was time dependent to get the
was chosen after comparing maximum diffusion into the
the biomechanical effect of stroma with epithelium re-
both and 0.1 % was found to moved “epi-off”.
be the best concentration as it
produces the highest absorp-
tion coefficient “90 % of ultra- - Further studies was done to
violet light is absorbed within detect the safety of ultraviolet
the stroma for the safety of en- radiation on the endothelium
dothelium, lens and retina”. and found a minimum corneal
thickness of at least 400 µm is
- Professor Seiler (1995) started required to be safe.
to test UV light 365 nm with
intensity 2 mW/cm2, 0.1 % ri- - Dresden Protocol evolved us-
boflavin for different time in- ing UV-LED 365 nm with in-
tervals and found the best bio- tensity 3 mW/cm2 for 30 min
mechanical effect with 45 min. with a total dose 5.4 J/cm2. It
was an “epi-off” protocol with
- In (2000) UV-LEDs (light 0.1 % riboflavin and soaking
emitting devices) with 365 time every 5 min for 30 min. It
nm and intensity 3mW/cm 2 then entered clinical study be-
named “double diodes” were tween 1998 - 2003.
41 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

Determiners of cross linking 2. Ultraviolet radiation 365 nm

with specific intensity, dose
1. Epithelium and beam profile
- Epithelium acts as a barrier for
ultraviolet radiation “25% loss - Standard irradiation parame-
from epithelium and Bow- ters are intensity 3 mW/cm2
mans membrane”, riboflavin and a total dose of 5.4 J/cm2.
and oxygen.
- Accelerated irradiation either
- Epi-off CXL is the standard • Increased intensity with same
procedure for better results. total dose 5.4 J/cm2.
• Increased Intensity with in-
- Transepithelial “epi-on” CXL creased total dose eg. 7 J/cm2,
is done to decrease the compli- 7.2 J/cm2 and 15 J/cm.2
cations of epi-off.
- For both standard and acceler-
- Riboflavin passes through the ated irradiation, the mode may
epithelium by either be continuous or pulsed “1 sec
on and 1 sec off” which is bet-
• Modifying epithelium permea- ter for replenishment of oxy-
bility with enhancers, but most gen.
are epitheliotoxic e.g. Benz
Alkonium Chloride (BAC), so- - Accelerated intensities de-
dium EDTA, proparacaine, pends on Bunson-Roscoa law
tetracaine and gentamycin. of Reciprocity which states
“The same photochemical ef-
• Changing the physiochemical fect can be achieved by in-
property e.g. iontophoresis. creasing irradiation intensity
while correspondingly de-
• Delivering riboflavin directly creasing illumination time as
into the stroma e.g. femtosec- long as the total dose is not
ond pockets changed”.
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 42

Bunson-Roscoe Principle
- So, it’s supposed to have the
Irradiance mW/cm2 x Time in seconds = Total Dose J/cm2
same effect with 9 mW/cm2
for 10 min, 15 mW/cm2 for 6
min, 18 mW/cm2 for 5 min, 30
mW/cm2 for 3 min, 45
mW/cm2 for 2 min and 90
mW/cm2 for 1 min.

- This doesn’t occur clinically

(Graph 1) shows
Graph 1, biomechanical stiffness of dif-
ferent irradiation intensity and duration
• Up to 30 mW/cm2 had nearly keeping total dose constant.
the same biomechanical ef-
fects as standard irradiation.
- Cosine compensated profile
• After 30 mW/cm2 dramatic de- which has more peripheral en-
crease in biomechanics seen. ergy to compensate for the cor-
neal curvature (Fig. 38 c).
- Bunson Roscoa principle
doesn’t apply for higher inten-
sities which may be explained 3. Adequate diffusion of ribo-
by decreased oxygen availa- flavin in the corneal stroma
- Riboflavin concentration is
Different Beam Profiles time dependent, the ideal
soaking time is every 5 min for
- Gaussian profile, which is bet- 30 minutes for full stromal dif-
ter in the center than periphery, fusion, and the best indicator
it’s not used now (Fig. 38 a). is examining the patients on a
slit-lamp to detect homoge-
- Top hat “flat top” profile, nous diffusion of riboflavin
which has more homogenous into the corneal stroma and
distribution (Fig 38 b). a green aqueous flare.
43 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

a b c
Figure 38, beam profiles of ultraviolet radiation, a; gaussian profile, b; top hat profile, c;
cosine compensated profile.

- Epithelium acts as a barrier for cause stromal dehydration,

the hydrophilic riboflavin dif- soaking time is every 2 min for
fusion. 10 min as VibeX Rapid® and
MedioCROSS M®.
- Different riboflavin used in
clinical practice are
Epi-on “transepithelial” ri-
boflavin “two steps”
Standard riboflavin which is
isotonic and used in epi-off Step one is application of TE
CXL, 0.1 % RF with 20% RF, which is isotonic, 0.25 %
dextran that may cause stro- RF ,1.2 % HPMC ,0.01%
mal dehydration, so, check BAC, soaking time is 2 drops
stromal thickness before UV every minute for 4 min, aim is
irradiation, soaking time is opening the tight junctions.
every 5 min for 30 min as Not more than 4 min to avoid
VibeX®, Ricrolin® and Medio- epithelial sloughing as Para-
CROSS D®. cel® and MedioCROSS TE®.

Riboflavin for accelerated Step two is application of spe-

CXL which is isotonic and cial RF which is isotonic,
used in epi-off CXL, 0.1 % 0.22% RF, soaking time is 1
RF with 1.1 % HPMC that im- drop every 30 sec for 6 min as
proves diffusion and doesn’t VibeX Xtra®.
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 44

Ricrolin TE® “one step”

which is isotonic, 0.1 % RF,
15 % dextran, EDTA, tromet-
amol, soaking time is 1 drop
every 2 min for 15 min then 15
min RF within a silicon ring.

Riboflavin for thin corneas Figure 39, oxygen boost googles.

which is hypotonic and dex-
tran free, used in epi-off consumption is rapid which
CXL, 0.1 % RF as Medio- affects cross linking reaction.
- Supplemental oxygen is used
Special riboflavin, which is through boost googles espe-
isotonic, 0.22 % RF, used for cially in higher intensities >
LASIK Xtra as VibeX Xtra®. 10 mW/cm2, if not available
you may use the usual oxygen
Special riboflavin, which is line (Fig.39).
hypotonic and dextran free,
0.1 % with EDTA and tromet- 5. Time factor for ultraviolet
amol, for iontophoresis and light and riboflavin soaking
sub400 protocol as Ricrolin®+. time

4. Availability of oxygen - Standard irradiation intensity

is 3mW/cm2 for 30 min.
- Sufficient oxygen is important
in cross linking. - Accelerated irradiation is de-
termined according to the in-
- Epithelium acts as a barrier for tensity used.
oxygen delivery in CXL.
- Different riboflavin soaking
- In cross linking, higher inten- time according to the proce-
sities > 30 mW/cm2 oxygen dure.
45 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

Algorithm 1, chemical reactions type 1 and 2 and the importance of oxygen availability
in cross linking.

General reaction mechanism stress and healing response of

For illustrative video see YouTube
tissues. Preferred to be deep,
Channel approximately 200 - 250 µm
and to be posterior to the ante-
- Type two reaction is aerobic
rior 40 % which is already bio-
and lasts for 10 - 15 sec and
mechanically stronger. It may
it’s more important, while type
not appear in every case.
one reaction is anaerobic and
lasts longer.
- Haze, due to the oxidative
stress and dehydration. It may
- The two reactions compete
last for 1 month.
with the available oxygen, so,
oxygen depletion occurs (Al-
- Clinically
gorithm 1).
• Keratometry readings increase
Evidence of action after cross in the first 1-3 months due to
linking the masking effect of epithe-
lium then decrease.
- Demarcation line, which is a
hyper-reflective line seen by
AS-OCT and confocal micros- • Increased BCVA but not in all
copy, it is due to the oxidative cases.
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 46

Protocols of cross linking - Most common used intensities

are 9mW/cm2 for 10 min,
1. Dresden protocol 15mW/cm2 for 6 min and 30
- Topical anesthesia 10 min be- mW/cm2 for 3 min.
fore the procedure. - Riboflavin for accelerated
- Mechanical epithelium re- CXL, two step transepithelial
moval over a 9 mm area. or one step transepithelial ri-
- Standard riboflavin, which is boflavin may be used.
isotonic, 0.1 % RF with 20%
dextran that may cause stro- 3. Protocols for thin corneas
mal dehydration, so, check - Hypo-osmolar riboflavin solu-
stromal thickness before UV tion.
irradiation “must be ≥ 400 - Transepithelial cross linking
µm”, soaking time is every 5 using enhancers, iontophore-
min for 30 min. sis or femtosecond pockets.
- Standard irradiation which is - Pachymetry based accelerated
3 mW/cm2 for 30 min, contin- cross linking “M Nomogram”.
uous mode with a total dose - Sub400 protocol.
5.4 J/cm2 + riboflavin every 5
min “avoid irradiation on lim- N.B.
bal stem cells by leaving an Other protocols used in thin
area of about 2 mm”. corneas but of less importance
- After finishing apply a band- are contact lens assisted CXL
age contact lens, NSAID then and epithelial island CXL.
steroids after epithelial heal-
Hypo-Osmolar Riboflavin So-
ing, antibiotics eye drops and
lution, Hafezi et al, 2009
vitamin c tablets.

- Removal of the epithelium.

2. Accelerated protocols
- Apply standard riboflavin as
- May be epi-off or epi-on, Dresden protocol.
pulsed or continuous mode. - Apply hypotonic riboflavin,
47 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

0.1 %, dextran free to swell

cornea to be ≥ 400 µm “1 drop
every min for 5 -7 min” then
check with pachymetry.
- UV irradiation as Dresden
protocol but don’t add ribofla-
vin during irradiation.
- After finishing, apply a band-
age contact lens, NSAID then
steroids after epithelial heal-
ing, antibiotics eye drops and Figure 40, principles of iontophoresis.
vitamin c tablets.

Transepithelial cross linking Transepithelial cross linking

using iontophoresis
using enhancers and femtosec-
ond pockets - Iontophoresis is a non-inva-
sive system that enhances de-
- Transepithelial riboflavin
“two steps” is applied fol- livery of charged molecules
lowed by accelerated UV irra- “riboflavin is negative” into
diations. Most studies show tissues using small electric
inferior results than epi-off. current (Fig 40).
- Two involved mechanisms
- Creating femtosecond pockets
and directly applying ribofla- 1. Electro repulsion, as negatively
vin into the stroma followed charged riboflavin repels.
by accelerated UV irradiation. 2. Electro-osmosis, as corneal tis-
Studies also show inferior re- sue is positively charged in the
sults. physiological PH.
N.B. - A recent study was published
Femtosecond pocket assisted by Mazotta, et al 2018 “En-
cross linking is combined some- hanced-Fluence Pulsed-Light
times with Myoring implanta- iCXL” show very promising
tion. effects. Demarcation line
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 48

depth is approximately 290 - M, matching the IVCM and

µm in > 80% of patients. OCT measurements with the
- Parameters used in the study simulated CXL depth mathe-
• UV irradiation 18 mW/cm2, matical models.
pulsed with a total dose opti- - All measurements include the
mized to 30 % increase to be 7 epithelium (Fig 41).
J/cm2 to overcome loss of UV - All measurements include 50
by absorption from the epithe- µm “plus” for endothelial
lium and Bowmans membrane safety.
for 6.28 min. The total time is - The 18mW/cm2 isn’t included
12.56 min which is also opti- as it wasn’t superior to
mized to 30 % increase. 15mW/cm2 in Kmax flattening
• Riboflavin used is 0.35 ml of a and biomechanics.
special riboflavin, Ricrolin®+ - The M nomogram allows to
• Iontophoresis suction ring set a desired depth of treat-
with a current 1 mA for 5 min. ment for corneas ranging from
250 µm - 400 µm.

Pachymetry based accelerated

cross linking “M Nomogram”, Sub400 protocol, Hafezi et al,
Mazzotta et al, 2018. 2020.

- It’s an epi-off study compar- - It’s an epi-off study that is

ing the demarcation line depth based on individualizing the
in conventional protocol and total dose during CXL,
different accelerated protocols according to the intraoperative
by in vivo confocal micros- pachymetry.
copy, AS-OCT and calculated - The irradiance is kept constant
mathematical CXL models. at 3mW/cm2, continuous mode
- There was very high correla- while only the duration and the
tion between measured IVCM, total dose are adjusted to every
OCT and calculated depth of patient according to the
the demarcation line. thinnest pachymetry after
49 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

Figure 41, schematic image of a 400 µm thickness cornea showing demarcation line
depth including epithelium and 50 µm plus for endothelial safety, total dose is kept con-
stant 5.4 J/cm2 for different intensities.

riboflavin soaking and before 4. Topography guided

UV irradiation (Table 9). protocols

- It’s based on a theoretical - Customized Remodel-

model that takes into account ing Vision (CURV)
stromal riboflavin diffusion, which is done on the
oxygen and UV availability new device, MOSAIC®
during cross linking. system.
- Ricrolin®+ is soaked for 20
- It’s known from studying
min which is hypotonic, dex-
corneal biomechanics by
tran free, 0.1 % RF, with
brillouin microscopy that
EDTA and trometamol.
keratoconus is due to focal
- The advantages of this proto- weakening, so, customized
col that it can be applied on CXL over the weak areas
any CXL device and that the is better than generalized
total dose doesn’t exceed 5.4 CXL over the entire cor-
mJ/cm2. nea.
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 50

Minimum Stromal Thickness Duration “min”
Line depth “µm”
200 1 130
210 1:20 140
220 1:40 150
230 2 160
240 2:30 170
250 3 180
260 3:30 190
270 4 200
280 5 210
290 6 220
300 7 230
310 9 250
320 10 255
330 12 265
340 14 275
350 16 283
360 18 290
370 20 300
380 23 310
390 26 320
400 29 330

Table 9, sub400 protocol showing stromal thickness and expected demarcation line
depth, irradiance is kept constant at 3 mW/cm2 while total dose and duration is variable.

- The new MOSAIC® system of- - Different overlapping custom-

fers this advantage of custom- izations are available with dif-
ization in which the weak area ferent shapes, energies and du-
“cone” receives more intense, ration (Fig. 42 e).
localized and targeted CXL, - There is a real time eye tracker
while the rest of the cornea to overcome the cyclotorsion.
will receive less intense CXL - Accelerated protocols from 9
(Fig. 42 a, b, c and d). mW/cm2 to 100 mW/cm2 with
51 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

total dose up to 15 J/cm2 are

also available.
- Selectively induced stiffening
in weak areas, can flatten the a b c

cone and improve the vision.

5. Combined protocols
• Athens protocol d

• Cretan protocol
• LASIK-Xtra

Athens protocol

For illustrative video see YouTube Figure 42, CURV in Mosaic system, a; dif-
Channel ferent depth of demarcation line which is
deeper in weaker areas that received higher
fluence, b; c; and d; overlapping in Mosaic
- It involves simultaneous PTK system, e; different overlapping customiza-
for epithelial removal “50 µm” tion found in the Mosaic System.
+ partial topography guided
ablation “50 µm” to regularize 2. Decreased BCVA < 0.6 “no
the anterior corneal surface + need to ablate progressive KC
accelerated CXL. Riboflavin with good BCVA, CXL is
for accelerated protocols is enough”.
used with intensity of 3. Preoperative CCT ≥ 450 µm or
9mW/cm2 for 10 min, with or ≥ 400 µm before CXL.
without MMC application. 4. Preoperative epithelial map-
Simultaneous protocol shows ping, to avoid epithelial mask-
better results than sequential ing and include it from stromal
protocol, Kanellopolous et ablation over the cone.
al,2009. 5. Astigmatism
• If MA and TA are aligned,
- Prerequisite
the difference is ≤ 1D and ≤
1. Stage 1 or 2 “early and mild 15˚, correct 70% within the
keratoconus”. limits of 50 µm.
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 52

• If both aren’t aligned don’t in- riboflavin every 5 min and

clude the astigmatism and MMC application “avoid irra-
treat as Cretan protocol. diation on limbal stem cells by
6. Check ablation cone thick- leaving an area 2 mm from
ness (ACT) it must be ≤ 50 limbus”.
µm. ACT is how much - It has better results as it may
will be ablated over the act as a partial topography
cone, check it also with the guided ablation due to epithe-
epithelial map. lium masking effect.
7. Adjust optical zone e.g.
decrease optical zone to LASIK-Xtra
decrease ACT and increase
RSB to be ≥ 400 µm. - After excimer LASIK abla-
8. Don’t promise patients tion, cover the corneal stroma
about glasses independ- with VibeX Xtra® for 1 min.
ence, you are just regular- Avoid soaking of the flap with
izing the corneal surface. riboflavin.
- Wash riboflavin with BSS, re-
Cretan protocol turn the flap over the stroma
- Phototherapeutic keratectomy then apply the UV irradiation
(PTK) 50 µm for epithelium 45 mW/cm2 for 80 seconds
removal. with a total dose 3.6 J/cm2.
- Standard riboflavin is used - Avoid flap CXL “as flap has
which is isotonic, 0.1 % RF minimal stroma” to avoid de-
with 20% dextran that may hydration, shrinkage, decreas-
cause stromal dehydration, so, ing UV light reaching stroma
check stromal thickness before and eventually it will not con-
UV irradiation, soaking time is tribute to corneal stability.
every 5 min for 30 min. - My opinion about LASIK Xtra
- Standard irradiation is used, 3 1. LASIK is an elective surgery,
mW/cm2 for 30 min with a total no need to apply LASER on a
dose 5.4 J/cm2 with or without moderate or high risk
53 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

topography for aim of prophy- • Non-compliant children e.g.

laxis against post LASIK ecta- Down syndrome.
sia. • Advanced ocular surface dis-
2. Unpredictable refractive re- ease to avoid epithelial healing
sults due to prolonged flatten- problems.
ing effect of CXL may occur.
3. The number of published stud- - Bilateral simultaneous CXL
ies for combined LASIK and isn’t a good option for fear of
CXL are few with unknown rehabilitation and complica-
long-term outcomes. tions, unilateral procedure is
4. No agreement on a standard the best and after reaching a
protocol, multiple protocols functional vision, CXL is done
are available. to the other eye.
5. In the era of premiere phakic N.B.
IOLs, there is no need to put Once you take a decision of
the patient at a risk for an elec- epi-on CXL, you must follow
tive procedure. up the patient regularly.

Indications of cross linking Complications of cross linking

- Progressive keratoconus with
- Persistent epithelial defect.
good BCVA.
- Corneal scar.
- The standard CXL is epi-off
- Infectious keratitis.
till long term studies of epi-on
- Sterile stromal infiltrates.
show its effect.
- Endothelial dysfunction with
- There are some indications for
corneal edema.
epi-on, i.e., inability to per-
- Limbal stem cells damage
form epi-off as
from excessive UV especially
• Young patients refusing epi- in PMD, so, leave an area 1-2
off CXL or older patients with mm from the limbus.
inability to document progres- - Treatment failure with contin-
sion. ued progression.
7. Treatment Modalities, Cross Linking 54

- Decreased BCVA in patients Dresden protocol under

with visual acuity ≥ 0.7, it’s topical anesthesia as
not a serious complication but long as the child is
must be discussed with the pa- compliant with a mini-
tients. mum stromal thickness
≥ 400 µm as adults and
Cross linking in children the use of hypotonic ri-
boflavin if minimum
- A child is a human younger stromal thickness < 400
than 18 years. µm.
- Different stages the eye passes - If the child is noncom-
through at different ages are pliant, epi-On CXL
shown in (Fig, 43). with 30 min irradiation
- Estimated collagen turnover in may take a chance un-
children is approximately 3 der topical or general
years compared to adults that anesthesia. This group
is about 6-7 years. This indi- may benefit from bilat-
cates regular short period fol- eral CXL under general
low up for increased possibili- anesthesia.
ties of retreatments. - The use of accelerated pro-
- Current evidence sug- tocols in children shows
gests epi-off CXL encouraging results.

12 – 15 Years > 15 – 18 Years

Birth – 12 Years
The transition be- Decreased elasticity
Increased elasticity tween the two stages
were the cornea is Increased rigidity
Increased viscosity
biomechanically un-
Natural CXL

Figure 43, different stages the eye pass through in different age group.
55 7. Treatment Modalities, Cross linking

N.B. - May be applied as epi-off or

During the first 6 months after epi-on.
CXL, the cornea shows topo- - An ongoing study “PiXL with
graphic changes in addition to Boost O2” aims to study the ef-
changes in refraction and visual fect of epi-on PiXL with high
acuity. After 6 months corneal oxygen concentration, high in-
parameters stabilize and corneal tensity and total dose on low
stability is judged thereafter for myopia.
any possibility of retreatment. - PiXL still needs more clinical
trials for standardized nomo-
grams for refractive errors.
Recent trends in cross linking

Photorefractive intrastromal
cross linking (PiXL)
a b c

For illustrative video see YouTube Figure 44, principal of PiXL in a; myo-
Channel pia, b; Astigmatism, c; hypermetropia

- CXL is known to decrease cor- N.B.

neal curvature by anterior cor- Both CURV and PiXL are
neal flattening, so, we can ben- customized CXL techniques
efit from this as a refractive that are available on the new
tool. device Mosaic® System.
- PixL is a customized application
Photoactivated chromophore
of CXL acting by reshaping of
cross linking “PACK-CXL”
the cornea by means of localized
tissue strengthening (Fig. 44). - CXL has microbicidal effect,
- Indicated in low refractive er- so may be used in infective
rors ≤ 3 diopters. “John Kanel- keratitis.
lopoulos the first to present - It is active against bacteria,
clinically”. fungi and acanthamoeba but
7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments 56

not active against virus and it N.B.

may activate latent viral in- Cross linking was FDA ap-
fections. proved in Europe in 2007 and in
- Chromophore is the substance USA in 2016.
used that may be riboflavin or
Evolution of cross linking de-
rose bengal stain and it is ap-
plied as Dresden protocol.
For illustrative video see YouTube
- Antimicrobial activity is due Channel
1. Microbial RNA and DNA 4. Intracorneal ring segments
damage by UV and reactive
Structure of ICRS
oxygen species (ROS).
For illustrative video see YouTube
2. Biomechanical stiffness that Channel
causes increased resistance to
enzymatic digestion. - ICRS was originally devel-
3. Decreased pain due to de- oped for surgical correction of
creased number of corneal high myopia and astigmatism.
nerves. - ICRS are made from PMMA
which is biocompatible, nearly
Bullous keratopathy the same refractive index as
the cornea, flexible and easy to
- By using the corneal dehydra- work with.
tion effect of CXL due to the - Each segment has
presence of dextran in ribofla- 1. Arc length in degree
vin. 2. Apical diameter
- It’s better to dehydrate the cor- 3. Inner diameter
nea before application of UV
4. Outer diameter
irradiation with either glycerol 5. Thickness
70 % or glucose 40 %.
- Ideal time of preoperative de- Types of ICRS
hydration isn’t clinically iden-
tified, from hours to one day 1. Kera ring, Mediphacos, Bra-
before UV irradiation. zil (Table 10) and (Fig. 45).
57 7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments

Cross Section Triangular

Arc Length 90˚, 120˚, 160˚, 210˚, 355˚
5 mm “ arc length as above ”
6 mm “ 150˚ instead of 160˚”
Thickness 150 µm - 350 µm (50 µm increase)
Inner Diameter 6 mm
Outer Diameter 7 mm

Table 10, kera ring parameters.

- A new type of kera ring, Kera

ring AS progressive thickness
is now available (Table 11)
and (Fig. 46).

2. Ferrara ring, AJL ophthal-

mics, Spain (Table 12) and
(Fig. 47).

3. Intacs ring, Addition technol- Figure 45, kera ring, triangular cross
section to have a prismatic effect to de-
ogy, AJL, Spain (Table 13 and
crease the glare and halos. The 355˚
(Fig. 48). segment 6 mm diameter only 200 µm
and 300 µm are available.
4. Myoring, Dioptex, Austria,
(Table 14).

Cross Section Triangular

Arc Length 160˚
Diameter 5 mm
150 µm to 250 µm
Progressive Thickness
200 µm to 300 µm
Inner Diameter 6 mm
Outer Diameter 7 mm

Table 11, kera ring AS parameters.

7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments 58

a b

Figure 46, kera ring AS. Progres- Figure 47, a; ferrara ring, b; yellow filter to
sive thickness is with the direction absorb ultraviolet light to decrease glare and
of the arrow. halos especially at night.

Cross Section Triangular

Arc Length 90˚, 120˚, 140˚, 160˚, 210˚,340˚
Diameter 5 mm or 6 mm
Thickness 150 µm - 300 µm (50 µm increase)
Inner Diameter 4.8 mm
Outer Diameter 5.4 mm

Table 12, ferrara ring parameters.

Intacs Intacs -SK

Cross Section Hexagonal Oval
Arc Length 150˚, 210˚ 90˚,130˚, 150˚
Diameter 7 mm 6 mm
90˚( 250 - 450 µm )
150˚ ( 250 - 450 µm )
Thickness 130˚ ( 300 - 450 µm )
210˚ (250 µm )
150˚ ( 250 - 500µm )
Inner Diameter 6.7 mm 6 mm
Outer Diameter 8.1 mm 7 mm

Table 13, Intacs and Intacs - SK rings parameters.

59 7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments

- Myoring acts as a permanent

contact lens inside the cornea.
- It’s rigid to stabilize the cornea
and flexible to be entered from
a small incision and has a good
- Myoring implantation inside a
corneal pocket with or without
accelerated CXL in the same
session is still debatable. Figure 48, INTACS ring.

5. Visum ring, Mediphacos,

Brazil (Table 15) and (Fig.
49). It’s an asymmetrical ring
that is still under clinical trials.

6. Corneal allogenic intrastromal

ring segments (CAIRS), So- Fig. 49, Visum ring. A new de-
sign with arc length 340˚ is tested
san Jacob (Fig. 50). to avoid wound healing problems
due to proximity of ends from
main incision.
- It is based on using corneal
stromal tissue as synthetic

Cross Section Triangular

Arc Length 360 ˚
Diameter 5 , 6, 7, 8 mm
Thickness 200 µm - 320 µm (40 µm increase)
Inner Diameter 5 - 6 mm
Outer Diameter 7 - 8 mm

Table 14, Myoring parameters.

7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments 60

- It is prepared with a special

trephine after epithelium and
Descemet membrane are re-
moved (Fig 50 A).
- CAIRS are implanted in a
femtosecond LASER tunnel of
the recipient cornea (Fig 50 C,
D and E).
- It has an advantage of decreas-
ing complications of synthetic
ICRS, but still needs more
clinical studies to determine
the long term stability. Figure 50, CAIRS, A; ring trephine for
trephination of corneal stroma after re-
Mechanism of action of ICRS moval of epithelium and Descemet mem-
brane, C and D; implantation through
- According to Barraquer thick- femtosecond tunnels, E; final appearance
after implantation.
ness law, to flatten the central
area of the cornea, either re- - According to Blavatskaya
move tissue from the center or rule, the flattening effect of
add tissue to the periphery ICRS increases by either de-
such as ICRS that will lead to creasing the optical zone of
an arc shortening effect (Fig. implantation or increasing the
51). segment thickness.
Cross Section Quadrangular
353 ˚(2 Asymmetrical Segments) can be
Arc Length
customized from 90˚ to 160˚
Diameter 5 mm
The Thickness of each segment can be
customized from 150 µm to 350 µm
Inner Diameter 5.5 mm
Outer Diameter 6.5 mm

Table 15, Visum ring parameters.

61 7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments

- In general, arc length of ICRS

is related to cylinder correc-
tion while its diameter and
thickness are related to my- Figure 51, Barraquer thickness law show-
opic correction. ing arc shortening effect of ICRS.
- Another proposed mechanism why ICRS are implanted on
of action of ICRS is new lim- the steep axis.
bus creation. Collagen fibers
For illustrative video see YouTube
build a frame of support Channel
stretching from limbus to lim- - A skew action occurs at the
bus. axis over the middle of the
- During tunnel formation with body of ICRS i.e. perpendicu-
femtosecond LASER, the col- lar to the flattened axis.
lagen fibers at the tunnel are For illustrative video see YouTube
cut leading to Channel

1. Concentration of the periph- - Sometimes unpredictable ef-

eral damaged fibers “outside fects may be seen with ICRS
tunnel” towards the limbus. due to the abnormal biome-
2. Flattening of the central area chanical functions of kerato-
which are under the pull of the conic corneas.
central freed fibers.
- Adding ICRS acts as a new
limbus and makes an outward
pressure adding to the central
flattening (Fig. 52).
- ICRS flattens the axis con-
necting the ends of the seg-
ments. In addition, segments
ends may cause a tractional
force on the corneal surface
Figure 52, outward pressure effect of
adding to the flattening, that’s ICRS that causes central flattening
7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments 62

Indications of ICRS Types of Keratoconus

- A New Type of Kera Ring AS For illustrative video see YouTube
- Poor“Progressive
BCVA < 0.6. BCVA < is
Thickness” Channel
0.6 now
good PVA mostly
have good results after ICRS. 1. Central or Nipple kerato-
- Intolerance to contact lens. conus, (Table 16).
- Good PVA, PVA is testing
BCVA with either rigid con- 2. Peripheral or Oval kerato-
tact lens or pin hole, a good conus, most commonly seen,
PVA must be at least two lines (Table 17).
- Difference between manifest 3. Bowtie or Snowman kerato-
astigmatism and topographic conus, (Table 18).
astigmatism ≤ 15˚, it’s not an
indication it ensures better re- 4. Pellucid like keratoconus,
sults. (Table 19).
- Low Q-value. High Q-value
signifies severe keratoconus in
which the required ICRS will Nomograms of ICRS
not be possible to be im-
planted. - Each ICRS model supplies its
- Absence of Vogt’s striae and own nomogram which is good
corneal opacity. for beginner surgeons.
- Individual modifications
Location based on personal experience
may come later.
High negative value
Astigmatism Low
Posterior Elevation Map Isolated central island
Best ICRS 355˚or Myoring (in relatively high

Table 16, Central or Nipple keratoconus.

63 7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments

Location Paracentral, mostly lower temporal

Negative value
Astigmatism High/Low
Posterior Elevation Map Tongue extension
Best ICRS According to target Q and astigmatism

Table 17, Peripheral or Oval keratoconus.

Location Central symmetrical or asymmetrical bow tie

Negative value
Astigmatism High/Low
Posterior Elevation Map Isthmus
Best ICRS According to target Q and astigmatism

Table 18, Bow tie or Snowman keratoconus.

Location Peripheral “crab claw”

Zero or positive value
Astigmatism High
Posterior Elevation Map Inferior decentred isolated island
Best ICRS 1 Segment 90˚, 120˚ or 140˚

Table 19, Pellucid like keratoconus.

- Whatever nomogram you use, wavefront analysis to have an

you must do a meticulous sub- objective refraction, where
jective refraction. you can start and have the
- If it is difficult to have a re- most acceptable best corrected
fraction, you may use visual acuity.
7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments 64

Kera ring nomogram - If not sufficient choose the

- Identifies the asymmetry type suitable ICRS e.g. 250 µm.
according to the distribution of - Implantation will be at 80 %
ectasia along the steep merid- from thickness at the tunnel.
ian, (Fig. 53). Case two
Case one For illustrative video see YouTube
For illustrative video see YouTube
- Refraction is -2DS -6 DC x
- Refraction is -5DS -4DC x 180˚ and the BCVA is 0.7.
135˚ and the BCVA is 0.7. - Check the mesopic pupil size
- Check the mesopic pupil size which must be < 5mm.
which must be < 5mm. - Look at the anterior sagittal
- Look at the anterior sagittal map to identify the steep axis.
map to identify the steep axis. - Ectasia Type 4, so, nomogram
- Ectasia type 2, so, nomogram C will be used.
A will be used. - 160˚/250 µm temporal,
- 160˚/300 µm lower temporal, 160˚/250 µm nasal at 5 mm.
120˚/150 µm upper nasal at 5 - Before implantation, check the
mm. thickness at implantation site.
- Before implantation, check the - If not sufficient choose the
thickness at implantation site, suitable ICRS e.g. 200 µm.
ICRS shouldn’t exceed 60 % of - Implantation will be at 80 %
corneal thickness at the tunnel. from thickness at tunnel.

Figure 53, types of ectasia according to the steep axis and the corresponding nomogram.
65 7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments

- An important issue, should we - One of the important parame-

always need to choose the ters that should be targeted in
topographic steep axis ? keratoconus is the Q-value,
Q is the quality of vision.
1. If the BCVA > 0.6, choose the - Sometimes the resultant flat-
manifest axis or topographic tening doesn’t correlate with
steep axis, mostly both will be the BCVA, mostly due to
aligned, the difference < 15˚, missing the Q-value.
but take care that in the mani- - The rule is, to achieve what
fest refraction the axis with you want with the least im-
minus cylinder is the flat axis. plantation even with less flat-
tening effect, this is better.
2. If BCVA < 0.6, you can
- No need to implant a segment
choose either the topographic
in a flat area except if there is
axis or coma axis, mostly both
high astigmatism.
aren’t aligned in > 80 % of
- A study done by Paulo Ferra-
cases. It’s a surgical prefer-
ra, et al. founded a direct rela-
ence with no enough clinical
tion between ICRS thickness
data to support.
and the change in Q-value
• Correcting on topographic ax- (Table 20), (Graph 2, 3 and 4).
is will decrease astigmatism - Steps of this nomogram
and improve BCVA but may 1. Identify the type of the cone
affect the quality of vision if either central, peripheral,
significant HOAs are present. bowtie or pellucid like.
• Correcting on coma axis will
2. Identify the topographic steep
also improve BCVA and qual-
axis, if two segments will be
ity but will not treat the cylin-
implanted it’s better to be par-
der or may even increase it.
allel to the steep axis, and if
one segment will be implant-
Modified kera ring nomogram ed, then at least one end
or asphericity based nomo- should be parallel to the steep
gram axis.
7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments 66

Ring Arc Length Astigmatism Asphericity
90˚, 120˚, 140˚ +++ + +
160 ˚ ++ ++ ++
210˚ + +++ +++
340˚ ++ ++++ ++++

Table 20, the relation between different ICRS arc lengths and their effect on astigma-
tism, asphericity and keratomeric readings.

Graph 2, mean change in Q-value with single or double 160˚ segment of different

Graph 3, mean change in Q-value with 210˚ Graph 4, mean change in Q-value with
segment of different thickness. 340˚ segment of different thickness.
67 7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments

3. Identify the target Q-value, cone will be displaced and no

preoperative Q value - change need to implant in a flat area.
in Q- value = -0.23 “normal Q-
value. Case two
4. Identify the topographic astig-
For illustrative video see YouTube
matism, if high (> 5 D), choose Channel
a short arc segment or two seg-
ments. - It will be discussed using the
5. Choose the best ICRS from the kera ring nomogram and the
above parameters. asphericity based nomogram.
Ü Kera ring nomogram
Case one
For illustrative video see YouTube • Refraction is -1 DS -5DC x
Channel 170˚ and the BCVA is 0.8.

- The same case was discussed • Steep axis at 80˚, so, ectasia
before using kera ring nomo- type 4 and nomogram C will
gram. be used.
- The nomogram suggested im-
planting 160˚/300 µm lower • The nomogram suggested im-
temporal and 120˚/ 150˚ upper planting 120˚/250 µm tem-
nasal. poral and 120˚/ 250 µm nasal.
- Following the steps of the as-
phericity based nomogram • It’s not a bad option but it will
1. It’s an oval cone. not target the Q-value, in ad-
2. The steep axis at 45˚. dition, the astigmatism isn’t
3. -0.56 - ∆Q = -0.23, change in high enough to use a short arc
Q = -0.33. segments, so, 140˚ or 160˚
4. The topographic astigmatism segment will be better, but
is low. 140˚ segment isn’t available
5. The best will be 160˚/250 µm, in the kera ICRS its available
change in Q is -0.34 and the only in ferrara ICRS.
7. Treatment Modalities, Intracorneal Ring Segments 68

Ü Asphericity based nomogram Combined procedures

1. It’s a bow tie cone. - The most common combined
2. Steep Axis at 80˚. procedure is cross linking.
3. -0.95 - ∆ Q = -0.23, the change • Results show that sequential
in Q = -0.72. ICRS done first followed by
4. The topographic astigmatism CXL within 3-6 months gives
is relatively low. better results than if both done
5. The best will be 160˚/200 µm simultaneous or CXL first fol-
temporal, 160˚/150 µm nasal, lowed by ICRS.
change in Q with 200 µm and • Sometimes there may be loss
150 µm is -0.73. of BCVA following CXL.
6. Another option is 210˚/200 - ICRS may be combined with
µm, change in Q-value is -0.6 any other refractive procedure.
but one end must be parallel to
the steep axis. Improving vision after ICRS

Case three - One of the main advantages of

ICRS is reversibility, you may
For illustrative video see YouTube
Channel need to readjust or exchange an
- It will be discussed using the ICRS for better results.
asphericity based nomogram. - Glasses or contact lens may
- Refraction is -0.5 DS -4.00 DC improve BCVA after ICRS.
x 150˚. - Refractive surgery e.g. phakic
1. It’s an oval cone. IOLs, PRK + CXL may be
2. Steep Axis at 60˚. used to improve BCVA.
3. -0.70 - ∆ Q = -0.23, change in
Complications of ICRS
Q = -0.47.
4. The topographic astigmatism - Surgical related complications
is low. which are less common now
5. The best will be 160˚/250 µm with the introduction of femto-
lower temporal, change in Q- second LASER tunnel for-
value with 250˚ is -0.34. mation are subconjunctival
69 7. Treatment Modalities, Refractive Surgery

hemorrhage, suction ring loss • Infectious keratitis may re-

and very rare corneal perfora- quire removal of the segments.
tion in < 0.6 % of cases. Previ- Pain differentiates infectious
ously when the manual tech- from non-infectious causes.
nique was used, complications • Sterile infiltrates at the tunnel.
were more common as ring de- which is asymptomatic but if
centration, asymmetric posi- in doubt treat as infection.
tion and corneal perforation.

- Post-surgical complications as

• Early postoperative, foreign

body sensation and mild cor-
neal edema for 24-48 hours.
• Migration of ICRS, if early
you can re-position, but if late
it will be difficult and extru- Figure 54, extrusion of ICRS.
sion will occur with increased
incidence of infection so, bet- 5. Refractive surgeries
ter to remove the segment.
• Extrusion which is due to in-
terfering with stromal nutrition 1. Selective transepithelial ab-
anterior to the segment, with lation for regularization of
resultant stromal thinning and ectasia with simultaneous
extrusion. Careful slit-lamp cross linking, (STARE-XL)
examination shows progres-
sive stromal thinning over the - It involves single step reversed
segment. The earliest sign is approach topography guided
recurrent epithelial erosion transepithelial PRK, all surface
over the segment. Removal of laser ablation (ASLA) i.e. re-
the segment is mandatory (Fig. moving epithelium and apply-
54). ing partial topography guided
7. Treatment Modalities, Refractive Surgery 70

ablation in one step + acceler- For illustrative video see YouTube

ated CXL. Riboflavin for ac-
celerated protocols is used, ul- Ü In central keratoconus, cornea
traviolet irradiation beam is is hyperprolate with myopia
centered on the cone apex on and high negative Q-value, so,
the posterior elevation map. correcting myopia within 0-2
- If RST ≥ 400 µm intensity is diopters decreases Q-value.
15mW/cm2, pulsed “1 sec on 50 % of astigmatism and
and 1 sec off” for 12 min with HOAs are also corrected
a total dose 5.4J/cm2. within the limit of maximum
- If RST < 400 µm intensity ablation 50 µm.
used is 30mW/cm2, pulsed “1
Ü In peripheral keratoconus,
sec on, 1 sec off” for 8 min
cornea is less prolate with less
with a total dose 7.2J/cm2.
myopia and low negative Q-
- Prerequisite
value, so, central ablation to
1. Stage 1 or 2 “early and mild correct myopia will induce
keratoconus”. prolate cornea and induced
2. Decreased BCVA < 0.6 “no myopia, so, no myopic correc-
need to ablate progressive ker- tion is done. Only 50 % of
atoconus with good BCVA, astigmatism and HOAs are
CXL is enough”. corrected within the limit of
3. Preoperative CCT ≥ 450 µm max ablation 50 µm.
and minimum RST ≥ 350 µm.
4. Preoperative epithelial map- 6. Optical zone in central kerato-
ping, for custom epithelium re- conus is 6.5mm and in periph-
moval profile and to avoid ab- eral keratoconus is 6 mm.
lation over the cone. A central 7. Ablation zone offset to coin-
50 µm and peripheral 65 µm cide with cone apex (Fig 56).
custom profile is used aided by Done in both central and pe-
reversed approach (Fig. 55). ripheral keratoconus. With ep-
5. Sphere, astigmatism and ithelium save mode to de-
HOAs correction. crease ablation over the cone
71 7. Treatment Modalities, Refractive Surgery

a b

c d e

Figure 55, principles of the reversed approach, a; an irregular cornea, b; starting ablation
with refractive component, c; ablation with custom epithelial profile, d; smooth stromal
bed after reversed approach, e; perfect epithelial regeneration.

and to directly correct coma

8. Don’t promise patient about
glasses independence, you are
a b
just regularizing the surface.
Figure 56, a; ablation zone centered
on corneal apex, b; ablation zone cen-
2. Athens Protocol tered on cone apex

- It involves simultaneous one of the refractive proce-

phototherapeutic keratectomy dures in keratoconus (Table
(PTK) for epithelial removal 21).
“50 µm” + partial topography
3. Cretan Protocol
guided ablation approximately
“50 µm” to regularize the an- - Photorefractive keratectomy
terior corneal surface + accel- (PTK) 50 µm for epithelium
erated CXL. Riboflavin for removal. It is considered as a
accelerated protocols is used refractive procedure as it acts
with intensity of 9mW/cm2 for as a partial topography guided
10 min, with or without MMC ablation due to epithelium
application. It’s considered as masking effect.
7. Treatment Modalities, Refractive Surgery 72

Athens protocol STARE-XL protocol

Allegretto EX-500 Linked to pen-

Laser platform Schwind Amaris linked to sirius CSO
tacam system
TE PRk + 2 Step PTK for epithelium
Single step (reversed approach)
TG - ablation followed by partial TG-ablation
Ablation offset to coincide with the
Adjusted to keep RST ≥ 400 µm cone apex
Optical zone
& ACT ≤ 50 µm 6.5 mm in central KC, 6 mm in
peripheral KC
Preoperative CCT ≥ 450 µm ≥ 450 µm

RST ≥ 400 µm ≥ 350 µm

50 µm Customised to avoid masking effect
Included in central & peripheral KC
HOAs (Comma) Not included
(RMS ≥ 1 µm) 1st Priority
Spherical Not included (unless ACT within
In central KC
correction 50 µm)
70 % If TA and MA are Aligned In central & peripheral KC (50%)
≤ 50 µm ≤ 50 µm
Centred on posterior elevation
apex,topography guided on Mosaic
Centred on corneal apex System®
Accelerated CXL 9 mW/cm2 for 10 min (Total dose RST ≥ 400µm : 15 mW/cm2, Pulsed
5.4 J/cm2) for 12 min (Total Dose 5.4 J/cm2)
RST < 400µm : 30 mW/cm2, Pulsed
for 8 min (Total Dose 7.2J/cm2)

Table 21, comparison between Athens protocol and STARE-XL protocol.

Wavefront guided ablation corneal surface.

- Ocular wavefront guided abla-
- It’s well known that HOAs are tion depends on total HOAs in-
increased in keratoconus espe- cluding anterior corneal sur-
cially coma and trefoil. face and internal astigmatism
- Corneal wavefront guided ab- that reflects mainly the poste-
lations depend on the anterior rior corneal surface and to less
extent lenticular astigmatism
73 7. Treatment Modalities, Refractive Surgery

tent lenticular astigmatism. N.B.

- Best results were seen in se- The use of MMC in Athens
quential CXL first followed by protocol, STARE-XL pro-
tocol, Cretan protocol and
wavefront guided ablation af-
WFG ablation is contro-
ter 1 year, Shaheen et al, 2016.
versy, some surgeons use it
- Prerequisite, Shaheen et and others don’t.
Phakic intraocular lens

1. Stage 1 or 2 “early and mild - Best is Visian ICL STAAR Sur-

keratoconus”. gical®.
2. Dresden protocol is applied - Requires stable keratoconus
3mW/cm2 for 30 min + docu- with functioning BCVA, ade-
mented stability for at least 1 quate anterior chamber depth
year following CXL. and endothelial cell count.
3. Decreased BCVA < 0.6, “no - Commonly done after CXL or
need to ablate progressive ker- CXL followed by ICRS “for
atoconus with good BCVA, treating HOAs” followed by
CXL is enough”. phakic ICL “for treating
4. Minimum corneal thickness LOAs”.
≥ 400 µm. - Advantages of phakic IOLs are
5. Maximum ablation is ≤ 15 % the wide range of correction,
of the corneal thinnest loca- doesn’t depend on corneal
tion, “minimum ablation is 60 thickness, reversibility and
µm which corresponds to doesn’t carry the risks of LA-
corneal thickness 400 µm”. SER ablation.
6. Priority is HOAs followed by - Disadvantages are endothelial
cylinder and lastly physician cell loss, cataract, pigment dis-
adjustment of sphere to keep persion and difficult calcula-
15 % of maximum ablation. tions.
7. Don’t promise patient about - Required data for calculations
glasses independence, you are are subjective refraction, kera-
just regularizing surface. tometry, ACD and WTW.
7. Treatment Modalities, Surgery in Keratoconus 74

- Refraction and keratometry are determine aphakic refraction

of reduced reliability and re- and use the vergence formula
peatability in keratoconus and to calculate the IOL power.
this is the problem that makes
calculations difficult. Approach to refractive surger-
ies in keratoconus
Refractive lens exchange or - In stable keratoconus with
cataract extraction with toric good functioning BCVA, fol-
posterior chamber IOL low up with glasses, contact
lens or lens-based surgeries ac-
- Both require stable kerato- cording to the patient age.
conus with functioning BCVA
and regular astigmatism in the - In progressive keratoconus
central cornea. This issue with good functioning BCVA,
makes candidates for toric CXL is enough.
PIOL or even toric phakic ICL
- In progressive keratoconus
with unacceptable BCVA,
- The main concern relies on for- CXL + LASER ablation ac-
mulas required to calculate the cording to the patient and sur-
IOL power due to reduced reli- geon preference.
ability and repeatability of ker-
atometry in keratoconus.
6. Surgery in keratoconus
- The advance in IOL calcula-
tions formulas as Barrett Uni-
- The most common surgeries
versal II or Radial Basis Func-
are penetrating keratoplasty
tion (RBF) gives better results.
(PK) and deep anterior lamel-
- One problem to solve this issue lar keratoplasty (DALK).
is performing the operation on
two steps, first phacoemulsifi- - Bowmans membrane trans-
cation then after few weeks plantation is an evolving new
75 7. Treatment Modalities, Surgery in Keratoconus

surgical modality for advanced - Partial thickness removal of a

keratoconus. part of the recipient cornea till
- Stromal lenticule addition ker- either Dua’s layer or Descemet
atoplasty has been evolved membrane.
from Bowmans membrane - Getting a partial thickness do-
transplantation. nor cornea after removing
- Any of the above surgeries are Descemet membrane.
indicated in - Applying Sutures.
1. Corneal scar e.g. with RGP
contact lens or post hydrops.
Bowmans membrane trans-
2. Advanced keratoconus affect-
ing the quality of life and not
For illustrative video see YouTube
fitting any other treatment mo-
- It is a new procedure, but long-
Penetrating keratoplasty term outcomes are still re-
For illustrative video see YouTube quired to proof efficacy.
Channel - Femtosecond LASER assisted
stromal pocket is done in the
- Full thickness trephination of a
recipient cornea.
part of the recipient cornea.
- Isolation of Bowmans mem-
- Getting a full thickness donor
brane from donor cornea is
cornea, better to be 0.25 mm
done on an artificial anterior
larger or the same size.
- Applying sutures.
- Implanting it into the dissected
stromal pocket.
Deep anterior lamellar kerato-
plasty The first trials in Bowmans
membrane transplantation
For illustrative video see YouTube made stromal pocket by dissec-
Channel tion through scleral tunnels
- It is the preferred choice in ker- which carried risks of penetra-
atoconus (Table 22). tion into the anterior chamber.
7. Treatment Modalities, Surgery in Keratoconus 76

Penetrating keratoplasty Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty

Learning curve Easy Steep
Deep scars &
Not suitable for deep scars , HSV or PPCD
pathologies Suitable
Intraoperative Descemt membrane rupture
Expulsive hemorrhage
complications (micr/macro perforation)
• Endophthalmitis
Postopeartive • Wound leak • Double anterior chamber (perforations)
complications • Shallow anterior chamber with • Interface haze
progressive PAS
Optical & visual
Comparable Comparable
Visual Late visual rehabilitation Earlier visual rehabilitation
rehabilitation (late suture removal) (Early suture removal)
• More endothelial rejections • Less endothelial rejections
Endothelium • More endothelial cell Loss • Less endothelial cell loss
(Surgical trauma) (Reduced surgical trauma)
Prolonged with increased risk of Short with reduced risk of cataract
Steroid use
cataract & glaucoma & glaucoma
Single graft Used May be used for both DALK & DMEk

Table 22, comparison between penetrating keratoplasty and deep anterior lamellar kerato-

Stromal lenticule addition ker- in the recipient cornea.

atoplasty - Preparation of a donor stromal
lenticule including Bowmans
For illustrative video see YouTube membrane using femtosecond
LASER is done.
- Preparation of the Bowmans - Implanting the lenticule into
membrane on an artificial ante- the dissected stromal pocket.
rior chamber carries the risk of
being torn. N.B.
- So, the idea of preparing a stro- Sometimes this lenticule is
mal lenticule including Bow- soaked in RF for 10 min and ex-
mans membrane was raised. posed to accelerated CXL for
- First, a femtosecond LASER better mechanical biocompati-
assisted stromal pocket is done bility.
77 8. Approach to a Keratoconus Case

Approach to Keratoconus

Points to remember with any visual demands.

keratoconus case - Never to promise the patient
for glasses independence.
- Meticulous subjective refrac- - Don’t forget contact lenses as a
tion. treatment modality in kerato-
- Complete ophthalmological conus patients either before or
examination, KC patients with after any chosen treatment.
cataract or glaucoma which - Discuss with the patient differ-
can occur from steroids, KC ent treatment modalities fitting
with DM, so, check the fundus. for him.
- Family history. - Let the patient know the bene-
- Customization of treatment ac- fits versus the risks for any of
cording to age, occupation and the chosen treatment modality.

For illustrative video see YouTube Channel

Algorithm 2, step wise approach to a keratoconus case.

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Accelerated protocols · 46 Best fit toric ellipsoid

Acoustic fluctuations · 26 float mode 8 mm · 9
Advanced glycation end products · 39 Biomechanics of cornea · 23
Age of diagnosis · 3 Blavatskaya · 60
Age of onset · 2 Bowmans membrane transplantation · 75
Air puff deformation Brillouin
ocular response analyser, corvis ST · 25 spectrum, scatter · 26
Algorithms· 30 Brillouin optical scanner system · 26
Alio-Shabayek classification · 11 Bullous keratopathy · 56
Allergic eye diseases· 3 Bunson roscoa law of reciprocity · 41
Amsler · 10 Butterfly pattern · 7
Amsler-Krumeich classification· 11
Anterior segment OCT · 20
Approach in refractive surgeries in
Central corneal thinning · 4
conservative approach · 74
Classification of ectatic corneal diseases
Approach to Keratoconus case · 77
keratoconus, pellucid marginal
Artificial intelligence · 11, 30
degeneration, keratoglobus, Post LASER
Artificial neural networks
refractive correction ectasia · 1
Inputs, activation function, output · 31
Clinical grading · 11
All surface laser ablation · 69
Coma aberration · 28, 72
Asphericity based nomogram · 65
Combined procedures · 68
Asymmetrical Shapes · 6
Combined cross linking protocols · 51
Athens protocol · 51, 71
Complications of ICRS · 68
B normal shape in pachymetry map· 9
Confidence interval · 17
Barraquer thickness law · 60 Confocal microscopy
Beam profiles in keratoconus · 29
gaussian, top hat, cosine compensated · 42 Contact lenses · 32
Belin Corneal allogenic intrastromal ring segments ·
ABCD classification · 14 59
ABCD progression display · 17 Corneal biomechanichs
ABCD software Corneal ectasia · 1
oculus pentacam · 15 Corneal nerves · 4
Belin Ambrosio display · 19 Corvis biomechanical index · 25
Belin Ambrosio enhanced ectasia · 19 Corvis ST · 25
Bell's sign Cretan protocol · 52, 71
in pellucid marginal degeneration · 8 Cross linking · 39
Best fit sphere indications, complications · 53
central, paracentral, peripheral cone · 7 Curvature based patterns · 6
Best fit sphere Customized remodeling of vision· 49
float mode 8 mm · 7 Cycle of biomechanichal decompensation · 28

Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty · 75 Generalised corneal thinning

Demarcation line in keratogolbus · 9
evidence of action after cross linking · 45
Deviation parameters
Df, Db, Dp, Dt, Da, final D · 20
Diagnostic tools in keratoconus · 19
Different contact lens
hypo-osmolar ribboflavin solution, sub400
in keratoconus · 38
protocol, transepithelial cross linking ·46 ,
Down syndrome · 2
47, 48
Dresden protocol · 40, 46
Dynamic fitting
evidence of action after cross linking · 45
with rigid gas permeable contact lens · 34
High order aberrations · 29, 72
High order aberrations
E High risk group
of progression · 18
Edge lift Holladay
documented with fluoresceine · 33 in FFKC · 10
Elasticity · 23 Hybrid contact lens · 37
Elevation based patterns · 7
Enhancers · 41
Epi-off cross linking · 41
Epithelium in keratoconus
Intracorneal ring segment
focal thinning, doughnut pattern · 21
structure, types · 56, 57
Epithelium thickening · 21
mechanism of action· 60
Evolution of cross linking· 39
indications · 62
Evolution of cross linking devices · 56
Improving vision after ICRS · 68
Ex-vivo flap extensiometry
Indices of irregular cornea
1D, 2D, 3D tensile loads · 24
Inferior thinning
F in pellucid marginal degeneration · 9
Intacs , Intacs-SK · 57
Ferrara ring · 57 Interleukin-6 · 2
Fitting of rigid gas permeable contact lens Irradiation
dynamic, static · 34 standard, accelerated · 41
Flat top beam profile · 42 Irregular shapes · 7
Fleischer ring Ishii classification · 12
brownish iron deposits · 4
Forme fruste keratoconus · 1, 10

G Kera ring · 56
progressive thickness · 57
General reaction mechanism kera ring nomogram · 64
in cross linking · 45 Keratoconus suspect· 10

Klyce P
in FFKC· 11
Pachymetry based cross linking · 48
Pachymetry Based Patterns · 9
Paracentral corneal thinning · 4
Leber's congenital amaurosis · 2
of keratoconus · 5
Leon Nicolas Brillouin · 26
Low risk group
cross linking · 54
of progression · 18
keratoconus · 2
Pellucid like keratoconus
M crab claw or kissing birds · 7
Penetrating keratoplasty · 75
M nomogram · 48 Phakic intraocular lens · 73
Marfan syndrome · 2 Photoactivated chromophore cross linking · 55
Matrix metalloproteneases · 2 Photo-oxidative cross linking · 39
Mazzotta Photorefractive intrastromal cross linking · 55
pachymetry based accelerated cross linking, Photosensitizers · 40
iontophoresis · 47, 48 Piggyback contact lens · 35
Mechanical fluctuations · 26 Post LASER refractive correction ectasia
Mitral valve prolapse · 2 after LASIK, PRK, SMILE · 1
Morphological Patterns Potential visual acuity · 4
nipple, oval, globus · 5 Progression criteria in keratoconus · 16
Munson sign · 5 Progression index
Myoring · 57 minimum, maximum, average, ARTmax
with accelerated cross linking · 59 · 19
Prosthetic replacement of ocular surface
ecosystem · 37
Protocols of thin cornea · 46
Push up test
New limbus creation · 61
with rigid gas permeable contact lens· 34
Nomograms of ICRS· 62
kera ring· 64
asphericity based · 65 R

Recent trends in cross linking · 55

Refractive lens exchange
or cataract extraction in keratoconus · 74
Oblique displacement of thinnest location
Refractive surgeries
dome shape · 9
in keratoconus · 69
Ocular response analyser
Relative pachymetry map · 10
corneal hysteresis, corneal resistance factor
RETICS calssification · 11
· 25
Oculo-digital sign
with scissoring reflex · 4
with leber's congenital amaurosis · 2
ishii classification · 12
Oxygen boost googles· 44

Riboflavin Thermodynamic fluctuations · 26

homogenous diffusion, green aqueous flare Tomographic biomechanichal index · 25
· 42 Topography guided cross linking · 49
standard, accelerated, two step · 43 Topography in Keratoconus
ricrolin transepithelial, hypotonic, LASIK intra/inter test variability · 18
xtra, iontophoresis · 44 Toric posterior chamber intraocular lens · 74
Rigid gas permeable contact lens · 34 Transepithelial cross linking · 41
Risk factors in keratoconus Treatment modalities · 32
eye rubbing, atopy · 2 Trefoil aberration · 28, 72
Rizzutti sign · 4 Tumor necrosis factor alpha · 2
Types of keratoconus
central, peripheral, bow tie, pellucid like ·
Sagittal depth
vault · 33 U
Scissoring reflex · 4
Scleral Lens · 35 Ultraviolet light emitting devices · 40
Segmental tomography with epithelial
thickness · 20
Selective transepithelial ablation for
regularization of ectasia with simultaneous
Velocity of mechanical fluctuations · 28
cross linking · 69
Verneal keratoconjunctivitis· 3
Skew action of ICRS · 61
Very asymmetrical ectasia· 16
Skewed Shapes · 7
Virtual image phased array · 27
Soft toric contact lens · 33
Viscosity · 23
Solid state physics
Visum ring · 59
Leon Nicolas Brillouin · 26
Vogt’s Stria · 4
Spectacles · 32
Vortex pattern · 7
Spectral Microscopy · 30
Static fitting
three point touch, apical clearance, apical W
bearing · 34
Stromal lenticule addition keratoplasty · 76 Wave front guided ablation · 72
Sub400 protocol · 48 Wavefront aberrations analysis· 28
Surgery in keratoconus · 74
Symmetrical Shapes · 6

T Young’s longitudinal elastic modulus · 27

of keratoconus patients · 2
Terms in contact lenses · 33
Theo Seiler
evolution of cross linking · 39

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