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Factors contributing to the increase in international travel


Fifty years ago international travel was a rare occurrence that not many people could afford.
However, since then a plenty of innovative methods of transport have been invented and
they have made international travel much more pleasant and economical. Nowadays it also
seems normal to travel the world especially during business trips or vacations, compared to
older times.

An essential factor factor which should be considered when talking about the increase in
international travel is global business. There can be no doubt that we live in a generation
where nobody takes into account what are the origins of a worker, which leads to constant
emigration. Few people would contest that there are not many residents who would not
prefer to take advantage of a better job opportunity if it were provided by a business in
another country. Ant it is this general decision that leads to an increase in international

Another approach would be the variety of different methods of transportation increases

worldwide travel. A recent survey proved that people tend to take the chance when they
come across an inexpensive airplane ticket to their favorite destination. This situation
actually happens quite often and it is understandable, because the first two things that a
person has in mind when preparing for a holiday are the cost of transport and its speed. It is
often claimed that there is a great accessibility to global travel and this is precisely the
significant factor contributing to the increase in travel.

In conclusion, factors contributing to the increase in international travel are certainly not a
few but the key is the variety of convenient and inexpensive methods of travel that
encourage people travel more.

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