Healthcare Associated Acute Care Hospitals Point Prevalence Survey Annex Country Summary Sheets 2022 2023

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Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and

antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals, 2022-2023

Annex 2. Country summary sheets

Comparisons between country results should not be made without taking into account the limitations outlined in the
discussion section of the 2022-2023 ECDC PPS report. The country rank and corresponding percentiles of the indicators
in section IV of the country summary sheets are primarily given to facilitate discussions about underlying factors that
may explain inter-country differences such as differences in case-mix severity, hospital types, healthcare systems,
interpretation of definitions, cultural aspects, under- and overreporting or selection bias.

Section IV (Indicators)

Shows a mean, a percentage or a ratio. The mean is the pooled (aggregated) mean, not the
Mean hospital mean (mean of values by hospital). For example, the mean number of fulltime equivalent
IPC nurses per 250 beds is the sum of all FTE IPC nurse for the country x 250 / total number of
beds in participating hospitals for the country.

Shows the hospital median of the indicator. It is not applicable when the mean shows a
Hosp. P50
percentage of hospitals. The hospital median shows the “middle” value, separating the lower
50% of hospitals from the higher 50% hospitals.
N cntr Number of countries that reported the indicator .

Rank Shows the position of the country out of all countries that reported the indicator, with position 1
being the highest.
Percentile Rank converted to a percentile (position if there were 100 countries)

Colour legend:
Negative (`more is bad’) indicators:
95 percentile 90-100
75 percentile 75-<90
60 percentile >50-<75
45 percentile >25-50
15 percentile >10-25
5 percentile 1-10

Positive (`more is good’) indicators:

95 percentile 90-100
75 percentile 75-<90
60 percentile >50-<75
45 percentile >25-50
15 percentile >10-25
5 percentile 1-10
PPS data from 01 Sep 2021 to 22 Jan 2022
Number of hospitals 41
Standard protocol 41
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 9161

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 20 48.8 29.8 Size (number of beds) 233 [ 150- 434]
Secondary 12 29.3 49.6 Average length of stay (days)* 4.8 [4.0-5.8]
Tertiary 1 2.4 12.3 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 8 19.5 8.3
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial reCount

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 440 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 4.8 (3.4-6.8) HAI present on admission 98 21.4 93
N of HAIs 459 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 30 30.6 29
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.04 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 44 44.9 44
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 295 (64.3) Origin of HAI=LTCF 12 12.2 9
Total N of reported microorg. 386 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 12 12.2 11
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 361 78.6 347
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 3076 33.6 147
Medicine 3909 42.7 169
Intensive care* 447 4.9 94
Paediatrics 183 2 2
Obstetrics and gynaecology 523 5.7 5
[1] incl. COVID-19 (2.6%) Healthy babies 198 2.2 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (5.0%) Geriatrics 208 2.3 12
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 460 5 7
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (2.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 157 1.7 4
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 37 34 1
Enterococci / VRE 65 61 1
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 39 38 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 23 21 1
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 118 106 27
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 50 48 7
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 41 33 10
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 11 9 4
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 118 110 3
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 50 48 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 41 37 3
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 11 9 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 30 28 6
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 1 1 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Austria (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 2752 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 30.0 (26.7-33.6) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 3414 Surgery 3076
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.24 Medicine 3909
N Rel% Intensive care* 447
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 2784 81.5 Paediatrics 183
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 627 18.4 Obstetrics and gynaecology 523
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 3 0.1 Healthy babies 198
Route of administration, parenteral 2827 82.8 Geriatrics 208
Route of administration, oral 560 16.4 Psychiatry 460
Route of administration, other/unknown 27 0.8 Rehabilitation/Other 157
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1 Treatment 1823
0.3 Community infection 1270
0.5 Hospital infection 509
0.1 Long-term care/other HAI 54
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 548
3.8 Single dose 229
One day 37
>1 day 282
% within category Medical prophylaxis 207
Other indication 111
Unknown 128
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

4.8 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
21.0 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

2.9 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
1.6 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
0.0 Male gender 4395 48.0 229 5.2 1470 33.4
4.8 Age, <1 year 371 4.0 8 2.2 40 10.8
25.5 Age, 1-44 years 1604 17.5 44 2.7 369 23.0
14.6 Age, ≥45 years 7184 78.4 388 5.4 2342 32.6
30.3 Length of stay, 1-3 days 3073 33.5 71 2.3 778 25.3
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 2323 25.4 105 4.5 769 33.1
2.7 Length of stay, 8-14 days 1866 20.4 102 5.5 666 35.7
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 1899 20.7 162 8.5 539 28.4
8.1 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 5842 63.8 204 3.5 1565 26.8
21.4 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 1883 20.6 155 8.2 721 38.3
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 288 3.1 45 15.6 146 50.7
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 1148 12.5 36 3.1 320 27.9
Surgery since hospital admission 2552 27.9 192 7.5 985 38.6
Central vascular catheter 1098 12.0 184 16.8 658 59.9
Urinary catheter 1667 18.2 214 12.8 917 55.0
Intubation 187 2.0 50 26.7 139 74.3
Total 9161 100.0 440 4.8 2752 30.0
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Austria (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) AT EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
33.6 999 32.5 HAI/AMR indicators
42.7 1262 32.3 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 41 4.8 3.8 28
4.9 290 64.9 Primary hospitals 20 3.8 3.2 23
2.0 34 18.6 Secondary hospitals 12 3.9 3.8 28
5.7 96 18.4 Tertiary hospitals 1 11.3 11.3 27
2.2 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 8 4.1 4.2 22
2.3 29 13.9 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 41 0.69 0.6 28
5.0 17 3.7 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 7.4 - 16
1.7 25 15.9 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 41 4.6 3.7 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 41 15.4 0.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 41 2.7 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 41 3.7 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 39 64.1 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 39 71.8 - 25
19.9 2300 67.4 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 40 1.34 1.34 26
13.9 1552 45.5 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 40 0.0 - 26
5.6 685 20.1 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 39 0.58 0.58 26
0.6 63 1.8 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 39 12.8 - 26
6.0 602 17.6 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 40 44.2 19.5 24
2.5 237 6.9 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 39 5.9 3.6 24
0.4 42 1.2 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 38 52.6 - 25
3.1 323 9.5 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 41 87.8 - 23
2.3 244 7.1 Surveillance of surgical site infections 39 92.3 - 24
1.2 130 3.8 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 32 81.3 - 23
1.4 138 4.0 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 39 46.2 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 41 61.0 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 40 8.5 8.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 35 75.7 80.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 41 75.3 60.7 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 26 192.0 197.0 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 40 40.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 39 45.3 47.7 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 38 0.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 38 72.1 70.1 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 41 65.8 62.9 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 40 12.4 10.5 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 38 8.8 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 26 83.4 85.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 27 40.6 44.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 41 2.0 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 35 25.7 26.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 31 15.2 16.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 41 30 26.9 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 41 0.87 0.82 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 41 39.8 36.8 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 37 53.7 41.7 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 41 7.1 1.6 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 41 82.8 83.3 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 38 20.3 12.5 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 39 0.18 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 39 38.5 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 39 46.2 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 39 28.2 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 38 20.5 20.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 36 9.3 8.5 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA AT rank AT percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 22 22 23 23
4.8 4.0 17 18 28 24
6.6 5.9 23 22 20 23
7.5 6.9 5 4 83 87
6.1 5.3 16 14 30 39
0.94 0.85 22 22 23 23
7.7 - 10.5 - 38 -
6.2 5.1 21 22 27 23
21.8 24.3 20 24 25 13
3.4 0.0 15 16 42 43
3.7 0.0 14 18 50 35

79.5 - 19 - 26 -
80.00 - 17 - 34 -
1.25 1.36 12 14 56 48
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 10 6 63 79
18.6 - 16 - 40 -
44.7 36.0 13 20 48 19
6.0 5.0 13 16 48 35
66.7 - 18.5 - 28 -
57.4 - 3 - 89 -
23.3 - 1 - 98 -
28.6 - 1 - 98 -
46.2 - 12 - 50 -
35.3 - 4 - 83 -
9.4 9.0 16 16 26 26
69.3 80.0 7 9.5 72 61
37.4 35.8 2 4 94 86
98.7 95.9 1 1 98 98
45.8 - 14 - 41 -
49.2 48.8 16 15 35 40
10.0 - 21.5 - 9 -
73.4 70.1 16 13 35 50
65.6 62.6 14 13 52 55
15.8 11.3 16 16 40 40
16.0 - 18 - 27 -
75.9 83.3 9 10 61 57
32.1 24.5 7 5 70 80
1.5 2.0 2 6 93 74
25.7 25.5 12 10.5 50 57
12.7 14.0 2 3.5 92 84

36.0 36.5 20 24 30 16
1.01 1.01 23 24 20 16
44.3 40.8 18 18 38 38
38.1 34.5 11 12 63 59
8.4 4.4 17 26 41 9
77.4 79.0 11 13 63 55
19.5 15.9 12 19 56 29
0.30 0.00 18 18 27 27
47.4 - 16 - 35 -
. - 15 - 42 -
37.5 - 14 - 41 -
20.2 19.3 11 11 60 60
11.5 11.0 16 14 30 39
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 01 Sep 2022 to 15 Dec 2022
Number of hospitals 49
Standard protocol 49
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 10142

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 28 57.1 48.6 Size (number of beds) 257 [ 183- 385]
Secondary 12 24.5 26.0 Average length of stay (days)* 6.6 [5.7-10.6]
Tertiary 6 12.2 20.4 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 3 6.1 5.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 937 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 9.2 (7.9-10.7) HAI present on admission 301 29.3 276
N of HAIs 1029 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 116 38.5 110
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.1 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 71 23.6 61
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 692 (67.2) Origin of HAI=LTCF 76 25.2 70
Total N of reported microorg. 887 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 38 12.6 35
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 722 70.2 655
Missing 6 0.6
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 1965 19.4 183
Medicine 3096 30.5 285
Intensive care* 531 5.2 146
Paediatrics 536 5.3 13
Obstetrics and gynaecology 463 4.6 9
[1] incl. COVID-19 (8.5%) Healthy babies 242 2.4 1
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (3.7%) Geriatrics 1742 17.2 221
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 722 7.1 16
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (3.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 845 8.3 63
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 94 92 20
Enterococci / VRE 69 64 4
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 44 41 2
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 24 22 2
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 346 310 81
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 146 133 30
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 89 80 26
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 42 36 17
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 346 305 9
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 146 129 2
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 89 77 3
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 42 38 2
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 68 66 8
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 0 0 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Belgium (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 2972 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 29.3 (27.3-31.4) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 3549 Surgery 1965
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.19 Medicine 3096
N Rel% Intensive care* 531
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 2840 80 Paediatrics 536
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 675 19 Obstetrics and gynaecology 463
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 34 1 Healthy babies 242
Route of administration, parenteral 2441 68.8 Geriatrics 1742
Route of administration, oral 1095 30.9 Psychiatry 722
Route of administration, other/unknown 13 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 845
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
2.7 Treatment 2351
1.1 Community infection 1496
0.6 Hospital infection 746
0.7 Long-term care/other HAI 130
0.3 Surgical prophylaxis 422
6.5 Single dose 200
One day 129
>1 day 97
% within category Medical prophylaxis 211
Other indication 25
Unknown 40
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

9.3 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
27.5 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

21.7 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
6.3 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
4.9 Male gender 4658 45.9 482 10.3 1515 32.5
9.1 Age, <1 year 670 6.6 25 3.7 103 15.4
26.1 Age, 1-44 years 1825 18.0 91 5.0 497 27.2
22.6 Age, ≥45 years 7647 75.4 821 10.7 2372 31.0
32.5 Length of stay, 1-3 days 2873 28.3 113 3.9 883 30.7
47.2 Length of stay, 4-7 days 2198 21.7 226 10.3 856 38.9
3.0 Length of stay, 8-14 days 1831 18.1 244 13.3 586 32.0
1.6 Length of stay, ≥15 days 3240 31.9 354 10.9 647 20.0
3.9 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
5.3 McCabe score, non fatal 7026 69.3 473 6.7 1813 25.8
12.1 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 1882 18.6 272 14.5 706 37.5
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 727 7.2 141 19.4 287 39.5
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 507 5.0 51 10.1 166 32.7
Surgery since hospital admission 2865 28.2 364 12.7 1074 37.5
Central vascular catheter 1194 11.8 355 29.7 716 60.0
Urinary catheter 1465 14.4 307 21.0 733 50.0
Intubation 207 2.0 75 36.2 126 60.9
Total 10142 100.0 937 9.2 2972 29.3
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Belgium (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) BE EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
19.4 760 38.7 HAI/AMR indicators
30.5 1026 33.1 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 49 9.2 8.7 28
5.2 299 56.3 Primary hospitals 28 8.3 6.9 23
5.3 147 27.4 Secondary hospitals 12 9.1 9.6 28
4.6 72 15.6 Tertiary hospitals 6 11.5 10.6 27
2.4 4 1.7 Specialised hospitals/unknown 3 9.9 10.4 22
17.2 546 31.3 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 49 1.39 1.45 28
7.1 22 3.0 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
8.3 96 11.4 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 49 7.9 7.0 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 49 21.3 19.4 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 49 3.0 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 49 2.8 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 48 100.0 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 48 100.0 - 25
23.2 2802 79.0 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 49 0.90 0.86 26
14.8 1726 48.6 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 49 0.0 - 26
7.4 928 26.1 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 49 0.36 0.35 26
1.3 148 4.2 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 49 0.0 - 26
4.2 440 12.4 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 46 90.2 69.0 24
2.0 208 5.9 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 46 8.7 7.2 24
1.3 132 3.7 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 46 97.8 - 25
1.0 100 2.8 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 49 85.7 - 23
2.1 235 6.6 Surveillance of surgical site infections 49 18.4 - 24
0.2 30 0.8 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 40 35.0 - 23
0.4 42 1.2 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 49 77.6 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 48 66.7 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 45 10.9 12.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 19 76.8 85.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 48 47.9 35.8 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 34 90.7 93.5 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 48 45.8 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 42 55.0 24.8 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 41 4.9 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 47 72.2 74.7 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 49 59.1 61.5 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 45 38.2 38.5 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 40 17.7 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 31 80.6 80.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 37 38.3 31.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 48 1.8 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 40 27.3 28.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 18 15.8 16.5 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 49 29.3 29.7 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 49 0.96 0.99 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 49 38.4 37.8 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 37 22.7 20 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 49 6.6 4.3 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 49 68.8 66.2 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 49 22.9 24.1 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 48 0.45 0.32 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 48 89.6 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 48 31.3 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 49 100.0 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 49 21.3 21.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 47 18.2 17.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA BE rank BE percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 6 4 80 88
4.8 4.0 4 7 85 72
6.6 5.9 5 4 84 88
7.5 6.9 4 6 87 80
6.1 5.3 6 5 75 80
0.94 0.85 4 3 88 91
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 6 7 80 77
21.8 24.3 16 15 40 46
3.4 0.0 14 16 46 43
3.7 0.0 19 18 31 35

79.5 - 1.5 - 96 -
80.00 - 3 - 90 -
1.25 1.36 21 20 21 25
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 17 12 37 56
18.6 - 25 - 6 -
44.7 36.0 2 2 94 94
6.0 5.0 6 10 77 60
66.7 - 3 - 90 -
57.4 - 4 - 85 -
23.3 - 14 - 44 -
28.6 - 11 - 54 -
46.2 - 4 - 85 -
35.3 - 3 - 88 -
9.4 9.0 6 5.5 74 76
69.3 80.0 6 4 76 85
37.4 35.8 10 13 62 50
98.7 95.9 12 11 43 48
45.8 - 12 - 50 -
49.2 48.8 9 20 65 19
10.0 - 17 - 28 -
73.4 70.1 15 10 40 62
65.6 62.6 23 18 20 38
15.8 11.3 5 4 83 87
16.0 - 10 - 60 -
75.9 83.3 10 13.5 57 41
32.1 24.5 8 10 66 57
1.5 2.0 6 6 74 74
25.7 25.5 8 8 67 67
12.7 14.0 1 1.5 97 95

36.0 36.5 23 22 20 23
1.01 1.01 17 16 41 45
44.3 40.8 20 17 30 41
38.1 34.5 25 24.5 13 14
8.4 4.4 20 15 30 48
77.4 79.0 24 24 16 16
19.5 15.9 9 6 67 79
0.30 0.00 9 8 65 69
47.4 - 4 - 85 -
. - 22 - 14 -
37.5 - 1 - 98 -
20.2 19.3 6 7 79 75
11.5 11.0 1 4 98 84
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 24 Apr 2023 to 22 Jun 2023
Number of hospitals 23
Standard protocol 23
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 3977

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 400 [ 303- 589]
Secondary 13 56.5 43.3 Average length of stay (days)* 4.7 [4.1-5.4]
Tertiary 10 43.5 56.7 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 147 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 3.7 (2.3-6.0) HAI present on admission 38 22.2 36
N of HAIs 171 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 19 50 19
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.16 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 8 21.1 7
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 159 (93.0) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 199 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 11 28.9 10
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 130 76 108
Missing 3 1.8
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 1146 28.8 28
Medicine 1750 44 40
Intensive care* 311 7.8 68
Paediatrics 294 7.4 7
Obstetrics and gynaecology 208 5.2 2
[1] incl. COVID-19 (1.2%) Healthy babies 26 0.7 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (9.4%) Geriatrics 0 0 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 85 2.1 2
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (0.6%) Rehabilitation/Other 157 3.9 0
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 10 10 2
Enterococci / VRE 19 18 1
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 14 14 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 4 3 1
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 64 62 41
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 12 12 5
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 30 28 24
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 7 7 4
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 64 60 21
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 12 10 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 30 29 20
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 7 6 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 22 22 14
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 29 29 24
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Bulgaria (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 1904 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 47.9 (41.1-54.7) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 2358 Surgery 1146
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.24 Medicine 1750
N Rel% Intensive care* 311
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 1847 78.3 Paediatrics 294
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 494 20.9 Obstetrics and gynaecology 208
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 17 0.7 Healthy babies 26
Route of administration, parenteral 2212 93.8 Geriatrics 0
Route of administration, oral 136 5.8 Psychiatry 85
Route of administration, other/unknown 10 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 157
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0.9 Treatment 1306
0.5 Community infection 1173
0.2 Hospital infection 124
0 Long-term care/other HAI 15
0.3 Surgical prophylaxis 310
2.7 Single dose 45
One day 54
>1 day 213
% within category Medical prophylaxis 274
Other indication 22
Unknown 6
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

2.4 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
21.9 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

20.0 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
5.6 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
0.0 Male gender 1935 48.7 86 4.4 1009 52.1
. Age, <1 year 203 5.1 7 3.4 122 60.1
66.1 Age, 1-44 years 935 23.5 24 2.6 472 50.5
41.7 Age, ≥45 years 2839 71.4 116 4.1 1310 46.1
85.7 Length of stay, 1-3 days 2116 53.2 21 1.0 798 37.7
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 1294 32.5 48 3.7 759 58.7
35.0 Length of stay, 8-14 days 364 9.2 36 9.9 243 66.8
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 203 5.1 42 20.7 104 51.2
69.0 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 3235 81.3 73 2.3 1527 47.2
63.6 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 471 11.8 36 7.6 216 45.9
82.8 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 120 3.0 28 23.3 94 78.3
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 151 3.8 10 6.6 67 44.4
Surgery since hospital admission 892 22.4 66 7.4 647 72.5
Central vascular catheter 238 6.0 72 30.3 206 86.6
Urinary catheter 733 18.4 104 14.2 603 82.3
Intubation 154 3.9 53 34.4 143 92.9
Total 3977 100.0 147 3.7 1904 47.9
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Bulgaria (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) BG EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
28.8 700 61.1 HAI/AMR indicators
44.0 659 37.7 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 23 3.7 2.3 28
7.8 266 85.5 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
7.4 179 60.9 Secondary hospitals 13 2.6 1.2 28
5.2 77 37.0 Tertiary hospitals 10 4.6 3.9 27
0.7 5 19.2 Specialised hospitals/unknown 0 . . 22
0.0 0 . Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 23 0.68 0.27 28
2.1 4 4.7 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 7 4.5 - 16
3.9 14 8.9 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 23 3.6 2.3 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 23 58.6 42.2 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 23 35.0 33.3 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 23 5.8 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 23 95.7 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 22 95.5 - 25
32.8 1646 69.8 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 22 0.98 0.29 26
29.5 1440 61.1 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 22 40.9 - 26
3.1 185 7.8 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 22 0.98 0.32 26
0.4 21 0.9 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 22 36.4 - 26
7.8 358 15.2 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 23 15.0 12.1 24
1.1 45 1.9 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 23 2.6 1.5 24
1.4 54 2.3 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 22 45.5 - 25
5.4 259 11.0 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 23 26.1 - 23
6.9 319 13.5 Surveillance of surgical site infections 22 18.2 - 24
0.6 29 1.2 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 22 18.2 - 23
0.2 6 0.3 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 22 22.7 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 21 23.8 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 18 7.1 7.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 18 74.2 77.5 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 22 23.2 18.3 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 20 43.6 41.8 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 20 35.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 22 27.3 9.2 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 22 22.7 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 22 61.1 61.2 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 23 51.9 52.9 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 22 7.1 5.9 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 21 23.2 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 18 65.2 64.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 18 12.9 4.5 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 23 1.5 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 21 15.0 13.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 16 12.8 13.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 23 47.9 53.1 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 23 1.20 1.21 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 23 56 57.7 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 18 72.3 86 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 23 13.5 2.7 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 23 93.8 95.9 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 23 6.2 2.9 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 22 0.36 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 22 36.4 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 23 78.3 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 22 13.6 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 23 8.8 9.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 21 10.1 7.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA BG rank BG percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 26 28 9 2
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.6 5.9 27 28 5 2
7.5 6.9 26 26 6 6
6.1 5.3 . . . .
0.94 0.85 24 28 16 2
7.7 - 15 - 9 -
6.2 5.1 26 28 9 2
21.8 24.3 4 5 87 83
3.4 0.0 3 3 90 91
3.7 0.0 8 18 72 35

79.5 - 7 - 74 -
80.00 - 8 - 70 -
1.25 1.36 19 23 29 13
2.6 - 4 - 87 -
0.45 0.30 3 13 90 52
18.6 - 8 - 71 -
44.7 36.0 21 22 15 10
6.0 5.0 23 23 6 6
66.7 - 21 - 18 -
57.4 - 18 - 24 -
23.3 - 15 - 40 -
28.6 - 14.5 - 39 -
46.2 - 16 - 33 -
35.3 - 15.5 - 29 -
9.4 9.0 19 18 12 17
69.3 80.0 9 13.5 63 43
37.4 35.8 22 23 14 10
98.7 95.9 20 20 3 3
45.8 - 16 - 33 -
49.2 48.8 22 23 10 6
10.0 - 3 - 89 -
73.4 70.1 22 21 10 18
65.6 62.6 26 24 9 16
15.8 11.3 20 21 25 21
16.0 - 7 - 73 -
75.9 83.3 19 21 16 7
32.1 24.5 21 21 7 7
1.5 2.0 10 6 55 74
25.7 25.5 23 23 2 2
12.7 14.0 9 13 55 34

36.0 36.5 3 3 91 91
1.01 1.01 3 5 91 84
44.3 40.8 6 3 80 91
38.1 34.5 4 2 88 95
8.4 4.4 6 21 80 27
77.4 79.0 2 1 95 98
19.5 15.9 26 26 2 2
0.30 0.00 10 18 60 27
47.4 - 18 - 27 -
. - 2 - 94 -
37.5 - 19 - 20 -
20.2 19.3 25.5 25 4 6
11.5 11.0 14 18 39 20
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 02 May 2023 to 31 May 2023
Number of hospitals 31
Standard protocol 22
Light protocol 9
Number of patients 8066

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 6 19.4 8.3 Size (number of beds) 309 [ 186- 487]
Secondary 14 45.2 28.4 Average length of stay (days)* 5.9 [5.3-6.3]
Tertiary 11 35.5 63.3 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 579 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 7.2 (6.1-8.4) HAI present on admission 120 18.7 106
N of HAIs 643 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 63 52.5 56
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.11 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 44 36.7 39
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 429 (66.7) Origin of HAI=LTCF 5 4.2 4
Total N of reported microorg. 538 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 8 6.7 7
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 517 80.4 467
Missing 6 0.9
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2383 29.5 160
Medicine 3026 37.5 243
Intensive care* 577 7.2 116
Paediatrics 277 3.4 5
Obstetrics and gynaecology 627 7.8 6
[1] incl. COVID-19 (3.3%) Healthy babies 101 1.3 1
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (7.2%) Geriatrics 6 0.1 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 813 10.1 37
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (2.6%) Rehabilitation/Other 255 3.2 10
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 35 35 16
Enterococci / VRE 54 52 8
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 25 25 1
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 27 25 6
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 188 181 69
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 56 56 14
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 75 72 47
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 18 16 5
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 188 169 30
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 56 52 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 75 64 29
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 18 16 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 65 64 17
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 48 47 29
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Croatia (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 3237 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 40.1 (34.6-45.9) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 4933 Surgery 2383
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.52 Medicine 3026
N Rel% Intensive care* 577
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 3963 80.3 Paediatrics 277
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 932 18.9 Obstetrics and gynaecology 627
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 38 0.8 Healthy babies 101
Route of administration, parenteral 4190 84.9 Geriatrics 6
Route of administration, oral 736 14.9 Psychiatry 813
Route of administration, other/unknown 7 0.1 Rehabilitation/Other 255
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.3 Treatment 1996
0.7 Community infection 1372
0.5 Hospital infection 548
0 Long-term care/other HAI 105
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 570
5.8 Single dose 169
One day 79
>1 day 327
% within category Medical prophylaxis 570
Other indication 132
Unknown 78
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

6.7 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
20.1 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

45.7 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
15.4 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
4.0 Male gender 2179 50.5 189 8.7 1093 50.2
24.0 Age, <1 year 194 4.5 7 3.6 63 32.5
38.1 Age, 1-44 years 837 19.4 29 3.5 332 39.7
25.0 Age, ≥45 years 3284 76.1 280 8.5 1658 50.5
65.3 Length of stay, 1-3 days 1526 35.4 25 1.6 547 35.8
31.3 Length of stay, 4-7 days 1246 28.9 92 7.4 674 54.1
17.8 Length of stay, 8-14 days 1016 23.5 107 10.5 578 56.9
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 515 11.9 92 17.9 250 48.5
45.3 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 12 0.3 0 0.0 4 33.3
6.3 McCabe score, non fatal 2842 65.9 112 3.9 1177 41.4
26.6 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 1109 25.7 138 12.4 644 58.1
61.7 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 249 5.8 51 20.5 167 67.1
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 115 2.7 15 13.0 65 56.5
Surgery since hospital admission 1186 27.5 111 9.4 723 61.0
Central vascular catheter 428 9.9 106 24.8 322 75.2
Urinary catheter 1213 28.1 194 16.0 902 74.4
Intubation 133 3.1 41 30.8 110 82.7
Total 4315 100.0 316 7.3 2053 47.6
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Croatia (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) HR EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
29.5 1058 44.4 HAI/AMR indicators
37.5 1422 47.0 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 31 7.2 6.5 28
7.2 362 62.7 Primary hospitals 6 10.9 9.6 23
3.4 137 49.5 Secondary hospitals 14 6.2 5.8 28
7.8 142 22.6 Tertiary hospitals 11 7.1 6.7 27
1.3 8 7.9 Specialised hospitals/unknown 0 . . 22
0.1 4 66.7 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 31 1 0.95 28
10.1 58 7.1 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
3.2 45 17.6 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 31 6.9 6.3 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 31 36.6 40.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 31 17.8 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 31 6.7 3.9 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 29 96.6 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 29 100.0 - 25
24.7 3108 63.0 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 31 0.95 1.04 26
17.0 2066 41.9 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 31 0.0 - 26
6.8 898 18.2 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 29 0.47 0.27 26
1.3 144 2.9 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 29 17.2 - 26
7.1 742 15.0 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 29 28.4 26.9 24
2.1 189 3.8 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 27 4.7 5.2 24
1.0 99 2.0 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 28 42.9 - 25
4.1 454 9.2 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 31 64.5 - 23
7.1 811 16.4 Surveillance of surgical site infections 29 48.3 - 24
1.6 181 3.7 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 27 48.1 - 23
1.0 91 1.8 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 29 58.6 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 29 20.7 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 27 9.0 9.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 15 59.0 75.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 31 33.6 34.1 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 23 103.5 98.2 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 30 63.3 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 31 46.1 45.1 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 29 20.7 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 29 68.3 62.7 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 31 61.9 60.9 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 30 6.2 5.1 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 28 7.1 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 30 74.7 77.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 29 17.1 14.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 28 1.5 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 25 23.6 23.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 14 12.6 14.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 31 40.1 46.9 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 31 1.07 1.25 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 31 44.7 41.7 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 28 61.2 54.2 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 31 16.4 5.6 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 31 84.9 83.5 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 29 16 16 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 28 0.19 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 28 21.4 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 30 20.0 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 29 51.7 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 29 13.6 15.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 26 7.4 7.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA HR rank HR percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 12 12 59 59
4.8 4.0 1 2 98 93
6.6 5.9 15 16 48 45
7.5 6.9 16 17 43 39
6.1 5.3 . . . .
0.94 0.85 12 11 59 63
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 10 11 66 63
21.8 24.3 9 7.5 67 74
3.4 0.0 5 16 82 43
3.7 0.0 7 6 76 80

79.5 - 6 - 78 -
80.00 - 3 - 90 -
1.25 1.36 20 18 25 33
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 12 15 56 44
18.6 - 14 - 48 -
44.7 36.0 18 15 27 40
6.0 5.0 19 12 23 52
66.7 - 22.5 - 12 -
57.4 - 10 - 59 -
23.3 - 7 - 73 -
28.6 - 8 - 67 -
46.2 - 8 - 67 -
35.3 - 17 - 21 -
9.4 9.0 13 12.5 40 43
69.3 80.0 19 15.5 20 35
37.4 35.8 16 14 38 46
98.7 95.9 9 10 58 53
45.8 - 9 - 63 -
49.2 48.8 15 16 40 35
10.0 - 7 - 72 -
73.4 70.1 18 18 27 30
65.6 62.6 21 19 27 34
15.8 11.3 23 23 13 13
16.0 - 20 - 19 -
75.9 83.3 12 15.5 48 32
32.1 24.5 18 18 20 20
1.5 2.0 9 6 60 74
25.7 25.5 14 16 41 33
12.7 14.0 11 8.5 45 58

36.0 36.5 11 7 63 77
1.01 1.01 8 3 73 91
44.3 40.8 14 14 52 52
38.1 34.5 7 8 77 73
8.4 4.4 1 10 98 66
77.4 79.0 8 12 73 59
19.5 15.9 18 13 33 52
0.30 0.00 17 18 31 27
47.4 - 22 - 10 -
. - 24 - 6 -
37.5 - 6 - 76 -
20.2 19.3 21 20.5 21 23
11.5 11.0 18 18 20 20
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 08 May 2023 to 18 May 2023
Number of hospitals 10
Standard protocol 10
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 1173

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 1 10.0 3.0 Size (number of beds) 108 [ 90- 184]
Secondary 5 50.0 46.0 Average length of stay (days)* 4.7 [2.3-5.8]
Tertiary 2 20.0 42.9 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 1 10.0 1.9
Unknown 1 10.0 6.3
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 162 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 13.8 (8.3-22.1) HAI present on admission 56 32.6 54
N of HAIs 172 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 17 30.4 16
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.06 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 8 14.3 8
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 100 (58.1) Origin of HAI=LTCF 22 39.3 21
Total N of reported microorg. 129 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 9 16.1 9
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 114 66.3 106
Missing 2 1.2
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 320 27.3 35
Medicine 521 44.4 75
Intensive care* 145 12.4 44
Paediatrics 70 6 3
Obstetrics and gynaecology 58 4.9 0
[1] incl. COVID-19 (2.9%) Healthy babies 11 0.9 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (7.6%) Geriatrics 0 0 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 31 2.6 0
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (13.4%) Rehabilitation/Other 17 1.4 5
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 14 14 7
Enterococci / VRE 14 14 6
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 7 7 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 7 7 6
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 32 32 21
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 9 9 5
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 15 15 12
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 3 3 2
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 32 31 7
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 9 8 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 15 15 6
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 3 3 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 13 13 8
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 11 11 11
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Cyprus (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 663 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 56.5 (48.3-64.4) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 1043 Surgery 320
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.57 Medicine 521
N Rel% Intensive care* 145
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 748 71.7 Paediatrics 70
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 274 26.3 Obstetrics and gynaecology 58
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 21 2 Healthy babies 11
Route of administration, parenteral 939 90 Geriatrics 0
Route of administration, oral 99 9.5 Psychiatry 31
Route of administration, other/unknown 5 0.5 Rehabilitation/Other 17
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
4.6 Treatment 440
1.4 Community infection 275
0.7 Hospital infection 144
1.8 Long-term care/other HAI 31
0.8 Surgical prophylaxis 145
9 Single dose 14
One day 24
>1 day 111
% within category Medical prophylaxis 79
Other indication 12
Unknown 18
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

10.9 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
30.3 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

50.0 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
42.9 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 610 52.0 88 14.4 355 58.2
. Age, <1 year 99 8.4 12 12.1 28 28.3
65.6 Age, 1-44 years 305 26.0 15 4.9 161 52.8
. Age, ≥45 years 769 65.6 135 17.6 474 61.6
80.0 Length of stay, 1-3 days 419 35.7 21 5.0 210 50.1
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 343 29.2 44 12.8 203 59.2
22.6 Length of stay, 8-14 days 202 17.2 40 19.8 129 63.9
. Length of stay, ≥15 days 208 17.7 57 27.4 120 57.7
40.0 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 1 0.1 0 0.0 1 100.0
. McCabe score, non fatal 849 72.4 76 9.0 438 51.6
61.5 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 185 15.8 50 27.0 130 70.3
100.0 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 52 4.4 17 32.7 41 78.8
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 87 7.4 19 21.8 54 62.1
Surgery since hospital admission 270 23.0 45 16.7 229 84.8
Central vascular catheter 130 11.1 43 33.1 104 80.0
Urinary catheter 460 39.2 110 23.9 332 72.2
Intubation 78 6.6 36 46.2 67 85.9
Total 1173 100.0 162 13.8 663 56.5
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Cyprus (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) CY EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
27.3 225 70.3 HAI/AMR indicators
44.4 286 54.9 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 10 13.8 10.8 28
12.4 89 61.4 Primary hospitals 1 2.9 2.9 23
6.0 28 40.0 Secondary hospitals 5 9.6 9.5 28
4.9 28 48.3 Tertiary hospitals 2 19.1 16.4 27
0.9 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 2 13.5 15.2 22
0.0 0 . Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 10 1.55 1.47 28
2.6 0 0.0 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
1.4 7 41.2 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 10 11.7 10.0 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 10 63.1 69.6 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 10 22.6 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 10 7.0 3.3 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 9 44.4 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 9 55.6 - 25
37.5 718 68.8 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 10 2.48 2.75 26
23.4 418 40.1 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 10 10.0 - 26
12.3 257 24.6 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 10 0.31 0.00 26
2.6 43 4.1 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 10 80.0 - 26
12.4 192 18.4 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 10 45.3 45.7 24
1.2 14 1.3 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 9 7.6 9.0 24
2.0 28 2.7 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 9 66.7 - 25
9.5 150 14.4 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 10 10.0 - 23
6.7 95 9.1 Surveillance of surgical site infections 6 16.7 - 24
1.0 14 1.3 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 5 0.0 - 23
1.5 24 2.3 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 6 16.7 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 9 0.0 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 9 4.8 4.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 8 64.4 72.5 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 10 70.5 57.6 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 5 134.8 120.4 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 10 0.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 10 44.6 54.8 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 10 10.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 10 74.9 71.8 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 9 70.4 62.4 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 10 17.6 10.2 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 10 9.3 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 10 74.3 77.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 10 18.5 16.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 9 1.9 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 9 28.1 29.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 5 12.2 15.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 10 56.5 56.1 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 10 1.19 1.32 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 10 58.2 55.9 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 9 78.1 81.8 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 10 9.1 9.4 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 10 90 92.1 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 10 18.5 15.4 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 9 0.33 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 9 22.2 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 10 40.0 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 6 33.3 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 10 8.9 10.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 6 6.3 7.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA CY rank CY percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 1 1 98 98
4.8 4.0 22 20 7 15
6.6 5.9 4 5 88 84
7.5 6.9 1 1 98 98
6.1 5.3 2 2 93 93
0.94 0.85 1 2 98 95
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 1 1 98 98
21.8 24.3 3 2 90 94
3.4 0.0 4 16 86 43
3.7 0.0 6 7 80 76

79.5 - 25 - 2 -
80.00 - 23 - 10 -
1.25 1.36 2 2 94 94
2.6 - 9 - 67 -
0.45 0.30 22 24.5 17 8
18.6 - 1 - 98 -
44.7 36.0 12 9 52 65
6.0 5.0 9 3 65 90
66.7 - 13 - 50 -
57.4 - 21 - 11 -
23.3 - 16 - 35 -
28.6 - 21.5 - 9 -
46.2 - 19 - 20 -
35.3 - 21 - 2 -
9.4 9.0 21 20.5 2 5
69.3 80.0 16 17 33 28
37.4 35.8 4 5 86 82
98.7 95.9 4 6 83 73
45.8 - 22.5 - 4 -
49.2 48.8 17 11 31 56
10.0 - 12 - 50 -
73.4 70.1 11 12 56 54
65.6 62.6 9 17 70 41
15.8 11.3 13 17 52 37
16.0 - 17 - 31 -
75.9 83.3 13 15.5 43 32
32.1 24.5 17 16 25 30
1.5 2.0 5 6 79 74
25.7 25.5 5 5.5 80 78
12.7 14.0 13 5 34 76

36.0 36.5 1 2 98 95
1.01 1.01 4 2 88 95
44.3 40.8 2 4 95 88
38.1 34.5 2 4 95 88
8.4 4.4 12 4 59 88
77.4 79.0 3 3 91 91
19.5 15.9 16 15 40 44
0.30 0.00 11 18 56 27
47.4 - 21 - 15 -
. - 17.5 - 32 -
37.5 - 13 - 46 -
20.2 19.3 24 23.5 10 12
11.5 11.0 21 18 7 20
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 02 May 2023 to 27 Jun 2023
Number of hospitals 39
Standard protocol 39
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 12296

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 4 10.3 6.3 Size (number of beds) 415 [ 255- 590]
Secondary 21 53.8 42.4 Average length of stay (days)* 5.8 [4.9-6.7]
Tertiary 10 25.6 49.3 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 4 10.3 2.1
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 828 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 6.7 (5.4-8.4) HAI present on admission 141 15.5 134
N of HAIs 907 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 67 47.5 62
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.1 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 53 37.6 52
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 614 (67.7) Origin of HAI=LTCF 12 8.5 11
Total N of reported microorg. 813 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 9 6.4 9
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 758 83.6 687
Missing 8 0.9
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 3782 30.8 236
Medicine 4186 34 280
Intensive care* 1121 9.1 198
Paediatrics 510 4.1 2
Obstetrics and gynaecology 621 5.1 20
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.3%) Healthy babies 249 2 1
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (3.3%) Geriatrics 240 2 20
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 490 4 3
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (1.9%) Rehabilitation/Other 1097 8.9 68
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 89 89 10
Enterococci / VRE 76 64 9
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 49 41 5
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 25 21 4
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 337 298 115
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 127 108 27
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 120 108 64
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 20 18 9
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 337 298 10
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 127 109 3
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 120 106 6
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 20 18 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 63 59 14
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 6 5 5
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Czechia (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 3797 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 30.9 (28.4-33.5) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 5072 Surgery 3782
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.34 Medicine 4186
N Rel% Intensive care* 1121
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 4392 86.6 Paediatrics 510
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 666 13.1 Obstetrics and gynaecology 621
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 14 0.3 Healthy babies 249
Route of administration, parenteral 3787 74.7 Geriatrics 240
Route of administration, oral 1266 25 Psychiatry 490
Route of administration, other/unknown 19 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 1097
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.1 Treatment 2740
0.5 Community infection 2002
0.4 Hospital infection 722
0.1 Long-term care/other HAI 57
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 643
5.6 Single dose 227
One day 117
>1 day 311
% within category Medical prophylaxis 410
Other indication 58
Unknown 37
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

6.2 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
17.7 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

11.2 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
14.1 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
12.2 Male gender 5893 47.9 471 8.0 2048 34.8
19.0 Age, <1 year 549 4.5 16 2.9 61 11.1
38.6 Age, 1-44 years 2347 19.1 79 3.4 647 27.6
25.0 Age, ≥45 years 9400 76.4 733 7.8 3089 32.9
59.3 Length of stay, 1-3 days 3831 31.2 83 2.2 1096 28.6
50.0 Length of stay, 4-7 days 3156 25.7 220 7.0 1204 38.1
3.4 Length of stay, 8-14 days 2186 17.8 217 9.9 835 38.2
2.8 Length of stay, ≥15 days 3123 25.4 308 9.9 662 21.2
5.7 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
5.6 McCabe score, non fatal 7695 62.6 289 3.8 1985 25.8
23.7 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 3031 24.7 322 10.6 1116 36.8
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 947 7.7 158 16.7 455 48.0
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 623 5.1 59 9.5 241 38.7
Surgery since hospital admission 3803 30.9 360 9.5 1362 35.8
Central vascular catheter 1548 12.6 324 20.9 940 60.7
Urinary catheter 3395 27.6 496 14.6 1648 48.5
Intubation 339 2.8 103 30.4 218 64.3
Total 12296 100.0 828 6.7 3797 30.9
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Czechia (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) CZ EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
30.8 1244 32.9 HAI/AMR indicators
34.0 1533 36.6 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 39 6.7 6.5 28
9.1 596 53.2 Primary hospitals 4 4.8 3.9 23
4.1 124 24.3 Secondary hospitals 21 6.2 6.3 28
5.1 132 21.3 Tertiary hospitals 10 7.5 8.8 27
2.0 10 4.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 4 7.0 6.9 22
2.0 42 17.5 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 39 0.86 0.79 28
4.0 11 2.2 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 6 7.2 - 16
8.9 105 9.6 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 39 6.6 6.5 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 39 29.8 30.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 39 3.4 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 39 4.0 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 39 79.5 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 39 66.7 - 25
22.3 3716 73.3 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 39 0.82 0.80 26
16.3 2656 52.4 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 39 12.8 - 26
5.9 993 19.6 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 39 0.31 0.25 26
0.5 67 1.3 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 39 33.3 - 26
5.2 713 14.1 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 38 27.6 23.2 24
1.8 235 4.6 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 36 5.0 4.7 24
1.0 124 2.4 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 32 75.0 - 25
2.5 354 7.0 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 39 25.6 - 23
3.3 525 10.3 Surveillance of surgical site infections 37 18.9 - 24
0.5 72 1.4 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 35 17.1 - 23
0.3 47 0.9 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 37 24.3 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 39 51.3 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 38 9.9 11.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 33 62.4 70.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 38 18.6 17.2 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 34 49.9 49.8 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 39 23.1 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 39 42.4 43.2 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 39 0.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 39 - - 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 39 61.0 62.5 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 37 8.6 6.4 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 39 2.8 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 34 68.6 82.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 36 13.4 10.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 37 0.4 0.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 36 19.6 20.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 23 11.9 13.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 39 30.9 30.3 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 39 0.84 0.84 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 39 28.1 26 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 33 49.6 50 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 39 10.3 7.6 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 39 74.7 73.9 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 39 18.9 17.8 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 39 0.97 0.87 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 39 82.1 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 39 76.9 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 37 16.2 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 39 22.3 22.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 37 15.0 17.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA CZ rank CZ percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 15 11 48 63
4.8 4.0 12 13 50 46
6.6 5.9 16 12 45 59
7.5 6.9 14 9 50 69
6.1 5.3 10 9 57 61
0.94 0.85 18 18 38 38
7.7 - 13 - 22 -
6.2 5.1 12 10 59 66
21.8 24.3 12 12 56 57
3.4 0.0 13 16 50 43
3.7 0.0 13 18 54 35

79.5 - 13 - 50 -
80.00 - 19 - 26 -
1.25 1.36 22 21 17 21
2.6 - 8 - 71 -
0.45 0.30 21 18 21 33
18.6 - 9 - 67 -
44.7 36.0 19 16 23 35
6.0 5.0 17 13 31 48
66.7 - 9 - 66 -
57.4 - 19 - 20 -
23.3 - 13 - 48 -
28.6 - 16 - 33 -
46.2 - 15 - 37 -
35.3 - 6 - 74 -
9.4 9.0 9 7 60 69
69.3 80.0 17 19 28 20
37.4 35.8 25 24 2 6
98.7 95.9 19 19 8 8
45.8 - 20 - 15 -
49.2 48.8 19 18 23 27
10.0 - 21.5 - 9 -
73.4 70.1 - - - -
65.6 62.6 22 15 23 48
15.8 11.3 18 20 33 25
16.0 - 22 - 10 -
75.9 83.3 17 12 25 48
32.1 24.5 19 20 16 11
1.5 2.0 18 19.5 17 10
25.7 25.5 19 19 20 20
12.7 14.0 15 13 24 34

36.0 36.5 18 21 38 27
1.01 1.01 24 23 16 20
44.3 40.8 25 25 13 13
38.1 34.5 12 9.5 59 68
8.4 4.4 9 8 70 73
77.4 79.0 18 18 38 38
19.5 15.9 15 11 44 60
0.30 0.00 2 2 94 94
47.4 - 5 - 81 -
. - 3 - 90 -
37.5 - 17 - 28 -
20.2 19.3 4 4.5 87 85
11.5 11.0 6 4 75 84
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 11 Apr 2023 to 14 Jun 2023
Number of hospitals 20
Standard protocol 11
Light protocol 9
Number of patients 3875

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 12 60.0 23.0 Size (number of beds) 151 [ 97- 390]
Secondary 4 20.0 32.4 Average length of stay (days)* 8.1 [6.2-10.1]
Tertiary 3 15.0 44.4 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 1 5.0 0.2
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 209 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 5.4 (4.2-6.9) HAI present on admission 69 30.1 64
N of HAIs 229 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 46 66.7 42
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.1 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 13 18.8 13
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 143 (62.4) Origin of HAI=LTCF 8 11.6 7
Total N of reported microorg. 176 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 2 2.9 2
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 160 69.9 145
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 821 21.2 53
Medicine 1600 41.3 100
Intensive care* 131 3.4 32
Paediatrics 88 2.3 0
Obstetrics and gynaecology 163 4.2 6
[1] incl. COVID-19 (10.5%) Healthy babies 11 0.3 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (0.9%) Geriatrics 314 8.1 3
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 437 11.3 2
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (1.7%) Rehabilitation/Other 310 8 13
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 16 16 2
Enterococci / VRE 8 8 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 3 3 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 5 5 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 74 74 18
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 32 32 6
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 15 15 5
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 8 8 4
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 74 74 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 32 32 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 15 15 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 8 8 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 15 14 2
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 3 3 3
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Estonia (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 1138 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 29.4 (26.9-32.0) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 1335 Surgery 821
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.17 Medicine 1600
N Rel% Intensive care* 131
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 1128 84.5 Paediatrics 88
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 152 11.4 Obstetrics and gynaecology 163
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 55 4.1 Healthy babies 11
Route of administration, parenteral 1057 79.2 Geriatrics 314
Route of administration, oral 278 20.8 Psychiatry 437
Route of administration, other/unknown 0 0 Rehabilitation/Other 310
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.7 Treatment 927
1.1 Community infection 716
0.3 Hospital infection 200
0.2 Long-term care/other HAI 22
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 118
3.7 Single dose 66
One day 35
>1 day 19
% within category Medical prophylaxis 31
Other indication 23
Unknown 64
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

6.5 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
24.4 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

12.5 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 559 46.5 29 5.2 180 32.2
. Age, <1 year 18 1.5 0 0.0 0 0.0
24.3 Age, 1-44 years 195 16.2 5 2.6 39 20.0
18.8 Age, ≥45 years 989 82.3 55 5.6 337 34.1
33.3 Length of stay, 1-3 days 263 21.9 11 4.2 97 36.9
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 304 25.3 22 7.2 122 40.1
0.0 Length of stay, 8-14 days 236 19.6 17 7.2 108 45.8
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 399 33.2 10 2.5 49 12.3
0.0 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 907 75.5 40 4.4 280 30.9
14.3 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 222 18.5 15 6.8 64 28.8
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 54 4.5 4 7.4 24 44.4
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 19 1.6 1 5.3 8 42.1
Surgery since hospital admission 119 9.9 4 3.4 69 58.0
Central vascular catheter 50 4.2 16 32.0 40 80.0
Urinary catheter 160 13.3 22 13.8 106 66.3
Intubation 15 1.2 6 40.0 13 86.7
Total 1202 100.0 60 5.0 376 31.3
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Estonia (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) EE EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
21.2 389 47.4 HAI/AMR indicators
41.3 553 34.6 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 20 5.4 4.8 28
3.4 92 70.2 Primary hospitals 12 4.6 2.0 23
2.3 21 23.9 Secondary hospitals 4 5.2 4.8 28
4.2 32 19.6 Tertiary hospitals 3 5.9 5.2 27
0.3 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 1 11.1 11.1 22
8.1 11 3.5 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 20 0.8 0.62 28
11.3 9 2.1 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 7.3 - 16
8.0 31 10.0 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 20 4.7 4.3 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 20 21.7 0.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 20 0.0 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 20 3.1 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 19 47.4 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 19 57.9 - 25
23.9 1088 81.4 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 20 1.11 0.90 26
18.5 829 62.1 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 20 35.0 - 26
5.2 234 17.5 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 20 0.61 0.27 26
0.6 25 1.9 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 20 40.0 - 26
3.0 120 9.0 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 19 42.7 36.4 24
1.7 66 4.9 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 18 5.6 4.7 24
0.9 35 2.6 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 19 52.6 - 25
0.5 19 1.4 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 20 40.0 - 23
0.8 37 2.8 Surveillance of surgical site infections 18 11.1 - 24
0.6 25 1.9 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 14 28.6 - 23
1.7 66 4.9 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 18 44.4 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 17 35.3 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 15 8.9 8.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 13 51.9 70.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 20 30.3 22.6 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 9 94.9 83.0 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 20 15.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 19 46.2 44.4 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 19 10.5 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 19 73.8 68.4 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 20 64.5 66.9 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 18 20.2 18.3 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 19 22.3 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 15 86.7 90.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 16 43.7 41.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 19 0.8 1.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 17 22.4 23.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 13 9.5 9.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 20 29.4 31.1 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 20 0.90 0.91 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 20 27.6 23.6 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 9 15.8 2.5 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 20 2.8 0 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 20 79.2 77.2 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 20 28.2 14.7 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 19 0.23 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 19 47.4 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 19 52.6 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 18 11.1 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 20 22.4 22.8 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 17 8.4 7.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA EE rank EE percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 21 17 27 41
4.8 4.0 13 21 46 11
6.6 5.9 20 20 30 30
7.5 6.9 20 22 28 20
6.1 5.3 4 4 84 84
0.94 0.85 21 21 27 27
7.7 - 12 - 28 -
6.2 5.1 20 20 30 30
21.8 24.3 14 24 48 13
3.4 0.0 23.5 16 8 43
3.7 0.0 16 18 43 35

79.5 - 24 - 6 -
80.00 - 22 - 14 -
1.25 1.36 16 19 40 29
2.6 - 5 - 83 -
0.45 0.30 9 16 67 40
18.6 - 6 - 79 -
44.7 36.0 14 11 44 56
6.0 5.0 14 14 44 44
66.7 - 18.5 - 28 -
57.4 - 15 - 37 -
23.3 - 18 - 27 -
28.6 - 12 - 50 -
46.2 - 13 - 46 -
35.3 - 11 - 50 -
9.4 9.0 14 16 36 26
69.3 80.0 23 19 2 20
37.4 35.8 19 20 26 22
98.7 95.9 11 14 48 33
45.8 - 21 - 11 -
49.2 48.8 14 17 44 31
10.0 - 11 - 54 -
73.4 70.1 12 15 52 42
65.6 62.6 18 10 38 66
15.8 11.3 10 10 63 63
16.0 - 8 - 69 -
75.9 83.3 8 8 66 66
32.1 24.5 5 6 80 75
1.5 2.0 15 14.5 31 33
25.7 25.5 16 16 33 33
12.7 14.0 19 19 3 3

36.0 36.5 22 19 23 34
1.01 1.01 21 20 27 30
44.3 40.8 26 27 9 5
38.1 34.5 28 28 2 2
8.4 4.4 28 27.5 2 4
77.4 79.0 13 15 55 48
19.5 15.9 4 16 87 40
0.30 0.00 14 18 44 27
47.4 - 13 - 48 -
. - 12 - 54 -
37.5 - 20 - 15 -
20.2 19.3 3 3 90 90
11.5 11.0 17 18 25 20
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 13 Oct 2022 to 30 Nov 2022
Number of hospitals 40
Standard protocol 40
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 7564

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 2 5.0 1.6 Size (number of beds) 188 [ 79- 298]
Secondary 15 37.5 39.8 Average length of stay (days)* 3.5 [3.2-3.9]
Tertiary 21 52.5 56.9 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 2 5.0 1.7
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 561 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 7.4 (6.4-8.6) HAI present on admission 211 35.2 195
N of HAIs 600 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 136 64.5 128
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.07 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 54 25.6 50
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 291 (48.5) Origin of HAI=LTCF 12 5.7 10
Total N of reported microorg. 359 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 9 4.3 7
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 388 64.7 365
Missing 1 0.2
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2204 29.1 228
Medicine 2750 36.4 214
Intensive care* 328 4.3 53
Paediatrics 234 3.1 9
Obstetrics and gynaecology 405 5.4 15
[1] incl. COVID-19 (10.0%) Healthy babies 250 3.3 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (2.3%) Geriatrics 76 1 6
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 1117 14.8 21
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (6.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 200 2.6 15
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 60 53 2
Enterococci / VRE 35 24 1
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 26 18 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 5 4 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 101 77 17
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 52 37 4
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 16 14 4
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 15 12 8
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 101 74 5
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 52 37 2
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 16 12 1
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 15 11 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 12 11 0
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 2 2 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Finland (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 2744 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 36.3 (31.9-40.9) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 3461 Surgery 2204
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.26 Medicine 2750
N Rel% Intensive care* 328
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 3044 88 Paediatrics 234
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 348 10.1 Obstetrics and gynaecology 405
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 69 2 Healthy babies 250
Route of administration, parenteral 2459 71 Geriatrics 76
Route of administration, oral 1001 28.9 Psychiatry 1117
Route of administration, other/unknown 1 0 Rehabilitation/Other 200
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
2.6 Treatment 2038
1.7 Community infection 1497
0.7 Hospital infection 531
0.1 Long-term care/other HAI 22
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 461
4.8 Single dose 272
One day 74
>1 day 119
% within category Medical prophylaxis 266
Other indication 36
Unknown 20
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

10.3 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
16.2 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

3.8 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
4.2 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
0.0 Male gender 3662 48.4 317 8.7 1495 40.8
. Age, <1 year 499 6.6 17 3.4 63 12.6
22.1 Age, 1-44 years 1890 25.0 78 4.1 458 24.2
10.8 Age, ≥45 years 5175 68.4 466 9.0 2223 43.0
28.6 Length of stay, 1-3 days 2907 38.4 106 3.6 1049 36.1
66.7 Length of stay, 4-7 days 1987 26.3 180 9.1 859 43.2
6.8 Length of stay, 8-14 days 1229 16.2 152 12.4 533 43.4
5.4 Length of stay, ≥15 days 1437 19.0 123 8.6 303 21.1
8.3 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 4 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
9.1 McCabe score, non fatal 5275 69.7 290 5.5 1661 31.5
0.0 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 1829 24.2 198 10.8 860 47.0
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 275 3.6 63 22.9 170 61.8
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 185 2.4 10 5.4 53 28.6
Surgery since hospital admission 2086 27.6 265 12.7 1090 52.3
Central vascular catheter 536 7.1 140 26.1 406 75.7
Urinary catheter 1567 20.7 213 13.6 906 57.8
Intubation 101 1.3 28 27.7 72 71.3
Total 7564 100.0 561 7.4 2744 36.3
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Finland (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) FI EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
29.1 1123 51.0 HAI/AMR indicators
36.4 1219 44.3 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 40 7.4 7.1 28
4.3 174 53.0 Primary hospitals 2 8.1 8.4 23
3.1 66 28.2 Secondary hospitals 15 7.4 9.0 28
5.4 86 21.2 Tertiary hospitals 21 7.6 6.7 27
3.3 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 2 1.6 2.3 22
1.0 14 18.4 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 40 1.2 1.01 28
14.8 25 2.2 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
2.6 37 18.5 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 40 6.6 6.7 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 40 11.5 13.4 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 40 6.8 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 40 2.7 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 40 72.5 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 40 77.5 - 25
26.9 2551 73.7 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 40 2.19 2.41 26
19.8 1829 52.8 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 40 0.0 - 26
7.0 699 20.2 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 40 1.26 1.39 26
0.3 23 0.7 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 40 7.5 - 26
6.1 539 15.6 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 39 167.1 156.6 24
3.6 299 8.6 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 40 11.5 8.2 24
1.0 84 2.4 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 40 97.5 - 25
1.6 156 4.5 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 40 85.0 - 23
3.5 308 8.9 Surveillance of surgical site infections 40 67.5 - 24
0.5 42 1.2 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 25 28.0 - 23
0.3 21 0.6 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 40 77.5 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 40 82.5 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 40 13.2 16.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 40 69.9 82.5 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 38 73.7 64.3 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0- - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 39 79.5 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 38 78.6 81.3 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 37 8.1 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 34 89.5 92.6 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 36 69.0 69.7 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 38 32.7 26.1 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 39 41.3 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 24 94.0 95.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 38 86.8 92.5 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 40 1.2 1.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 22 35.5 36.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 40 14.6 16.5 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 40 36.3 40.9 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 40 1.02 1.06 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 39 26.3 24.7 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 31 28.9 26.7 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 39 8.9 5.4 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 39 71 71.1 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 39 25.4 25.9 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 38 0.54 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 38 42.1 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 39 66.7 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 40 37.5 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 39 22.5 23.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 37 11.7 14.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA FI rank FI percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 10 9 66 70
4.8 4.0 5 4 80 85
6.6 5.9 11 6 63 80
7.5 6.9 13 16 54 43
6.1 5.3 21 19 7 16
0.94 0.85 6 9 80 70
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 11 9 63 70
21.8 24.3 23 18 13 35
3.4 0.0 10 16 62 43
3.7 0.0 20 18 28 35

79.5 - 16 - 38 -
80.00 - 15 - 42 -
1.25 1.36 3 3 90 90
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 1 1 98 98
18.6 - 20 - 25 -
44.7 36.0 1 1 98 98
6.0 5.0 2 7 94 73
66.7 - 4 - 86 -
57.4 - 6 - 76 -
23.3 - 3 - 90 -
28.6 - 13 - 46 -
46.2 - 5 - 80 -
35.3 - 2 - 93 -
9.4 9.0 2 1.5 93 95
69.3 80.0 11 6 54 76
37.4 35.8 3 3 90 90
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - 5 - 80 -
49.2 48.8 5 7 81 73
10.0 - 13 - 46 -
73.4 70.1 2 2 94 94
65.6 62.6 11 9 63 70
15.8 11.3 8 8 71 71
16.0 - 2 - 94 -
75.9 83.3 5 5.5 80 77
32.1 24.5 1 1 98 98
1.5 2.0 13 14.5 40 33
25.7 25.5 1 1 98 98
12.7 14.0 4 1.5 82 95

36.0 36.5 14 11 52 63
1.01 1.01 12 10 59 66
44.3 40.8 27 26 5 9
38.1 34.5 23 19 20 34
8.4 4.4 14 12 52 59
77.4 79.0 20 21 30 27
19.5 15.9 6 4 79 87
0.30 0.00 7 18 73 27
47.4 - 15 - 40 -
. - 8 - 70 -
37.5 - 12 - 50 -
20.2 19.3 2 1.5 94 96
11.5 11.0 11 9 52 61
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 12 May 2022 to 11 Aug 2022
Number of hospitals 61
Standard protocol 61
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 17235

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 25 41.0 11.8 Size (number of beds) 349 [ 114- 552]
Secondary 29 47.5 70.8 Average length of stay (days)* 5.7 [4.2-7.1]
Tertiary 6 9.8 17.2 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 1 1.6 0.3
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 1104 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 6.4 (5.6-7.3) HAI present on admission 304 26 287
N of HAIs 1167 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 131 43.1 124
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.06 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 73 24 70
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 883 (75.7) Origin of HAI=LTCF 90 29.6 84
Total N of reported microorg. 1115 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 10 3.3 9
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 861 73.8 815
Missing 2 0.2
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2793 16.2 193
Medicine 5749 33.4 408
Intensive care* 814 4.7 135
Paediatrics 790 4.6 8
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1532 8.9 8
[1] incl. COVID-19 (7.3%) Healthy babies 88 0.5 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (7.6%) Geriatrics 1112 6.5 101
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 772 4.5 11
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (2.7%) Rehabilitation/Other 3585 20.8 240
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 117 117 22
Enterococci / VRE 106 84 2
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 79 65 1
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 22 19 1
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 422 412 89
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 185 182 25
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 90 90 22
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 55 51 27
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 422 409 10
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 185 182 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 90 89 4
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 55 48 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 76 74 14
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 1 1 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
France (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 3917 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 22.7 (21.3-24.2) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 5227 Surgery 2793
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.33 Medicine 5749
N Rel% Intensive care* 814
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 4757 91 Paediatrics 790
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 470 9 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1532
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 0 0 Healthy babies 88
Route of administration, parenteral 3381 64.7 Geriatrics 1112
Route of administration, oral 1830 35 Psychiatry 772
Route of administration, other/unknown 16 0.3 Rehabilitation/Other 3585
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.7 Treatment 3255
0.7 Community infection 2361
0.4 Hospital infection 707
0.5 Long-term care/other HAI 212
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 280
4.7 Single dose 118
One day 19
>1 day 144
% within category Medical prophylaxis 319
Other indication 76
Unknown 64
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

6.9 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
16.6 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

18.8 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
2.4 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
1.5 Male gender 8226 47.7 593 7.2 2145 26.1
5.3 Age, <1 year 1101 6.4 16 1.5 71 6.4
21.6 Age, 1-44 years 2677 15.5 68 2.5 491 18.3
13.7 Age, ≥45 years 13457 78.1 1020 7.6 3355 24.9
24.4 Length of stay, 1-3 days 4744 27.5 224 4.7 996 21.0
52.9 Length of stay, 4-7 days 3974 23.1 227 5.7 1183 29.8
2.4 Length of stay, 8-14 days 2987 17.3 231 7.7 894 29.9
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 5530 32.1 422 7.6 844 15.3
4.5 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
2.1 McCabe score, non fatal 9343 54.2 377 4.0 1726 18.5
18.9 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 3420 19.8 333 9.7 964 28.2
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1445 8.4 203 14.0 498 34.5
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 3027 17.6 191 6.3 729 24.1
Surgery since hospital admission 3254 18.9 326 10.0 976 30.0
Central vascular catheter 548 3.2 145 26.5 325 59.3
Urinary catheter 2344 13.6 372 15.9 1030 43.9
Intubation 228 1.3 68 29.8 146 64.0
Total 17235 100.0 1104 6.4 3917 22.7
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
France (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) FR EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
16.2 840 30.1 HAI/AMR indicators
33.4 1649 28.7 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 61 6.4 5.6 28
4.7 401 49.3 Primary hospitals 25 6.7 5.1 23
4.6 134 17.0 Secondary hospitals 29 6.1 5.7 28
8.9 98 6.4 Tertiary hospitals 6 7.4 6.9 27
0.5 20 22.7 Specialised hospitals/unknown 1 8.3 8.3 22
6.5 303 27.2 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 61 1.02 0.97 28
4.5 21 2.7 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
20.8 451 12.6 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 61 5.5 4.8 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 61 18.5 15.1 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 61 2.4 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 61 2.0 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 61 88.5 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 61 85.2 - 25
18.9 4338 83.0 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 60 0.98 1.06 26
13.7 3135 60.0 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 60 0.0 - 26
4.1 950 18.2 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 58 0.46 0.39 26
1.2 253 4.8 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 58 6.9 - 26
1.6 343 6.6 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 57 86.5 62.2 24
0.7 121 2.3 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 57 7.4 3.9 24
0.1 20 0.4 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 0- - 25
0.8 202 3.9 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 0- - 23
1.9 371 7.1 Surveillance of surgical site infections 61 50.8 - 24
0.4 98 1.9 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 0- - 23
0.4 78 1.5 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 61 - - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 0- - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 0- - 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 0- - 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 59 49.3 47.6 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0- - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 0- - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 0- - 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 0- - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 0 - - 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 60 76.7 76.6 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 44 56.5 56.2 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 0- - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 0- - 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 0- - 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 0- - 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 0- - 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0- - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 61 22.7 22.3 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 61 0.78 0.74 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 60 47.1 45.9 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 47 58.9 40 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 60 7.1 5.5 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 60 64.7 64.7 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 60 23.7 21.5 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 56 0.54 0.33 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 56 91.1 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 0- - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 0- - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 60 21.4 21.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 0- - 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA FR rank FR percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 17 16 41 45
4.8 4.0 9 9 63 63
6.6 5.9 18 17 38 41
7.5 6.9 15 15 46 46
6.1 5.3 8 7 66 70
0.94 0.85 11 10 63 66
7.7 - . - . -
6.2 5.1 19 16 34 45
21.8 24.3 17 17 37 39
3.4 0.0 17 16 34 43
3.7 0.0 23 18 17 35

79.5 - 8 - 70 -
80.00 - 10 - 62 -
1.25 1.36 18 17 33 37
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 13 9 52 67
18.6 - 21 - 21 -
44.7 36.0 3 3 90 90
6.0 5.0 10 15 60 40
66.7 - - - - -
57.4 - - - - -
23.3 - 5 - 81 -
28.6 - - - - -
46.2 - - - - -
35.3 - - - - -
9.4 9.0 - - - -
69.3 80.0 - - - -
37.4 35.8 9 8 66 70
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - - - - -
49.2 48.8 - - - -
10.0 - - -- -
73.4 70.1 - - - -
65.6 62.6 5 4 84 88
15.8 11.3 1 1 98 98
16.0 - - - - -
75.9 83.3 - - - -
32.1 24.5 - - - -
1.5 2.0 - - - -
25.7 25.5 - - - -
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 27 27 5 5
1.01 1.01 26 27 9 5
44.3 40.8 10 13 66 55
38.1 34.5 9 13 70 55
8.4 4.4 18 11 38 63
77.4 79.0 26 26 9 9
19.5 15.9 8 8 71 71
0.30 0.00 8 7 69 73
47.4 - 3 - 90 -
. -- - - -
37.5 -- - - -
20.2 19.3 5 7 83 75
11.5 11.0 - - - -
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 03 May 2022 to 20 Jul 2022
Number of hospitals 50
Standard protocol 0
Light protocol 50
Number of patients 8857

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 29 58.0 36.2 Size (number of beds) 165 [ 95- 362]
Secondary 9 18.0 32.8 Average length of stay (days)* 5.6 [4.8-6.2]
Tertiary 4 8.0 25.6 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 8 16.0 5.4
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 373 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 4.2 (3.4-5.2) HAI present on admission 122 31.1 118
N of HAIs 392 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 43 35.2 42
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.05 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 39 32 36
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 234 (59.7) Origin of HAI=LTCF 30 24.6 30
Total N of reported microorg. 292 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 10 8.2 10
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 270 68.9 255
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2990 33.8 120
Medicine 3402 38.4 154
Intensive care* 451 5.1 58
Paediatrics 234 2.6 1
Obstetrics and gynaecology 449 5.1 1
[1] incl. COVID-19 (6.1%) Healthy babies 57 0.6 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (4.1%) Geriatrics 510 5.8 30
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 597 6.7 4
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (0.8%) Rehabilitation/Other 167 1.9 5
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 37 36 4
Enterococci / VRE 42 42 10
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 19 19 1
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 22 22 9
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 93 84 14
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 36 33 8
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 31 29 2
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 6 6 2
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 93 88 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 36 33 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 31 30 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 6 6 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 6 6 1
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 1 1 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Germany (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 2318 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 26.2 (23.3-29.3) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 2802 Surgery 2990
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.21 Medicine 3402
N Rel% Intensive care* 451
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 2055 73.3 Paediatrics 234
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 562 20.1 Obstetrics and gynaecology 449
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 185 6.6 Healthy babies 57
Route of administration, parenteral 2378 84.9 Geriatrics 510
Route of administration, oral 422 15.1 Psychiatry 597
Route of administration, other/unknown 2 0.1 Rehabilitation/Other 167
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.3 Treatment 1669
0.5 Community infection 1268
0.4 Hospital infection 346
0.3 Long-term care/other HAI 62
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 446
2.9 Single dose 308
One day 22
>1 day 121
% within category Medical prophylaxis 122
Other indication 29
Unknown 93
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

4.0 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
12.9 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

11.1 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
5.3 No patient risk factor data, light protocol option used for all hospitals
olates with known
Germany (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) DE EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
33.8 958 32.0 HAI/AMR indicators
38.4 959 28.2 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 50 4.2 3.3 28
5.1 220 48.8 Primary hospitals 29 3.6 3.4 23
2.6 33 14.1 Secondary hospitals 9 4.8 3.6 28
5.1 73 16.3 Tertiary hospitals 4 4.6 5.8 27
0.6 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 8 2.9 0.0 22
5.8 52 10.2 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 50 0.67 0.53 28
6.7 8 1.3 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
1.9 15 9.0 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 50 3.7 2.6 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 50 17.3 0.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 50 0.0 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 50 4.6 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 45 64.4 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 43 53.5 - 25
18.8 2064 73.6 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 50 1.50 1.59 26
14.3 1548 55.2 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 50 2.0 - 26
3.9 441 15.7 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 49 0.36 0.37 26
0.7 75 2.7 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 49 12.2 - 26
5.0 464 16.6 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 46 51.1 47.2 24
3.5 311 11.1 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 46 6.8 7.6 24
0.2 22 0.8 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 46 93.5 - 25
1.4 131 4.7 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 50 76.0 - 23
1.4 139 5.0 Surveillance of surgical site infections 50 44.0 - 24
0.3 29 1.0 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 34 76.5 - 23
1.1 107 3.8 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 50 56.0 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 50 36.0 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 47 9.2 9.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 47 74.3 80.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 50 47.4 41.2 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 30 155.4 135.8 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 50 52.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 50 69.7 78.4 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 50 20.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 50 72.7 69.9 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 50 63.1 59.6 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 50 14.0 12.0 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 48 3.6 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 37 93.1 95.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 21 25.8 20.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 46 2.0 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 45 28.0 29.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 41 15.0 16.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 50 26.2 26.8 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 50 0.77 0.78 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 49 43.9 40 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 37 28.2 20 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 49 5 1.7 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 49 84.9 86.4 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 48 17.5 15.9 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 50 0.14 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 50 34.0 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 50 50.0 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 50 62.0 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 48 20.8 19.5 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 50 11.2 10.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA DE rank DE percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 24 23 16 20
4.8 4.0 20 16 15 33
6.6 5.9 21 23 27 20
7.5 6.9 24 19 13 31
6.1 5.3 19 21.5 16 5
0.94 0.85 25 24 13 16
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 25 26 13 9
21.8 24.3 18 24 33 13
3.4 0.0 23.5 16 8 43
3.7 0.0 10 18 65 35

79.5 - 18 - 30 -
80.00 - 24 - 6 -
1.25 1.36 8 7 71 75
2.6 - 14 - 48 -
0.45 0.30 18 11 33 60
18.6 - 17 - 37 -
44.7 36.0 11 7 56 73
6.0 5.0 11 9 56 65
66.7 - 5 - 82 -
57.4 - 8 - 67 -
23.3 - 9 - 65 -
28.6 - 3 - 89 -
46.2 - 10 - 59 -
35.3 - 10 - 55 -
9.4 9.0 12 12.5 45 43
69.3 80.0 8 9.5 67 61
37.4 35.8 11 10 58 62
98.7 95.9 3 4 88 83
45.8 - 10 - 59 -
49.2 48.8 7 8 73 69
10.0 - 8.5 - 65 -
73.4 70.1 14 14 44 46
65.6 62.6 19 20 34 30
15.8 11.3 14 12 48 56
16.0 - 21 - 15 -
75.9 83.3 6 5.5 75 77
32.1 24.5 13 13 43 43
1.5 2.0 2 6 93 74
25.7 25.5 6 5.5 76 78
12.7 14.0 3 3.5 87 84

36.0 36.5 26 25 9 13
1.01 1.01 27 25 5 13
44.3 40.8 15 15 48 48
38.1 34.5 24 24.5 16 14
8.4 4.4 25 23 13 20
77.4 79.0 9 9 70 70
19.5 15.9 17 14 37 48
0.30 0.00 21 18 15 27
47.4 - 19 - 23 -
. - 13.5 - 48 -
37.5 - 5 - 80 -
20.2 19.3 9 13 67 52
11.5 11.0 12 12.5 48 45
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 13 Apr 2022 to 28 Dec 2022
Number of hospitals 49
Standard protocol 0
Light protocol 49
Number of patients 9264

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 1 2.0 0.4 Size (number of beds) 307 [ 173- 502]
Secondary 26 53.1 26.2 Average length of stay (days)* 3.7 [3.0-4.6]
Tertiary 15 30.6 58.7 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 6 12.2 9.5
Unknown 1 2.0 5.3
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 1130 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 12.2 (9.9-14.9) HAI present on admission 399 29.5 335
N of HAIs 1353 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 104 26.1 91
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.2 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 124 31.1 102
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 835 (61.7) Origin of HAI=LTCF 41 10.3 34
Total N of reported microorg. 1033 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 130 32.6 108
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 932 68.9 782
Missing 22 1.6
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2987 32.2 240
Medicine 4473 48.3 587
Intensive care* 706 7.6 280
Paediatrics 466 5 9
Obstetrics and gynaecology 271 2.9 4
[1] incl. COVID-19 (8.7%) Healthy babies 5 0.1 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (6.9%) Geriatrics 0 0 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 307 3.3 4
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (4.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 49 0.5 6
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 40 36 21
Enterococci / VRE 69 62 34
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 21 20 5
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 39 36 26
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 220 206 122
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 34 28 5
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 144 140 106
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 11 10 2
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 220 184 75
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 34 28 1
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 144 122 70
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 11 10 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 123 117 72
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 149 145 136
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Greece (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 5127 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 55.3 (51.0-59.1) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 8586 Surgery 2987
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.67 Medicine 4473
N Rel% Intensive care* 706
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 5271 61.4 Paediatrics 466
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 2517 29.3 Obstetrics and gynaecology 271
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 798 9.3 Healthy babies 5
Route of administration, parenteral 8082 94.1 Geriatrics 0
Route of administration, oral 469 5.5 Psychiatry 307
Route of administration, other/unknown 35 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 49
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
3.6 Treatment 3048
1 Community infection 1887
1.1 Hospital infection 981
0.4 Long-term care/other HAI 257
1.2 Surgical prophylaxis 1133
8.4 Single dose 70
One day 233
>1 day 849
% within category Medical prophylaxis 656
Other indication 329
Unknown 176
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

8.0 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
39.7 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

58.3 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
25.0 No patient risk factor data, light protocol option used for all hospitals
olates with known
Greece (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) EL EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
32.2 1767 59.2 HAI/AMR indicators
48.3 2556 57.1 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 49 12.2 8.6 28
7.6 483 68.4 Primary hospitals 1 10.8 10.8 23
5.0 176 37.8 Secondary hospitals 26 7.9 5.3 28
2.9 129 47.6 Tertiary hospitals 15 14.8 12.3 27
0.1 1 20.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 7 9.5 5.5 22
0.0 0 . Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 49 1.5 1.1 28
3.3 12 3.9 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 25.6 - 16
0.5 3 6.1 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 49 11.2 7.7 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 49 68.2 66.7 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 49 40.8 36.9 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 49 4.1 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 43 76.7 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 43 72.1 - 25
32.9 5345 62.2 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 47 1.29 1.38 26
20.4 2937 34.2 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 47 4.3 - 26
10.6 1953 22.7 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 45 0.53 0.00 26
2.8 455 5.3 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 45 64.4 - 26
12.2 1603 18.7 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 45 69.4 46.3 24
0.8 85 1.0 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 46 5.3 2.7 24
2.5 297 3.5 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 41 68.3 - 25
9.2 1221 14.2 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 49 20.4 - 23
7.1 927 10.8 Surveillance of surgical site infections 41 9.8 - 24
3.6 490 5.7 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 33 18.2 - 23
1.9 224 2.6 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 41 14.6 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 45 31.1 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 45 8.7 9.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 40 68.9 77.5 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 46 64.7 66.2 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 26 108.4 104.6 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 47 38.3 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 45 49.8 49.1 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 42 4.8 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 48 62.9 55.3 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 49 57.2 51.8 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 48 5.9 4.5 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 45 7.7 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 45 88.9 93.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 45 32.9 29.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 44 2.0 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 38 24.9 25.5 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 33 12.4 14.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 49 55.3 59.6 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 49 1.29 1.41 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 49 58 53.9 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 49 76.2 83.5 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 49 10.8 8.4 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 49 94.1 94.8 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 46 13.9 8.7 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 40 1.03 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 40 37.5 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 48 41.7 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 41 46.3 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 46 8.8 8.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 37 9.8 7.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA EL rank EL percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 2 5 95 84
4.8 4.0 2 1 93 98
6.6 5.9 7 18 77 38
7.5 6.9 2 2 94 94
6.1 5.3 7 11 70 52
0.94 0.85 2 7 95 77
7.7 - 1 - 97 -
6.2 5.1 2 5 95 84
21.8 24.3 2 3 94 91
3.4 0.0 2 2 94 94
3.7 0.0 12 18 57 35

79.5 - 14 - 46 -
80.00 - 16 - 38 -
1.25 1.36 13 12 52 56
2.6 - 12 - 56 -
0.45 0.30 11 24.5 60 8
18.6 - 2 - 94 -
44.7 36.0 6 8 77 69
6.0 5.0 15 19 40 23
66.7 - 12 - 54 -
57.4 - 20 - 15 -
23.3 - 20 - 19 -
28.6 - 14.5 - 39 -
46.2 - 20 - 15 -
35.3 - 12 - 45 -
9.4 9.0 15 12.5 31 43
69.3 80.0 13 13.5 46 43
37.4 35.8 5 1 82 98
98.7 95.9 8 9 63 58
45.8 - 15 - 37 -
49.2 48.8 12 12 52 52
10.0 - 18 - 24 -
73.4 70.1 20 24 19 6
65.6 62.6 24 25 16 13
15.8 11.3 24 24 10 10
16.0 - 19 - 23 -
75.9 83.3 7 7 70 70
32.1 24.5 11 11 52 52
1.5 2.0 2 6 93 74
25.7 25.5 13 12 46 50
12.7 14.0 12 8.5 39 58

36.0 36.5 2 1 95 98
1.01 1.01 1 1 98 98
44.3 40.8 3 6 91 80
38.1 34.5 3 3 91 91
8.4 4.4 8 6 73 80
77.4 79.0 1 2 98 95
19.5 15.9 20 23 25 13
0.30 0.00 1 18 98 27
47.4 - 17 - 31 -
. - 16 - 38 -
37.5 - 11 - 54 -
20.2 19.3 25.5 26 4 2
11.5 11.0 15 18 34 20
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 01 Apr 2022 to 26 May 2022
Number of hospitals 87
Standard protocol 87
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 23266

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 32 36.8 21.7 Size (number of beds) 343 [ 162- 624]
Secondary 20 23.0 34.9 Average length of stay (days)* 7.4 [5.7-18.4]
Tertiary 7 8.0 29.3 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 28 32.2 14.1
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 1302 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 5.6 (4.6-6.7) HAI present on admission 319 22.1 287
N of HAIs 1446 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 148 46.4 135
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.11 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 102 32 94
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 936 (64.7) Origin of HAI=LTCF 52 16.3 43
Total N of reported microorg. 1077 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 17 5.3 15
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 1127 77.9 1014
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 3731 16 161
Medicine 9077 39 701
Intensive care* 647 2.8 138
Paediatrics 555 2.4 7
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1033 4.4 12
[1] incl. COVID-19 (19.2%) Healthy babies 301 1.3 2
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (1.7%) Geriatrics 409 1.8 15
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 2335 10 43
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (1.2%) Rehabilitation/Other 5178 22.3 223
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 67 47 21
Enterococci / VRE 97 68 15
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 66 44 3
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 24 18 12
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 217 158 51
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 81 66 19
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 69 44 20
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 12 7 1
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 217 166 2
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 81 64 1
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 69 50 1
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 12 7 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 50 49 12
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 29 29 25
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Hungary (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 4839 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 20.8 (17.9-24.1) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 6396 Surgery 3731
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.32 Medicine 9077
N Rel% Intensive care* 647
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 5442 85.1 Paediatrics 555
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 954 14.9 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1033
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 0 0 Healthy babies 301
Route of administration, parenteral 4470 69.9 Geriatrics 409
Route of administration, oral 1907 29.8 Psychiatry 2335
Route of administration, other/unknown 19 0.3 Rehabilitation/Other 5178
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.2 Treatment 3571
0.6 Community infection 2540
0.4 Hospital infection 942
0.2 Long-term care/other HAI 147
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 830
4.4 Single dose 440
One day 130
>1 day 279
% within category Medical prophylaxis 277
Other indication 153
Unknown 109
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

4.3 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
21.3 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

44.7 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
22.1 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
6.8 Male gender 10129 43.5 595 5.9 2385 23.5
66.7 Age, <1 year 766 3.3 18 2.3 108 14.1
32.3 Age, 1-44 years 3681 15.8 73 2.0 694 18.9
28.8 Age, ≥45 years 18819 80.9 1211 6.4 4037 21.5
45.5 Length of stay, 1-3 days 5859 25.2 201 3.4 1437 24.5
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 5033 21.6 241 4.8 1534 30.5
1.2 Length of stay, 8-14 days 4381 18.8 344 7.9 1084 24.7
1.6 Length of stay, ≥15 days 7915 34.0 512 6.5 770 9.7
2.0 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 78 0.3 4 5.1 14 17.9
. McCabe score, non fatal 14240 61.2 573 4.0 2741 19.2
24.5 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 2999 12.9 268 8.9 743 24.8
86.2 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1164 5.0 161 13.8 419 36.0
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 4863 20.9 300 6.2 936 19.2
Surgery since hospital admission 4134 17.8 293 7.1 1486 35.9
Central vascular catheter 1058 4.5 252 23.8 636 60.1
Urinary catheter 4532 19.5 709 15.6 1955 43.1
Intubation 400 1.7 105 26.3 244 61.0
Total 23266 100.0 1302 5.6 4839 20.8
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Hungary (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) HU EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
16.0 1367 36.6 HAI/AMR indicators
39.0 2401 26.5 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 87 5.6 3.2 28
2.8 345 53.3 Primary hospitals 32 4.3 3.1 23
2.4 99 17.8 Secondary hospitals 20 7.3 6.0 28
4.4 207 20.0 Tertiary hospitals 7 6.1 5.6 27
1.3 10 3.3 Specialised hospitals/unknown 28 2.5 0.9 22
1.8 29 7.1 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 87 0.89 0.59 28
10.0 56 2.4 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
22.3 325 6.3 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 87 4.5 2.8 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 87 35.9 31.1 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 87 1.2 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 87 17.2 12.5 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 87 98.9 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 87 98.9 - 25
15.3 4790 74.8 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 61 1.46 1.54 26
10.9 3372 52.6 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 61 3.3 - 26
4.0 1240 19.4 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 82 0.33 0.22 26
0.6 178 2.8 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 82 23.2 - 26
3.6 959 15.0 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 87 12.9 3.4 24
1.9 479 7.5 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 87 4.5 2.2 24
0.6 143 2.2 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 87 35.6 - 25
1.2 337 5.3 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 87 83.9 - 23
1.2 338 5.3 Surveillance of surgical site infections 87 27.6 - 24
0.7 191 3.0 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 50 58.0 - 23
0.5 129 2.0 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 87 80.5 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 87 18.4 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 87 9.4 9.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 87 62.1 75.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 84 37.0 17.0 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0- - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 87 24.1 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 87 44.5 100.0 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 87 33.3 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 87 64.5 62.4 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 87 49.3 49.2 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 87 3.2 2.2 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 87 0.0 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 87 96.7 99.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 87 19.4 15.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 87 1.5 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 55 19.5 18.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 87 12.7 14.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 87 20.8 16.1 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 87 0.79 0.65 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 73 44.9 48.1 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 53 35.1 33.3 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 74 5.3 0 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 74 69.9 68 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 74 13.4 9.2 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 82 0.22 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 82 43.9 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 87 37.9 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 87 0.0 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 73 20.6 20.5 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 82 7.0 7.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA HU rank HU percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 20 24 30 16
4.8 4.0 16 19 33 20
6.6 5.9 13 13 55 55
7.5 6.9 19 21 31 24
6.1 5.3 20 20 11 11
0.94 0.85 17 23 41 20
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 22 25 23 13
21.8 24.3 10 11 63 61
3.4 0.0 20 16 22 43
3.7 0.0 2 3 94 91

79.5 - 3 - 90 -
80.00 - 6 - 78 -
1.25 1.36 9 8 67 71
2.6 - 13 - 52 -
0.45 0.30 19 19 29 29
18.6 - 12 - 56 -
44.7 36.0 23 24 6 2
6.0 5.0 20 21 19 15
66.7 - 24 - 6 -
57.4 - 7 - 72 -
23.3 - 12 - 52 -
28.6 - 6 - 76 -
46.2 - 3 - 89 -
35.3 - 18 - 17 -
9.4 9.0 11 12.5 50 43
69.3 80.0 18 15.5 24 35
37.4 35.8 14 25 46 2
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - 19 - 20 -
49.2 48.8 18 1.5 27 96
10.0 - 2 - 93 -
73.4 70.1 19 19 23 26
65.6 62.6 28 26 2 9
15.8 11.3 26 26 2 2
16.0 - 24 - 2 -
75.9 83.3 1 2 98 93
32.1 24.5 16 17 30 25
1.5 2.0 11 6 50 74
25.7 25.5 20 21 15 11
12.7 14.0 10 8.5 50 58

36.0 36.5 28 28 2 2
1.01 1.01 25 28 13 2
44.3 40.8 13 11 55 63
38.1 34.5 17 15 41 48
8.4 4.4 24 27.5 16 4
77.4 79.0 22 23 23 20
19.5 15.9 21 22 21 17
0.30 0.00 15 18 40 27
47.4 - 14 - 44 -
. - 19 - 26 -
37.5 - 22.5 - 4 -
20.2 19.3 10 9 63 67
11.5 11.0 20 18 11 20
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 08 May 2023 to 10 May 2023
Number of hospitals 2
Standard protocol 2
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 678

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 418 [ 135- 700]
Secondary 1 50.0 9.9 Average length of stay (days)* 6.4 [4.5-8.3]
Tertiary 1 50.0 90.1 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 42 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 6.2 (1.0-29.3) HAI present on admission 14 31.1 14
N of HAIs 45 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 12 85.7 12
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.07 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 2 14.3 2
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 32 (71.1) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 40 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 0 0 0
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 31 68.9 28
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 115 17 7
Medicine 212 31.3 14
Intensive care* 15 2.2 3
Paediatrics 27 4 5
Obstetrics and gynaecology 43 6.3 4
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.0%) Healthy babies 17 2.5 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (2.2%) Geriatrics 107 15.8 4
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 110 16.2 1
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (4.4%) Rehabilitation/Other 32 4.7 4
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 8 8 0
Enterococci / VRE 6 6 1
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 3 3 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 3 3 1
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 8 8 1
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 4 4 1
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 0 0 0
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 1 1 0
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 8 8 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 4 4 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 0 0 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 1 1 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 1 1 0
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 1 1 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Iceland (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 208 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 30.7 (9.1-66.2) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 283 Surgery 115
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.36 Medicine 212
N Rel% Intensive care* 15
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 252 89 Paediatrics 27
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 30 10.6 Obstetrics and gynaecology 43
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 1 0.4 Healthy babies 17
Route of administration, parenteral 170 60.1 Geriatrics 107
Route of administration, oral 112 39.6 Psychiatry 110
Route of administration, other/unknown 1 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 32
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
2.1 Treatment 154
1.8 Community infection 91
0.3 Hospital infection 59
0 Long-term care/other HAI 6
0 Surgical prophylaxis 33
4.1 Single dose 9
One day 12
>1 day 12
% within category Medical prophylaxis 23
Other indication 2
Unknown 2
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

6.1 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
20.0 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

. and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 332 49.0 17 5.1 100 30.1
. Age, <1 year 31 4.6 3 9.7 5 16.1
. Age, 1-44 years 157 23.2 6 3.8 36 22.9
. Age, ≥45 years 490 72.3 33 6.7 167 34.1
. Length of stay, 1-3 days 134 19.8 6 4.5 57 42.5
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 145 21.4 10 6.9 55 37.9
. Length of stay, 8-14 days 96 14.2 9 9.4 34 35.4
. Length of stay, ≥15 days 303 44.7 17 5.6 62 20.5
. Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 475 70.1 30 6.3 136 28.6
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 179 26.4 8 4.5 60 33.5
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 22 3.2 4 18.2 12 54.5
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 2 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Surgery since hospital admission 189 27.9 23 12.2 89 47.1
Central vascular catheter 61 9.0 14 23.0 48 78.7
Urinary catheter 113 16.7 12 10.6 53 46.9
Intubation 8 1.2 2 25.0 6 75.0
Total 678 100.0 42 6.2 208 30.7
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Iceland (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) IS EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
17.0 53 46.1 HAI/AMR indicators
31.3 94 44.3 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 2 6.2 8.1 28
2.2 11 73.3 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
4.0 11 40.7 Secondary hospitals 1 10.4 10.4 28
6.3 16 37.2 Tertiary hospitals 1 5.7 5.7 27
2.5 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 0 . . 22
15.8 12 11.2 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 2 0.8 1.26 28
16.2 1 0.9 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 2 7.8 - 16
4.7 10 31.3 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 2 6.2 8.1 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 2 8.3 4.5 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) . . 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 2 2.2 7.1 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 2 50.0 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 2 100.0 - 25
22.7 216 76.3 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 2 2.01 1.94 26
13.4 128 45.2 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 2 0.0 - 26
8.7 81 28.6 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 2 0.18 0.11 26
0.9 7 2.5 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 2 50.0 - 26
4.9 36 12.7 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 2 68.4 52.4 24
1.3 9 3.2 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 2 8.4 8.4 24
1.8 13 4.6 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 2 100.0 - 25
1.8 14 4.9 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 2 0.0 - 23
3.4 27 9.5 Surveillance of surgical site infections 1 0.0 - 24
0.3 2 0.7 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 1 0.0 - 23
0.3 2 0.7 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 1 0.0 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 2 100.0 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 2 12.0 12.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 1 80.0 80.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 2 76.9 65.0 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 2 160.2 146.5 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 2 0.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 2 53.5 56.2 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 2 0.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 2 88.1 85.3 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 2 81.0 71.4 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 2 35.2 35.2 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 2 9.6 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 2 95.5 95.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 2 53.5 53.5 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 2 0.0 0.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 2 30.5 30.5 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0- - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 2 30.7 36.3 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 2 1.04 1.09 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 2 34.4 32.5 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 2 38.9 45.8 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 2 9.5 8.5 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 2 60.1 59.3 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 2 31.3 34.7 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 2 0.00 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 2 0.0 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 2 50.0 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 1 0.0 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 2 23.0 23.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 1 7.0 7.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA IS rank IS percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 18 7 38 77
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.6 5.9 3 2 91 95
7.5 6.9 21 20 24 28
6.1 5.3 . . . .
0.94 0.85 20 5 30 84
7.7 - 8 - 53 -
6.2 5.1 14 3 52 91
21.8 24.3 25 20 6 28
3.4 0.0 . 16 . 43
3.7 0.0 22 4 20 87

79.5 - 23 - 10 -
80.00 - 3 - 90 -
1.25 1.36 4 4 87 87
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 25 22 6 17
18.6 - 5 - 83 -
44.7 36.0 7 6 73 77
6.0 5.0 7 6 73 77
66.7 - 1.5 - 96 -
57.4 - 23 - 2 -
23.3 - 24 - 2 -
28.6 - 21.5 - 9 -
46.2 - 23 - 2 -
35.3 - 1 - 98 -
9.4 9.0 4 5.5 83 76
69.3 80.0 4 9.5 85 61
37.4 35.8 1 2 98 94
98.7 95.9 2 3 93 88
45.8 - 22.5 - 4 -
49.2 48.8 11 10 56 60
10.0 - 21.5 - 9 -
73.4 70.1 4 5 85 82
65.6 62.6 3 7 91 77
15.8 11.3 7 5 75 83
16.0 - 16 - 35 -
75.9 83.3 3 4 89 84
32.1 24.5 2 3 93 89
1.5 2.0 21 19.5 2 10
25.7 25.5 4 4 85 85
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 19 15 34 48
1.01 1.01 10 9 66 70
44.3 40.8 22 22 23 23
38.1 34.5 14 11 52 63
8.4 4.4 10 5 66 84
77.4 79.0 28 28 2 2
19.5 15.9 1 1 98 98
0.30 0.00 24 18 2 27
47.4 - 24 - 2 -
. - 13.5 - 48 -
37.5 - 22.5 - 4 -
20.2 19.3 1 1.5 98 96
11.5 11.0 19 18 16 20
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 02 May 2023 to 31 May 2023
Number of hospitals 65
Standard protocol 65
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 12472

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 15 23.1 10.7 Size (number of beds) 166 [ 86- 284]
Secondary 26 40.0 36.4 Average length of stay (days)* 4.3 [2.8-6.9]
Tertiary 9 13.8 43.5 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 15 23.1 9.4
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 932 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 7.5 (6.6-8.5) HAI present on admission 304 31.5 294
N of HAIs 966 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 100 32.9 97
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.04 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 85 28 83
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 420 (43.5) Origin of HAI=LTCF 110 36.2 105
Total N of reported microorg. 515 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 9 3 9
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 660 68.3 636
Missing 2 0.2
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2973 23.8 257
Medicine 6686 53.6 498
Intensive care* 388 3.1 73
Paediatrics 543 4.4 18
Obstetrics and gynaecology 588 4.7 14
[1] incl. COVID-19 (7.6%) Healthy babies 283 2.3 5
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (1.6%) Geriatrics 793 6.4 55
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 11 0.1 1
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (8.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 207 1.7 11
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 71 64 15
Enterococci / VRE 52 49 9
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 18 16 1
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 29 28 7
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 139 114 10
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 73 64 6
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 36 26 0
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 8 6 2
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 139 114 1
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 73 65 1
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 36 27 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 8 4 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 21 20 1
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 0 0 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Ireland (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 5087 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 40.8 (38.7-42.9) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 6712 Surgery 2973
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.32 Medicine 6686
N Rel% Intensive care* 388
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 6087 90.7 Paediatrics 543
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 525 7.8 Obstetrics and gynaecology 588
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 100 1.5 Healthy babies 283
Route of administration, parenteral 4695 69.9 Geriatrics 793
Route of administration, oral 1976 29.4 Psychiatry 11
Route of administration, other/unknown 41 0.6 Rehabilitation/Other 207
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
2.4 Treatment 4050
0.8 Community infection 2969
0.7 Hospital infection 959
0.8 Long-term care/other HAI 160
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 591
5.1 Single dose 216
One day 227
>1 day 169
% within category Medical prophylaxis 476
Other indication 53
Unknown 73
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

8.6 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
18.8 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

23.4 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
18.4 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
6.3 Male gender 6153 49.3 492 8.0 2666 43.3
25.0 Age, <1 year 575 4.6 38 6.6 105 18.3
8.8 Age, 1-44 years 2140 17.2 85 4.0 854 39.9
9.4 Age, ≥45 years 9757 78.2 809 8.3 4128 42.3
0.0 Length of stay, 1-3 days 3717 29.8 146 3.9 1644 44.2
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 2951 23.7 218 7.4 1507 51.1
0.9 Length of stay, 8-14 days 2252 18.1 201 8.9 929 41.3
1.5 Length of stay, ≥15 days 3550 28.5 367 10.3 1007 28.4
0.0 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
. McCabe score, non fatal 8862 71.1 537 6.1 3470 39.2
5.0 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 3065 24.6 316 10.3 1352 44.1
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 474 3.8 68 14.3 225 47.5
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 71 0.6 11 15.5 40 56.3
Surgery since hospital admission 2264 18.2 231 10.2 1171 51.7
Central vascular catheter 1050 8.4 186 17.7 662 63.0
Urinary catheter 1785 14.3 279 15.6 1031 57.8
Intubation 182 1.5 42 23.1 122 67.0
Total 12472 100.0 932 7.5 5087 40.8
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Ireland (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) IE EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
23.8 1534 51.6 HAI/AMR indicators
53.6 2702 40.4 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 65 7.5 5.8 28
3.1 233 60.1 Primary hospitals 15 4.9 3.8 23
4.4 214 39.4 Secondary hospitals 26 7.0 5.9 28
4.7 185 31.5 Tertiary hospitals 9 9.0 8.3 27
2.3 17 6.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 15 5.5 4.5 22
6.4 168 21.2 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 65 1.05 0.93 28
0.1 1 9.1 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 10.7 - 16
1.7 33 15.9 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 65 6.1 5.0 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 65 14.0 0.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 65 0.9 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 65 4.8 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 65 96.9 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 65 96.9 - 25
32.5 5360 79.9 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 65 3.28 3.13 26
23.8 3879 57.8 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 65 0.0 - 26
7.7 1291 19.2 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 65 0.66 0.57 26
1.3 190 2.8 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 65 9.2 - 26
4.7 678 10.1 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 65 53.6 42.4 24
1.7 241 3.6 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 64 14.1 9.5 24
1.8 237 3.5 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 63 47.6 - 25
1.4 200 3.0 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 65 96.9 - 23
3.8 537 8.0 Surveillance of surgical site infections 65 9.2 - 24
0.4 61 0.9 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 39 12.8 - 23
0.6 76 1.1 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 65 96.9 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 64 40.6 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 62 8.1 8.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 55 85.5 85.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 59 37.4 37.5 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 1 112.3 112.3 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 63 96.8 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 65 85.2 88.8 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 55 5.5 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 65 88.7 87.2 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 65 80.3 76.8 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 64 37.8 31.4 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 63 28.5 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 34 71.3 89.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 57 52.5 54.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 65 0.2 0.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 56 32.2 32.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 53 13.8 14.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 65 40.8 41.5 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 65 1.07 1.06 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 65 40.1 33.7 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 53 29.5 23.5 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 65 8 5.9 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 65 69.9 71.2 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 65 27.5 26.7 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 63 0.85 0.94 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 63 81.0 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 65 53.8 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 65 67.7 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 65 20.0 20.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 63 16.7 17.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA IE rank IE percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 9 15 70 48
4.8 4.0 11 15 54 37
6.6 5.9 14 14 52 52
7.5 6.9 10 11 65 61
6.1 5.3 12 13 48 43
0.94 0.85 10 13 66 55
7.7 - 4 - 78 -
6.2 5.1 15 15 48 48
21.8 24.3 21 24 21 13
3.4 0.0 21 16 18 43
3.7 0.0 9 18 69 35

79.5 - 4 - 86 -
80.00 - 7 - 74 -
1.25 1.36 1 1 98 98
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 8 7 71 75
18.6 - 18 - 33 -
44.7 36.0 10 10 60 60
6.0 5.0 1 1 98 98
66.7 - 20 - 22 -
57.4 - 1 - 98 -
23.3 - 21 - 15 -
28.6 - 18 - 24 -
46.2 - 1 - 98 -
35.3 - 9 - 60 -
9.4 9.0 17 16 21 26
69.3 80.0 2 4 93 85
37.4 35.8 13 12 50 54
98.7 95.9 6 7 73 68
45.8 - 1 - 98 -
49.2 48.8 3 5 90 81
10.0 - 16 - 33 -
73.4 70.1 3 4 90 86
65.6 62.6 4 3 88 91
15.8 11.3 6 7 79 75
16.0 - 4 - 85 -
75.9 83.3 15 9 34 61
32.1 24.5 4 2 84 93
1.5 2.0 19 19.5 12 10
25.7 25.5 2 2 93 93
12.7 14.0 6 8.5 71 58

36.0 36.5 9 10 70 66
1.01 1.01 7 11 77 63
44.3 40.8 17 21 41 27
38.1 34.5 22 22 23 23
8.4 4.4 15 9 48 70
77.4 79.0 21 20 27 30
19.5 15.9 5 3 83 90
0.30 0.00 3 1 90 98
47.4 - 6 - 77 -
. - 11 - 58 -
37.5 - 4 - 85 -
20.2 19.3 14 11 48 60
11.5 11.0 2 4 93 84
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 08 Nov 2021 to 28 Feb 2023
Number of hospitals 58
Standard protocol 58
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 19740

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 7 12.1 2.6 Size (number of beds) 382 [ 225- 682]
Secondary 14 24.1 13.3 Average length of stay (days)* 7.9 [6.7-8.7]
Tertiary 34 58.6 81.6 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 3 5.2 2.5
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 1942 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 9.8 (8.7-11.2) HAI present on admission 468 21.6 427
N of HAIs 2162 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 210 44.9 185
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.11 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 109 23.3 97
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 1219 (56.4) Origin of HAI=LTCF 50 10.7 49
Total N of reported microorg. 1371 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 99 21.2 96
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 1688 78.1 1510
Missing 6 0.3
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 5670 28.7 526
Medicine 8737 44.3 936
Intensive care* 1414 7.2 301
Paediatrics 700 3.5 19
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1152 5.8 23
[1] incl. COVID-19 (15.4%) Healthy babies 321 1.6 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (9.4%) Geriatrics 636 3.2 87
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 423 2.1 9
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (1.7%) Rehabilitation/Other 687 3.5 41
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 114 109 28
Enterococci / VRE 131 119 22
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 80 72 3
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 46 43 17
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 516 485 204
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 160 151 49
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 226 213 111
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 53 48 21
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 516 483 77
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 160 150 3
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 226 211 63
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 53 49 5
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 125 117 54
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 49 44 42
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Italy (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 8822 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 44.7 (42.4-47.0) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 11854 Surgery 5670
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.34 Medicine 8737
N Rel% Intensive care* 1414
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 9292 78.4 Paediatrics 700
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 2300 19.4 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1152
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 262 2.2 Healthy babies 321
Route of administration, parenteral 10212 86.1 Geriatrics 636
Route of administration, oral 1614 13.6 Psychiatry 423
Route of administration, other/unknown 28 0.2 Rehabilitation/Other 687
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
2.2 Treatment 4793
0.9 Community infection 3113
0.5 Hospital infection 1596
0.2 Long-term care/other HAI 118
0.5 Surgical prophylaxis 1863
7.6 Single dose 616
One day 202
>1 day 1062
% within category Medical prophylaxis 1334
Other indication 512
Unknown 609
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

9.3 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
21.3 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

25.7 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
18.5 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
4.2 Male gender 10332 52.3 1109 10.7 4905 47.5
39.5 Age, <1 year 805 4.1 27 3.4 150 18.6
42.1 Age, 1-44 years 2025 10.3 113 5.6 798 39.4
32.5 Age, ≥45 years 8259 41.8 822 10.0 3966 48.0
52.1 Length of stay, 1-3 days 5198 26.3 288 5.5 2149 41.3
43.8 Length of stay, 4-7 days 5491 27.8 425 7.7 2624 47.8
15.9 Length of stay, 8-14 days 4563 23.1 504 11.0 2144 47.0
2.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 4418 22.4 718 16.3 1867 42.3
29.9 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 70 0.4 7 10.0 38 54.3
10.2 McCabe score, non fatal 13344 67.6 972 7.3 5484 41.1
46.2 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 3664 18.6 583 15.9 1947 53.1
95.5 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1331 6.7 222 16.7 703 52.8
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 1401 7.1 165 11.8 688 49.1
Surgery since hospital admission 6339 32.1 819 12.9 3424 54.0
Central vascular catheter 3409 17.3 784 23.0 2204 64.7
Urinary catheter 6852 34.7 1148 16.8 4081 59.6
Intubation 725 3.7 247 34.1 516 71.2
Total 19740 100.0 1942 9.8 8822 44.7
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Italy (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) IT EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
28.7 2774 48.9 HAI/AMR indicators
44.3 4232 48.4 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 58 9.8 8.5 28
7.2 775 54.8 Primary hospitals 7 7.9 7.8 23
3.5 202 28.9 Secondary hospitals 14 7.9 7.2 28
5.8 370 32.1 Tertiary hospitals 34 10.3 9.4 27
1.6 4 1.2 Specialised hospitals/unknown 3 7.1 6.1 22
3.2 317 49.8 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 58 0.96 1.03 28
2.1 13 3.1 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 3 10.7 - 16
3.5 135 19.7 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 58 8.1 6.9 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 58 40.0 41.2 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 58 15.9 2.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 58 4.3 2.7 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 55 76.4 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 55 80.0 - 25
24.3 6699 56.5 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 51 1.74 1.41 26
15.8 4237 35.7 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 51 0.0 - 26
8.1 2311 19.5 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 43 0.66 0.56 26
0.6 151 1.3 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 43 0.0 - 26
9.4 2084 17.6 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 54 85.3 59.5 24
3.1 635 5.4 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 49 6.1 5.9 24
1.0 219 1.8 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 57 70.2 - 25
5.4 1230 10.4 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 58 55.2 - 23
6.8 1651 13.9 Surveillance of surgical site infections 58 31.0 - 24
2.6 711 6.0 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 53 43.4 - 23
3.1 712 6.0 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 58 22.4 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 0 - - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 0 - - 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 56 72.4 80.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 51 36.8 31.3 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 22 75.8 67.1 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 45 64.4 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 45 54.6 25.3 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 45 20.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 52 83.2 80.7 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 57 71.7 70.9 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 50 13.5 11.0 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 43 39.0 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 51 95.5 98.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 44 36.9 32.8 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 0- - 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 31 26.5 25.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0- - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 58 44.7 45.4 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 58 1.01 1.12 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 58 59.2 59.8 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 55 59 57.1 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 58 13.9 9.6 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 58 86.2 88.6 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 58 14.7 13.7 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 29 0.68 0.47 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 29 96.6 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 53 37.7 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 58 48.3 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 58 12.8 13.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 27 16.6 17.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA IT rank IT percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 5 6 84 80
4.8 4.0 7 5 72 80
6.6 5.9 8 9 73 70
7.5 6.9 6 8 80 72
6.1 5.3 9 10 61 57
0.94 0.85 14 8 52 73
7.7 - 4 - 78 -
6.2 5.1 5 8 84 73
21.8 24.3 6 6 79 80
3.4 0.0 6 4 78 87
3.7 0.0 11 8 61 72

79.5 - 15 - 42 -
80.00 - 13.5 - 48 -
1.25 1.36 6 11 79 60
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 7 8 75 71
18.6 - 25 - 6 -
44.7 36.0 4 4 85 85
6.0 5.0 12 11 52 56
66.7 - 10 - 62 -
57.4 - 13 - 46 -
23.3 - 11 - 56 -
28.6 - 9 - 63 -
46.2 - 17 - 28 -
35.3 - - - - -
9.4 9.0 - - - -
69.3 80.0 10 9.5 59 61
37.4 35.8 15 16 42 38
98.7 95.9 16 16 23 23
45.8 - 8 - 67 -
49.2 48.8 10 19 60 23
10.0 - 8.5 - 65 -
73.4 70.1 6 7 77 74
65.6 62.6 8 8 73 73
15.8 11.3 15 14 44 48
16.0 - 3 - 90 -
75.9 83.3 4 3 84 89
32.1 24.5 9 9 61 61
1.5 2.0 - - - -
25.7 25.5 11 13 54 46
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 7 8 77 73
1.01 1.01 14 8 52 73
44.3 40.8 1 2 98 95
38.1 34.5 8 6 73 80
8.4 4.4 3 3 91 91
77.4 79.0 7 6 77 80
19.5 15.9 19 17 29 37
0.30 0.00 6 5 77 81
47.4 - 1 - 98 -
. - 20 - 22 -
37.5 - 9 - 63 -
20.2 19.3 22 22 17 17
11.5 11.0 3 4 89 84
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 17 Feb 2021 to 25 May 2021
Number of hospitals 7
Standard protocol 7
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 1158

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 200 [ 150- 300]
Secondary 7 100.0 100.0 Average length of stay (days)* 6.3 [6.0-7.0]
Tertiary 0 0.0 0.0 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 35 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 3.0 (1.5-6.1) HAI present on admission 6 17.1 6
N of HAIs 35 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 5 83.3 5
N of HAIs per infected patient 1 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 1 16.7 1
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 12 (34.3) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 12 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 0 0 0
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 29 82.9 29
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 323 27.9 7
Medicine 616 53.2 17
Intensive care* 59 5.1 11
Paediatrics 44 3.8 0
Obstetrics and gynaecology 67 5.8 0
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.0%) Healthy babies 35 3 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (0.0%) Geriatrics 0 0 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 0 0 0
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (2.9%) Rehabilitation/Other 14 1.2 0
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 1 1 0
Enterococci / VRE 1 1 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 1 1 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 0 0 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 4 4 3
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 1 1 0
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 1 1 1
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 0 0 0
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 4 4 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 1 1 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 1 1 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 0 0 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 0 0 0
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 1 0 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Latvia (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 553 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 47.8 (40.4-55.2) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 718 Surgery 323
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.3 Medicine 616
N Rel% Intensive care* 59
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 418 58.2 Paediatrics 44
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 281 39.1 Obstetrics and gynaecology 67
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 19 2.6 Healthy babies 35
Route of administration, parenteral 624 86.9 Geriatrics 0
Route of administration, oral 92 12.8 Psychiatry 0
Route of administration, other/unknown 2 0.3 Rehabilitation/Other 14
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0.5 Treatment 404
0.4 Community infection 370
0.1 Hospital infection 37
0 Long-term care/other HAI 0
0 Surgical prophylaxis 97
2.5 Single dose 22
One day 1
>1 day 74
% within category Medical prophylaxis 21
Other indication 3
Unknown 29
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

2.2 Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)

2.8 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

. and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 493 42.6 18 3.7 261 52.9
. Age, <1 year 49 4.2 1 2.0 9 18.4
. Age, 1-44 years 197 17.0 2 1.0 92 46.7
. Age, ≥45 years 912 78.8 32 3.5 452 49.6
. Length of stay, 1-3 days 384 33.2 3 0.8 150 39.1
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 374 32.3 8 2.1 205 54.8
. Length of stay, 8-14 days 273 23.6 14 5.1 138 50.5
. Length of stay, ≥15 days 123 10.6 10 8.1 57 46.3
. Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 4 0.3 0 0.0 3 75.0
. McCabe score, non fatal 1089 94.0 32 2.9 517 47.5
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 49 4.2 2 4.1 25 51.0
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 19 1.6 1 5.3 11 57.9
Surgery since hospital admission 229 19.8 12 5.2 151 65.9
Central vascular catheter 45 3.9 13 28.9 36 80.0
Urinary catheter 167 14.4 22 13.2 113 67.7
Intubation 25 2.2 9 36.0 22 88.0
Total 1158 100.0 35 3.0 553 47.8
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Latvia (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) LV EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
27.9 189 58.5 HAI/AMR indicators
53.2 292 47.4 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 7 3.0 3.0 28
5.1 36 61.0 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
3.8 17 38.6 Secondary hospitals 7 3.0 3.0 28
5.8 18 26.9 Tertiary hospitals 0 . . 27
3.0 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 0 . . 22
0.0 0 . Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 7 0.53 0.36 28
0.0 0 . HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
1.2 1 7.1 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 7 3.0 3.0 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) . . 50.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) . . 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 7 0.0 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
34.9 541 75.3 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 7 0.40 0.00 26
32.0 490 68.2 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 7 57.1 - 26
3.2 51 7.1 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 7 0.43 0.00 26
0.0 0 0.0 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 7 57.1 - 26
8.4 114 15.9 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
1.9 22 3.1 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
0.1 1 0.1 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 7 0.0 - 25
6.4 91 12.7 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
1.8 21 2.9 Surveillance of surgical site infections 0 - - 24
0.3 6 0.8 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 0 - - 23
2.5 36 5.0 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 0 - - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 0 - - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 0 - - 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 0 - - 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 0 23.0 23.0 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0 - - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 7 21.4 24.0 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 7 45.5 61.0 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 5 66.6 53.5 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 7 17.9 12.6 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 0 - - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 0 - - 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 0 - - 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 0 - - 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 0 - - 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0 - - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 7 47.8 47.4 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 7 1.04 1.04 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 7 55.2 52 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 7 79.8 87.5 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 7 2.9 3.3 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 7 86.9 86.9 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 7 30.2 29.5 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 0 - - 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 0 - - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 7 0.0 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 7 17.4 18.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 0 - - 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA LV rank LV percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 28 26 2 9
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.6 5.9 26 26 9 9
7.5 6.9 . . . .
6.1 5.3 . . . .
0.94 0.85 28 27 2 5
7.7 - . - . -
6.2 5.1 27 24 5 16
21.8 24.3 . 4 . 87
3.4 0.0 . 16 . 43
3.7 0.0 26.5 18 4 35

79.5 - - - - -
80.00 - - - - -
1.25 1.36 24 25 10 6
2.6 - 3 - 90 -
0.45 0.30 15 24.5 44 8
18.6 - 3.5 - 88 -
44.7 36.0 - - - -
6.0 5.0 - - - -
66.7 - 25 - 2 -
57.4 - - - - -
23.3 - - - - -
28.6 - - - - -
46.2 - - - - -
35.3 - - - - -
9.4 9.0 - - - -
69.3 80.0 - - - -
37.4 35.8 23 18 10 30
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - - - - -
49.2 48.8 23 22 6 10
10.0 - - -- -
73.4 70.1 24 22 2 14
65.6 62.6 12 23 59 20
15.8 11.3 12 11 56 60
16.0 - - - - -
75.9 83.3 - - - -
32.1 24.5 - - - -
1.5 2.0 - - - -
25.7 25.5 - - - -
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 4 6 88 80
1.01 1.01 11 13 63 55
44.3 40.8 7 8 77 73
38.1 34.5 1 1 98 98
8.4 4.4 27 17 5 41
77.4 79.0 6 8 80 73
19.5 15.9 2 2 94 94
0.30 - - - - -
47.4 - - - - -
. - 25 - 2 -
37.5 - - - - -
20.2 19.3 16 15.5 40 42
11.5 11.0 - - - -
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 20 Mar 2023 to 26 May 2023
Number of hospitals 41
Standard protocol 41
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 9491

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 18 43.9 16.9 Size (number of beds) 170 [ 118- 320]
Secondary 11 26.8 15.2 Average length of stay (days)* 8.5 [6.6-12.0]
Tertiary 11 26.8 66.3 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 1 2.4 1.6
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 376 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 4.0 (3.1-5.1) HAI present on admission 0 0 0
N of HAIs 385 Origin of HAI=Same hospital . . .
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.02 Origin of HAI=Other hospital . . .
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 116 (30.1) Origin of HAI=LTCF . . .
Total N of reported microorg. 137 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown . . .
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 284 73.8 277
Missing 101 26.2
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2031 21.4 98
Medicine 2933 30.9 134
Intensive care* 326 3.4 51
Paediatrics 398 4.2 5
Obstetrics and gynaecology 211 2.2 8
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.0%) Healthy babies 14 0.1 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (4.4%) Geriatrics 74 0.8 5
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 551 5.8 2
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (2.6%) Rehabilitation/Other 2953 31.1 73
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 16 16 3
Enterococci / VRE 22 22 13
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 7 7 2
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 15 15 11
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 45 42 17
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 15 14 5
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 16 15 7
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 8 7 3
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 45 26 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 15 9 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 16 9 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 8 4 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 9 8 1
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 7 7 6
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Lithuania (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 2748 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 29.0 (25.6-32.5) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 3669 Surgery 2031
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.34 Medicine 2933
N Rel% Intensive care* 326
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 3483 94.9 Paediatrics 398
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 186 5.1 Obstetrics and gynaecology 211
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 0 0 Healthy babies 14
Route of administration, parenteral 2819 76.8 Geriatrics 74
Route of administration, oral 779 21.2 Psychiatry 551
Route of administration, other/unknown 71 1.9 Rehabilitation/Other 2953
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0 Treatment 2045
. Community infection 1705
. Hospital infection 358
. Long-term care/other HAI 0
. Surgical prophylaxis 387
2.9 Single dose 155
One day 62
>1 day 173
% within category Medical prophylaxis 183
Other indication 112
Unknown 45
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

4.8 Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)

4.6 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

18.8 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
59.1 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 4308 45.4 205 4.8 1453 33.7
73.3 Age, <1 year 234 2.5 8 3.4 53 22.6
40.5 Age, 1-44 years 1700 17.9 45 2.6 547 32.2
35.7 Age, ≥45 years 7557 79.6 323 4.3 2148 28.4
46.7 Length of stay, 1-3 days 2146 22.6 48 2.2 605 28.2
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 2420 25.5 83 3.4 855 35.3
0.0 Length of stay, 8-14 days 2015 21.2 103 5.1 680 33.7
. Length of stay, ≥15 days 2724 28.7 141 5.2 545 20.0
. Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 186 2.0 1 0.5 63 33.9
. McCabe score, non fatal 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 9491 100.0 376 4.0 2748 29.0
Surgery since hospital admission 1401 14.8 103 7.4 647 46.2
Central vascular catheter 465 4.9 98 21.1 303 65.2
Urinary catheter 631 6.6 29 4.6 197 31.2
Intubation 119 1.3 37 31.1 85 71.4
Total 9491 100.0 376 4.0 2748 29.0
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Lithuania (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) LT EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
21.4 878 43.2 HAI/AMR indicators
30.9 996 34.0 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 41 4.0 3.2 28
3.4 203 62.3 Primary hospitals 18 2.6 1.5 23
4.2 185 46.5 Secondary hospitals 11 3.9 3.4 28
2.2 47 22.3 Tertiary hospitals 11 4.3 3.7 27
0.1 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 1 3.3 3.3 22
0.8 25 33.8 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 41 0.68 0.51 28
5.8 13 2.4 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 6 7.6 - 16
31.1 401 13.6 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 41 4.0 3.2 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 41 42.1 40.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 41 0.0 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 41 7.5 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 41 80.5 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 41 65.9 - 25
21.5 2793 76.1 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 37 0.38 0.00 26
18.0 2340 63.8 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 37 75.7 - 26
3.8 453 12.3 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 40 1.05 0.91 26
0.0 0 0.0 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 40 25.0 - 26
4.1 440 12.0 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 39 12.4 4.0 24
1.6 167 4.6 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 39 3.1 0.6 24
0.7 64 1.7 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 41 63.4 - 25
1.8 209 5.7 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 41 85.4 - 23
1.9 248 6.8 Surveillance of surgical site infections 41 65.9 - 24
1.2 139 3.8 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 37 73.0 - 23
0.5 49 1.3 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 41 80.5 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 0 - - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 0 - - 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 37 58.0 55.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 41 25.6 20.3 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 13 54.4 50.9 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 40 50.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 41 42.1 48.1 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 41 22.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 39 77.0 76.5 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 41 64.8 63.8 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 41 11.0 11.0 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 39 19.4 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 28 54.8 75.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 28 22.1 19.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 0 - - 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 36 15.9 15.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0 - - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 41 29 26.7 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 41 1.06 0.94 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 40 25.4 18.5 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 27 47.5 50 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 40 6.8 3 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 40 76.8 85.7 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 26 11.7 5.6 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 0 - - 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 0 - - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 41 87.8 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 41 87.8 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 26 20.4 19.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 0 - - 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA LT rank LT percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 25 25 13 13
4.8 4.0 23 23 2 2
6.6 5.9 24 24 16 16
7.5 6.9 27 27 2 2
6.1 5.3 18 18 20 20
0.94 0.85 23 25 20 13
7.7 - 9 - 47 -
6.2 5.1 24 23 16 20
21.8 24.3 5 7.5 83 74
3.4 0.0 23.5 16 8 43
3.7 0.0 5 18 83 35

79.5 - 11 - 58 -
80.00 - 20 - 22 -
1.25 1.36 25 25 6 6
2.6 - 1 - 98 -
0.45 0.30 2 2 94 94
18.6 - 11 - 60 -
44.7 36.0 24 23 2 6
6.0 5.0 22 24 10 2
66.7 - 15 - 42 -
57.4 - 5 - 80 -
23.3 - 4 - 85 -
28.6 - 5 - 80 -
46.2 - 2 - 93 -
35.3 - - - - -
9.4 9.0 - - - -
69.3 80.0 20 23 15 2
37.4 35.8 21 21 18 18
98.7 95.9 18 18 13 13
45.8 - 11 - 54 -
49.2 48.8 20 14 19 44
10.0 - 5 - 80 -
73.4 70.1 9 8 65 70
65.6 62.6 17 12 41 59
15.8 11.3 17 15 37 44
16.0 - 9 - 65 -
75.9 83.3 22 17 2 25
32.1 24.5 14 15 39 34
1.5 2.0 - - - -
25.7 25.5 22 22 7 7
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 24 26 16 9
1.01 1.01 9 18 70 38
44.3 40.8 28 28 2 2
38.1 34.5 13 9.5 55 68
8.4 4.4 19 19 34 34
77.4 79.0 15 10 48 66
19.5 15.9 23 25 13 6
0.30 - - - - -
47.4 - - - - -
. - 1 - 98 -
37.5 - 3 - 89 -
20.2 19.3 12 14 56 48
11.5 11.0 - - - -
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 15 May 2023 to 30 Jun 2023
Number of hospitals 5
Standard protocol 5
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 1699

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 548 [ 357- 581]
Secondary 3 60.0 72.6 Average length of stay (days)* 6.8 [6.5-8.2]
Tertiary 1 20.0 26.9 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 1 20.0 0.5
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 117 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 6.9 (3.2-14.3) HAI present on admission 41 32.8 37
N of HAIs 125 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 13 31.7 11
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.07 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 5 12.2 5
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 74 (59.2) Origin of HAI=LTCF 17 41.5 15
Total N of reported microorg. 89 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 6 14.6 6
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 83 66.4 79
Missing 1 0.8
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 417 24.5 26
Medicine 479 28.2 37
Intensive care* 90 5.3 17
Paediatrics 58 3.4 0
Obstetrics and gynaecology 132 7.8 2
[1] incl. COVID-19 (4.0%) Healthy babies 30 1.8 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (3.2%) Geriatrics 197 11.6 27
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 214 12.6 1
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (0.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 82 4.8 7
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 14 14 1
Enterococci / VRE 6 4 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 1 1 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 4 2 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 37 37 12
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 18 18 5
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 5 5 1
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 6 6 4
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 37 37 1
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 18 18 1
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 5 5 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 6 6 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 6 6 0
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 0 0 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Luxembourg (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 460 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 27.1 (22.1-32.6) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 570 Surgery 417
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.24 Medicine 479
N Rel% Intensive care* 90
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 500 87.7 Paediatrics 58
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 58 10.2 Obstetrics and gynaecology 132
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 12 2.1 Healthy babies 30
Route of administration, parenteral 395 69.3 Geriatrics 197
Route of administration, oral 173 30.4 Psychiatry 214
Route of administration, other/unknown 2 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 82
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
2.2 Treatment 342
0.6 Community infection 220
0.3 Hospital infection 93
0.9 Long-term care/other HAI 29
0.4 Surgical prophylaxis 74
4.6 Single dose 35
One day 15
>1 day 25
% within category Medical prophylaxis 43
Other indication 5
Unknown 6
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

6.2 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
18.9 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

7.1 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 811 47.7 61 7.5 253 31.2
. Age, <1 year 88 5.2 0 0.0 7 8.0
32.4 Age, 1-44 years 369 21.7 5 1.4 70 19.0
27.8 Age, ≥45 years 1242 73.1 112 9.0 383 30.8
. Length of stay, 1-3 days 548 32.3 15 2.7 151 27.6
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 354 20.8 27 7.6 119 33.6
2.7 Length of stay, 8-14 days 289 17.0 31 10.7 91 31.5
5.6 Length of stay, ≥15 days 506 29.8 44 8.7 98 19.4
. Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 2 0.1 0 0.0 1 50.0
. McCabe score, non fatal 268 15.8 7 2.6 64 23.9
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 140 8.2 16 11.4 49 35.0
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 26 1.5 6 23.1 13 50.0
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 1265 74.5 88 7.0 334 26.4
Surgery since hospital admission 492 29.0 42 8.5 158 32.1
Central vascular catheter 151 8.9 35 23.2 92 60.9
Urinary catheter 220 12.9 40 18.2 113 51.4
Intubation 34 2.0 11 32.4 24 70.6
Total 1699 100.0 117 6.9 460 27.1
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Luxembourg (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) LU EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
24.5 130 31.2 HAI/AMR indicators
28.2 185 38.6 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 5 6.9 4.6 28
5.3 52 57.8 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
3.4 13 22.4 Secondary hospitals 3 7.8 7.1 28
7.8 15 11.4 Tertiary hospitals 1 4.6 4.6 27
1.8 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 1 0.0 0.0 22
11.6 54 27.4 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 5 0.99 0.8 28
12.6 4 1.9 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 6.1 - 16
4.8 7 8.5 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 5 5.7 4.4 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 5 21.7 24.3 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 5 2.7 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 5 0.0 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 5 80.0 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 5 80.0 - 25
20.1 427 74.7 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 5 1.95 1.87 26
12.9 285 49.8 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 5 0.0 - 26
5.5 108 18.9 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 5 0.16 0.18 26
1.7 34 5.9 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 5 20.0 - 26
4.4 81 14.2 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 5 36.5 22.0 24
2.1 35 6.1 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 5 2.4 2.3 24
0.9 17 3.0 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 2 100.0 - 25
1.5 29 5.1 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 5 60.0 - 23
2.5 52 9.1 Surveillance of surgical site infections 4 50.0 - 24
0.3 6 1.0 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 4 75.0 - 23
0.4 6 1.0 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 4 50.0 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 4 25.0 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 3 13.3 16.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 3 96.7 100.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 5 29.6 33.1 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 4 85.5 88.1 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 5 80.0 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 5 102.9 92.9 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 5 60.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 5 83.9 85.0 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 5 75.5 75.7 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 5 31.9 32.9 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 5 23.9 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 0- - 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 0- - 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 5 0.2 0.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 5 27.6 26.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0- - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 5 27.1 29.1 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 5 0.89 0.84 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 5 45.6 47.1 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 4 35.8 23.8 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 5 9.1 4.5 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 5 69.4 70.5 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 5 22.8 17.3 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 5 0.17 0.11 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 5 60.0 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 5 40.0 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 4 50.0 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 5 20.9 20.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 4 12.0 12.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA LU rank LU percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 13 19 55 34
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.6 5.9 9 10 70 66
7.5 6.9 25 25 9 9
6.1 5.3 22 21.5 2 5
0.94 0.85 13 17 55 41
7.7 - 14 - 16 -
6.2 5.1 18 18 38 38
21.8 24.3 15 14 44 50
3.4 0.0 16 16 38 43
3.7 0.0 26.5 18 4 35

79.5 - 12 - 54 -
80.00 - 13.5 - 48 -
1.25 1.36 5 5 83 83
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 26 21 2 21
18.6 - 13 - 52 -
44.7 36.0 16 19 35 23
6.0 5.0 24 20 2 19
66.7 - 1.5 - 96 -
57.4 - 11 - 54 -
23.3 - 6 - 77 -
28.6 - 4 - 85 -
46.2 - 11 - 54 -
35.3 - 14 - 36 -
9.4 9.0 1 1.5 98 95
69.3 80.0 1 1 98 98
37.4 35.8 20 15 22 42
98.7 95.9 13 13 38 38
45.8 - 4 - 85 -
49.2 48.8 1 3 98 90
10.0 - 1 - 98 -
73.4 70.1 5 6 81 78
65.6 62.6 6 5 80 84
15.8 11.3 9 6 67 79
16.0 - 6 - 77 -
75.9 83.3 - - - -
32.1 24.5 - - - -
1.5 2.0 20 19.5 7 10
25.7 25.5 7 10.5 72 57
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 25 23 13 20
1.01 1.01 22 22 23 23
44.3 40.8 12 12 59 59
38.1 34.5 16 21 45 27
8.4 4.4 13 14 55 52
77.4 79.0 23 22 20 23
19.5 15.9 10 12 63 56
0.30 0.00 20 11 19 56
47.4 - 11 - 56 -
. - 17.5 - 32 -
37.5 - 7 - 72 -
20.2 19.3 8 11 71 60
11.5 11.0 9 11 61 52
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 03 Apr 2023 to 01 Jun 2023
Number of hospitals 7
Standard protocol 7
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 1082

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 4 57.1 4.9 Size (number of beds) 60 [ 37- 121]
Secondary 1 14.3 4.7 Average length of stay (days)* 3.9 [1.8-5.4]
Tertiary 1 14.3 86.8 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 1 14.3 3.6
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 78 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 7.2 (5.8-8.9) HAI present on admission 14 16.1 12
N of HAIs 87 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 12 85.7 10
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.12 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 2 14.3 2
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 42 (48.3) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 53 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 0 0 0
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 73 83.9 66
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 342 31.6 31
Medicine 562 51.9 32
Intensive care* 45 4.2 11
Paediatrics 28 2.6 0
Obstetrics and gynaecology 64 5.9 1
[1] incl. COVID-19 (2.3%) Healthy babies 21 1.9 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (2.3%) Geriatrics 0 0 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 6 0.6 0
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (8.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 14 1.3 3
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 6 6 1
Enterococci / VRE 7 7 1
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 2 2 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 5 5 1
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 23 23 0
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 6 6 0
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 11 11 0
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 2 2 0
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 23 23 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 6 6 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 11 11 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 2 2 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 2 2 1
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 0 0 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Malta (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 508 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 47.0 (43.9-50.1) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 703 Surgery 342
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.38 Medicine 562
N Rel% Intensive care* 45
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 526 74.8 Paediatrics 28
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 157 22.3 Obstetrics and gynaecology 64
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 20 2.8 Healthy babies 21
Route of administration, parenteral 516 73.4 Geriatrics 0
Route of administration, oral 186 26.5 Psychiatry 6
Route of administration, other/unknown 1 0.1 Rehabilitation/Other 14
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.1 Treatment 409
0.9 Community infection 283
0.2 Hospital infection 97
0 Long-term care/other HAI 36
0 Surgical prophylaxis 62
6.1 Single dose 17
One day 11
>1 day 44
% within category Medical prophylaxis 30
Other indication 5
Unknown 23
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

9.1 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
24.4 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

. and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 557 51.5 45 8.1 266 47.8
. Age, <1 year 52 4.8 2 3.8 12 23.1
0.0 Age, 1-44 years 194 17.9 7 3.6 91 46.9
. Age, ≥45 years 836 77.3 69 8.3 405 48.4
0.0 Length of stay, 1-3 days 371 34.3 9 2.4 158 42.6
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 261 24.1 23 8.8 165 63.2
0.0 Length of stay, 8-14 days 187 17.3 18 9.6 99 52.9
. Length of stay, ≥15 days 263 24.3 28 10.6 86 32.7
0.0 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 15 1.4 1 6.7 2 13.3
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 16 1.5 0 0.0 2 12.5
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 2 0.2 0 0.0 0 0.0
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 1049 97.0 77 7.3 504 48.0
Surgery since hospital admission 223 20.6 29 13.0 138 61.9
Central vascular catheter 72 6.7 20 27.8 59 81.9
Urinary catheter 188 17.4 27 14.4 129 68.6
Intubation 14 1.3 8 57.1 12 85.7
Total 1082 100.0 78 7.2 508 47.0
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Malta (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) MT EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
31.6 188 55.0 HAI/AMR indicators
51.9 249 44.3 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 7 7.2 5.9 28
4.2 27 60.0 Primary hospitals 4 3.8 1.9 23
2.6 16 57.1 Secondary hospitals 1 5.9 5.9 28
5.9 22 34.4 Tertiary hospitals 1 6.9 6.9 27
1.9 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 1 20.5 20.5 22
0.0 0 . Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 7 0.86 0.84 28
0.6 0 0.0 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 7 7.4 - 16
1.3 6 42.9 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 7 7.1 5.9 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 7 7.9 0.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 7 0.0 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 7 1.1 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 7 57.1 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 7 71.4 - 25
37.8 563 80.1 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 7 1.21 1.38 26
26.2 382 54.3 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 7 28.6 - 26
9.0 139 19.8 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 7 0.32 0.00 26
3.3 42 6.0 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 7 57.1 - 26
5.7 75 10.7 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 7 39.2 22.4 24
1.6 18 2.6 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 5 9.4 9.1 24
1.0 11 1.6 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 7 42.9 - 25
4.1 46 6.5 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 7 28.6 - 23
2.8 33 4.7 Surveillance of surgical site infections 7 14.3 - 24
0.5 6 0.9 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 3 0.0 - 23
2.1 26 3.7 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 7 14.3 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 7 28.6 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 7 5.1 4.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 7 69.3 80.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 7 59.4 56.2 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 2 133.0 147.9 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 7 71.4 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 7 67.7 68.0 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 7 14.3 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 7 73.0 50.6 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 7 70.0 48.6 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 6 52.1 47.2 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 7 25.1 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 7 96.3 100.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 7 42.3 40.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 7 1.6 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 4 26.5 28.5 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 7 11.6 12.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 7 47 47.7 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 7 1.22 1.24 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 6 43.6 35.9 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 4 61.3 25 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 6 4.7 1.6 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 6 73.4 73.2 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 6 19.7 13.6 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 7 0.08 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 7 14.3 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 7 28.6 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 7 14.3 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 6 16.8 16.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 7 4.4 0.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA MT rank MT percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 11 14 63 52
4.8 4.0 19 22 20 7
6.6 5.9 19 15 34 48
7.5 6.9 18 14 35 50
6.1 5.3 1 1 98 98
0.94 0.85 19 15 34 48
7.7 - 10.5 - 38 -
6.2 5.1 8 12 73 59
21.8 24.3 26 24 2 13
3.4 0.0 23.5 16 8 43
3.7 0.0 24 18 13 35

79.5 - 22 - 14 -
80.00 - 18 - 30 -
1.25 1.36 14 13 48 52
2.6 - 6 - 79 -
0.45 0.30 20 24.5 25 8
18.6 - 3.5 - 88 -
44.7 36.0 15 18 40 27
6.0 5.0 5 2 81 94
66.7 - 22.5 - 12 -
57.4 - 17 - 28 -
23.3 - 17 - 31 -
28.6 - 21.5 - 9 -
46.2 - 21 - 11 -
35.3 - 13 - 40 -
9.4 9.0 20 20.5 7 5
69.3 80.0 12 9.5 50 61
37.4 35.8 7 6 74 78
98.7 95.9 5 2 78 93
45.8 - 6 - 76 -
49.2 48.8 8 9 69 65
10.0 - 10 - 59 -
73.4 70.1 13 25 48 2
65.6 62.6 10 27 66 5
15.8 11.3 3 3 90 90
16.0 - 5 - 81 -
75.9 83.3 2 1 93 98
32.1 24.5 6 7 75 70
1.5 2.0 7 6 69 74
25.7 25.5 10 7 59 72
12.7 14.0 17 16.5 13 16

36.0 36.5 5 5 84 84
1.01 1.01 2 4 95 88
44.3 40.8 16 20 45 30
38.1 34.5 6 20 80 30
8.4 4.4 26 25 9 13
77.4 79.0 19 19 34 34
19.5 15.9 13 18 52 33
0.30 0.00 23 18 6 27
47.4 - 23 - 6 -
. - 23 - 10 -
37.5 - 18 - 24 -
20.2 19.3 17 18 37 33
11.5 11.0 22 22 2 2
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 01 Mar 2022 to 27 Oct 2022
Number of hospitals 18
Standard protocol 18
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 4863

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 11 61.1 36.4 Size (number of beds) 395 [ 323- 785]
Secondary 5 27.8 41.5 Average length of stay (days)* . [ .- .]
Tertiary 2 11.1 22.1 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 318 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 6.5 (5.3-8.1) HAI present on admission 96 28.3 94
N of HAIs 339 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 78 81.3 76
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.07 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 18 18.8 18
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 270 (79.6) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 335 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 0 0 0
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 243 71.7 224
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 1590 32.7 146
Medicine 2296 47.2 114
Intensive care* 301 6.2 39
Paediatrics 288 5.9 11
Obstetrics and gynaecology 235 4.8 2
[1] incl. COVID-19 (8.6%) Healthy babies 28 0.6 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (5.6%) Geriatrics 125 2.6 6
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 0 0 0
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (0.6%) Rehabilitation/Other 0 0 0
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 53 29 1
Enterococci / VRE 47 12 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 19 0 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 28 12 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 82 51 12
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 44 30 3
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 14 10 4
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 6 3 3
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 82 51 2
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 44 30 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 14 10 2
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 6 3 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 15 8 1
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 0 0 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Netherlands (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 1855 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 38.1 (34.7-41.7) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 2100 Surgery 1590
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.13 Medicine 2296
N Rel% Intensive care* 301
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 847 40.3 Paediatrics 288
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 79 3.8 Obstetrics and gynaecology 235
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 1174 55.9 Healthy babies 28
Route of administration, parenteral 584 27.8 Geriatrics 125
Route of administration, oral 335 16 Psychiatry 0
Route of administration, other/unknown 1181 56.2 Rehabilitation/Other 0
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.9 Treatment 466
1.6 Community infection 389
0.4 Hospital infection 83
0 Long-term care/other HAI 3
0 Surgical prophylaxis 59
4.6 Single dose 21
One day 29
>1 day 9
% within category Medical prophylaxis 73
Other indication 6
Unknown 1278
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

9.2 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
13.0 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

3.4 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
0.0 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 2542 52.3 179 7.0 1034 40.7
0.0 Age, <1 year 163 3.4 6 3.7 16 9.8
23.5 Age, 1-44 years 905 18.6 41 4.5 284 31.4
10.0 Age, ≥45 years 3795 78.0 271 7.1 1555 41.0
40.0 Length of stay, 1-3 days 1888 38.8 106 5.6 672 35.6
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 1366 28.1 50 3.7 574 42.0
3.9 Length of stay, 8-14 days 892 18.3 80 9.0 352 39.5
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 717 14.7 82 11.4 257 35.8
20.0 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 3211 66.0 187 5.8 1142 35.6
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 476 9.8 32 6.7 203 42.6
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 156 3.2 8 5.1 58 37.2
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 1020 21.0 91 8.9 452 44.3
Surgery since hospital admission 1612 33.1 163 10.1 632 39.2
Central vascular catheter 498 10.2 105 21.1 366 73.5
Urinary catheter 1006 20.7 91 9.0 489 48.6
Intubation 148 3.0 24 16.2 117 79.1
Total 4863 100.0 318 6.5 1855 38.1
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Netherlands (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) NL EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
32.7 637 40.1 HAI/AMR indicators
47.2 920 40.1 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 18 6.5 4.7 28
6.2 178 59.1 Primary hospitals 11 3.6 4.1 23
5.9 53 18.4 Secondary hospitals 5 7.5 8.0 28
4.8 29 12.3 Tertiary hospitals 2 9.7 9.7 27
0.6 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 0 . . 22
2.6 38 30.4 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 18 0.93 0.82 28
0.0 0 . HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
0.0 0 . HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 18 6.0 4.3 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 18 14.0 0.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 18 3.9 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 18 0.9 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
9.6 618 29.4 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 0 - - 26
8.0 508 24.2 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 0 . - 26
1.7 107 5.1 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 0 . . 26
0.1 3 0.1 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 0 . - 26
1.2 66 3.1 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
0.4 24 1.1 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
0.6 29 1.4 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
0.2 13 0.6 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
1.5 102 4.9 Surveillance of surgical site infections 0 - - 24
0.1 7 0.3 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 0 - - 23
26.3 1307 62.2 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 0 - - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 0 - - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 0 - - 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 0 - - 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 0 - - 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0 - - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 0 - - 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 0 - - 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 0 - - 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 0 - - 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 0 - - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 0 - - 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 0 - - 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 0 - - 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 0 - - 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0 - - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 18 38.1 35 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 18 0.95 0.97 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 8 31.8 28.4 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 7 19.7 35.7 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 8 11 4.2 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 8 63.1 60.2 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 6 19.2 19.8 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 0 - - 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 0 - - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 6 21.2 21.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 0 - - 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA NL rank NL percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 16 18 45 38
4.8 4.0 21 11 11 54
6.6 5.9 10 7 66 77
7.5 6.9 8 7 72 76
6.1 5.3 . . . .
0.94 0.85 15 16 48 45
7.7 - . - . -
6.2 5.1 16 19 45 34
21.8 24.3 22 24 17 13
3.4 0.0 11 16 58 43
3.7 0.0 25 18 9 35

79.5 - - - - -
80.00 - - - - -
1.25 1.36 - - - -
2.6 - . - . -
0.45 0.30 . . . .
18.6 - . - . -
44.7 36.0 - - - -
6.0 5.0 - - - -
66.7 - - - - -
57.4 - - - - -
23.3 - - - - -
28.6 - - - - -
46.2 - - - - -
35.3 - - - - -
9.4 9.0 - - - -
69.3 80.0 - - - -
37.4 35.8 - - - -
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - - - - -
49.2 48.8 - - - -
10.0 - - -- -
73.4 70.1 - - - -
65.6 62.6 - - - -
15.8 11.3 - - - -
16.0 - - - - -
75.9 83.3 - - - -
32.1 24.5 - - - -
1.5 2.0 - - - -
25.7 25.5 - - - -
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 12 16 59 45
1.01 1.01 18 17 38 41
44.3 40.8 24 24 16 16
38.1 34.5 26 14 9 52
8.4 4.4 7 16 77 45
77.4 79.0 27 27 5 5
19.5 15.9 14 10 48 63
0.30 - - - - -
47.4 - - - - -
. - - - - -
37.5 - - - - -
20.2 19.3 7 7 75 75
11.5 11.0 - - - -
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 11 May 2022 to 11 May 2022
Number of hospitals 53
Standard protocol 0
Light protocol 53
Number of patients 9378

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 34 64.2 27.5 Size (number of beds) 103 [ 51- 197]
Secondary 9 17.0 24.5 Average length of stay (days)* . [ .- .]
Tertiary 8 15.1 45.8 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 1 1.9 1.2
Unknown 1 1.9 1.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 424 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 4.5 (3.9-5.2) HAI present on admission 0 0 0
N of HAIs 425 Origin of HAI=Same hospital . . .
N of HAIs per infected patient 1 Origin of HAI=Other hospital . . .
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 8 ( 1.9) Origin of HAI=LTCF . . .
Total N of reported microorg. 0 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown . . .
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 0 0 0
Missing 425 100
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2970 31.7 159
Medicine 3925 41.9 160
Intensive care* 555 5.9 61
Paediatrics 511 5.4 19
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1044 11.1 13
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.0%) Healthy babies 0 0 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (0.0%) Geriatrics 151 1.6 6
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 0 0 0
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (1.4%) Rehabilitation/Other 222 2.4 6
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
No data for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 0 0 0
Enterococci / VRE 0 0 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 0 0 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 0 0 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 0 0 0
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 0 0 0
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 0 0 0
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 0 0 0
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 0 0 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 0 0 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 0 0 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 0 0 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 0 0 0
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 0 0 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Norway (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 2811 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 30.0 (28.2-31.7) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 3592 Surgery 2970
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.28 Medicine 3925
N Rel% Intensive care* 555
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 3006 83.7 Paediatrics 511
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 101 2.8 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1044
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 485 13.5 Healthy babies 0
Route of administration, parenteral 2717 75.6 Geriatrics 151
Route of administration, oral 873 24.3 Psychiatry 0
Route of administration, other/unknown 2 0.1 Rehabilitation/Other 222
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0 Treatment 2129
. Community infection 1675
. Hospital infection 461
. Long-term care/other HAI 0
. Surgical prophylaxis 440
0 Single dose 155
One day 207
>1 day 89
% within category Medical prophylaxis 181
Other indication 38
Unknown 84
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

5.4 Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)

4.1 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

. and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. No patient risk factor data, national light protocol option used for all hospitals
olates with known
Norway (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) NO EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
31.7 1016 34.2 HAI/AMR indicators
41.9 1274 32.5 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 53 4.5 4.3 28
5.9 256 46.1 Primary hospitals 34 4.4 4.0 23
5.4 107 20.9 Secondary hospitals 9 3.5 3.2 28
11.1 84 8.0 Tertiary hospitals 8 5.0 4.9 27
0.0 0 . Specialised hospitals/unknown 2 6.7 6.9 22
1.6 61 40.4 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 53 0.65 0.68 28
0.0 0 . HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
2.4 13 5.9 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 53 4.3 4.1 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) . . . 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) . . . 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) . . . 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
22.7 2688 74.8 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 0 - - 26
17.9 2106 58.6 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 0 . - 26
4.9 582 16.2 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 0 . . 26
0.0 0 0.0 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 0 . - 26
4.7 534 14.9 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
1.7 221 6.2 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
2.2 209 5.8 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
0.9 104 2.9 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
1.9 211 5.9 Surveillance of surgical site infections 0 - - 24
0.4 49 1.4 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 0 - - 23
0.9 110 3.1 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 0 - - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 0 - - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 0 - - 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 0 - - 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 0 - - 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0 - - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 0 - - 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 0 - - 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 0 - - 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 0 - - 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 0 - - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 0 - - 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 0 - - 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 0 - - 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 0 - - 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0 - - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 53 30 30.7 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 53 0.76 0.76 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 53 32.3 30.8 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 42 19.5 14.6 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 53 5.9 1.6 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 53 75.6 76.5 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 0 - - 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 0 - - 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 0 - - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 0 - - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 0 - - 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 0 - - 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA NO rank NO percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 23 21 20 27
4.8 4.0 14 12 41 50
6.6 5.9 25 25 13 13
7.5 6.9 22 24 20 13
6.1 5.3 11 8 52 66
0.94 0.85 26 20 9 30
7.7 - . - . -
6.2 5.1 23 21 20 27
21.8 24.3 . . . .
3.4 0.0 . . . .
3.7 0.0 . . . .

79.5 - - - - -
80.00 - - - - -
1.25 1.36 - - - -
2.6 - . - . -
0.45 0.30 . . . .
18.6 - . - . -
44.7 36.0 - - - -
6.0 5.0 - - - -
66.7 - - - - -
57.4 - - - - -
23.3 - - - - -
28.6 - - - - -
46.2 - - - - -
35.3 - - - - -
9.4 9.0 - - - -
69.3 80.0 - - - -
37.4 35.8 - - - -
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - - - - -
49.2 48.8 - - - -
10.0 - - -- -
73.4 70.1 - - - -
65.6 62.6 - - - -
15.8 11.3 - - - -
16.0 - - - - -
75.9 83.3 - - - -
32.1 24.5 - - - -
1.5 2.0 - - - -
25.7 25.5 - - - -
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 21 20 27 30
1.01 1.01 28 26 2 9
44.3 40.8 23 23 20 20
38.1 34.5 27 27 5 5
8.4 4.4 21 24 27 16
77.4 79.0 17 16 41 45
19.5 15.9 - - - -
0.30 - - - - -
47.4 - - - - -
. - - - - -
37.5 - - - - -
20.2 19.3 - - - -
11.5 11.0 - - - -
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 08 May 2023 to 19 Jul 2023
Number of hospitals 93
Standard protocol 93
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 23661

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 39 41.9 31.0 Size (number of beds) 331 [ 229- 483]
Secondary 17 18.3 21.3 Average length of stay (days)* 5.2 [3.9-6.5]
Tertiary 21 22.6 34.6 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 16 17.2 13.2
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 1358 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 5.7 (5.1-6.5) HAI present on admission 308 21.1 302
N of HAIs 1458 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 134 43.5 133
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.07 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 70 22.7 66
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 804 (55.1) Origin of HAI=LTCF 16 5.2 15
Total N of reported microorg. 980 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 88 28.6 88
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 1146 78.6 1052
Missing 4 0.3
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 6653 28.1 361
Medicine 10046 42.5 602
Intensive care* 818 3.5 231
Paediatrics 1035 4.4 31
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1605 6.8 23
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.1%) Healthy babies 227 1 2
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (3.7%) Geriatrics 502 2.1 24
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 995 4.2 9
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (3.9%) Rehabilitation/Other 1780 7.5 75
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 86 84 16
Enterococci / VRE 114 112 29
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 52 52 5
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 52 51 23
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 363 355 147
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 122 119 32
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 157 154 91
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 31 30 8
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 363 330 31
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 122 112 4
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 157 136 24
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 31 30 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 69 68 24
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 53 53 38
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Poland (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 7359 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 31.1 (29.2-33.1) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 10102 Surgery 6653
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.37 Medicine 10046
N Rel% Intensive care* 818
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 8496 84.1 Paediatrics 1035
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 1519 15 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1605
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 87 0.9 Healthy babies 227
Route of administration, parenteral 8793 87 Geriatrics 502
Route of administration, oral 1240 12.3 Psychiatry 995
Route of administration, other/unknown 69 0.7 Rehabilitation/Other 1780
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.3 Treatment 4967
0.6 Community infection 3754
0.3 Hospital infection 1246
0.1 Long-term care/other HAI 41
0.4 Surgical prophylaxis 1253
4.4 Single dose 716
One day 166
>1 day 384
% within category Medical prophylaxis 1081
Other indication 66
Unknown 167
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

5.4 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
28.2 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

19.0 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
25.9 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
9.6 Male gender 11388 48.1 738 6.5 3916 34.4
45.1 Age, <1 year 1034 4.4 51 4.9 231 22.3
41.4 Age, 1-44 years 5563 23.5 157 2.8 1504 27.0
26.9 Age, ≥45 years 17064 72.1 1150 6.7 5624 33.0
59.1 Length of stay, 1-3 days 8528 36.0 150 1.8 2058 24.1
26.7 Length of stay, 4-7 days 6105 25.8 315 5.2 2198 36.0
9.4 Length of stay, 8-14 days 4078 17.2 383 9.4 1693 41.5
3.6 Length of stay, ≥15 days 4933 20.8 510 10.3 1405 28.5
17.6 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 17 0.1 0 0.0 5 29.4
3.3 McCabe score, non fatal 16561 70.0 637 3.8 4574 27.6
35.3 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 3066 13.0 368 12.0 1285 41.9
71.7 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1055 4.5 155 14.7 504 47.8
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 2979 12.6 198 6.6 996 33.4
Surgery since hospital admission 6030 25.5 510 8.5 2783 46.2
Central vascular catheter 2588 10.9 528 20.4 1573 60.8
Urinary catheter 4993 21.1 769 15.4 3000 60.1
Intubation 666 2.8 217 32.6 479 71.9
Total 23661 100.0 1358 5.7 7359 31.1
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Poland (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) PL EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
28.1 2663 40.0 HAI/AMR indicators
42.5 3240 32.3 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 93 5.7 4.6 28
3.5 531 64.9 Primary hospitals 39 4.3 3.8 23
4.4 288 27.8 Secondary hospitals 17 6.1 4.9 28
6.8 342 21.3 Tertiary hospitals 21 7.0 7.4 27
1.0 12 5.3 Specialised hospitals/unknown 16 5.0 4.2 22
2.1 96 19.1 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 93 0.91 0.79 28
4.2 16 1.6 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
7.5 171 9.6 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 93 5.7 4.6 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 93 38.2 33.3 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 93 9.4 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 93 8.2 4.3 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 89 96.6 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 88 100.0 - 25
21.0 7058 69.9 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 93 1.36 1.44 26
15.9 5205 51.5 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 93 0.0 - 26
5.3 1801 17.8 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 93 0.29 0.26 26
0.2 52 0.5 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 93 7.5 - 26
5.3 1373 13.6 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 93 34.6 28.2 24
3.0 748 7.4 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 90 5.1 3.6 24
0.7 168 1.7 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 86 80.2 - 25
1.6 457 4.5 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 93 5.4 - 23
4.6 1385 13.7 Surveillance of surgical site infections 68 5.9 - 24
0.3 82 0.8 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 61 4.9 - 23
0.7 206 2.0 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 68 4.4 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 83 50.6 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 75 9.9 10.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 33 54.2 60.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 93 33.2 25.9 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 72 102.5 88.3 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 93 40.9 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 93 48.6 48.4 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 92 2.2 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 93 74.9 73.5 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 92 65.4 64.2 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 92 6.5 5.5 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 92 12.4 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 86 77.0 84.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 81 21.8 20.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 88 1.6 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 90 23.2 23.5 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 22 10.9 11.5 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 93 31.1 31.9 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 93 0.91 0.93 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 93 46.9 48.3 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 81 33.3 18.8 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 93 13.7 7.8 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 93 87 92 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 81 8.5 6.2 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 93 0.17 0.12 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 93 63.4 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 91 56.0 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 68 7.4 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 81 16.2 16.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 68 11.0 10.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA PL rank PL percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 19 20 34 30
4.8 4.0 15 14 37 41
6.6 5.9 17 19 41 34
7.5 6.9 17 13 39 54
6.1 5.3 13 15 43 34
0.94 0.85 16 19 45 34
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 17 17 41 41
21.8 24.3 7 9.5 75 67
3.4 0.0 8 16 70 43
3.7 0.0 4 5 87 83

79.5 - 5 - 82 -
80.00 - 3 - 90 -
1.25 1.36 11 10 60 63
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 23 17 13 37
18.6 - 19 - 29 -
44.7 36.0 17 14 31 44
6.0 5.0 16 17 35 31
66.7 - 6 - 78 -
57.4 - 22 - 7 -
23.3 - 22 - 10 -
28.6 - 19 - 20 -
46.2 - 22 - 7 -
35.3 - 7 - 69 -
9.4 9.0 8 9 64 60
69.3 80.0 22 21.5 7 9
37.4 35.8 17 17 34 34
98.7 95.9 10 12 53 43
45.8 - 13 - 46 -
49.2 48.8 13 13 48 48
10.0 - 19 - 20 -
73.4 70.1 10 11 60 58
65.6 62.6 15 11 48 63
15.8 11.3 22 22 17 17
16.0 - 14 - 44 -
75.9 83.3 11 11 52 52
32.1 24.5 15 13 34 43
1.5 2.0 8 6 64 74
25.7 25.5 15 14 37 41
12.7 14.0 18 18 8 8

36.0 36.5 17 18 41 38
1.01 1.01 19 19 34 34
44.3 40.8 11 10 63 66
38.1 34.5 20 26 30 9
8.4 4.4 5 7 84 77
77.4 79.0 5 4 84 88
19.5 15.9 25 24 6 10
0.30 0.00 19 10 23 60
47.4 - 10 - 60 -
. - 9 - 66 -
37.5 - 21 - 11 -
20.2 19.3 19 18 29 33
11.5 11.0 13 12.5 43 45
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 15 May 2023 to 30 May 2023
Number of hospitals 120
Standard protocol 120
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 20367

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 28 23.3 7.0 Size (number of beds) 135 [ 66- 309]
Secondary 50 41.7 38.0 Average length of stay (days)* 7.2 [4.1-9.6]
Tertiary 31 25.8 49.2 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 11 9.2 5.8
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 2359 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 11.6 (10.6-12.6) HAI present on admission 717 27.6 646
N of HAIs 2599 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 299 41.7 275
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.1 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 139 19.4 125
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 1524 (58.6) Origin of HAI=LTCF 256 35.7 227
Total N of reported microorg. 1852 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 23 3.2 19
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 1881 72.4 1712
Missing 1 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 6657 32.7 824
Medicine 9307 45.7 1222
Intensive care* 1028 5 212
Paediatrics 497 2.4 33
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1045 5.1 19
[1] incl. COVID-19 (5.4%) Healthy babies 581 2.9 1
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (2.4%) Geriatrics 49 0.2 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 941 4.6 17
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (4.5%) Rehabilitation/Other 262 1.3 31
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 154 150 59
Enterococci / VRE 194 174 19
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 106 93 2
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 75 70 14
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 824 757 302
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 323 298 74
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 303 284 186
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 48 43 24
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 824 756 67
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 323 297 4
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 303 281 58
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 48 44 3
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 182 168 26
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 12 12 8
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Portugal (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 8177 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 40.1 (38.4-42.0) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 10509 Surgery 6657
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.29 Medicine 9307
N Rel% Intensive care* 1028
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 9019 85.8 Paediatrics 497
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 1321 12.6 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1045
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 169 1.6 Healthy babies 581
Route of administration, parenteral 8914 84.8 Geriatrics 49
Route of administration, oral 1553 14.8 Psychiatry 941
Route of administration, other/unknown 42 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 262
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
3.2 Treatment 6382
1.4 Community infection 3773
0.6 Hospital infection 2257
1.1 Long-term care/other HAI 414
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 1214
8.4 Single dose 422
One day 404
>1 day 409
% within category Medical prophylaxis 506
Other indication 93
Unknown 182
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

12.4 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
20.6 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

39.3 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
10.9 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
2.2 Male gender 10242 50.3 1256 12.3 4403 43.0
20.0 Age, <1 year 1036 5.1 58 5.6 162 15.6
39.9 Age, 1-44 years 3169 15.6 183 5.8 1116 35.2
24.8 Age, ≥45 years 16162 79.4 2118 13.1 6899 42.7
65.5 Length of stay, 1-3 days 4810 23.6 198 4.1 1930 40.1
55.8 Length of stay, 4-7 days 4966 24.4 619 12.5 2381 47.9
8.9 Length of stay, 8-14 days 4340 21.3 640 14.7 1984 45.7
1.3 Length of stay, ≥15 days 6213 30.5 902 14.5 1865 30.0
20.6 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 38 0.2 0 0.0 17 44.7
6.8 McCabe score, non fatal 14778 72.6 1394 9.4 5637 38.1
15.5 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 4225 20.7 730 17.3 1936 45.8
66.7 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1075 5.3 194 18.0 494 46.0
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 289 1.4 41 14.2 110 38.1
Surgery since hospital admission 5609 27.5 822 14.7 2820 50.3
Central vascular catheter 1743 8.6 521 29.9 1156 66.3
Urinary catheter 4420 21.7 927 21.0 2509 56.8
Intubation 519 2.5 157 30.3 316 60.9
Total 20367 100.0 2359 11.6 8177 40.1
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Portugal (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) PT EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
32.7 3113 46.8 HAI/AMR indicators
45.7 3947 42.4 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 120 11.6 9.1 28
5.0 568 55.3 Primary hospitals 28 8.0 7.2 23
2.4 215 43.3 Secondary hospitals 50 11.8 11.5 28
5.1 229 21.9 Tertiary hospitals 31 12.1 10.9 27
2.9 3 0.5 Specialised hospitals/unknown 11 10.6 8.6 22
0.2 0 0.0 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 120 1.4 1.31 28
4.6 37 3.9 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 25 9.9 - 16
1.3 65 24.8 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 120 10.0 8.1 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 120 32.9 25.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 120 8.9 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 120 2.8 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 118 80.5 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 118 82.2 - 25
31.3 8320 79.1 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 118 1.40 1.49 26
18.5 4905 46.6 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 118 7.6 - 26
11.1 2900 27.6 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 119 0.44 0.28 26
2.0 515 4.9 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 119 31.1 - 26
6.0 1316 12.5 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 116 59.8 35.8 24
2.1 440 4.2 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 117 3.8 3.5 24
2.0 423 4.0 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 99 69.7 - 25
2.0 453 4.3 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 120 48.3 - 23
2.5 588 5.6 Surveillance of surgical site infections 111 40.5 - 24
0.5 96 0.9 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 63 49.2 - 23
0.9 202 1.9 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 111 17.1 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 110 47.3 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 108 11.2 12.5 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 90 84.7 90.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 118 51.3 44.3 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 51 108.7 133.0 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 120 88.3 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 115 79.5 91.8 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 103 6.8 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 115 79.5 75.9 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 118 75.0 72.5 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 107 18.6 11.6 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 118 17.0 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 101 65.4 73.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 103 36.8 37.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 112 0.6 1.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 100 27.0 27.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 74 13.5 13.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 120 40.1 40.6 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 120 0.99 1.00 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 118 50.3 48.5 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 94 34.4 32.4 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 118 5.6 1.8 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 118 84.8 86.9 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 117 22.7 20 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 116 0.28 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 116 47.4 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 117 54.7 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 111 47.7 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 117 18.1 18.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 105 12.1 14.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA PT rank PT percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 3 3 91 91
4.8 4.0 6 6 76 76
6.6 5.9 1 1 98 98
7.5 6.9 3 5 91 83
6.1 5.3 5 6 80 75
0.94 0.85 3 4 91 88
7.7 - 6 - 66 -
6.2 5.1 3 2 91 95
21.8 24.3 11 13 60 54
3.4 0.0 9 16 66 43
3.7 0.0 18 18 35 35

79.5 - 10 - 62 -
80.00 - 12 - 54 -
1.25 1.36 10 9 63 67
2.6 - 10 - 63 -
0.45 0.30 14 14 48 48
18.6 - 10 - 63 -
44.7 36.0 8 13 69 48
6.0 5.0 21 18 15 27
66.7 - 11 - 58 -
57.4 - 14 - 41 -
23.3 - 10 - 60 -
28.6 - 7 - 72 -
46.2 - 18 - 24 -
35.3 - 8 - 64 -
9.4 9.0 5 4 79 83
69.3 80.0 3 2 89 93
37.4 35.8 8 9 70 66
98.7 95.9 7 5 68 78
45.8 - 3 - 89 -
49.2 48.8 4 4 85 85
10.0 - 14 - 41 -
73.4 70.1 8 9 69 66
65.6 62.6 7 6 77 80
15.8 11.3 11 13 60 52
16.0 - 12 - 52 -
75.9 83.3 18 19 20 16
32.1 24.5 10 8 57 66
1.5 2.0 17 14.5 21 33
25.7 25.5 9 9 63 63
12.7 14.0 7 13 66 34

36.0 36.5 10 12 66 59
1.01 1.01 16 15 45 48
44.3 40.8 9 9 70 70
38.1 34.5 19 16 34 45
8.4 4.4 23 22 20 23
77.4 79.0 10 7 66 77
19.5 15.9 11 9 60 67
0.30 0.00 13 18 48 27
47.4 - 12 - 52 -
. - 10 - 62 -
37.5 - 10 - 59 -
20.2 19.3 15 15.5 44 42
11.5 11.0 8 9 66 61
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 09 May 2023 to 15 Jun 2023
Number of hospitals 53
Standard protocol 53
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 21866

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 4 7.5 4.3 Size (number of beds) 835 [ 524-1102]
Secondary 28 52.8 62.9 Average length of stay (days)* 6.3 [5.9-6.9]
Tertiary 15 28.3 26.8 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 4 7.5 3.2
Unknown 2 3.8 2.9
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 674 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 3.1 (2.5-3.8) HAI present on admission 201 27.7 188
N of HAIs 725 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 81 40.3 79
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.08 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 90 44.8 81
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 626 (86.3) Origin of HAI=LTCF 17 8.5 16
Total N of reported microorg. 720 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 13 6.5 12
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 521 71.9 483
Missing 3 0.4
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 5985 27.4 151
Medicine 9683 44.3 330
Intensive care* 1173 5.4 175
Paediatrics 1240 5.7 4
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1207 5.5 7
[1] incl. COVID-19 (5.0%) Healthy babies 335 1.5 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (2.1%) Geriatrics 95 0.4 1
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 1506 6.9 4
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (1.4%) Rehabilitation/Other 642 2.9 2
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 43 41 30
Enterococci / VRE 45 42 19
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 18 16 3
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 15 14 9
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 206 194 136
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 42 38 14
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 122 116 101
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 7 7 4
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 206 170 73
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 42 36 1
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 122 97 61
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 7 5 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 63 59 35
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 49 47 42
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Romania (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 9383 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 42.9 (40.1-45.7) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 13010 Surgery 5985
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.39 Medicine 9683
N Rel% Intensive care* 1173
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 10454 80.4 Paediatrics 1240
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 2511 19.3 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1207
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 45 0.3 Healthy babies 335
Route of administration, parenteral 11602 89.2 Geriatrics 95
Route of administration, oral 1371 10.5 Psychiatry 1506
Route of administration, other/unknown 37 0.3 Rehabilitation/Other 642
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0.9 Treatment 5444
0.4 Community infection 4849
0.4 Hospital infection 580
0.1 Long-term care/other HAI 94
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 2319
2.2 Single dose 461
One day 471
>1 day 1405
% within category Medical prophylaxis 1467
Other indication 170
Unknown 234
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

2.5 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
14.9 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

73.2 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
45.2 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
18.8 Male gender 10792 49.4 370 3.4 4930 45.7
64.3 Age, <1 year 1148 5.3 17 1.5 412 35.9
70.1 Age, 1-44 years 4467 20.4 57 1.3 2000 44.8
36.8 Age, ≥45 years 16251 74.3 600 3.7 6971 42.9
87.1 Length of stay, 1-3 days 8040 36.8 79 1.0 2826 35.1
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 6792 31.1 179 2.6 3245 47.8
42.9 Length of stay, 8-14 days 4464 20.4 211 4.7 2145 48.1
2.8 Length of stay, ≥15 days 2241 10.2 201 9.0 1022 45.6
62.9 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 329 1.5 4 1.2 145 44.1
. McCabe score, non fatal 16369 74.9 363 2.2 6789 41.5
59.3 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 2116 9.7 136 6.4 961 45.4
89.4 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1353 6.2 112 8.3 805 59.5
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 2028 9.3 63 3.1 828 40.8
Surgery since hospital admission 5177 23.7 249 4.8 3421 66.1
Central vascular catheter 1240 5.7 226 18.2 960 77.4
Urinary catheter 3498 16.0 367 10.5 2633 75.3
Intubation 613 2.8 118 19.2 532 86.8
Total 21866 100.0 674 3.1 9383 42.9
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Romania (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) RO EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
27.4 3385 56.6 HAI/AMR indicators
44.3 3804 39.3 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 53 3.1 2.7 28
5.4 941 80.2 Primary hospitals 4 3.8 3.3 23
5.7 659 53.1 Secondary hospitals 28 2.2 1.8 28
5.5 467 38.7 Tertiary hospitals 15 4.7 5.0 27
1.5 37 11.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 6 4.4 3.8 22
0.4 18 18.9 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 53 0.55 0.41 28
6.9 53 3.5 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 7 4.1 - 16
2.9 19 3.0 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 53 2.8 2.6 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 53 68.7 72.7 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 53 42.9 40.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 53 25.7 25.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 47 100.0 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 47 100.0 - 25
24.9 7836 60.2 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 51 1.11 1.13 26
22.2 6760 51.9 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 51 0.0 - 26
2.7 948 7.3 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 51 0.69 0.69 26
0.4 128 1.0 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 51 0.0 - 26
10.6 2758 21.2 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 51 14.6 13.7 24
2.1 486 3.7 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 49 8.3 7.7 24
2.2 521 4.0 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 44 63.6 - 25
6.4 1751 13.5 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 53 66.0 - 23
6.7 1902 14.6 Surveillance of surgical site infections 45 44.4 - 24
0.8 231 1.8 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 45 37.8 - 23
1.1 288 2.2 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 45 66.7 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 46 15.2 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 39 9.6 10.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 29 66.0 80.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 51 32.8 22.9 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 47 71.0 53.8 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 52 34.6 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 53 18.5 5.2 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 53 22.6 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 53 57.5 57.8 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 53 49.6 48.5 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 53 4.5 3.7 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 50 14.9 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 50 63.2 64.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 50 31.3 20.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 47 1.2 1.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 50 22.0 22.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 26 13.9 14.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 53 42.9 42.4 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 53 1.13 1.15 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 53 57.7 60.4 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 50 63.5 69.9 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 53 14.6 12.7 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 53 89.2 91.3 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 53 9.3 10.3 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 46 0.32 0.33 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 46 91.3 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 52 67.3 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 45 22.2 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 53 10.0 10.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 41 15.2 17.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA RO rank RO percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 27 27 5 5
4.8 4.0 18 17 24 28
6.6 5.9 28 27 2 5
7.5 6.9 23 23 17 17
6.1 5.3 15 16 34 30
0.94 0.85 27 26 5 9
7.7 - 16 - 3 -
6.2 5.1 28 27 2 5
21.8 24.3 1 1 98 98
3.4 0.0 1 1 98 98
3.7 0.0 1 1 98 98

79.5 - 1.5 - 96 -
80.00 - 3 - 90 -
1.25 1.36 15 15 44 44
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 6 4 79 87
18.6 - 25 - 6 -
44.7 36.0 22 21 10 15
6.0 5.0 8 8 69 69
66.7 - 14 - 46 -
57.4 - 9 - 63 -
23.3 - 8 - 69 -
28.6 - 10 - 59 -
46.2 - 6 - 76 -
35.3 - 19 - 12 -
9.4 9.0 10 9 55 60
69.3 80.0 14 9.5 41 61
37.4 35.8 18 19 30 26
98.7 95.9 17 17 18 18
45.8 - 17 - 28 -
49.2 48.8 24 24 2 2
10.0 - 4 - 85 -
73.4 70.1 23 23 6 10
65.6 62.6 27 28 5 2
15.8 11.3 25 25 6 6
16.0 - 13 - 48 -
75.9 83.3 20 20 11 11
32.1 24.5 12 13 48 43
1.5 2.0 12 14.5 45 33
25.7 25.5 17 18 28 24
12.7 14.0 5 8.5 76 58

36.0 36.5 8 9 73 70
1.01 1.01 5 7 84 77
44.3 40.8 4 1 88 98
38.1 34.5 5 5 84 84
8.4 4.4 2 1 95 98
77.4 79.0 4 5 88 84
19.5 15.9 24 20 10 25
0.30 0.00 12 6 52 77
47.4 - 2 - 94 -
. - 7 - 74 -
37.5 - 15 - 37 -
20.2 19.3 23 23.5 13 12
11.5 11.0 5 4 80 84
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 04 Apr 2023 to 16 Jun 2023
Number of hospitals 47
Standard protocol 45
Light protocol 2
Number of patients 10533

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 18 38.3 24.2 Size (number of beds) 325 [ 256- 517]
Secondary 13 27.7 25.5 Average length of stay (days)* 5.5 [4.8-6.7]
Tertiary 11 23.4 44.1 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 5 10.6 6.2
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 720 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 6.8 (5.8-8.0) HAI present on admission 173 21.2 152
N of HAIs 817 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 95 54.9 82
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.13 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 49 28.3 43
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 616 (75.4) Origin of HAI=LTCF 26 15 24
Total N of reported microorg. 741 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 3 1.7 3
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 642 78.6 566
Missing 2 0.2
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 2615 24.8 164
Medicine 3790 36 300
Intensive care* 694 6.6 121
Paediatrics 512 4.9 9
Obstetrics and gynaecology 792 7.5 10
[1] incl. COVID-19 (4.5%) Healthy babies 325 3.1 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (3.5%) Geriatrics 294 2.8 40
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 999 9.5 16
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (2.6%) Rehabilitation/Other 512 4.9 60
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 32 25 10
Enterococci / VRE 81 69 13
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 40 30 2
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 29 27 10
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 214 179 70
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 64 58 10
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 71 61 39
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 25 20 10
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 214 180 19
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 64 58 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 71 61 17
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 25 20 2
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 52 45 16
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 16 12 9
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Slovakia (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 3665 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 34.8 (32.5-37.2) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 5109 Surgery 2615
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.39 Medicine 3790
N Rel% Intensive care* 694
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 4324 84.6 Paediatrics 512
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 772 15.1 Obstetrics and gynaecology 792
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 13 0.3 Healthy babies 325
Route of administration, parenteral 3877 75.9 Geriatrics 294
Route of administration, oral 1219 23.9 Psychiatry 999
Route of administration, other/unknown 13 0.3 Rehabilitation/Other 512
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.4 Treatment 2427
0.8 Community infection 1779
0.4 Hospital infection 617
0.2 Long-term care/other HAI 83
0 Surgical prophylaxis 863
5.4 Single dose 245
One day 156
>1 day 469
% within category Medical prophylaxis 379
Other indication 35
Unknown 72
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

6.3 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
17.4 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

40.0 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
18.8 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
6.7 Male gender 4834 47.5 357 7.4 1840 38.1
37.0 Age, <1 year 673 6.6 27 4.0 107 15.9
39.1 Age, 1-44 years 2396 23.6 87 3.6 621 25.9
17.2 Age, ≥45 years 7103 69.8 580 8.2 2839 40.0
63.9 Length of stay, 1-3 days 3814 37.5 95 2.5 1118 29.3
50.0 Length of stay, 4-7 days 2978 29.3 200 6.7 1156 38.8
10.6 Length of stay, 8-14 days 1949 19.2 213 10.9 848 43.5
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 1431 14.1 186 13.0 445 31.1
27.9 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
10.0 McCabe score, non fatal 7823 76.9 360 4.6 2420 30.9
35.6 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 1619 15.9 236 14.6 802 49.5
75.0 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 357 3.5 59 16.5 189 52.9
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 373 3.7 39 10.5 156 41.8
Surgery since hospital admission 2367 23.3 218 9.2 1205 50.9
Central vascular catheter 946 9.3 228 24.1 602 63.6
Urinary catheter 2380 23.4 405 17.0 1481 62.2
Intubation 188 1.8 67 35.6 138 73.4
Total 10172 100.0 694 6.8 3567 35.1
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Slovakia (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) SK EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
24.8 1262 48.3 HAI/AMR indicators
36.0 1449 38.2 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 47 6.8 6.1 28
6.6 384 55.3 Primary hospitals 18 5.3 4.4 23
4.9 158 30.9 Secondary hospitals 13 4.6 4.6 28
7.5 156 19.7 Tertiary hospitals 11 8.4 8.2 27
3.1 3 0.9 Specialised hospitals/unknown 5 11.4 11.4 22
2.8 109 37.1 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 47 1.17 0.95 28
9.5 33 3.3 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 8.9 - 16
4.9 111 21.7 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 47 6.3 5.3 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 47 36.8 33.3 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 47 10.6 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 47 16.8 14.6 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 47 57.4 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 47 51.1 - 25
23.0 3497 68.4 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 46 0.28 0.00 26
16.9 2448 47.9 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 46 60.9 - 26
5.9 927 18.1 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 47 0.73 0.61 26
0.8 122 2.4 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 47 17.0 - 26
8.2 1006 19.7 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 46 24.4 22.5 24
2.3 266 5.2 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 45 10.8 8.8 24
1.5 164 3.2 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 45 80.0 - 25
4.5 576 11.3 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 47 57.4 - 23
3.6 478 9.4 Surveillance of surgical site infections 46 10.9 - 24
0.3 45 0.9 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 44 13.6 - 23
0.7 86 1.7 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 46 56.5 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 42 23.8 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 34 7.2 6.5 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 36 65.6 70.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 47 22.1 18.5 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 39 79.2 71.7 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 47 25.5 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 45 33.2 24.7 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 45 6.7 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 45 61.1 61.9 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 47 54.3 53.9 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 45 7.8 6.6 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 46 11.3 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 42 71.2 80.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 21 6.7 3.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 47 0.9 1.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 44 19.2 19.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 33 11.7 12.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 47 34.8 34.6 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 47 1.02 1.04 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 47 37.2 36.5 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 42 57.3 55.3 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 47 9.4 5.2 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 47 75.9 74.5 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 47 12.5 10.3 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 45 0.76 0.58 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 45 73.3 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 46 69.6 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 46 21.7 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 47 16.4 16.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 44 14.0 17.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA SK rank SK percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 14 13 52 55
4.8 4.0 10 10 59 59
6.6 5.9 22 21 23 27
7.5 6.9 11 12 61 57
6.1 5.3 3 3 89 89
0.94 0.85 7 12 77 59
7.7 - 7 - 59 -
6.2 5.1 13 14 55 52
21.8 24.3 8 9.5 71 67
3.4 0.0 7 16 74 43
3.7 0.0 3 2 91 94

79.5 - 21 - 18 -
80.00 - 25 - 2 -
1.25 1.36 26 25 2 6
2.6 - 2 - 94 -
0.45 0.30 5 5 83 83
18.6 - 15 - 44 -
44.7 36.0 20 17 19 31
6.0 5.0 3 5 90 81
66.7 - 7 - 74 -
57.4 - 12 - 50 -
23.3 - 19 - 23 -
28.6 - 17 - 28 -
46.2 - 9 - 63 -
35.3 - 15.5 - 29 -
9.4 9.0 18 19 17 12
69.3 80.0 15 19 37 20
37.4 35.8 24 22 6 14
98.7 95.9 15 15 28 28
45.8 - 18 - 24 -
49.2 48.8 21 21 15 15
10.0 - 15 - 37 -
73.4 70.1 21 20 15 22
65.6 62.6 25 22 13 23
15.8 11.3 19 18 29 33
16.0 - 15 - 40 -
75.9 83.3 16 13.5 30 41
32.1 24.5 22 22 2 2
1.5 2.0 14 14.5 36 33
25.7 25.5 21 20 11 15
12.7 14.0 16 16.5 18 16

36.0 36.5 16 17 45 41
1.01 1.01 13 12 55 59
44.3 40.8 21 19 27 34
38.1 34.5 10 7 66 77
8.4 4.4 11 13 63 55
77.4 79.0 16 17 45 41
19.5 15.9 22 21 17 21
0.30 0.00 5 3 81 90
47.4 - 8 - 69 -
. - 6 - 78 -
37.5 - 16 - 33 -
20.2 19.3 18 18 33 33
11.5 11.0 7 4 70 84
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 08 May 2023 to 17 Jul 2023
Number of hospitals 22
Standard protocol 22
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 4925

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 198 [ 102- 335]
Secondary 12 54.5 44.4 Average length of stay (days)* 4.2 [2.9-5.1]
Tertiary 4 18.2 50.8 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 6 27.3 4.8
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 402 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 8.2 (6.7-9.9) HAI present on admission 87 20 83
N of HAIs 436 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 64 73.6 64
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.08 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 19 21.8 15
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 241 (55.3) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 333 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 4 4.6 4
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 349 80 319
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 1675 34 139
Medicine 2088 42.4 173
Intensive care* 236 4.8 75
Paediatrics 180 3.7 5
Obstetrics and gynaecology 399 8.1 6
[1] incl. COVID-19 (4.6%) Healthy babies 140 2.8 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (2.1%) Geriatrics 5 0.1 1
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 161 3.3 2
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (8.5%) Rehabilitation/Other 41 0.8 1
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 30 30 6
Enterococci / VRE 42 39 1
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 22 21 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 19 17 1
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 117 107 18
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 47 41 6
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 28 27 6
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 17 15 5
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 117 107 2
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 47 41 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 28 27 1
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 17 15 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 32 28 8
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 2 2 1
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Slovenia (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 1757 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 35.7 (32.6-38.9) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 2191 Surgery 1675
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.25 Medicine 2088
N Rel% Intensive care* 236
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 1913 87.3 Paediatrics 180
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 278 12.7 Obstetrics and gynaecology 399
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 0 0 Healthy babies 140
Route of administration, parenteral 1707 77.9 Geriatrics 5
Route of administration, oral 484 22.1 Psychiatry 161
Route of administration, other/unknown 0 0 Rehabilitation/Other 41
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
1.7 Treatment 1308
1.3 Community infection 884
0.3 Hospital infection 386
0 Long-term care/other HAI 53
0.1 Surgical prophylaxis 363
6.5 Single dose 164
One day 85
>1 day 117
% within category Medical prophylaxis 104
Other indication 4
Unknown 9
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

8.3 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
31.8 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

20.0 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
2.6 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
0.0 Male gender 2463 50.0 236 9.6 957 38.9
5.9 Age, <1 year 240 4.9 12 5.0 24 10.0
16.8 Age, 1-44 years 966 19.6 33 3.4 233 24.1
14.6 Age, ≥45 years 3719 75.5 357 9.6 1500 40.3
22.2 Length of stay, 1-3 days 1785 36.2 35 2.0 577 32.3
33.3 Length of stay, 4-7 days 1232 25.0 80 6.5 476 38.6
1.9 Length of stay, 8-14 days 822 16.7 100 12.2 382 46.5
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 1086 22.1 187 17.2 322 29.7
3.7 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
6.7 McCabe score, non fatal 3520 71.5 201 5.7 1144 32.5
28.6 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 954 19.4 112 11.7 394 41.3
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 391 7.9 84 21.5 193 49.4
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 60 1.2 5 8.3 26 43.3
Surgery since hospital admission 1624 33.0 176 10.8 731 45.0
Central vascular catheter 632 12.8 172 27.2 403 63.8
Urinary catheter 1117 22.7 210 18.8 639 57.2
Intubation 167 3.4 47 28.1 103 61.7
Total 4925 100.0 402 8.2 1757 35.7
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Slovenia (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) SI EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
34.0 694 41.4 HAI/AMR indicators
42.4 801 38.4 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 22 8.2 7.3 28
4.8 148 62.7 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
3.7 45 25.0 Secondary hospitals 12 7.3 7.5 28
8.1 63 15.8 Tertiary hospitals 4 9.3 8.8 27
2.8 0 0.0 Specialised hospitals/unknown 6 3.8 5.0 22
0.1 1 20.0 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 22 1.11 1.13 28
3.3 2 1.2 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 16
0.8 3 7.3 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 22 7.8 7.2 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 22 16.6 6.3 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 22 1.9 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 22 2.3 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 22 86.4 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 22 90.9 - 25
26.6 1660 75.7 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 22 0.69 0.66 26
17.9 1085 49.5 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 22 18.2 - 26
7.8 521 23.8 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 21 0.21 0.20 26
1.1 54 2.5 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 21 38.1 - 26
7.4 395 18.0 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 22 55.9 36.2 24
3.3 172 7.8 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 22 5.0 1.8 24
1.7 86 3.9 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 22 54.5 - 25
2.4 137 6.3 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 22 31.8 - 23
2.1 123 5.6 Surveillance of surgical site infections 22 4.5 - 24
0.1 5 0.2 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 17 0.0 - 23
0.2 9 0.4 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 22 27.3 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 22 13.6 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 22 10.2 10.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 22 77.7 85.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 22 64.1 51.2 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 15 82.6 109.9 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 22 90.9 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 22 77.2 82.9 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 22 0.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 22 68.8 66.2 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 22 64.8 54.8 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 22 6.7 6.5 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 22 1.3 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 18 71.5 74.5 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 18 13.2 13.0 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 22 0.6 1.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 22 21.6 23.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 22 12.2 12.5 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 22 35.7 37 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 22 0.91 0.90 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 21 39.2 38.7 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 18 34.7 30.2 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 21 5.6 3.2 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 21 77.9 80.8 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 21 24.1 24.4 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 21 0.09 0.00 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 21 23.8 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 22 36.4 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 22 95.5 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 21 20.4 22.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 21 11.7 14.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA SI rank SI percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 8 8 73 73
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.6 5.9 12 8 59 73
7.5 6.9 9 10 69 65
6.1 5.3 17 12 25 48
0.94 0.85 9 6 70 80
7.7 -. - . -
6.2 5.1 7 6 77 80
21.8 24.3 19 19 29 31
3.4 0.0 18 16 30 43
3.7 0.0 21 18 24 35

79.5 - 9 - 66 -
80.00 - 9 - 66 -
1.25 1.36 23 22 13 17
2.6 - 7 - 75 -
0.45 0.30 24 20 10 25
18.6 - 7 - 75 -
44.7 36.0 9 12 65 52
6.0 5.0 18 22 27 10
66.7 - 17 - 34 -
57.4 - 16 - 33 -
23.3 - 23 - 6 -
28.6 - 21.5 - 9 -
46.2 - 14 - 41 -
35.3 - 20 - 7 -
9.4 9.0 7 9 69 60
69.3 80.0 5 4 80 85
37.4 35.8 6 7 78 74
98.7 95.9 14 8 33 63
45.8 - 2 - 93 -
49.2 48.8 6 6 77 77
10.0 - 21.5 - 9 -
73.4 70.1 17 17 31 34
65.6 62.6 16 21 45 27
15.8 11.3 21 19 21 29
16.0 - 23 - 6 -
75.9 83.3 14 18 39 20
32.1 24.5 20 19 11 16
1.5 2.0 16 14.5 26 33
25.7 25.5 18 16 24 33
12.7 14.0 14 15 29 24

36.0 36.5 15 13 48 55
1.01 1.01 20 21 30 27
44.3 40.8 19 16 34 45
38.1 34.5 18 18 38 38
8.4 4.4 22 18 23 38
77.4 79.0 14 14 52 52
19.5 15.9 7 5 75 83
0.30 0.00 22 18 10 27
47.4 - 20 - 19 -
. - 21 - 18 -
37.5 - 2 - 93 -
20.2 19.3 13 4.5 52 85
11.5 11.0 10 9 57 61
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 24 Jan 2023 to 27 Sep 2023
Number of hospitals 105
Standard protocol 105
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 23266

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 19 18.1 8.5 Size (number of beds) 220 [ 120- 440]
Secondary 42 40.0 31.1 Average length of stay (days)* 5.5 [3.8-6.6]
Tertiary 42 40.0 60.0 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 2 1.9 0.4
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 1915 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 8.2 (7.6-8.9) HAI present on admission 736 34.5 668
N of HAIs 2134 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 342 46.5 321
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.11 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 107 14.5 92
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 1529 (71.6) Origin of HAI=LTCF 242 32.9 216
Total N of reported microorg. 1891 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 45 6.1 39
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 1381 64.7 1230
Missing 17 0.8
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 6841 29.4 645
Medicine 11472 49.3 884
Intensive care* 1264 5.4 261
Paediatrics 738 3.2 16
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1182 5.1 29
[1] incl. COVID-19 (5.9%) Healthy babies 104 0.4 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (4.9%) Geriatrics 376 1.6 47
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 1040 4.5 17
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (1.6%) Rehabilitation/Other 249 1.1 16
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 141 133 32
Enterococci / VRE 193 172 5
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 123 108 2
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 69 63 3
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 681 609 165
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 274 250 51
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 194 182 65
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 71 61 19
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 681 612 23
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 274 247 2
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 194 178 15
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 71 62 3
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 187 162 31
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 9 8 3
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Spain (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 10596 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 45.5 (43.2-47.9) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 14187 Surgery 6841
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.34 Medicine 11472
N Rel% Intensive care* 1264
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 11952 84.2 Paediatrics 738
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 2008 14.2 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1182
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 227 1.6 Healthy babies 104
Route of administration, parenteral 11379 80.2 Geriatrics 376
Route of administration, oral 2707 19.1 Psychiatry 1040
Route of administration, other/unknown 101 0.7 Rehabilitation/Other 249
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
2.9 Treatment 7346
1.4 Community infection 5297
0.4 Hospital infection 1776
0.9 Long-term care/other HAI 371
0.2 Surgical prophylaxis 1759
5.3 Single dose 628
One day 500
>1 day 648
% within category Medical prophylaxis 1542
Other indication 95
Unknown 176
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

9.4 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
20.6 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

24.1 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
2.9 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
1.9 Male gender 12338 53.0 1110 9.0 5897 47.8
4.8 Age, <1 year 920 4.0 34 3.7 161 17.5
27.1 Age, 1-44 years 3562 15.3 144 4.0 1329 37.3
20.4 Age, ≥45 years 18782 80.7 1737 9.2 9105 48.5
35.7 Length of stay, 1-3 days 7308 31.4 225 3.1 3222 44.1
31.1 Length of stay, 4-7 days 6459 27.8 475 7.4 3215 49.8
3.8 Length of stay, 8-14 days 4627 19.9 484 10.5 2211 47.8
0.8 Length of stay, ≥15 days 4852 20.9 729 15.0 1937 39.9
8.4 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 20 0.1 2 10.0 11 55.0
4.8 McCabe score, non fatal 18127 77.9 1264 7.0 7784 42.9
19.1 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 3993 17.2 500 12.5 2230 55.8
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 1137 4.9 151 13.3 582 51.2
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 9 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Surgery since hospital admission 6643 28.6 799 12.0 3637 54.7
Central vascular catheter 2967 12.8 650 21.9 2007 67.6
Urinary catheter 4620 19.9 736 15.9 2800 60.6
Intubation 669 2.9 205 30.6 472 70.6
Total 23266 100.0 1915 8.2 10596 45.5
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Spain (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) ES EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
29.4 3554 52.0 HAI/AMR indicators
49.3 5473 47.7 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 105 8.2 6.5 28
5.4 740 58.5 Primary hospitals 19 7.5 6.6 23
3.2 204 27.6 Secondary hospitals 42 8.8 6.5 28
5.1 339 28.7 Tertiary hospitals 42 8.0 6.6 27
0.4 2 1.9 Specialised hospitals/unknown 2 4.7 3.7 22
1.6 195 51.9 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 105 1.13 0.86 28
4.5 23 2.2 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 6 13.0 - 16
1.1 66 26.5 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 105 6.9 5.6 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 105 21.8 16.7 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 105 3.8 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 105 3.4 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 103 71.8 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 102 64.7 - 25
31.6 10038 70.8 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 102 0.99 1.08 26
22.8 7078 49.9 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 102 6.9 - 26
7.6 2495 17.6 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 99 0.76 0.72 26
1.6 465 3.3 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 99 5.1 - 26
7.6 1900 13.4 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 98 77.7 52.8 24
2.7 673 4.7 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 97 10.1 8.9 24
2.1 517 3.6 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 102 62.7 - 25
2.8 710 5.0 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 105 90.5 - 23
6.6 1949 13.7 Surveillance of surgical site infections 105 77.1 - 24
0.4 103 0.7 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 87 78.2 - 23
0.8 197 1.4 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 105 61.0 - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 101 54.5 - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 99 12.6 14.0 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 92 57.4 60.0 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 94 43.6 40.6 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0- - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 96 67.7 - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 101 87.4 100.0 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 100 21.0 - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 84 81.6 98.1 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 101 66.5 62.7 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 103 40.7 21.4 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 97 17.0 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 77 61.3 57.0 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 82 52.9 50.5 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 103 1.9 2.0 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 78 30.6 31.0 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 88 13.3 14.0 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 105 45.5 48.7 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 105 1.11 1.18 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 104 57.1 55.1 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 102 37.4 32 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 104 13.7 10.6 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 104 80.2 84.6 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 104 28.5 23.5 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 87 0.76 0.47 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 87 70.1 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 105 70.5 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 105 49.5 - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 104 15.0 15.0 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 87 15.6 17.0 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA ES rank ES percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 7 10 77 66
4.8 4.0 8 8 67 67
6.6 5.9 6 11 80 63
7.5 6.9 12 18 57 35
6.1 5.3 14 17 39 25
0.94 0.85 8 14 73 52
7.7 - 2 - 91 -
6.2 5.1 9 13 70 55
21.8 24.3 13 16 52 43
3.4 0.0 12 16 54 43
3.7 0.0 15 18 46 35

79.5 - 17 - 34 -
80.00 - 21 - 18 -
1.25 1.36 17 16 37 40
2.6 - 11 - 60 -
0.45 0.30 4 3 87 90
18.6 - 23 - 13 -
44.7 36.0 5 5 81 81
6.0 5.0 4 4 85 85
66.7 - 16 - 38 -
57.4 - 2 - 93 -
23.3 - 2 - 94 -
28.6 - 2 - 93 -
46.2 - 7 - 72 -
35.3 - 5 - 79 -
9.4 9.0 3 3 88 88
69.3 80.0 21 21.5 11 9
37.4 35.8 12 11 54 58
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - 7 - 72 -
49.2 48.8 2 1.5 94 96
10.0 - 6 - 76 -
73.4 70.1 7 1 73 98
65.6 62.6 13 14 55 52
15.8 11.3 4 9 87 67
16.0 - 11 - 56 -
75.9 83.3 21 22 7 2
32.1 24.5 3 4 89 84
1.5 2.0 4 6 83 74
25.7 25.5 3 3 89 89
12.7 14.0 8 8.5 61 58

36.0 36.5 6 4 80 88
1.01 1.01 6 6 80 80
44.3 40.8 5 5 84 84
38.1 34.5 15 17 48 41
8.4 4.4 4 2 88 95
77.4 79.0 12 11 59 63
19.5 15.9 3 7 90 75
0.30 0.00 4 4 85 85
47.4 - 9 - 65 -
. - 5 - 82 -
37.5 - 8 - 67 -
20.2 19.3 20 20.5 25 23
11.5 11.0 4 4 84 84
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 01 Apr 2023 to 30 May 2023
Number of hospitals 54
Standard protocol 54
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 13526

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 24 44.4 16.8 Size (number of beds) 180 [ 67- 336]
Secondary 23 42.6 44.4 Average length of stay (days)* 4.8 [4.4-5.3]
Tertiary 7 13.0 38.8 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 1405 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 10.4 (9.2-11.7) HAI present on admission 603 40.3 572
N of HAIs 1498 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 210 34.8 201
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.07 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 101 16.7 96
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 731 (48.8) Origin of HAI=LTCF 268 44.4 252
Total N of reported microorg. 867 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 24 4 23
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 871 58.1 811
Missing 24 1.6
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 3986 29.5 477
Medicine 5713 42.2 670
Intensive care* 268 2 51
Paediatrics 603 4.5 36
Obstetrics and gynaecology 334 2.5 18
[1] incl. COVID-19 (5.6%) Healthy babies 423 3.1 6
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (3.5%) Geriatrics 604 4.5 91
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 1274 9.4 11
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (4.9%) Rehabilitation/Other 321 2.4 45
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 139 126 5
Enterococci / VRE 92 42 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 53 19 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 37 22 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 240 200 31
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 142 115 21
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 58 53 5
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 14 10 3
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 240 201 3
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 142 115 2
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 58 54 1
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 14 12 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 31 24 2
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 1 1 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Sweden (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 4946 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 36.6 (33.8-39.4) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 5897 Surgery 3986
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.19 Medicine 5713
N Rel% Intensive care* 268
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 5424 92 Paediatrics 603
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 445 7.5 Obstetrics and gynaecology 334
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 28 0.5 Healthy babies 423
Route of administration, parenteral 3827 64.9 Geriatrics 604
Route of administration, oral 2047 34.7 Psychiatry 1274
Route of administration, other/unknown 23 0.4 Rehabilitation/Other 321
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
4.2 Treatment 3702
1.5 Community infection 2490
0.7 Hospital infection 1026
1.9 Long-term care/other HAI 223
0.2 Surgical prophylaxis 575
6 Single dose 188
One day 197
>1 day 198
% within category Medical prophylaxis 357
Other indication 85
Unknown 346
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

12.0 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
19.0 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

4.0 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
0.0 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
0.0 Male gender 6938 51.3 791 11.4 2749 39.6
0.0 Age, <1 year 575 4.3 23 4.0 80 13.9
15.5 Age, 1-44 years 2592 19.2 134 5.2 679 26.2
18.3 Age, ≥45 years 10316 76.3 1241 12.0 4168 40.4
9.4 Length of stay, 1-3 days 5264 38.9 482 9.2 1908 36.2
30.0 Length of stay, 4-7 days 3723 27.5 367 9.9 1531 41.1
1.5 Length of stay, 8-14 days 2302 17.0 285 12.4 877 38.1
1.7 Length of stay, ≥15 days 2213 16.4 269 12.2 619 28.0
1.9 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 24 0.2 2 8.3 11 45.8
0.0 McCabe score, non fatal 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
8.3 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 13526 100.0 1405 10.4 4946 36.6
Surgery since hospital admission 3118 23.1 477 15.3 1362 43.7
Central vascular catheter 1899 14.0 453 23.9 1192 62.8
Urinary catheter 2941 21.7 592 20.1 1604 54.5
Intubation 227 1.7 73 32.2 149 65.6
Total 13526 100.0 1405 10.4 4946 36.6
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Sweden (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) SE EU/EEA
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
29.5 1706 42.8 HAI/AMR indicators
42.2 2453 42.9 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 54 10.4 9.7 28
2.0 162 60.4 Primary hospitals 24 10.5 9.1 23
4.5 202 33.5 Secondary hospitals 23 10.5 9.9 28
2.5 87 26.0 Tertiary hospitals 7 10.2 11.5 27
3.1 46 10.9 Specialised hospitals/unknown 0 . . 22
4.5 205 33.9 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 54 1.36 1.57 28
9.4 25 2.0 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 10.7 - 16
2.4 60 18.7 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 54 8.2 7.8 28
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 54 9.7 0.0 26
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 54 1.5 0.0 25
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 54 2.9 0.0 27
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 49 63.3 - 25
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 51 82.4 - 25
27.4 4303 73.0 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 53 1.54 1.79 26
18.4 2851 48.3 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 53 0.0 - 26
7.6 1214 20.6 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 53 0.43 0.38 26
1.6 238 4.0 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 53 5.7 - 26
4.3 670 11.4 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
1.4 241 4.1 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 0 - - 24
1.5 208 3.5 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 54 75.9 - 25
1.5 221 3.7 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
2.6 433 7.3 Surveillance of surgical site infections 0 - - 24
0.6 96 1.6 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 0 - - 23
2.6 395 6.7 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 0 - - 23
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 0 - - 21
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 0 - - 21
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 0 - - 23
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 0 - - 25
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 0 - - 20
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 0 - - 24
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 50 95.6 90.9 24
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 43 92.2 92.9 28
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 53 54.2 52.2 26
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 54 46.7 - 24
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 0 - - 22
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 0 - - 22
Universal masking score (0-2) 0 - - 21
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 0 - - 23
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 0 - - 19
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 54 36.6 36.8 28
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 54 1.00 1.02 28
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 54 53.1 52.7 28
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 48 33 21.5 28
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 54 7.3 2.9 28
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% pf total antimicrobials) 54 64.9 65.6 28
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 0 - - 26
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 53 0.21 0.16 24
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 53 79.2 - 24
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 54 74.1 - 25
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 0 - - 23
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 0 - - 26
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 0 - - 22
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities
EU/EEA SE rank SE percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.8 5.8 4 2 88 95
4.8 4.0 3 3 89 89
6.6 5.9 2 3 95 91
7.5 6.9 7 3 76 91
6.1 5.3 . . . .
0.94 0.85 5 1 84 98
7.7 - 4 - 78 -
6.2 5.1 4 4 88 88
21.8 24.3 24 24 10 13
3.4 0.0 19 16 26 43
3.7 0.0 17 18 39 35

79.5 - 20 - 22 -
80.00 - 11 - 58 -
1.25 1.36 7 6 75 79
2.6 - 20.5 - 23 -
0.45 0.30 16 10 40 63
18.6 - 22 - 17 -
44.7 36.0 - - - -
6.0 5.0 - - - -
66.7 - 8 - 70 -
57.4 - - - - -
23.3 - - - - -
28.6 - - - - -
46.2 - - - - -
35.3 - - - - -
9.4 9.0 - - - -
69.3 80.0 - - - -
37.4 35.8 - - - -
98.7 95.9 - - - -
45.8 - - - - -
49.2 48.8 - - - -
10.0 - - -- -
73.4 70.1 1 3 98 90
65.6 62.6 1 2 98 95
15.8 11.3 2 2 94 94
16.0 - 1 - 98 -
75.9 83.3 - - - -
32.1 24.5 - - - -
1.5 2.0 - - - -
25.7 25.5 - - - -
12.7 14.0 - - - -

36.0 36.5 13 14 55 52
1.01 1.01 15 14 48 52
44.3 40.8 8 7 73 77
38.1 34.5 21 23 27 20
8.4 4.4 16 20 45 30
77.4 79.0 25 25 13 13
19.5 15.9 - - - -
0.30 0.00 16 9 35 65
47.4 - 7 - 73 -
. - 4 - 86 -
37.5 - - - - -
20.2 19.3 - - - -
11.5 11.0 - - - -
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities
PPS data from 27 Jun 2023 to 12 Jul 2023
Number of hospitals 10
Standard protocol 10
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 1021

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 166 [ 131- 202]
Secondary 7 70.0 46.8 Average length of stay (days)* 5.7 [5.0-7.1]
Tertiary 1 10.0 41.1 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 2 20.0 12.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 34 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 3.3 (1.8-6.2) HAI present on admission 7 18.4 7
N of HAIs 38 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 4 57.1 4
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.12 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 3 42.9 3
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 19 (50.0) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 22 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 0 0 0
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 31 81.6 27
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 360 35.3 13
Medicine 350 34.3 4
Intensive care* 72 7.1 10
Paediatrics 60 5.9 2
Obstetrics and gynaecology 106 10.4 1
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.0%) Healthy babies 38 3.7 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (2.6%) Geriatrics 0 0 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 35 3.4 4
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (5.3%) Rehabilitation/Other 0 0 0
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 2 2 0
Enterococci / VRE 1 1 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 1 1 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 0 0 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 10 10 6
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 5 5 2
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 2 2 2
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 0 0 0
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 10 10 4
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 5 5 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 2 2 2
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 0 0 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 2 2 2
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 1 1 1
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Montenegro (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 497 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 48.7 (44.0-53.4) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 762 Surgery 360
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.53 Medicine 350
N Rel% Intensive care* 72
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 505 66.3 Paediatrics 60
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 257 33.7 Obstetrics and gynaecology 106
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 0 0 Healthy babies 38
Route of administration, parenteral 649 85.2 Geriatrics 0
Route of administration, oral 112 14.7 Psychiatry 35
Route of administration, other/unknown 1 0.1 Rehabilitation/Other 0
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0.7 Treatment 264
0.4 Community infection 230
0.3 Hospital infection 31
0 Long-term care/other HAI 3
0 Surgical prophylaxis 114
2.6 Single dose 37
One day 11
>1 day 69
% within category Medical prophylaxis 131
Other indication 0
Unknown 17
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

3.6 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
13.9 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

. and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 527 51.6 20 3.8 282 53.5
. Age, <1 year 85 8.3 5 5.9 25 29.4
60.0 Age, 1-44 years 230 22.5 6 2.6 101 43.9
. Age, ≥45 years 706 69.1 23 3.3 371 52.5
. Length of stay, 1-3 days 360 35.3 3 0.8 140 38.9
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 287 28.1 9 3.1 165 57.5
40.0 Length of stay, 8-14 days 210 20.6 7 3.3 112 53.3
. Length of stay, ≥15 days 164 16.1 15 9.1 80 48.8
. Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 721 70.6 14 1.9 312 43.3
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 211 20.7 17 8.1 139 65.9
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 89 8.7 3 3.4 46 51.7
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
Surgery since hospital admission 268 26.2 12 4.5 198 73.9
Central vascular catheter 37 3.6 8 21.6 34 91.9
Urinary catheter 289 28.3 14 4.8 190 65.7
Intubation 23 2.3 7 30.4 22 95.7
Total 1021 100.0 34 3.3 497 48.7
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Montenegro (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) ME EU/EEA and WB
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
35.3 205 56.9 HAI/AMR indicators
34.3 160 45.7 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 10 3.3 2.1 31
7.1 55 76.4 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
5.9 19 31.7 Secondary hospitals 7 2.3 2.2 31
10.4 50 47.2 Tertiary hospitals 1 5.2 5.2 30
3.7 2 5.3 Specialised hospitals/unknown 2 0.8 0.7 24
0.0 0 . Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 10 0.49 0.39 31
3.4 6 17.1 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 4.5 - 18
0.0 0 . HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 10 3.3 2.1 31
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 10 56.3 60.0 28
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 10 40.0 25.0 27
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 10 7.9 0.0 30
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 10 80.0 - 28
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 10 90.0 - 28
25.9 422 55.4 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 9 1.77 1.91 29
22.5 365 47.9 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 9 33.3 - 29
3.0 50 6.6 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 10 2.17 1.25 29
0.3 7 0.9 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 10 20.0 - 29
11.2 139 18.2 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 9 12.9 3.1 27
3.6 38 5.0 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 10 5.0 0.8 27
1.1 12 1.6 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 10 30.0 - 28
6.8 89 11.7 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 10 10.0 - 26
12.8 177 23.2 Surveillance of surgical site infections 10 0.0 - 27
0.0 0 0.0 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 10 0.0 - 26
1.7 24 3.1 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 10 10.0 - 26
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 10 0.0 - 24
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 10 1.2 0.0 24
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 10 60.0 65.0 26
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 10 26.1 12.6 28
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 4 66.3 72.0 23
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 10 0.0 - 26
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 10 21.5 16.1 26
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 10 10.0 - 26
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 10 50.9 43.8 27
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 10 54.2 48.3 31
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 10 3.5 3.4 29
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 10 0.0 - 27
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 9 52.8 56.1 25
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 6 3.9 3.0 25
Universal masking score (0-2) 10 1.6 2.0 24
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 8 17.9 20.5 26
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 10 10.3 11.0 22
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 10 48.7 48.6 31
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 10 1.18 1.20 31
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 10 58.3 57.7 31
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 9 64 67.6 31
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 10 23.2 22.4 31
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% of total antimicrobials) 10 85.2 86.6 31
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 10 17.8 11.5 29
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 9 0.40 0.00 27
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 9 33.3 - 27
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 10 50.0 - 28
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 10 30.0 - 26
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 10 9.3 8.0 29
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 9 8.0 7.0 25
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities; WB: W
EU/EEA and WB ME rank ME percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.5 5.6 29 31 8 2
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.2 5.8 30 29 5 8
7.2 6.8 24 23 22 25
6.0 4.8 23 22 6 10
0.91 0.82 31 29 2 8
7.5 - 16.5 - 11 -
6.0 4.8 29 31 8 2
25.8 27.5 6 5 80 85
3.8 0.0 4 5 87 84
3.8 0.0 6 19.5 82 37

79.7 - 13.5 - 54 -
81.10 - 11 - 63 -
1.21 1.34 6 5 81 84
4.3 - 7 - 78 -
0.44 0.28 1 2 98 95
20.0 - 15.5 - 48 -
42.7 28.2 24 26 13 6
5.9 4.7 18 25 35 9
63.5 - 26 - 9 -
56.3 - 23.5 - 12 -
18.9 - 26 - 6 -
23.1 - 23.5 - 12 -
45.3 - 23 - 13 -
29.8 - 23.5 - 4 -
9.1 9.0 24 24 2 2
67.5 77.5 19 21 29 21
38.7 36.7 23 28 20 2
94.9 88.8 19 16 20 33
40.4 - 24.5 - 8 -
47.4 48.1 23 23 13 17
10.0 - 13.5 - 50 -
72.7 69.2 24 27 13 5
64.8 62.4 26 29 18 8
13.5 11.0 27 26 9 12
12.4 - 27 - 2 -
74.7 82.0 25 25 2 2
25.8 20.0 24 23.5 6 8
1.5 2.0 8 7 69 73
24.3 24.3 22 19 17 29
12.5 13.5 20 20 11 11

36.6 37.0 4 6 89 82
1.02 1.04 6 7 82 79
44.9 45.9 4 5 89 85
47.5 40.0 7 8 79 76
9.1 5.2 2 1 95 98
79.2 83.3 10 11 69 66
18.9 15.4 17 20 43 33
0.33 0.00 12 19.5 57 30
43.9 - 21 - 24 -
. - 15 - 48 -
31.7 - 14 - 48 -
18.1 18.0 25 27.5 16 7
11.0 10.0 19 19.5 26 24
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities; WB: Western Balkan countries
PPS data from 02 Nov 2022 to 11 Dec 2022
Number of hospitals 5
Standard protocol 5
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 1307

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 409 [ 380- 509]
Secondary 4 80.0 35.0 Average length of stay (days)* 4.7 [4.2-5.0]
Tertiary 1 20.0 65.0 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 0 0.0 0.0
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 60 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 4.6 (2.5-8.3) HAI present on admission 6 9.7 6
N of HAIs 62 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 4 66.7 4
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.03 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 2 33.3 2
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 50 (80.6) Origin of HAI=LTCF 0 0 0
Total N of reported microorg. 74 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 0 0 0
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 54 87.1 52
Missing 2 3.2
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 300 23 10
Medicine 405 31 12
Intensive care* 50 3.8 15
Paediatrics 215 16.4 20
Obstetrics and gynaecology 178 13.6 0
[1] incl. COVID-19 (0.0%) Healthy babies 0 0 0
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (0.0%) Geriatrics 0 0 0
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 51 3.9 1
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (0.0%) Rehabilitation/Other 108 8.3 2
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 6 0 0
Enterococci / VRE 9 3 0
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 5 2 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 4 1 0
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 22 0 0
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 1 0 0
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 16 0 0
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 2 0 0
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 22 0 0
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 1 0 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 16 0 0
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 2 0 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 6 1 1
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 13 2 0
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Kosovo (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 821 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 62.8 (56.0-69.2) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 1230 Surgery 300
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.5 Medicine 405
N Rel% Intensive care* 50
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 1148 93.3 Paediatrics 215
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 82 6.7 Obstetrics and gynaecology 178
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 0 0 Healthy babies 0
Route of administration, parenteral 1167 94.9 Geriatrics 0
Route of administration, oral 63 5.1 Psychiatry 51
Route of administration, other/unknown 0 0 Rehabilitation/Other 108
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0.5 Treatment 349
0.3 Community infection 277
0.2 Hospital infection 69
0 Long-term care/other HAI 5
0 Surgical prophylaxis 206
4 Single dose 11
One day 25
>1 day 171
% within category Medical prophylaxis 279
Other indication 0
Unknown 9
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

3.3 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
30.0 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

. and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
. Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 591 45.2 35 5.9 389 65.8
. Age, <1 year 154 11.8 20 13.0 104 67.5
. Age, 1-44 years 494 37.8 13 2.6 304 61.5
. Age, ≥45 years 659 50.4 27 4.1 413 62.7
. Length of stay, 1-3 days 484 37.0 14 2.9 249 51.4
. Length of stay, 4-7 days 405 31.0 16 4.0 289 71.4
. Length of stay, 8-14 days 247 18.9 13 5.3 169 68.4
. Length of stay, ≥15 days 171 13.1 17 9.9 114 66.7
. Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 0 0.0 0 . 0 .
. McCabe score, non fatal 873 66.8 20 2.3 529 60.6
. McCabe score, ultimately fatal 152 11.6 7 4.6 97 63.8
. McCabe score, rapidly fatal 170 13.0 14 8.2 125 73.5
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 112 8.6 19 17.0 70 62.5
Surgery since hospital admission 308 23.6 12 3.9 272 88.3
Central vascular catheter 60 4.6 18 30.0 56 93.3
Urinary catheter 280 21.4 29 10.4 228 81.4
Intubation 22 1.7 12 54.5 21 95.5
Total 1307 100.0 60 4.6 821 62.8
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Kosovo (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) XK EU/EEA and WB
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
23.0 225 75.0 HAI/AMR indicators
31.0 243 60.0 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 5 4.6 3.5 31
3.8 39 78.0 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
16.4 146 67.9 Secondary hospitals 4 2.4 3.1 31
13.6 103 57.9 Tertiary hospitals 1 5.8 5.8 30
0.0 0 . Specialised hospitals/unknown 0 . . 24
0.0 0 . Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 5 0.8 0.63 31
3.9 4 7.8 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) . . - 18
8.3 61 56.5 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 5 4.6 3.5 31
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) . . 50.0 28
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) . . . 27
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 5 0.0 0.0 30
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 5 40.0 - 28
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 5 60.0 - 28
26.7 529 43.0 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 5 0.29 0.28 29
21.2 388 31.5 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 5 40.0 - 29
5.3 136 11.1 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 5 0.29 0.28 29
0.4 5 0.4 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 5 40.0 - 29
15.8 282 22.9 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 5 3.8 0.6 27
0.8 11 0.9 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 5 0.0 0.0 27
1.9 30 2.4 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 5 0.0 - 28
13.1 241 19.6 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 5 20.0 - 26
21.3 404 32.8 Surveillance of surgical site infections 5 20.0 - 27
0.0 0 0.0 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 5 0.0 - 26
0.7 15 1.2 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 5 0.0 - 26
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 5 20.0 - 24
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 1 8.0 8.0 24
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 5 30.0 15.0 26
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 5 40.1 40.5 28
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 1 44.1 44.1 23
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 5 0.0 - 26
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 5- - 26
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 5 20.0 - 26
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 5 46.3 21.8 27
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 5 53.0 46.0 31
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 5 0.1 0.0 29
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 5 2.6 - 27
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 5 98.8 100.0 25
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 5 2.0 0.0 25
Universal masking score (0-2) 4 0.3 0.0 24
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 5 11.0 13.0 26
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 4 4.0 3.0 22
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 5 62.8 62 31
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 5 1.53 1.52 31
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 5 65.9 70.6 31
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 5 85.5 87.5 31
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 5 32.8 19 31
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% of total antimicrobials) 5 94.9 95 31
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 5 0 0 29
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 5 1.52 0.00 27
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 5 20.0 - 27
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 5 80.0 - 28
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 5 0.0 - 26
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 5 2.0 1.0 29
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 5 7.6 7.0 25
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities; WB: W
EU/EEA and WB XK rank XK percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.5 5.6 24 24 24 24
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.2 5.8 29 27 8 15
7.2 6.8 21 20 32 35
6.0 4.8 . . . .
0.91 0.82 22 21 31 34
7.5 -. - . -
6.0 4.8 23 24 27 24
25.8 27.5 . 6.5 . 80
3.8 0.0 . . . .
3.8 0.0 29 19.5 5 37

79.7 - 28 - 2 -
81.10 - 24 - 16 -
1.21 1.34 28 26 5 12
4.3 - 5 - 84 -
0.44 0.28 25 15 16 50
20.0 - 7.5 - 76 -
42.7 28.2 27 27 2 2
5.9 4.7 27 27 2 2
63.5 - 27.5 - 4 -
56.3 - 22 - 17 -
18.9 - 13 - 54 -
23.1 - 23.5 - 12 -
45.3 - 25.5 - 4 -
29.8 - 18 - 27 -
9.1 9.0 18 16.5 27 33
67.5 77.5 26 26 2 2
38.7 36.7 14 13 52 55
94.9 88.8 22 22 7 7
40.4 - 24.5 - 8 -
47.4 48.1 - - - -
10.0 - 9 - 67 -
72.7 69.2 26 28 6 2
64.8 62.4 27 30 15 5
13.5 11.0 29 29 2 2
12.4 - 23 - 17 -
74.7 82.0 1 1.5 98 96
25.8 20.0 25 25 2 2
1.5 2.0 21 22 15 10
24.3 24.3 26 25.5 2 4
12.5 13.5 22 22 2 2

36.6 37.0 1 1 98 98
1.02 1.04 1 1 98 98
44.9 45.9 1 1 98 98
47.5 40.0 1 1.5 98 97
9.1 5.2 1 2 98 95
79.2 83.3 1 2 98 95
18.9 15.4 29 29 2 2
0.33 0.00 1 19.5 98 30
43.9 - 25 - 9 -
. - 2 - 95 -
31.7 - 25 - 6 -
18.1 18.0 29 29 2 2
11.0 10.0 20 19.5 22 24
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities; WB: Western Balkan countries
PPS data from 07 Nov 2022 to 18 Dec 2022
Number of hospitals 67
Standard protocol 67
Light protocol 0
Number of patients 13781

I. Hospital characteristics
Table 1. Types of hospitals Table 2. Size of the hospitals and average length of stay
Hospital type N % hosp % pts Median [IQR]
Primary 0 0.0 0.0 Size (number of beds) 350 [ 165- 575]
Secondary 44 65.7 44.1 Average length of stay (days)* 6.3 [5.0-7.8]
Tertiary 10 14.9 42.1 *Hospital statistics of year preceding PPS
Specialised 13 19.4 13.9
Unknown 0 0.0 0.0
% hosp=% hospitals, % pts=% patients included in PPS

II. Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance

Table 3. HAI prevalence and key results Table 4. Origin of HAIs
Number of patients with HAI 666 Origin of HAI N HAIs Rel% Pts HAI
HAI prevalence % (95%CI) 4.8 (3.8-6.1) HAI present on admission 117 16.1 107
N of HAIs 727 Origin of HAI=Same hospital 33 28.2 33
N of HAIs per infected patient 1.09 Origin of HAI=Other hospital 82 70.1 72
N HAIs with microorganism (%) 531 (73.0) Origin of HAI=LTCF 2 1.7 2
Total N of reported microorg. 651 Origin of HAI=Other/unknown 0 0 0
N=number HAI during current hospitalisation 610 83.9 559
Missing 0 0
Figure 1. Distribution of types of HAI N HAIs=number of HAIs, Rel%=% of total number of HAIs,
Pts HAI=N patients with HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % within category
LTCF=long-term care facility

Table 5. HAI prevalence by specialty

N pts Rel% N pts
Specialty with HAI
Surgery 4292 31.1 162
Medicine 5314 38.6 264
Intensive care* 1023 7.4 173
Paediatrics 858 6.2 23
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1181 8.6 14
[1] incl. COVID-19 (4.1%) Healthy babies 368 2.7 6
[2] incl. catheter-related bloodstream infections (4.4%) Geriatrics 84 0.6 6
[3] incl. C. difficile infections (0.0%) Psychiatry 441 3.2 6
[4] incl. clinical sepsis (3.7%) Rehabilitation/Other 220 1.6 12
LRT=lower respiratory tract N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N pts, N pts with HAI=
Slice percentages <3.0% not shown N pts with at least one HAI, HAI%=HAI prevalence % for specialty
*includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units
Figure 2. Top ten microorganisms isolated in HAIs
Table 6. Percentage of antimicrobial resistance
for selected microorganism-antimicrobial combinations
Microorganism /Resistance N isol. N test. NR
Staphylococcus aureus / MRSA 24 24 11
Enterococci / VRE 58 56 12
Enterococcus faecalis / VAN-R 8 7 0
Enterococcus faecium / VAN-R 5 5 2
Enterobacterales / 3GC-R 258 255 189
Escherichia coli / 3GC-R 42 42 15
Klebsiella spp. / 3GC-R 153 152 136
Enterobacter spp. / 3GC-R 17 17 12
Enterobacterales / CAR-R 258 253 117
Escherichia coli / CAR-R 42 40 0
Klebsiella spp. / CAR-R 153 151 105
Enterobacter spp. / CAR-R 17 17 5
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / CAR-R 73 70 40
Acinetobacter baumannii / CAR-R 30 30 29
N=number, N isol.=total N of isolates, N test.= N of isolates with known
susceptibility results, R=resistant, N R=N of R isolates,
% R=N R/N test. (not shown if N test.<10 isolates),
MRSA=meticillin-resistant S. aureus, VAN=vancomycin,
3GC=third-generation cephalosporin, CAR=carbapenem
Serbia (continued)
III. Antimicrobial use (AU)
Table 7. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence Table 8. Antimicrobial use (AU) prevalence by specialty
N of patients with antimicrobials 6170 N pts
AU prevalence % (95%CI) 44.8 (42.1-47.5) Specialty
N of antimicrobials 9134 Surgery 4292
N of antimicrobials per patient 1.48 Medicine 5314
N Rel% Intensive care* 1023
Reason in patient charts/notes, yes 4528 49.6 Paediatrics 858
Reason in patient charts/notes, no 4606 50.4 Obstetrics and gynaecology 1181
Reason in patient charts/notes, unknown 0 0 Healthy babies 368
Route of administration, parenteral 8182 89.6 Geriatrics 84
Route of administration, oral 928 10.2 Psychiatry 441
Route of administration, other/unknown 24 0.3 Rehabilitation/Other 220
N=number, Rel%=percentage of total N of antimicrobials N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total N patients, with AU=
with at least one antimicrobial, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty
Figure 3. Site of diagnosis for antimicrobial treatment *includes non-intensive care specialties in intensive care units

Table 9. Indication for antimicrobial use (AU)

HAI% Indication N pts
0.8 Treatment 3329
0.2 Community infection 2642
0.5 Hospital infection 629
0 Long-term care/other HAI 84
0 Surgical prophylaxis 1449
4.1 Single dose 255
One day 175
>1 day 1030
% within category Medical prophylaxis 1281
Other indication 119
Unknown 177
AU%=AU prevalence % for indication, AMs=antimicrobial agents
HAI% Rel%=% of total N of AMs

3.8 LTCF=long-term care facility Figure 5. Top ten antimicrobial agents (AMs)
16.9 Figure 4. Distribution of antibacterials for systemic use (J01)

%R Table 10. Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)

45.8 and antimicrobial use (AU) by patient risk factors (std. protocol)
21.4 Patient risk factor N pts Rel% Pts HAI HAI % Pts AU AU %
. Male gender 6665 48.4 365 5.5 3208 48.1
. Age, <1 year 1053 7.6 69 6.6 355 33.7
74.1 Age, 1-44 years 3095 22.5 87 2.8 1339 43.3
35.7 Age, ≥45 years 9633 69.9 510 5.3 4476 46.5
89.5 Length of stay, 1-3 days 4667 33.9 66 1.4 1703 36.5
70.6 Length of stay, 4-7 days 3961 28.7 156 3.9 2000 50.5
46.2 Length of stay, 8-14 days 3034 22.0 203 6.7 1556 51.3
0.0 Length of stay, ≥15 days 2082 15.1 240 11.5 899 43.2
69.5 Length of stay, Missing/Unknown 37 0.3 1 2.7 12 32.4
29.4 McCabe score, non fatal 10885 79.0 379 3.5 4548 41.8
57.1 McCabe score, ultimately fatal 2061 15.0 198 9.6 1159 56.2
96.7 McCabe score, rapidly fatal 586 4.3 71 12.1 314 53.6
olates with known McCabe score, missing/Unknown 249 1.8 18 7.2 149 59.8
Surgery since hospital admission 3391 24.6 221 6.5 2217 65.4
Central vascular catheter 852 6.2 193 22.7 716 84.0
Urinary catheter 3379 24.5 408 12.1 2484 73.5
Intubation 372 2.7 128 34.4 337 90.6
Total 13781 100.0 666 4.8 6170 44.8
N pts=number of patients, Rel%=% of total, Pts HAI=N patients with at least one HAI,
Pts AU= N patients with AU, HAI%/AU%= HAI/AU prevalence % within category
Serbia (continued)
IV. Indicators (for legend, see Introduction) RS EU/EEA and WB
e (AU) prevalence by specialty
Rel% N pts AU% N N
with AU hosp Mean Med. cntr
31.1 2208 51.4 HAI/AMR indicators
38.6 2136 40.2 HAI prevalence, non corrected (% patients with HAI) 67 4.8 3.7 31
7.4 761 74.4 Primary hospitals 0 . . 23
6.2 417 48.6 Secondary hospitals 44 3.7 3.5 31
8.6 482 40.8 Tertiary hospitals 10 5.5 5.0 30
2.7 30 8.2 Specialised hospitals/unknown 13 6.5 4.3 24
0.6 49 58.3 Standardised HAI ratio (observed/predicted N of HAIs) 67 0.74 0.62 31
3.2 30 6.8 HAI prevalence, corrected after validation (% patients with HAI) 5 5.7 - 18
1.6 57 25.9 HAI prevalence, PPS2-adjusted (1) (% patients with HAI) 67 4.6 3.6 31
el%=% of total N patients, with AU= Composite index of AMR (% antimicrobial-resistant isolates) 67 69.3 61.8 28
al, AU%=AU prevalence for specialty Enterobacterales resistant to carbapenems (%) 67 46.2 27.5 27
specialties in intensive care units C. difficile infections (% of total N of HAIs) 67 9.5 0.0 30
Infection prevention and control (IPC) indicators
timicrobial use (AU) IPC plan approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 67 100.0 - 28
AU% N AMs Rel% IPC report approved by hospital CEO (% hospitals) 67 98.5 - 28
24.2 5059 55.4 Number of FTE IPC nurses per 250 beds 67 0.79 0.63 29
19.2 3905 42.8 Hospitals without IPC nurse (%) 67 31.3 - 29
4.6 1026 11.2 Number of FTE IPC doctors per 250 beds 67 0.29 0.00 29
0.6 128 1.4 Hospitals without IPC doctor (%) 67 58.2 - 29
10.5 1873 20.5 Number of blood cultures per 1000 patient-days 67 22.3 10.1 27
1.9 270 3.0 Number of stool tests for CDI per 1000 patient-days 67 5.9 4.1 27
1.3 203 2.2 Microbiological support at weekends (% hospitals) 67 35.8 - 28
7.5 1400 15.3 Participation in ≥1 HAI surveillance network (% hospitals) 67 62.7 - 26
9.3 1755 19.2 Surveillance of surgical site infections 67 0.0 - 27
0.9 185 2.0 Surveillance of HAIs in ICUs 62 1.6 - 26
1.3 262 2.9 Surveillance of C. difficile infections 67 62.7 - 26
ndication, AMs=antimicrobial agents, Any automation of HAI surveillance (% hospitals) 67 13.4 - 24
Feasibility of digital HAI surveillance, score 67 4.9 4.0 24
Multimodal strategy IPCAF score 67 50.9 60.0 26
antimicrobial agents (AMs) Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, hospital-wide 67 48.5 40.9 28
Alcohol hand rub litres per 1000 patient-days, ICUs 43 116.1 88.8 23
Hand hygiene observations > median (% hospitals) 67 16.4 - 26
Beds with AHR dispensers at point of care (% beds) 67 15.1 5.9 26
Hospitals where ≥25% of HCWs carried AHR (% hospitals) 67 3.0 - 26
Bed occupancy at midnight (% beds) 67 47.9 44.2 27
Bed occupancy for previous year (% beds, denominator data) 66 44.3 42.1 31
Beds in single rooms (% beds) 67 3.7 2.4 29
N of airborne infection isolation rooms per 1000 beds 67 0.3 - 27
Vaccination coverage HCW COVID-19 (%) 67 65.9 65.0 25
Vaccination coverage HCW Influenza (%) 67 19.6 11.0 25
Universal masking score (0-2) 67 1.8 2.0 24
Composite index of quantitative IPC indicators 67 16.8 16.0 26
Composite index of qualitative IPC indicators 67 11.0 12.0 22
Antimicrobial use (AU) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) indicators
AU prevalence (% patients with AU) 67 44.8 45.2 31
Standardised AU ratio (observed/expected AU) 67 1.15 1.19 31
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (% of total antibiotics - ATC J01) 67 60 58.9 31
Surgical prophylaxis >1 day (% of antimicrobials this indication) 57 74.7 70 31
Medical prophylaxis (% of total antimicrobials) 67 19.2 11.1 31
Antimicrobials via parenteral route (% of total antimicrobials) 67 89.6 90.6 31
Antimicrobials reviewed and changed during treatment (%) 67 12.9 7.4 29
Number of FTE antimicrobial stewardship per 250 beds 67 0.43 0.00 27
Hospitals with >0 FTE antimicrobial stewardship (% hospitals) 67 43.3 - 27
Post-prescription review procedure in ≥1 ward (% hospitals) 67 47.8 - 28
Participation in AMC surveillance network (% hospitals) 67 14.9 - 26
Composite index of quantitative AU/AMS indicators 67 10.3 9.5 29
Composite index of qualitative AU/AMS indicators 67 8.7 7.0 25
N hosp=N of hospitals in country, Mean=aggregated mean, percentage or ratio for country, Med.=median of hospitals
EU/EEA Med.: EU/EEA median of country means or medians, rank=country rank within EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), per
CEO=chief executive officer, FTE=full-time equivalent, IPC=infection prevention and control, ICU=intensive care unit,
infection, IPCAF=WHO IPC assessment framework at facility level, AHR=alcohol-based hand rub, HCW=healthcare w
ASt=antimicrobial stewardship, (1) PPS2-adjusted HAI prevalence: HAI prevalence excluding HAIs which were not inc
in 2016-2017, i.e. excluding healthcare-associated COVID-19 and HAIs imported from long-term care facilities; WB: W
EU/EEA and WB RS rank RS percentile
Med. of Med. of
country country
means medians Mean Med. Mean Med.

6.5 5.6 22 23 31 27
4.8 4.0 . . . .
6.2 5.8 25 24 21 24
7.2 6.8 23 25 25 18
6.0 4.8 12 14 52 44
0.91 0.82 23 22 27 31
7.5 - 15 - 19 -
6.0 4.8 22 23 31 27
25.8 27.5 1 4 98 88
3.8 0.0 1 4 98 88
3.8 0.0 4 19.5 88 37

79.7 - 2 - 95 -
81.10 - 7 - 77 -
1.21 1.34 24 24 19 19
4.3 - 8 - 74 -
0.44 0.28 26 27 12 9
20.0 - 3 - 91 -
42.7 28.2 21 23 24 17
5.9 4.7 13 15 54 46
63.5 - 24 - 16 -
56.3 - 11 - 60 -
18.9 - 26 - 6 -
23.1 - 20 - 25 -
45.3 - 7 - 75 -
29.8 - 22 - 10 -
9.1 9.0 22 22 10 10
67.5 77.5 25 23 6 13
38.7 36.7 10 11 66 63
94.9 88.8 6 12 76 50
40.4 - 21 - 21 -
47.4 48.1 26 25 2 9
10.0 - 21 - 21 -
72.7 69.2 25 26 9 9
64.8 62.4 31 31 2 2
13.5 11.0 26 27 12 9
12.4 - 25 - 9 -
74.7 82.0 19 21 26 18
25.8 20.0 16 20 38 22
1.5 2.0 6 7 77 73
24.3 24.3 23 23 13 13
12.5 13.5 18 17 20 25

36.6 37.0 9 11 73 66
1.02 1.04 7 8 79 76
44.9 45.9 2 4 95 89
47.5 40.0 5 6 85 82
9.1 5.2 3 4 92 89
79.2 83.3 5 7 85 79
18.9 15.4 23 25 22 16
0.33 0.00 11 19.5 61 30
43.9 - 15 - 46 -
. - 17 - 41 -
31.7 - 19 - 29 -
18.1 18.0 23 25 22 16
11.0 10.0 17 19.5 34 24
ntry, Med.=median of hospitals, N cnt= N of countries,
EU/EEA (highest=rank 1), percentile=country percentile
ntrol, ICU=intensive care unit, CDI= Clostridioides difficile
hand rub, HCW=healthcare worker, AU=antimicrobial use
uding HAIs which were not included in the second ECDC PPS
ong-term care facilities; WB: Western Balkan countries

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