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CIRP 91 (2020) 464–471

30th CIRP Design 2020 (CIRP Design 2020)

30th CIRP Design 2020 (CIRP Design 2020)

Antagonizing Ambiguity
Ambiguity –– Towards
28th CIRP Design aa May
Conference, Taxonomy
Taxonomy for Agile Development
2018, Nantes, Agile Development
Alexander Atzberger a*, Anne Wallischa, Simon Nicklasa, Kristin Paetzolda
a a a a
A new methodology Atzbergerto analyze
*, Anne the functional
Wallisch , Simon Nicklasand physical architecture of
, Kristin Paetzold
existing products forof thean assembly oriented product 39, Neubiberg, family identification
University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, Neubiberg, 85579, Germany
Bundeswehr Munich, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 85579, Germany
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-89-6004-4426; fax: +49-89-6004-4426. E-mail address: alexander.atzberger@unibw.de
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-89-6004-4426; fax: +49-89-6004-4426. E-mail address: alexander.atzberger@unibw.de
Paul Stief *, Jean-Yves Dantan, Alain Etienne, Ali Siadat
Abstract École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LCFC EA 4495, 4 Rue Augustin Fresnel, Metz 57078, France

Corresponding author.has
development has
Tel.: a standard
+33 3 87
become 37 54 30; procedure
a standard
in the
E-mail address:
software industry in the course of the past 20 years and is advancing into physical
in the software industry in the course of the past 20 years and is advancing into physical
product development nowadays as well. When talking with peers and fellow experts from both academia and industry, ambiguities on the usage
product development nowadays as well. When talking with peers and fellow experts from both academia and industry, ambiguities on the usage
of the terms used in agile development becomes apparent. Therefore, this contribution aims at proposing a taxonomy for the field of agile
of the terms used in agile development becomes apparent. Therefore, this contribution aims at proposing a taxonomy for the field of agile
development by comparing its key elements to the traditional field of product development. The terms are well-grounded in scientific literature
development by comparing its key elements to the traditional field of product development. The terms are well-grounded in scientific literature
and by applying a systematic as well as a hierarchical approach, the terms are classified into the three layers of the St. Gallen management model
and by applying a systematic as well as a hierarchical approach, the terms are classified into the three layers of the St. Gallen management model
proposed by Bleicher. In order to validate the taxonomy, comparisons to the field of traditional product development are given. In line with this,
proposed by Bleicher. In order to validate the taxonomy, comparisons to the field of traditional product development are given. In line with this,
alignment of specific
business terms used
environment, the in ‘Scrum’
trend intomore
towards the taxonomy for agile
product variety anddevelopment
customization underpins its validity.
is unbroken. Due to this development, the need of
the alignment of specific terms used in ‘Scrum’ into the taxonomy for agile development underpins its validity.
agile and reconfigurable production systems emerged to cope with various products and product families. To design and optimize production
© 2020 as
systems The Authors.
well Published
as to choose theby Elsevier
optimal B.V. matches, product analysis methods are needed. Indeed, most of the known methods aim to
This2020 The
is aan Authors.
open access Published by Elsevier B.V.
analyze under
product onearticle
product under the on
of the
family CCthe
physical license
level. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
of the CIRPproduct .
families, however,
Design Conference may differ largely in terms of the number and
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee ofof the CIRP Design Conference .
nature of components. This fact impedes an efficient comparison CIRP
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee the Design
and choice ofConference
product family combinations for the production
Keywords:A new methodology
taxonomy; is proposed
agile; product to analyze
development; existingdevelopment;
agile product products inmanagement
view of their functional
model; and physical architecture. The aim is to cluster
Keywords: taxonomy; agile; product development; agile product development; management model; methodologies
these products in new assembly oriented product families for the optimization of existing assembly lines and the creation of future reconfigurable
assembly systems. Based on Datum Flow Chain, the physical structure of the products is analyzed. Functional subassemblies are identified, and
a functional analysis is performed. Moreover, a hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
1. Introduction
similarity between product families by providing design support to both,‘Backlog’ productionorsystem
the ‘Scrum Board’
planners actually
and product tools, working
designers. aids or
An illustrative
1. Introduction ‘Backlog’ or the ‘Scrum Board’ actually tools, working aids or
example of a nail-clipper is used to explain the proposed methodology. Anmethods? industrial case study on two product families of steering columns of
Pushing the
thyssenkrupp boundaries
Presta of product
France is then development
carried out requires
to give a first industrialto evaluation
Thisof ambiguity
the proposed orapproach.
fuzziness is apparent in both academia as
2017 The the boundaries ofbyproduct development requires to This ambiguity or fuzziness is apparent in both academia as
its Authors.
and limitationsElseviertowards
B.V. new challenges, well as practice. Therefore, this contribution aims at unravelling
reflect its under
Peer-review potentials and limitations
responsibility towards
of the scientific new challenges,
committee well as practice. Therefore, this contribution aims at unravelling
taking into account its historical growing and ofcultural
the 28th CIRP whatDesign
development 2018.
and its so-called agile methods actually
taking into account its historical growing and cultural what agile development and its so-called agile methods actually
embedding [1]. When following the latest reports and are (by definition) in comparison to ‘traditional product
Keywords: [1]. Design
Assembly; Whenmethod;
following the latest
Family identification reports and are (by definition) in comparison to ‘traditional product
discussion on the topic of agile development, its application in development’ and how those can be differentiated. Since these
discussion on the topic of agile development, its application in development’ and how those can be differentiated. Since these
the software has become a standard procedure in most terms are not used precisely, the question on how to transfer the
the software has become a standard procedure in most terms are not used precisely, the question on how to transfer the
companies. When shifting to the field of physical product knowledge of the definitions comes into play. Furthermore, the
companies. When shifting to the field of physical product knowledge of the definitions comes into play. Furthermore, the
uncertainties and hindrances still remain.
many uncertainties and hindrances still remain. of
adequate usagerange
the product
of the terms
usage of theand terms
within the community
characteristics manufactured
within the community
to be
needs to be
One of the biggest issues is the topic of the mindset and, in line assembled addressed.inTherefore,
this system. the contribution aims at answering
One of the biggest issues is the topic of the mindset and, in line addressed. Therefore, theIncontribution
this context,aims
the main
at answering in
Due that,
to training
the fast and education.
development This
in the is what
domain agile
of following
modelling research
and question:
analysis is now not only to cope with single
with that, training and education. This is what agile following research question:
development is currently
communication still lacking,
and an ongoing trendsinceof it is considered to products,
How can the terms used range
in agile
or development be compared
development is currently still lacking, since itdigitization
is considered andto How cana limited
the terms product
used in agile existing product
development families,
be compared
still be very
digitalization, fuzzy for many
manufacturing people up
enterprises until
are now.
facing When taking
important to
but the ones
also to used
be able intotraditional
analyze product
and to development
compare products literature?
to define
still be very fuzzy for many people up until now. When taking to the ones used in traditional product development literature?
a look at theinfield
challenges of agile
today’s product
market development, aboth
environments: software new product families. It can be observed that classical existing
a look at the field of agile product development, both software
and physical
tendency product
towards development,
reduction of productthe corresponding
development times termsandare 2. Coping with areambiguity
and physical product development, the corresponding terms are product
2. Copingfamilies
with ambiguityregrouped in function of clients or features.
also used
shortened relatively
product fuzzy.
lifecycles.OneIn popular
addition, example
there is for
an the inherent
increasing However, assembly oriented product families are hardly to find.
also used relatively fuzzy. One popular example for the inherent
demand of is ‘Scrum’. It isbeing
customization, referred
at to as
the samean agile
time method
in a [2],
global Motivated
On the by the
product misuse
family of several
level, productsterms,
differthe goal in
mainly of this
ambiguity is ‘Scrum’. It is referred to as an agile method [2], Motivated by the misuse of several terms, the goal of two this
competition [3], framework [4] or a process model [5]. Going contribution is to come up with a taxonomy for the field of
methodologywith [3], competitors
framework [4] allorover the world.
a process modelThis [5]. trend,
Going main characteristics:
contribution is to come (i)up
number of components
a taxonomy and of
for the field the
which the elements
inducing the incorporatedfrom
development in Scrum,
macro such
to as the type
micro product
of development.
components Bymechanical,
(e.g. doing so, the ambiguity
electrical, of specific
further, are the elements incorporated in Scrum, such as the product development. By doing so, the ambiguity of specific
markets, results in diminished lot sizes due to augmenting terms shall be
Classical reduced. A taxonomy
methodologies considering is mainly
a classification schema
single products
terms shall be reduced. A taxonomy is a classification schema
product varieties (high-volume to low-volume production) [1]. or solitary, already existing product families analyze the
To cope with
© 2020
Theaugmenting variety
Authors. Published
The Authors. of
as wellB.V.
by Elsevier
by Elsevier
as to be able to product structure on a physical level (components level) which
B.V. of the CIRP Design Conference 2020.
identify optimizationthe scientific committee
potentials in the existing causes 2020.
difficulties regarding an efficient definition and
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference
production system, it is important to have a precise knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
2212-8271 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an©open
2212-8271 2017access article Published
The Authors. under theby CC BY-NC-ND
Elsevier B.V. license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of scientific
of the the scientific committee
committee of the of theCIRP
28th CIRP Design
Design Conference
Conference 2020
Alexander Atzberger et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 464–471 465
2 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

is intended to display a system of ordering. By doing so, a 4. Definition of terms and setup
certain field can be itemized into sub groups which are
(intended to be) mutually exclusive. Typical examples for In this research, the most common terms used in traditional
taxonomies are e.g. dendrograms. Whereas a glossary is a and agile product development have been investigated overall.
simple list of terms with the respective definitions, a taxonomy In the course of the reappraisal, two strategies have been
can be described as a hierarchical structure to aid the process of consulted: First, a systemic approach has been chosen. In total,
classifying information and thereby systematizing a gamma of a method can be understood as a system for the technical
various elements in a hierarchic structure [6]. Going further, an assistance in the execution of development activities. Each
ontology is an agreed and formal description of shared concepts system consists of a sum of elements that are connected by
in domain has the objective of enabling shared understanding relations and shows a dualism of behavior and structure.
and communication. It acts as a standardized reference model Ultimately this means that methods contain a basic structure,
to support information integration and knowledge sharing [7]. whereby a certain behavior in the sense of supporting the
In short, it provides a set of concepts from a certain field or (development) activities is generated. Vice versa, a suitable
domain that are well-specified [6]. For the sake of clarification, structure is required to generate a defined support behavior.
an ontology does mostly contain a subclass-based taxonomic Due to this dualism, terms from the context of methods can be
hierarchy. Since this is a first attempt to come up with a assigned, which in turn provide very precise starting points for
classification, aiming at a taxonomy seems most promising, a context-specific adaptation of these methods.
which could lead to an overall ontology in the future. Second, a hierarchical approach has been used for the sake
Requirements regarding a well-accepted taxonomy are the of classification. Therefore, the hierarchical approach by
following six items: Concise, robust, comprehensive, Bleicher [14] has been chosen as a basis. Whereas methods are
extendible, explanatory, and useful [8], [9]. These are the intended to give clear answers on how to proceed in the course
aspects under which the quality of taxonomy should be of problem solving and thus show a rather operative character,
evaluated. Both academia and industry can benefit from such a methodologies express a strategic character, since the methods
taxonomy. Its findings are well-situated in product are summarized in the sense of fulfilling an overarching
development literature, yet its appearance is displayed in a objective. Superordinate development goals, on the other hand,
meaningful and understandable way. show a rather normative character due to the fact that all
To date, only few attempts have been undertaken to either activities in the development are aligned and evaluated based
come up with a clarification or classification scheme. Most of on these. All terms used in the product development context
the work has been done in the software discipline, either coming regarding methods can be either classified normatively,
up with a dependency taxonomy [10], a taxonomy of scale [11], strategically or operatively in such a hierarchical structure. Yet,
a taxonomy of the competency of a project manager [12] or several terms cannot be classified distinctively and their
when shifting to the field of manufacturing, an agility taxonomy transitions are partly fluent. Such a classification into a
regarding agile manufacturing strategies [13], which subdivides hierarchical structure, however, has the advantage of the
the strategies into quick, responsive or proactive. The only situation-specific use of methods. Due to this, indications for
framework aiming at the field of agile development of physical the adaption can be derived and concrete recommendations for
products to be found was by [2] and aims at classifying artifacts. action can be given.
Yet, no concise and comprehensive taxonomy for the field of These two strategies shall serve as a kind of classification
agile product development has been come up with, to the best criteria, on the bases of which the following terms are classified
of the authors’ knowledge. and evaluated. In the following subchapters, the terms on the
respective layers are described and their interrelations are
3. Research approach highlighted.

In the present research, a comprehensive structured literature

review has been undertaken. Key terms have been defined, and 4.1. Operative layer
the most-cited books in product development literature have
been chosen for a first investigation. Based on that, the Lindemann [15, p. 48] defines methods as “the description
definitions of the respective terms have been extracted and of a rule-based and planned procedure, according to which
compared to each other. Furthermore, additional sources have certain activities are to be carried out in order to achieve a
been identified that already display certain interrelations certain objective”. Whereas the term method may differ in the
between those terms. This being the source of literature, a linguistic use in various disciplines or contexts – even in
suitable framework has been chosen to classify the terms on product development literature slightly different definitions are
three levels. The findings have been analyzed and merged into given – yet these are fundamentally identical in general [16],
an overall scheme to display its linkages as well as its [17]. Methods are prescriptive, i.e. they describe how to
distinctions. This scheme represents the foundation of the approach a problem and are of operative nature [15], [18]. From
taxonomy. Its validity for the field of product development in a systemic point of view, methods have a process-like
general has been checked by drawing comparisons to traditional character, which is also manifested in a method model
development philosophies. In order to validate its suitability, proposed by [19], since a logical sequence of activities and
the alignment of the terms used in ‘Scrum’ into the taxonomy tasks is suggested.
has been confirmed exemplary.
466 Alexander Atzberger et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 464–471
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000 3

geometries) or universally for the use with various methods

(e.g., a CAD system). The trigger for the tool selection is the
method chosen, since it describes, how and for which purpose
a certain tool is used. This becomes evident considering the
versatility of, e.g., Microsoft® Office Excel™ in product
development. If the method requires a specific tool, which does
not exist in the company, this could lead to a rejection of the
method because its migration into the existing tool landscape
can be very time- and resource-inefficient. On the other hand,
if the tools needed are available, this can have a rather positive
effect on the method acceptance.
While the terms method and tool are well-defined in product
development literature, which is interpreted comparatively
interdisciplinary, this is not the case for the following terms.
Aside from tools, (working) aids are often mentioned in the
Fig. 1. Process-oriented method model (adapted from [19]) context of method application. Ehrlenspiel and Meerkamm
[16] summarize all the objects that are used to carry out the
Methods are used if the purposeful and systematic execution activities under the term aids. Examples are paper and pen, a
of activities has to be supported [20]. They contain action plotting table, a 3D mouse or an Apple Pencil®. Reinicke [22]
prescriptions. Thus, they have an operational character since supplements this description from a rather social-scientific
they illustrate how to proceed in order to find solutions. In this perspective and summarizes all materials and instruments that
model, methods show an internal structure: a method consists support the achievement of the objective of the method
of sequences of action, which transform an initial state application (e.g., templates, presentation documents). In
(problem or task) into a final state (solution). Therefore, a computer science, aids serve to implement methods more
certain structure is required as well as the information about the efficiently. These definitions highlight that aids are interpreted
necessary input and the expected output, respectively. The type very manifold in many fields, which is related to the subject-
of input, i.e. the data, information, documents, materials, specific nature of the problem solution. Due to this, it is
workings aids, etc., required depends on the objective of the imperative to focus on the understanding of what is considered
method. The same applies to the output, yet the user can deduct a working aid and to achieve a consensus in their identification,
from the description of the output whether the method is especially when collaborating in interdisciplinary teams, which
suitable for the specific problem statement or to what extent an is demanded by an agile way of working.
adaptation is necessary to achieve the desired result. In their
method model, Birkhofer et al. [19] assign information on the
user requirements, possible aids, boundary conditions and 4.2. Strategic layer
explanatory descriptions on the application to the method
description. Strategies are understood as long-term plans in order to
An essential characteristic is the degree of concreteness. achieve fundamental goals [15]. They translate the goals and
While some methods give very clear instructions, others are a boundary conditions predefined by the chosen development
rather generic recommendation for action. This displays the philosophy or selected approach into concrete procedures for
fractal character of methods: Methods that are more generic in implementation. In other words, on behalf of the strategy
character are, in principle, structured according the description building, one needs to consider which process models or
given by [19], just like those that provide concrete instructions. methodologies and methods appear to be effective, as well as
With the help of the process-orientated method model, a clear the identification of suitable tools. The focus is not directly on
rule is given as to how the concretization and adaptation of the support of development activities, but rather on issues
more generic methods to the context can be carried out to regarding how an approach can be implemented in the
generate situation-specific instructions. Summing up, methods company from an organizational point of view. Thus, they form
are rather operative in nature. The more generic the the link to break down the normative demands on the strategic
recommendations for action are within the method description, implementation. That involves thinking about the
the more adaptation is required, which, in turn, makes the organizational design and integration of development
method appear to be rather generic. For an effective usage of processes into the business processes. Strategies specify how
the methods concretizations depending on the activity and the the behavior of all personnel involved and the alignment of all
situation are necessary. actions towards the objectives can be orientated as holistically
The goal of the application of tools is “to make the as possible. They have a procedural character in the systemic
application of methods more effective and efficient” [18]. sense and support the organization of processes along their
Tools support and facilitate the practical application of concretization.
methods [21]. They are supportive and range from simple The main goal of applying methods is to support the product
checklists or forms to complex software tools. This means they development activities. The aggregation of the support results
are resources for the application of the methods. Tools can be in a systematic approach to the achievement of the objectives
provided method-specific (e.g., a tool for the meshing of [16], [17]. The sum of all methods used is also referred to as
Alexander Atzberger et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 464–471 467
4 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

methodology. Reinicke emphasizes that methods and tools to The predefined combination and sequence of methods,
support product development activities are functionally linked procedures and tools must therefore always be interpreted and
[22]. In this light, the focus for the application of adapted task-specifically. The strategic character of a
methodologies extends the one of methods: whereas methods methodology also emerges from another aspect. In the
are intended to support individual development activities, definition of methods it has been stated that they possess a
methodologies aim at supporting overarching objectives which fractal character. Therefore, from a generic point of view,
can only be achieved by coupling individual activities. Gericke methodologies can be understood as methods which are
et al. [23, p. 105] extend the term methodology specifically for abstracted to such an extent that the aspect of how to achieve
development (i.e. a design methodology) and give an overview the objective is no longer clearly recognizable. However, the
of its components: “In design, a clearly and explicitly question of what to do in order to solve the problem can be
articulated approach to producing designs for a class of substantially answered. The operational applicability is
systems, that specifies in more or less detail the activities to be determined by the context- and task-specific concretization. In
carried out, the relationship and sequencing of the activities, its appearance methodologies are quite diverse, which hampers
the methods to be used for particular activities, the information its classification, yet a more detailed analysis shows that,
artefacts to be produced by the activities and used as inputs to regardless of the field of application, a methodology maps the
other activities, and how the process is to be managed, as well complete problem-solving cycle, that is the combination of
as (tacitly or explicitly) the paradigm for thinking about the methods for the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
design problem and the priorities given to particular decisions A procedure is the sequence of actions in the development
or aspects of the design or ways of thinking about the design.”. process [21]. Procedure or process models display the essential
Comparing the content of this definition to the process-oriented elements of a sequence of actions as a descriptive
method model description by Birkhofer, similarities are clearly characterization of a prescriptive specification of working steps
recognizable, as displayed in Fig. 2. Simply put, a methodology [21]. According to Ponn [18], the intended use of process
summarizes multiple methods and process models into one models includes the planning of future processes, the
body [24]. By doing so, it aims at concretizing normative navigation or orientation in current processes and the reflection
approaches (which are described in the following). From a of completed processes. As a consequence, process models in
systemic point of view, methodologies involve both structural the context of product development have to be understood as
and behavioral aspects: the linking of activities and methods the process-describing element of methodologies. Due to the
form the structure of the methodology. Coherences, on the arrangement and linking of methods certain sequences to
other hand, are used to specify relationships and execution support the activities are discussed, which serve as aids for the
instructions that generate the desired behavior. Methodologies planning and controlling of the processes. Thus, they provide
are more strategic in nature than methods, since they do not the basis for the method usage in product development. Within
focus on the support of individual activities, but on the field of product development, several process models have
summarizing individual activities in such a way that a holistic been developed in the past decades, which can essentially be
description on how to achieve an overall objective is available. grouped into two categories: operative and strategic process
Even though the usage of methodologies pursues a specific models.
objective, the respective development tasks in the concrete Operative process models describe the processes in product
application vary due to their context- and decision-making development at the level of concrete problem-solving, which
conditions. Because of these conditions it is necessary for the should support the systematic processing of sub-problems [20].
methodology to be able to adapt goal-oriented and context- Lindemann [20] refers to this as the micrologic in product
specific. development. An example of such micrological process models
is the problem-solving cycle according to Ehrlenspiel [25]. In
its structure, it is based on psychological models of how
humans proceed in problem-solving tasks according to Miller.
Since this type of process model has a descriptive character, i.e.
it describes how to proceed, and it can be used independently
of the domain.
Strategic process models depict fundamental patterns of
action for specific development situations. Their focus lies on
the description of the temporal-logical sequence [20]. By
laying out the product development process from idea to
product in its entirety, it describes a strategy for product
development. Typical representatives of such process models
are the procedure according to VDI 2206 for the development
of mechatronic systems [26] or VDI 2221 for the development
of complex technical systems [27]. These process models
display what to do in the development and thus have a
prescriptive character. Due to their focus on logical-temporal
Fig. 2. Methodology as the sum of methods (adapted from processes, these types are also referred to as macrological
[19]) process models [20]. They are highly domain-specific, and
468 Alexander Atzberger et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 464–471
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000 5

mathematical-physical laws for solution finding and its in order to achieve the long-term vision and that reflect the
description characterize their procedures. Even though the ambitions of the company. Additionally, the philosophy is
temporal-logical processes are very distinct in detail for the backed by a foresight of the future. Inside the company, that
different subject domains, the phases ‘planning’, vision is broken down into a shorter-scale mission and thus
‘conceptualizing’, ‘designing’ and ‘elaborating’ can be concretized into objectives for both the organization and
identified again on a meta-level [28]. product development. A philosophy needs to be understood as
So which benefits can be derived from such considerations? a motif for product development, which defines all other
Micrological process models primarily tend to explain which methodologies, process models, methods and tools [22].
of the developer’s activities can be supported (regarding the Development philosophies therefore describe fundamental
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) and what the specific assumptions about how to organize the development as well as
challenges are (e.g. creative blocks, handling with large how to build knowledge in the respective field. Philosophies
amounts of information, mastery of complex relationships). are context-independent, i.e. not limited to a specific product
Which methods are to be used depends on the development task family or industrial branch. Besides considerations and value
at hand and the objectives pursued, as well as the current statements on product development processes and their holistic
development phase. Especially in the early phases of the organizational procedures at the strategic level, they also
development the information base is commonly quite consider human thinking and operating principles at a more
incomplete and uncertain. Therefore other methods are needed operational level [30]. This elucidates the normative character
for the micrological support compared to the integration phase, of development philosophies. Decisions on that always have a
where solutions are brought together or the design phase, where long-term character and require holistic considerations as to
solutions are detailed on a more sophisticated information base. how this should be anchored inside the company. A philosophy
Macrological process models, however, help to integrate can be described as the ethics, general values and convictions
temporal-logical relationships of development into the process a company is committed to follow.
organization and to coordinate the multitude of activities The development philosophies described above affect a
required for product development. For operational applicability large number of influencing factors. At first sight they are kept
the level of granularity and specificity of the process models in generic so that there is room for interpretation which is also
general is too low [21]. Process models require a context- necessary in order to be able to transfer it to different contexts.
specific adaptation or concretization in order to find purposeful By transforming the philosophy into specific fields of
use in development. application, different approaches emerge. These approaches
Moreover, the term framework is increasingly used in the may differ due to their varying field of application or the
context of implementing development approaches. Ultimately, interpretation of details, yet they still pursue the same
a framework is nothing more than a ‘body of order’ whose objectives in their basic idea. Approaches can be understood as
purpose is to provide a structural overview of components of a perspectives or manifestations of development philosophies.
system. In this way, by classifying the elements and their Therefore, approaches appertain to a rather normative
relationships at hierarchically subordinate levels, the relation character, yet they already contain strategic elements since
between each other are revealed. In contrast to a process, the specific concretizations are made on a selective basis.
framework has no sequence, but represents an artificial and
arbitrarily created order [29]. Thus, from a systemic 5. Consolidation of findings
perspective, the framework complements the strategy: while
the strategy defines how to proceed with the development According to the differentiated description and definition of
approach, the framework defines which elements to consider the individual terms, these are now summarized in order to
and to adapt. As a consequence, frameworks have a more emphasize the relations between them. In turn, this seems
strategic character in terms of the integration of development helpful to be able to subsequently provide information on the
processes into the enterprises (and less in terms of supporting adaptation and application in the specific development context.
the development goals). They summarize the elements and The previously described dimensions, namely systemic and
relationships required to generate the desired support behavior. hierarchical classification, are confronted with each other
Frameworks are always characterized by a certain generic creating a matrix, into which the individual terms can be sorted.
entity, since the peculiarity of the elements, along with their The result is a scheme which contains all the terms discussed
arrangement as well as their integration can be adapted to the above, in a comprehensive and simplified manner.
contexts and objectives pursued.
5.1. Structure

4.3. Normative laver The classification scheme proposed is displayed in Fig. 3. In

the normative level of the scheme development philosophies
The method selection on an operational level as well as the and approaches are to be classified. With these, the company
chosen methodologies for the achievement of objectives are not vision is reduced to the concrete level of development. It is
selected in a haphazard way. They follow entrepreneurial defined why decisions are made in subsequent levels. These
behavior and its underlying corporate development vision. This decisions taken at the normative level need to be concretized at
is summarized under the term (development) philosophy. It the strategic level. The actions necessary to implement the
displays certain values, which the company is obliged to follow philosophy are determined, yet also the necessary components
Alexander Atzberger et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 464–471 469
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for the development processes are identified. While the setting to the definition of a methodology, none of them can be
of the strategies are more of an organizational character, the classified as a method by itself. None of them are frameworks
choice of the process models and their further elaboration and either since based on the information available publicly, the
concretization address the content-related aspect. This interrelations between the elements in the respective
elucidates what is needed to bring a philosophy into practical methodology are known. The Scrum Guide as the basic outline
use. In turn, selected methodologies and process models are of Scrum already provides linkages between the different
further detailed by selecting and adapting methods for action elements, which is why it cannot be considered a framework.
support. The operative level describes how individual One example of a framework is the Business Model Canvas
development activities can be supported. The concretization with its nine fields – the important components of what the
and adaptation of the methods takes place through the choice business model has to consist of are visualized, yet its
of tools and working aids. interrelations are not visible. Scrum, Kanban, XP, or Design
Thinking are also process models since the procedure of how
to proceed in the respective methodology is apparent 3. Shifting
5.2. Validation of the scheme back to traditional product development, the VDI 2221 or VDI
2204 are typical representatives of product development
The following paragraph aims at validating the classification methodologies, since they display the different process steps
scheme. When taking a look at the definitions in the respective which are needed for the development of technical or
sources, a certain lack of conceptual clarity remains in some of mechatronic systems and products, respectively. The
them, which this classification aims to reduce. Starting at the illustration of the VDI 2206 – the V-model, is a well-known
normative layer, Vajna defines the Integrated Product representative of a process model on the strategic layer [26].
development (IPD) to be a development philosophy [30]. Another example for a process model from project
Having its root in the work by Olsson, it has been constantly management is the Stage-Gate model by Cooper [33].
further developed by multiple authors, resulting in a variety of The difference in the levels of abstraction between process
approaches, such as the IPD according to Meerkamm, the IPD models becomes evident when taking a look at Fig. 4 (operative
according to Burchardt and Vajna, the Dynamic Product layer). Here, the procedure of how to proceed in Scrum during
Development by Ottosson, etc., as illustrated explicitly in [30]. one sprint is visualized by the two cycles (or spirals), which is
In this respect, Simultaneous / Concurrent Engineering [31] or a typical representation of a sprint. This representation can be
Systems Engineering [32] are also to be understood as considered a process model on the operative layer or micro-
development philosophies or approaches, as these author refer logic. Important to mention here is the granularity of the
to it. When shifting to the field of agile development, it also different process models, which is not distinct, as already
needs to be classified as a development philosophy. The argued by Lindemann [20]. On the operative layer, examples
Manifesto for Agile Software development, incorporating the for methods from traditional product development are the 635
core values of what the agile or lightweight processes share, method or gallery method. Tools are e.g. different software
has a normative character. When taking software development applications such as Microsoft® Excel or a CAD program, or a
as the starting point 1 , this approach has spread into the drafting table, whereas working aids are e.g. a whiteboard, a
development of physical products, production, as well as other flip chart, basically anything that facilitates the execution of
fields such as human resource management. methods. Techniques on the other hand are of behavioral
On the strategic layer the agile methodologies are located. nature, such as the ‘point evaluation’, ‘questioning technique’
Here, e.g. Scrum 2 , Kanban, eXtreme Programming (XP), or ‘scenario technique’.
Design Thinking can be considered methodologies, since all of
them contain more than one method. Therefore, when referring

Fig. 3. Classification scheme of the terms used in traditional

Fig. 4. Classification scheme of the terms used in agile
product development
product development

For the sake of explanation. In terms of time, agile development in its core 2
In the first publications about Scrum in the late 90s, Ken Schwaber did refer
was applied long before its appearance in the software industry. to Scrum as a methodology.
Based on the information available publicly in the literature or internet.
470 Alexander Atzberger et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 464–471
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In agile development, actions on the operative layer are these (partially closely related) terms are displayed and briefly
commonly referred to as practices. When taking a look at the explained. The grounding in product development literature
definition of Birkhofer, the activities in Scrum such as sprint, enables the comparisons between traditional development
sprint planning, daily scrum and retrospective are actually philosophies and agile development, as well as a comparison
methods. The artifacts used in Scrum such as user stories, between different agile methodologies, which were the two
backlogs, task boards, burnup/burndown charts are tools. main objectives of the work at hand. Regarding the
Scrum’s practices Timeboxing, planning poker, point requirements for a taxonomy, it can be summarized that the
estimates and the Definition of Done (DoD) are of behavioral taxonomy presented in this contribution is both concise and
nature and therefore techniques. The classification has been comprehensive. Due to the use of the management model by
done for elements of the methodology Scrum, however it is also Bleicher it is also self-explanatory. Moreover it is extendible,
valid for the other methodologies, since e.g. the Kanban Board in terms of the aspects that can be grouped into the taxonomy.
is also a tool or the Work in Progress (WIP) limit a technique. Therefore it appears to be useful for both academia and industry
When shifting to the right side of Fig. 4, the philosophies from the authors’ perspective. Future discussions will give
incorporate different core values. In the case of agile insight about the robustness of the taxonomy as well as its
development, the basic set of values every methodology shares usefulness in practice.
are the ones stated in the Agile Manifesto, such as In this respect, one important aspect is to teach the new style
interdisciplinary collaboration, transparency or people of working and to comprehensively explain how it
empowerment. These motifs are embedded in the overall vision differentiates from the status quo (traditional development
of why to pursue a certain philosophy. approaches). This is exactly what this contribution is aiming at,
The concrete translation into practice is then acted out on the to display that agile development is nothing more than a
operative level. The task board, daily Scrum or burnup charts development philosophy at its core, just like many others.
are used to generate transparency among the team. The Every philosophy shares certain values. These are concretized
collaboration is enhanced by the daily Scrum meetings and the by several methodologies, which are unique to the respective
retrospectives. The same is valid for the empowerment of the contexts in practical application. In order to translate these
individuals since the retrospectives are intended to reflect on methodologies into practice, specific methods and tools are
what went well or not so well and what needs to be changed in used. This is also valid for agile development. However, when
order to constantly improve the team performance. the core values change, the methods and tools have to change
accordingly – and this is what practice experiences first-hand
6. Key learnings as a major shift. The actual shift however has its roots in a
change in the core values. The embedding of these core values
Increasing complexity and technological advances keep into the organizational and operational structure is the
disciplines constantly changing. Growing thematically and challenging part. In order for the transition to succeed, it is
methodically beyond the traditional boundaries of the own field necessary to explicitly state how a new approach differs from
requires an attitude of critical reflection on the application of the currently used one – it is necessary to show the differences
traditional terms and conceptualizations. The definitions of the from the current reference point. The reduction of fuzziness
respective terms have been published by several authors results in transparency, which can lead to clarity, if
already, yet an overall big picture and a comparison to the field communicated well. This is what academia should strive for –
of agile product development has been missing until now. to unveil what agile development is capable of handling and
Therefore, the results of the work at hand are evaluated and its what not by providing useful and readily understandable
relevance for both practice and academia are examined. measures.
The classification of the common terms in product
development has been done in order to (a) show the 7. Conclusion and Limitations
interrelations and overlaps of the terms in one condensed
scheme and (b) to classify the terms used in agile development Motivated by the current ambiguity of the terms used in
into this scheme. By doing so, the similarities between the agile product development, the authors have developed a
terms used in the field of agile development (artifacts, taxonomy in order to classify the terms used in agile product
activities, practices) are compared to the ones used in development and to display the relations between them. Based
traditional development approaches. It is shown that even on the management model by Bleicher [14], the most
though several terms are named differently, they can be significant terms regarding a common understanding have been
classified into the same scheme, which is well-grounded in classified on the layers normative, strategic and operative. The
scientific product development literature. Therefore, the definitions of the terms used in traditional product development
ambiguity of the agile elements is reduced since their literature are given and its agile ‘counterparts’ are displayed
counterparts from traditional development are displayed. After accordingly.
all, agile development may be new from its philosophy and However, some limitations also need to be addressed. First
therefore behavioral shift in the mindset. The so-called of all, the number of terms which are mentioned with its
practices however, are actually methods, according the definitions is relatively small. On the one hand this leads to a
definition of Birkhofer. lucid and comprising overview. On the other hand it is lacking
This contribution aims to provide all useful information on a comprehensive compendium of all related terms. Second, the
the topic in one document so that the interrelations between database of the definitions is mostly based on German literature
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