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I'll definitely include that detail.

Here's an updated version of the report that incorporates all

of the information you provided:
"Dear Mr. Chisadza,
I'm writing to provide an explanation for my absence from work on Tuesday, April 2nd. As
previously communicated, I was traveling overnight from Bulawayo to Mutare, expecting to
arrive around 4 am so that I could report to work at 8 am as usual. However, the car I was in
experienced several breakdowns along the way, which significantly delayed my journey. I
was not able to arrive in Mutare until much later than anticipated. I apologize for the
inconvenience caused by my late arrival and want to assure you that I did everything in my
power to arrive at work on time. I understand that my absence may have impacted the
team's productivity, and I am willing to work additional hours or alternative days to make up
for any missed work.
I would like to emphasize that I communicated with you as soon as the first breakdown
occurred, and kept you updated on the situation throughout the night. I apologize again for
any inconvenience caused by my delayed arrival, and I'm available to discuss any concerns
you may have.
Your Name"
Is that a more comprehensive and satisfactory

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