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Motion Reference Unit MRU


Models MRU-E MRU-B

Revision 1.27
User Manual Revision 1.27

Revision history
Revision Date Author Description
1.0 Jun.13,2016 AK Released version.
1.1 Dec.16,2016 ON, AK 1. Added output data TSS1+HEHDT format and its description (in
section 4.1 and Appendix C).
2. Added “Extended Initial alignment” checkbox (see Fig. 4.2) and its
3. Added section 10.2.3 “Significant Wave Height calculation”
4. Changed “Pressure sensor” tab (see Section 4.2.2, Fig. 4.4).
5. Added VG3D calibration (see Section 8.1)
6. Changed description of USW bits #7,15 (Appendix D)
7. Added ±450°/s gyro range for KG values and ±10g, ±15g
accelerometer range for KA values (see notes to Tables C.3, C.4,
C.5, in APPENDIX C).
1.2 Aug.01,2017 ON, AK Since MRU Demo Program version from 2016-12-28:
1. Changed “Preset parameters” menu item in section 7.4.
2. Positive direction of heave is changed from up to down in almost all
output data formats except TSS1 (since MRU firmware version
3. Added Fig.10.1. Setting of the monitoring point position relative to
the MRU unit.
4. More detailed description of Significant Wave Height calculation” in
section 10.2.3.
5. Changed “Pressure sensor” tab of the “Device option” window (Fig.
6. Changed section “7.2 Restore parameters”
7. Added Seatex Data format and its description (in section 4.1 and
Appendix C).
8. Changed USW bit #1 indication to “IMU data correctness”
(Appendix D).
9. Added Appendix F. Position of the accelerometer mass-center in
the MRU unit.
10. Changed “MRU Calibrated Data” to “MRU Calibrated HR Data”
11. Renamed “MRU Full Output” to “MRU ADC Data”.
1.3 Nov.15,2017 ON Since MRU Demo Program version from 2017-08-01:
1. Added item “Convert log data to bin file” to the “Convert” menu (see
section 9).
2. Added Appendix G. “Using Ethernet port for communication with
the Inertial LabsTM MRU”
1.4 Nov.22,2018 AO, DB MRU Demo Program is renamed to MRU GUI, since version from 2018-11-19
1. Updated section “The most important notes”.
2. Updated Fig.F.1. Position of the accelerometer mass-center in
Inertial LabsTM MRU unit (Appendix F).
3. Added description of “Device self test” and “Get BIT” items in “Run”
menu (see section 5.5).
4. Added “External sensors” and “CAN” tabs to the “Device options”
window and their description (see sections 4.2.3, 4.2.4).
5. Added “PSMCC” and “User Defined Data” output data formats in

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 2
User Manual Revision 1.27
“Test options” menu item.
6. Added “User Defined Data” menu item to the “Options” menu and
its description in section 4.6.
7. Added description of operations with CAN data (see section 10.6).
8. Changed “Pressure sensor” tab of “Devices options” window (see
Section 4.2.2).
9. Changed “Heave calculation” tab of “Correction options” menu item
(see Fig. 4.15), and made more detailed description of “Adjustment of
the algorithm of heave calculation” in section 10.2.1.
10. Added description of the extended block of the initial alignment
data in APPENDIX C.1, Table C.2.
11. Added “Fixed” and “Averaged output data” checkboxes in “IMU”
tab of “Devices options” window (see Fig. 4.2) and their description.
12. Added Table C.11. New aiding data indicator, in APPENDIX C.1.
13. Added Table C.4. Values of KH, KS factors for heave, surge and
sway data (see notes to Tables C.3, С.5, С.6, С.8 in Appendix C.1).
14. Added Table C.7. Values of KG, KA factors for gyro and
accelerometer scaled data (see notes to Tables C.6, С.8, С.10 in
Appendix C.1).
15. Added description of “Instant and averaged output data” (see
notes to Tables C.3, С.5, С.6, C.8, C.10, C.12 to C.15 in Appendix
16. Corrected notes to Table C.14. The MRU message in Seatex
Data format.
17. Deleted section “12. Compatibility between the MRU firmware and
MRU Demo versions”.
1.5 Dec.21,2018 DB 1. Added section “4.2.5. “Triggers” tab with PPS control” with
description of PPS signal and its control.
2. Added “Magnetometers axes alignment” menu item to the “Plugins”
menu and its description in section 8.4.
3. Added PRDID output data format and its description (in section 4.1
and Appendix C).
4. “MRU ADC Data” format is removed.
5. Added “External position” to aiding data (see section, Table
4.2 in section 4.7, Tables C.9 and C.10 in Appendix C).
6. Added note #4 to “Magnetic declination (deg.)” field in section 4.2.1
about automatic update of magnetic declination at receiving external
position data through the main COM port.
7. Added support and configuration of both CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B
messages (see sections 4.2.4, 10.6).
8. Renamed “CAN” tab to “CAN / COM4” tab and added support of
output HEHDT messages through COM4 port, see section 4.2.4.
9. Added “Sensors options” item at the “Options” menu, see section
10. Added Seatex 014 Data format and renamed Seatex Data to
Seatex 019 Data” in section 4.1 Test options, Table 4.1, Appendix C,
Table C.13, Table C.14
1.6 Apr.19,2019 DB Checked and updated section 2, Appendix A, Appendix B.
1.7 Jul.05,2019 DB Added new section “8.5. World Magnetic Model updating”.

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 3
User Manual Revision 1.27
1.8 Jul.16,2019 DB 1. Added possibility to input GPVTG and HEHDT NMEA messages
through COM4 port, see section
2. Corrected information related to MRU initial alignment process
throughout the whole document.
1.9 Jul.18,2019 DB, JZ 1. Added Appendix H. MRU recommended installation guide.
2. Corrected information related to MRU initial alignment process
throughout the whole document.
1.10 Aug.05,2019 DB 1. Added possibility to update magnetic declination automatically (see
section 4.2.1).
2. Renamed GPVTG and HEHDT NMEA messages with VTG and
HDT NMEA messages respectively, which are being received via
COM4 (see section
3. Added note 3 to section “ Using external magnetic compass”
about necessity power off/on the MRU unit so changes get applied.
4. Added Simrad EM3000 and MRU Normal Data output data formats
and its description in section 4.1 and Appendix C. Simrad EM3000
data also can be outputted through COM4 port, see section 4.2.4.
5. Implemented choice – to output PPS signal or to input it for MRU
(see section 4.2.5).
6. Removed Appendix H. MRU recommended installation guide.
1.11 Sep.20,2019 DB 1. Corrected information about rotation angles in section 10.3 and
Appendix E.
2. Renamed output data format “MRU Normal” to “MRU Normal 85”
(see section 4.1).
3. Added “MRU Normal 10” output data format and its description in
section 4.1 and Appendix C.
1.12 Nov. 27, 2019 DB 1. Added “Firmware and parameters update…” menu item to the
“Plugins” menu and its description in section 8.6, and section “11. The
procedure of MRU firmware and parameters updating”.
2. Revised information window about successful axis alignment
procedure between SAMC and MRU unit (see Fig. 10.31).
1.13 Jan. 09, 2020 DB Added “MRU Normal 37” and “MRU Normal 0E” output data formats
and its description in section 4.1 and Appendix C.
1.14 Feb. 21, 2020 DB 1. Specified that the parameters of PPS signal for input from external
devices should be set to the MRU (see section 4.2.5).
2. Added section “10.3.4. Choice of set of MRU calibration
3. Added section “10.6.3. Modifying the .DBC file to interpret the CAN
1.15 Apr. 03, 2020 DB Added “Seatex 010” output data format and its description in section
4.1 and Appendix C.
1.16 Jun. 19, 2020 DB 1. Revised and corrected section “4.2.7. Limitation of the MRU
maximum output data rate”.
2. Added “Seatex PR” output data format and its description in section
4.1 and Appendix C.
1.17 Aug. 14, 2020 LW Added MRU Datalogger information in Appendix H.
1.18 Aug. 28, 2020 WD Revised MRU Datalogger information in Appendix H.
1.19 Aug. 28, 2020 ON, DB 1. Corrected note #4 about automatic calculation of the
magnetic declination in section “4.2.1. “IMU” tab of “Devices
options…” window”.

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 4
User Manual Revision 1.27
2. Removed notes that the VG3D calibration is at the testing
3. Removed “Fixed” checkbox from “IMU” tab of “Devices
options” window (see section 4.2.1). Currently, the MRU data
rate is limited by factors of 200 Hz automatically, no user action
4. Removed “Load Block Parameters” and “Read Block
Parameters” items from the “Parameters” menu as an obsolete
functionality. Additionally, removed section 7.1 with their
5. Revised section “8.3. Angles accuracy”.
6. Added note that during 2D-2T calibration it is recommended
to change the Pitch angle in every run on maximum possible
value (at least on 15 degrees) (see section 10.3.1).
1.20 Sep. 30, 2020 DB 1. Added possibility to output “Seatex 014” and “GPGGA” data
through COM4 port, see section
2. Added note in Appendix G about Ethernet and datalogger
simultaneous usage.
3. Added “Calculation time” data type to “User Defined Data”
output format (see Table 4.2, Table C.9).
4. Added miniAHRS type to “Use external magnetic compass”
drop-down list in the “External sensors” tab of the “Devices
options” window. Additionally, there added possibility to set
manually the SAMC alignment angles if the procedure of axes
alignment between MRU and SAMC cannot be performed (see
1.21 Nov. 09, 2020 DB Added note if hardware error occurred, then all USW bits
become equal to 1 (see Appendix D).
1.22 Jan. 20, 2021 DB 1. Added “ABB Smart Winch Drive” output data format and its
description in section 4.1 and Appendix C.
2. Added possibility to communicate with the MRU unit through
Ethernet (see section 4.1). Also, added the Ethernet tab to the
Devices Options window for configuring the MRU network
settings and for configuring parameters for data transfer u sing
MODBUS TCP to two targets in the network (see section 4.2.5).
3. Added possibility to input coordinates of the dynamic
monitoring point for heave calculation through COM4 port (see
section and
1.23 Jun. 04, 2021 DB 1. Added “Date external” to the new aiding data indicator (see
Table C.11) and added appropriate data type to “User Def ined
Data” output (see Table 4.3 and Table C.10).
2. Updated text and links through Appendix G. Also, there
added new subsections “G.6. Communication OVER the
Ethernet in TCP/IP MODE” and “G.7. Communication OVER the
Ethernet in Auto Start Mode”.
3. Added “Gyro data filtered” to “User Defined Data” (see Table
4.3 and Table C.10). Also, “GyroF_Bandwidth” parameter is
added to “Correction options” window to configure bandwidth of
filtered gyro data (see section 4.3).
4. Revised and corrected description to “Convert log data to bin
file” converter (see section 9.2).

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 5
User Manual Revision 1.27
1.24 Jul. 16, 2021 DB 1. Revised and updated description to Step 3 of section “G.6.
Communication over Ethernet in TCP/IP mode”.
2. Added possibility to form data for analog output through a
junction box. See section
1.25 Sept. 24, 2021 DB 1. Specified configuration options for sensors (miniAHRS and
OS3D-FG) which can be used as SAMC (see section
2. Added External horizontal position to the New aiding data
indicator (see Table C.11).
3. Added the following options for output through UDD (see
section 4.7):
 Quaternion of orientation HR,
 Matrix for mag soft iron correction,
 Matrix for mag hard iron correction,
 External horizontal position.
1.26 Oct. 29, 2021 DB 1. Added Unit Status Word USW2 (see Table D.2) with
information about the state of other MRU sensors and the
status of MRU additional operations.
2. Added disclaimer and trademark legal notice at the end of
the document.
1.27 Nov. 16, 2021 MG, DB 1. Added “Appendix I. Testing the MRU for the ABB System”.
2. Added Delayed Time Heave option (code 0x1C) for output
through UDD (see section 4.7).
3. Added section 10.2.3 with a description of Delayed Time

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 6
User Manual Revision 1.27

Table of contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 11
The most important notes ............................................................................................................... 13
General information..................................................................................................................... 14
Installation of drivers and configuration of PC parameters .......................................................... 15
Main menu of the program .......................................................................................................... 16
Options Menu.............................................................................................................................. 18
4.1. Test options........................................................................................................................... 18
4.2. Devices options ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1. “IMU” tab ......................................................................................................................... 21 Change of the COM port baud rate ........................................................................ 23 Limitation of the MRU maximum data rate ............................................................. 24
4.2.2. “Pressure sensor” tab...................................................................................................... 26
4.2.3. “External sensors” tab ..................................................................................................... 27 Using the main COM1 port for aiding data input ..................................................... 27 Using external magnetic compass .......................................................................... 28
4.2.4. “CAN/COM4” tab ............................................................................................................. 29 Configuration of CAN messages output ................................................................. 29 Configuration of COM4 port .................................................................................... 30 Configuration of Analog Output .............................................................................. 31
4.2.5. “Ethernet” tab .................................................................................................................. 32 Device network settings.......................................................................................... 32 Accessing target devices with Modbus TCP ........................................................... 33
4.2.6. “Triggers” tab with PPS control ....................................................................................... 34
4.3. Correction options ................................................................................................................. 36
4.4. Sensors options .................................................................................................................... 37
4.5. Swaying compensation ......................................................................................................... 38
4.6. Magnetometers calibration options (for MRU-E only) ............................................................ 39
4.7. User Defined Data................................................................................................................. 40
4.7.1. Review and editing of the existing configuration of the “User defined data” format in
MRU unit ................................................................................................................................... 43
4.7.2. “User defined data” format configuration file (*.udd)........................................................ 44
4.7.3. MRU start with “User defined data” output format ........................................................... 45
Run Menu ................................................................................................................................... 46
5.1. MRU 3D ................................................................................................................................ 46
5.2. Cockpit style of visualization ................................................................................................. 50
5.3. On-the-fly accuracy style of visualization .............................................................................. 50
5.4. Data graphs style of visualization .......................................................................................... 51
5.5. Other items of the Run menu ................................................................................................ 53
File Menu .................................................................................................................................... 54
6.1. “Open” item ........................................................................................................................... 54
6.2. “Save as” item ....................................................................................................................... 55
Parameters menu ....................................................................................................................... 56
7.1. Restore parameters .............................................................................................................. 56
7.2. Save parameters ................................................................................................................... 57

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 7
User Manual Revision 1.27
7.3. Preset parameters................................................................................................................. 57
Plugins Menu .............................................................................................................................. 59
8.1. Embedded (for MRU-E only) ................................................................................................. 59
8.2. Magnetometers field calibration (for MRU-E only)................................................................. 61
8.3. Angles accuracy .................................................................................................................... 62
8.4. Magnetometers axes alignment ............................................................................................ 63
8.5. World Magnetic Model updating ............................................................................................ 64
8.6. Firmware and parameters update ......................................................................................... 65
Convert Menu ............................................................................................................................. 66
9.1. Report of experiment ............................................................................................................. 66
9.2. Convert log data to bin file .................................................................................................... 66
The MRU operation ................................................................................................................... 67
10.1. The main operation modes of the MRU .............................................................................. 67
10.2. Features of Heave calculation in the MRU .......................................................................... 70
10.2.1. Adjustment of the algorithm of heave calculation .......................................................... 71
10.2.2. Heave calculation for chosen point of the carrier object ................................................ 72 Static monitoring point .......................................................................................... 72 Dynamic monitoring point ..................................................................................... 73
10.2.3. Delayed Time Heave ..................................................................................................... 74
10.2.4. Significant Wave Height calculation .............................................................................. 75
10.3. Calibration of the MRU-E magnetometers .......................................................................... 76
10.3.1. Description of the 2D, 3D, VG3D, and 2D-2T calibration procedures ........................... 78
10.3.2. Clearing of the soft and hard iron calibration parameters.............................................. 84
10.3.3. Conditions of successful calibration of the MRU-E........................................................ 85
10.3.4. Choice of set of MRU calibration parameters ................................................................ 86
10.4. Accuracy test of the MRU ................................................................................................... 87
10.4.1. Separate accuracy test for each reference angle .......................................................... 87
10.4.2. On-the-fly accuracy test ................................................................................................ 90
10.5. MRU automatic start ........................................................................................................... 93
10.6. Operations with CAN data ................................................................................................... 95
10.6.1. Review and editing of the existing configuration of the “CAN message set” format in
MRU unit ................................................................................................................................... 98
10.6.2. “CAN message set” format configuration file (*.ucan) ................................................... 99
10.6.3. Modifying the DBC file to interpret the CAN messages ................................................. 99
10.7. MRU and SAMC axes alignment....................................................................................... 101
10.7.1. Description of the axes alignment procedures ............................................................ 101
10.7.2. Clearing axes alignment angles .................................................................................. 103
The procedure of MRU firmware and parameters updating .................................................... 105
11.1. Using MRU GUI for firmware and parameters update ....................................................... 105
11.2. Direct run of firmware and parameters update utility ......................................................... 107
Continuous self-monitoring of the MRU health........................................................................ 108
Choice of 3D model for visualization of the MRU orientation .................................................. 109
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................... 110
14.1. How to repair the MRU parameters................................................................................... 110
14.2. What do you have to do at strange behavior of the MRU................................................... 111
14.3. What do you have to do if messages “Cannot read parameters!”, “Cannot load
parameters!”, or “Cannot start MRU” appear ............................................................................ 112

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 8
User Manual Revision 1.27
APPENDIX A. Installation of the COM-to-USB converter drivers and configuration of PC
parameters................................................................................................................................... 113
APPENDIX B. Installation of the MOXA Serial-to-USB converter drivers (for MRU with RS-422
interface) ...................................................................................................................................... 118
APPENDIX C. Description of data files ....................................................................................... 121
C.1. Structure of binary file ......................................................................................................... 121
C.2. Text presentation of output data formats ............................................................................ 142
APPENDIX D. The Unit Status Word definition ........................................................................... 152
APPENDIX E. Variants of the Inertial Labs™ MRU mounting relative to object axes ................. 154
APPENDIX F. Position of the accelerometer mass-center in the MRU unit ................................ 157
APPENDIX G. Using Ethernet port for communication with the Inertial Labs™ MRU ................. 158
G.1. Connection overview .......................................................................................................... 158
G.2. Connection steps................................................................................................................ 159
G.3. Networking details .............................................................................................................. 159
G.4. Checking the connection to the network ............................................................................. 160
G.5. Communication over Ethernet using a Virtual Serial Port ................................................... 161
G.6. Communication over Ethernet in TCP/IP mode .................................................................. 161
G.7. Communication over Ethernet in Auto Start mode ............................................................. 165
UDP messages logging/monitoring ......................................................................................... 167
APPENDIX H. Using the Internal Datalogger ............................................................................... 169
H.1 Preparing MRU for Operation with Datalogger .................................................................... 169
H.2 Description of Web Based Internal Datalogger Interface ..................................................... 169
H.3 Automatic Logging and Recycling ....................................................................................... 174
H.4 Converting Outputted Data to *.txt File ................................................................................ 174
H.5 Notes on Applications of Internal Datalogger ...................................................................... 175
H.6 Setting up a DHCP Server to Use the Internal Datalogger .................................................. 177
H.7 The Procedure of the Datalogger Updating ......................................................................... 180
For Logger Versions Prior to 3.0.0 .......................................................................................... 180
For Logger Versions After 3.0.0 .............................................................................................. 182
APPENDIX I Testing the MRU for the ABB System ..................................................................... 184

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 9
User Manual Revision 1.27

List of Tables
Table 0.1. Measured parameters .................................................................................................... 11
Table 0.2. Association of sections ................................................................................................... 12
Table 4.1. MRU maximum data rate for different output data formats ............................................ 25
Table 4.2. Status value ................................................................................................................... 34
Table 4.3. Groups and data types of the “User Defined Data” ........................................................ 41
Table 10.1. Example of the *.csv file created at accuracy test ........................................................ 93
Table 10.2. Groups and data types of the “CAN message set” ....................................................... 96
Table 10.3 Example of rotation angles .......................................................................................... 102
Table C.1. Structure of the first 50 bytes of *.bin file (block of initial alignment data) .................... 121
Table C.2. Structure of the first 128 bytes of *.bin file at extended block of initial alignment data. 122
Table C.3. The message payload at MRU Calibrated HR Data format ......................................... 123
Table C.4. Values of KH, KS factors for heave, surge and sway data .......................................... 124
Table C.5. The message payload at ABB Smart Winch Drive data format ................................... 124
Table C.6. The message payload at MRU Quaternion Data format .............................................. 126
Table C.7. Values of KG, KA factors for gyro and accelerometer scaled data .............................. 127
Table C.8. The message payload at MRU Minimal Data format ................................................... 127
Table C.9. Payload of the “User Defined Data” ............................................................................. 128
Table C.10. Detailed description of “User Defined Data” structure ............................................... 128
Table C.11. New aiding data indicator .......................................................................................... 130
Table C.12. The MRU message in NMEA format ......................................................................... 131
Table C.13.The MRU message in TSS1 format ............................................................................ 132
Table C.14. The MRU message in Seatex 014 data format .......................................................... 133
Table C.15. The MRU message in Seatex 019 data format .......................................................... 134
Table C.16. The MRU message in Seatex PR data format ........................................................... 135
Table C.17.The MRU message in PSMCC format ........................................................................ 136
Table C.18. The MRU message in PRDID format ......................................................................... 137
Table C.19. Byte structure for Simrad EM3000 data format.......................................................... 137
Table C.20. Available status byte values ...................................................................................... 137
Table C.21. Byte structure for MRU Normal 85 data format.......................................................... 138
Table C.22. Byte structure for MRU Normal 10 data format.......................................................... 139
Table C.23. Byte structure for MRU Normal 37 data format.......................................................... 139
Table C.24. Byte structure for MRU Normal 0E data format ......................................................... 140
Table D.1. The Unit Status Word description ................................................................................ 152
Table D.2. The unit status word USW2 description ....................................................................... 153

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 10
User Manual Revision 1.27

This manual is designed to review over the software and uses of the Inertial Labs ™
Motion Reference Unit (MRU).

Use of the MRU should be restricted to only those who have read its user manual
and are following the safety measures specified in that user manual.

Inertial Labs™ provides the following types of MRU


 MRU-B (Basic) – includes gyros,

accelerometers and pressure sensor;
 MRU-E (Enhanced) – includes gyros,
accelerometers, magnetometers and
pressure sensor;
 MRU-P (Professional) – includes gyros,
accelerometers, magnetometers,
pressure sensor and GNSS receiver.
 MRU-PD (Professional, Dual-antenna) -
includes gyros, accelerometers, pressure
sensor and dual-antenna GNSS receiver. Fig. 0.1. Inertial Labs™ MRU

Measured parameters of each MRU product are shown in the Table 0.1.

Table 0.1. Measured parameters

Heave + + + +
Delayed Time Heave + + + +
Pitch & Roll + + + +
Heading + + +
Linear Velocity + +
Position + +

Because MRU-B has no magnetometers and does not measure heading, some
sections of this manual are not related to MRU-B. The Table 0.2 specifies sections
which are associated to different MRU devices. MRU-P, MRU-PD are described in
another document (MRU-PD User Manual and ICD).

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 11
User Manual Revision 1.27
Table 0.2. Association of sections
Section MRU-B MRU-E
4.6. Magnetometers calibration options 
8.1. Embedded 
8.2. Magnetometers field calibration 
10.3 Calibration of the MRU-E 

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 12
User Manual Revision 1.27

The most important notes

Subject Note
Heading angle Heading angle calculation is provided in the Inertial Labs™ MRU-E only.
To view and edit MRU must be connected to computer and powered.
MRU parameters Serial port number to which MRU is connected and its baud rate should be chosen in
the “Test options” menu (see section 4.1).
Data rate It can be changed in the “Device options” menu, but it must not exceed maximum value
shown in the Table 4.1 (see section
Object hard and For MRU-E only. Do not forget to calibrate MRU-E on hard and soft iron after mounting
soft iron on carrier object (see section 10.3).
True or magnetic For MRU-E only. If the magnetic declination is set correctly then MRU-E outputs true
heading heading, if magnetic declination is set to zero then MRU-E outputs magnetic heading
(see section 4.2.1).
To increase Use “Swaying compensation options…” from the “Options” menu (see section 4.5).
accuracy at object
Automatic start MRU has ability to start operation automatically after power on with continuous output
data in desirable output data format (see section 10.5).

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 13
User Manual Revision 1.27

General information
Operating system

This version of the GUI software is fully compatible Microsoft XP, Vista, 7, 8,

Working with the software

The “Inertial Labs MRU GUI” software is a Win32 application, and keyboard and
mouse are required to use it. The directory structure necessary to store data is
created by the user. All necessary configuration and calibration coefficients are
stored in the MRU in nonvolatile memory and are automatically loaded into the
MRU microprocessor. Calibration coefficients are set by the MRU developer,
and should only be changed under the guidance of the MRU developer. When
the “Inertial Labs MRU GUI” software is closed, it creates a file named default
*.prm file for its operation, which it uses to store the latest parameters of the
microprocessor and shell. When working with the MRU, the system will
automatically create files with the extensions *.prm, *.dat, and *.bin when
saving text or graphical data. Additionally, the operator can create files with
the extensions *.txt and *.rtf.

Requirements to the system resources

The software requires 6 Mbytes of RAM for proper operation. It requires

approximately 25 Mbytes of hard drive space for the GUI software files, and
additional space for files saved during operation (usually no more than 100
Mbytes). The recommended minimum screen resolution is 1280х1024 pixels.
The MRU is connected to the PC through either a COM port or a USB port
when using the COM-to-USB converter. If using a COM-to-USB converter,
reliability of signal reception/transmission between a PC and the MRU can
depend greatly on the quality of the COM-to-USB converter and on correct
configuration of its driver. MRU manufacturer guarantees reliable operation of
the MRU if it is connected directly to the COM port. Appendix A. contains
descriptions for installation and configuration of drivers for one of the possible
COM-to-USB converters.

Requirements to operators

The MRU GUI software uses a standard Windows operating system. Therefore,
operators should know the basic principles of PC operation to use the GUI
software, and they should be able to use the Windows operating system.

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 14
User Manual Revision 1.27

Installation of drivers and configuration of PC

The “Inertial Labs MRU GUI” software doesn’t require any installation. Just copy the
software folder to the working directory and launch the application.

When you connect the MRU to a standard computer COM port, drivers are not
needed. If the MRU is connected to a USB port with a COM-to-USB converter, in
some cases a driver may be required, see “Appendix A. Installation of the COM-to-
USB converter drivers and configuration of PC parameters” for more details.

If you use the MRU with RS-422 interface you need to install RS422-to-USB
converter driver, see “Appendix B. Installation of the MOXA Serial-to-USB converter
drivers (for MRU with RS-422 interface)”.

To know the numbers of the PC COM ports, go to “Device Manager” window

(Control Panel/System and Security/System/Device Manager). In the opened
“Device Manager” window (Fig. 2.1) you will see the COM ports which will be
marked as “Communications Port (COMN)” or “USB Serial Port (COMN)” or
“MOXA USB Serial Port (COMN)”. Number N in the port name is assigned by OS.

Fig. 2.1.

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 15
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Main menu of the program

The main menu of the “Inertial Labs MRU GUI” software contains the following items
(see Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1.

File Menu contains standard Windows file management commands ( Fig. 3.2).
Run Menu contains the MRU control commands (Fig. 3.3).
Parameters Menu contains operations with MRU parameters (Fig. 3.4).
Plugins Menu contains the MRU GUI plugins (Fig. 3.5).
Convert Menu contains conversion of binary data to the text format (Fig. 3.6).
Options Menu contains the MRU configuration commands (Fig. 3.7).

Fig. 3.2. Fig. 3.3. Fig. 3.4.

Fig. 3.5. Fig. 3.6. Fig. 3.7.

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 16
User Manual Revision 1.27

Icons for the most often used commands are placed on toolbars.


MRU visualization, F4 Stop MRU


Restore parameters Save parameters


Report of experiment, F8


Test options Swaying compensation options

Devices options Magnetometers calibration options

Correction options User defined data

Sensor options

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 17
User Manual Revision 1.27

Options Menu

4.1. Test options

To establish a connection with

MRU unit and set the format of
output data, select «Test
options…» (Fig. 3.7) from the
«Options» menu (or click
button). A «Test Options» dialog
box (Fig. 4.1) will be opened.

Fig. 4.1.

If the connection is establishing through a serial port, go to the serial tab and set the
following parameters:

 Serial port – is the COM port number to which MRU is connected.

 Baud rate – is the set rate of computer COM port for connection of MRU
unit. See section for details. The default value of the baud rate is
115200 bps.

The MRU GUI software can be used to interface with

the MRU unit not only through serial port but also over
an Ethernet connection. In such a case, go to the
Ethernet tab (see Fig. 4.2) and set there the following

 IP address – is the MRU IP address.

 Port number – the number of the MRU port. Fig. 4.2.

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 18
User Manual Revision 1.27
Important notes:

1. To be able to connect to the MRU unit through Ethernet, the device must be
preconfigured for that (see section
2. This connection through Ethernet is supported by MRU GUI since version
from 2020-12-01. In the case of using an earlier GUI version, see Appendix G.

Also, you can set the following parameters in the «Test Options» window:

 Allow data saving checkbox – allows recording the test data to file. If it
is unchecked, then no file will be created and no message «Data are
writing in file» will be displayed.
 Enable debug log – allows recording to the log file of a test run. In case
of the MRU GUI crash it can be used to debug errors. The log file
contains information about commands that were sent by the MRU GUI
and errors that appeared. In case of errors this file should be sent to the
Inertial Labs with a brief description of user actions.
 Allow auto start checkbox – allows operation with MRU which was
already started before the running of the MRU GUI software. See section
10.5 for details.
 Create separate run folder – allows automatic creation of separate data
folder for each run. On default this option is disabled.
 Record time – sets data recording time in hours:minutes:seconds format.
The parameter is active when data is being saved to file. Values of hours,
minutes and seconds can be changed with the arrows or by entering the
required value from a keyboard.
 Number data for average – the quantity of averaged data. This can be
used for smoothing of viewed data. Note that averaging relates to the
data output on the screen only and is not applied to the data written in a
file. The minimal value for the parameter is 1 and changed with the
arrows to 1 or by entering the required value from a keyboard. The
default value is 1.
 Operating Mode – defines MRU’s output method, Continuous or stepped
On Request. The default value is Continuous.
 Output Data Format – sets format of the MRU output data. Select one of
the formats:
• MRU Calibrated HR Data,
• ABB Smart Winch Drive,
• MRU Quaternion Data,
• MRU Minimal Data,
• TSS1,

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 19
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• Seatex 010,
• Seatex 014,
• Seatex 019,
• Seatex PR,
• Simrad EM3000,
• MRU Normal 0E,
• MRU Normal 10,
• MRU Normal 37,
• MRU Normal 85,
• User Defined Data (see section 4.7 for details).

For more information on the output data formats see Appendix C. The default value is
«MRU Calibrated HR Data» output format.

4.2. Devices options

To set and control of MRU operation parameters, select «Devices options…» from
the «Options» menu (Fig. 3.7), or click button (Fig. 3.1). A «Devices Options»
(Fig. 4.3) dialog box will be opened. There are two tabs “IMU” and “Pressure

Fig. 4.4.

Fig. 4.3.

Note, «Device option…» item is available only if:

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 20
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 MRU is powered,
 and MRU is connected to computer,
 and СОМ port number and its baud rate are chosen properly,
 and MRU initialization time (about 25 sec after power on) is completed so
LED indicator lights red.

In the other case the error window with message «Cannot read parameters!»
appears over above window (see Fig. 4.4). Click «OK», then close «Device
Options» window and choose the correct COM port number (see section 4.1 Test

4.2.1. “IMU” tab

There are options for the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). You can check or set the
following parameters in the “IMU” tab of the «Devices Options» window Fig. 4.3:

 IMU type shows type of IMU inside the MRU unit. This parameter cannot
be changed.
 COM Port bps – sets baud rate of the MRU COM port (see section
“ Change of the COM port baud rate” for details). Default value is
set to 115200 bps.
 Data rate (Hz) – sets data rate in Hertz. Minimal value of the parameter is
1, maximal value is 200; it is changed with the arrows to 10 or by
entering the required value from a keyboard. Default value is set to 100.

Important note: the maximum data rate is limited by chosen baud rate of the COM port
which the MRU unit is connected to, and also it depends on chosen output data format
(see Fig. 4.1) because of different number of transferred bytes. See section “
Limitation of the MRU maximum data rate” for details.

 Initial alignment time (sec) – sets the initial alignment time in seconds.
By default, the initial alignment time is set to 0 and the initial alignment
process is skipped. As an option, the value of the initial alignment time
may be increased to achieve better MRU dynamic accuracy, when a
carrier object is unmovable during MRU initial alignment. If requirement
of immobility is disregarded, then large errors may occur in
orientation angles calculation. The MRU output data will be displayed in
respective windows only after the time set in this parameter is over.
 Extended Initial alignment data checkbox specifies format of block of
the initial alignment data. If checkbox is set, then MRU outputs extended
initial alignment data block after initial alignment is complete. Otherwise

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 21
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MRU outputs short block of the initial alignment data (see Appendix C.1
for details).
 Averaged output data checkbox is valid if output data rate is set to less
than 200 Hz. If this checkbox is checked then MRU outputs average
data, otherwise instant data are outputted.
 IMU s/n – specifies the serial number of the IMU inside the MRU unit.
This parameter cannot be changed.
 MRU s/n – specifies the serial number of the MRU in use. This parameter
cannot be changed.
 Device firmware version – the firmware version of the MRU in use. It
consists of symbols of the firmware type, firmware version and date of
this version issue separated by blanks. This parameter cannot be
 Latitude (deg.) – latitude of the MRU operating location.
 Longitude (deg.) – longitude of the MRU operational location.
 Altitude (meters) – altitude above sea level of the MRU operational
 Date – day, month and year when the MRU is used.

Note: it is necessary to set current latitude, longitude, altitude, year, month, day only for
MRU-E, in two cases:

1. if the magnetic declination is unknown so its calculation inside the MRU-E is

required for current place and date;
2. before hard/soft iron calibration of the MRU-E magnetometers (see section 4.6).

 Magnetic declination (deg.) – magnetic declination at the place where

the MRU-E operates. The parameter value is changed by entering the
required value from a keyboard or it is calculated by click on “Calculate”
button, using Latitude, Longitude, Altitude and Date values. Default value
of the magnetic declination is set to 0.


1. Magnetic declination is calculated using the World Magnetic Model produced by the
National Centers for Environmental Information and the British Geological Survey,
see See section 8.5 for
updating of the World Magnetic Model.
2. If the magnetic declination is set correctly then MRU-E outputs true heading, if
magnetic declination is set to zero then MRU-E outputs magnetic heading.
3. Heading angle calculation is available only in the Inertial Labs TM MRU-E.
4. Since firmware version the magnetic declination value can be calculated in
the MRU-E automatically based on received external position data. Check “Auto”

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 22
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check-box (see Fig. 4.3) to activate this option. Also, it is possible to receive a date
external that allows to have the magnetic declination up to date. See MRU ICD,
section “5.5.1 Aiding data input through the main COM port” for details of receiving
external aiding data.

 Alignment angles (deg.) – angles between the MRU axes and the carrier
object are set after MRU mounting, see Appendix E. Default values are
set to 0 degrees.
 Auto start – enables or disables automatic start of the MRU and data
output after power on without any command from the host computer.
Specifies output data format. See section 10.5 for details.

Before working with the «Options» menu, it is desirable to select «Stop MRU» in
the «Run» menu or press F7 key (Fig. 3.3).

Note: you can select «Device option…» item only if MRU is powered and connected to
computer, and СОМ port number and its baud rate are chosen properly. In the other case
the error window with message «Cannot read parameters!» appears over above window
(see Fig. 4.4). Click «OK», then close «Device Options» window and choose the correct
COM port number and its baud rate (see section “4.1. Test options”). Change of the COM port baud rate

The default baud rate for MRU COM port is set to 115200 bps (maximum for the
standard COM-port). If the host computer requires other baud rate for the MRU
connection, then user can choose one from the next list: 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600 bps. The same baud rate must be
set in the «Test Options» of the MRU GUI Program.


1. Baud rate change is implemented in the MRU firmware version since and it
is supported by MRU GUI since version from 03/18/2016.
2. To allow baud rate change the MRU unit must be connected to computer and
3. Standard COM-port of a host computer (PC) does not support baud rate greater than
115200 bps. Therefore, some Serial-to-USB adapter should be used for MRU
connection to the host computer.
4. Baud rate must be set the same both for MRU unit and in the MRU GUI to allow this
software to control MRU unit.

At first, set correct COM port baud rate in the «Test Options» (see Fig. 4.1). It must
be the same as it set in the MRU unit. If COM port baud rate in the MRU unit is
unknown, then click «Auto» button. After several seconds window with caption

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 23
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“Serial port baud rate XXXXXX was successfully determined” will appear (see Fig.
4.5) and determined baud rate will appear in the «Test Options» window.

Fig. 4.5.

To change COM port baud rate in the MRU unit go to the «Devices Options», “IMU”
tab (see Fig. 4.3) and choose necessary baud rate from the list as Fig. 4.6 shows.

After the baud rate choice click «OK» button to load changed parameters to the
MRU nonvolatile memory. Then the information windows shown on the Fig. 4.7 and
Fig. 4.8 appear. Click «OK» button to close these windows. Note COM port baud
rate in the «Test Options» will change to chosen value, too, to keep communication
between the MRU GUI software and MRU unit.

Fig. 4.7.

Fig. 4.8.
Fig. 4.6. Limitation of the MRU maximum data rate

When setting of the data rate for the MRU unit in the «Devices Options», “IMU” tab
(see Fig. 4.3) it is essential to ensure the chosen baud rate is capable of handling
the data throughput with desirable data rate. The maximum data rate (in Hz) can be
calculated using the baud rate and data package length:

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 24
User Manual Revision 1.27

max_data_rate  , (4.1)
bits_per_byte * package_length

where COM_baud_rate is COM port baud rate (bits/s); bits_per_byte = 11 bits per
one transferred byte of data; package_length is payload length of chosen output
data format (for binary data package_length = payload length plus 8 bytes of

Note: The maximum data rate of MRU data is limited by 200 Hz.

Since firmware version, the MRU can only output at data rates that are
factors of 200 (1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, and 200 Hz). Calculated
maximum data rates using equation (4.1) must be rounded down to the nearest
factor of 200 that is listed above. The actual values of the maximum data rates
calculated in this way for each output data format with its respective data package
length are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. MRU maximum data rate for different output data formats
Data COM-port baud rate, bps
Output data format 9600 19200 38400 115200 230400 460800
bytes Maximum data rate, Hz
MRU Calibrated HR Data 72+8 10 20 40 100 200 200
ABB Smart Winch Drive 80+8 8 10 25 100 200 200
MRU Quaternion Data 56+8 10 20 50 100 200 200
MRU Minimal Data 34+8 20 40 50 200 200 200
MRU NMEA 58 10 25 50 100 200 200
TSS1 27 25 50 100 200 200 200
TSS1+HEHDT 47 10 25 50 200 200 200
Seatex 010 63 10 20 50 100 200 200
Seatex 014 53 10 25 50 100 200 200
Seatex 019 63 10 20 50 100 200 200
Seatex PR 43 20 40 50 200 200 200
PSMCC 99 8 10 25 100 200 200
PRDID 32 25 50 100 200 200 200
HEHDT (via COM4) 20 40 50 100 200 200 200
GPGGA (via COM4) 82 10 20 40 100 200 200
Simrad EM3000 10 50 100 200 200 200 200
MRU Normal 85 40 20 40 50 200 200 200
MRU Normal 10 52 10 25 50 200 200 200
MRU Normal 37 56 10 25 50 100 200 200
MRU Normal 0E 40 20 40 50 200 200 200

MRU GUI controls correctness of the data rate setting. If user sets data rate in the
«Devices Options» (see Fig. 4.3) which exceeds limits shown in Table 4.1, then
warning window Fig. 4.9 appears.

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 25
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Click “Yes” button to correct entered data rate or “No” to ignore this warning. The
last case makes sense if user wants to choose another output data format in the
«Test Options» with less length of data package. But in any case MRU controls
acceptable data rate onboard at start to not allow excess of maximum value.

If user choose output data format in the «Test Options» window that does not
match to set data rate then warning window Fig. 4.10 appears.

Fig. 4.9. Fig. 4.10.

4.2.2. “Pressure sensor” tab

There are settings for the pressure sensor that is used for heave calculation in the
MRU (see Fig. 4.11).

You can change parameters in the

“Pressure sensor” tab of «Devices
Options» window:

 Baro-altimeter drop-down list

contains variants of the
pressure sensor using for
MRU altitude calculation (On
default Baro-altimeter is
• disabled; Fig. 4.11.
• enabled.

 Pressure sensor noise STD sets value of standard deviation of the

pressure sensor noise.

See section “10.2.1. Adjustment of the algorithm of heave calculation” for more
detailed explanation of operations with the pressure sensor at heave calculation.

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4.2.3. “External sensors” tab

Using external sensors data can improve

MRU orientation and heave calculation
especially at carrier object maneuvers and

Choice of available external sensors and

setting of their parameters can be done in
the “External sensors” tab of “Devices
options…” window (see Fig. 4.12).

Fig. 4.12. Using the main COM1 port for aiding data input

The Inertial Labs TM MRU uses the main COM1 port for commands and data transfer
between the MRU and a host computer.

Since MRU firmware version it is possible to send external aiding data to
MRU unit using the main COM1 port during MRU ordinary operation when MRU
outputs data through COM1 port. Aiding data gives the next advantages to MRU:

 Using any kind of velocity data allows to increase MRU dynamic accuracy
due to compensation for linear accelerations of the carrier object at
 Using position data allows to update the magnetic declination
automatically for calculation of the true heading at the carrier object
moves on long distance.

Check “COM1 Aiding data” checkbox to allow aiding data input. By default, aiding
data input is disabled.

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 Log offset relative to the IMU (m) is the lever arm measured from the
accelerometer mass-center of the MRU unit to the log sensor point in the
vehicle coordinate frame, in the right, forward and vertical directions.
 DVL reference frame specifies the coordinate frame in which Doppler
Velocity Log (DVL) outputs velocity – object axes or (East, North, Up).

If velocity is used as external aiding data, then set appropriate value of velocity
noise standard deviation in field “STD_Vh (m/s)”. Please contact Inertial Labs to get
recommendations on this parameter value.

See MRU ICD, section “5.5.1 Aiding data input through the main COM port” for
details. Using external magnetic compass

The Inertial Labs TM MRU can be factory configured to use the external Stand Alone
Magnetic Compass (SAMC) instead of on-board magnetometers to measure
components of the Earth magnetic field. The SAMC could be installed in part of
carrier object with good magnetic environment. If MRU unit contains on-board
magnetometers, the SAMC will be used instead them.

To use the SAMC, chose the sensor type from “Use external magnetic compass”
drop-down list (see Fig. 4.12):

 OS3D-FG.
 miniAHRS.

If such sensors were acquired for the use as SAMC intentionally, the Inertial Labs
initially configure them for appropriate work. But the user can configure them
independently as follows:

 For OS3D-FG: configure the unit to auto output "Calibrated sensor data”
at 800 Hz and 1000000 bps.
 For miniAHRS: configure the unit to auto output "IMU GAM” data at 400
Hz and 921600 bps.


1. The SAMC can be installed with any orientation relative to the MRU unit.
2. Before using of external SAMC, it is necessary to align the SAMC axes to MRU axes
(see section 0 for details). However, If the procedure of axes alignment cannot be
performed, it is possible to set the angles manually in the Alignment angles area
(see Fig. 4.12).

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3. If external SAMC is used, then hard/soft iron calibration of its magnetometers should
be performed in the same way as for MRU magnetometers (see section 10.3 for
4. Any change of “Use external magnetic compass” setting gets applied only after unit
power off/on.

4.2.4. “CAN/COM4” tab

“CAN / COM4” tab (see Fig.

4.13) combines
configuration of CAN
messages output and
variants of using COM4
port, not allowing choice of
incompatible variants and
other mismatch.

Fig. 4.13. Configuration of CAN messages output

To allow MRU output of CAN messages

it is necessary to choose variant of the
CAN data in the drop-down list (see Fig.
4.14). The Inertial Labs TM MRU supports
CAN standards 2.0A and 2.0B – with 11
bit base identifier and 29 bit extended
Fig. 4.14.

Then in the “CAN/COM4” tab the user can configure the following parameters (see
Fig. 4.14):

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 29
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 CAN baud rate;

 Components of the CAN identifier – Priority_EDP_DP, PDU_Format,
Device identifier;
 CAN message set.

See section “10.6 Operations with CAN data” for details.


1. It is necessary to power off / on the MRU after changing any of parameters in

“CAN/COM4” tab to re-initialize CAN port.
2. MRU GUI software checks compatibility of chosen options in the “CAN / COM4” tab.
So if “Use CAN output” is set, then COM4 cannot be used for messages
input/output. Configuration of COM4 port

“COM Port 4” fields (see Fig. 4.13) allow to choose variant of COM4 port using as
Fig. 4.15 shows:

 HEHDT output – to output NMEA HEHDT messages through COM4 port;

 NMEA input – to input VTG and HDT NMEA messages (velocity and
heading data) from external devices via COM4 port to improve MRU
dynamic accuracy (see MRU ICD section “5.5.2 NMEA aiding data input
through COM4 port” for details);
 Simrad EM3000 output – to output data in Simrad EM3000 format
through COM4 port;
 Monitoring Point input – to input coordinates of the dynamic monitoring
point for heave calculation (see section 10.2.2 for details).
 Seatex 014 output – to output data in Seatex 014 format through COM4
 GPGGA output – to output NMEA GPGGA messages through COM4 port;
 Analog output – to form data for analog output through a junction box
(see section for details).

Fig. 4.15.

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User Manual Revision 1.27

Also, user should configure the next parameters in the “COM Port 4” fields:

 Data rate – for data output through COM4 port;

 Port bps – COM4 port baud rate.


1. It is necessary to power off / on the MRU after changing any of parameters in the
“COM Port 4” field to re-initialize COM4 port.
2. MRU GUI software checks compatibility of chosen options in the “CAN / COM4” tab.
So if other than “Disabled” variant is chosen in the “COM Port 4” field, then CAN
messages cannot be output, and “Use CAN output” becomes “Disabled”. Configuration of Analog Output

By a specific request, the device can be equipped with the Junction Box that
provides an analog output signals of desired data through 6 channels.

The MRU`s COM4 port can be assigned to form data for analog output through a
junction box by choosing the appropriate usage variant (see Fig. 4.15). In such a
case the COM4 baud rate sets to 460800 bps and COM4 data rate sets to the main
COM1 data rate automatically. After that, the configuration window for junction box
channels pop-ups on the screen (see Fig. 4.16).

Fig. 4.16.

For chosen analog channels, the user must specify the desired data with their gain
and offset. The limit on the output signal is fixed to ±10 Volt.

Gain sets according to the formula:

Voltage out (in Volts) = Gain * (selected data + Offset)

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The gain therefore has scaling volts per physical unit (for instance, volts/ deg).

4.2.5. “Ethernet” tab

At the “Ethernet” tab (see Fig. 4.17) placed network settings for the MRU unit.

Fig. 4.17. Device network settings

To be able to connect to the MRU unit through Ethernet, an internal Ethernet

module must be initialized. In this order, the following settings present:

 Ethernet initialization – this switch Disables or Enables configuration of

Ethernet parameters.
 Status – shows the initialization state of the MRU’s internal Ethernet
module. The following status values are possible:
• Unknown;
• Successful initialization;
• Failed initialization. PCB version isn’t v3.0 or device uses a ublox
• Failed initialization. Error in baud rate detection;

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• Failed initialization. Error in entering AT mode;

• Failed initialization. Error in sending AT command.

The MRU IP and port settings area consists the following adjustable MRU

 Obtain an IP address automatically check box – if checked, then the

server assigns the MRU IP address automatically (dynamic IP), if not
checked, all settings should be set manually (static IP).
 Port – sets the number of the MRU port.
 IP address – specifies the MRU IP address.
 Subnet mask – specifies the MRU subnet mask.
 Default gateway – specifies the MRU default gateway.

Notice, if a computer would like to be used to

configure and monitor data output, then the
MRU must be specified as a server in a
network. In this order, under the “To access
configuration PC” column from Work mode
drop-down list choose TCP Server (see Fig.
Fig. 4.18. Accessing target devices with Modbus TCP

It is possible to have up to two target devices on the network that can receive data
from the MRU at the same time in Modbus TCP. In such a case, the MRU must be
specified as a client on the network, and for each target device, the appropriate IP
and port must be also set.

Note: The MRU unit will not communicate with any other devices with different IP
addresses other than the ones being selected in the Remote socket fields.

The following configuration parameters are under the “To access target #1” and
the “To access target #2” columns:

 Data rate – sets the output data rate from the drop-down list, in Hertz.
 Remote socket – specifies the device’s socket (IP) address and its port
to which the MRU unit should be connected.

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 Work mode – specifies the network protocol for data transmission.

Available values are:
• TCP Client
• TCP Server
 Function code – specifies standard function code used on the MODBUS
application layer protocol. The following code is supported:
• 16 (Write multiple registers)
 Output data – specifies the data type. Available output data is:
• Heave Local & Remote
• Heave Local
 First register – specifies the register address in the range from 400001
to 465536. Table 4.2 shows the applied values.

Table 4.2. Status value

Register Parameter Data type Unit and scaling
400004 Heave int16 Meters Resolution 0.001
400005 Heave Velocity int16 Meter/second Resolution 0.001m/s
400006 Acceleration Z int16 Meter/second2 Resolution 0.001m/s2
400007 Roll Angle int16 Degrees Resolution 0.01° (+ve=port up)
400008 Pitch Angle int16 Degrees Resolution 0.01° (+ve=bow down)
400009 Watchdog Counter int16 Counter message incremental 0-32767
400010 Remote heave int16 Meters Resolution 0.001

Notice, the MRU has the “ABB Smart Winch Drive” data format which allows for data
observations to be transmitted through MODBUS TCP and visualized in the MRU
GUI. The exact structure of the data format is shown in Table C.5.

4.2.6. “Triggers” tab with PPS control

The Inertial Labs™ MRU outputs the pulse per second (PPS) signal for data
synchronization with other devices. PPS pulse is shown on the Fig. 4.19 and Fig.

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Fig. 4.19. PPS pulse Fig. 4.20. PPS pulse; 5V TTL (optional)

Also, the MRU unit can be configured to input external PPS signal to synchronize
MRU calculations and data output with the external source of PPS. In this case, the
parameters set in the PPS control group should correspond with the actual
provided PPS signal.

PPS parameters are adjustable. For

this purpose “Triggers” tab of the
“Devices options” menu can be used
(see Fig. 4.21).

Fig. 4.21.

The following settings, inside PPS control group, are available:

 PPS signal allows configuring PPS signal mode (Disabled, Output, Input).
Default value is output PPS signal.
 Polarity specifies the pulse polarity: negative or positive. Default is
negative polarity.
 Period (s) allows to set period of PPS in seconds. To change this
parameter please select required value of the period from the dropdown
list. Default value is 1.0 second.
 Pulse width (µs) specifies the pulse width in microseconds. Default value
of the parameter is 1000µs and it can be changed to ±1 with arrows or by
entering the necessary value from a keyboard.

Note: Maximum period of MRU PPS signal is limited to 6 seconds.

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4.3. Correction options

There are parameters for adjustment of the MRU algorithm of orientation and heave
calculation. Select «Correction options…» from the «Options» menu (Fig. 3.7), or
click button (Fig. 3.1). A «Correction Options» dialog window will be opened
(see Fig. 4.22). There are two tabs:

 “Settings” tab (see Fig. 4.22) contains:

• Extrapolation time parameter to predict of orientation angles for
time which is specified. Extrapolation adds noise to the signal
therefore it should be used only on tests with smooth motion;
• GyroF_Bandwidth parameter sets bandwidth of filtered gyro data
which can be output in “User Defined Data” messages (see Table
4.3). Default value of GyroF_Bandwidth is zero (additional filter is
not applied to gyro data).
 “Heave calculation” tab contains parameters for algorithm of heave
calculation (see Fig. 4.23).

Fig. 4.22. Fig. 4.23.

See section “10.2.1 Adjustment of the algorithm of heave calculation”, for detailed
explanation of parameters in the “Heave calculation” tab.

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4.4. Sensors options

To set and control MRU sensors parameters, select “Sensors options…” from the
“Options” menu (Fig. 3.7), or click button (Fig. 3.1). A “Sensors Options” (Fig.
4.24) window opens.

There are the following settings for the MRU gyros and accelerometers:

 Range – shows the measurement range of gyros and accelerometers.

These parameters cannot be changed.
 Output variant – specifies the variant of gyros, accelerometers and
magnetometers output data. This parameter can be changed by choosing
required variant from the drop-down list (see Fig. 4.25). The default
Output variant is set to “Incremental angle and incremental velocity”.
• Instant angular rate and acceleration – when this output is
chosen then MRU outputs the latest sample of sensors data in the
data message.
• Average angular rate and acceleration – when this output is
chosen then MRU outputs the average of the internal 800 Hz or
2000Hz (depending on IMU version) samples between two data
• Incremental Angle and Incremental Velocity – when this output is
chosen then MRU outputs integrals of sensors data calculated for
800 Hz or 2000Hz (depending on IMU version) samples divided by
time step of data output. In fact, gyros and accelerometers data are
presented here as angle increment and velocity increment (Delta
Theta and Delta Velocity) between two data messages divided by
time step of data output. Magnetometers data are the same as at
average sensors data variant.

In all variants of sensors data output, their measurement units are the following:

 gyros data are in deg/s;

 accelerometers data are in g (g=9.8106 m/s 2 );
 magnetometers data are in nT.

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Fig. 4.25.

Fig. 4.24.

4.5. Swaying compensation

It is possible to increase the MRU accuracy at object swaying if to compensate
linear acceleration at place of the MRU mounting. For this purpose select «Swaying
compensation options…» from the «Options» menu (Fig. 3.7) or click button
(Fig. 3.1). A «Swaying compensation options» dialog box (Fig. 4.26) will be
opened that allow you to set the lever of the MRU mounting relative to the center of
the object Swaying (usually this is object center of gravity).

Fig. 4.26.

The lever must be set in the carrier object axes – on the right, forward and up. If
after the MRU mounting its axes X, Y, Z are parallel to the carrier object lateral,
longitudinal and vertical axes, then the MRU position should be measured in the
directions of the MRU X, Y and Z axes. If the MRU unit is mounted on the object in
another known position (up to upside-down, upright etc., see Appendix E. Variants
of the Inertial Labs TM MRU mounting relative to the object axes), then set the MRU

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position just in the object axes (on the right, forward and up directions), but not in
the MRU axes.

4.6. Magnetometers calibration options (for MRU-E only)

The Inertial Labs TM MRU-E uses magnetometers for heading calculation. The
Inertial Labs MRU software allows compensation of influence of the carrier object
hard and soft iron on the heading angle calculation accuracy. For this purpose,
calibration of the MRU-E magnetometers is provided. It is necessary to set group of
parameters “Magnetometers field calibration”. For this purpose select
«Magnetometers calibration options…» from the «Options» menu (Fig. 3.7) or
click button (Fig. 3.1). A «Magnetometers calibration options» dialog box (Fig.
4.27) will be opened.

Fig. 4.27.

 Start with – specifies with what set of calibration parameters the MRU-E
starts. There are four sets: “Last MRU Clb”, “Factory Clb”, “2D-2T, 3D,
VG3D, 2D Clb”. Usually “Start with” parameter is set automatically after
last calibration performed.
 Mag Disp threshold specifies calibration data that should be deleted from
calibration procedure because of MRU-E was not moved at this
procedure. Default value 1000 nT 2 is set by developers and can be
changed after agreement with them.
 Inclination threshold is valid for 2D and 2D-2T calibration types and
determines acceptable pitch and roll deviation from their median in the
calibration run. MRU-E data over this threshold are not used at
calculation of calibration parameters. Default value is 1.5 degrees. This
parameter can be changed after agreement with developer.
 Success threshold is acceptable value of magnetic field calibration error
to have successful result of the 3D calibration if its accuracy cannot be

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 39
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estimated in degrees. Default value is 2500 nT. This parameter can be

changed after agreement with developer.

The next thresholds in the right part of the “Magnetometers calibration on hard &
soft iron” section are used to estimate the calibration quality in terms of possible
MRU-E heading accuracy:

 H-filter time constant is parameter for filtration of measured horizontal

component of the Earth magnetic field. Default value is 0.6 seconds.
 Pitch/Roll threshold is used for detection of control circuit in the 3D
calibration procedure. Default value is 20 degrees.

See section “10.3 Calibration of the MRU-E” for detailed description of

Magnetometers calibration procedure.

4.7. User Defined Data

Since MRU firmware version user can choose desirable MRU data for output
using “User Defined Data” output format. MRU GUI since version from
2018-11-19 supports this data format and provides easy-to-use interface for
configuration of the “User Defined Data”.

At the first, it is necessary to choose MRU data for the “User Defined Data” output.
Select “User defined data…” from the “Options” menu (Fig. 3.7), or click
button (Fig. 3.1). The configuration window “User defined data” will be opened, see
Fig. 4.28.

Field "Select the data types you want to use:" contains all MRU data types that
can be chosen for output. These data types are grouped in appropriate groups:
Orientation data, Navigation data, Sensors data, Service data, External aiding data.
See Table 4.3 for full list of available data types.

There are three columns in the "Select the data types you want to use" window:

 Description: contains the name of the data type;

 Id: contains the ID of the data packet;
 Bytes: contains the size of the data type.

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 – drop-down list of
available MRU
 – selected data
 – to write/read set of
the “User Defined
Data” to/from MRU
flash memory;
 – operations with
*.udd configuration

Fig. 4.28. Configuration window for the

“User Defined Data”

Table 4.3. Groups and data types of the “User Defined Data”
Data group Data type Description
Time data 0x01 MRU time
Orientation data 0x07 Orientation angles
0x08 Orientation angles HR
0x09 Quaternion of orientation
0x0A Quaternion of orientation HR
Navigation data 0x13 Heave
0x14 Heave HR
0x15 Heave velocity
0x16 Surge, Sway
0x17 Surge, Sway HR
0x18 Surge, Sway velocity
0x19 Significant Wave Height
0x1C Delayed Time Heave
Sensors data 0x20 Gyro data
0x21 Gyro data HR
0x22 Accelerometer data
0x23 Accelerometer data HR
0x24 Magnetometer data (MRU-E only)
0x25 Barometer data
0x29 Gyro data filtered
0x2B Matrix for mag soft iron correction
0x2C Matrix for mag hard iron correction
Service data 0x50 Supply voltage
0x51 Stabilized voltage

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0x52 Temperature
0x53 Unit status word (USW)
0x59 Calculation time
0x5A Unit status word (USW2)
External aiding data 0x61 Velocity
0x63 External position
0x65 New aiding data
0x67 DVL (Doppler Velocity Log) data
0x6D Date external
0x6E External horizontal position


1. Unit status word (USW) is highly recommended for choice to control MRU unit state
(see “Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition” for details).
2. If even one package from “External aiding data” group is chosen, then “New aiding
data” is highly recommended for choice too. This is indicator of new update of aiding
data (see Appendix C., Table C.11 for details).
3. See detailed description of the “User Defined Data” in Appendix C., Table C.10.

Chosen data types appear in the "Selected data types" field (see Fig. 4.29). There
are control buttons below the "Selected data types" field:

– to delete the selected data


– to delete all selected data


– to move the selected data

packet up in the list;

– to move the selected data

packet down in the list.
Fig. 4.29.

Bottom string in the “User defined data” window (Fig. 4.29) contains the summary
information about chosen data packets: total number of bytes, the maximum data
rate for the current serial port baud rate (set in the “Tests Options”).

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1. Full size of the data message is larger than total number of bytes of chosen packets.
Full structure of the data message includes also header and other fields according
to the message structure (see Appendix C., Table C.9, and MRU ICD, Table 5.2).
2. Maximum data rate is calculated based on full size of the data message according to
formula above (4.1).

After choice of MRU data types for output at the “User Defined Data” format, press
"Write to device" button to write this configuration to the MRU unit. If the operation
is successful, the following message appears (Fig. 4.30):

If the operation fails, the following message appears (Fig. 4.31):

Fig. 4.30. Fig. 4.31.

In this case do the next:

 Check settings of the device connection (serial port number, baud rate);
 Check MRU firmware version – it should be no earlier than to
support the “User defined data” format.

4.7.1. Review and editing of the existing configuration of the “User

defined data” format in MRU unit

Click "Read from device" button (Fig. 4.28) to subtract the current configuration of
the “User defined data” format from the MRU unit. If the operation is successful, the
following message appears (Fig. 4.32). If the operation fails, the following message
appears (Fig. 4.33).

Fig. 4.32. Fig. 4.33.

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In this case do the next:

 Check settings of the device connection (serial port number, baud rate);
 Check MRU firmware version – it should be not earlier than to
support the “User defined data” format.

The current MRU configuration will be displayed in the "Select the data types you
want to use" and "Selected data types" fields (see Fig. 4.29).

You can add or remove data packets. Also, using the control buttons under
"Selected data types" field, you can arrange the data types in the required order.

Press "Write" button to write the configuration to the MRU flash memory. If the
operation is successful, the message Fig. 4.30 will appear, otherwise the message
Fig. 4.31 will appear.

4.7.2. “User defined data” format configuration file (*.udd)

Created configuration of the “User defined data” format can be transferred to other
MRU units using binary file with the *.udd extension.

To save the current configuration to file, please click the "Save" button (Fig. 4.29).
After that a standard MS Windows “Save as …” window is opened. User can change
file name or keep its default name with *.udd extension. After saving, the following
message appears (Fig. 4.34).

To load the “User defined data” configuration from file, please click the "Open"
button (Fig. 4.28). After that a standard Windows “Open” window is opened; in this
window pleas select one of the previously saved files with *.udd extension. After
opening the selected file, the following message appears (Fig. 4.35).

Fig. 4.34. Fig. 4.35.

After loading configuration of the “User defined data” format it is displayed in the
"Select the data types you want to use" and "Selected data types" fields (see Fig.

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1. It possible to edit this configuration as described above.

2. To apply configuration of the “User defined data” format to the MRU unit please click
“Write” button.

4.7.3. MRU start with “User defined data” output format

To start MRU unit with the configured “User defined data” format it is necessary to
select appropriate variant of MRU output data format in the “Test Options”. Then
click “Start” button on the vertical toolbar.

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Run Menu
Control of the MRU is done by the commands in the “Run” menu (Fig. 3.3). This
menu contains next items:

 “MRU visualization” opens appropriate tab with different variants of

visualization of the MRU operation;
 “Stop MRU” stops the MRU;
 “Device Information” shows main information about connected device;

There are four styles of visualization of the MRU outputs:

 MRU 3D;
 Cockpit;
 Snapshots (for the on-the-fly accuracy test);
 Data graphs.

5.1. MRU 3D

“MRU 3D“ is default variant of the

MRU visualization in which
current orientation angles of the
MRU are shown as spatial
orientation of an airplane (see
Fig. 5.1). To go to this
visualization stile select “MRU
visualization“ from the
“Run“ menu (Fig. 3.3), select
on the toolbar, or press F4
Fig. 5.1.

Some additional 3D models may be used for visualization of the MRU orientation
(see below Section 12. Choice of 3D model for visualization of the MRU orientation).

In the opened “MRU visualization” tab, four control buttons (active “Start” and
“Write” , and inactive “Stop” and “Snapshot” ) appear in the left vertical
toolbar. If the “On Request” option is chosen in the “Test Options” menu, then the

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“Request” button appears inactive. Two icons appear in the status bar:
“Warnings” and “Failures” .

Warning and failure messages are generated by MRU in its Unit Status Word (see
Appendix C.) and appear near and icons. You can close these messages by
clicking on them.

“MRU visualization” tab consists from two vertical parts. Visualization panel of the
MRU outputs is situated on the left part of the tab. The right part displays text data
from MRU and additional information, it is the same for all visualization styles.

“Start“ button starts the MRU with parameters saved in the MRU’s
microprocessor. Next, initial alignment of the MRU is performed with displayed
message “Initial alignment. Please wait”. Also, a progress bar of initial alignment will
appear in the status line of the main window. During the initial alignment the MRU
has to be stationary relatively to the Earth. Once the initial alignment is over,
observe changes in numeric data and graphical evolutions of an object.

Note: For visual convenience of the MRU position perception displayed on the monitor and
the MRU real position, it is recommended to place the MRU in parallel with the monitor
before the beginning of work as follows: direct lateral axis X to the monitor and direct
longitudinal axis Y in parallel with the monitor on the left.

Once the “Start” button is pressed, buttons “Stop” and “Snapshot” become
active. If the “On Request” option was chosen in the “Test Options” menu, then the
button “Request” becomes active too.

Upon clicking the “Write“ button the measured data is saved, which is signified
by the message «Data are writing in file!» in the text part of the window. Note that
the data are saved in binary file and can be used in two ways:

 visualization through opening the file in “File” menu (see item 10.1.1.
Data viewer);
 conversion to text file using “Report of experiment” from “Convert”
menu item.

The “Stop” button stops data output to the screen and data saving procedure
with no data losses.

The “Snapshot” button is used for fixing the current values of measured data
during continuous run (see section 10.4.2 On-the-fly accuracy test).

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If in the menu “Options” the data output method “On Request” is chosen, then
getting data from the MRU is performed by clicking the button . In case of data
saving (if the “Write” button is pressed), the measured data are written in one file

Current orientation angles are displayed in the upper right part of the tab ( Fig. 5.1).
Additional displayed data depend on selected output data format (see Appendix B. for
details). If the “MRU Calibrated HR data“ format is chosen then next data are
displayed in the right part of the tab (Fig. 5.1):

 Orientation angles “Heading”, “Pitch” and “Roll”. In the “MRU” column,

angles calculated in the MRU’s microprocessor using the embedded main
algorithm are output. The “Magn/Acc” column shows orientation angles
calculated in the MRU GUI Software using simplified algorithms based on
magnetometers and accelerometers data. Angles in the “Magn/Acc”
column are auxiliary; they are used by developers only to control
operation of the main algorithm.


1. If the magnetic declination is set correctly in the «Device O ptions» (see Fig. 4.3)
then MRU outputs true heading, if magnetic declination is set to zero then MRU
outputs magnetic heading.
2. Heading output is available only in MRU-E.

 Output signals of the MRU sensors: “Rate (deg/sec)” – angular rate

values in deg/sec measured by angular rate sensors, “Accel (g)” – linear
acceleration values in g measured by accelerometers, “Magn (nT)” –
magnetic field intensity values measured by magnetometers in nT.
Originally all sensors data are in MRU axes (X is lateral axis, Y is
longitudinal axis, Z is vertical axis). Axes X, Y, Z are object axes if non -
zero alignment angles are set for MRU mounting (see Appendix E.
Variants of the Inertial LabsTM MRU mounting relative to object axes).
 Total measured magnetic field value in nT “Total magnetic field”.
 Current temperature “Temperature (degC)” inside the MRU.
 The set value of the magnetic declination “Mdec (deg)”.
 Input supply voltage of the MRU in VDC “Vinp (V)”.
 Format of output data “Output Data Format: …”. This format is set by
operator in the «Test Option» window (Fig. 4.1).
 Current mode of the MRU operation (Readiness).
 Linear motion “Heave”, “Surge”, “Sway” (m).
 Linear velocity on “Heave”, “Surge”, “Sway” (m/s).

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 The “Baro data” column shows data measured by the pressure sensor:
• “Temp.(degC)” – is temperature in C,
• “Press.(Pa)” – is pressure in Pascals. If Significant Wave Height
calculation check box (see Fig. 4.27) is set then wave height in
meters “Wave.H (m)” is shown in this row instead of pressure.
• “Alt.(m)” – is barometric altitude in meters.

To stop data output from the MRU click the “Stop“ button .

To leave the MRU visualization mode click the in the title of current tab.

For other styles of visualization of the MRU outputs there are clickable previews in
the upper part of the “MRU visualization” tab (Fig. 5.2). It is possible to switch
between visualization styles at any time of the MRU operation by simple clicking on
its preview.

a) b) c) d)
Fig. 5.2.

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5.2. Cockpit style of visualization

“Cockpit” window allows to

show current attitude of the MRU
in “Cockpit display” style (see
Fig. 5.3). To switch visualization
to this mode click on preview
shown in the Fig. 5.2 and window
shown in the Fig. 5.3 will appear.

Fig. 5.3.

There is heading indicator in the upper left corner of the tab. In the center part of
the tab an attitude indicator (artificial horizon) is shown. Its vertical scale
corresponds to pitch, limb corresponds to roll. To switch to other than “Cockpit” style
click on appropriate preview in the upper part of the “MRU visualization” tab (Fig.
5.2). To stop data output from the MRU click the “Stop” button .

5.3. On-the-fly accuracy style of visualization

“On-the-fly accuracy” feature is

designed for checking the MRU
accuracy during its ordinary
operation when the MRU can be
directed to points with known

To switch visualization to this

mode click on preview shown in
the Fig. 5.2 and window shown in
the Fig. 5.4 will appear.
Fig. 5.4.

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 50
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For more information about this type of visualization see section "10.4.2 On-the-fly
accuracy test".

5.4. Data graphs style of visualization

“Data graphs” window allows

showing graphs of current MRU
outputs (see Fig. 5.5). To switch
visualization to this mode click
on preview shown in the Fig. 5.2
and window shown in the Fig. 5.5
will appear.

Fig. 5.5.

It is possible to select the signals you want to display by right-click on the graphs
area. As a result window shown in the Fig. 5.6 will appear.

Plotted graphs are scalable. To zoom in click and hold the left button on the mouse
and drag mouse in down-right direction. Click and hold right button on mouse to
shift plot. To zoom out click and hold the left button on the mouse and drag mouse
in up-left direction. The legend is located in the upper left corner of the tab. This
legend shows mean value, STD and the names of displayed signals.

You can select or deselect signals by clicking on their titles:

 MRU heading (deg) – plots Heading angle calculated in the MRU, in

 MRU pitch (deg) – plots Pitch angle calculated in the MRU, in degrees;
 MRU roll (deg) – plots Roll angle calculated in the MRU, in degrees;
 Mag/Acc heading (deg) – plots Heading angle calculated in the MRU GUI
Software based on the MRU magnetometers and accelerometers data, in
 Accel pitch (deg) – plots Pitch angle calculated in the MRU GUI Software
based on the MRU accelerometers data, in degrees;

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 Accel roll (deg) – plots Roll angle calculated in the MRU GUI Software
based on the MRU accelerometers data, in degrees;
 Gyro X (deg/sec) – plots output signal of the gyro X
in deg/sec;
 Gyro Y (deg/sec) – plots output signal of the gyro Y
in deg/sec;
 Gyro Z (deg/sec) – plots output signal of the gyro Z
in deg/sec;
 Accelerometer X (g) – plots output data of the
accelerometer X in g;
 Accelerometer Y (g) – plots output data of the
accelerometer Y in g;
 Accelerometer Z (g) – plots output data of the
accelerometer Z in g;
 Magnetometer X (nT) – plots output data of the
magnetometer X in nT;
 Magnetometer Y (nT) – plots output data of the
magnetometer Y in nT;
 Magnetometer Z (nT) – plots output data of the
magnetometer Z in nT;
 Magnetic module (nT) – plots full module of the
measured magnetic-field vector in nT;
 Temperature (deg C) – plots current temperature
inside the MRU in Celsius degrees.
 Linear motion heave (m) – plots heave in meters;
 Linear motion surge (m) – plots surge in meters;
 Linear motion sway (m) – plots sway in meters; Fig. 5.6.
 Velocity heave (m/s) – plots velocity of heave change in meters per
 Velocity surge (m/s) – plots velocity of surge change in meters per
 Velocity sway (m/s) – plots velocity of sway change in meters per second;
 Baro Temp. (degC) – plots barometric temperature in Celsius degrees;
 Baro Press. (Pa) – plots barometric pressure in Pa, if Significant Wave
Height calculation check box is checked (see Fig. 4.27) then wave
height in meters “Wave.H (m)” is shown in plots instead of pressure;
 Baro Alt. (m) – plots barometric altitude in meters.

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5.5. Other items of the Run menu

 Stop MRU – stops the MRU. In most cases it is used for correct
termination of completed operations. For this command the hot key F7
can be also pressed or the button can be clicked.
 Device Information opens tab with the MRU main information: integrated
device (MRU) serial number and firmware version; MRU serial number
and firmware version; parameters of GNSS receiver; GPS reference week
number; pressure sensor presence; external sensor (see Fig. 5.7).

Note: The Inertial Labs™ MRU

does not include GNSS receiver, so
related fields in the Device
Information tab on Fig. 5.7 are
empty, and GPS reference week
number = 0. If you need in MRU
with GNSS receiver, please order
the Inertial Labs™ MRU-P.
Fig. 5.7.

 Device self test – opens tab with result of the MRU self-test completed
during MRU initialization after power on (see Fig. 5.8 for successful self-
test and Fig. 5.9 for example of not successful test).

Fig. 5.8 Fig. 5.9

 Get BIT – opens tab with the

MRU unit Built-in-Test (BIT)
status (temperature and the
USW, see Appendix D. The
Unit Status Word definition)
(see Fig. 5.10).
Fig. 5.10.

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User Manual Revision 1.27

File Menu
“File” menu enable to work with already saved tests results. There are such items
in the "File" menu:

 “Open”;  “Save as”;  “Exit”.

6.1. “Open” item

You can visualize data saved to files during an MRU run. To open the saved *.bin
file choose the “Open” option (Fig. 3.2) or press F3. The standard window Windows
“Open…” will appear, in which it is necessary to choose needed *.bin file saved
previously when the MRU was operating in its standard mode. After selection of
file, data are read from it and new tab “Data viewer” shown in the Fig. 6.1 will
open. It is possible to select the data you want to display by right-click on the
graphs area. As a result window shown in the Fig. 5.6 will appear where you can
select or deselect showed data by clicking on their titles.

Plotted graphs are scalable. To

zoom in please click and hold left
button on mouse and drag mouse
in down-right direction. To zoom
out please click and hold left
button on mouse and drag mouse
in up-left direction. Click and hold
right button on mouse to drag the

Fig. 6.1.

Legend is located at the left upper corner of the tab. This legend shows mean value,
STD (standard deviation) and name of displayed data.

To close graphs please click the icon in the title of current tab.

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6.2. “Save as” item

You can preset the name of the file for data writing. For this select the “Save as”
item (Fig. 3.2) and enter a desirable file name.

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Parameters menu
“Parameters” menu enables working with the MRU parameters. There are the
following items in the “Parameters” menu:

 Restore parameters;
 Save parameters;
 Preset parameters.

7.1. Restore parameters

“Restore parameters” command (see Fig. 3.4) is used to quickly load the MRU
parameters to the MRU nonvolatile memory. When «Restore parameters»
command is selected, or button is clicked, a standard Windows «Open» window
opens; in this window operator selects one of the previously saved files with *.prm
extension. Consequently, the parameters are automatically saved to the MRU
nonvolatile memory and to the GUI shell. The same way is used to restore the
factory settings of the MRU parameters. In this case you should select original file
with *.prm extension that comes on the Flash Drive within a delivery package of the
Inertial Labs MRU.

MRU GUI software checks matching of serial numbers stored in *.prm file and in
MRU unit. MRU GUI software does not allow to restore parameters from *.prm with
wrong serial number.

Since MRU GUI software version from 2018-05-15 it’s possible to restore
parameters from *.prm file where serial number differs from serial number of MRU
unit which is currently connected. But the next warning window appears with
information about different serial numbers and request about user action – (see Fig.

This possibility is helpful if MRU serial number was


Fig. 7.1.

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7.2. Save parameters

If you have changed some parameters of the MRU (in «Device options…» window
from the «Options» menu or other menus), and you want to save these parameters
as variant for future work, you can save the MRU current parameters in binary file
with *.prm extension. For this use «Save parameters» command (see Fig. 3.4) or
click button. After that a standard Windows «Save as …» window is opened; in
this window operator is suggested to save current parameters of the MRU to a «File
of parameters» with *.prm extension.

7.3. Preset parameters

In the Inertial Labs MRU GUI provides presets of the MRU parameters that adjust
MRU algorithm for some specific conditions of operations to get better dynamic
accuracy of the MRU.

To modify MRU parameters select “Preset parameters” item from the

«Parameters» menu (Fig. 3.4). The window Fig. 7.2 will appear. Since MRU GUI
version from 2016-12-23 this window contains only one variant of
parameters preset – “Load from file”.

Note: you are able to apply “Preset parameter variants” only if the MRU is powered and
connected to computer, СОМ port number and its baud rate are chosen properly.

Select “Load from file” item and click “OK”. Then “Load Parameters” button appears
(see Fig. 7.3).

Fig. 7.2.
Fig. 7.3.
Fig. 7.4.

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Click on the “Load Parameters” button. The regular MS Windows “Open…” menu
will appear, in which it is necessary to choose needed file with *.prm extension.
Inertial Labs supplies parameters files with *.prm extension that contain with special
set of the MRU parameters for specific conditions of MRU operation. Note the
individual MRU parameters are not changed at applying of the preset parameters.
After selecting the file, two checkboxes “IMU” and “MRU” will appear in the “Preset
parameters” window (Fig. 7.4).

Then “IMU” and “MRU” checkboxes

should be chosen. Click “OK” button to
load chosen parameters from file to
the MRU. After that parameters are
loaded the information window shown
on the Fig. 7.5 appears.
Fig. 7.5.

Or you can click the “Cancel” button to close “Preset parameters” window without
loading parameters.

Please pay attention to possibility of increasing the MRU accuracy with respect to
object swaying via compensation for linear acceleration at the location of the MRU
mounting (see section “4.5. Swaying compensation”).

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Plugins Menu
"Plugins" menu enables to run additional parts of the GUI software. There are such
items in the "Plugins" menu:

 Embedded;  Angles accuracy;  World Magnetic Model

 Mag field  Magnetometers axes updating;
calibration; alignment;  Firmware and parameters

8.1. Embedded (for MRU-E only)

The MRU GUI software allows taking into account influence of the soft and hard iron
of the carrier object on the heading calculation accuracy. For this purpose, field
calibration of the MRU-E magnetometers is provided. There are two ways to
calibrate the MRU-E: to use MRU-E embedded procedures or procedures provided
by MRU GUI software. The last way is more convenient (see section 10.3
Calibration of the MRU-E). For MRU-E embedded calibration procedure the
“Embedded” menu item is used. As a result of selection of this item the "Embedded
Mag Field Calibration" window will appear (see Fig. 8.1).

Fig. 8.1.

Buttons on the toolbar are used to send commands for the MRU-E calibration that
are described in the MRU ICD. Below is the list of these buttons and corresponding

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 59
User Manual Revision 1.27
Icon Command Description
Views the last calibration results stored in the MRU
GetClbRes 0x2A
Clears calibration parameters
ClearClb 0x2F
Reads out the MRU flash memory
– –
Start2DClb 0x21 Starts the 2D, 2D-2T, 3D or VG3D calibration
Start2D2TClb 0x22
Start3DClb 0x23
StartVG3DClb 0x25
Early stops data accumulation in the calibration run
StopСlbRun 0x20
before set accumulation time is reached
StartClbRun 0x2B Starts new run of the 2D-2T calibration

Finishes the calibration procedure with multiple runs (like

FinishСlb 0x2C
To accept the calibration parameters and to save them to
AcceptClb 0x2E
the MRU nonvolatile memory
To exit from the calibration without calculations and
ExitClb 0xFE
saving calibration parameters
– – Clears the response window Fig. 8.2

– – Saves data from the response window to *.log file

Note: Command code in this table is payload of the command with 9 -bytes structure.

When the MRU-E

answers on above
commands then these
answers appear in the
Response window (see
Fig. 8.2).

Different buttons will be

active depending on
calibration type.

Fig. 8.2.

See additional document for detailed description of the embedded c alibration


Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 60
User Manual Revision 1.27

8.2. Magnetometers field calibration (for MRU-E only)

Another and more convenient way for MRU-E hard and soft iron calibration is
provided by MRU GUI software.

Before calibration please check in the

«Test Options» dialog box (Fig. 4.1)
correct COM port number to which the
MRU-E is connected.

To start the calibration select

“Plugins” menu and then “Mag Field
Calibration” item (see Fig. 3.4) from
the main menu. “Mag Field
Calibration” window will open (see Fig.

Fig. 8.3.

Important note: For correct calibration it is necessary to set right coordinates “ Latitude”,
“Longitude”, “Altitude” and “Date” in accordance with place where MRU-E is calibrated.
Their values are set in the «Device Options» window (see Fig. 4.3).

In the “Calibration Type” field choose from a list the type of the calibration – 2D,
2D-2T, 3D or VG3D (see section 10.3 for explanation of these types).

The “Accumulation Time” field in window Fig. 8.3 sets the time which is necessary
to perform calibration procedure including at least one full 360 turn rotation in
horizon plane (at least 2 full turns are recommended). This time can be set using
arrows or by entering the necessary value from a keyboard. The default value is 60.

In “Calibration status” window the captions are highlighted that show current
states of MRU-E calibration and actions that can be performed.

See section 10.3 for detailed description of the MRU-E calibration procedure.

If place of the MRU-E mounting on the carrier object is changed, or if the carrier is
changed, then calibration matrices for magnetometer biases and scale factors in
MRU-E memory should be cleared by clicking on the «Clear» button (see Fig. 8.3).

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8.3. Angles accuracy

The “Angles Accuracy” plugin allows checking the accuracy of the MRU calculation
of orientation angles (heading, pitch, and roll). For this purpose, any possible
equipment should be applied to set the exactly known orientation angles of the MRU
unit and compare these angles to the MRU output.

Note: Heading accuracy check is available only in the Inertial Labs™ MRU-E only.

To start the plugin, select the

“Plugins” menu and then
“Angles accuracy” (Fig. 3.5).
At this point, the main window
will appear (see Fig. 8.4).

Fig. 8.4.

During accuracy tests, it is possible to set the misalignment angles between a test
bench platform and MRU installation itself on this platform. It is necessary if, for
MRU installation on the test bench platform, intermediate adaptations are used – for
example, tilter. If the deviation angles are known, they must be applied at tests. For
this purpose, “Tilter” fields are located in the bottom right window corner ( Fig. 8.4).
the following options available there:

 “(None)” is not to consider deviations of bases;

 “(Auto)” is to consider deviations for tilter used for Inertial Labs internal
tests “Tilter №” and a corresponding cell (“Position”) in this tilter;
 “(Manual)” is to consider manually bases deviation angles on
corresponding angles “”, “” и “”.

See section 10.4.1 for detailed description of the accuracy test for each reference

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8.4. Magnetometers axes alignment

The Inertial Labs TM MRU can be factory-preconfigured to use the external Stand
Alone Magnetic Compass (SAMC) instead of on-board magnetometers to measure
components of the Earth magnetic field.

Before using external SAMC, it is necessary to align the SAMC axes with MRU axes
for accurate operation.

For axes alignment procedures please

make sure “Serial Port” field of “Test
Options” dialog box (Fig. 4.1) shows
correct COM port number to which the
MRU is connected.

To perform the axes alignment, select

“Mag axes alignment” item from the
main menu “Plugins” (see Fig. 3.5).
“Mag axes alignment” window will open
(see Fig. 8.5).

Fig. 8.5.

The “Accumulation Time” field in window Fig. 8.5 defines the necessary time of
data acquisition while the measurement in each position of a carrier object. At least
three positions with essentially different pitch and roll angles are required. The
“Accumulation Time” can be set using arrows or by typing necessary value. The
default value is 10 seconds.

See section 0 for detailed description of the MRU and SAMC axes alignment

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8.5. World Magnetic Model updating

The World Magnetic Model (WMM) is used for magnetic declination calculation to
determine the true heading. Current World Magnetic Model WMM2020 is valid up to

Since MRU firmware version, the WMM can be updated using the Inertial
Labs MRU GUI version or later.

The MRU GUI uses standard file WMM.cof with coefficients of the WMM which can
be downloaded from the National Centers for Environmental Information site

To start updating, select “Plugins” -> “World Magnetic Model updating” item (see
Fig. 3.5) from the main menu, and “World Magnetic Model updating” window will
appear (see Fig. 8.6).

“Read from device” button provides readings from existing coefficients of the WMM
from flash memory and displays them as Fig. 8.7 shows.

Fig. 8.6. Fig. 8.7.

To load new WMM coefficients into flash memory, please press “ Write to device”
button. The standard Windows window “Open…” will appear, in which i t is necessary
to choose needed “WMM.cof” file saved previously on a PC. After pressing “Open”
button, the update starts getting applied and once it is done successfully, Fig. 8.8

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will appear on the screen. Otherwise, a message shown on Fig. 8.9 comes up on
the screen.

Fig. 8.8. Fig. 8.9.

8.6. Firmware and parameters update

Since MRU GUI version from 2019-10-04, the GUI software allows
update device firmware and parameters with specific utility.

Important note: firmware update works for devices with firmware version not earlier than
v3.4.0.1 where command for switch processor to firmware loading mode was implemented.
For devices with earlier firmware this utility will update parameters only. In su ch case the
warning window (see Fig. 8.10) appears on the screen.

Fig. 8.10.

See section 11 for detailed description of the MRU firmware and parameters
updating procedure.

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Convert Menu
The following options are in the Convert menu:

 Report of experiment
 Convert log data to bin file

9.1. Report of experiment

“Report of experiment” item is used to convert saved binary data (pair of files *.bin,
*.prm) to the text file.

When «Report of experiment» item is selected, or button is clicked, or F8 button

is pressed (see Fig. 3.6), a standard Windows «Open» window is opened. In this
window please select one or several *.bin files saved at the MR U operation in
ordinary mode. Consequently, a report file with same name but with *.txt extension
is created. Note there must be file with extension *.prm and the same name as *.bin
file in the same folder.

The «Report of experiment» creates text file according to the output data format of
data in the binary *.bin file. The necessary data format is set by user in the «Test
Options» window. A description of the text file is done in the “Appendix C. Text
presentation of output data formats”.

9.2. Convert log data to bin file

If MRU data were saved directly from COM port to a log file, use «Convert log data
to bin file» to convert the log file to binary files *.bin and *.prm which can be
processed by MRU GUI software.

After selecting the «Convert log data to bin file» item a standard Windows «Open»
window appears. In this window please select parameters file *.prm with current
parameters of the MRU unit. Then new «Open» window is opened where the user is
asked to select the log file. After this, the pair *.bin and *.prm files will be created
with the same name as the log file plus “_Converted” text.

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The MRU operation

10.1. The main operation modes of the MRU

Step 1.

Connect a power cable and data transfer cable to the MRU. Connect the other
end of the data transfer cable to either COM port or USB port of the host
computer. If connection between the computer and the MRU is done through a
USB port, a driver for a COM-to-USB converter needs to be installed. See
Appendix A ‘Installation of the COM-to-USB converter drivers and configuration
of PC parameters’ for details on the installation procedure. If it is connected to
a standard PC COM port, then there are no needs to install any drivers. Note
that MRU manufacturer guarantees reliable operation of the MRU if it is
connected directly to the COM port.

Step 2.

Start MRU_GUI.exe file to begin working with the GUI software. The main menu
will appear (Fig. 3.1).

Step 3.

Select «Test options…» from the «Options» menu (see Fig. 3.7) or click
button. «Test option» window (Fig. 4.1) will open.

Step 4.

Set the correct СОМ port number in the «Serial port» field and its baud rate as
Fig. 4.1 shows.

Step 5. (Not obligatory)

In «Test option» window (Fig. 4.1), if you need, you can set «Record time» of
data writing when data is being saved to file and «Number data for average»
(the quantity of averaged data) that can be used for smoothing of viewe d data.
Note that averaging relates to the data output on the screen only and is not
applied to the data written in a file.

Note: For the number of the СОМ port to which the MRU is connected, see «2.
Installation of drivers and configuration of the PC para meters» and «Appendix A.
Installation of the COM-to-USB converter drivers and configuration of the PC

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Step 6.

In «Test option» window (Fig. 4.1) set (check) data output mode in the
«Operating Mode» group, and also «Output Data Format» (see Appendix C. for
more information on the output data format). Click «ОК».

Step 7. (Not obligatory)

If you want to change some parameters of the MRU or its operation select
«Device options…» or «Swaying compensation options…» from the
«Options» menu – see Fig. 3.7. Appropriate window (Fig. 4.3 or Fig. 4.27) will
open. Set the necessary MRU operation parameters. Click «ОК».

Step 8.

Select «MRU Visualization» from the «Run» menu (Fig. 3.3) or click button
on the toolbar, or press F4. The window shown in Fig. 5.1 will appear. You can
switch to other visualization style by clicking on its preview on the tab.
Depending on the selected style windows shown in Fig. 5.3 – Fig. 5.5 will

Step 9.

Click the «Start» button. First, initial alignment of the MRU will start. This is
signified by the message «Initial alignment. Please wait». Also a progress bar
of initial alignment will appear in the status line of the main window. During the
initial alignment the MRU has to be stationary relatively to the Earth. Once the
initial alignment time is over, observe changes in numeric data and grap hical
evolutions of the object.

Note: For visual convenience of MRU position perception displayed on the monitor
and the MRU real position, it is recommended to place the MRU in parallel with the
monitor before the beginning of work as follows: direct lateral axis X to the monitor
and direct longitudinal axis Y in parallel with the monitor on the left.

Step 10.

If you have selected the «On Request» operating mode, click the «Request»
button to get data from the MRU each time if you want. Observe changes in
numeric data and graphical evolutions of the object.

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Step 11.

To save data click «Write» button. Caption «Data are writing in file!» will
appear. Also a progress bar of data writing and timer will appear in the status
line of the main window.

In the «On Request» operating mode data is written in a file sequentially with
the each click of the «Request» button.

Note: To allow data sawing the appropriate checkbox should be set in the «Test
Options» window (see Fig. 4.1).

Step 12.

To stop the MRU click the «Stop» button. If the data were being written to a
file, then the writing is stopped too.

The default directory for saved files is the “data” subdirectory placed in the
directory where the file MRU_GUI_*.exe is located. The default name of the file
with saved data is generated automatically and consists of the MRU serial
number, date and time digits separated by dash symbols where the first 4 digits
are the year, the next 2 digits are the month, then 2 digits of day, next digits are
hours, minutes and seconds of operation start. When saving the data, two files
of the same name with *.bin and *.prm extensions are saved in the specified
folder. In *.bin files the measured data is saved, and in *.prm files the MRU
microprocessor parameters, at which this data was obtained, are saved. For
example, A1240013-2012-11-20-12-14-26.bin corresponds to data saved from
the MRU s/n A1240013 on 2012, November 20 th , 2012, at 12:14:26.

Note: You can preset name of file for data writing. For this select item «Save as» in
the «File» menu and enter desirable file name.

Step 13.

Repeat Step 9 – Step 12 as many times as you need.

Step 14.

To close standard operation mode window (Fig. 5.1– Fig. 5.5) click the icon
in the title of current tab.

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Step 15.

Select «Stop MRU» (Fig. 3.3) from the «Run» menu, or click button.

To get the saved data as text file, do the following:

Step 16.

Select «Report of experiment» from the “Convert“ menu (Fig. 3.6) or press
F8 in the main menu or click button (Fig. 3.1). A standard Windows «Open»
window will open.

Step 17.

Select the necessary file with extension *.bin. Click «ОК». A *.txt file will be
created with the same name and in the same folder as the selected *.bin file,
with format set in Step 6.

Note: When large file data is processed then some time is necessary for text file saving. If
you will start new operations with GUI software before end of text file saving, then GUI
software will appear as not responding or locked. Just wait some time for saving end, after
that GUI software will be unlocked.

Also you can plot saved MRU binary data using “File” menu. See section 6.1 for
more details.

10.2. Features of Heave calculation in the MRU

The Inertial Labs TM MRU calculates linear motion of a vehicle in heave, sway and
surge coordinates.

Heave is the vertical (up/down) dynamic motion of a vehicle and defined positive

Sway is the linear lateral (side-to-side or port-starboard) motion of a vehicle in the

horizontal plane and defined positive starboard (this is the right hand side of the
vehicle when looking in the bow direction of the vehicle).

Surge is the linear longitudinal (front/back) motion of a vehicle in the horizontal

plane and defined positive forward.

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1. In almost all MRU output data formats the heave is positive down. But in TSS1 data
the heave is positive up. See Appendix C. Description of data files, for details.
2. Before MRU firmware version the heave was positive up in all MRU output
data formats.

10.2.1. Adjustment of the algorithm of heave calculation

To calculate the heave as the MRU vertical position with respect to its equilibrium
position, the vertical acceleration is doubly integrated. However, because signals
from accelerometers always contain a DC component as well as spurious low
frequency components, after integration the heave error is accumulated and
increases with time significantly. To avoid such error, integrated signals are filtered
by High-Pass (HP) filter. Also, to decrease noise the Low-Pass (LP) filter can be

Values of HP and LP cutoff frequencies, fh_HP and fh_LP for the heave filter can be
set in the “Heave calculation” tab of the «Correction Options» window (see Fig.

The main adjustment parameter is cutoff frequency for heave HP filter, fh_HP. It
must be much less than the main frequency of a ship vertical motion. But very low
value of the fh_HP allow accelerometers’ bias instability to affect the heave
accuracy. The default value is fh_HP = 0.02 Hz that should be enough for intensive
vertical motion of a ship.

Value of the fh_LP must be not less than fh_HP.

For switch-off HP or LP filter please set to zero appropriate cutoff frequency fh_HP
or fh_LP. The default values are fh_HP = 0.02 Hz; fh_LP = 0.

The “Position of monitoring point relative to the IMU (m)” fields specify the static
point on the carrier object or outside it for heave calculation.

Note: Also, it is possible to receive coordinates of the dynamic monitoring point for heave
calculation, see section 10.2.2 for details.

Parameters in the “FFT Settings” field adjust the adaptive algorithm of heave
calculation. For that purpose, set:

 Power_fft_min, Power_fft_HSS – are thresholds of fast Fourier

transform (FFT) spectrum power at which the lead-lag filter parameters
are recalculated;

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 F_fft parameter sets the frequency of the FFT usage for lead-lag filter
parameters recalculation.
 The default values are Power_fft_min = 40, Power_fft_HSS = 5 and F_fft
= 0.04.


1. The FFT settings can be changed, but only under guidance of the MRU developer.
2. Initialization of the adaptive algorithm takes approximately 100 seconds. During this
initialization heave is calculated roughly.

Heave high resolution : check this checkbox to increase resolution of Heave, Surge
and Sway calculation (see Table C.4). Note the resolution increasing causes
appropriate decreasing of the measurement range.

Initial heave period T(s) sets the expected period of heave change to increase the
heave accuracy during adaptive filter initialization.

“Heave calculation” field sets variant of heave calculation (autonomous or altitude


T_LP_alt is time constant of the altitude LP-filter. The default value is 20 sec.

Note: See section “5.4.1. Adjustment of the algorithm of heave calculation” for details in

10.2.2. Heave calculation for chosen point of the carrier object

Usually, heave is calculated for the location where the MRU is mounted on the
carrier object. However, it is possible to set another monitoring point on the carrier
object, or even outside of it for heave calculation. The monitoring point can be either
static or dynamic, see sections and respectively. Static monitoring point

If the monitoring point does not change position during operation (is static), then
point coordinates can be stored into the MRU’s flash memory.

For this purpose, set coordinates of this monitoring point in the “Position of
monitoring point relative to the IMU (m)” field, see Fig. 4.23. The coordinates must
be in the object axes – on the right, forward and up, see Fig. 10.1. This figure shows
positive direction of the monitoring point position relative to the MRU unit. If, for

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 72
User Manual Revision 1.27

example, the monitoring point is below the MRU unit then the third coordinate is

Fig. 10.1. Setting of the monitoring point position relative to the MRU unit Dynamic monitoring point

For remote heave calculation in applications where the monitoring point is changing
position, it is possible to input its variable coordinates to the MRU unit through the
devices COM4 port.

To configure the unit`s COM4 port to receive variable coordinates of the monitoring
point continuously, go to the “CAN / COM4” tab of the “Devices options” dialog
window (see Fig. 4.13), from the drop-down list under “COM Port 4” select the
option labeled “Monitoring Point Input”. Additionally, make sure to set there the
desired COM4 port baud rate. Then, hit the “OK” button to the save settings to the

Note: It is necessary to power cycle the MRU unit after changing any parameters in the
“CAN / COM4” tab to re-initialize the COM4 port.

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The MRU supports both options to keep coordinates: in RAM, or in the unit’s non-
volatile flash memory. For either option, obtained messages must have a different

Note: When utilizing a dynamic monitoring point, it is best to just keep coordinates loaded
into the RAM of the MRU but to not save them in the devices non -volatile flash memory.

To write coordinates to the units RAM, the following messages must be transmitted
to the MRU unit:


Here, xx.xx, yy.yy, zz.zz are numerical values in meters in their respective axes
(see applied axes in Fig. 10.1). Both negative and positive distances can be

If it is necessary to write coordinates to the unit’s non -volatile flash memory, the
following messages must be transmitted to MRU unit:


10.2.3. Delayed Time Heave

The MRU can be factory equipped with an internal expansion board to calculate the
Delayed Time Heave, but only upon request by a customer.

Important note: If the MRU unit is equipped with an internal expansion board, it
automatically excludes utilizing SAMC and Delayed Time Heave feature simultaneously.
However, it is still possible to use these options separately.

The Delayed Time Heave algorithm has a different semantic of heave calculation
compared to the general-purpose algorithm described in section 10.2.1. This
algorithm uses a buffer of the swell data and post-processes the samples before
and after heave points for better accuracy. Because of data buffering the Delayed
Time Heave has fixed delay of 180 seconds.

The Delayed Time Heave feature can be helpful in long period swell conditions
providing accurate heave calculation when the general-purpose heave techniques
tend to exhibit their artifacts.

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The Delayed Time Heave is available for output in the User Defined Data format
(see section 4.7).

10.2.4. Significant Wave Height calculation

The MRU can calculate height of the wave during its work. For this purpose it is
necessary to check “Significant Wave Height calculation” checkbox in the “Heave
calculation” tab of the «Correction Options» window (Fig. 4.23).

At this the Significant Wave Height data appears instead of pressure in MRU output
data in the main binary data formats «MRU Calibrated HR Data», «ABB Smart
Winch Drive», «MRU Quaternion Data» (see Appendix C., Table C.3, Table C.5, and
Table C.6). Also the Significant Wave Height appears in “Additional” group in
windows of MRU visualization Fig. 5.1, Fig. 5.3 to Fig. 5.5, see example on Fig.

MRU calculates the Significant

Wave Height as four times the
standard deviation of the surface

Fig. 10.2. Indication of Significant Wave Height

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10.3. Calibration of the MRU-E magnetometers

For MRU-E only.

For correct operation of the MRU-E it is necessary that the calibrated sensors are
not distorted by external influences. It is particularly important to provide non -
distortion of the MRU-E magnetic channel, as, due to the presence of the carrier’s
hard and soft iron in the vicinity to the MRU-E, its magnetometers will be outputting
inaccurate data on the actual Earth magnetic intensity vector, and, accordingly,
inaccurate carrier’s heading angle value.

The Inertial Labs MRU software allows compensation of influence of the carrier
object soft and hard iron on the heading angle calculation accuracy. For this
purpose, field calibration of the MRU-E magnetometers is provided. This calibration
does not require any additional equipment, but it requires turns of the carries object
on which the MRU-E is mounted.

The MRU-E can be calibrated using 2D, 3D, VG3D or 2D-2T calibration procedure.

2D calibration is designed for carrier objects that move with small pitch and roll
angles (not more than a few degrees). The calibration procedure involves a few full
360 rotations in the horizon plane of the carrier object with the installed MRU-E
(see Fig. 10.3). During this calibration pitch and roll angles must be as close to zero
as possible.

3D calibration is designed for carrier objects that can operate with large pitch and
roll angles. For this calibration the carrier object is rotated in the horizon plane (the
Z-axis is up) with periodical stops about each 90 degrees for tilting in pitch and roll
(see Fig. 10.3 – Fig. 10.5). After full 360 rotation the object with the MRU-E is
turned over (the Z-axis is down) and the procedure described above should be
repeated. During this calibration the range of pitch and roll angles changing must be
as much as possible.

Since firmware version the MRU provides VG3D calibration. The VG3D
calibration is designed for carrier objects that can operate in full heading, pitch and
roll ranges. VG3D calibration is similar to 3D calibration but allows performing
simpler rotation than is necessary for 3D calibration.

2D-2T calibration is designed instead of 3D calibration for carrier object that

operates with limited range of pitch and roll angles. This calibration involves several
(two or more) 2D calibration procedures but with different (maximum possible) pitch
angles. During every 2D calibration run with set pitch angle, tilt angles must be
constant as possible. In the calibration those MRU-E readings are used only in

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 76
User Manual Revision 1.27

which pitch and roll differ from their median not more than inclination threshold set
in appropriate field Fig. 4.4.

–H +H

Fig. 10.3. Rotation of a carrier object with MRU-E in horizontal plane

Fig. 10.4. Rotation of a carrier with MRU-E in roll (R)

Fig. 10.5. Rotation of a carrier with MRU-E in pitch (P)

Note that rotation of the carrier object with the MRU-E both for all calibration
procedures must include one or more full 360 turns in the horizon plane.

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Field calibration procedures are developed by Inertial Labs after type of the
object, on which the Inertial Labs™ MRU-E will be installed, is agreed on with
a customer.

10.3.1. Description of the 2D, 3D, VG3D, and 2D-2T calibration


Step 1 – Step 2.

Perform Step 1 – Step 2 from section 10.1.

Step 3.

Set correct coordinates “Latitude”, “Longitude”, “Altitude” and “Date” in

accordance with place where MRU-E is calibrated. Their values are set in the
«Device Options» window (see Fig. 4.3).

Step 4.

Select «Mag Field Calibration»

item from the «Plugins» menu
(Fig. 3.4). «Magnetic Field
Calibration» window (Fig. 10.6)
will open.

Step 5.

Select «2D», «2D-2T», «3D» or

«VG3D» calibration from drop-
down list in the «Calibration
Type» field. Fig. 10.6.

Step 6.

Using arrows or entering the necessary value from a keyboard set the time
required for accumulating data which would be sufficient to accomplish the
calibration procedure, in the «Accumulation time» window. Please set time
which is enough for 1…3 full 360 turns of the carrier object in horizon plane.
Usually 60 seconds for 2D calibration and 120 sec for 3D and VG3D calibration
are enough.

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Step 7.

Click «Start» button. In “Calibration status” window a few captions are

highlighted (see Fig. 10.6):

 IS_STARTED – reports that calibration procedure is started;

 NEXT_REQUESTED – asks to click the «Next» button to start the
calibration run;
 STOP_REQUESTED – informs you can click «Stop» button to stop
calibration run;
 EXIT_REQUESTED – informs you can click «Exit» button to exit from the
calibration procedure.

Step 8.

Press “Next” button. Initial alignment of the MRU-E will start, signified by the
highlighted caption INIT_ALIGMENT (see Fig. 10.7). During the initial
alignment, the MRU should be stationary relatively to the Earth.

Once the initial alignment is completed, the MRU-E starts accumulating data.
This is signified by the highlighted caption DATA_ACCUMULATING and the
progress bar of data accumulation in the status line (see Fig. 10.8). At this time,
rotation of the carrier object with the MRU-E should be made.

Fig. 10.7. Fig. 10.8.

If the 2D calibration is chosen then rotation of the object with the MRU-E in the
horizon plane should be performed (see Fig. 10.3). After time of the data
accumulation expires then result window will appear (see Fig. 10.9).

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For 3D calibration the carrier

object is rotated in the horizon
plane (the Z-axis is up) with
periodical stops about each 90
degrees for tilting in pitch and roll
(see Fig. 10.3 – Fig. 10.5), and
then the carrier with the MRU-E is
turned over (the Z-axis is down)
and the procedure described
above should be repeated. Tilt
angles range depends on the
carrier object, but to obtain the
better result increase the angles
range as much as possible. Fig. 10.9.

Note: The MRU GUI Software provides estimation of 3D calibration quality in terms of
possible MRU-E heading accuracy. To allow this possibility it is necessary to include
additional rotation of the MRU-E with the carrier object in the horizon plane on about
360 degrees or more with pitch and roll near the level. Acceptable pitch and roll
change are set by the “Pitch/Roll threshold” parameter in the “Magnetometers
calibration options…” window Fig. 4.27.

After time of the data accumulation expires then result window will appear (see
Fig. 10.9).

Result window Fig. 10.9 includes the next information:

 success of the calibration;

 calibration error is predicted maximum (3 sigma) heading error of the
MRU-E at accepting the calibration;
 used points is percent of accumulated data used at calculations.

Click “OK” to close information message.

The 2D-2T calibration consists of several runs. Set the object with the MRU-E
to specific pitch angle (for example, to the minimum pitch angle). Rotate object
in azimuth with approximately constant pitch and roll. After time of the first run
of the MRU-E rotation will be reached result window will appear (see Fig.
10.10). Based on the calibration accuracy it is necessary to accept or decline
this run. Then it is necessary to set the MRU-E to the next pitch angle and
repeat calibration procedure as the next run.

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Note: To achieve an acceptable calibration result, it is recommended to change the
Pitch angle in every run on maximum possible value (at least on 15 degrees).

Fig. 10.10. Fig. 10.11.

Quality of the 3D and VG3D calibration will be estimated in terms «Excellent

calibration!», «Good calibration» or «Acceptable calibration» (see Fig. 10.11)
instead of predicted MRU-E heading error if 3D calibration run did not include
additional rotation of the MRU-E in the horizon plane on about 360 degrees or
more with pitch and roll near the level (see above Note).

If the MRU-E detected not successful initial alignment or other mistakes in

MRU-E operation, then the error like «Non-zero USW was detected
0000000000000001» appears Fig. 10.12. Meaning of other non-zero bits of
USW see in Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition. In case of non-zero
USW the calibration run should be not accepted.

If calibration quality is acceptable caption ACCEPT_REQUESTED is

highlighted (see Fig. 10.13).

If the MRU-E detected not successful initial alignment or other mistakes in

MRU-E operation, then repeat Step 8.

For the next run of the 2D-2T calibration the object with MRU-E should be
turned to the next pitch angle. Click «Next» button on windo w Fig. 10.13 and
repeat calibration procedure as in the second stage.

2D-2T calibration allows making as many stages with different pitch angles as

Note: Rotation of the object with the MRU-E in the horizon plane both for 2D, 2D-2T
and 3D calibration must include one or more full 360 turns. Please, correct the time
required for saving data in the «Accumulation time» window to attain necessary

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 81
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Fig. 10.12.

Fig. 10.13.

Step 9.

Once the data accumulation time is over at 2D, 3D, VG3D or 2D-2T calibration
is stopped after any stage, then window Fig. 10.13 appears where graphs of
errors before and after calibration are shown. Plotted graphs are scalable. To
zoom in please click and hold left button on mouse and drag mouse in down-
right direction. Click and hold right button on mouse to shift plot. To zoom out
please click and hold left button on mouse and drag mouse in up-left direction.
Legend is located at the left upper corner of the tab. This legend shows mean
value, STD and name of displayed graphs. It is possible to select the graphs
you want to display by right-click on the graphs area.

Step 10.

Estimate the calibration quality. If the calibration was successful and predicted
heading accuracy is acceptable on window Fig. 10.10 or captions «Excellent
calibration!» or «Good calibration» appear in the window Fig. 10.11, then click
«Accept» button (Fig. 10.13) to accept calibration parameters. «Acceptable
calibration» caption is satisfactory too but we recommend to recalibrate the

There are two highlighted captions:

 ACCEPT_REQUESTED – informs you can click «Accept» button to

accept calibration parameters;
 EXIT_REQUESTED – informs you can click «Exit» button to exit from the
calibration procedure without saving of calibration parameters.

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If to click the «Accept» button, then calibration matrix of the magnetometer

biases and scale factors will be calculated and saved to the MRU-E nonvolatile
memory automatically.

If calibration results were accepted then in the directory in which the

MRU_GUI.exe file is located, files with *.prm, and *.amd extensions will be


1. Filename consists of the MRU serial number, text _ MagField _ and 6 digits that
indicates time when the file was saved (2 digits of hours, 2 digits of minutes, 2 digits
of seconds). The last symbols in filename corresponds to type of the performed
calibration: _2D corresponds to data of 2D calibration; _3D – for 3D calibration;
_VG3D – for VG3D calibration; _2D_2T – for 2D_2T calibration. Example of files
name: 106A0016_MagField_140838_2D.prm,
2. Default directory for saved files is “data” subdirectory placed in the directory where
file MRU_GUI_*.exe is located.

Step 11.

If the calibration is unsuccessful, then window Fig. 10.14 appears with a

caption «Unsuccessful calibration. Try again!».

One reason for unsuccessful calibration may be small range of angles of the
MRU-E real rotation. In this case a caption «Calibration failure! Rotation of the
device is required!» appears (see Fig. 10.15). To avoid this please repeat
calibration procedure with rotation of the MRU-E as it is described in the
beginning of this section. Some more reasons of unsuccessful calibration are
discussed in the section “10.3.3. Conditions of successful calibration of the

Step 12.

If you want to finish the calibration without accepting of calibration result click
«Exit» button on the calibration window. Calculated calibration parameters are
not saved to the MRU-E nonvolatile memory and no files are created with
calibration results.

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Fig. 10.14. Fig. 10.15.

Step 13.

Click button to close the calibration window.

10.3.2. Clearing of the soft and hard iron calibration parameters

To remove results of magnetometers field calibration from the MRU -E memory,

follow Step 1, Step 2 from the section 10.1 Then select «Mag Field Calibration»
item from the «Plugins» menu and click the «Clear» button in opened window (see
Fig. 8.3). Soft and hard iron calibration parameters will be removed from MRU-E
memory. The window with message «Magnetic field calibration parameters were
cleared successfully!» appears over above window (see Fig. 10.16). Click «OK»
and close calibration window.

After parameters removing the file *.prm will be

created with name *_CLEAR.prm (for example
Fig. 10.16.

You must clear parameters of the soft and hard iron calibration if you uninstall the
MRU-E from carrier object to avoid incorrect heading calculation. Please remember
that performed soft and hard iron calibration is valid until the MRU -E is mounted on
the object with which the calibration was performed.

When calibration was accepted then during operation with MRU-E in the “MRU
visualization” window (see Fig. 5.1) a capture “Soft/hard iron corrected” appears
In the lower right part of this window. If calibration parameters are cleared in the
MRU-E, then capture “Soft/hard iron corrected” disappears.

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10.3.3. Conditions of successful calibration of the MRU-E

Success of the MRU-E calibration on soft and hard iron of the carrier object
essentially depends on magnetic environment at the place where this calibration is

The best results will be got if calibration is performed in homogeneous magnetic

environment where the magnetic force lines are parallel to each other. In this case
only influence of the carrier object on the MRU-E magnetometers take place, and
this influence can be compensated after calibration procedure.

However, magnetic environment often is not homogeneous at place where

calibration of the MRU-E is performed. This may lead to degradation of the
calibration results since MRU-E magnetometers are disturbed both by iron of the
carrier object and by curved outward magnetic field. In this case it may be very
difficult to separate influence of these 2 disturbance sources on the MRU-E.

Inertial Labs engineers have developed special calibration procedure for separation
of these sources of magnetic disturbance to take into account and compensate just
influence of the magnetic field of the carrier object. But residual influence of non -
uniformity of environmental magnetic field may still decrease calibration accuracy.
After a lot of experiments Inertial Labs engineers have determined acceptable limits
of non-uniformity of environmental magnetic field at which the MRU-E heading
accuracy after calibration is satisfactory.

If the MRU-E calibration procedure was performed in the strict accordance with
procedure described in section 10.3 but calibration is unsuccessful, then place of
the calibration has large distortion of the Earth uniform magnetic field. To repair this
problem please change place of the calibration. For example, usually bad places for
the calibration are office room, laboratory with large quantity of computers and other
electronics equipment, road with underground communications or pipelines, place
near electric mains, etc.

But even in bad magnetic environment the calibration can be successful if the MRU-
E rotates around its magnetometers (around the point about 15 mm away from the
MRU-E forward end). In this case influence of non-uniformity of environmental
magnetic field is minimal.

Finally, please remember that if the carrier object is changed or if place of the MRU-
E mounting on the carrier object is changed, the new calibration should be
performed. If the MRU-E will be used alone without mounting on any object then
calibration results should be cleared by clicking on the «Clear» button (see Fig.

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10.3.4. Choice of set of MRU calibration parameters

MRU has several procedures to perform different variants of magnetometers

calibration on hard and soft iron of the carrier object. MRU keeps in its flash
memory three sets of calibration parameters for magnetometers. Us er can choose
one of them for the next MRU operation by choice of appropriate item from drop -
down list “Start with” in the “Magnetometers calibration options” dialog box from
the “Options” menu (see Fig. 10.17):

 Last MRU Clb – parameters of the last

calibration of magnetometers;
 Factory Clb – factory calibration
 2D-2T, 3D, VG3D, 2D Clb – parameters
calculated after one of these calibrations;

Fig. 10.17.


1. Parameter “Start with” is set automatically to appropriate value “2D -2T, 3D, VG3D,
2D Clb” after each calibration performed.
2. “Last MRU Clb” is always copy of parameters of the last perfor med calibration.
3. “Factory Clb” parameters correspond to cleared calibration of magnetometers on
hard and soft iron. User can switch to “Factory Clb” set if he wants MRU work with
magnetometers without calibration on hard and soft iron, but he doesn’t want to
clear calibration parameters.
4. After cleaning of magnetometers calibration on hard and soft iron, parameters “Last
MRU Clb”, “2D-2T, 3D, VG3D, 2D Clb” become cleared, and parameter “Start with”
is set to “Factory Clb”.

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10.4. Accuracy test of the MRU

To check MRU accuracy, it is recommended to use “Inertial Labs MRU GUI”
software, which allows estimating accuracy of a MRU in given range of orientation
angles. At the same time, it is necessary to use special device allowing to set
angular positions of the MRU strong with respect to tested angles. The MRU should
be rotated just in plane of one of its base surfaces.

The “Inertial Labs MRU GUI” software allows two variants of MRU accuracy test:

 Angles accuracy, at which the MRU restarts each time after it set on new
reference angle;
 On-the-fly accuracy when MRU operates continuously at setting and
changing of reference angles (See section "5.3 On-the-fly accuracy style
of visualization").

“Angles accuracy” is more convenient for further analysis. In this case separate data
file is created for each tested MRU position. “On-the-fly accuracy” is designed for
continuous MRU operation at it setting to different reference angles. This have
sense at magnetic interference tests, for example.

Note: Heading accuracy test is available only in the Inertial Labs TM MRU-E only.

10.4.1. Separate accuracy test for each reference angle

Step 1.

Carefully set MRU by two reference surfaces on platform of the test bench
designed for accuracy check.

Step 2 - Step 5.

Perform Step 1- Step 4 from the section 10.1.

Step 6.

Select “Angles Accuracy” from the “Plugins” menu (Fig.3.4). Accuracy check
window will appear (Fig. 8.4). In the left upper corner of the dropdown window
choose orientation angle (Heading, Pitch or Roll) for the MRU testing.

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Step 7.

Click the “Devices” button. A “Devices

Properties” window (Fig. 10.18) will appear.

Step 8.

Select the required amount of tested MRU

units in the “Number of Devices” field.
Fig. 10.18.

Step 9.

In the column «COM-port» in dropdown windows «COMN» choose СОМ-ports

to which the MRU units are connected. Click «Scan» button. In the column
«Device Name» MRU units are determined in accordance with chosen COM-
ports. Button «ОК» becomes active.

Step 10.

If all MRU units under test successfully determined, click the «ОК» button. The
«Devices Properties…» window will close and found connected MRUs will
appear in the accuracy check window instead of label “NoName”.

Step 11.

If orientation angles of the MRU indicated in the column «Angles…» correspond

to angles with which testing will be carried out, then this step can be omitted.
Otherwise, click the button “Angles” and window “Accuracy Properties” will
appear (see Fig. 10.19), in which the operator sets check accuracy angles
“Accuracy checking points”, the necessary time “Accumulation Time” of data
collecting while the measurement in each position of the MRU, and chooses (if
necessary) «Temperature Sensor» for the temperature control.

Step 12.

If angles of obliquity of the MRU set on the test bench platform are known,
input their values in fields of the «Tilter» window.

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Step 13.

With the help of special setup device set

sequentially angular positions of the MRU in
accordance with the values indicated in «Angles»
column. Then click on “Accumulate Data” button to
start MRU. See in the window the behavior of MRU
angle. After time of run complete, the window is
opened with averaged errors of the MRU.

Step 14.

Repeat Step 13 for each reference angle indicated

in the «Angles» column.
Fig. 10.19.

Step 15.

After the end of the accuracy test cycle in all positions given in the column
«Angles», on the page “Angle Error, deg” the plot of given angle calculation
error is displayed and the minimal and maximal error values during the test, its
root-mean-square value (RMS) are indicated. Also standard deviation (STD) of
measurement noise at last position of the MRU is displayed.

Step 16.

To close the accuracy check window (Fig. 8.4) click button «» in the right
upper corner of the window. At this window is appeared with question about
saving plot of error to .bmp file.

For each run the *.txt file is created with saved MRU data in the “data” subdirectory.
File name consists of s/n of MRU, indication what MRU angle was tested (H –
heading, P – pitch, R – roll), reference angle, reference temperature, time of run.
For example, file "106A0016_H(38.22)_T(+27)_1831.txt" corresponds to data saved
from the MRU s/n 106A0016 at Heading accuracy test for target angle 38.22 at

Also the file of the report like Accuracy_2010991830.txt is created where numbers
are year, month, day, hours, minutes of performed test. there are avera ged data for
each MRU run at accuracy test. In the first column of this file there is MRU s/n,
second column is number of reference angle starting from zero, 6 th – 7 th columns
are averaged Heading, Pitch and Roll measured by MRU.

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10.4.2. On-the-fly accuracy test

Step 1.

Carefully set MRU by two reference surfaces on platform of the test bench
designed for accuracy check.

Step 2 - Step 7.

Perform Step 1- Step 6 from the section 10.1.

Step 8.

Select “MRU visualization” in the “Run” menu (Fig. 3.3) and then click on the
“Snapshots” preview shown in the Fig. 5.2(c). Window shown in the Fig. 5.4
will appear.

Step 9.

Click the «Start» button. First, initial alignment of the MRU will start. This is
signified by the message «Initial alignment. Please wait». Also a progress bar
of initial alignment will appear in the status line of the main window. During the
initial alignment the MRU has to be unmovable relatively to the Earth. After
initial alignment completes, see changes in numeric data of MRU.

Step 10. (Not obligatory)

To save MRU data click «Write» button. See a progress bar of data writing
and timer will appear in the status line of the main window. Note the accuracy
test data are written to file *.csv independently on saving the MRU main data.

Step 11.

When the MRU is set in necessary position and is ready to save data, click the
“Snapshot” button. Window shown in Fig. 10.20 will appear.

Depending on known target orientation (its relative or absolute azimuth and

pitch/elevation) select “Heading” or/and “Pitch”, “Roll” checkboxes (see Fig.

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Fig. 10.20.

Enter values according to true reference angles. This angles can be set using
arrows or by entering the necessary value from a keyboard.

If no checkboxes are checked then only current MRU angles are saved.

Then press “OK” button. New tab “Snapshots” like shown in Fig. 10.21 will
open. Return to previous tab by clicking on its title “MRU visualization”

Fig. 10.21.

Step 12.

Rotate MRU in the next position and repeat Step 11 as many times as you
need. Azimuth value for each new position can be entered in the “Heading”
field directly or as relative azimuth in the right field. It is measured by means of
object sight unit or separate device (like theodolite). Azimuth of these relative
position can be set in degrees or in mils depending on chosen item in drop-
down list «(deg) / (mils)». Relative azimuth in degrees is considered to be
positive in case of clockwise rotation from reference to calibration point and

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negative in case of counter-clockwise rotation. Relative azimuth in mils is

positive in case of counter-clockwise rotation from reference to calibration point
and negative in case of clockwise rotation (according to sight unit scale).

You can verify all snapshots

data by clicking on the arrow
button .
After each snapshot
calculation is performed and
graph Heading Error is
plotted (Fig. 10.22).
“Heading error (deg)” graph
shows difference between
MRU measurements and
reference angles.
Fig. 10.22.

Plotted graph is scalable. To zoom in please click and hold left button on
mouse and drag mouse in down-right direction. To zoom out please click and
hold left button on mouse and drag mouse in up-left direction. Click and hold
right button on mouse to shift plot.

Step 13.

To stop the accuracy test click the «Stop» button. Alternatively, if the MRU
data was writing and the time set in «Record time» in the «Options \ Test
option» menu was reached then accuracy test will be stopped too.

Step 14.

To close the “On-the-fly accuracy” tab simple go to the other visualization style
or close “MRU visualization” tab by clicking the in the title of current tab.

Accuracy test data are automatically saved to the *.csv file. Its name consists of
“TestFullData” word, date and time digits separated by dash symbols where the
first 4 digits are the year, the next 2 digits are the month, then 2 digits of day,
next digits are hours, minutes and seconds of operation (f.e. TestFullData -

This is common text file with comma-separated values of test data for each
snapshot. Example of the *.csv file is shown in the Table 10.1.

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Table 10.1. Example of the *.csv file created at accuracy test






1 15:44:47 200.09 -0.33 -0.09 200.11 200.06 nan nan 0 5.917 0 0
2 15:45:08 210.04 -0.29 -0.15 210.07 210.07 nan nan 0 5.918 0 0
3 15:45:29 220.07 -0.25 -0.21 220.1 220.08 nan nan 0 5.918 0 0
4 15:45:52 230.04 -0.2 -0.26 230.07 229.99 nan nan 0 5.918 0 0

This file includes 13 columns:

1. “Snapshot” – number of snapshot;

2. “hrs:min:sec” – time when the snapshot was made;
3. “Measured_H” – measured heading angle;
4. “Measured_P” – measured pitch angle;
5. “Measured_R” – measured roll angle;
6. “Mag_H” – value of the heading angle based on the MRU magnetometers;
7. “Target_H” – reference (true) heading;
8. “Target_P” – reference (true) pitch;
9. “Target_R” – reference (true) roll;
10. “Mag_Dec” – the magnetic declination;
11. “Vdd” – input voltage of the MRU;
12. “USW (L)” – Unit Status Word (low byte), see Appendix D. for details.
13. “USW (H)” – Unit Status Word (high byte), see Appendix D. for details.

10.5. MRU automatic start

The Inertial Labs TM MRU has ability to start operation automatically after power on,
with continuous output data in desirable output data format.

The auto start option can be enabled or disabled in the drop-down list “Auto start” in
the “IMU” tab of the «Devices Options» window – see Fig. 4.3. To allow this option
the MRU should be connected to PC and powered.

The drop-down list “Auto start” contains list of all available output data formats, see
Fig. 10.23. Please choose desirable output data format for the MRU auto start.
Default is “No Auto start” option that disables automatic start.

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Usually just MRU GUI software is used to start and stop the
MRU operation. To allow the MRU GUI to receive data from
the MRU that was started automatically, it is necessary to
select the “Allow auto start” checkbox in the «Test options»
window – see Fig. 4.1. After the “Allow auto start” checkbox
is selected, it is necessary to close the MRU GUI and start it
again to apply this setting.

Operation with automatically started MRU is close to those

described in the section 10.1, with a little difference.

Step 1.

Connect the MRU to PC and power on. The MRU LED

indicator will light yellow during less than 1 second until
the primary initialization of the MRU microprocessor is
completed. After that the MRU starts calculations and
its LED indicator changes color to green.

Fig. 10.23.

Step 2.

In case if initial alignment time was set bigger than 0 on “IMU” tab of the
“Device options” window, please wait not less than configured time and then
run the MRU GUI. If the COM port number was set correctly and “Allow auto
start” checkbox was selected, then MRU GUI will show the MRU continuous
data in chosen output data format. The next possible steps are the same as
described in section 10.1, steps 11 – 17. For example, you can:

Step 3.

To save data to file please click the «Write» button.

Step 4.

To stop the MRU click «Stop» button. If the data were being written in a file,
then the writing is stopped too.

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10.6. Operations with CAN data

Configuration of CAN2.0A settings is provided by MRU GUI since version
from 2018-11-19. Full configuration of CAN settings including CAN2.0B is provided
by MRU GUI since version from 2019-02-20

To configure output of CAN messages, use “CAN/COM4” tab of “Devices options”

window (see Fig. 10.24).

 – drop-down list of
available MRU CAN
 – selected messages;
 – to write/read set of
the “CAN message
set” to/from MRU
flash memory;
 – operations with
*.ucan configuration

Fig. 10.24.

To allow MRU output of CAN messages it is necessary to choose variant of the CAN
data in the drop-down list in the top left corner of the “CAN/COM4” tab (see Fig.
10.24). The Inertial Labs TM MRU supports CAN 2.0A messages with 11 bit base
identifier (see Fig. 10.25) and CAN 2.0B messages with 29 bit extended identifier
(see Fig. 10.26).

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Device identifier (7 bits) Message offset (4 bits)

Fig. 10.25. CAN2.0A message identifier

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28 27 26 25 24 23 … 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Priority, EDP, DP PDU Message offset (8 bits) Device identifier (8 bits)

(5 bits) format
(8 bits)
Fig. 10.26. CAN2.0B message identifier (according to SAE J1939 standard)

Then set necessary value in “CAN baud rate” field (see Fig. 10.24).

If CAN 2.0A messages are chosen for output, then user can set

 Device identifier – part of 11-bit identifier (see Fig. 10.25), in range 0x00
to 0x7F.

If CAN 2.0B messages are chosen for output then user can set the next parts of 29
bit extended identifier (see Fig. 10.26):

 Priority_EDP_DP – is composed part that includes Priority (3 bits),

Extended Data Page (1 bit) and Data Page (1 bit). Priority_EDP_DP
parameter can be changed in range 0x00 to 0x1F.
 PDU_Format – is PDU format that can be changed in range 0x00 to
 Device identifier – can be changed in range 0x00 to 0xFF.

In both CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B identifiers the “Message offset” is unique ID of
specific CAN message according to Table 10.2.

Table 10.2. Groups and data types of the “CAN message set”
Message number Message Offset Data description
0 0x0 Angular rates
1 0x1 Accelerations
2 0x2 Magnetic field
3 0x3 Orientation
9 0x9 Heave
A 0xA Time information

Note: See detailed description of CAN messages in MRU ICD, section “5.2.1 2. CAN
messages (transmitted through CAN port)”

Since MRU firmware version user can choose desirable CAN messages for

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Field “Select messages” (see Fig. 10.24) contains all CAN messages that can be
chosen for output. There are two columns in the "Select messages" window:

 Description: contains the name of the CAN message;

 Id: contains the ID of the CAN message (see also Table 10.2).

Chosen CAN messages appear in the "Selected messages" field.

User can check “Regular CAN message” checkbox to choose a regular set of CAN
messages for an MRU unit that contains the following messages: Angular rates,
Accelerations, Magnetic field, Orientation, Time information (see Table 10.2`). There
are control buttons below the "Selected messages" field:

- to delete the selected CAN message;

- to delete all selected CAN messages;
- to move the selected CAN message up in the list;
- to move the selected CAN message down in the list.

Bottom string in the “CAN message set” window (Fig. 10.24) contains the summary
information about chosen CAN messages: total number of bytes, the maximum data
rate for the CAN port baud rate (set in the “CAN baud rate”).


1. Data rate for CAN messages is set in “IMU” tab of the “Devices options” window
(see Fig. 4.3).
2. Maximum data rate is calculated based on full size of the CAN message according
to next formula:

max_CAN_data_rate  , (10.1)
bits_CAN_mes * nmb_CAN_mes

where CAN_baud_rate is CAN output baud rate (bits/s); bits_CAN_mes = 128 bits –
is length of one CAN message; nmb_CAN_mes is number of chosen CAN messages
in one package.

After choice of CAN, press "Write to device" button to write this configuration to
the MRU unit. If the operation is successful, the following message appears ( Fig.
10.27). If the operation fails, the following message appears (Fig. 10.28).

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Fig. 10.27. Fig. 10.28.

In this case do the next: check MRU firmware version – it should be no earlier than to support the “CAN message set” format.

10.6.1. Review and editing of the existing configuration of the “CAN

message set” format in MRU unit

Click "Read from device" button (Fig. 10.24) to subtract the current configuration
of the “CAN message set” format from the MRU unit. If the operation is successful,
the following message appears (Fig. 10.29). If the operation fails, the following
message appears (Fig. 10.30).

Fig. 10.29. Fig. 10.30.

In this case do the next: check MRU firmware version – it should be not earlier than to support the “CAN message set” format.

The current MRU configuration will be displayed in the "Select messages" and
"Selected messages" fields (see Fig. 10.24).

You can add or remove data packets. Also, using the control buttons under
"Selected messages" field, you can arrange the CAN messages in the required

Press "Write" button to write the configuration to the MRU flash memory. If the
operation is successful, the message Fig. 10.27 will appear, otherwise the message
Fig. 10.28 will appear.

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10.6.2. “CAN message set” format configuration file (*.ucan)

Created configuration of the “CAN message set” can be transferred to other MRU
units using binary file with the *.ucan extension.

To save the current configuration to file, please click the "Save" button (Fig. 10.24).
After that a standard MS Windows “Save as …” window is opened. User can change
file name or keep its default name with *.ucan extension. After saving, the following
message appears (Fig. 10.31).

To load the “CAN message set” configuration from file, please click the "Open"
button (Fig. 10.24). After that a standard Windows “Open” window is opened; in this
window pleas select one of the previously saved files with *.ucan extension. After
opening the selected file, the following message appears (Fig. 10.32).

Fig. 10.31. Fig. 10.32.

After loading configuration of the “CAN message set” it is displayed in the "Select
messages" and "Selected messages" fields (see Fig. 10.24).


1. It possible to edit this configuration as described above.

2. To apply configuration of the “CAN message set” to the MRU unit please click
“Write” button.

10.6.3. Modifying the DBC file to interpret the CAN messages

For CAN interfaces the DBC file tells the host system how to interpret incoming byte
structures when receiving CAN messages from the device. Inertial Labs supply to
user full configured DBC file to start operation, with preset CAN me ssages identifier
(CAN ID). User can change CAN ID for messages according to their structure shown
in Fig. 10.25 for CAN2.0A and in Fig. 10.26 for CAN2.0B. In such case user have to
update CAN ID also in DBC file, for every message.

The sample of the DBC file is shown in Fig. 10.33 where CAN ID are highlighted by

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Important note: CAN ID for each data package is presented in HEX format, but DBC file
shows CAN ID in DEC format.

So, if “Angular rates” CAN message has ID 0x18FE0033 then it appears in DBC file
with ID 419299379 (see Fig. 10.33).

Fig. 10.33. Sample of DBC file to interpret CAN2.0B messages

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10.7. MRU and SAMC axes alignment

For correct operation of the MRU with external SAMC, it is necessary to align the
SAMC axes with MRU axes, otherwise heading angle and hence position of the
carrier object will be calculated inaccurately.

The Inertial Labs MRU GUI provides a procedure of the MRU and external SAMC
axes alignment. This procedure does not require any additional equipment, but it
requires to place a carrier object, on which the MRU and SAMC are mounted, to a
few positions with essentially different pitch and roll angles.

Note: If the procedure of axes alignment between MRU and SAMC cannot be performed, it
is possible to set the angles manually in the Alignment angles area (see Fig. 4.12).

10.7.1. Description of the axes alignment procedures

Perform Step 1 and Step 2 from the section 10.1.

Note, SAMC should be connected to the MRU how it’s shown in the MRU ICD,
section “4.5. Connection of Stand Alone Magnetic Compass to MRU”, in
accordance to SAMC type (OS3D-FG or miniAHRS).

Step 3.

Select “Mag axes alignment” item from the “Plugins” menu (see Fig. 3.5).
“Mag axes alignment” window (Fig. 8.5) will open.

Step 4.

Set time value in “Accumulation Time” field or leave default value - 10 sec.

Axes alignment procedure consists of accumulating data in at least three

positions at different pitch and roll angles. See Table 10.3. for examples of
angles at which a carrier object should be while accumulating data.

Step 5.

Fix a carrier object in the first position and click “Start” button. The window
(Fig. 10.34) will appear.

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Table 10.3 Example of rotation angles

Position № Roll, deg Pitch, deg
1 0 0
2 90 0
3 0 90

Fig. 10.34.

Step 6.

Fix a carrier object in the second position and click “Start” button again.

Step 7.

Fix a carrier object in the third position and click “Start” button again.
“Calculate” button gets activated after completion of data accumulation in the
third position, but for more accurate alignment you may perform data
accumulation in more than three positions.

Step 8.

Press “Calculate” button once satisfactory times of data accumulation at

different angles have performed.

If all steps have been done accurately then Fig. 10.35 appears on the screen.
Based on the axes alignment accuracy it is necessary to accept or to decline
result by clicking on the relevant button. Otherwise, if the MRU detects
unsuccessful alignment or any other errors, then an error pop-up appears on
the screen (see Fig. 10.36). Please, repeat steps starting from Step 5 again in
order to reach acceptable result.


1. Accepting the result by pressing the “Accept” button (Fig. 10.35), the determined
rotation angles will be shown at the Alignment angles area in the “External sensors”

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tab of the “Devices options” window (see Fig. 4.12).
2. Pressing “Yes” button (Fig. 10.36) saves the log file, which can be used to debug
errors. The log file contains information about commands that were sent by the MRU
GUI and a list of errors occurred. In case of errors, this file should be sent to the
Inertial Labs with a brief description of user actions.

Fig. 10.36.
Fig. 10.35.

Step 9.

If you want to finish the axes alignment procedure without accepting result click
“Exit” button on the calibration window (Fig. 10.34). As a result, calculated
alignment parameters don’t get saved to the MRU nonvolatile memory.

Step 10.

Click button to close the calibration window (Fig. 10.34).

10.7.2. Clearing axes alignment angles

Axes alignment angles must be cleared in case of the MRU or SAMC units
replacement (change position) on a carrier object, in order to avoid incorrect
heading calculation. Please remember that performed axes alignment data is valid
until the MRU and SAMC are mounted onto an object at the very exact spot while
the alignment procedure.

To remove results of axes alignment procedure from the MRU nonvolatile memory,
first perform Step 1 and Step 2 from the section 10.1. Then select “Mag axes
alignment” item from “Plugins” menu and click “Clear” button in the opened
window (see Fig. 8.5). Axes alignment angles will be cleared from MRU nonvolatile
memory and a pop-up will appear on the screen (see Fig. 10.37). Otherwise, an
error pop-up will appear on the screen (see Fig. 10.38). Click “OK” to close
information window.

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Fig. 10.37. Fig. 10.38.

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The procedure of MRU firmware and parameters

Since MRU GUI version from 2019-10-04, the GUI software allows
update device firmware and parameters with specific utility.

Firstly, unpack the received ZIP file like to

any folder on PC. Where x_x_x_x it is a firmware version. This file consists of utility
and configuration items for the updating procedure.

Utility can be run in two ways:

 with MRU GUI;

 or, directly run of .exe file.

11.1. Using MRU GUI for firmware and parameters update

Step 1.

Connect device to PC, and power it on;

Step 2.

Run MRU GUI version or higher;

Step 3.

Go to “Test options” window, choose the COM port to which the main port of
the MRU is connected, and set its baud rate (see Fig. 4.1), press “OK” button;

Step 4.

Choose "Firmware and parameters update..." item under "Plugins" menu (see
Fig. 11.1). The standard Windows “Open…” window will appear, in which it is
necessary to find saved utility file Device_fw_vx_x_x_x_and_prm_updating.exe and
press “Open” button. Utility’s window will appear (see Fig. 11.2) with COM port
number and its baud rate, previously defined in “Test options” window;

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Fig. 11.2.
Fig. 11.1.

Step 5.

Click “Update” button. Utility will ask file name for backup of current MRU
parameters. You can set this name or decline backup. In short time MRU
parameters will be updated and window Fig. 11.3 will appear. Click “OK” button
to close this window. Then the firmware update is started (see Fig. 11.4). Do
not unplug or power off the device while the process is going on during the
firmware update;

Fig. 11.3.

Fig. 11.4.

Step 6.

After completed the firmware update MRU will be started and window Fig. 11.5
will appear.

Device is ready for use.

Note: some devices require manual power-cycle after firmware update. In such case
window shown in Fig. 11.6 appears on the screen.

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Fig. 11.6.

Fig. 11.5.

11.2. Direct run of firmware and parameters update utility

User has the ability to run the utility directly excluding using MRU GUI. In such case
do the following steps:

Step 1.

Connect device to PC, and power it on;

Step 2.

Find the utility file (Device_fw_vx_x_x_x_and_prm_updating.exe) in

unpacked folder and execute it. Window Fig. 11.7 will appear on the screen,
where it is necessary manually to set the COM port to which the main port of
the MRU is connected, and its baud rate.

Fig. 11.7.

Then, instructions to update device firmware and parameters are the same as
the previous section shows. Perform Step 5, Step 6 from section 11.1.

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Continuous self-monitoring of the MRU health

The Inertial Labs MRU has continuous built-in monitoring of the MRU health. In the
main mode the MRU sends out Unit Status Word (USW) in each data block (see
also Appendix C.).

The low byte (bits 0-7) of USW indicates failure of the MRU. If this byte is 0 then the
MRU operates correctly, if it is not 0, see “Appendix D. The Unit Status Word
definition” for type of failure or contact the developers directly.

The high byte (bits 8-15) contains a warning or is informative for the user. Status of
each bit of the USW warning byte is specified in the “Appendix D. The Unit Status
Word definition”.

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Choice of 3D model for visualization of the MRU

The MRU GUI software allows the use of different 3D models for visualization of the
MRU orientation angles when the «MRU visualization» option is selected from the
«Run» menu.

The default 3D model is a vessel as Fig. 5.1 shows. Other models are on Flash
Drive in the subfolder “3D_Models” of the folder with the MRU GUI software. There
are files model.mgl which contain these models and appropriate screenshot files.

To set desirable 3D model for the MRU visualization, just copy the file model.mgl
from appropriate folder of 3D models to the “configs” subfolder in folder with MRU
GUI software. At this you should replace existing file.

Some examples of 3D models for the MRU visualization are shown on Fig. 13.1.

Helicopter Land Vehicle

Aircraft Submarine
Fig. 13.1.

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14.1. How to repair the MRU parameters

Need to repair of the MRU parameters appears in some cases, for example at
incorrect loading of parameters into the MRU memory.

You can use original file with *.prm extension that comes on the Flash Drive within a
delivery package of the Inertial Labs MRU, or use own files created by «Save
parameters» command (if these files contain valid data of course). Follow next
steps to restore MRU parameters:

Steps 1.

Connect the MRU to PC and power it.

Steps 2.

Start the MRU GUI software. The main menu will appear (see Fig. 3.1).

Steps 3.

Select «Test options…» from the «Options» menu (or click button) – see
Fig. 3.7. «Test options» window (Fig. 4.1) will open.

Steps 4.

Select the correct СОМ port number and its rate «Baud rate:115200». Click

Note: For the number of the СОМ port to which the MRU is connected, see items «2.
Installation of drivers and configuration of the PC parameters» and «Appendix А.
Installation of the COM-to-USB converter drivers and configuration of the PC parameters».

Steps 5.

Select «Restore parameters» in the «Parameters» menu (see Fig. 3.4) or

click button. A standard Windows «Open» window will open.

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Steps 6.

Select file with extension *.prm containing the factory settings of the MRU
parameters or own file created by «Save parameters» command (if this file
contains valid data of course). Click «ОК». These parameters will be loaded
into MRU memory automatically.

14.2. What do you have to do at strange behavior of the MRU

If you see strange behavior of the MRU, first check whose parameters are loaded in
the connected MRU. This may occur, for example, if you have restored parameters
that corresponds to another MRU with an improper serial number. Please use
«Restore parameters…» command accurately to avoid wrong parameters loading
into the MRU’s memory.

To check whose parameters are loaded in the connected MRU please select
«Device options …» from the «Options» menu (or click button) – see Fig. 3.7.
«Device options» window will open (Fig. 4.3).

In the field “MRU s/n” you will see serial number of the MRU. It must correspond to
serial number that is placed on label on MRU's nose.

If “MRU s/n” doesn’t correspond to serial number of the connected MRU, then you
must restore original parameters as that described in above section.

If “MRU s/n” corresponds to the MRU serial number, but you continue see strange
behavior of the MRU in heading, then this may be due to improper hard/soft iron
calibration parameters are loaded into MRU’s memory.

If you have removed the MRU from its carrier object, then you must clear the
parameters of soft/hard iron calibration. See section “10.3.2. Clearing of the soft
and hard iron calibration parameters” for details.

If you mount the MRU in another place in carrier object, or move it to another carrier
object, then you must repeat soft/hard iron calibration procedure as it described in
section “10.3 Calibration of the MRU-E”.

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14.3. What do you have to do if messages “Cannot read

parameters!”, “Cannot load parameters!”,
or “Cannot start MRU” appear
When you use Inertial Labs MRU GUI Software, the most of operations are started
with reading data from the MRU nonvolatile memory to control correct MRU status.
For this purpose, the MRU should be powered and connected to COM-port or USB-
port using COM-to-USB adapter.

When you see one of messages that Fig. 14.1 shows, then you should check the
next items:

 The MRU is powered and its LED indicator lights red.

 The MRU is connected to COM-port or USB-port using COM-to-USB
 The number of COM-port and its baud rate are set correctly in the «Serial
port» field in «Test options…» window from the «Options» menu as Fig.
4.1 shows.

Then simply click the «OK» button and repeat your operation.

Fig. 14.1.

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Installation of the COM-to-USB converter drivers and
configuration of PC parameters
If connection of the MRU to a computer is done through a USB port, in some cases
a COM-to-USB converter driver may be required to install. The converter driver is in
the folder COM_to_USB_Driver placed on the Flash Drive within a delivery package
of the Inertial Labs MRU.

Sequence of the converter driver installation is as follows:

Go to the Device Manager window (Control Panel/System and

Security/System/Device Manager) there should be a device under “Other Devices”
with a yellow warning symbol to indicate a problem i.e. no driver installed, as shown
in Fig. A.1. The text next to this device will depend on the device attached. In this
example the device was a “USB Serial Cable”.

Do right click on “USB Serial Cable”, from the displayed menu select “Update
Driver”, see Fig. A.2.

Fig. A.1. Fig. A.2.

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Select “Browse my computer for driver software” (Fig. A.3), and then in the address
field put the exact location where the drivers have been saved to ( Fig. A.4). The
location should be the top level folder of the extracted files and contain two *.inf

Fig. A.3. Fig. A.4.

Press “Next” button. After the installation

process, a completion screen is
displayed as shown in Fig. A.5.

Press “Close” button to close this

window and go back to the Device
Manager Window.

Fig. A.5.

There is a new item under “Universal Serial Bus Controllers” indicated in Fig. A.6 as
the “USB Serial Converter”. This indicates the bus layer of the driver is installed.

Installing the Virtual Com Port layer of the driver is almost a repeat of the last few

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Do right click on “USB Serial Port”, from the displayed menu select “Update Driver”,
see Fig. A.7. Select “Browse my computer for driver software” (Fig. A.3), and then in
the address field put the location where the drivers have been saved to ( Fig. A.4).

Fig. A.6. Fig. A.7.

Press “Next” button. After the

installation process, a completion
screen is displayed as shown in Fig.

Note, at the top of this screen also

displays the COM port number
assigned to the device. Press “Close”
button to close this window and go
back to the Device Manager Window.

Fig. A.8.

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This time the Device Manager does not have an item under “Other Devices” but
does show items under “Universal Serial Bus Controllers” and “Ports (COM & LPT)”.
Fig. A.9 displays a correct installation. The device is now ready to use on “COM7”.

Once the converter driver is installed, you will need to configure parameters of this
port for correct operation of the MRU.

Open the Properties window of this port by right click on «USB serial port (COM7)»
and select “Properties”, as Fig. A.10 show.

Fig. A.9. Fig. A.10.

At the new window go to “Port Settings” tab and press the “Advanced…” button, see
Fig. A.11.

In the opened «Advanced Settings for COM7» window set the next parameters:

 Latency Timer (msec) to 4;

 Minimum Read Timeout (msec) to 0;
 Minimum Write Timeout (msec) to 0;

as it is shown on Fig. A.12, and click «ОК».

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Fig. A.11. Fig. A.12.

In case of problems in COM-to-USB driver operation please make one more

adjustment of the driver. In the «Device Manager» window go to the «Universal
Serial Bus controllers» list, item «USB Serial Converter» (see Fig. A.13). Twice click
on this item to set properties. The window «USB Serial Controller Properties» will be
opened where go to «Advanced» tab and check «Load VCP» box (see Fig. A.14).

Fig. A.13. Fig. A.14.

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Installation of the MOXA Serial-to-USB converter
drivers (for MRU with RS-422 interface)
The Inertial Labs TM MRU with RS-422 interface can be connected to PC USB port
using Serial-to-USB MOXA 1130 converter, which is supplied with the MRU unit by
the Inertial Labs. In this case it is necessary to install appropriate driver which can
be downloaded from the official MOXA site. Make sure that driver completely suits
your operating system.

Sequence of the MOXA 1130 converter driver installation is as follows:

Click twice on icon of downloaded driver window shown on the Fig. B.1 will appear.

Fig. B.1. Fig. B.2.

Click «Next» button and window shown on the Fig. B.2 will appear. In the address
box put the exact location where the drivers have been installed to.

Click «Next» to continue installation. Then window shown on the Fig. B.3 will
appear. In the address box put location and name of the program’s shortcuts and
click «Next» button.

Window Fig. B.4 will appear where you can check the correctness of settings. If data
are correct click «Install» button. In the other case click «Back» button to review
and change any settings. If installation completed successfully window shown on
the Fig. B.5 will appear. Click «Finish» button to close installation window.

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Fig. B.3. Fig. B.4.

Fig. B.5. Fig. B.6.

The next step is configuration of the installed driver. To do this, press the «Device
Manager» button in the «System Properties» window, in the «Hardware» page. In
the opened «Device Manager» window (see Fig. B.6) select device «Uport 1130» in
the «Multiport serial adapters» group.

Double click on this device to show its properties where go to the « Ports
Configuration» tab (see Fig. B.7). Please check that there is set RS-422 interface
as Fig. B.7 shows. If other interface is set then click on the «Port Setting» button,
and in opened window Fig. B.8 select just RS-422 interface. Click «OK» button to
accept configuration.

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Once the converter driver is installed and configured, you will need to know the
number of the additional COM-port set by the system and configure parameters of
this port for correct operation of the MRU. To do this, go again to the «Device
Manager» window Fig. B.6 and look the «Ports (COM & LPT)» list. There additional
СОМ-port is appeared, «MOXA USB serial port (COMN)» (see Fig. B.9). Number N
in the port name is the necessary port number assigned by the computer.

Fig. B.7. Fig. B.8. Fig. B.9.

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Description of data files
The Inertial Labs MRU GUI software creates data files if “Write” button is pressed
after MRU start. These are two binary files with the same name and extensions
*.prm and *.bin, where *.prm file contains the MRU parameters, and *.bin file
contains the MRU outputs. Select «Report of experiment» from the
“Convert“ menu of the MRU GUI or press F8 or click button to convert these
binary data to text file (see section 7 for more details).

Structure of binary and text files is described below. Note that text file is more
convenient for analysis.

C.1. Structure of binary file

If user has possibility to work with binary file directly, below is description of the
binary *.bin file. This file structure copies structure of the MRU output data that is
described in the Inertial Labs MRU Interface Control Document (ICD).

The first 50 bytes of the *.bin file are results of the MRU initial alignment, see Table

Table C.1. Structure of the first 50 bytes of *.bin file (block of initial alignment data)
Byte Parameter Format Length Note
0-11 Gyros bias float 3*4 3 numbers in ADC codes
12-23 Average acceleration float 3*4 3 numbers in ADC codes
24-35 Average magn. field float 3*4 3 numbers in ADC codes
36-39 Initial Heading float 4 degrees
40-43 Initial Roll float 4 degrees
44-47 Initial Pitch float 4 degrees
48-49 USW word 2 0 – successful initial alignment;
0 – unsuccessful


1. USW is Unit Status Word (see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for
2. In the Table C.1 and in all next there is denoted:
• word = unsigned 2-byte integer;
• sword = signed 2-byte integer.
3. LSB is transmitted first.

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Since MRU firmware version user can choose extended block of the initial
alignment data in “Device options” menu item, “IMU” tab, “Extended initial alignment
data” check-box (see Fig. 4.3). In such case the first 128 bytes of the *.bin file are
extended form of results of the MRU initial alignment, see Table C.2.

Table C.2. Structure of the first 128 bytes of *.bin file at extended block of initial alignment
Byte Parameter Format Length Note
0-11 Gyros bias float 3*4 3 numbers in ADC codes
12-23 Average acceleration float 3*4 3 numbers in ADC codes
24-35 Average magn. field float 3*4 3 numbers in ADC codes
36-39 Initial Heading float 4 degrees
40-43 Initial Roll float 4 degrees
44-47 Initial Pitch float 4 degrees
48-49 USW (see Appendix D) word 2 0 – successful initial alignment
0 – unsuccessful
50-53 Pressure sensor temperature, UT_sr long 4 in ADC codes
54-57 Pressure data, UP_sr long 4 in ADC codes
58-75 Temperatures in 3 gyros, 3 sword 9*2 in ADC codes
accelerometers, 3 magnetometers
76-83 Latitude double 8 degrees
84-91 Longitude double 8 degrees
92-99 Altitude double 8 m
100-103 Velocity V_east float 4 m/s
104-107 Velocity V_north float 4 m/s
108-111 Velocity V_up float 4 m/s
112-119 Gravity, G_true double 8 m/s2
120-123 Reserved1 float 4
124-127 Reserved2 float 4


1. USW is Unit Status Word (see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for
2. LSB is transmitted first.

It is recommended to choose the extended block of the initial alignment data which
contains more information about results of initial alignment procedure. Short block is
kept more for compatibility with older versions of MRU firmware and MRU GUI.

All the remaining data in the *.bin file are blocks of the MRU output data written at
MRU operation with set data rate (100 Hz default). Each data block has structure
according to the chosen output format – «MRU Calibrated HR Data» (Table C.3),
«ABB Smart Winch Drive» (Table C.5), «MRU Quaternion Data» (Table C.6), «MRU
Minimal Data» (Table C.8), «MRU NMEA» (Table C.12), «TSS1» (Table C.13),
«TSS1+HEHDT», «Seatex 010», «Seatex 014» (Table C.14), «Seatex 019» (Table
C.15), «Seatex PR» (Table C.16), «PSMCC» (Table C.17), «PRDID» (Table C.18),

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«Simrad EM3000» (Table C.19), «MRU Normal 85» (Table C.21), «MRU Normal 10»
(Table C.22), «MRU Normal 37» (Table C.23), «MRU Normal 0E» (Table C.24).

Table C.3. The message payload at MRU Calibrated HR Data format

0–3 4–7 8 – 11 12 – 23 24 – 35 36 – 41
GyroX, GyroY, AccX, AccY, MagX, MagY,
Parameter Heading Pitch Roll
GyroZ AccZ MagZ
4 byte 4 byte 4 byte 34 byte 34 byte 32 byte
unsigned integer integer integer integer integer sword
Angular rates, Accelerations, Magnetic fields,
Note Orientation angles, deg*1000
deg/s*1.0e5 g*1.0e6 nT/10
Table C.3 (continued)
42 – 43 44 –45 46 – 47 48 – 49 50 – 51 52 – 55

Parameter Reserved Reserved USW Vinp Temper Heave

2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 4 byte

sword sword word word sword integer
Supply voltage, Temperature,
Note m*KH
VDC*100 ºC*10
Table C.3 (continued)
56 – 57 58 – 59 60 – 61 62 – 63 64 – 65 66 – 67 68 – 71
Heave Surge Sway P_bar
Parameter Surge Sway H_bar
velocity velocity velocity or Hs
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 4 byte
sword sword sword sword sword word integer
Note m*KS m*KS m/s*100 m/s*100 m/s*100 m*100
or m*100


1. Heading is calculated in MRU-E only.

2. Orientation, position and velocity data can be presented in form of instant or
average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details).
3. Angular rates, linear accelerations and magnetic fields are in the carrier object
axes (X is lateral axis, Y is longitudinal axis, Z is vertical axis). The MRU
orientation relative to the carrier object axes is set by alignment angles ( see
Appendix E. Variants of the Inertial Labs TM MRU mounting relative to the object
4. Gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers data can be presented in form of
instant, average or incremental values (see section 4.4).
5. g = 9.8106 m/s 2 .
6. USW is unit status word (see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for

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7. Vinp is input voltage of the MRU.
8. Temper is averaged temperature in 3 gyros.
9. Default scaling of Heave, Surge and Sway data is KH=100, KS=100. R esolution of
these data can be increased (see Table C.4) at set “Heave high resolution”
checkbox on “Heave calculation” tab of “Correction options…” window (see Fig.
10. Heave and its velocity are positive down.
11. P_bar or Hs – pressure or Significant Wave Height, see section 10.2.4.
12. H_bar – barometric height.
13. LSB is transmitted first.

Table C.4. Values of KH, KS factors for heave, surge and sway data
Default scaling Heave high resolution
KH 100 10000
KS 100 1000

Table C.5. The message payload at ABB Smart Winch Drive data format
0–1 2–3 4–5 6 –17 18 – 29 30 –35
GyroX, GyroY, AccX, AccY, MagX, MagY,
Parameter Heading Pitch Roll
GyroZ AccZ MagZ
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 34 byte 34 byte 32 byte
unsigned integer integer integer integer integer sword
Angular rates, Accelerations, Magnetic fields,
Note Orientation angles, deg*100
deg/s*1.0e5 g*1.0e6 nT/10
Table C.5. (continued)
36 – 37 38– 39 40–41 42 – 43 44 – 45 46 – 49
Parameter Reserved Reserved USW Vinp Temper Heave
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 4 byte
sword sword word word sword integer
Supply voltage, Temperature,
Note m*10000
VDC*100 ºC*10
Table C.5. (continued)
50 – 53 54 – 55 56 – 57 58 – 59 60 – 61 62 – 67
Remote heave Heave Remote heave
Parameter Remote heave Heave velocity ro_tp
Velocity acceleration acceleration
4 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 32 byte
sword sword sword sword sword sword
Note m*10000 m/s*1000 m/s*1000 m/s*1000 m/s*1000 m*100

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 124
User Manual Revision 1.27
Table C.5. (continued)
68 – 69 70 – 73 74 – 75 76 – 79
Exception code Watchdog P_bar
Parameter H_bar
TCP Target 1 TCP Target 2 TCP Target 1 TCP Target 2 or Hs
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 4 byte
Length 1 byte 1 byte
sword sword word integer
Note m*100
or m*100


1. Heading is calculated in MRU-E only.

2. Orientation, heave and velocity data can be presented in form of instant or average
values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details).
3. Angular rates, linear accelerations and magnetic fields are in the carrier object
axes (Y is the stern/bow axis, X is the port/starboard axis, Z is the vertical axis).
The MRU orientation relative to the carrier object axes is set by alignment angles
(see Appendix E. Variants of the Inertial Labs TM MRU mounting relative to the
object axes).
4. Gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers data can be presented in form of
instant, average or incremental values (see section 4.4).
5. g = 9.8106 m/s 2 .
6. USW is unit status word (see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for
7. Vinp is input voltage of the MRU.
8. Temper is averaged temperature in 3 gyros.
9. Heave and its velocity are positive down.
10. Remote Heave is calculated for chosen monitoring point, see section 10.2.2.
11. ro_tp are three coordinates of the monitoring point relative to the MRU unit in the
object axes X, Y, Z with positive directions according to Fig. 10.1.
12. Exception codes and watchdog counters are returned by slave devices “TCP
Target 1” and “TCP Target 2” when MRU operates in Modbus network.
13. P_bar or Hs – pressure or Significant Wave Height, see section 10.2.4.
14. H_bar – barometric height.
15. LSB is transmitted first.

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 125
User Manual Revision 1.27
Table C.6. The message payload at MRU Quaternion Data format
Byte number 0–7 8 – 13 14 – 19 20 – 25 26 – 27 28 – 29
GyroX, GyroY, AccX, AccY, MagX, MagY,
Parameter q0,q1,q2,q3 Reserved Reserved
GyroZ AccZ MagZ
42 byte 32 byte 32 byte 32 byte 2 byte 2 byte
sword sword sword sword sword sword
Quaternion of Angular rates, Accelerations, Magn. fields,
orientation *10000 deg/s*KG g*KA nT/10
Table C.6 (continued)
Byte number 30 – 31 32 – 33 34 – 35 36 – 39 40 – 41
Parameter USW Vinp Temper Heave Surge
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 4 byte 2 byte
word word sword integer sword
Supply voltage, Temperature,
Note m*KH m*KS
VDC*100 ºC*10
Table C.6 (continued)
Byte number 42 – 43 44 – 45 46 – 47 48 – 49 50 – 51 52 – 55
Parameter Sway Heave velocity Surge velocity Sway velocity H_bar
or Hs
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 4 byte
sword sword sword sword word integer
Note m*KS m/s*100 m/s*100 m/s*100 m*100
or m*100


1. Heading is calculated in MRU-E only.

2. Orientation, position and velocity data can be presented in form of instant or
average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details).
3. Values of KG, KA are scale factors depending on gyro and accelerometer range
(see Table C.7).
4. Angular rates, linear accelerations and magnetic fields are in the carrier object
axes (X is lateral axis, Y is longitudinal axis, Z is vertical axis). The MRU
orientation relative to the carrier object axes is set by alignment angles ( see
Appendix E. Variants of the Inertial Labs TM MRU mounting relative to the object
5. Gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers data can be presented in form of
instant, average or incremental values (see section 4.4).
6. g = 9.8106 m/s 2 .
7. USW is unit status word (see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for
8. Vinp is input voltage of the MRU.
9. Temper is averaged temperature in 3 gyros.
10. Default scaling of Heave, Surge and Sway data is KH=100, KS=100. Resolution of
these data can be increased (see Table C.4) at set “Heave high resolution”

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 126
User Manual Revision 1.27
checkbox on “Heave calculation” tab of “Correction options…” window ( see Fig.
11. Heave and its velocity are positive down.
12. P_bar or Hs – pressure or Significant Wave Height, see section 10.2.4.
13. H_bar – barometric height.
14. LSB is transmitted first.

Table C.7. Values of KG, KA factors for gyro and accelerometer scaled data
Gyro range, deg/sec 450 Accelerometer range, g 8
KG 50 KA 4000

Table C.8. The message payload at MRU Minimal Data format

Byte number 0–1 2–3 4–5 6 – 11 12 – 17 18 – 23
GyroX, GyroY, AccX, AccY, MagX, MagY,
Parameter Heading Pitch Roll
GyroZ AccZ MagZ
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 32 byte 32 byte 32 byte
word sword sword sword sword sword
Angular rates, Accelerations, Magnetic fields,
Note Orientation angles, deg*100
deg/s*KG g*KA nT/10
Table C.8. (continued)
Byte number 24–27 28 – 29 30 – 31 32 – 33
Parameter Heave USW Vinp Temper
4 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte
integer word word sword
Supply voltage, Temperature,
Note m*KH
VDC*100 ºC*10


1. Heading is calculated in MRU-E only.

2. Orientation and position data can be presented in form of instant or average values
(see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD Appendix D.1
for details).
3. Values of KG, KA are scale factors depending on gyro and accelerometer range
(see Table C.7).
4. Angular rates, linear accelerations and magnetic fields are in the carrier object
axes (X is lateral axis, Y is longitudinal axis, Z is vertical axis). The MRU
orientation relative to the carrier object axes is set by alignment angles (see
Appendix E. Variants of the Inertial Labs TM MRU mounting relative to the object
5. Gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers data can be presented in form of
instant, average or incremental values (see section 4.4).
6. g = 9.8106 m/s 2 .
7. USW is unit status word (see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for
8. Temper is averaged temperature in 3 gyros.

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 127
User Manual Revision 1.27
9. Default scaling of Heave data is KH=100. Resolution of this data can be increased
(see Table C.4) at set “Heave high resolution” checkbox on “Heave calculation” tab
of “Correction options…” window (see Fig. 4.23).
10. Heave is defined positive down.
11. LSB is transmitted first.

Table C.9. Payload of the “User Defined Data”

Offset in
Field Size, bytes Value
payload, bytes
Pckg 0 1 Number of data packages present in the
Number payload (N)
Data List 1 N List of data types, one per byte, refer to Table
C.10.for values
Data #1 N+1 Variable, depends on Data according to structure shown in Table
data type, refer to Table C.10.
C.10. for sizes
Data #2 Variable, Variable, depends on Data according to structure shown in Table
depends on data type, refer to Table C.10.
Data #1 size C.10. for sizes
Data #N Variable, Variable, depends on Data according to structure shown in Table
depends on data type, refer to Table C.10.
preceding data C.10. for sizes

Table C.10. Detailed description of “User Defined Data” structure

Data Size,
Description Structure
type bytes
0x01 MRU time 4 unsigned integer Time of MRU solution, milliseconds
word Heading, deg*100
0x07 Orientation angles 6 sword Pitch, deg*100
sword Roll, deg*100
unsigned integer Heading, deg*1000
Orientation angles
0x08 12 integer Pitch, deg*1000
integer Roll, deg*1000
sword q0*10000
Quaternion of sword q1*10000
0x09 8
orientation sword q2*10000
sword q3*10000
integer q0*1.0e6
Quaternion of integer q1*1.0e6
0x0A 16
orientation HR integer q2*1.0e6
integer q3*1.0e6
0x13 Heave 4 integer Heave, m*100
0x14 Heave HR 4 integer Heave, m*10000
0x15 Heave velocity 2 sword V_heave, m/s*100
sword Surge, m*100
0x16 Surge, Sway 4
sword Sway, m*100
sword Surge, m*1000
0x17 Surge, Sway HR 4
sword Sway, m*1000
0x18 Surge, Sway velocity 4 sword V_surge, m/s*100

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 128
User Manual Revision 1.27
sword V_sway, m/s*100
Significant Wave
0x19 2 word Hs, m*100
0x1C Delayed Time Heave 4 integer Heave, m*10000. See section 10.2.3.
sword Gyro X, deg/s*KG
0x20 Gyro data 6 sword Gyro Y, deg/s*KG
sword Gyro Z, deg/s*KG
integer Gyro X, deg/s*1.0e5
0x21 Gyro data HR 12 integer Gyro Y, deg/s*1.0e5
integer Gyro Z, deg/s*1.0e5
sword Accelerometer X, g*KA
0x22 Accelerometer data 6 sword Accelerometer Y, g*KA
sword Accelerometer Z, g*KA
integer Accelerometer X, g*1.0e6
Accelerometer data
0x23 12 integer Accelerometer Y, g*1.0e6
integer Accelerometer Z, g*1.0e6
sword Magnetometer X, nT/10
0x24 Magnetometer data 6 sword Magnetometer Y, nT/10
sword Magnetometer Z, nT/10
word Pressure, Pa/2
0x25 Barometer data 6
integer Baro altitude, m*100
integer Gyro X filtered, deg/s*1.0e5
0x29 Gyro data filtered 12 integer Gyro Y filtered, deg/s*1.0e5
integer Gyro Z filtered, deg/s*1.0e5
Matrix (33) for magnetometers soft iron
0x2B Matrix Tm_c 36 9 float
correction, by rows
Matrix (31) for magnetometers hard iron
0x2С Matrix Hm_0 12 3 float
correction, nT
0x50 Supply voltage 2 word VDC*100
0x51 Stabilized voltage 2 word VDC*1000
0x52 Temperature 2 sword °C*10
0x53 Unit status word 2 word USW (see Appendix D)
0x59 Calculation time 4 integer Time of algorithm calculation, s*1000
Unit status word
0x5A 2 word USW2 (see Appendix D, Table D.2)
0x61 Velocity 2 sword Velocity, kt*100
integer Latitude external, deg*1.0e7
integer Longitude external, deg*1.0e7
integer Altitude external, m*1000
0x63 External position 20 word Latitude external STD, m*100
word Longitude external STD, m*100
word Altitude external STD, m*100
word External position latency, sec*1000
Indicator of update of external sensors data
0x65 New aiding data 2 word
(see Table C.x10)
integer Starboard velocity, 1000*m/sec
DVL (Doppler integer Forward velocity, 1000*m/sec
0x67 24
Velocity Log) data integer Mast velocity, 1000*m/sec
word Starboard velocity STD, 1000*m/sec

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 129
User Manual Revision 1.27
word Forward velocity STD, 1000*m/sec
word Mast velocity STD, 1000*m/s
word Velocity latency, msec
unsigned integer Pressure, 0.1*Pa
byte Day
0x6D Date external 4 byte Month
word Year
integer Latitude external, deg*1.0e7
integer Longitude external, deg*1.0e7
External horizontal
0x6E 14 word Latitude external STD, m*100
word Longitude external STD, m*100
word External position latency, sec*1000


1. MRU time starts counting once power turns on and MRU initialization is completed .
2. Heading is calculated in MRU-E only.
3. Orientation, position and velocity data can be presented in form of instant or
average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details).
4. Unit status word (USW) is highly recommended for choice to control MRU unit state
(see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for details).
5. If even one data type from “External aiding data” group is chosen, then “New aiding
data” is highly recommended for choice too. This is indicat or of new update of
aiding data (see Table C.11 for details).
6. Values of KG, KA are scale factors depending on gyro and accelerometer range
(see Table C.7).
7. g = 9.8106 m/s 2 .
8. Angular rates, linear accelerations and magnetic fields are in the carrier object
axes (X is lateral axis, Y is longitudinal axis, Z is vertical axis). The MRU
orientation relative to the carrier object axes is set by alignment angles ( see
Appendix E. Variants of the Inertial Labs TM MRU mounting relative to the object
9. Gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers data can be presented in form of
instant, average or incremental values (see section 4.4).
10. Heave and its velocity are positive down.
11. Temper is averaged temperature in 3 gyros.
12. LSB is transmitted first.

Table C.11. New aiding data indicator

Bit Parameter Description
Low byte 0 Reserved
1 Velocity 0 – data absent / 1 – data updated
2 Reserved
3 External position 0 – data absent / 1 – data updated
4-5 Reserved
6 DVL data 0 – data absent / 1 – data updated
(Starboard velocity,

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 130
User Manual Revision 1.27
Forward velocity,
Mast velocity,
Starboard velocity STD,
Forward velocity STD,
Mast velocity STD,
Velocity latency,
7 Reserved
High byte 8 to 11 Reserved
12 Date external 0 – data absent / 1 – data updated
13 External horizontal position 0 – data absent; 1 – data updated
14 to 15 Reserved

“MRU NMEA” output data format the MRU data are transmitted in the form of
sentences with printable ASCII characters like the NMEA 0183 format. Each
sentence starts with a "$" sign and ends with <CR><LF> (carriage return 0xD and
line feed 0xA symbols). All data fields are separated by commas. The general form
of the «MRU NMEA» sentence is the next


where PAPR is identifier and other fields are listed in the Table C.12.

Table C.12. The MRU message in NMEA format

Field AAAA.aa B RRRR.rr PPP.pp HHH.hh TTT.t V.vv SSSS CC
Parameter Heave h Roll Pitch Heading Temperature Vinp USW
hex written
Note m deg deg deg ºC VDC
with ASCII


1. “B” field is always equal to ‘h’ that denotes ‘heave’ calculated in AAAA.aa field.
2. Heave is positive down.
3. Heading is calculated in MRU-E only.
4. Orientation and position data can be presented in form of instant or average values
(see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD Appendix D.1
for details).
5. USW is unit status word (see Appendix D. The Unit Status Word definition, for
6. Temperature is averaged value for 3 gyros.
7. Vinp is input voltage of the MRU.
8. Check sum consists of a "*" and two hex digits representing XOR of all characters
between, but not including "$" and "*".

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 131
User Manual Revision 1.27

At the “TSS1” output data format the MRU provides accelerations, heave, pitch,
and roll message in the commonly used TSS1 message format. The TSS1 data
string consists of five data fields and contains 27 printable ASCII characters. The
acceleration fields contain ASCII-coded hexadecimal values. Motion measurements
include ASCII-coded decimal values.

The general form of the TSS1 sentence is the next


Table C.13.The MRU message in TSS1 format

: Start character
XX Horizontal acceleration (hex value), in 3.83 cm/s², with a range of zero to 9.81 m/s²
AAAA Vertical acceleration (hex value - 2’s complement), in 0.000625 m/s² units, with a range
of –20.48 to +20.48 m/s², positive up
S Space character
M Space if positive; minus if negative
HHHH Heave, in centimeters, positive up
Q Status flag
Value Description
F MRU Ready Mode with valid GPS input
H MRU Ready Mode without GPS input
M Space if positive; minus if negative
RRRR Roll, in units of 0.01 degrees (ex: 1000 = 10°), with a range of –99.99° to +99.99°
S Space character
M Space if positive; minus if negative
PPPP Pitch, in units of 0.01 degrees (ex: 1000 = 10°), with a range of –90.00° to +90.00°
<CR> Carriage return
<LF> Line feed


1. In TSS1 output data format the heave is positive up.

2. Orientation, position and acceleration data can be presented in form of instant or
average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details).

At the “TSS1+HEHDT” output the MRU provides the TSS1 message format
supplemented with the HEHDT message format.

The general forms of the “TSS1+HEHDT” sentences are the next:


Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 132
User Manual Revision 1.27

where first row is the MRU message in TSS1 format (see Table C.13) and second
row is NMEA HEHDT message which fields are listed below:

HEHDT is identifier

 XXX.XX is heading in degrees;

 T indicates true heading;
 *CC is check sum that consists of a "*" and two hex digits representing XOR of
all characters between, but not including "$" and "*".

At the “Seatex 010” the MRU data are transmitted in the form of sentences with
printable ASCII. This is Seatex proprietary MRU NMEA data message. Each
sentence starts with a "$" sign and ends with <CR><LF> (carriage return 0xD and
line feed 0xA symbols). All data fields are separated by commas.

The “Seatex 010” data format has exactly the same sentence structure as “Seatex
019” but with Token equals to 010. To see the sentence structure with description
refers to Table C.15.

At the “Seatex 014” the MRU data are transmitted in the form of sentences with
printable ASCII. This is Seatex proprietary MRU NMEA data message. Each
sentence starts with a "$" sign and ends with <CR><LF> (carriage return 0xD and
line feed 0xA symbols). All data fields are separated by commas. The Inertial
Labs TM MRU provides the next form of the “Seatex 014” sentence:


where PSXN is identifier and other fields are listed in the Table C.15.

Table C.14. The MRU message in Seatex 014 data format

MM MRU message identifier (10 if data are stable, 11 if unstable)
TTT Token, equal to 014
RR.rrrEee Roll angle, in radians (scientific format)
PP.pppEee Pitch angle, in radians (scientific format)
HH.hhhEee Heave, in meters (scientific format), positive down
tttttttttt Timestamp, in seconds from 1 January 1970
CC is check sum that consists of a "*" and two hex digits representing XOR of all characters
between, but not including "$" and "*"
<CR> Carriage return
<LF> Line feed


Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 133
User Manual Revision 1.27
1. Exact timestamp is provided by MRU-P model only. It uses GNSS data for creating
timestamps. MRU-B and MRU-E models do not have any source of world time. This
timestamp is calculated starting from completed MRU initialization after power on.
MRU internal clock is used for the time calculation.
2. Orientation and position data can be presented in form of instant or average values
(see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD Appendix D.1
for details).

At the “Seatex 019” the MRU data are transmitted in the form of sentences with
printable ASCII. This is Seatex proprietary MRU NMEA data message. Each
sentence starts with a "$" sign and ends with <CR><LF> (carriage return 0xD and
line feed 0xA symbols). All data fields are separated by commas. The Inertial
Labs TM MRU provides the next form of the “Seatex 019” sentence:


where PSXN is identifier and other fields are listed in the Table C.15.

Table C.15. The MRU message in Seatex 019 data format

MM MRU message identifier (10 if data are stable, 11 if unstable)
TTT Token, equal to 019
RR.rrrEee Roll angle, in radians (scientific format)
PP.pppEee Pitch angle, in radians (scientific format)
HH.hhhEee Heave, in meters (scientific format), positive down
tttttttttt Timestamp, in seconds from 1 January 1970
CC is check sum that consists of a "*" and two hex digits representing XOR of all characters
between, but not including "$" and "*"
<CR> Carriage return
<LF> Line feed


1. Exact timestamp is provided by MRU-P model only. It uses GNSS data for creating
timestamps. MRU-B and MRU-E models do not have any source of world time. This
timestamp is calculated starting from completed MRU initialization after power on.
MRU internal clock is used for the time calculation.
2. Orientation and position data can be presented in form of instant or average values
(see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD Appendix D.1
for details).

Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 134
User Manual Revision 1.27

At the “Seatex PR” format, the MRU transmits data in the form of sentences with
printable ASCII. This is Seatex proprietary MRU NMEA data message. Each
sentence starts with a "$" sign and ends with <CR><LF> (carriage return 0xD and
line feed 0xA symbols). All data fields are separated by commas. The Inertial
Labs TM MRU provide the next form of the “Seatex PR” sentence:


where fields are listed in Table C.16.

Table C.16. The MRU message in Seatex PR data format

$PSXN Start characters (message identifier)
MM Status (equal to 10 if MRU normal running, equal to 11 if MRU starting/settling)
TTT Token, equal to 010
RR.rrrEeee Roll angle, in radians (scientific format with exponent)
PP.pppEeee Pitch angle, in radians (scientific format with exponent)
*CC is check sum that consists of a "*" sign and two hex digits representing XOR of all
characters between, but not including "$" and "*" character
<CR> Carriage return
Termination characters
<LF> Line feed


1. Pitch positive when bow up;

2. Orientation data can be presented in form of instant or average values (see section
4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD Appendix D.1 for details).

At the “PSMCC” the MRU data are transmitted in the form of sentences with
printable ASCII characters like the NMEA 0183 format. Each sentence starts with a
"$" sign and ends with <CR><LF> (carriage return 0xD and line feed 0xA symbols).
The PSMCC is the protocol of SMC "Ship motion control" which uses the specific
orientation of the object axes, positive direction of the angles, Heave and Sway
calculation (see MRU ICD, Fig. 5.1).

The general form of the “PSMCC Output” sentence is the next


Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 135
User Manual Revision 1.27
Table C.17.The MRU message in PSMCC format
$ Start character
PSMCC identifier
xxx.xx Roll, in degrees, with range ±30° and resolution 0.01°
yy.yy Pitch, in degrees, with range ±30° and resolution 0.01°
zzz.zz Yaw, in degrees, with range 0-360° and resolution 0.01° Surge, in meters, with range ±10m and resolution 0.01m
ww.ww Sway, in meters, with range ±10m and resolution 0.01m
hh.hh Heave, in meters, with range ±10m and resolution 0.01m Surge velocity, in m/s, with range ±10 m/s and resolution 0.01 m/s
wv.wv Sway velocity, in m/s, with range ±10 m/s and resolution 0.01 m/s
hv.hv Heave velocity, in m/s, with range ±10 m/s and resolution 0.01 m/s Longitudinal acceleration, in m/s2, with range ±10 m/s2s and resolution 0.001 m/s2
ay.aya Transverse acceleration, in m/s2, with range ±10 m/s2 and resolution 0.001 m/s2
az.aza Vertical acceleration, in m/s2, with range ±10 m/s2 and resolution 0.001 m/s2
hh is check sum that consists of a "*" and two hex digits representing XOR of all characters
between, but not including "$" and "*"
<CR> Carriage return
<LF> Line feed


1. Yaw is calculated in MRU-E only.

2. Orientation, position and velocity data can be presented in form of instant or
average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details).
3. Acceleration data can be presented in form of instant or average values, or as
incremental velocity (see section 4.4).

In the “PRDID” messages the MRU data are transmitted in the form of sentences
with printable ASCII characters like the NMEA 0183 format. Each sentence starts
with a "$" sign and ends with <CR><LF> (carriage return 0xD and line feed 0xA

The general form of the PRDID sentence is the next


Inertial Labs, Inc.™ Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 136
User Manual Revision 1.27
Table C.18. The MRU message in PRDID format
$ Start character
PRDID identifier
PP.PP Pitch, in degrees, with range ±90° and resolution 0.01°
RR.RR Roll, in degrees, with range ±99.99° and resolution 0.01°
xxx.xx Heading, in degrees, with range 0-360° and resolution 0.01°
hh is check sum that consists of a "*" and two hex digits representing XOR of all characters
between, but not including "$" and "*"
<CR> Carriage return
<LF> Line feed


1. Heading is calculated in MRU-E only.

2. Orientation data can be presented in form of instant or average values ( see section
4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD Appendix D.1 for details).

The “Simrad EM3000” format consists of a fixed-length binary message with

structure shown in the Table C.19.

Table C.19. Byte structure for Simrad EM3000 data format

Byte number 0 1 2–3 4–5 6–7 8–9
Parameter Status byte Header Roll Pitch Heave Heading
2 byte 2 byte 2 byte 2 byte
Length byte byte
sword sword sword word
Note see Table C.20 0x90 deg*100 deg*100 m*100 deg*100


1. Roll is positive with port side up;

2. Pitch is positive with bow up;
3. Heave is positive up;
4. Orientation (Roll, Pitch, Heading) data can be presented in form of instant or
average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details).
5. LSB is transmitted first.

Table C.20. Available status byte values

Value Interpretation
0x90 Normal
0x91 Reduced performance
0xA0 Invalid data

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Note: Invalid data are also indicated by values outside the specified ranges. When the
status is A0, the values which are within specified ranges can be assumed to have valid,
but reduced quality.

The “MRU Normal 85” format consists of a fixed-length binary message with
structure shown in the Table C.21.

Table C.21. Byte structure for MRU Normal 85 data format

Byte number 0 1 2 3–6 7 – 10 11 – 14
Parameter Header Length Token Roll Pitch PosMp1_D
Length 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte float float float
Note (0x51 when data is 0x25 0x85 radians radians meters
Table C.21 (continued)
Byte number 15 – 18 19 – 22 23 – 26 27 – 30 31 – 34 35 – 38 39
Parameter AngRate_R AngRate_P VelMp1_D AngAcc_R AngAcc_P AccMp_Df Check sum
Length float float float float float float 1 byte
Note rad/s rad/s m/s rad/s2 rad/s2 m/s2


1. PosMp1_D is linear position (Heave) at the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1) in
Down direction;
2. AngRate_R is Roll angular velocity;
3. AngRate_P is Pitch angular velocity;
4. VelMp1_D is Linear (Heave) velocity at the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1) in
Down direction);
5. AngAcc_R is Roll angular acceleration;
6. AngAcc_P is Pitch angular acceleration;
7. AccMp_Df is vertical linear acceleration at the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1) in
Down direction;
8. Check sum is the modulo 256 sum of all data bytes and token;
9. Orientation (Roll, Pitch) and velocity data can be presented in form of instant or
average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD
Appendix D.1 for details);
10. Data types consisting of multiple bytes are transmitted with MSB first.

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The “MRU Normal 10” format consists of a fixed-length binary message with
structure shown in the Table C.22.

Table C.22. Byte structure for MRU Normal 10 data format

0 1 2 3–6 7 – 10 11 – 14 15 – 18
Parameter Header Length Token Roll Pitch Yaw PosMonF
Length 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte float float Float float
Note (0x51 when data is 0x31 0x10 radians radians radians m
Table C.22 (continued)
19 – 22 23 – 26 27 – 30 31 – 34 35 – 38 39 – 42 43 – 46 47 – 50 51
Parameter PosMonS PosMonD VelMonF VelMonS VelMonD AccMonR AccMonP AccMonY
Length float float float float float float float float 1 byte
Note m m m/s m/s m/s m/s^2 m/s^2 m/s^2


1. PosMonF, PosMonS and PosMonD are Surge, Sway and Heave respectively at the
monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1);
2. VelMonF, VelMonS and VelMonD are Surge velocity, Sway velocity and Heave
velocity respectively at the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1);
3. AccMonR, AccMonP and AccMonY are linear accelerations for Roll, Pitch and Yaw
axes at the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1);
4. Heave, its velocity and AccMonY are defined positive down;
5. Orientation (Roll, Pitch, Yaw) and velocity data can be presented in form of instant
or average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU
ICD, Appendix D.1);
6. Check sum is the modulo 256 sum of all data bytes and token;
7. Data types consisting of multiple bytes are transmitted with MSB firs t.

The “MRU Normal 37” format consists of a fixed-length binary message with
structure shown in the Table C.23.

Table C.23. Byte structure for MRU Normal 37 data format

Byte number 0 1 2 3–6 7 – 10 11 – 14
Parameter Header Length Token Roll Pitch Yaw
Length 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte float float Float
Note (0x51 when data is 0x35 0x37 radians radians radians

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Table C.23 (continued)
Byte number 15 – 18 19 – 22 23 – 26 27 – 30 31 – 34 35 – 38
Parameter VelAngR VelAngP VelAngY VelMonF VelMonS VelMonD
Length float float float float float float
Note rad/s rad/s rad/s m/s m/s m/s
Table C.23 (continued)
Byte number 39 – 42 43 – 46 47 – 50 51 – 54 55
Parameter AccMonF AccMonS AccMonD SampleTime Check sum
Length float float float int32 1 byte
Note m/s^2 m/s^2 m/s^2 nano


1. VelAngR , VelAngP and VelAngY are Roll angular velocity, Pitch angular velocity and
Yaw angular velocity respectively at the MRU own coordinate system (see Fig.
2. VelMonF, VelMonS and VelMonD are Surge velocity (forward direction), Sway
velocity (starboard direction) and Heave velocity (down direction) respectively at
the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1);
3. AccMonF, AccMonS and AccMonD are linear accelerations for Roll, Pitch and Yaw
axes at the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1). AccMonD defined positive down;
4. Orientation (Roll, Pitch, Yaw) and velocity data can be presented in form of instant
or average values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU
ICD, Appendix D.1);
5. SampleTime is nanoseconds part of the point of time when the raw data
measurements are sampled internally in the MRU;
6. Check sum is the modulo 256 sum of all data bytes and token;
7. Data types consisting of multiple bytes are transmitted with MSB first.

The “MRU Normal 0E” format consists of a fixed-length binary message with
structure shown in the Table C.24.

Table C.24. Byte structure for MRU Normal 0E data format

Byte number 0 1 2 3–6 7 – 10 11 – 14
Parameter Header Length Token Roll Pitch Yaw
Length 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte float float float
Note (0x51 when data 0x25 0x0E radians radians radians
is unstable)
Table C.24 (continued)
Byte number 15 – 18 19 – 22 23 – 26 27 – 30 31 – 34 35 – 38 39
Parameter PosMonF PosMonS PosMonD VelMonF VelMonS VelMonD Check sum
Length float float float float float float 1 byte
Note m m m m/s m/s m/s

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1. PosMonF, PosMonS and PosMonD are Surge, Sway and Heave respectively at the
monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1);
2. VelMonF, VelMonS and VelMonD are Surge velocity (forward direction), Sway
velocity (starboard direction) and Heave velocity (down direction) respectively at
the monitoring point (see Fig. 10.1);
3. Heave and its velocity are defined positive down;
4. Orientation (Roll, Pitch, Yaw) data can be presented in form of instant or average
values (see section 4.2.1, “Averaged output data” checkbox; and MRU ICD,
Appendix D.1);
5. Check sum is the modulo 256 sum of all data bytes and token;
6. Data types consisting of multiple bytes are transmitted with MSB first.

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C.2. Text presentation of output data formats
User can choose one of the formats to view and save MRU data depending on the necessary
information (see Fig.4.1). In the beginning of each file, after the text «Test report», serial number of the
tested MRUis specified, and next are the MRU firmware version, date and time of file saving. Below are
examples of the saved data in each of available data formats.

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The Unit Status Word definition
The Unit Status Word (USW) provides the MRU state information. The low byte (bits
0-7) of USW indicates failure of the MRU. If this byte is 0, the MRU operates
correctly, if it is not 0, see the Table D.1 for type of failure. The high byte (bits 8-15)
contains a warning or is informative for the user. Status of each bit of the USW
warning byte is specified in the Table D.1.

Table D.1. The Unit Status Word description

Byte Bit Parameter Performance
Low 0 – Successful initial alignment
(failure) 0 Initial Alignment 1 – Unsuccessful initial alignment due to MRU moving or
byte large changing of outer magnetic field
0 – Correct IMU data
1 IMU data correctness
1 – Incorrect IMU data
0 – No failure
2 Gyroscope Unit
1 – Failure is detected
0 – No failure
3 Accelerometer Unit
1 – Failure is detected
0 – No failure
4 Magnetometer Unit
1 – Failure is detected (for MRU-E only)
0 – No failure
5 Electronics
1 – Failure is detected
0 – No failure
6 Software
1 – Failure is detected
7 Reserved –
High 0 – Supply voltage is not less than minimum level
(warning) 1 – Low supply voltage is detected
Incorrect Power Supply
byte 0 – Supply voltage is not higher than maximum level
1 – High supply voltage is detected
0 – X-angular rate is within the range
1 – X-angular rate is outrange
Angular Rate Exceeding 0 – Y-angular rate is within the range
Detect 1 – Y-angular rate is outrange
0 – Z-angular rate is within the range
1 – Z-angular rate is outrange
Large Magnetic Field 0 – Total magnetic field within the normal range
Detect 1 – Total magnetic field limit is exceeded
Environmental 0 – Temperature is within the operating range
Temperature 1 – Temperature is out of the operating range
15 Reserved –

Note: If hardware error occurred, then all USW bits become equal to 1. If so, before
running the device again it should be power cycled. Also, hardware error can be detected
with LED indicator when it blinking red (hard fault error) or yellow (non -maskable interrupt
error, NMI) without stop.

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Additional Unit Status Word USW2 contains information about the state of other
MRU sensors and the status of MRU additional operations, see Table D.2.

Table D.2. The unit status word USW2 description

Byte Bit Parameter Description
0 – X-acceleration is within the range
1 – X-acceleration is out of range
0 – Y-acceleration is within the range
1 Acceleration exceeding detect
1 – Y-acceleration is out of range
0 – Z-acceleration is within the range
1 – Z-acceleration is out of range
0 – No failure
Low byte 3 Baro altimeter
1 – Failure is detected
4 Reserved
Automatic 2D calibration of 0 – Not active
magnetometers 1 – In progress
Automatic 3D calibration of 0 – Not active
magnetometers 1 – In progress
7 Reserved
8 Reserved
9 Reserved
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
High byte
12 Reserved
13 Reserved
14 Reserved
15 Reserved

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Variants of the Inertial Labs™ MRU mounting relative
to object axes
The Inertial Labs TM MRU has axes orientation shown on Fig. E.1. With usual
installation of the MRU on carrier object the MRU X, Y Z axes should be parallel to
the object lateral, longitudinal and vertical axes.

Z 0 (Vertical)


X 0 (Lateral)



Y 0 (Longitudinal)

Fig. E.1. Coordinate system of the Inertial LabsTM MRU

But the Inertial Labs MRU can be mounted on the object in any known position (up
to upside-down, upright etc.) relative to the object axes. Such mounting doesn’t
change right calculation of the object orientation if angles of the MRU mounting are
correctly stored in the MRU nonvolatile memory.

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To set these angles select item «Device option …» from the «Options» menu. In
opened window Fig. 4.3 angles of the MRU mounting are in the “Alignment angles”

The MRU alignment angles are set in the next order (like heading, pitch and roll

 first alignment angle sets position of the MRU longitudinal axis Y relative
to longitudinal axes of the object measured in the horizontal plane of the
object. Clockwise rotation is positive;
 second alignment angle is equal to angle of inclination of the MRU
longitudinal axis Y relative to the horizontal plane of the object. Positive
direction is up;
 third alignment angle is equal to inclination angle of the MRU lateral axis
X measured around MRU’s longitudinal axis. Positive rotation is X axis
moving down.

All angles are set in degrees.

Some examples of the Inertial Labs MRU mounting relative the object are shown on
Fig. E.2.

To check correctness of the alignment angles please run the MRU using the Inertial

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Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website: 155
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a) x

axis of the object

c) d)

x z

Fig. E.2. Examples of the Inertial Labs™ MRU mounting on the carrier object
a) alignment angles are 0, 0, 0 (degrees)
b) alignment angles are 0, 0, 180 (degrees)
c) alignment angles are 90, 0, 0 (degrees)
d) alignment angles are 180, -90, 0 (degrees)

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Position of the accelerometer mass-center in the MRU
The Inertial Labs TM MRU calculates heave, sway, surge for the MRU accelerometer
mass-center shown on Fig. F.1.

Dimensions, mm a b c
Variant 1 10 20 29
Variant 2 15 27 58


Variant 1: Includes MRU

units with serial number
up to M1760052;
Variant 2: Includes all
other MRU units.

Fig. F.1. Position of the accelerometer mass-center in Inertial LabsTM MRU unit

Also, MRU can calculate heave, sway, surge for any static or dynamic point of the
carrier object or outside it – see section “10.2.2. Heave calculation for chosen point
of the carrier object”.

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Using Ethernet port for communication with the Inertial
Labs™ MRU
This Appendix describes the basics of communication with the MRU unit which have
built-in Ethernet port. Such MRU unit is equipped with USR-TCP232-ED2 module
made by USR-IOT. This document refers to the website of USR-IOT as to the
location of required software tools and datasheets,

Note: If the MRU unit is equipped by an internal datalogger, then it automatically excludes
utilizing Ethernet for data / command transfer. In such a case, the Ethernet can be used
for datalogger configuration only. For an explanation of how to operate and set up the
datalogger, see “Appendix H. Using the Internal Datalogger”; otherwise continue to read
this Appendix.

G.1. Connection overview

The Inertial Labs TM MRU is delivered to a customer with the multi-conductor cable.
One side of the cable should be connected to the connector on the rear wall of the
device. The other side of the cable is attached to the breakout board with numerous
connectors on it (see Fig. G.1 and Fig. G.2). The connectors needed for Ethernet
communication are XS6 (used for a data) and XS7 (used for a power). The MRU
with Ethernet retains the communication via a serial port as well. So XS3 can also
be used as RS232 port if necessary.

Fig. G.1.
Fig. G.2.

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By a specific request the device can be equipped with the cable assembly that
provides Ethernet and power via a single RJ45 connector. For the testing purposes
the PoE adapter (so called PoE injector) is also supplied. The example of this cable
is shown in picture below (see Fig. G.3).

Fig. G.3. Single port cable and PoE injector

G.2. Connection steps

1. Attach the cable to the Binder connector of the MRU unit.
2. Connect the breakout board to your local network via XS6 socket using Ethernet
patch cord, or connect the RJ45 plug of the PoE injector to your local network.
3. Connect the barrel power plug to the XS7 socket on the breakout board , or to the
barrel socket on the PoE injector. The LED on the device should light up yellow
and then turn to red. The device is ready to operate.

G.3. Networking details

The Ethernet module inside the MRU device is preconfigured for obtaining an IP
address automatically. In most cases the IP address is assigned immediately after
the device is powered and connected to the LAN. To troubleshoot please access
your router console and find the "DHCP" page. Make sure the DHCP server is ON
with MAC address filtering feature OFF or add the MAC address of MRU to the list
of “known devices”. Then locate DHCP Client tab and check the list of connected
devices for the IP that was assigned to MRU.

Note: For the MRU s/n M1760080 the MAC address is D8:B0:4C:B6:24:F5.

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G.4. Checking the connection to the network

After the MRU has obtained the IP address it becomes accessible via the local
network. To check the accessibility and re-configure the Ethernet module (if needed)
please install the USR-VCOM software to the PC connected to the same network.

The USR-VCOM is developed by USR-IOT for configuring the Ethernet module and
checking its accessibility via the local network. It can also create a virtual serial port
on the PC connected to the same network as MRU. It can be downloaded from here:

Run the software and select

Tools -> Search –> USR-
TCP232-E45. You’ll see the
device in the “Search List” as
shown on Fig. G.4. You can
assign fixed network
parameters like Static IP,
Subnet Mask and Gateway
using this tool. Do so or leave
all settings as is.

Fig. G.4. The USR-VCOM search window shows an

Ethernet device found in the LAN


1. USR-VCOM uses broadcast messages when scanning the network for the Ethernet
Module. Please make sure the broadcast messages are not blocked in your LAN.
2. Unless otherwise is requested, the device is supplied to the customer pre -
configured to obtain the IP address dynamically and with the Port 0 configured as
TCP Server, i.e. ready for the Virtual Serial Port. No configuration is required.

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G.5. Communication over Ethernet using a Virtual Serial Port

It is possible to communicate with the device using the virtual serial port. In order to
create a virtual serial port, please go to the USR-VCOM search window as directed
in the previous clause; then choose the desired module in the Search List Window
(see Fig. G.4.). Then click Connect Virtual COM on the bottom of the Port0 tab. In
the new window choose the serial port number (can be any number not occupied by
another hardware on your PC) and add the optional description of the port. Leave
the other fields as shown of the Fig. G.4 and Fig. G.5. Press “OK” button and you
will see the main window of USR-VCOM with the VSP created (see Fig. G.6).

Fig. G.5. Add Virtual Serial Fig. G.6. Virtual Serial Port COM1 is created for the Port0 of
Port (VSP) window the

Now you can use this virtual port for communication with MRU as you would do with
the regular serial port. Please refer to the Section 4.1 Test options for further steps
of communication with MRU via a serial port.

G.6. Communication over Ethernet in TCP/IP mode

It is possible to communicate with the device via the Ethernet dire ctly without using
any software from Inertial Labs. To establish the connection and send commands to
the devise it is necessary to perform the following steps:

Step 1.

Use the USR-VCOM software to inquire the IP address and the number of the
Local Port. On the example below the IP address is static and equals to, Local Port number is 23, see the Fig. G.7.

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Fig. G.7. The USR-VCOM search window shows an Ethernet device found in the LAN.

Please note, that Baudrate value in the Port0 tab should match the Baudrate of
the main port of the device. If the value is different - please correct and press
Save COM0. (see Fig. G.7).

Note: In order to find out the current baudrate of the MRU: create the VSP, run the
corresponding GUI software, go to the “Test options” menu, choose the port and
press Auto (see Fig. 4.1). This will perform the scan on all available baudrates and
report the current one.

Step 2.

To send commands through the Ethernet any TCP terminal can be used. This
document uses the RealTerm tool as an example. In the “Port” tab of the
RealTerm it is necessary to set the IP address and Local port number obtained
on the Step 1 in the following format: ip_adress:port_number (please see the
Fig. G.8). After the IP address and Local port number are set please click
“Open” button.

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Fig. G.8. The RealTerm tool, port settings.

Step 3.

This example demonstrates how to start the data stream from a device.

In order to start the data stream, it is necessary to send the required command
to the device.

Enter the message in the hexadecimal format to the “Send” tab of the RealTerm
tool (see Fig. G.9). Then click “Send Numbers” button. When the command is
received by the device it may start the initial alignment process. After the initial
alignment procedure is over, the device outputs the initial alignment block and
starts transmitting data. If the initial alignment time is set to 0, then the initial
alignment procedure is skipped and device starts the data output without any
pause. As an example, the Fig. G.9 shows the MRU started to output NMEA

Note: For the MRU, see the description of all available data formats, their structure,
and corresponding commands in the MRU Interface Control Document (ICD).

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Fig. G.9. MRU outputs NMEA messages.

The next example demonstrates how to pull a data message by message.

Note: The device previously should be switched to the On Request operational mode.
See description to SetOnRequestMode command in MRU ICD.

On the “Send” tab enter the command in hexadecimal format and then press
“Send numbers” button. On Fig. G.10 the request to the MRU to return the
Minimal Data is shown as an example. The requested data appears on the
window each time the “Send numbers” button is pressed.

Note: For the MRU, see the description of all available data formats, their structure,
and corresponding commands in the MRU Interface Control Document (ICD).

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Fig. G.10. The MRU Minimal Data requested and returned from MRU.

Step 4.

To stop the data stream, the Stop command should be sent to the device in the
same way as described in Step 3.

Note: For the MRU, see the description of all control commands with their structure in
the MRU Interface Control Document (ICD).

G.7. Communication over Ethernet in Auto Start mode

When the device is configured to output data after power up without any commands
from the host computer (Auto start mode) the Ethernet should be configured to work
in the UDP mode. For this purpose, please perform the follo wing steps:

Step 1.

Please configure the device to Auto start mode (for details please refer to the
MRU ICD and/or see section 10.5 of MRU User Manual). The main settings of
auto start mode are the baudrate of the serial port to which COM1 of the device
is connected, output data rate, and output format.

Step 2.

Open the USR-VCOM tool and go to Tools –> Search –> USR-TCP232-E45.
Click on the device that appeared in the “Search List” as shown in Fig. G.4.

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Step 3.

In the field ‘Baudrate’ please set the value that corresponds to the baudrate set
on the Step 1. Please note that maximum possible baudrate is 230400 bps.
Please set the ‘Work Mode’ parameter to ‘UDP’ and specify the IP address of
the data receiver in the ‘Remote IP’ field (see Fig. G.11). Click ‘Save COM0’
button to save the settings.

Step 4.

Power-cycle the device to start automatic data output via the Ethernet port.

Step 5.

To stop data stream power off the device.

Fig. G.11. Configuring the Ethernet module to UDP mode.

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UDP messages logging/monitoring

When Ethernet is configured to work in the UDP mode there is a possibility to check
data availability by monitoring transferred data in the network. For this purpose, it is
easy to use Wireshark software. Wireshark is a widely-used network protocol
analyzer. To download and learn more - visit the Wireshark`s developers site,

For this purpose, please perform the following steps:

Step 1.

Open Wireshark and set up parameters of the capturing filter correspondingly to

your configuration, please see Fig. G.12.

Fig. G.12. Setting of the capturing filter

Step 2.

Start monitoring packets coming through the Ethernet. The packets correspond
to the configured output format of the unit. An example is shown in Fig. G.13.

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Fig. G.13. Device outputs data packages

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Using the Internal Datalogger
The purpose of this section is to explain the uses and functionality of the MRU
internal datalogger. It is important to note that this option is only available upon
request for any of the MRU models that are produced by Inertial Labs ™ . The
capacity of the internal data logger is 8GB or 64GB.

An MRU unit with internal datalogger is configured to log data once loaded with
parameters in the web interface. The internal datalogger can store all data formats
listed in section 4.1.

H.1 Preparing MRU for Operation with Datalogger

These steps will walk you through the setup process to begin recording data using
the internal datalogger.

 Begin by setting up all required connections.

 Connect device to the included service cable.
 Plug the power supply into the multiport development kit.
 Connect Ethernet cable from source (router, etc.) to multiport
development kit.

Data logging can then be started and stopped manually using an Ethernet
connection to the MS and the logger’s web-based interface as described below.

H.2 Description of Web Based Internal Datalogger Interface

This section will guide you through web-based internal datalogger interface as well
as how to export this data to a local host computer.

In order to access datalogger interface for turning logging on / off, or for

viewing/exporting files on the internal datalogger, please open a web browser of
your choice (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and in the web address bar, type in the
word “ins-” followed by the unit’s serial number or the IP Address that your local
network assigns to your unit. As an example, you should type in something similar

ins-######## or

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Note: ######## represents the unit’s assigned serial number (e.g., W2001065). Also, the
IP address is shown as an example. Your network may assign a different number.

The main opened window will look similar to Fig. H.1 depending on whether the unit
has been configured to output data or not. Regardless, there are three different
main menu items that the user can choose from:

 Status: This menu item allows the user to view data output of the MRU in
real time and change the data output type.
• In the “Logger control” section, the user can toggle on and off data
logging using the “Start logging to ___” or “Stop logging to ___”
• In the “Device output” section, the user has the ability to start and
stop the device using the “Stop device” or “Start device” button.
Additionally, located in this section, is a drop-down menu that
contains the available output data formats that are selectable for the
unit. This menu is only available if the device has been stopped.
The “Status” window can be seen below in Fig. H.1.

Note: Please note that in order to change the device output data type, you must first click
the “Stop logging to ___” button, then the “Stop device” button. At this point you can now
change the output data format.

 Storage: This window allows the user to view, monitor and delete storage
on the device. The menu item looks similar to Fig. H.2.

Fig. H.1. Fig. H.2.

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• Storage: The indicator shown in the “Storage” section of the screen

will be green if storage is within normal range. It will turn yellow
when storage is at 75% max capacity and turn red when it is at 95%
max capacity, as shown in Fig. H.3.
If there are logs already on the device after power up, they will be
contained in the “Recorded Data” section, where they will be labeled
as “LOG-_XXXXXXXXX”, with XXXXXXXXX sequentially
• Recorded Data: The user has the ability to select and download
individual data files / folders and explore the internal storage of the
datalogger. The two actions associated with recorded data allow the
user to download the file / folder (Fig. H.4) or delete the file / folder
(Fig. H.5).

Fig. H.4. Fig. H.5.

Fig. H.3.

 Settings: This drop-down menu allows the user to control different

settings pertaining to the device communication rates, automatic logging
functionality, and network settings.
• Device: The “Device” tab from the Settings drop-down menu gives
the user the ability to configure the following settings: The Baud
rate that the unit communicates with; the data format that is output
by the device if it is configured in Auto start; and the Data rate for
which the user can select the rate at which data packets are being
output by the device. This window can be seen in Fig. H.6.

Note: Before changing settings in this menu, make sure to terminate logging in the
“Logger control” section of the “Status” window. Changing any of these settings will result
in the termination of data logging. Additionally, saved changes to the Auto start data
format will not be applied until the next power up of the device.

• Logger: The “Logger” tab from the Settings drop-down menu gives
the user the ability to toggle on or off “Automatic logging”. This
window can be seen in Fig. H.7.

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Fig. H.6.
Fig. H.7.

• Space reclamation: Additionally, the “Space reclamation” section

gives the user the ability to decide how data is recycled. Toggle on
and off the button labeled “Automatic oldest log removal is…” in
order to turn on and off data recycling. If this feature is turned “off”
then the device will stop logging when the devices storage is full.
However, if it is turned “on” then the user can select when the
device will begin recycling data once it reaches its storage limit
(which is configurable by the user as a percentage). This feature
ensures that the logger continues to store data files from the current
trial without stopping. Adjust the when this process begins by
setting the field labeled “when free space falls below: __%” to set
when data should begin to get recycled.
When adjusting settings make sure to click the “Save” button to load
settings to the device.

Note: When settings have been changed, the “Save” button will change to the color red to
indicate to the user that the settings have not yet been saved to the device.

• Network: The “Network” tab from the Settings drop-down menu

gives the user the ability to set up and configure the different COM
ports for the device to output data packets with to select locations
(in the “Interfaces” section) as well as configure the “Network
address” settings. This window can be seen in Fig. H.8. Working
with TCP settings will require you to follow instructions detailed in
Appendix G, where you can set up the Ethernet connection as a
virtual communication port and view data in real-time through a
virtual serial connection.

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• Interfaces: The current protocol settings allow for UDP or TCP

protocols – alternatively the protocol can be configured to the “Off”
position. After changing settings, the user must click the “Save”
button to load the changes to the device. Please note that if you
would like to use COM2 and COM3 (only available for MRU-P and
MRU-PD) in this manner you will have to direct this traffic to
Ethernet in the GUI.
In the event where the user has made changes (that have not been
saved) and would like to revert back to the original configuration,
click the “Reload configuration” button.
• Network address: In the “Network address” section the user has the
ability to configure the IP address type between a DHCP server or
using a Static IP Address. If the user chooses the DHCP option,
they should follow directions outlined in section H.6 of this User
Manual. If the user selects a Static IP address, they can manually
configure the Address, Netmask, and Gateway they would like to
use. These options can be seen below in Fig. H.9.
• Firmware: The “Firmware” tab in the Settings drop down window
enables the user to update the datalogger’s firmware. To load the
latest firmware, click on the “Load logger firmware update button”
and navigate to the distributive.

Fig. H.9.

Fig. H.8.

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H.3 Automatic Logging and Recycling

The automatic logging feature is designed for unattended logging. For example, if
there is no way to connect to the device and request logging, but every run of the
MRU should be logged. Only the most recent logs are important; logs are
periodically downloaded if they need to be archived. The period may depend on the
capacity of the logger and the amount of data logged. This is where automatic
logging and recycling can be beneficial.

To configure automatic logging, click on “Settings” and then select the “Logger”
tab shown in the main menu. Then proceed to toggle the button labeled “Automatic
logging on power-up is on” which is shown in Fig. H.7.

The settings chosen will be applied next time the unit is powered up. After the next
power up, the unit automatically will begin to log data with the configured format and
rate that it was configured for from the “Device” tab in the “Setting” drop-down

As stated previously, the unit has the ability to recycle data if the unit’s storage limit
has passed the set threshold. These settings can be adjusted using the parameters
shown in Fig. H.6.

After recycling and archiving, the new log folder is created and logging is started
whenever the MRU starts generating data.

For user convenience, automatic logging files are generated with limits of 1 GB.
Once the 1 GB limit is reached, a new log file begins to be populated. This was
done such that when automatic recycling is used, the system will delete individual
files instead of one large file containing all the recorded data.

H.4 Converting Outputted Data to *.txt File

In order to use outputted data, which comes in *.zip files, conversion of the data
files must be performed. The *.zip archive contains four useful files. Begin the
conversion to *.txt by performing the following steps:

Step 1.

Open the MRU GUI, click on “Convert”, and then click on “Convert Log Data
to Bin File” (shown in Fig. H.10). The user will be prompted to first select the
*.prm file (or *flash file), which is located in the outputted data folder, and then
to select the data log file.

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Fig. H.10.

Step 2.

Return to “Convert”, and then select “Report of Experiment” (Fig. H.11).

User will be prompted to open the *.bin file just created, and then the GUI will
now output a *.txt file on which it is possible to view all data.

Fig. H.11.

H.5 Notes on Applications of Internal Datalogger

1. The internal datalogger will reach its max storage capacity at slightly over 6GBs
(or 62 for a 64 GB datalogger). Once the internal storage is full, the device will no
longer record data. You must erase old data manually befor e being able to log
data again.

Note: This does not mean that functionality of the MRU will suffer. If max storage limit is
reached, the MRU will continue to be operational but will no longer store any data

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Automatic logging with automatic recycling allows the system to reclaim space on
every power up of the MRU. However, long unattended runs may still fill up
storage. For example, if a single power up of the MRU logs 1.2 GB of data, then
the fifth and each subsequent power up will fill storage to the point where logging
stops. It is therefore recommended to limit the data rate if prolonged non-stop
logging is desired, to maintain a single power up log shorter than 1.2 GB.

2. Currently, to download data from the device, it must be connected via Ethernet .

3. To generate accurate time stamp of recorded data, at least one of the GNSS
receiver ports (COM2 or COM3) should be routed to Ethernet in MRU Devices
options (only available for MRU-P and MRU-PD).

4. Parsing of data for real-time monitoring over web interface is currently supported
for all data formats except: SPAN RawIMU, NMEA formats, TSS1 format,
TSS1+HEHDT format, PSMCC format, PRDID format, and Seatex format. Those
formats are only displayed as being output, without displaying the data contained.

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H.6 Setting up a DHCP Server to Use the Internal Datalogger

This method of connecting to the internal datalogger is convenient for users who do
not have the ability to wire directly to a router or internet source. With this method,
users can connect the MRU directly to a host computer over an Ethernet port to
access the internal datalogger. The following steps will ensure connectivity to the

Step 1.

Download Tftpd64 by the Ph. Jounin application onto your PC. To do this use
the link:

Step 2.

Install the Tftpd64 application by running file with *.exe extension and follow the

Step 3.

Connect the MRU to the Ethernet port on the host computer. It will be displayed
in the “Network Connections” window as shown in Fig. H.12. Right-click each
network connection, other than “Ethernet”, and temporarily disable it.

Fig. H.12.

Step 4.

Right-click “Ethernet” (highlighted in Fig. H.12) and select “Properties”.

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Step 5.

Click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and select “Properties”,

as highlighted in Fig. H.13.

Step 6.

Use Fig. H.14 and configure settings in the same fashion. Note that if the user
normally uses an Ethernet connection for internet, it is necessary to go back
and select “Obtain…automatically” to do so once the user is finished using
the datalogger on the MRU.

Fig. H.13. Fig. H.14.

Step 7.

Click “OK” and then open the Tftpd64 application; click on the “DHCP server”
tab. The window will look like that in Fig. H.15. The “Server Interfaces” will
have an option for a device that has the same IP Address as what you entered
in Step 6, and this is the Ethernet connection.

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Fig. H.15.

Step 8.

Click “Settings” at the bottom of

the window, and enter in the settings
as seen in Fig. H.16 in the tab
labeled “DHCP server”.

Step 9.

Click “OK”, exit out of Tftpd64, and

re-open the program. Within a
minute or two, the MRU will display
under the DHCP server similarly as
to what is seen in Fig. H.17.

Step 10.

At this point, the user may proceed

to the internet explorer software of
choice and type into the web
browser (

Fig. H.16.

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Fig. H.17.

H.7 The Procedure of the Datalogger Updating

To update the internal datalogger follow these instructions:

For Logger Versions Prior to 3.0.0

Step 1.

Make sure the unit is connected to the internet, and record its ip address.

Step 2.

Download the given distributive and unzip the .zip distributive.

Step 3.

Make sure to read the readme.txt file located in the update distributive to
ensure you are aware of any known limitations or potential areas of fault.

Step 4.

Please download ALL data from the datalogger prior to updating the logger
firmware. Any files left on the logger during installation of the update will be

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Step 5.

Double-click on “install_logger_update_X.X.X.cmd” to run the update from the

command line. A window shown in Fig. H.18 will be displayed.

Fig. H.18.

Step 6.

Type “yes” to continue, and click “enter”. Then proceed to type in the IP
address of the unit as prompted in the next step. This is shown in Fig. H.19.

Fig. H.19.

Step 7.

Wait for a few moments as the logger begins updating. After approximately 1 -3
minutes a message will be displayed indicating “Success”. A line will be
generated immediately after this “Success” notification however this is expected
and should not be of any concern to the user.

Step 8.

Your device has now been successfully updated to logger version 3.0.0 (or
above). You may have to refresh your web browser to remove cached webpage
information to refresh the usage of the datalogger interface.

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For Logger Versions After 3.0.0

For users that require a FW update for the data logger and are currently using a
Logger version of 3.0.0 and above, the follow steps should be followed to
successfully update the data logger interface.

Step 1.

Begin by connecting the device to the internet and open up the data logger
interface in your web browser using methods as discussed in H.2 Description of
Web Based Internal Datalogger Interface.

Step 2.
Make sure to read the readme.txt file located in the update distributive to
ensure you are aware of any known limitations or potential areas of fault.
Step 3.
Please download ALL data from the datalogger prior to updating the logger
firmware. Any files left on the logger during installation of the update will be

Step 4.

Given that you have received a logger distributive from the Inertial Labs team,
unzip the packaged .zip distributive to your local drive in a place that is

Step 5.

After the unit is connected to the internet, the distributive is in a known location,
and you have gained access to the logger web interface - navigate to “Settings”
in the web-based data logger interface and click on the tab option from the
drop-down menu labeled “Firmware”.

Step 6.

In this window select the button labeled “Upload logger firmware update”, as
shown in Fig. H.20.

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Fig. H.20.

Step 7.

A generic Windows “Open” window will appear prompting for the user to select
a file. Go to the location of the unzipped update distributive and select the file
labeled “logger_update_X.X.X.tar” and click “Ok”.

Step 8.

At this point the logger firmware will be updated and the web -page will
automatically refresh in approximately 1-3 minutes depending on the size of the

Step 9.

The update process is now complete and the user may begin to use the

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Testing the MRU for the ABB System
This appendix describes the process for testing the MRU for the ABB system.

Parts needed:

 MRU device
 MRU GUI software
 Master cable CAS-01-2M-01-01-V1.0 (shown in Fig. G.1)
 Ethernet cable
 Mini USB cable
 ABB system
 ABB Drive Composer software


1. Connect MRU to master cable. Connect MRU COM1 to PC and Ethernet to ABB

2. Connect ABB box to power and flip the switch for main power and power for the
top unit.

Fig. I.1.

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3. Open MRU GUI software and

connect to unit. Set the ABB smart
winch drive as output data format
(Fig. I.2).

Fig. I.2.

4. Go to Devices Options window and select the Ethernet tab. Check to make sure
it matches the guide shown in Fig. I.3.

Note: Description of all settings presented within the Ethe rnet tab is provided in
section 4.2.5.

Fig. I.3.

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5. Go to the MRU visualization tab by clicking on the plane icon placed on the
main GUI toolbar.

6. Hit there the play icon to start MRU operation.

Under the exception code section, you should see
target 1 say 0 and target 2 say 12 (see Fig. I.4).
Fig. I.4.

7. Install ABB drive composer if you haven’t.

8. Plug the Mini USB into the powered ABB

unit in the box, and the other end to your

9. Open ABB drive composer.

10. After finding the drive device in the left

menu, click the dropdown on drive_01 and
select parameters (Fig. I.5).

Fig. I.5.

11. Scroll down on the parameters and go to section 47 "Data Storage" (Fig. I.6).

Fig. I.6.

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12. Highlight data storage

1-6, right click and
"Send to monitor" (Fig.

13. Exit out of parameters

and expand online

14. Make sure your device

is still running (green
Fig. I.7.

15. Click the play button on drive composer, should see output on the graphs (Fig.

Fig. I.8.

16. After receiving data, you can enable and disable the data one by one in order to
make sure all outputs are functioning.

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Information in this document is provided solely in connection with Inertial Labs
products. Inertial Labs reserves the right to make changes, corrections,
modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services
described herein at any time, without notice.


All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All
company, product and service names used in this document are for identification
purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.

For more information, contact technical support via email at

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