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LABOR LAWS AND LABOR RELATIONS • Labor-only contracting is prohibited and the [so-called]

BASIC RIGHTS OF WORKERS contractor is considered merely as an agent of the employer

• Workers cannot be dismissed without just and authorized • Nightwork prohibition unless allowed by the Rules
causes and due process. ✓ In industrial undertakings from 10 PM to 6 AM
• Workers shall be made regular after 6 months of probation. ✓ In commercial/non-industrial undertakings from 12 MN to
• Normal working hours of 8 hours a day
✓ In agricultural undertakings, at night time unless given not
• Meal and rest period: meal break of less than one hour and
less than 9 consecutive hours of rest
short rest periods shall be considered compensable working
• Welfare facilities at the workplace such as seats, separate
toilet rooms, lavatories, dressing rooms
• Prohibition against discrimination with respect to pay (i.e.,
• A day-off of 24 consecutive hours after 6 days of work
equal pay for work of equal value), promotion, training
should be scheduled by the employer upon consultation with
opportunities, study and scholarship grants
the workers.
• Minimum employable age is 15 years. A worker below 15
• Minimum wage in the region/sector or more
should be directly under the sole responsibility of parents or
• Holiday pay: One day pay for every regular holiday even if
guardians; work does not interfere with child's
unworked subject to certain conditions.
schooling/normal development; with work permit from DOLE
• Premium pay for work within 8 hours on a
• No person below 18 can be employed in a hazardous or
✔Special or rest day: plus 30% of basic daily rate (bdr) deleterious undertaking
✔Rest day falling on a special day: plus 50% of bdr 8. SAFE AND HEALTHFUL CONDITIONS OF WORK
✔Rest day falling on a regular holiday: plus 30% of 200% of AND WELFARE SERVICES
bdr • Proper illumination and ventilation, fire exits and
• Overtime pay for work in excess of 8 hours on extinguishers, occupational health personnel and services,
✔Ordinary days: plus 25% of the basic hourly rate family welfare/family planning services at the workplace, etc.
✔Special days, rest days and holidays: plus 30% of the 9. SELF-ORGANIZATION AND COLLECTIVE
regular hourly rate on said days BARGAINING
• Nightshift differential pay: plus 10% of the basic/regular rate 10. LABOR EDUCATION THRU SEMINARS, DIALOGS
• Service incentive leave: 5 days with pay per year of service COMMUNICATION MATERIALS
• Service charges: 85% for distribution to rank-and-file 11, PEACEFUL CONCERTED ACTIVITIES IN
employees; 15% for losses, breakages, or distribution to ACCORDANCE WITH LAW 12. PARTICIPATION IN
managerial employees (applicable only in establishments POLICY AND DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES
collecting service charges) AFFECTING THEIR RIGHTS AND BENEFITS
• 13th-month pay: 1/12 of the total basic salary earned within 13. FREE ACCESS TO THE COURTS AND QUASI-
• Paternity leave: 7 days with full pay to attend to needs of THEIR CASE
legal wife before/during/after delivery 14. ECC BENEFITS FOR WORK-RELATED
• Separation pay: Minimum of 1/2 month pay for every year of CONTINGENCIES
service for authorized causes of separation • Medical benefits for sickness/injuries
• Retirement pay: 22.5 days salary for every year of service for • Disability benefits
optional retirement at 60 under RA 7641 or under applicable • Rehabilitation benefits
agreement or for compulsory retirement at age 65 • Death and Funeral benefits
• For underground mine employees, optional retirement at 50 • Pension benefits
under RA 7641 as amended by RA 8558; compulsory at 60. 15. SSS BENEFITS
5. PAYMENT OF WAGES • Maternity, sickness, disability, retirement, death and pension
• Wages shall be paid in cash, legal tender at or near the place benefits
• Payment may be made through a bank upon written petition DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT
of majority of the workers in establishments with 25 or more
employees and within one kilometer radius to a bank
• Payment shall be made directly to the employees
Wages shall be given not less than once every two weeks or
twice within a month at intervals not exceeding 16 days
• Preference of workers' money claims over government and
other creditors in case of bankruptcy or liquidation of business
To the list of paid leaves should be added the solo parent's  Sec. 18. The state affirms labor as primary social economic
leave (under R.A. No. 8972) and the so-called "battered force. It shall protect the rights of workers and promote their
woman leave" (under R.A. No. 9262), both of which are welfare.
available under certain conditions. Another recent addition Labor as a primary social economic force. (why? because
to paid absences of women workers is the two months" the laborers are paying the taxes needed by the gov to build
"special leave" (or surgical leave) with full pay under R.A. infrastructure.)
No. 9710, approved on August 14, 2009, known as the --This topic is discussed under Article XIII (Social Justice
Magna Carta of Women. - CAA and Human Rights), Section 3.
-Full employment 8 hours a day
You have the right to work
-Republic Act No. 10524 Equal Employment Opportunity
-Republic Act 10911 Anti-Age Discrimination in
Employment Act”
Section 3. The State shall afford full protection to labor, local
and overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full
employment and equality of employment opportunities for all.
1. Right to one’s labor deemed property- A man who has been
employed to undertake a certain labor and has put into it his
time and effort is entitled to be protected. The right of a person
to his labor is deemed to be properly within the meaning of
constitutional guarantees. That is his means of livelihood. He
cannot be deprived of his labor or work without due process of
2. Labor, a primary social economic force
1. Creation of employment opportunities imperative- full
employment will enable the citizens to lift their level of life
and thus contribute their share in the task of nation-building.
2. State has duty to eliminate discriminatory practices- the
State is mandated to adopt measures to the end that all persons
who are capable of working may be provided with
employment (not necessarily by the government) and that job
opportunities may be open to all – man or woman, citizen or
alien, Christian or non- Christian.
3. Useful labor essential to personal dignity and development-
by useful labor, man is enabled to acquire the material goods
necessary for his growth and improvement
4. Duty of every citizen to engage in gainful work- while the
right to work of every citizen is recognized, it is also his duty
“to engage in gainful work to assure himself and his family a
life worthy of human dignity.” Work is both a right and a duty
on the part of every citizen.
1. Right to self-organization Everyone who works has the
right to form trade or labor unions or join the trade union of
CHAPTER 1 his choice for the protection of his economic and social
LABOR LAW-April 16,2024 interests subject only to such restrictions which may be
CONSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK- It is the basic prescribed by law.
conceptual structure of a constitution. 2. Right to Collective bargaining the performance of the
-A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of
established precedents according to which a state or other the employees to meet, negotiate and confer in good faith with
organization is governed.
respect to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of --an agreement is arrived at between the representatives of the
employment. workers and the employer.
3. Right to Collective negotiation ✔ Arbitration There are two forms, namely:
- it is a new concept in the Constitution for resolving disputes -Voluntary-by this method, the parties submit the controversy
between employers and employees. to a third person for final determination; and
- This new approach is consistent with the provision -Compulsory by this method, the parties are compelled to
recognizing the right of workers “to participate in policy and submit their controversy to a court or other government
decision-making processes affecting their rights and benefits” agency provided by law and pursuant to the procedures laid
and the principle of shared responsibility between workers and down by law.
4. Right to Peaceful and concerted activities in including ENTERPRISES
the right to strike ✔ Rights of workers and employers under a wage system-
- its purpose is to dramatize a demand of workers or their under the wage system, the worker or employee receives from
stand for or against an issue affecting them. the employer or owner of remuneration or compensation
- concerted activities include strikes, picketing, work usually in the form of money for his labor or services pursuant
stoppage, and boycotts. to a contract. He has no share in the profits or losses of the
- strike is the final weapon of labor in case of the refusal of enterprise. The owner gets the profits and bears the losses. The
employers to bargain collectively or the inability of workers to profits are his compensation for taking the risks and losses.
bargain successfully for improvement in their working -- Ex. Instructor1 receives 27k and other benefits
conditions. -Investor shared for losses, not owners
5. Right to security of tenure- employment should be -Owners get the profits but more losses if no worker
terminated against the workers will only for just causes and
✔ Reconciliation of their conflicting rights- in regulating the
under conditions provided for by law.
relations between workers and employers, the Constitution
6. Right to just and humane conditions of work- this right
enjoins the State to reconcile their conflicting rights.
ensures, in particular, safe and unhealthful working conditions,
--To avoid observing the surrounding and study them
equal opportunity to promotion and rest, leisure, and
Article XIII (13). Sec. 4. AGRARIAN AND NATURAL
reasonable limitations of working hours. A worker has a right
to be protected against unfair labor practices.
The State shall, by law, undertake an agrarian reform program
7. Right to a living wage- a worker has a right to receive a
founded on the right of farmers and regular farmworkers who
fair and just compensation for his work. He is entitled to equal
are landless, to own directly or collectively the lands they till
remuneration for work of equal value.
or, in the case of other farmworkers, to receive a just share of
-Salary rates, Fair and just compensation (Correct salary),
the fruits thereof. To this end, the State shall encourage and
work of equal value- Equal remuneration for work they have
undertake the just distribution of all agricultural lands, subject
to such priorities and reasonable retention limits as the
8. Right to participate in policy and decision- making
Congress may prescribe, taking into account ecological,
processes- workers are granted the right to participate with
development, or equity considerations, and subject to the
management in the formulation of policies or decisions.
payment of just compensation. In determining retention limits,
the State shall respect the right of small landowners. The state
1. Duty of management and labor both management and
shall further provide incentives for voluntary land sharing.
labor share a social responsibility in the promotion of
Undertaking an agrarian reform program
industrial peace which redounds in the end to the benefit of
1. Basis or aim of the program
all. When disputes or differences have arisen, they must
2. Lands covered by the program
endeavor o settle them through peaceful means, making
3. Distribution of lands and retention limits
preferential use of voluntary modes in settling disputes,
4. Transfer of landownership
including conciliation.
5. Support services
2. Duty of the State the State is mandated to promote this
6. Landownership and internal stability
principle of shared responsibility between workers and
Article 13 Section 5. The State shall recognize the right of
employers and the preferential use of voluntary modes, instead
farmers, farmworkers, and landowners, as well as
of strikes, etc. and compulsory arbitration, in settling disputes,
cooperatives, and other independent farmers’ organizations to
and to make sure that the workers and employers comply with
participate in the planning, organization, and management of
their voluntary agreements in good faith to foster industrial
the program, and shall provide support to agriculture through
appropriate technology and research, and adequate financial,
production, marketing, and other support services.
Planning, organization, and management of the program
✔ Collective bargaining Agreement in which the employee  To recognize the right of farmers, farmworkers, and
and employer arrive at the solution/topic that will benefit both landowners, cooperatives, and other independent farmer’s
of them
organizations to participate in the planning, organization and
management of the program; and
 To provide support to agriculture through appropriate
technology and research and adequate financial, production,
marketing and other support services.
✔ SEC. 6. The State shall apply the principles of agrarian
reform or stewardship whenever applicable in accordance
with law, in the disposition or utilization of other natural
resources, including lands of the public domain under lease
or concession suitable to agriculture, subject to prior rights,
homestead rights of small settlers, and the rights of
indigenous cultural communities to their ancestral lands.
--The State may resettle landless farmers and farmworkers
in its own agricultural estates which shall be distributed to
them in the manner provided by law.
• The Guild System
• The Domestic System
• The Industrial Revolution
• The Factory System
• Effect of the Factory System
• Employer-Employee Relationship
• Complexities of Employer-employee Relationship Cases
The employment relationship is the legal link between
employers and employees. It exists when a person performs
work or services under certain conditions in return for

GUILDS are associations of artisans or merchants who
control the practice of their craft in a particular town. The
earliest types of guild were formed as confraternities of
tradesmen. They were organized in a manner something
between a professional association, trade union, a cartel, and
a secret society. They often depended on grants of letters
patent by a monarch or other authority to enforce the flow of
trade to their self-employed members, and to retain ownership
of tools and the supply of materials.
The domestic/putting-out system is a means of
subcontracting work. Historically, it was also known as
the workshop system and the domestic system. In putting-out,
work is contracted by a central agent to subcontractors who
complete the work in off-site facilities, either in their own
homes or in workshops with multiple craftsmen.
-The earliest guilds may have been formed in India circa 3800
B.C.E., and certainly existed in Roman times.
-They particularly flourished in Medieval Europe, where they
were an essential and stabilizing economic influence.
The Industrial Revolution is the name given the
movement in which machines changed people's way of life as
well as their methods of manufacture.
Life for the average person was difficult, as incomes
were meager, and malnourishment and disease were common.
People produced the bulk of their own food, clothing, furniture
and tools. Most manufacturing was done in homes or small,
rural shops, using hand tools or simple machines.
Changes That Led to the Revolution
1. The invention of machines to do the work of hand tools;
2. The use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place
of the muscles of human beings and of animals; and
3. The adoption of the factory system.
The Industrial Revolution
✔DOMESTIC SYSTEM (PUTTING-OUT SYSTEM) • Machines were invented which replaced human labor.
• New energy sources were developed to power the new
Production system widespread in 17th-century
machinery-water steam, electricity etc.
western Europe in which merchant-employers “put out”
• Increase use of metals and minerals.
materials to rural producers who usually worked in their
Starting in Britain and spreading through Europe
homes but sometimes laboured in workshops or in turn put out
and North America, a period of rapid social and economic
work to others. Finished products were returned to the
change began, with widespread URBANIZATION.
employers for payment on a piecework or wage basis.
•Developments in the iron industry also played a central role
in the Industrial Revolution.
•In the early 18th century, Englishman Abraham Darby (1678-
1717) discovered a cheaper, easier method to produce cast
iron, using a coke-fueled (as opposed to charcoal-fired)
•In the 1850s, British engineer Henry Bessemer (1813-1898)
developed the first inexpensive process for mass-producing
•Both iron and steel became essential materials, used to make
everything from appliances, tools and machines, to ships,
buildings and infrastructure.
• The steam engine was also integral to industrialization.
• The transportation industry also underwent significant
transformation during the Industrial Revolution.
• In the early 1800s, American Robert Fulton (1765-1815)
built the first commercially successful steamboat, and by the
mid-19th century, steamships were carrying freight across the
OVERVIEW Second Industrial Revolution is generally dated
Most products people in the industrialized nations use between 1870 and 1914 up to the start of World War I.
today are turned out swiftly by the process of mass production, SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS
by people (and sometimes, robots) working on assembly lines The period from 1870 to 1890 saw the greatest
using power-driven machines. increase in economic growth in such a short period as ever in
People of ancient and medieval times had no such previous history. Living standards improved significantly in
products. They had to spend long, tedious hours of hand labor the newly industrialized countries as the prices of goods fell
even on simple objects. The energy, or power, they employed dramatically due to the increases in productivity. This
in work came almost wholly from their own and animals' caused unemployment and great upheavals in commerce and
muscles. industry, with many laborers being displaced by machines and
many factories, ships and other forms of fixed capital • An employee, also known as a common-law employee, is
becoming obsolete in a very short time span. classified as such if the employer has any control over what
✔ THE FACTORY SYSTEM the worker does and how he performs the job. Employers must
• The factory system is a method of manufacturing using withhold income taxes and pay Medicare, Social Security and
machinery and division of labour. unemployment taxes for all of its employees. An example of
• Because of the high capital cost of machinery and factory this type of relationship is an administrative assistant
buildings, factories are typically owned by capitalists who employed by a marketing firm.
employ the operative labor. •Therefore, I conclude that “A happy workforce is a
• Use of machinery with the division of labor reduced the productive workforce'. Creating a sound and efficient work
required skill level of workers and also increased the output environment with good management and a strong employer-
per worker. employee relation can be the vital key to any business’s
✔ EFFECT OF THE FACTORY SYSTEM success or failure.”
•The factory system replaced the domestic system, in which CHAPTER 3
individual workers used hand tools or simple machinery to THE LABOR ORGANIZATION Is a defined group of
fabricate goods in their own homes or in workshops attached employees formed for the purposes of representing those
to their homes. employees with the employer as to the terms of a collective
BY THE SECOND HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY… contract of employment.
• Mechanization THE NEED FOR ORGANIZATION In order to be able to
• The modern factory was a well-lit, well-ventilated building help others, to be able to help more sentient beings. As an
that was designed to ensure safe and healthy working individual, we can't do much. We need to be organized.
conditions UNIONISM The policies and practices of labor unions,
•The main advance in the factory system in the latter part of particularly those concerned with protecting and furthering the
the century was that of automation rights of workers.
Factory production became increasingly UNION CONTRIBUTION AND EFFECTS Unions not
globalized, with parts for products originating in different only improve workers' benefits, they also contribute to due
countries and being shipped to their point of assembly. As process and provide a democratic voice for workers at the
labor costs in the developed countries continued to rise, workplace and in the larger society.
many companies in labor-intensive industries relocated STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATIONAL OF UNION Labor
their factories to developing nations, where both overhead unions are democratic bodies of workers, and they are set up
and labor were cheaper. according to the philosophy and mission of the group. They
✔ EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP typically have their own constitution and related by-laws.
What is Employee-Employer Relationship? The organizational structure of a labor union usually
•When an employer hires a new employee, he is not just comprises of four main branches of governance: general
bringing a new member of the workforce aboard; he is also membership, executive board, executive officers and
starting a new relationship. Because employers and employees committees.
often work in close quarters, they necessarily develop THE LABOR ORGANIZATION ON THE
Under PD 442 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, as
amended, the DOLE is mandated to process the application for
registration of labor organizations in order for them to acquire
•Managing these relationships is vital to business success, as
legal personality and to enjoy the rights given to legitimate
strong relationships can lead to greater employee happiness
labor organization.
and even increased productivity. To reap these benefits, keep
UNION REGISTRATION refers to the process of
the dynamics of your employer-employee relationship in
determining whether the application for registration of a labor
union organized for collective bargaining, complies with the
• The idea of distinguishing between the classification of
documentary requirements prescribed under Rule 3 and 4 of
employees and independent contractors seems relatively
DOLE Department Order No. 40-03 and the rules
simple; however, even the slightest oversight can lead to
implementing Book V of the Labor Code, as amended.
costly mistakes for employers.
• There are three common law rules employers use to
A legitimate labor organization shall have the right:
determine the correct legal business relationship a worker has
(a) To act as the representative of its members for the purpose
with that company. Those rules analyze aspects such as
of collective bargaining;
whether a company has any control over how the worker
(b) To be certified as the exclusive representative of all the
performs his job, how the worker is compensated and whether
employees in an appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of
an employment contract was signed.
collective bargaining;
•Based on these criteria, the IRS recognizes four primary
(c) To be furnished by the employer, upon written request,
types of business relationships: independent contractor,
with its annual audited financial statements, including the
employee, statutory employee and statutory non-employee.
balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, within thirty  Is a place of employment at which one is not required to
(30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, after join or financially support a union as a condition of hiring or
the union has been duly recognized by the employer or continued employment.
certified as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of  CLOSED SHOP
the employees in the bargaining unit, or within sixty (60)  Illegal
calendar days before the expiration of the existing collective  Exist where an employer agrees to hire only union workers.
bargaining agreement, or during the collective bargaining FEDERATION OF LABOR UNION
negotiation; Was a group made up of various craft and trade unions whose
(d) To own property, real or personal, for the use and benefit goals were to gain collective bargaining powers for its
of the labor organization and its members; members so they could fight for better wages, hours, and
(e) To sue and be sued in its registered name; and working conditions for skilled workers.
(f) To undertake all other activities designed to benefit the INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION
organization and its members, including cooperative, housing, - A United Nations agency dealing with labor issues,
welfare and other projects not contrary to law. particularly international labour standards,
WHO MAY JOIN UNION? The following may join a labor social protection, and work opportunities for all.
organization: -----------------------------------------------------
a) all employees employed in commercial, industrial and CHAPTER 4
agricultural enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical or THE HUMAN ELEMENT IN AN INDUSTRIAL
educational institutions whether operating for profit or not; ORGANIZATION
b) government employees in the civil service; Every human being is the most important person in the
c) supervisory personnel; world. Every slight to his personal importance, every wound
d) security personnel; and, to his pride, every insult to his dignity will find some way to
e) aliens with valid working permit provided there are express itself. The slight may be unintentional, the wound
nationals of a country which grants the same or similar rights purely accidental, the insult resulting from mere carelessness;
to Filipino workers as certified by the Department of Foreign but the effect on the employee will be felt and will seek to
Affairs (DFA). make it heard. The employee wants his pride and dignity
✔UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES- are actions taken by Pride in work. Every self-respecting man takes pride in his
employers or unions that are illegal under the work. Pride in one’s work is a basic expression of individual
National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and other labor laws. dignity. It is one of the most useful characteristics for
Some of these rules apply to the interactions between the management to cultivate and develop.
employer and the union; others protect individual workers Acceptance by Fellow Employees. He wants and needs the
from unfair treatment by an employer or union. acceptance and approval of his fellow employees. If the group,
 THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES BY with or without union intervention, has agreed to restrict
EMPLOYERS production to an agreed level, most employees will participate
The NLRA prohibits employers from: in controlling output, in order to retain
 Interfering with an employee’s right to organize, join or the approval of fellow employees.
assist a union; engage in collective bargaining; or engage in PROBLEMS OF EMPLOYEES (TWO KINDS)
protected, concerted activities. 1. Personal problems of employees relate to money, financing
 Dominating or providing illegal assistance of support to a mortgages, income tax, legal matters, personal or family
labor union. health, housing education of children and others.
 Discriminating against employees to encourage or 2. Job-related problems relate to supervision, opportunities for
discourage membership in a labor organization, or replacing advancement, transfer, relocation wages and retirement
workers who strike to protect unfair labor practices. COUNSELLING is a means of getting people to do the right
 Retaliating against an employee for filling a charge with, or things in their job and in their personal lives.
giving testimony. Two techniques in counselling
 THE UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES OF LABOR 1. Directive counseling approach someone gives advice and
 Prohibits a union from restraining or coercing employees as 2. Non-directive counselling approach the counselor gives
they exercise their rights, such as the right to refrain from neither advice nor guidance but assists the other person to
concerted activity. work out solutions to their own problems.
 Labor Union are prohibited from restraining and coercing Guidelines to follow:
employers when the employee is exercising his or her rights. 1. Make the employees feel welcome and comfortable.
 OPEN SHOP 2. Let him talk.
 Also known as a Merit Shop. 3. Hear the problem.
 Membership Not Required. 4. Get the pertinent facts.
5. Don’t take sides.
6. Help Him gain insight into his problem. prevent their severe repercussions and the necessary remedial
7. Let him suggest the solution. measures be instituted as warranted under the circumstances.
8. Conclude the visit. ABSENTEEISM
GAMBLING COMPULSIVE. Is a progressive behavior When an employee fails to report for work, some time is
disorder that psychiatrists look upon as a serious emotional invariably lost until it is determined that he/she is absent.
illness. TARDINESS (Two basic approaches used in dealing with
GAMBLING CONSEQUENCES. Financial losses, daily problem of tardiness)
emotional strain, divorce, neglected children, broken home, 1. Attempts to control through punishment or reward.
loss of sleep, poor work performance, bad debtors. 2. Acceptance a reward and punishment method means the
DISCIPLINARY PROGRAM offenders are punished for being docked, or the non-offenders
STEPS OR ACTIONS CONSTITUTE THEIR are rewarded in some way over and above their usual pay.
1. Reminder ALCOHOLISM
2. Reprimand - A medical condition in which someone frequently drinks too
3. Written warning much alcohol and becomes unable to live a normal and
4. Suspension healthy life.
5. Dismissal ------------------------------------------------------------
6. Corrective action CHAPTER 5
7. Important guidelines to observe  COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
REMINDER. The employee concern should be told of his  Is a processes of negotiation between employers and a group
performance and reminded that unless he improves his work of employee aimed at agreement to regulate working salaries,
performance, management may be forced to take stern working condition, benefits, and other aspects of workers
measures against him. compensations and rights
REPRIMAND. Whenever reprimand or criticism is necessary  VIEW OF COLLECTING BARGAINING
on the part of company authorities, it should not be couched in  Collective bargaining first used in 1891 by Beatrice Webb
profane language.  Founder of the field of industry in Britain
WRITTEN WARNING. What applies to reprimand doubtless  The National Labor Relation Act of 1935 made it illegal for
applies also to written warning. In this case, a record is kept in any employer to deny union rights to an employee.
the 201 files of the erring employee.  The public-sector trade union was much more controversial
SUSPENSION. It becomes necessary to suspend the erring until the 1950s in 1902
employee for a certain period of time to impress upon him the  President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order granting
severity of his mistake or its frequency. Federal employees the right to unionize
DISMISSAL. When the employee is incapable of reform in  INDIVIDUAL VS. COLLECTIVE
spite of number of chances given to him by management, it BARGAINING
might be necessary to terminate his services. Collective bargaining relates to group bargaining as opposed
CORRECTIVE ACTION. Is a better term then disciplinary to individual bargaining about wages and conditions of work.
action. It implies an attempt to cure a fault in work production Flanders has pointed out a member of differences between
or attitude. collective and individual bargaining
PROBLEM EMPLOYEES  Individual bargaining is about buying and selling of a
-Are simply employees with problems. Their problems are particular commodity whereas an agreement on the condition
employee have little or no control over the situation. These are under which buying or selling will take place
the people in the workforce who have developed certain  Individual bargaining usually stipulates the term and
physical, emotional, or psychological ills. conditions of trade in detail, whereas in collective bargaining
DISCIPLINARY ACTION only the minimum terms and conditions are specified.
Areas of leadership, communication and motivation, is the  Individual bargaining is essential a market activity
need for discipline in the industrial organization. Effective whereas collective bargaining is essentially a political
personal administration requires maintenance of discipline activity
without which the organization is bound to fail.  STRENGTH OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
DISCIPLINE DEFINED  collective bargaining is a political rather than economic
Is positive when it prompts the individual to observe, and activity, different factors have to be taken into account
adopt such ways and means deemed necessary to the  Collective bargaining unlike individual bargaining is not
attainment of the goals and objectives of the organization to restricted to a discussion of economic matter but is
which he is a member. concerned with other issues.
- May affect the interests of the organization and as such must  The collective bargaining process involves five core steps:
be looked into with thoroughness and dispatch in order to  Preparation – choosing a negotiation term and
representatives of both the union and employer both parties
should be skilled in negotiation and labor laws, and both 10. Period of notice
examine available information to determine whether they 11. Mention of the collective agreement that the contract of
have a strong standing for negotiation. employment observes
 Discussion – both parties meet to set ground rules for the  CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION
collective bargaining negotiation process. is the most democratic and expeditious method by which the
 Proposal – both representatives make opening statements, laborers can freely determine the union that shall act as their
outlining options and possible solutions to the issue at hand. representative in their dealings with the establishment where
 Bargaining - following proposals, the parties discuss they are working
potential compromises, bargaining to create an agreement  APPEAL ON CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION
that is acceptable to both parties. This becomes a “draft” -Orders if there’s a member in the board of directors or
agreement , which is not legally binding, but a stepping trustees who sees any violation in the law in any elected
stone to coming to a final collective bargaining agreement. officer.
 Final Agreement – Once an agreement is made between the -for instance; if there’s a board of directors who is being
parties, it must be put in writing, signed by the parties, and elected is not qualified for her his position there will be some
put into effect. irregularities happen. It is primarily based on the laws they
NEGOTIATING IMPORTANT ISSUES have. So technically appeal is came from entity?
Related Legal Terms and Issues: CHAPTER EXTRA
 Coercing – persuading or forcing a person to do something LABOR RELATIONS
through the use of manipulation or threats. Labor relations is the practice of managing and maintaining
 Dues - The cost of membership when a person join a union relationships with employees organized by labor unions,
or club does many be required weekly, or annually. including the establishment, negotiation, and administration of
 Grievance – a formal complaint filed by an employee or collective bargaining agreements.
agent some employers or agencies have specific procedures --THE NATIONAL LABOR CODE--
that must be followed. -WAGNER ACT OF 1935
 Independent contractor – a person who agrees to do work National Labor Relations Act
for someone else using his own methods. -TAFT-HARTLEY ACT OF 1947
 layoff – a permanent or temporary discharge of employees. Labor Management
 strike – the act of employees organizing and protesting Relations Act
employment practices in an attempt to induce changes. -LANDRUM-GRIFFIN ACT OF 1959
 Union – an organized group of employees that is formed to Labor Management
protect workers from unfair labor practices. Reporting and Disclosure Act
Negotiation committee be from three to six members Regarded as the most important labor law, the act was passed
Procedure for negotiation for the union management. to:
 Be friendly in negotiation and introduce everybody to 1. Protect employees and employer rights
relieve the existing tension 2. Encourage collective bargaining
 Be willing to listen. 3. Control labor activities
 Give everyone an opportunity to state his position and point EMPLOYEE RIGHTS
of view. The specific rights provided under Section 7 of the NLRA to
 Always bear in mind the fact that you have to do what is employees include the following rights:
right and fair. • To attempt to or form a union at their workplace.
 Both parties should strive to maintain an objective approach • To join a union, even if it's not recognized
to a problem or grievance. • To assist in union-organizing efforts
 CONTENT OF LABOR CODE • To engage in group activities (collective activity)
-where job specifications, responsibilities and benefits of • To refuse to do any or all of the above
employees are written. CONCERTED ACTIVITY
---At least the following matters are generally recorded in the Concerted activity exists when two or more employees act
contract of employment: together to try to improve working conditions, or when a
1. The parties to the contract of employment single employee approaches management after conferring with
2. The date of commencement of work other employees on their behalf or is acting on behalf of other
3. Whether the contract is valid for the present of fixed term employees.
4. Probationary period & its duration UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES
5. Place of work Denying rights to employees are known as ULPs and are
6. Duties prohibited by Section 8 of the NLRA:
7. Remuneration & its method of payment • Interfering with employees' rights
8. Working hour • Interfering with the formation of labor organization
9. Annual holidays & holiday pay • Discriminating against employees involved
• Discharging because of action under the Act STATUTORY LABOR POLICY
• Refusing to bargain collectively Labor policy assumes that employers have power and workers
Agency of the United States government that was created by The Labor Policy Association, a nonprofit association of
Congress to administer the NLRA. The agency has two main corporate human- resources executives, recently surveyed 123
functions: Fortune 500 companies.
1. Prevent and remedy unfair labor practices. INCOME TAX & SOCIAL SECURITY IN THE
2. Decide whether groups of employees want labor union PHILIPPINES
representation. • The Philippines' Tax Year runs from 1st January to 31st
TAFT HARTLEY 1947 December. There are four statutory social security obligations
• NLRA perceived to give too much to unions that both Employees and Employers are obliged to adhere to
• Act protects employee rights and make NLRB more under Philippine Law: the monthly Social Security,
impartial PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG Fund (HDMF) contributions from
• Employees cannot be forced to join a union the Employee's' salary, together with the Employer's share of
LAN- DRUM GRIFFIN 1959 contributions.
• Protects union members from abuse INCOME TAX IN THE PHILIPPINES
• Sets responsibilities of union officers •Withholding Tax
• "Bill of Rights" that gives union members free speech, due •Every employer is required to deduct and withhold taxes on
process, right to sue employees' compensation in accordance with Philippine Law.
 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Bilateral negotiations Consequently, personal income tax is collected from the
between labor and management teams over wages, terms, employee through payroll, and the employer acts as the
and conditions of employment. withholding agent.
Mandatory bargaining subjects are those that directly • SSS is a privatized social insurance program established to
relate to the NLRA stipulation: protect members and their families against the hazards of
• Wages disability, sickness, maternity, old age, death and other
• Hours contingencies resulting in loss of income or financial burden.
• Merit Increases All private employees and employers are compulsorily
• Health and Welfare covered under this program. The Social Security premiums of
• Discharge both the employee and employer will vary depending on the
• Grievance employee's monthly compensation bracket. Employers must
• Discipline deduct the Social Security contributions from the employee's'
• Seniority salary and remit these contributions, together with the
• Promotions employer's share of contributions, to the SSS or any accredited
• Work Assignments banks.
the form of positional bargaining: • Secure their SS numbers;
• Parties bargain from their separate opening positions to agree • Ensure that they are reported for coverage under the SSS by
on one position their employers;
• Does not tend to produce good agreements • Pay their monthly share of contributions and ensure that
• Agreements tend to neglect the parties' interests these contributions are remitted to the SSS by their employers;
 NEGOTIATION • Submit to their employer their SSS Salary Loan Voucher or
PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION- Provides a better way of Statement if any, to commence loan amortization deductions
reaching good agreements. There are four elements: from their monthly payroll.
• Separate people from the problem • Ensure that the employer has done the necessary ML2
• Focus on interests rather than positions posting
• Generate a variety of options before settling AN EMPLOYER IS OBLIGED TO:
• Agreement based on objective criteria • Require the presentation of the SSS number of a prospective
 GRIEVANCE- A dispute over an interpretation or employee;
application of a provision of a labor agreement. • Report all employees for SSS coverage within thirty (30)
 MEDIATION- Method of resolving disputes by days from the date of employment | Deduct from employees
employing a neutral third party to assist in reaching an monthly SSS contributions based on the schedule of
agreement. contributions;
 ARBITRATION -Method of resolving labor disputes by • Submit a summary of all employees' contributions
employing a neutral third party, an arbitrator, to review the • Ensure that Monthly SSS Electronic Collection Lists, along
facts and make a binding decision. with Payment Reference Number where employees' names are
included, are submitted to the SSS with payment.
•Take responsibility for the collection and remittance to the • Home Development Mutual Fund: A housing program
SSS (through payroll deduction) of the amortization due on designed to provide short term loans and access to housing
the member-borrower's salary loan. programs for all workers in the Philippines.
(PHIC) • To compute for the deduction for absences, tardiness and
• The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation popularly undertime, multiply the hourly rate of the employee against
known as PhilHealth is a government funded Health Care the # of hours for absences, late and undertime. There are two
system in the Philippines. It was established to administer the ways to get the hourly rate of a monthly-rate employee:
National Health Insurance Program which prioritizes the needs Monthly Rate x 12 / # Working Days per Year / # Working
of the underprivileged, sick, elderly and disabled, and of Hours per Day.
women, and children. WILL I GET MY SALARY IF I RESIGN?
• Both Employers and Employees are required to contribute to • If the employee doesn't give proper notice and you choose to
the PHIC equally, based on the employees' monthly salary. hold her to the contract, then the contract terminates after the
Employers must deduct the monthly PhilHealth contribution full period of the notice. You will get your salary as you get in
from employees' salaries and remit it, together with the normal course. But, if you resign without serving the notice
employer's portion, to PhilHealth. period, then the company is entitled to recover the notice pay.
• 13 Month Pay: A financial benefit given to non-senior
employees who have worked for at least one month - SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVE (SIL)
amounting to 1/12 of their employee's annual salary. • An employee who has rendered at least one year of service
• Night Shift Differential: A night shift differential of at least shall be entitled to a yearly service incentive leave of five days
10% of an (5) with pay.
employee's regular wage is given for each hour of work • The service incentive leave does not apply to those
performed between 10pm and 6am. employees enjoying vacation leave of at least five days with
LEAST 10% OF AN EMPLOYEE'S REGULAR WAGE pay. Moreover, unused service incentive leave shall be
• Performance bonuses • A female employee who has paid at least three (3) monthly
• Employee Share Schemes (ESS) contributions in the twelve month period immediately
• Enhanced medical insurance or healthcare preceding the semester of her birth to the SSS, shall be paid a
• Company car daily maternity benefit equivalent to one hundred percent
• Company phone/laptop/tablet (100%) of her average salary credit for sixty (60) days or
• Travel allowance seventy- eight (78) days in case of caesarean delivery but it
• Meal vouchers has conditions.
• Work from home/flexi-time plans PATERNITY LEAVE
• Career development options • Paternity Leave refers to the seven (7) days with pay leave
• Global mobility options granted to a married male employee for the purpose of
• Access to gym/leisure facilities allowing the husband to help and assist his wife during
• Children's educational stipend childbirth, recovery and nurture of the infant. • A married male
LEAVERS IN THE PHILIPPINES employee may be able to avail of this leave for the first four
| Final payment will be given to leaving employees 30 days (4) deliveries or miscarriage of his legitimate spouse with
after completion of clearance. whom he is cohabiting. It is incumbent upon the male
Employers have a responsibility to notify SSS, PHIC, and employee to notify his employer of the pregnancy of his
HDMF of an employee's resignation within 30 calendar days legitimate spouse and the expected date of such delivery.
from the date of separation. -------------------------------------------By: J.M.E.O.------
Employers in the Philippines must observe a range of payroll
compliance regulations, which include monthly withholding
obligations. The three main statutory contributions deducted
from employee salaries each month are:
• Social Security: General social insurance covering sickness,
disability, maternity and old age.
• PhilHealth: The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
scheme aims to provide access to quality medical and health
care services for all employees.

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