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Mankind is strongly grounded on several ontological pillars that gives

humanity a minimum amount of confidence in order to deploy our activities in
daily life. Culture is probably the foremost expression of these ontological
boundaries, as it is the only tool we have to deal with the angst of living in a
world which is utterly configured by uncertainty. Cultural expressions help us
cope with the most intangible and mysterious aspects of this world, and also
have a really important duty as a social amalgam. Culture is what gathered us
in the first place, mainly through the form of language.
In this context, History becomes our best and only way to connect with our
heritage as a mankind. This interest in the common past is shared by all
cultures and affects all societies equally. Museums are the greatest
representation of these shared feelings: they gather and expose our common
heritage in a didactical and methodical way for us to learn and comprehend.
Hence the importance of these spaces.
Museums appeared to become the physical representation of the Iluminism: a
sort of “living and dynamic” Encyclopedia. In the XIX century, European
Imperialism tore apart the idea of a closed nor individual cultural
development. Museums became the Nation's trophy room, where they would
expose foreign treasures from faraway lands. These treasures were the first
approach to different cultures for many people.
In today’s world, museums have lost the importance they had in previous
times, mostly because of the internet´s ease to draw information, but their
solemnity and their outstanding architectural beauty have made them the
symbol of knowledge. Thus, museums are a really important expression of
human culture, not only for its content, but for what they represent: they are
the greatest expression of humanity’s heritage, and our generation really
should reconnect with these spaces in order to learn from the past, and overall,
to make a better future.

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