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Calculation of Voltage Gradients Induced in The Cable Shields of Riyadh Cables Group Co.

1x1200/261 mm² CU/XLPE/LAT/HDPE - 132 kV Cable Technical Department

I Induced Voltage at Normal Operation Conditions (Balanced Full Load Current)

Two circuits 3.4 meter spaced in flat formation
s = distance between conductor axes = 0.400 m
d = axial circuit spacing = 3.400 m (center to center) = 2.600 m ( between centers of edge cables)
f = frequency = 60 Hz
d = mean sheath diameter = 91.2 = 0.0912 m

2.6 meters
1 2 3 6 5 4

a b c c b a

3.4 meters

Sab = distance from cable "a" to cable"b".

S12 = 0.400 m S24 = 3.800 m
S13 = 0.800 m S25 = 3.400 m
S14 = 4.200 m S26 = 3.000 m
S15 = 3.800 m S34 = 3.400 m
S16 = 3.400 m S35 = 3.000 m
S23 = 0.400 m S36 = 2.600 m

k = 2 x 10-7 x 2 π f = 0.00007540 = 75.40 x 10-6

rsm = mean radius of metallic shield = 0.0456 m

The open circuit voltages on sheaths to neutral are as follows:

Ea(flat) = ( Ia x j Xaa ) + ( Ib x j Xab ) + ( Ic x j Xac )

Eb(flat) = ( Ia x j Xab ) + ( Ib x j Xbb ) + ( Ic x j Xbc )
Ec(flat) = ( Ia x j Xac ) + ( Ib x j Xbc ) + ( Ic x j Xcc )

Xaa = k x ln [ 1 / ( rsm x S14 ) ] = 75.40 x 10 x ln [ 1 / ( 0.0456 x 4.2000 )] = 0.00012462
Xab = k x ln [ 1 / ( S12 x S15 ) ] = 75.40 x 10 x ln [ 1 / ( 0.4000 x 3.8000 )] = -0.00003157
Xac = k x ln [ 1 / ( S13 x S16 ) ] = 75.40 x 10 x ln [ 1 / ( 0.8000 x 3.4000 )] = -0.00007545
Xbb = k x ln [ 1 / ( rsm x S25 ) ] = 75.40 x 10 x ln [ 1 / ( 0.0456 x 3.4000 )] = 0.00014055
Xbc = k x ln [ 1 / ( S23 x S35 ) ] = 75.40 x 10 x ln [ 1 / ( 0.4000 x 3.0000 )] = -0.00001375
Xcc = k x ln [ 1 / ( rsm x S36 ) ] = 75.40 x 10 x ln [ 1 / ( 0.0456 x 2.6000 )] = 0.00016077

9/15/2018 Prepared By: A.Darweesh NG

Reviewed By: M.M. S.
Form # TE/A/F/10(L) 08/12/1998 Approved By: Dr. N. Al-Saati Page 1
Calculation of Voltage Gradients Induced in The Cable Shields of Riyadh Cables Group Co.
1x1200/261 mm² CU/XLPE/LAT/HDPE - 132 kV Cable Technical Department

Ia = ( -1/2 + j √3 / 2 ) x I …….Conductor current assigned to cables 1 and 4

Ib = ( 1 + j 0 ) x I ……….….Conductor current assigned to cables 2 and 5
Ic = ( -1/2 - j √3 / 2 ) x I …….Conductor current assigned to cables 3 and 6

Voltage gradient on phase "a" cable shield:

Ea(flat) = ( Ia x j Xaa ) + ( Ib x j Xab ) + ( Ic x j Xac )

=(-1/2+j√3/2)xIxj(0.00012462)+(1+ j 0 ) xI x j (-0.00003157) +(-1/2 - j√3 /2 ) x I x j(-0.00007545)
Ea(flat) = ( -0.0001733+ j (-0.0000562 ) ) x I
| Ea(flat) | = 182.1 x 10-6 x I V/m
= 0.0637 V/m at a load current of 350 Amperes (Load Current at 80 MVA)

Voltage gradient on phase "b" cable shield:

Eb(flat) = ( Ia x j Xab ) + ( Ib x j Xbb ) + ( Ic x j Xbc )

=(-1/2 + j√3/2)xI x j(-0.00003157) +(1+ j 0 ) xIx j(0.00014055)+ ( -1/2 - j √3 / 2 )xIxj(-0.00001375)
Eb(flat) = ( 0.00001544+ j 0.00016321 ) x I V/m
| Eb(flat) | = 163.9 x 10 x I V/m
= 0.0574 V/m at a load current of 350 Amperes (Load Current at 80 MVA)

Voltage gradient on phase "c" cable shield:

Ec(flat) = ( Ia x j Xac ) + ( Ib x j Xbc ) + ( Ic x j Xcc )

= (-1/2+j√3 / 2 ) xIx j (-0.00007545) + (1+ j 0 ) x I x j(-0.00001375)+( -1/2 - j√3 /2)xIx j(0.00016077)
Ec(flat) = ( 0.00020457+ j (-0.00005641 ) ) x I V/m
|Ec(flat)| = 212.2 x 10 x I V/m
= 0.0743 V/m at a load current of 350 Amperes (Load Current at 80 MVA)

9/15/2018 Prepared By: A.Darweesh NG

Reviewed By: M.M. S.
Form # TE/A/F/10(L) 08/12/1998 Approved By: Dr. N. Al-Saati Page 2
Calculation of Voltage Gradients Induced in The Cable Shields of Riyadh Cables Group Co.
1x1200/261 mm² CU/XLPE/LAT/HDPE - 132 kV Cable Technical Department

II Induced Voltage at three phase symmetrical fault

Assuming that one feeder is out of service and that the fault occurs just inside the next major
cable section, the induced voltage is:

a b c

400 mm 400 mm

f = system frequency= 60 Hz
ω =2πxf= 377.0
I = fault current = 40000 Amps
d = mean diameter of metallic shield = 91.2 mm
S = axial distance between cables = 400 mm
Sab = axial distance between cables a & b = 400 mm
Sbc = axial distance between cables b & c = 400 mm
Sac = axial distance between cables a & c = 800 mm

Induced voltage at phase "a" cable shield

Ea(flat) = j2 x10-7 x ω x I x [ -1/2 x ln(2S2ab/dSac)+j √3/2 x ln(2Sac/d) ]
= j2 x10-7 x 377 x I x [ -1/2 x ln ( 2 x
400 / ( 91.2 x 800 ) + j √3/2 x ln ( 2 x 800 / 91.2 ) ]
=(-188 -j 55) x 10-6 x I V/m
|Ea(flat)| = 195.2 x 10 x I V/m

= 7.81 V/m

Induced voltage at phase "b" cable shield

Eb(flat) = j2 x10-7 x ω x I x [1/2 x ln ( 4 Sab Sbc / d2 )+j √3/ 2 ln ( Sbc / Sab ) ]
= j2 x10-7 x
377 x I x [ 1/2 x ln (4 4xx 400 x 400 / 91.2 ) + j √3/2 x ln ( 400 / 400 ) ]
= ( 0 +j 163) x 10 x I V/m
|Eb(flat)| = 163.7 x 10 x I V/m

= 6.55 V/m

Induced voltage at phase "c" cable shield

Ec(flat) = j2 x10-7 x ω x I x [-1/2 x ln ( 2S2bc / d Sac) -j √3/2 x ln ( 2Sac / d ) ]
-7 2
= j2 x10 x 377 x I x [ -1/2 x ln ( 2 x 400 / ( 91.2 x 800 ) + j √3/2 x ln ( 2 x 800 / 91.2 ) ]
= (187 -j55 ) x 10-6 x I V/m
|Ec(flat)| = 195.2 x 10 x I V/m

= 7.81 V/m

9/15/2018 Prepared By: A.Darweesh NG

Reviewed By: M.M. S.
Form # TE/A/F/10(L) 08/12/1998 Approved By: Dr. N. Al-Saati Page 3
Calculation of Voltage Gradients Induced in The Cable Shields of Riyadh Cables Group Co.
1x1200/261 mm² CU/XLPE/LAT/HDPE - 132 kV Cable Technical Department

III Induced Voltage at Phase to Phase Fault

The maximum sheath voltage gradients occur when a fault appears between the phases a and c with
no ground current flowing. Assuming Iac is the fault current, then:

Ea(flat) =Ec(flat) = j2 x 10-7 x ω x Iac x ln (2Sac/d ) [V/m]

Iac = phase to phase fault current [Amperes]
|Ea(flat)| =|Ec(flat)| = 216.0 x 10 x Iac V/m
= 8.64 V/m
Eb(flat) = j2 x 10 x ω x Iac x ln (Sba/Sbc ) = 0 [V/m]

IV. Induced Voltage at Single Phase to Ground Fault [ for cross bonded system, flat ]
Ifault = fault current = 40000 Amperes
S = axial distance between cables = 400.0 mm
d = mean diameter of metallic shield = 91.2 mm

Vab = - j 2 x 10-7 x ω x I x ln ( 2 (2)1/3 S / d ) [V/m]

= 181.2 x 10 x Ifault V/m [phase to phase]
= 7.25 V/m

Vbc = - j 2 x 10-7 x ω x I x ln ( 2 ) [V/m]

= 52.3 x 10 x Ifault V/m [phase to phase]
= 2.09 V/m

Vac = - j 2 x 10-7 x ω x I x ln ( 4 S / d ) [V/m]

= 216.0 x 10 x Ifault V/m [phase to phase]
= 8.64 V/m

V. Maximum Section Length at MAXIMUM Induced Voltage

Maximum section length
Condition Induced voltage [V/m] [meters]
Balanced full load current 0.074 1346.4

Three phase symmetrical fault 7.81 640.4

Single phase to ground fault
8.64 578.7
for cross bonded system
- Maximum section length at balanced full load current is based on 100 V induced voltage.
- Maximum section length at fault condition is based on 5000 V induced voltage.

9/15/2018 Prepared By: A.Darweesh NG

Reviewed By: M.M. S.
Form # TE/A/F/10(L) 08/12/1998 Approved By: Dr. N. Al-Saati Page 4

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