Diskusi 8 Bahasa Inggris

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Senin, 11 Maret 2024, 12:37
Jumlah balasan: 0
Hi all,
Having learned the materials in Session 8, now please
discuss the following questions.
1. Draw a concept map/mind map of the materials in
modules 1-9. You can draw it either manually or
digitally. Then, please upload it in the form of an
image in the reply section.

1. Which part of the topics in this tutorial that:

 you are confident about, and
 you are not confident about?
Write down if you have any questions related to the
learning materials and post a comment to your friend(s)’
post if you know the answer as your contribution to the
learning community.
Thank you for your participation in this online
and good luck with your final exam!

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