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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

SECTION 1 / [7 Essays]
(O/N 2016, V3), Q5
(Q) Anlayse two qualities of a successful entrepreneur when launching a new business. [8]

AATIK TASNEEM | AS / LEVEL: BUSINESS (9609) | 03041122845 1

AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2023, V2), Q5, b

(b) Evaluate whether the most likely reason for the failure of a small retailer is poor management of its working
capital. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2019, V2), Q7

(b) ‘The purchase of an internationally recognised fast food franchise guarantees business success.’ Evaluate
this view. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(New Addition)
Q. ‘Internal growth is the most suitable way for a new coffee shop to expand’. Evaluate this view [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V1), Q6

(a) Analyse two reasons why a business should set SMART objectives. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V3), Q5

(b) ‘Ethics should significantly influence the marketing activities of all retail clothing businesses.’ Evaluate this
view. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(Specimen Paper, 2023)

(b) Evaluate the view that a mission statement is only important to a bank if it significantly influences the
strategy and tactics of that business. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

SECTION 2 / [7 Essays]
(M/J 2023, V3), Q6
(a) Analyse two benefits to a business of using external recruitment to employ a manager. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(Specimen Paper, 2023)

(b) ‘The most important role of human resource management (HRM) in a fast-food restaurant is to maintain a
high level of employee morale and welfare.’ Evaluate this view [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V1), Q6

(b) Evaluate whether McClelland’s three needs theory is the best way to meet employee needs in a software
business. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2023, V3), Q6

(b) ‘A motivated workforce is the most important factor for the success of a low-price airline.’ Evaluate this
view. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V2), Q5

(b) Evaluate whether an ability to motivate others is the most important role of a hotel manager. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V1), Q6

(a) Analyse two ways a business could use employee participation in the management of business activity. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2019, V1), Q5

(b) ‘A democratic style of leadership is the most effective leadership style for a manufacturing business in a
very competitive industry.’ Evaluate this view. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

SECTION 3 / [7 Essays]
(O/N 2023, V2), Q6
(a) Analyse two reasons why there should be a close link between the marketing objectives of a business and its
corporate objectives. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V1), Q5

(a) Analyse two advantages to a business of mass marketing. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2022, V3), Q7

(b) ‘A successful soft drinks business needs to continue to carry out market research’. Evaluate this view. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V1), Q5

(b) Evaluate whether primary sector businesses should use product differentiation to increase sales. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V2), Q6

(b) ‘This new airline will only succeed if it offers the lowest prices in the market’. Evaluate this view. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2020, V1), Q7

(b) ‘Branding is the most important promotion activity for a new restaurant business. Evaluate this view [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2023, V2), Q6, a

(b) Marketing is the most important factor that will affect the success of a new coffee shop.’ Evaluate this view.

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

SECTION 4 / [7 Essays]
(O/N 2022, V2), Q7
(b) ‘Intellectual capital of an information technology business is its most important asset’. Evaluate this view.

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2023, V3), Q6

(a) Analyse two ways in which operations contributes to added value in a business. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(F/M 2019, V2), Q5, a

(a) Analyse two benefits to a business of using capital intensive processes. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(F/M 2019, V2), Q5, b

(b) ‘Batch production is the best method of production for a small jewellery manufacturing business’. Evaluate
this statement. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2023, V1), Q5

(a) Analyse two benefits to a business of holding high levels of inventory. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2023, V1), Q5

(b) Evaluate whether supply chain management is the most important operational activity to the success of a
manufacturer of electric cars. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(New Addition)
Q. ‘Outsourcing is the best method a clothing manufacturing can use to solve the problem of over capacity
utilization’. Evaluate this view. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

SECTION 5 / [7 Essays]
(M/J 2018, V3), Q5
(a) Analyse two advantages of venture capital as a source of finance for a small business. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2021, V3), Q7

(a) Analyse two benefits to an entrepreneur of using micro-finance as a source of start-up capital. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(M/J 2023, V3), Q5

(a) Analyse two purposes of a cash flow forecast for a business. [8]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(O/N 2013), Q5
(b) ‘Sale of assets is the best way to solve the cash flow problem for a car manufacturer’. Evaluate this view.

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(F/M 2023, V2), Q5

(a) Analyse two ways in which accurate cost information can be used to improve business performance. [8]

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(M/J 2023, V3), Q5

(b) Evaluate whether break-even analysis is the most important finance activity for a new manufacturer of
bicycles. [12]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – [Essays] – PAPER 1

(New Addition)
(a) Analyse two limitation of building a budget for a business. [8]

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AS – BUSINESS (9609)

Case Number Year [CAIE Checked]
1 Specimen 2023 (Case 1)
2 M/J 2023, V2 (Case 1)
3 M/J 2023, V2 (Case 2)
4 O/N 2023, V2 (Case 1)
5 O/N 2023, V2 (Case 2)

Case Number Year [Practice]

6 O/N 2023, V1 (Case 1)
7 O/N 2023, V1 (Case 2)
8 O/N 2023, V3 (Case 1)
9 M/J 2023, V1 (Case 2)
10 M/J 2023, V3 (Case 1)
AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

1. Specimen Paper 2023 (Case 1)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

2. M/J 2023, V2 (Case 1)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

3. M/J 2023, V2 (Case 2)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

4. O/N 2023, V2 (Case 1)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

5. O/N 2023, V2 (Case 2)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

6. O/N 2023, V1 (Case 1)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

7. O/N 2023, V1 (Case 2)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

8. O/N 2023, V3 (Case 1)

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9. M/J 2023, V1 (Case 2)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

10. M/J 2023, V3 (Case 1)

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AS / Business (9609) – Yearly Papers / Paper 2

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AS – BUSINESS (9609)

Calculation Revision Sheet
Section 2
Calculation 1 – Labor Turnover
Calculation 2 – Percentage Questions

Section 3
Calculation 1 – Market Sales / Market Share / Market Growth
Calculation 2 – Percentage change in sales
Calculation 3 – Cost Plus Pricing

Section 4
Calculation 1 – Productivity
Calculation 2 – Inventory Control Chart
Calculation 3 – Capacity Utilization

Section 5
Calculation 1 – Cash Flow
Calculation 2 – Full and Contribution Costing
Calculation 3 – Break-Even
Calculation 4 – Revenue and Profit
Calculation 5 – Budgets
AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2


Calculation 1 – Labor Turnover
(M/J 2015) | Q2

(i) Calculate AB’s labor turnover. [3]

(ii) Using your answer to (i) briefly explain two disadvantages to AB of high labour turnover. [3]

(M/J 2019, V2), Q1

(i) Refer to Table 1.1. Calculate the rate of labor turnover for the whole of JS in 2018. [3]
(ii) Explain one disadvantage for JS of having high labour turnover. [3]

(O/N 2016, V1), Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2. Calculate the labour turnover rate for the Testing team in 2015. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 2 – Percentage of working time spent on training

(O/N 2011) | Q1

(i) Calculate the value of X in table 1. [3]

(ii) Comment on the training needs of Kidz that this calculation and Table 1 suggest. [3]

(F/M 2016, VF), Q2

(i) Calculate the total payment received by salesperson A for February 2016. [3]
(ii) Explain one benefit to FF of using commission as a payment method for sales staff. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 1 – Market Sales / Market Share
(M/J 2017) | Q1

(i) Refer to Fig. 1. The total value of market sales in country A in 2016 was $50m. Calculate the total value of
sales for the three largest businesses. [3]
(ii) Explain two appropriate methods (other than market share) that could be used to measure the size of PP. [3]

(M/J 2018, V2), Q1

(i) Refer to Fig. 1. Identify the age group with the highest average income. [1]
(ii) Refer to Fig. 1. Calculate the percentage of the whole sample who would prefer skiing
holidays. [2]
(iii) Explain one possible disadvantage to OT of using secondary market research. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(O/N 2016, V1) | Q1 / Notes

(i)Refer to Fig. 1. Calculate the market value of BH’s share of the market. [3]
(ii) Explain one benefit to Amir of carrying out market research. [3]

(O/N 2018, V1), Q1

(i) Calculate the revenue earned from cakes with a jam filling. [3]
(ii) Explain one possible impact on KC of reducing the product portfolio of the business. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 2 – Percentage change in sales

(O/N 2014) | Q2

(i) Using the information in Table 2, calculate the percentage difference between the total actual donations and
total target donations. [3]
(ii) Explain two possible reasons why the donations from businesses for HTC are below target. [3]

(O/N 2019, V2), Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2.1. Calculate the percentage market growth in the international market for
candy. [3]
(ii) Explain two ways in which CP’s marketing may differ between its national market and
international markets. [3]
(M/J 2013, V1) | Q1 / Notes

(i) Calculate the forecast growth rate for the hotel market between 2012 and 2013. [3]
(ii) Comment on HH’s forecast growth between 2012 and 2013 relative to the market as a whole. [3]

(M/J 2016, V1) | Q1

(i) Refer to Table 1. Calculate the percentage decrease in total revenue between 2013 and 2015. [3]
(ii) Briefly explain one likely effect on PM of this decrease in total revenue. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 3 – Cost Plus Pricing

(O/N 2013) | Q2 / Notes

(i) Paula plans to add 20% to the unit cost of each item in order to calculate the selling price. Using Table 3,
calculate the selling price for a sports jacket. [3]
(ii) Using your answer from (i), explain two disadvantages to SSS of using cost-based pricing. [3]

(M/J 2013, V3), Q1

(i) Assume CP uses a mark-up of 70% on costs for pricing its meals. Using the information in
Table 1, calculate the price that CP would charge for its meals. [3]
(ii) Explain one factor (other than mark-up) that Anna should consider when deciding on the
price for meals. [3]
(M/J 2017, V3) | Q1

(i) Refer to Table 1 and other information. Calculate the price of the dress for Lydia. [3]
(ii) Explain one payment method (other than time based) that DC could use to pay its employees. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(F/M 2019, V2), Q2

SSR uses cost-based pricing to add 60% to variable costs when pricing each meal.
(i) Refer to Table 2.1. Calculate the average price of each meal in the proposed city center
restaurant. [3]
(ii) Briefly explain one advantage to SSR of using cost-based pricing. [3]

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Calculation 1 – Labor Productivity
(M/J 2014, V1) | Q1

(i) Using Table 1, calculate labour productivity for 2013. [3]

(ii)For 2012, annual labour productivity was 83 flatscreens per worker and capital productivity was 166
flatscreens per production line. Using your answer to (i) and other information, comment on changes in
productivity at SV. [3]

(M/J 2020, V3), Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2.1. Calculate the total number of meals per day produced by both
teams. [3]
(ii) Explain two ways in which FF may be affected by the lower productivity of employees
working in Team B. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 2 – Inventory Control Chart

(O/N 2017, V1), Q1

(i) Refer to Fig. 1. Identify the size of:

• maximum inventory level
• buffer inventory level
• re-order quantity. [3]
(ii) Explain one possible use of an inventory control chart to RBP. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 3 – Capacity Utilization

(M/J 2015, V2), Q2

(a) Using data on lines 16–18 and Table 1, calculate:

(i) capacity utilisation in 2014 [3]

(O/N 2013, V1), Q3

(a) Refer to Appendix 2. Calculate:

(i) capacity utilisation [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(O/N 2018, V1), Q2

(a) Refer to Table 1. Calculate:

(i) difference in capacity utilisation between forecast production in the first six months and the most
efficient level [3]

(O/N 2020, V1), Q2

(a) Refer to Table 1. Calculate for 2019 the:

(i) overall average capacity utilisation for NH [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2


Calculation 1 – Cash Flow Forecast

(M/J 2011, V2), Q2 [Simple Cash Flow]

(i) With reference to Table 3, calculate the closing balance for 2016. [3]
(ii) Comment on the usefulness of this cash flow forecast to MQ. [3]

(O/N 2016, V2), Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2. Calculate the value of Z. [3]

(ii) Explain two advantages to FFE of accepting the order from the new retailer. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(O/N 2010, V1) | Q2

(i) Calculate the value of X in the cash flow forecast (Table 2). [3]
(ii) Using Table 2 and your answer to part (i), briefly explain how this cash flow forecast might change if lower
cash inflow is predicted. [3]

(O/N 2021, V1), Q1

(a) Using the information in Table 2.1, calculate the value of the:
(i) opening balance (X) for 2022. [1]
(ii) sales (Y) for 2026. [2]
(b) Explain one use of the cash flow forecast for TM. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(M/J 2015, V1) | Q2 [Adjust the cash flow]

(i) Assume TT invests in the new production line. Calculate the new closing balance for quarter 4, using Table
3 and other relevant information. [3]
(ii) Explain the usefulness to TT of cash flow forecasting. [3]

(M/J 2019, V1), Q1

(i) Refer to Table 1.1. Calculate the new closing balance for Month 3 if the inventory storage
costs for each month increase by 20%. [3]
(ii) Explain one benefit for WL of holding inventory. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 2 – Full and Contribution Costing

(M/J 2012, V2), Q4

(a) Refer to Appendix 3. Calculate the annual contribution for 2012 earned by Assured High School. [3]

(M/J 2020, V2), Q2

Refer to Table 2. Calculate the:

(i) contribution of the café [3]
(ii) profit made by the gift shop. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(O/N 2016, V1), Q2

(a) Refer to Table 1. Calculate the actual contribution of the five shops to KA. [3]

(O/N 2018, V1), Q4

(a) Refer to Appendix 2. Calculate:

(ii) the total contribution that Beach Umbrellas made to SU in the year ending November 2018. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 3 – Break-Even
(M/J 2013, V2), Q2 [Find Break-even]

(i) TP sells its paints at an average price of $10 per litre. Using Table 1, calculate the break-
even level of production per year for TP’s proposed new production system. [3]

(M/J 2015, V2) | Q1 / Notes

(i) Calculate how many TV broadcasting companies need to buy a typical documentary in order for ET to break
even (lines 20–23). [3]
(ii) Briefly comment on the usefulness to ET of your answer to (i). [3]

(F/M 2017, V2), Q1

(i) Refer to Table 1. Calculate the break-even level of production with CAM. [3]
(ii) Explain one benefit to GI of using break-even analysis. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(O/N 2011, V2) | Q2 [What Price to Charge]

(i) Calculate the price that Ike would need to charge in order to break even at 150 people per extra film show.
(ii) If Rex charged $2 then the break-even would increase to 200 people. Comment briefly on the usefulness to
Ike of the break-even information. [3]

(M/J 2021, V1), Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2.1. Calculate the price that JTG should charge per ticket in order to break
even at 200 ticket sales. [3]
(ii) Explain one advantage to JTG of using break-even analysis. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(M/J 2017, V1) | Q2 [Margin of Safety]

(i) Refer to Table 2. Calculate the forecast margin of safety for the new service. [3]
(ii) Explain one limitation to SA of using break-even analysis. [3]

(O/N 2014, V3), Q2

(i) For Plan B, calculate the margin of safety if James sells the expected level of tables and
chairs. [3]
(ii) Using your answer to (b)(i), briefly explain the importance to FF of the margin of safety.

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 4 – Revenue and Profit

(M/J 2016) | Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2. Calculate the value of X. [3]

(ii) Explain the likely impact on MS of the fall in the average price of shoes. [3]

(O/N 2016, V2) | Q1

(i) Refer to Table 1. Calculate the value of X. [3]

(ii) Briefly explain why the revenue of an independent shop is likely to be less than a PP franchise shop. [3]

(M/J 2021, V2), Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2.1. Calculate the total profit made from selling oysters in 2020. [3]
(ii) Explain two possible reasons why the profit margin for the consumer market is higher
than the profit margin for the industrial market. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

(O/N 2019, V1), Q1

(i) Calculate the profit CE will make from production line B if it sorts, packages and sells
150000 eggs in a month. [3]
(ii) Explain one problem of CE’s allocation of fixed costs. [3]

(M/J 2021, V1), Q1

(i) Calculate Ray’s forecast average daily revenue if he joins Summus. [3]
(ii) Explain one way Ray could increase his profit margin. [3] Refer to Table 1.1. [3]

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(O/N 2021, V3), Q1

(i) Calculate the profit that Obi will make from a customer who hires two vans for three days.
(ii) Explain one factor which may affect the demand for Obi’s services. [3]

(F/M 2018, V2), Q2

(i) Refer to Table 2. Calculate the value of the growth in revenue earned by LC from the hotel
market segment over the last four years. [3]
(ii) Explain one way LC could use the information in its income statement. [3]

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AS / Level – Business (9609) – Calculations – Paper 2

Calculation 5 – Budgets

(O/N 2011, V2), Q2

(i) Using data in Appendix A, calculate the variances for the Newtown steel works. [3]
(ii) Explain possible reasons for any two of these variances. [3]

(M/J 2011, V1), Q3

(a) Refer to Appendix B. Calculate all the variances between the budgeted and actual data. Indicate whether
each one is adverse or favorable. [3]

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