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Good morning I want to start my case what happened today so in the class today in the third period after t

he zero period some problem happening some prefects came inside the class bags the name came on ka
ramjot Singh Anitej Singh prabhtegh Singh and saihaj Singh so and a girl Sakhi Preet kaur the girl brough
t her phone first time in the class first time would have been her last time so in the first checking round An
itej Singh and karamjot Singh phone got caught so we you want to naturally we just went to the teacher a
nd repeated but after that prabhtegh Singh saihaj Singh and Sakhi Kaur inside 12th class room for prefect
orial board and they started checking prabhtegh jokingly told the prefect that his phone was lying inside
his kit bag and naturally in the next period took the three all the five of them inside the class inside the kit
back the kit bag was checked and nothing was found as they had already hidden their phone inside and
musical instrument then the prefix went in the music room and checked the musical instrument as in they
got an information from day check extensively inside every instrumental and they found prabhtegh Singh
and Sakhi kaur this phones were given to Bhavna Alunkar mam and after that it was believed that there
was a Snitch in the class and the Snitch in the class gave the information to the prefectorial board to get a
higher chance to get inside the prefectorial board in itself after that in the end record of phones but how d
id so we got some people who are we doubting on

1. Sachmandeep Singh Luthra

2. Japjot Singh
3. Sehaj kuar kohli
4. Japman Kaur

An Instagram account name harshleen had followed us on insta many time ago so she is also doubted
and they’re also some people like Arjun Singh Vasan and gursheen Kaur
but the main people convicted listed above
so in today’s case we have decided that we have shortlisted some names out of many names and next t
ask will be to identify HARSHLEEN KAUR

dating 26 July 2023

the hearing lasted from 8 14 p.m. 9:00 p.m. resulting in minutes of court hearing

The next case hearing is set for

date-27 july 2023
time - 8 p.m.

with next file ended for today

Thank you

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