M3 - Lesson 4-Student-01

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欢迎 Briefing

DDjiA hCo! Hello everyone!

HuAnyJng dDjiA lBi xuFxJ HDnyW.

Welcome to Learn Mandarin.

WQ shL nKmen de HDnyW lCoshI Nina.

I’m your Mandarin teacher Nina.
生词 New Words

Turn to the following pages in your


Listen to “L4-V.mp3”.
Practice your pronunciation.

You can download the Mp3 in UUM

Online learning or WhatsApp Group.
生词 New Words

Turn to the following pages in your


Listen to “L4-V.mp3”.
Practice your pronunciation.

You can download the Mp3 in UUM

Online learning or WhatsApp Group.
生词 New Words

Turn to the following pages in your


Listen to “L4-V.mp3”.
Practice your pronunciation.

You can download the Mp3 in UUM

Online learning or WhatsApp Group.
生词 New Words

Turn to the following pages in your


Listen to “L4-V.mp3”.
Practice your pronunciation.

You can download the Mp3 in UUM

Online learning or WhatsApp Group.
mAo jI rRu

gQu yV tAng
lPng niV chCo

shI yBng kCo

hCochI shJwX yKnliDo

lCobCn kuDir bIng

lD gAodiCn yEjiAngfDn

xIguA kAfEi niVnCi jIdDn

YLndX jiAnbKng qIngzhEn dOngyBn tAng

yJnyV tPngshL
No. Measure word Things
yL bEi kAfEi
liCng kuDir xIguA
sAn tiBo yV
sL piDn YLndX jiAnbKng
wW pBn chCo guQtiBo
liX wCn jI tAng
qI tBi shQujI
bA gOngjIn shuKguQ
jiW jiDn yIfu
chI fDn can't + things you eat
yRngcAn can't + things you eat

hGn fEichBng zuL

NK zuL xKhuan de xInniBn lKwX shL shFnme?

WQmen qX qIngzhEn cAnguCn chI zCocAn ba.

XiD cL wQ huL mCi yV gGi nK chI.

XiDbAn hRu, tA de tPngshL huL qX nB xIguA

ZhH ge shAngdiDn bV mDi niVrRu hF yBngrRu.

ZhAnglVn shFnme shJhou yQu yHshL?

ZhAnglVn xIngqIsAn wCnshang yQu yHshL.

LJn xiCojiG qXguo ZhAnglVn de yHshL ma?

ZhH ge yHshL de shFnme shJwX zuL hCochI?

WQ nY'Fr hE niVnCi hE de fEichBng kuDi.

NK yQu shJjiAn hF wQ qX mCi kAfEi ma?

GEge shuO tA mFiyQu chIguo qIngzhEn yuHbKng.

ZDi mCi yL bAo bIng kAfEi ba.

ZDi … ba.
ZDi sRng yL tiBo yV gGi nK ba.

ZDi nB sAn pBn chCo fDn gGi xIn tPngxuF ba.

ZDi zuR liCng piDn YLndX jiAnbKng gGi Frzi ba.

ZDi dCbAo yL wCn jI tAng gGi nK de pFngyou ba.

ZDi zhWnbHi yL tBi diDnnCo gGi jiEdDiyuBn ba.

汉字Chinese Characters

In your module.

Rewrite these Chinese

characters like the
example, find their
Pinyin and meaning.
作业 Homework Prepare your in-class activity.

Translate Chapter 4 Dialogue 1 & Passage 2 into English.

Memorize new words in Chapter 1-4.

Finish writing those 8 Chinese characters listed above.

Listen to the record “Vocabulary and Dialogue 1& Passage2”

in WhatsApp group / UUMOL of Chapter 1-4 to practice
your listening and pronunciation.
XiHxie dDjiA,


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