Dy3 - Doped Stabilized GeGaS Glasses For 1.3 LM Optical ®ber

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Optical Materials 12 (1999) 467±471

Dy3‡-doped stabilized GeGaS glasses for 1.3 lm optical ®ber

Y. Guimond a, J.L. Adam a,*
, A.M. Jurdyc b, J. Mugnier b, B. Jacquier b,
X.H. Zhang a
Laboratoire des Verres et C
eramiques, UMR-CNRS 6512, Universite de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Mat
eriaux Luminescents, UMR-CNRS 5620, Universit e Claude Bernard,
43 Bd du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Received 30 April 1998; accepted 30 October 1998

Dy3‡ -doped stabilized-GeGaS sul®de glasses are synthesized and characterized. When antimony is added to GeGaS,
the glass shows very weak crystallization upon heating as compared to standard compositions. Because of the low
phonon energy inherent in sul®de glasses, the 1.3 lm emission of Dy3‡ ions can be observed. This transition is char-
acterized in terms of emission cross-section and quantum eciency. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sul®de glasses; Low phonon; Dysprosium; 1.3 lm; Optical ampli®er

1. Introduction 370 cmÿ1 ), these GeGaSbS glasses are character-

ized by an excellent resistance to moisture, rela-
Glasses with low phonon energy (LPE) are of tively high glass transition temperatures (around
prime importance for the realization of ecient 300°C), and a very weak crystallization peak (with
optical ®ber ampli®ers for the second telecommu- 10°C minÿ1 heating rate). On the contrary, stan-
nication window. 1.3 lm emission has already dard GeGaS glasses show strong crystallization
been observed in LPE sul®de glasses doped with around 520°C±540°C, which dramatically impairs
either Pr3‡ or Dy3‡ ions [1±4]. However, real ap- their potential for optical ®ber drawing.
plications necessitate glasses with excellent thermal
stability in order to develop optical ®bers with
reasonable loss. This has not been achieved yet 2. Experimental procedures
with usual germanium±gallium sul®de glasses.
In this paper, we show the spectroscopic prop- Stabilized GeGaSbS glass samples were pre-
erties of Dy3‡ ions in a novel germanium±gal- pared by weighing pure elements (5±6 N) in a dry
liumbased sul®de glass stabilized by addition of glove box. Then, the mixture was placed in a fused
antimony. Besides low phonon energy (typically silica ampoule and pumped under vacuum for a
few hours. At this stage, the tube was sealed,
heated in a rocking furnace at 1000°C for 6 h, and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 2 99286262; fax: +33 2 cooled down to room temperature. About 3 mm-
99286262/1600; e-mail: jean-luc.adam@univ-rennes.fr thick glass plates containing 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and
0925-3467/99/$ ± see front matter Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 3 4 6 7 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 7 7 - 9
468 Y. Guimond et al. / Optical Materials 12 (1999) 467±471

1 at.% Dy3‡ were obtained. Also, an undoped

GeGaSbS glass prism with 10 ´ 10 mm2 faces was
Thermal analyses were carried out for single
glass chips, about 50 mg, in sealed aluminum pans.
The measurements were performed by means of a
Setaram 92 di€erential scanning calorimeter
(DSC) with 10°C minÿ1 heating rate.
Refractive indices were measured by two inde-
pendent methods: ®rst, by the prism-coupling
method with a rutile prism optically coupled to a
GeGaSbS glass plate and, second, by the minimum
deviation method applied directly to the GeGaSbS
prism. Both the measurements were carried out
with 632.8 nm light from an He±Ne laser.
For Dy3‡ emission measurements, continuous
excitation in the infrared was obtained with a
Coherent CW ring titanium±sapphire laser (2 GHz
linewidth) pumped by a Coherent 310 argon ion
laser. Fluorescence at 90°C was analyzed through
a Jobin±Yvon double monochromator (HR320).
Laser light was modulated through a mechanical
chopper and the output signal of a germanium
photodiode (ADC, 403 L, Low Speed), cooled to
liquid nitrogen temperature, was fed into a lock-in
ampli®er. The ¯uorescence data were corrected by
Fig. 1. DSC curves for: (a) Ge25 Ga5 S70 , (b) 80GeS2 ±20Ga2 S3 ,
the response of the detection system obtained with
and (c) GeGaSbS sul®de glasses. (Note the large Y-scale for
a calibrated standard lamp. Ge25 Ga5 S70 glass.)
Selective pulsed laser excitation was used for
lifetime measurements. The visible beam of a
pulsed dye laser pumped by an Nd : YAG from transition temperatures are 333°C, 432°C and
BM Industry was shifted towards the infrared 305°C and the crystallization temperatures are
range by stimulated Raman scattering through an 506°C, 513°C and 494°C, respectively. Our results
H2 cell and delivers pulses of about 10 ns duration for the two standard glasses are in good agreement
and 0.04 cmÿ1 spectral width. The ¯uorescence with previously reported data [5,6]. The tempera-
was then analyzed with a Jobin±Yvon mono- ture di€erence between crystallization and glass
chromator (H25) and a high speed germanium transition is the largest for GeGaSbS glass with a
photodiode (ADC, 403 HS, High Speed) cooled to value of 189°C, to be compared with 81°C and
liquid nitrogen temperature. The ¯uorescence time 173°C for standard glasses. In addition, the crys-
evolution was then recorded with a Lecroy 9410 tallization peak is signi®cantly less intense for the
digital oscilloscope. antimony containing glass, as shown in Fig. 1.
Thus, GeGaSbS glass is, by far, the most stable
3. Results From an optical point of view, GeGaSbS is
transparent from 0.6 lm in the visible to 11 lm in
The results of thermal analysis are shown in the infrared. As expected, it shows a high refrac-
Fig. 1 for standard Ge25 Ga5 S70 and 80 GeS2 , 20 tive index as reported in Table 1. We ®rst mea-
Ga2 S3 glasses, and for GeGaSbS glass. The glass sured the refractive index of a GeGaSbS glass
Y. Guimond et al. / Optical Materials 12 (1999) 467±471 469

Table 1 X4 ˆ 2.29, X6 ˆ 1.79, in 10ÿ20 cm2 units. In these

Refractive index of GeGaSbS glass at 632.8 nm measurements, a constant refractive index of
Method nmeas naver 2.3657 is used, and the number of Dy3‡ ions per
Prism coupling 2.3658 2.3657 (‹5 ´ 10ÿ4 ) cm3 of glass is equal to 1.90 ´ 1020 (0.5 at.%-doped
2.3657 sample). Because of a higher refractive index, the
2.3655 J±O parameters are lower in GeGaSbS than in
Minimum deviation 2.368 (‹2 ´ 10ÿ3 ) ±
standard glasses (a constant refractive index of
2.15 was used in Ref. [1,4]). The high value of X2 ,
plate by means of the prism-coupling technique [7]. as compared to ¯uoride glasses (X2 ˆ 3.22 ´ 10ÿ20
These measurements were performed three times, in ZBLA glass [9]) is due to the more covalent
with a very good reproducibility, leading to a nature of chemical bondings in sul®de glasses.
mean refractive index of 2.3657 ‹ 5 ´ 10ÿ4 at Radiative properties of Dy3‡ ions in GeGaSbS
632.8 nm. This result was con®rmed by direct glass are calculated by means of the J±O parame-
measurement using the minimum deviation tech- ters. The results for the 1.3 lm emission, which
nique with a GeGaSbS prism. The refractive index originates from two overlapping levels, 6 F11=2 and
was found to be 2.368 ‹ 2 ´ 10ÿ3 which is in good H9=2 , are given in Table 3. Assuming that the
agreement with the previous measurements. energy gap between the two levels is negligible, the
The absorption spectrum of Dy3‡ ions (0.5 e€ective emission rate is calculated from the indi-
at.%) is shown in Fig. 2. Despite the limited vidual radiative rates Arad ˆ 1=srad †, according to
transparency of sul®de glasses in the visible, as the following equation [8]
many as seven optical transitions are observed.    
6 6
The experimental oscillator strengths are given in 1 g 1 A rad F11=2 ‡ g 2 A rad H 9=2
Aeff ˆ ˆ ; 1†
Table 2, together with the average peak positions. seff g1 ‡ g 2
For the 6 H13=2 absorption, the magnetic dipole
where g1 and g2 are the respective degeneracies of
contribution was calculated (54 ´ 10ÿ8 ) and then
the levels.
subtracted from the total oscillator strength. The
Thus, the e€ective spontaneous emission rate is
remainder is the experimental electric dipole os-
found to be 2641 sÿ1 , and the e€ective lifetime is
cillator strength. With seven absorption bands, the
379 ls, which is apparently higher than the life-
Judd±Ofelt (J±O) theory can be applied eciently
times reported for standard GeGaS sul®de glasses
to this new rare earth-host system. The main steps
[1,4]. This point will be discussed in the next sec-
of the procedure can be found in Ref. [8]. By em-
ploying a least-squares ®tting of calculated and
The 1.3 lm emission for the 0.1 at.% Dy3‡
experimental oscillator strengths, the following set
sample, expressed in terms of emission cross-sec-
of J±O parameters is determined: X2 ˆ 9.49,
tion, is displayed in Fig. 3. The cross-section was
determined from the measured emission spectra
and the calculated branching ratio and radiative
lifetime using a formula derived from McCumber
[10] usually referred to as the Ladenburg±Fu-
chtbauer method [11]
1 Ic k†
re k† ˆ b=srad †k4 R
8pc0 n 2 Ic dk
1 k4
ˆ b=s rad † ; 2†
8pc0 n2 Dkeff
where c0 is the velocity of light in vacuum, n the
Fig. 2. Absorption spectrum of Dy 3‡
ions (0.5 at.%) in Ge- refractive index and I(k) the ¯uorescence intensity
GaSbS glass. (i.e. number of photons per wavelength interval).
470 Y. Guimond et al. / Optical Materials 12 (1999) 467±471

Table 2
Average absorption wavelengths, measured and calculated electric-dipole oscillator strengths (f) for Dy3‡ ions in GeGaSbS glass.
Transitions are from the 6 H15=2 ground state to the levels indicated
Level k (nm) fmeas (10ÿ8 ) fcalc (10ÿ8 ) Deviation (10ÿ8 )
F3=2 764 24 26 ÿ2
F5=2 814 138 139 ÿ1
F7=2 917 321 318 3
F9=2 ‡ 6 H7=2 1112 438 442 ÿ4
F11=2 ‡ 6 H9=2 1302 1633 1635 ÿ2
H11=2 1718 216 224 ÿ8
H13=2 2868 307 288 19
drms ˆ 10 ´ 10ÿ8 .

Table 3
Electric-dipole spontaneous emission rates, radiative and e€ective lifetimes, and e€ective branching ratios for emissions from the 6 F11=2
(6 H9=2 ) levels of Dy3‡ in GeGaSbS glass
Transition k (lm) Aed (sÿ1 ) srad (ls) seff (ls) beff
F11=2 ÿ6 H9=2  ! 6 H11=2 5.38 a
11 (26) 219 (3106) 379 0.007
6 6
F11=2 ÿ H9=2  ! 6 H13=2 2.38 a
320 (114) 0.086
F11=2 6 H9=2 ! 6 H15=2 1.34 4243 (182) 0.907
Wavelengths determined from absorption data.

H7=2 ; 6 F9=2 †. The decays are shown in Fig. 4. For
0.1 and 0.05 at.% Dy3‡ , the decays are identical.
So, we can conclude that there is no luminescence
quenching for these concentrations. For concen-
trations above 0.1%, decays start shortening due to
Dy3‡ ±Dy3‡ interactions. Whatever the Dy3‡ con-
centration is, the decays are markedly non-expo-
nential. It is then necessary to estimate a measured
lifetime. For the lowest concentrations, the ®rst e-
folding time of the decay curve is found to be 33 ls
and the zero-order momentum is equal to 38.5 ls.

Fig. 3. 1.3 lm emission spectrum of Dy3‡ ions in GeGaSbS


In the present case, the e€ective branching ratio,

beff , and e€ective lifetime, seff , listed in Table 3
must be substituted for b and srad . We assumed
that there is no re-absorption of the emission nei-
ther from the ÿground state nor from the excited
states. The 6 H9=2 ; 6 F11=2 ! 6 H15=2 emission
band is centered at 1.336 lm and has a bandwidth
of 95 nm.
Lifetime measurements around 1.3 lm were
performed for various Dy3‡ concentrations, ÿ6 with Fig. 4. (6 H9=2 , 6 F11=2 ) decays as a function of Dy3‡ concentra-
pulsed excitation at 1110 nm H15=2 ! tion in GeGaSbS glass.
Y. Guimond et al. / Optical Materials 12 (1999) 467±471 471

For the 0.2 and 1 at.% Dy3‡ samples, the ®rst ventional GeGaS glass, which is similar to the
e-folding time drops to 24.3 and 3.5 ls, respec- cross-section of 1.9 ´ 10ÿ20 cm2 obtained in this
tively. Using those estimations, the total quantum work for GeGaSbS glass.
eciency as usually de®ned by g ˆ smeas =seff is 10%
for the 0.1% doped sample.
5. Conclusion

4. Discussion In summary, we have investigated the proper-

ties of the 1.3 lm transition of Dy3‡ ions in a novel
Given the fact that we succeeded in synthesizing generation of GeGaS sul®de glasses. With a
a very stable GeGaSbS glass, it is of prime interest quantum eciency of 10% and a stimulated
to compare the performance of Dy3‡ ions in this emission cross-section of 1.9 ´ 10ÿ20 cm2 , this new
glass and in standard sul®de glasses. In the pre- 1.3 lm emitting glass compares favorably with
vious section, we mentioned that our e€ective conventional germanium±gallium-based sul®de
ÿ6 (379 ls) for the 1.3 lm emission from glasses if an e€ective radiative lifetime is used for
H9=2 ; 6 F11=2 was apparently longer than the the two overlapping emitting levels 6 F11=2 ; 6 H9=2 .
lifetime reported for standard sul®de glass [1,4]. The newness of this material resides in its ability to
Actually, this is due to a di€erent method of cal- resist devitri®cation (standard thermal analysis
culation. In our case, we used Eq. (1) that ac- shows very weak crystallization upon heating). It
counts for a proportional contribution of the two consequently shows promise for the development
levels. In Ref. [1,4], on the contrary, the two con- of rare earth-doped optical ®bers with reasonably
tributions were simply added. In the former case, low optical attenuation.
the e€ective decay time is intermediate between the
two radiative lifetimes, as shown in Table 3. In the
latter, the overall decay is found to be more rapid References
than the fast component, which has no physical
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 the Sigel, Opt. Lett. 19 (1994) 904.
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