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Time: 60 minutes
11. What is a fracture that has pierced through the skin called?
B. Co
Test-takers: Medical students
Vinh Medical University Chữ ký Chữ ký
Class: ....................
Date of birth:…………………………...….
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Điểm của bài thi

cán bộ chấm thi 1 cán bộ chấm thi 2 C. Im
Bằng số Bằng chữ
II. Complete the passage with a suitable word from t
A. Compound B. Closed C. Displaced D. Greenstick
12. Like the brain, the spinal cord is surrounded by bone, meninges, and ________.
I. Circle the best answer. A. cerebrospinal fluid B. white matter C. gray matter D. ligament
1. The ______ is responsible 13.for circulating
When blood doesn’t
the pancreas throughout the body.
produce insulin, the result is a disease called ______
A. heart B. lungA. cancer C. kidney B. diabetes D. larynx C. stroke D. malignant tumour
2. The man had a serious 14. Theaccident
traffic _______and is covered by a loose
an ambulance tookand elastic
him to skin which allows changes in
the ______. size.
A. Gynaecology A. epididymisC. A&E
B. Radiology B. vas deference
D. ICUC. scrotum D. penis
3. A ______ is a doctor who 15. provides
______ regulates
many kinds metabolism
of care and the gland
to adults and needs iodine to create this
children. hormone.
A. Thyroxine C. neurologistB. Epinephrine D. GP C. FSH D. Melatonin
A. dermatologist B. technician
16. I love my job in ______. It gives me the chance to be around children.
4. The ______ is the long extension from the lower body between the hip
Chữ ký cán bộ coi thi thứ 1

A. Orthopedics B. Obstetrics C. Paediatrics D. Neurology

and foot.
17. Anemia is a condition in which you don't have enough healthy red blood cells
A. ankle B. elbow C. leg D. thumb
to carry adequate ____ to the body's tissues.

5. Vas deferens is a tube thatA.carries sperm from B.

nutrients theminerals
______ to the urethra.
C. proteins D. oxygen
A. epididymis B. testis18. The diaphragm
C. prostate D. scrotum
is the muscle used for breathing, which separates the ______
6. The esophagus, stomach, from smallthe
abdomen.and large intestine all work
together to carry out the process of digestion of food.
A. pelvis As a unit, theseC. chest
B. thoracic D. trunk
structures are termed (the) __________.
19. My grandfather was ________ to hospital last night due to stroke.
A. digestive system A. prescribedB. urinaryB. admitted
system C. treated D. discharged
C. tissues 20. Which partD.of the body does Nephrology deal with?
7. The hospital does not have any A. spleen B. liverwith the patient’s
blood that is ______ C. lungs D. kidneys
Chữ ký cán bộ coi thi thứ 2

blood. II. Complete the passage with a suitable word from the box.
A. suitable B. compatible control C. work signal neuron
D. fixed sensory axon
8. ______ is a chemical released bytypes of neurons
one part of the control or perform
body that different activities. For instance,
sends out
messages which affect othermotor
parts neurons transmit messages from the brain to the muscles to generate
of the body
movement. (1) ________ neurons detect light, sound, odor, taste, pressure, and heat
A. neurotransmitter B. signal C. hormone D. impulse
and send messages about those things to the brain. Other parts of the nervous
9. Vulva is external parts of a _______ reproductive organ.
system (2) ________ involuntary processes. These include keeping a regular
A. female B. maleheartbeat, releasing
C. young
hormones like D. adult
adrenaline, opening the pupil in response to
10. _________ is also known as kneecap.
light, and regulating the digestive system.
A. Patella B. TibiaWhen a neuron C.sends
Fibulaa message toD. Femurneuron, it sends an electrical (3)
________ down the length of its axon. At the end of the axon, the electrical signal1
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III. Identify the mistake in each of the sentences.

1. Inpatients stay in hospital for one or more days and the room where they stay is called unit.
2. The fallopian tubes connect the vagina to the uterus.
3. The parathyroid is an exocrine gland and secretes hormones to control calcium levels.
4. I love to run but last week I sprained my wrist when my foot rolled in a twisting motion.

5. The fragment in which one side of the bone is broken and the other side is bent is called a greenstick
IV. Put the jumbled words in the correct order to make complete sentences.
1. /treatment / specializes/ and muscles/ in the/ of bones / orthopaedics/.
=> .................................................................................................................................................................
2. / an/ thyroid / hypothyroidism/ underactive/ causes /.
=> ..................................................................................................................................................................
3. / the torso/ the neck/ to turn/ and connects/ allows/ the head/ / the head to /.
=> ..................................................................................................................................................................
4. / contraceptive/ condoms/ common/ are/ a/ method/ / male/.
5. / hospital/ general/ all/ a/ deals/ illness/ types/ and/ with/ patients/ of/.
=> ..................................................................................................................................................................
V. Read the passage and determine if the statements are true or false.
The male reproductive system has two main functions: producing sperm and releasing testosterone. Sperm
are male gametes, or reproductive cells. Sperm form when certain cells in the male reproductive system
divide by meiosis to form haploid cells. Being haploid means they have half the number of chromosomes of
other cells in the body. An adult male may produce millions of sperm each day. Testosterone is the major sex
hormone in males. Testosterone has two primary roles. During adolescence, testosterone causes most of the
changes associated with puberty. In adulthood, testosterone is needed for the production of sperm.
The male reproductive organs include the penis, testes, epididymis, vas deferens, and prostate gland. The penis is
an external, cylinder-shaped organ that contains the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine out of the
body. It also carries sperm out of the body. The two testes (testis, singular) are oval organs that produce sperm
and secrete testosterone. They are located inside a sac called the scrotum that hangs down outside the body. The
scrotum also contains the epididymis. The epididymis is a tube that is about 6 meters (20 feet) long in adults. It is
tightly coiled, so it fits inside the scrotum on top of the testes. The epididymis is where sperm mature. It also
stores the sperm until they leave the body. The vas deferens is a tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the
urethra. The prostate gland secretes a fluid that mixes with sperm to help form semen. Semen is a whitish liquid
that contains sperm. It passes through the urethra and out of the body.
True of False Statements
1. The epididymis is situated within the testis.
2. In a man, about seven millions of sperm are produced each week.
3. Testosterone causes changes in boys during puberty.
4. Semen is a mixture of sperm and fluid.
5. The epididymis produces and brings sperm to maturity.
V. Use the information in the text to complete the sentences with A, B or C.

A big hospital is like a small town; it needs thousands of people to make it work. All these people
are organized into teams and each person in each team has a rank and often a specialism. In the past, the
health care team’s chain of command was simple: doctors made decisions and gave seniors nurses orders.
Senior nurses then instructed junior nurses and so on. Things are changing. In many countries nurses
have much more responsibility than they once had.
One thing is not changing; it is still doctor who is in charge of a patient’s treatment. In Britain, that
doctor is called a consultant. Next in line to the consultant is the registrar. Consultants and registrars train
the junior doctors who are called house officers or interns. Junior doctors work the same long, unsocial
hours that nurses do on the wards. The most senior nurses are nursing officers; they are administrators.
Then come ward managers who supervise staff nurses and students.
It’s not only doctors and nurses who deliver treatment and care; there are many other specialists too. For
example, there are physiotherapists who specialize in exercises to treat injury or dysfunction and
occupational therapists who help patients manage everyday living. There are also many people the
patient does not meet like lab technicians doing the tests and pharmacists dispensing medicines.
Like any town, a hospital has teams of office staff and ancillary workers such as porters, orderlies,
technicians, drivers, cleaners, receptionists and cooks. Every team is essential for the delivery of
treatment and care. This includes the volunteers who, without pay, raise money for the hospital and run
shops, cinemas, libraries and restaurants.
1. Consultants and nursing officers are both …….
A. house officers. B. senior staff. C. in charge of patient’s treatment.
2. A hospital is like a small town because …….
A. It’s busy. B. There are so many buildings C. It’s full of different kinds of people.
3. Lab technicians and pharmacists ……
A. deliver treamnet and care. B. work in the background. C. help the specialist.
4. Hospital volunteers are …….
A. paid well B. essential C. sometimes needed.
5. Ward managers are ……
A. nurses. B. senior doctors. C. office workers
______The end______

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