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Author: Scott Kuban

Cover Art: Rey Kuban
Interior Art: Scott Kuban via MidJourney
Layout: Josh Heath

Josh Heath, Chazz Kelner for loads of excellent
Sean Creef for the Youth In Revolt Edge, orig-
inally from Teambook 1: The New Romantics
(click, it's a link)

*This product contains some assets that were

procedurally generated with the aid of creative
software(s) powered by machine learning.
Specifically, some filler art was created using
Midjourney AI.

© 2012 Onyx Path Publishing. All rights reserved. References to other copy-
righted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright
holders of that material. “Trinity Continuum, Aeon” and all characters, names,
places, and text herein are copyrighted by Onyx Path Publishing.
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Beyond Electric Dreams
The Kids Are Alright 5

Chapter One: Anima Culture 6

Chapter Two: Bang 10

Chapter Three: Never Fade Away 14

Chapter Four: The Lifestyle 20

Chapter Five: The Lifestyle 24

Table of Contents 3
"You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that
whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning..."
– Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
In 2123, the young generation consists of any- Youth of the 22nd century have benefitted from
one born after 2100. The oldest among them were the rising tide of technological and societal ad-
Infants during the great push to the stars and tod- vancement and lead substantially different lives
dlers when the Aberrants returned. They also live from the children of the past (also known as our
in an age of psionic heroes, technological wonders, present). This is especially true in the Prosperous
and a convergence of science and philosophy lay- Nations, but things like the OpNet, basic income
ing bare some of the deepest cosmic mysteries. and healthcare in all but the most devastated por-
They are cultural natives to lightning fast wireless tions of the Earth mean that youth of 2123 gen-
OpNet via handheld supercomputers with intelli- erally have more opportunity and agency than in
gent digital assistants who have been learning their decades past. While the heroes of today are fight-
personalities since infancy. They have hijacked ing wars in the stars, it is the youth of the age who
Bang, a style of music popular with the previous are actively crafting the culture of the era that is
generation, and transformed it into an entirely new to come.
form of self expression and collaboration. They
have little to no reservations about using biotech
and the wonders it can offer. Throw alien contact
- both friendly and hostile - onto the stack and you
get a generation conditioned to expect the unex-
pected and meet it with some surprises of their

Chapter 1: Anima Culture 5

The primary pillar of youth culture in the age of the mundane, the optical, and the noetic.
psions is the concept of ‘anima’. A generation ago The mundane axis is the most familiar to people
the term was primarily used in interactive online outside anima culture: nationality, race, ethnicity,
experiences in the way gamers of a century ago religion, sexulaity, gender expression and other
might use the terms ‘avatar’ or ‘toon’. The tragic pillars of identity that are commonly recognized
events leading up to the Shanghai Accords caused make up the mundane axis. In anima culture these
the idea to go out of favor for a few decades, but are all sacrosanct and respected, and the blurring of
when the trendsetters of what would be soon called the lines and boundaries between personal identi-
anima culture were grasping for a name it found ties and the ideals and mores of one's intersectional
sufficient applicability to become relevant again. communities is highly encouraged. Close interper-
Anima is not the only popular youth movement sonal relationships, be they familial, friendships
but it is the dominant one. Fueled by the hyper- or romantic, are considered to be a part of one's
connected nature of the OpNet, anima intermingles anima.
with cultures and ideas from all over human space, The optical axis is similarly comprehensible to
remixing them while taking in new concepts from those outside the movement, as the concept of an
other movements. Host to an uncountable num- ‘online persona’ is well over a century old. Those
ber of subcultures and variations based on region, in anima culture take the idea to its extremes, con-
ethnicity, religion and social class, anima culture sidering the myriad ‘selves’ that are developed for
nonetheless has a few central components that are online communities to be equally valid with the
understandable and recognizable amongst most of person you are when not immersed in your mini-
its adherents. First and foremost is the notion of the comp. The most devoted explorers of the optical
anima itself. The Anima is a person's whole identity axis have been known to include their personal
across the three main axes of personal expression: SI agent to be a part of their anima. This is most


common in anima adherents who have spent the the agent in question might appear to reciprocate.
entirety of their conscious lives in partnership Many familial schisms have been the result of a
with an SI agent, and even more so in the cases parent or guardian altering or deleting an agent
of biocomp users. The relationship can manifest that an anima adherent has bonded with. A number
as sibling-like although it is not uncommon for of lawsuits and other legal challenges have been
it to take a romantic aspect in older youth. In the made to developers of SI agents in light of this is-
most extreme cases members of anima culture con- sue. Orgotek has taken the brunt of these as a result
sider their personal agent to be literally a part of of Alex Cassells vocal support of anima culture.
their personal identity, a notion referred to as the
The noetic axis is the most inspired by ISRA
philosophy and the teachings of Otha Herzog.
The trend of close relationships with SIs, and Unsurprisingly the kids have taken things in wild
those who identify as Dual-Self especially, has got- and baffling-to-their-elders directions. THe move-
ten a lot of pushback from young anima adherents ment has Herzog's full support and admiration,
parental figures and is the source of a great deal calling it “One of the most pleasant surprises in a
of generational strife. Those outside anima culture life with very few surprises.” It is unfortunate-
tend to insist that these SI relationships are delu- ly the axis which is a theoretical and aspirational
sional and completely one sided despite how much to most anima adherents as it requires the ability
to channel psi energy to experience in its fullest.
PROBLEMATIC For the majority of anima adherents it manifests
as a preoccupation, bordering on obsession, with
A recent development in enthusiasts all things psi and psion. Most anima followers get
of the optical axis is the adoption of tested for latency as soon as they get an opportunity
’Novasonas’. A fringe practice that and many of those that fail attempt to get re-tested
currently has more detractors within as often as possible (especially after having a close
the anima community than propo- encounter with active displays of psi or quantum
nents, it involves the incorporation power as recent research indicates that exposure to
of a Nova identity into the repertoire such energies might bring out latency in a neutral).
of one's optical anima. ‘Novies’
Latency rates in the human population being
are split between adopting histor-
ical Nova identities from the Nova what they are, most anima believers must eventu-
Golden Age and fabricating an OC ally reconcile with the reality that they will have a
Nova to ebody in their Opnet life. limited connection to the noetic axis of their ani-
(An ambitious Storyguide could run ma. Biotechnology is the balm most neutral ani-
an “Aberrant” campaign where ma adherents resort to, using biopps to connect to
the PCs are kids playing ‘Novas’ in the subquantum medium in limited but cherished
an OpNet space using rules from ways. Many older anima followers have been in-
TC:Aberrant, N!WE, or a reskinned spired to achieve education and careers in bioapp
Terra Surge from TC: Anima.) A development to create technology that will allow
fringe of the fringe create fictional neutrals to experience the noetic axis in more than
‘reformed’ or ‘uncorrupted’ versions
just theoretical ways. As it stands anima adherents
of Aberrants. Assholes dispense with
the pleasantries and claim historical are known to acquire as many bioapps as possible
or current Aberrants for their Nova- in order to sample as many tastes of noetic connec-
sonas. The latter are universally re- tion as possible.
jected by other Novies and common Beyond the three axes, anima culture has a myr-
anima adherents alike, but the for- iad of values that adherents espouse at varying de-
mer experience varying levels of tol- grees of intensity. These include educated appre-
erance from the mainstream anima ciation of other cultures, respect of personal and
community. People outside the anima cultural identities, open collaboration in creative
lifestyle tend to be disgusted by this and economic projects, inclusion and empower-
trend and many reactionaries use it
as a cudgel to dismiss anima culture ment of marginalized communities, support for the
as a whole. Psi Orders, distrust of almost all other large orga-
nizations (governments, corporations, and the Æon

Chapter 1: Anima Culture 7

Trinity), maintenance of communication between with anima culture. Anima values are in-line with
Earth and her colonies, exploration of new artistic Æon’s core principals and the positive relationship
themes and mediums, rejection of harmful drugs between young people and the Psi Orders fits the
(including alcohol and tobacco), embracing alien agenda of Hope, Sacrifice and Unity. While Æon
life and cultures, promoting latency testing, and a keeps an eye on anima culture they don’t see any-
healthy ‘fuck you’ attitude towards the returning thing that bothers them.
Aberrants. The feeling is not entirely mutual.
Many anima adherents find Æon’s position as
TASTING THE TOTALITY a 200 year old institution with vast financial re-
sources to be inherently problematic. While it may
Not one to allow a niche market go have started as an icondolcastic society of idiosyn-
unfulfilled, Orgotek is working hard cratic adventures today it is very firmly a part of
on low-tolerance bioapps that allow The Establishment. Æon’s saving grace is it’s sup-
neutrals to experience the lowest port of the Psi Orders, which young people in and
rungs of psi awareness. Working on out of the anima community are generally bullish
the design philosophy that created on. Perhaps it's a bit of blindness on the part of
the IAD class of bioapp these devic- the youth to not see that the Orders themselves are
es, called Sparks (see Page 19 for part of the Establishment, but psions are cool, yeh?
rules), give a neutral a basic connec-
tion to the noetic medium and access Many youth settle for maintaining a sneering
to a limited form of the Basic Tech- distrust for Æon, but some double down and de-
niques of most of the Aptitudes. Fit- cry the Trinity as a calcified fortress of Old and
ting even these basic powers into a Evil, forever damned by its age, wealth and pow-
low-tolerance bioapp is challenging, er. Many older members of the anima genera-
but working with ISRA and Norca, tion grow out of this sentiment as they age, but
the effort has been successful. The Psi some hold on to this feeling as they move on to
Orders have a vested interest in sat- adulthood.
isfying the desire to experience the It’s worth considering that anti-Æon youth ar-
noetic medium. The sticking point is
en’t entirely off-base. Æon IS old, wealthy and
cost. Orgotek has brought the cost
down as low as possible, but this powerful. Few human institutions with those traits
technology is hitting hard limits cod- are without some culpability for the ills of the
ed into the biotech templates given to world.
the Proxies by the Doyen. Barring the
breaking of those limits, Sparks are WORLDS AWAY
as cheap as they are going to get. The youth of the Sol system, adherents of anima
Higher tolerance versions exist at a or not, tend to have a great deal of interest and
lower price point and some psions envy for their peers who have moved to the ex-
find them useful, but not enough to trasolar colonies. Living out in the stars has a ro-
subsidize the production of the in-de-
mantic appeal to kids who are stuck on boring old
mand lower tolerance versions. The
anima community is nothing if not Terra Firma. Conversely, Colonial kids are known
resourceful, and there are many to pine for the big cities and luxuries of far off
dozens of plans in the works to fund Sol. A common Colonial opinion is that Sol kids
the production and distribution of have it easy and that living under the protective
Sparks. To let technology that allows watch of the Psi Orders and the fleets of starships
a neutral to experience the noetic prepared to throw down when Aberrants or hostile
axis of their anima to be gated off aliens come to wreck up the place must be pretty
to the rich and privileged is deeply nice.
offensive to the anima ethic. Sol kids and Colonial youth live very different
lives, and the hunger for different perspectives
promoted by anima culture has kids everywhere
ANIMA AND AEON covetous of the experiences of their peers light
For the most part The Æon Trinity is on board years away. Prior to the disappearance of the Upeo


youth everywhere eagerly awaited the updates
from distant worlds to hit their local OpNet.
When the teleporters vanished the yearning
for updates from their interstellar peers and con-
cern for the wellbeing of distant friends became
a gigantic problem for youth across human space.
When the jumpships came online and the Upeo re-
turned, the hunger for the words, art and news of far
flung peers had become a ravening urge. Content
produced on other worlds during the Diaspora is
dominant in youth-centric feeds all across human
space. More than anything, the kids of the anima
generation are ready to collaborate with their peers
across the stars. The Bang that is getting cooked
up right now is sure to be the most vibrant and
bombastic that have ever been produced.


There are a lot of similarities between
the anima culture movement and Psi
Nippon. Thanks largely to the en-
forced isolationism of the Nihonjin
government the two movements do
share some noticeable differences.
None of them are insurmountable
and Psi Nippon members who get
out of the Nihonjin bubble are quick-
ly welcomed into anima communities
who are eager to listen to the horror
stories and get them up to speed on
what the rest of the system's youth
have been up to. Unsurprisingly an-
ima culture has had almost no pen-
etration into Nippon proper. When
Nihonjin media mentions the anima
movement at all it paints it as a de-
generate and dangerous element,
one of the grand litany of social ills
that exist outside of the isolated ar-

Chapter 1: Anima Culture 9

“We monitor many frequencies. We listen always. Came a voice, out of the babel of
tongues, speaking to us. It played us a mighty dub.”
– William Gibson, Neuromancer


To call Bang a genre of music would be reductive holographic projectors, 3d printers, haptic generators,
in the extreme. It certainly has its roots in the post- scent diffusers, etcs are all vital to the full Bang experi-
Crash efforts to rediscover the musical heritage of a ence. Unsurprisingly most Bang is enjoyed collectively
world's worth of cultures that had been razed to rubble in clubs or in dedicated rented studios that have multi-
- both physically and by the destruction of the OpNet. ple rooms that rotate through a combination of the lat-
Pioneered by kids lucky enough to have a functioning est and greatest Bang projects and enduringly popular
computer Bang has a core of EDM with heavy traces classics. Anima adherents are known to set up hardship
of trance, world beat and dub genres, but is heavily in- programs to allow more affluent Bang enthusiasts to
vested in preserving analog musical styles associated subsidize the cover fees for less prosperous Bang-heads
with pre-war cultures and ethnic heritages. In its infan- both locally and across known space via the OpNet.
cy Bang was highly regional and dominated by local Solo enjoyment of full Bang projects is possible for
trends, the most popular being Bengal Bang, Marrakesh the wealthy who can afford private Bang studios, but
Bang, Angor Bang and Harbin Bang. Bang collectives also offer ‘stripped down’ versions of
Bang experienced a major revolution when the youth their projects that focus on a single aspect of the piece
of the current generation started producing their version which can be enjoyed via a personal micomp with a
of it. While older-style Bang is still popular with the supplementary accessory or two.
generations that produced it, Modern Bang is almost The subgenres of bang are mostly divided based on the
exclusively produced and enjoyed by teenagers and dominant type of media featured in a given project.
young adults. The ideas that Bang was mostly a style SonoBang: musically dominant Bang, usually paired
of music that had its subgenres tied to regional vari- with abstract imagery and on-beat physical sensations.
ants were shredded by the early 2110s. Modern Bang is VizBang: Bang that focuses on visual art including stat-
inherently multimedia, aggressively multicultural and ic and moving images on digital holographic, and analog
almost always collectively created and curated. The mediums. Ambient sound and other mild sensations tend to
Solo Bang artist is an extreme rarity and even then they accompany this style.
usually create their works with specially programmed
LangBag: This Bang features the written or spoken
SI that supplement their efforts with samples and pro-
word, accompanied by illustration and soundtracks.
cedurally generated content based on OpNet media
libraries. AromaBang: Scent based Bang projects which tend to
isolate one or more of the other senses as the experiencer
It is far more common for Bang to be produced by
gets led through an olfactory journey.
OpNet collectives which assign responsibility for a
section of a Bang project to members whose skills and PhysBang: Bang that features sculpture, interactive
cultural education best match the assignment. Each play structures and haptic feedback generators.
member usually works with one or two apprentice GustaBang: Multi-course feasts, flights of mixed
members on their section before passing it to the parts drinks (often low or no alcohol), and fades of mild psycho-
of the collective responsible for collating and editting active substances take the focus in this Bang, each course
the finished project. Most projects are fed into OpNet accompanied by curated media to enhance the experience.
servers where open source SIs check for unintentional RPBang: The marriage of tabletop gaming, LARP, and
plagiarism and insensitive or appropriative material, interactive theater with holographic avatars, procedurally
flagging potential problematic content for anonymous generated visuals and sounds to create an immersive back-
human review. drop for improvisational structured narratives. The tech-
Bang projects require a lot of hardware to experi- nology has improved private games by providing real time
ence fully. Surround sound speakers, digital screens, visualizations of the story that surround the players as they

Chapter 2: Bang 11
AcroBang: Bang performances centered around In reactionary and anti-psion societies and nations
acrobatics and dance, often complimented by SI con- Muzzien Bang is provoking a moral panic. Several
trolled drones. Low level telepathic biotech is some- FSA districts are in the process of heavily regulating
times used to impart knowledge of routines allowing or banning Muzzien Bang performances. In New New
audience members to interact with the flow of the York this is causing a great deal of conflict as the divide
piece. between the FSAs biggest hotbed of anima-adherents
CosBang: This style of bang shows off fashion and and bang-heads and the repressive government gets
costume skills, highlighting elaborate and often trans- starker and more dire. The Board has put multiple re-
forming clothing as its centerpiece. quests to Alex Cassel to take a mediating stance on the
growing conflict, but the Prexy has yet to make a pub-
MUZZIEN BANG lic statement on the topic. Many whisper that the fight
The undisputed juggernaut of the Bang subgenres, a over Muzzien Bang might be the spark of revolution
Muzzien Bang experience is the most prized and rare of many young people are looking for.
a Bang-head’s life. Baring expensive bioware tech out
of the reach of most individuals, Muzzien Bang must
be experienced live and in person and the producing
Bang collective must be lead by a Clairsentient Psion Otha Herzog has had a hazy vision
(although a psiad with the appropriate modes could that he does not fully understand that
pull it off if they were willing to risk exposure). Using represents a possible future where a
a special bioapp called a Bangboard, the Clear, often renegade Doyen youth fleeing the
called a divana, infuses a Bang performance with their purging that its own kind would in-
psionic visions producing an experience both ecstat- flict on it ends up taking refuge with
ic and profound. Although the phenomenon occurred a Bang collective. Should that vision
without prompting from the Order, muzzien bang has come to pass, the Bang that will be
the full support of ISRA and Proxy Herzog, and cost is made of that collaboration would
seldom a factor in being able to attend a Muzzien Bang change the Continuum forever.
experience. Many devotees of the style are willing to
give up their spot for someone who hasn’t been able
to attend a Muzzien Experience. Often called church JUMP BANG
without sermons or dogma, Bang-heads lucky enough The newest form of Bang, JumpBang has only had a
to get a spot are able to experience the Holographic few major projects hit the scene. JumpBang projects are
Totality directly. Always willing to push the envelope, made between Bang collectives that are split between
many Muzzien divanas are using telepathic bioware or two or more star systems, with a Base project starting
collaborating with telepaths to make their Bang even in one system then being sent as part of an OpNet up-
more intimate and intense. date to another via Leviathan mission or Teleporter.
Muzzien has another unique facet that sets it apart Once uploaded to the local OpNet it gets taken up by
from other styles of Bang: given the required Psion in- a collective, either a pre-arranged group or any group
volvement it is the only style that is not utterly domi- that can get its hands on the file package. The Base is
nated by the youth. Progressive as ISRA is they do not then completed and embellished on by the local group
trigger children in their Prometheus Tank. There are a and crafted into a finished project which gets released
few underground young psiad divanas that could coun- locally and sent back to its home system where eager
teract this fact, but none of them are willing to risk ex- Bang-Heads eat it up. It is common practice for a Base
posing themselves to greater scrutiny than they already project to be sent to multiple star systems and thus pro-
are. Psions with Auxiliary Modes in Clairsentience can duce many variant projects that propagate over human
technically lead a muzzien bang experience but their space. Complete projects get remixed when they reach
visions lack the intensity most devotees of the form other systems, and the beat goes on, and on, and on.
desire. Younger psions with other Aptitudes are begin- Sociologists and anima philosophers paying atten-
ning to experiment with forms of muzzien bang that tion to JumpBang can tell that while this style is in
hinge off of their talents, but so far none have been able its infancy as the permutations continue to propagate
to create an experience that resonates like the multisen- and evolve the works that will be created in this style
sory flow of Clairesentice. will be a truly profound phenomenon. Some postulate


that in decades to come the compilation and study of Nebula Ocean, a collective based out of Melbourne
JumpBang projects will provide the most vital truths in Australia is working on a Base project specifically
about the current era. to be sent to Qinshui via any means necessary. They’re
JumpBang has exposed one of the biggest gaps in currently crowdfunding to purchase a consultation
the anima aesthetic in that it is missing a huge segment from one of the formerly stranded diplomats that have
of the galactic population: the youth of alien civiliza- returned home from Qinshui in order to mold the proj-
tions. Young people of different species are effectively ect for Qin culture and sensibilities. A second clandes-
firewalled against one another, not only by the vast dis- tine fund raising project to hire a mercenary team of
tance of space but by their own governments. Baring psions to get the project files into the hands of young
the extremely rare child of a diplomat sent to a foreign Qin artists should going through official channels
world the contact between human and alien youth is prove impractical or take too long. As public aware-
basically non-existent. There is a great deal of frustra- ness of the Listeners grows no doubt similar efforts
tion about this among human kids, especially among will be made to send Base projects to Skete in hopes
anima adherents and JumpBang collectives. of some truly epic JumpBang making its way back to
the Sol System. As relations slowly normalize with
DEAR AIR the Chromatics no doubt a collective will whip up a
light-heavy Base project in hopes of spreading Bang to
Two major human population centers Chrome Prime.
are completely left out of the Jump-
Bang experiment: Eden and Khatze
Lu Ge. The kids on KLG have been CROSS THE STREAMS
making a rough and desperate form
of Bang during the years their pla- To date no one has completed a
nant has been under Aberrant siege Muzzien/Jump Bang project. Plenty
and it has stayed isolated from the of collectives have had the idea for
Bang of the rest of human space be- such a style blending experience,
hind military blockades. The kids of but the logistics of making it a real-
the species aren’t dumb, they know ity has prevented any projects from
that Bang is happening, and they coming to fruition. There is one se-
are hungry for it. Every JumpBang rious effort underway to make that
collective out there has a project sim- dream a reality. Mharti, a freelance
mering away on the back burner for clairsentient psion and owner of the
when OpNet updates from KLG be- Luna based Clamshell Bang Club,
come available. is investing a fortune to create the
first true MuzzienJumpBang experi-
Eden is another matter entirely. The ence. The plan is to contract with as
youth on Eden don’t know what Bang many Teleporters capable of reliably
is, and as the information about the enacting the Bilocality effect to link
Nova-led world slowly leaks out their club to spaces on other human
into public consciousness Bang col- worlds to perform their Muzzien
lectives everywhere will want to in- Bang with ‘local’ collaborators for
troduce them to it. Kids will want to a merged crowd. Pulling off such a
get their hands on Eden music and feat between two worlds would be
art to get an idea what their peers the cultural event of the century.
have been up to. Such an exchange Unbeknownst to Mharti, if they can
is on the policy makers of both plan- expand the event to three or more
ets' lowest priority, but it would likely worlds simultaneously it could create
do more to foster peace and under- a multi-planet Hammersmith event
standing between the disparate hu- with effects not even Proxy Herzog
man cultures. could foresee. Storyguides wanting
to transform their version of the Con-
tinuum into a bombastic space rock
opera could use this event to make
the universe as weird and outra-
geous as they want.

Chapter 2: Bang 13
“That's the real problem with the world. Too many people grow up.”
– Walt Disney

Kids who are aging out of being kids, those MILITARIES
born between 2100 and 2105, face daunting cir- While the Legions are the most popular and ex-
cumstances. With the return of the Aberrants, con- citing option for young people looking to take an
flicts with the Chromatics and the Coalition on the active role in the defense of Earth and her colo-
horizon, and a galaxy of unknown threats awaiting nies, the UN Armed Forces and the militaries of
discovery, the human race is gearing up for a few the world governments are always ready to find
decades —at least— of intense conflict. The UN, a home for a potential soldier that doesn’t meet
national armies, the Æon Trinity, corporate PMCs, the Psi Orders’ exacting standards. Unfortunately
and the Psi Orders, all are recruiting. The ad cam- these institutions share an image problem with the
paigns might be drastically different, but the mes- ÆonTrinity that makes them widely unappealing to
sage is the same: Humanity Needs You. the anima generation. As conflicts with Aberrants
and hostile aliens heat up, it is not unlikely that
PSI ORDERS authoritarian nations like China and the FSA will
For the lucky few who get a positive result from institute drafts to maintain and bolster their ranks.
a latency test and pass the vetting process of one or
more Psi Orders, this quandary tends to be solved CORPORATE FORCES
fairly easily. Young people, especially those who The private sector still thrives in the 22nd centu-
adhere to the values of anima culture, are easy re- ry, and the need for paid security and enforcement
cruits for Psi Orders. Even those who are shown is more vital than ever. In a chaotic world these
to be neutral tend to get the hard sell to join up in jobs pay well and can even be appealing to the re-
some capacity. Every Order sees the benefit of hav- cent high school or college graduate (or dropout)
ing young and eager recruits backing up their oper- looking for a slice of adventure but not quite eager
ations even if they can’t wield noetic abilities. Most enough to sign up for military service. Some cor-
Orders have far more young recruits than they can porations maintain standing private armies which
feasibly accept into their ranks. can provide a lucrative if dangerous career for
someone looking to live a life where they have a
THE ÆON TRINITY good chance of getting shot.
The Æon Trinity recruits heavily among young
adults, offering scholarships, works-study pro- DREAD MODERNITY
grams and through the many charities, volunteer As depressing as it might be, the sad truth is that
organizations, and other NGOs they partner with. the vast majority of young people will enter adult-
As mentioned elsewhere Æon is having some dif- hood by joining the workforce and get nowhere
ficulty connecting with this generation of young near the excitement of fighting Aberrants or trav-
people. The problem isn’t too bad right now, but eling to the stars to hang out with aliens. Young
in a few years the Trinity is likely to find a serious adults finding their place are confronted by a world
drop in new members if they are unable to address where most tasks are automated and there are more
their image problem among a generation that sees people than jobs that require human hands to do
their wealth and legacy as evidence that they are them. In countries that take care of their citizens'
a relic of time many of the anima generation are basic needs it is not uncommon for kids in their
ready to move on from. early 20’s to pursue their passions for a year or

Chapter 3: Never Fade Away 15

two in the hopes of achieving success, popularity
and fulfillment doing what they love. Those who World governments and the Æon
don’t find the success they are looking for have to Trinity have a pretty good track re-
make the decision to continue to slide by on basic cord of suppressing and deleting
government services or to pursue higher education Nova Age content when it pops
or advanced training to be able to compete for em- up on the OpNet. Recently there
ployment. Things in the Less Prosperous Nations was a major misstep that led to the
are considerably more stark where those who do wide distribution of a fictionalized
account of the adventures of two
have basic services find that they don’t go near as
groups of teenaged Novas from the
far as they do in the PNs. The need to acquire the late 2020’s. The source was eventu-
means to survive and thrive is a much more press- ally shut down, but it was up long
ing issue and few young adults have the luxury of enough to ensure that the genie got
taking any time to ‘find themselves’. well out of the bottle and copies of
In the truely destitute and devastated areas of the material have been secured on
Earth matters are completely different. In most of private data storage all over the Sol
the MIddle East, Wycoffs Blight Zone, le Blessure, System. Now every young person
the Venezuelan plague lands, and many other areas with an interest in Novas are pouring
of the world, growing up to adulthood is a triumph
over the escapades of the New York
City class of Teen Tomorrow and their
in and of itself. In these places most of the topics Teragen rivals known as The Legacy.
discussed in this book are at best a subject for jeal- The digital likenesses of Fawn, Lib-
ous fantasy for kids and young adults struggling erty Lad, Rant, Circuit, Aterrados,
through nightmare conditions. Waterily, Schwartzchild, and Sov-
ereign are showing up in more and
YOUTH IN REVOLT more places much to the chagrin of
the adults of the system. The fates of
QUANTUM PANIC the actual Novas represented in the
series of videos is largely unknown
The Nova Age and the Aberrant War that fol- and they would all be over a hun-
lowed left permanent marks on humanity from dred years old. At least three of them
geographic devastation to far more subtle changes are still alive, though: one living a
in the human psyche. The adoration of Novas and solitary life hidden somewhere on
the slavish worship of Aberrants got into the basic Earth, another is a venerated elder
fabric of the human condition and are incredibly on Eden, and the third is a reluctant
difficult to stamp out completely. And yet an even lieutenant in the forces of The Col-
deeper truth of human nature is that kids will glom ony. Storyguides wanting to know
onto things their parents hate in order to piss them more should check out the YouTube
off to declare their independence from them. It is
playlist of the Atomic Youth Actual
understandable that a sizable percentage of youth
would see an obsession with Novas and even some
Aberrants as an appealing diversion for its own
The return of the Aberrants put a stop to all of
sake as well as the added benefit of driving their
this. Crasher -the common name for the genera-
parents crazy.
tion born during the Crash and by and large the
There are people alive in 2123 who remem- parents of the current generation- parents (who
ber heroic Novas battling their quantum brethren might very well have a Divis Mal shirt or Team
on behalf of humanity during the Aberrant War. Tomorrow poster buried deep in a closet) went
Rebellious kids born during the Crash would get from being mildly annoyed at their kids Nova ob-
in trouble for pretending to be Max Mauler, The session to outright horrified by it. The forces of so-
Blood Queen, Overkill, Cestus Pax or even The ciety that are always quick to blame the young for
Colony. Around the turn of the century a handful the world's problems make no end of noise about
of works of mainstream journalism and entertain- the ‘menace of Aberrant worship that is running
ment that had a nuanced or even positive take on rampant amongst the kids of today’. In truth, most
Novas were starting to be produced. kids who have an interest in Novas and Aberrant


grow out of it quickly or keep it constrained to latency tests. On the other, other hand some of her
their OpNet activity (see page p 21). stolen data releases have had some disastrous un-
Some young people stick to their obsession with intended consequences that have gotten popular
quantum users for long enough to make it a sub- psions hurt and even killed in one instance. On the
stantial part of their identity. Many of these kids other, other, OTHER hand, she is indisputably cool
have preexisting difficult relationships with their and badass.
parents, are victims of economic hardship or oth- DYI merch of Tamrika’s OpNet avatar and some
erwise live in troubled circumstances. Many come of her popular sayings are common signs of rebel-
from perfectly ‘normal’ homes however, so it's not lious youth all over the Sol System. Those who real-
an issue that can be easily conflated with societal ly believe in her have started to organize and collab-
ills. Parents, the media, and most figures of author- orate on ways to help her to spread her message and
ity tend to demonize and repress interest in Novas achieve her goals. Calling themselves the Witnesses
and Aberrants, seeing it as one step away from of Tamrika K, this group of disparate rebels is none
joining an Aberrant cult. Kids who fail to succumb the less widespread on Earth, Luna and Mars. The
to the pressure find themselves under a great deal subject of a lot of bad press and official scrutiny, the
of scorn and scrutiny, but some personality types Witnesses have had a tough time getting organized
thrive in those conditions. and achieving any of their goals.
When dedicated Nova fans speak of themselves In the early part of 2123, Tamrika K’s relevance
as a group, the most common name is NovaCore. was fading and the efforts of the Witnesses seemed
Few outside the small community use this term, feeble and unlikely to accomplish much. This all
most opting to employ far less polite names. changed on May 7th when Tamrika K released her
latest bombshell release: irrefutable proof that the
WITNESSES OF TAMRIKA K Norca black site mentioned in “Norca Report on the
The young woman known only as Tamrika K has Venezula Phenomenon” was real and operational in
a very bad reputation. She is an internationally want- the Venezulan Blight Zone. Incapable of denying the
ed hacktivist willing to flout the laws of nations to existence of the secret research facility the Norca
further her cause. She is responsible for the release nonetheless continued to reject any claims that it
of several large caches of confidential and classified was a center of research for ‘natural psionics’.
data from the secure servers of the UN, The Æon Finally having something tangible to work to-
Trinity and even a few of the Psi Orders. In her infre- wards Tamrika K has made contact with the most
quent OpNet streams she openly accuses all of these notable and competent members of the Witnesses
institutions of hiding the truth about something she and they are coordinating a massive protest effort.
calls ‘natural psionics’. She claims to have proof Boltered by the evidence affirming a part of her
that methods exist for unlocking the noetic potential claims the Witnesses have enjoyed a huge upswing
of those who test negative for latency are being sup- in support and numbers. Plans are underway to take
pressed by those who benefit from keeping the pow- direct action in the Venezulan capital and at known
er of psi to themselves and those they deem worthy. Norca facilities to demand the public be given access
She has only released portions of the two doc- to the research base and that any data on ‘natural
uments ( “ISRA Vision Process 418” and “Norca psionics’ be revealed. Witnesses and other rebellious
Report on the Venezula Phenomenon”) that she youth from all over the system are making plans to
claims provide the most solid evidence for her accu- travel en masse to Sudamerica, and clairsentients
sations. Representatives of the ISRA and the Norca looking into the matter predict that the situation will
have made official statements denying the validity reach critical mass by the end of summer. The Norca
of both these documents, claiming them to be utter are not publicizing their plans for dealing with this
fabrications. Tamrika K is undaunted by this. issue, but no one is expecting it to be gentle. Proxy
Herzog has sent the Pai del Norca a number of mes-
The youth of the anima generation have very
sages urging restraint and compassion when dealing
mixed opinions on Tamrika K. On the one hand
with this matter, but his seeming inability to provide
she is a thorn in the side of the almost universally
clear details about what exactly is going on is not
popular Psi Orders. On the other hand, her claims
doing a good job of convincing del Fuego to comply.
of ‘natural psionics’ elicit hope and excitement in
the droves of young people who have flunked their

Chapter 3: Never Fade Away 17

In many ways Tamrika K and her Witnesses are completely out of their depth
and grasping at straws. “ISRA Vision Process 418” and “Norca Report on the
Venezula Phenomenon” are just what the Psi Orders claim them to be: false
documents that do not correspond to any plans or events… in this version of
the Continuum. The source of Tamrika K’s (real name Higia Kenen) conviction
and her uncanny ability to access secret data stores is that she is an incredi-
bly powerful Talent. Most of the time this is a great boon to her but in several
instances it has led her to form spectacularly false conclusions when the secret
information she secures is coming from a starkly different but still adjacent slice
of the Continuum. In this version of reality Tamrika K is an extremely potent
psiad who travels the ruins of western Europe performing psionic miracles and
gaining followers. The disruptive cross talk between the two very powerful but
extremely different versions of Tamrika K has put the Tamrika in this reality on a
collision course with at least one Proxy and on the watch list of many other insti-
tutions. The Venezuela Blight Zone Research Center is home to the Norca efforts
to study the Quantakinetic Prometheus Chamber in both realities. In the other
reality it was the epicenter of a new Hammersmith event that unleashed massive
amounts of Psi and Quantum energies, no doubt causing ripples throughout the
Continuum and contributing to the current difficulties Tamrika and her Witnesses
are riling up. Proxy del Fuego isn’t going to take any threat to one of his most
vital secrets lightly, given that it puts the Chitra Bhanu and Proxy Bhurano at
risk. Otha Herzog’s attempts to unravel this mystery are being stymied by the
disruptive effects of “Process 418” which caused all Clairsentient visions to lose
track of the Earth in the alternate reality.


“It's less about what you know, and more about who you know.”
– Anonymous

Gifts: Manipulation, Humanities, Persuasion
When formatted to the user each Spark gives a
Example Connections: Aberrant Cultist, Shut-in
neutral a rudimentary Attunement range (equal
Historian, Fellow Seeker
to a Latent psion) and one of the following Basic
Techniques: Biosense, The Sight, Enhanced Skills: Enigmas, Integrity, Larceny, Technology
Attunement, Sense Spectrum, Distant Touch, Edges: Cult Contacts (• to •••), Danger Sense (•),
Mindscan, Kirlian Eye. A single user can attune to Deductive Reasoning (•), Iron Will (• to •••) Library
multiple Sparks, assuming they can get their hands [Aberrant/Nova] (• to •••), Skilled Liar (••), Youth
on them and have the Tolerance to spare. In Revolt (• to ••)
Commercial Version: Tech: Ψ, Size: Tiny, Gifts: Cunning, Integrity, Larceny
Tolerance: •, Cost: •••
Psion Version: Tech: Ψ, Size: Tiny, Tolerance: •••,
Cost: •
NEW PATHS Example Connections: Club Owner, Fan Club
The two Origin Paths below are presented under President, Talent Scout
the assumption that the character is a young adult Skills: Culture, Command, Empathy, Technology
and will be taking one of the more mainstream Edges: Artistic Talent (• to ••), Big Hearted (•),
Society Paths. They should work just as well as Fame (• to •••), Followers (• to •••), Many Frequencies
Society Paths should that fit your character concept (• to •••), Wealth (• to •••)
better. Gifts: Presence, Culture, Empathy


Example Connections: Extrasolar Penpal, Bang Example Connections: Activist Leader,
Collective, ISRA Member Information Broker, Criminal Hacker
Skills: Culture, Empathy, Humanities, Persuasion Skills: Enigmas, Command, Larceny, Technology
Edges: Big Hearted (•), Dual Citizenship (•), Edges: Covert (• to •••) Deductive Reasoning (•),
Increased Tolerance (• to •••) Finger on the Pulse Revelation K (•••), Skilled Liar (••), Patron (• to •••),
(• to •••), Library [Art/Culture] (• to •••),Youth In Youth In Revolt (• to ••))
Revolt (• to ••) Wealth (• to ••) Gifts: Intellect, Enigmas, Technology

Chapter 4: The Lifestyle 21

NEW EDGES and can draw upon their peers for support and inspi-
ration. Once per story per dot in this Edge you can
CULT CONTACTS (• TO •••) use a Culture or Empathy Skill Trick you don’t know,
although you must pay Momentum cost as normal.
Prerequisite: NovaCore Drawback: This Edge cannot be used without an
active OpNet connection.
You know someone who knows someone connected to
a legitimate entourage of someone you really hope is MANY FREQUENCIES (• TO •••)
a Nova. The unsophisticated world would call them an
Aberrant Cult, but you think you’ve got lightning in a Prerequisite: Bang Artist
bottle and are sure to catch some reflected glory if you Almost everyone who is anyone dabbles in the mul-
play your cards right. tifaceted and omnipresent art form that is bang, but
you are a true prodigy. You blend themes and mediums
• The people you know are actually much like your-
with raw emotion and can get a crowd of bang-heads
self, seekers chasing the forbidden allure of quantum
exactly into the groove you want them in.
majesty. But someone’s gotta know SOMETHING,
• Your Vibe Check is immaculate. You gain en-
right? You receive your dot rating in this edge in
hancement equal to your dot rating in this Edge when
Enhancement in rolls to track down the real deal.
assessing the Attitude of a scene or attempting to
•• You are on the periphery of an Aberrant Cult. You change it through a performance.
know you’re playing with fire that will also give you •• Bang is a craft as much as it’s an art, and you are
cancer. Once per story you can make contact with skilled at the technical challenges of that craft. Ignore
these very dangerous people to gain Clues regarding Complications up to your dot rating in this Edge when
Aberrant activity equal to your dot rating in this edge crafting items that will be incorporated into your bang.
without serious consequences. Using this Edge more ••• When your bang is playing you control the ver-
than once a Story will provoke a response - hopefully tical AND the horizontal. While one of your bang
by the authorities, but if you are unlucky by the spider projects is going on you can impose a Social Field
at the center of the web you are dancing around. Condition of a rating up to 3 on the scene.

••• Somehow you’ve stumbled on the real thing. The REVELATION K (•••)
friends you’ve made are close to an actual Nova, un-
corrupted by aberrency. Their demeanor and motiva- Prerequisite: Witnesses of Tamrika K.
tion are completely inscrutable but you are but a few The Witnesses have a lot of files that they have
steps away from real quantum power. Once per cam- not released to the public, many that have come from
paign you can use this Edge to prove yourself worthy Tamrika K and the other Talents who have joined her
of an audience with the hidden quantum god and re- cause. They are keeping this information to themselves
quest a favor. because much of it is fragmentary or contradictory, but
Drawback: Possessing this edge at any level puts you almost all of it has shocking implications. You have
at risk of serious legal and social consequences. You been given one of these bombshell files and have been
have a Complication equal to your dot rating in this tasked with tracking down further information on it.
Edge when dealing with authority figures (law en- Work with your Storyguide to determine what aspect
forcement, psi orders, or even criminal gangs) looking of the setting this file exposes and one or two leads on
for evidence of Aberrants or their cults. Failure to buy how you can begin your pursuit. The secrets are not
off the Complication results in a slip up that raises im- limited to the Æon era and can go as far back into any
mediate suspicion on yourself or your friends. of the other Trinity Continuum settings.
Drawback: However inflammatory this informa-
FINGER ON THE PULSE (• TO •••) tion is it is also deeply incorrect in some way as it
originates from another version of the Continuum.
Prerequisite: Anima Adherent Storyguides are encouraged to draw from the previous
editions of the Trinity Universe games, but are not lim-
Followers of the Anima Culture movement benefit
ited to that particular timeline.
from the multicultural perspectives of their community



Prerequisite: Many Frequencies • and [CREATED BY SEAN CREEF, USED WITH

Clairsentience PERMISSION]
Truly skilled muzzien bang divanas know that a
Prerequisite: Anima Adherent, NovaCore, Witnesses
muzzien experience isn’t just a sublime expression
of Tamrika K or Appropriate Path
of the holographic totality, it can be a fulcrum around
which reality turns. During the 48 hours surrounding You don't do as you are told. Whenever someone
one of your muzzien bang experiences you can use in authority attempts to give you instruction, you may
Dramatic Editing with an ‘Inspiration’ pool equal to increase your Leadership Scale by up to your rating
your total Clairsentience Mode dots. in this Edge for the remainder of the Scene when re-
Drawback: Karma can charge a harsh price when sisting authority as well as when taking Encourage
she is deterred. If you use this Edge prior to a muzz- Behavior/Thought in others to disobey. Your bad atti-
ien bang show and the show gets canceled or disrupted tude, however, will reduce their Attitude towards you
you lose all remaining Dramatic Editing and a pool of by the same amount for the rest of the story.
‘Inspiration’ is generated equal to the number points of
‘Inspiration’ you used. This pool is available to your
enemies to use Dramatic Editing against you. The
pool remains until all points of ‘Inspiration’ have been

Chapter 4: The Lifestyle 23

“A boombox can change the world
You gotta know your limits with a boombox
This was a cautionary tale
A boombox is not a toy”
–Boombox, The Lonely Island


Putting together a successful Bang Project takes included in the Milestone calculation.
weeks of effort and collaboration. This system,
modeled after the Goliath system from Trinity Source: Source represents the real power be-
Continuum: Aberrant, represents that work in an ing put into the Bang Project. Calculate Source by
abstract way that takes a minimum of session time. taking the average Source rating (Psi/Inspiration/
Quantum) of the individual Collective members
A Collective Should first establish the type of (round down). Superiors have a Source rating equal
Bang they want to create. Consult the list of Bang to the average of dots in Superior Powers (round
styles on Page 11. Most Projects have a primary up) the Storyguide deems relevant to the Bang
style and two secondary styles. Within that frame- Project. This average provides Enhancement on all
work the group should come up with a detailed rolls made to attempt a Milestone.
description of the Project. This will help to come
up with the Milestones (see below) needed to com- Pushback: This trait represents the forces work-
plete the Project. ing against the Collective and their Bang, 1 being
the general ennui of society, up to 6 representing,
Next the Collective should work with the as an example, an evil alien race who hate all teen-
Storyguide to determine the values of the following agers and their insipid ART. The Pushback trait de-
Traits, which all have a rating of 1 to 6. termines the Difficulty of each Milestone attempt.

Splash: Splash is a measure of the cultural im- Backup: This trait represents the number of
pact the Bang project has on its audience. Bang other Bang Artists or Collectives supporting and
Collectives state their objective (a political cause, participating in the Project. Each dot in this trait
spiritual message, support of a corporate sponsor, increases the multiplier for determining the num-
etc) and the Storyguide determines how much of a ber of Moments the Project has by .5, but also de-
Splash is required. creases the number of Clout points the Collective
receives, to a minimum of 0. Acting as Backup for
Clout: Clout determines how much popularity another Bang Artists or Collectives Project pro-
and fame the Collective will gain from the success- vides a phantom dot for your next Project that does
ful release of the Bang Project, earning Clout points not decrease Clout points when called in.
equal to this trait. See the Breaking Out section for
how Clout points function. Followers, Patrons or Contacts can act as Backup
but only increase the Moment multiplier by .25,
Reach: A measure of the marketing effort and however they do not eat up Clout points to call
broad appeal of the Bang Project, Reach deter- upon.
mines how far the Project will spread. Use the
Organization Scale chart in Mission Statements Moments: This trait represents the number of
(Page 172) as a reference. A successful Project will crucial opportunities (rolls) the Collective has to
earn the Collective Reach points equal to this trait. overcome the Milestones of a Project. Moments
See the Breaking Out section for how Reach points are equal to the number of player characters in the
function. The Collectives Organizational Scale pro- Collective x 2. Backup can increase this multiplier
vides phantom dots of the Reach trait that are not with the end result being rounded up. It is possible

Chapter 5: A Bangboard Can Change the World 25

for a Project to be too ambitious for a Collective decreasing potential Clout or Reach points, intro-
to successfully accomplish. Talent and dedication ducing an x-factor the the Premiere, or other disas-
mean big time, though: A character's Path dots ters to be determined by the Storyguide.
in the Bang Artist Role Path or a custom Bang
Collective Society Path in excess of the first dot The Premiere: They’ve got the material, se-
count as an additional member of the Collective for cured a venue, gathered an audience and dealt with
this calculation. all manner of setbacks and challenges: now it’s
time for the Bang Collective to put on an amaz-
Milestones: Milestones represent the work ing show. The Premiere is a normal scene where
needed to pull a Project together. Examples in- the characters must actively use their skills to
clude: music and lyrics writing, securing funding, bring all their hard prep work to life, while deal-
art production, getting a venue, gathering supplies, ing with whatever antagonists and challenges the
arranging for security, negotiating with the local Storyguide wants to throw at them. The Premiere
gang/mafia, marketing the show, countering neg- is the only time when a Bang Artist can attempt to
ative social media, etc. The number of successful layer in subliminal or otherwise hidden messages
Milestones required to get a Project ready for its into a Bang Project. You need to be able to read a
Premiere is equal to the combination of its Splash + crowd directly in order to manipulate an audience
Clout + Reach traits. in this way. A poor performance can tank months
of effort, but a generous Storyguide is encouraged
Failing a Milestone comes with consequences. to allow the Collective to salvage any Milestones
A simple Failure will add a 1 point Complication that make sense for use in the next Project.
to the next Milestone attempt while a Botch will
add a 2 point Complication. Potential Complication
results include: adding an additional Milestone,
Increasing Pushback (and thus Difficulty),

An individual Bang Project is a triumph in and Milestone in a Bang Project has a Complication
of itself, but it takes a string of successful hits equal to their Clash rating. When a character
to really start to make you mark on the galaxy. reaches 5 levels of Clash they cannot participate
After pulling off a Project the Collective could in any Bang Projects with that Collective.
have a number of Clout and Reach points to play
around with which help build them from a group Resolution: Selfish betrayal is a hard pill to
of street level punks with a dream into interplan- swallow. The character must be Taken Out, or
etary superstars. Raising in status via the power suffer an equivalent disaster as determined by
of art and music alone allows Bang Stars to start the Storyguide, in service to the Collective AND
to use the Organization rules presented in Mission be universally forgiven by every member of the
Statements (Page 170). Collective.

The first step is to establish the Collective as an After those two goals are accomplished, the
Minor Organization, which takes 5 Clout points. Collective can spend their Clout and Reach points
From there the Collective must expand their as they see fit according the following tables:
Organizational Scale, spending 5 Reach points to
achieve Scale 1.
Organization Level Clout Points
This Condition is specific to a particular Bang Medium 10
Collective. A character can have different Clash Moderate 15
rating in different Collectives they have member-
ship in. Major 20
Every action the character takes to overcome a Colossal 25


GUY Organization Scale Reach Points
1 5
Individual characters can 2 10
utilize Clout and Reach
points selfishly if they 3 15
wish, although a player 4 20
must get universal consent 5 25
from their fellow player
group to do so (all band 6 30
drama should be in play.)
A toxic Collective member
can take any number of
Clout or Reach points from
the group and use them
on a 1-to-1 basis as XP
to buy the Wealth, Fame,
Followers or Patron Edges
or increase their Bang
Artist Role Path rating.

Unless they have the

informed unanimous
consent of the other
characters in the
Collective, each time a
character does this they
gain/increase their rating
in the Clash Condition by

Bang Orgs use the Organization rules for interacting with other Organizations
with one important difference. They are always going to have less manpower and
resources than standard Organizations, attempting to make up for the difference
with the power of their Bang and the passion of their fans. The problem is
it's very hard to breach that gap. Most Bang Orgs operate at -2 Scale for all
conflicts with other Organizations. Colossal Bang Orgs operate at -1 Scale and
can spend 30 Clout points to finally be on an even footing with the true movers
and shakers of the galaxy. See the band Dethklok from the Adult Swim show
Metalocalypse for an example of what such a monster Bang Org would look

Conflicts with other Bang Orgs are unaffected by this drawback.

Chapter 5: A Bangboard Can Change the World 27

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